PIPE Enhancement II
PIPE Enhancement II
PIPE Enhancement II
- 1%
Is the most common dryer used which consist of rotating
cylinder inside which the materials flow while getting Modern way of detecting air compressor leak is by using
in cont act with hot gas
- Acoustic Leak Detector
- Rotary Dryer
For foundation of stacks, the maximum pressure on the
Is the ratio of the mass of water – vapor in air and soil is equal to the pressure due to weight and the
mass of air if it is saturated is called ______.
The refrigerant use in steam jet cooling is Foundation of bolts of specified size should be used
and surrounded by a pipe sleeve with an inside diameter
- Water of at least…
The total heat of air is a function of - 3 times the diameter of anchor bolt
- Cohesion
Which of the following is NOT the cause of black smoke
in diesel?
As a rule of thumb, for specified amount of compressed
air, the power consumption of the compressor decreased - High Compression Pressure
- 11 to 16
Which of the following is NOT a method of starting a
diesel engine? The fuel injection process in diesel engine starts when
the piston ___.
- Using another generator
- Approaches TDC
Two stroke engine performs ____ to complete one cycle.
In the cut – off ratio of diesel engine cycle increases
- Compression and Power stroke the cycle efficiency will
Is a reaction during which chemical energy is released Refrigerants consisting of mixtures of two or more
in the form of heat. different chemical compounds, often used individually
as refrigerants for other applications
- Endothermic reaction
- Blends
By reheating the steam in an ideal Rankine cycle the
moisture content at boiler exit will Pairs of mating stop valves that allows sections of a
system to be joined before opening these valves or
- Increase separated after closing them
- Corridor
Two most common gases employed in Stirling and Ericsson
cycles are For immediate dangerous to life or health (IDHL), the
maximum concentrating from which unprotected persons
- Hydrogen and Helium are able to escape within ___ without escape-impairing
symptoms or irreversible health.
In most common designs of Gas turbine, the pressure
ratio ranges from - 30 minutes
The volume as determined from internal dimensions of Is a premises or that portion of premise from which,
the container with no allowance for the volume of because they are disabled, debilitated, or confined,
internal parts. occupants cannot readily leave without the assistance
of others.
- Internal Gross Volume
- Institutional Occupancy
A waiting room or large hallway serving as a waiting
room. Is one of which a secondary coolant is in direct
contact with the air or other substance to be cooled or
- Lobby heated.
The quantity of refrigerant stored at some point is Refrigerant number R-40 is:
the refrigeration system for operational, service, or
standby purposes. - Chloromethane
- Pump Down Charge When the air duct system serves several enclosed
spaces, the permissible quantity of refrigerant in the
Secondary refrigerant is a liquid use for the system shall not exceed the amount determined by using
transmission of heat, without change of state, and the total volume of those spaces in which the airflow
having no flash point or a flash point above ___ as cannot be reduced to less than ___ of its maximum when
determined from ASTM. the fan is operating.
A type of valve connected from discharge of compressor The major problem of heat pump is
directly to suction that is normally closed and will
open automatically only if there is high discharge - Frosting
Dominant refrigerant used in commercial refrigeration
- Solenoid Valve system.
Superheating the refrigerant in refrigeration system, Use to detects vibration in current caused by the
the specific volume t compressor suction will ionization of decomposed refrigerant between two
opposite-charged platinum electrodes.
- Remains the same
By subcooling the refrigerant in refrigeration system, - Electronic Detector
the specific volume at compressor suction will
The ability of oil to mix with refrigerants
- Remains the same
- Miscibility
Which of the following is NOT a type of air-cooled -
condenser? Joint and all refrigerants containing parts of a
refrigerant system located in an air duct carrying
- Shell and Tube conditioned air to and from an occupied space shall be
constructed to withstand a temperature of_______
A type of refrigerant control typically used in without leakage into the airstream.
household refrigeration.
- 700ºF
- Capillary Tube -
Refrigerant piping crossing an open space that affords
Type of condenser that operates like a cooling tower. passageway I any building shall be not less than____
above the floor unless the piping is located against
- Evaporative Condenser the ceiling of such space and is permitted by the
authority having jurisdiction.
- 2.2m Recent practice limits steam upon condensation gets
Methyl chloride shall not be in contact with
- Drain cooler
a. aluminum
b. zinc Needs only single pump regardless of number of heaters
c. magnesium
d. All of the above - Closed heater
If a pressure-relief device is used to protect a A cycle typically used in paper mills, textile mill,
pressure vessel having an inside dimension of 6in or chemical factories, sugar factories and rice mills.
less, the ultimate strength of the pressure vessel so
protected shall be sufficient to withstand a pressure - Cogeneration cycle
at least_____ the design pressure Type of turbine employed where steam continuously
extracted for process heating
- 3 times
Seats and disc shall be limited in distortion, by - Passout turbine
pressure or other cause, to a set pressure change of
not more than _____ in a span of five years. Which of the following is used for Binary cycle power
generation for high temperature application
- 5%
a. mercury
Liquid receivers, if used, or parts of a system b. sodium
designed to receive the refrigerant charge during pump c. potassium
down charge. The liquid shall not more than________ of d. All the above
the volume when temperature of the refrigerant is 90ºF
Critical temperature of mercury is
- 90%
- 1460ºC
The discharge line(B4) shall be vented to the
atmosphere through a______ fitted to its upper Critical pressure of mercury is
- 108 Mpa
- Diffuser
Method used in converting heat directly to electricity
Convert fossil fuel into shaft work. by magnetism
- Dendrothermal power plant - Magnetodynamic
Ultimate strength drops by 30% as steam temperature Which of the following NOT a material used for
raises from _____ for unalloyed steel. thermoelectric elements
- 400 to 500ºC - Zinc telluride
Carbon dioxide can be removed by
A type of coal formed after anthracite
- Aerator
- Graphite
Is often used to absorb silica from water
Which of the following has the lowest grade of coal?
- Magnesium hydroxide
- Lignite
Presence of excess hydrogen ions makes the water
Which of the following helps in the ignition of coal?
- Acidic
- Volatile matter
Ph value of _____ is usually maintained for boiler
Is the ratio of fixed carbon and volatile matter water to minimized corrosion
A suspension of a finely divide fluid in another What type of turbine that has a degree if reaction of
- Emulsion
Contains 90% gasoline and 10% ethanol - Rarsons turbine
Is an organic matter produced by plants in both land Show the variation of river flow(discharge) with time
and water
- Hydrograph
- Biomass
Is an open channel erected on a surface above the
In thermal power plant, forced draft fans are located ground
at the
- Flume
- Foot of the stack
Type of turbine used up to 300m head
In thermal power plant, forced draft fans are installed
at the - Deriaz turbine
Morse test is use to measure the_____ of multi-cylinder • Ignition of the air fuel mixture in the intake of the
engine exhaust manifold:
- Indicated power a. Backlash
b. Backfire
Ignition delay can be minimized by adding____ to c. Exhaust pressure
decrease engine knocking. d. Back pressure
• Form of energy associated with the kinetic energy of • What is the force which tends to draw a body toward the
the random motion of large number of molecules: center about which it is rotating?
a. Internal energy a. Centrifugal force
b. Kinetic energy b. Centrifugal in motion
c. Heat of fusion c. Centrifugal advance
d. Heat d. Centripetal force
• A Francis Turbine has what flow? • A simultaneous generation of electricity and steam (or
a. Inward flow reaction heat) in a single power plant:
b. Outward flow reaction a. Steam turbine-gas turbine plant
c. Outward flow impulse b. Cogeneration
d. Inward flow impulse c. Gas turbine plant
d. Waste heat recovery
• Is the condition of pressure and temperature at which • Is one whose pressure is higher than the saturation
liquid and its vapor are indistinguishable: pressure corresponding to its temperature:
a. critical point a. Saturated pressure
b. Dew point b. Compressed liquid
c. Absolute humidity c. Saturated liquid
d. Relative humidity d. Compressed gases
• When a substance in gaseous state is below its critical • If the fluid travels parallel to the adjacent layers
temperature, it is called: and the paths of individual particles do not cross, the
a. vapor flow is said to be:
b. cloud a. turbulent
c. moisture b. critical
d. steam c. dynamic
d. laminar
• The final horsepower delivered to the equipment:
a. brake horsepower • What is the apparatus used in the analysis of
b. effective horsepower combustible gases?
c. indicated horsepower a. Calorimeter differential
d. friction horsepower b. Calorimeter gas
c. Calorimetry
• Pump used to increased air pressure above normal, air d. Calorimeter
is then used as a motive power:
a. Air cooled engine
b. Sub-cooled liquid • What is the clockwork-operated device which records
c. Air condenser continuously the humidity of the atmosphere?
d. Air injection a. Hectograph
b. Hydrometer
• In sensible cooling process, the moisture content: c. Hygrograph
a. does not change d. Hydrograph
b. decrease
c. indeterminate • The ratio of the average load to the peak load over a
d. increases designated period of time is called:
a. Load factor
• The dividing point between the high-pressure and low b. Reactive factor
pressure sides of the refrigerating cycle occurs at c. Diversity factor
the: d. Plant use factor
b. specific gravity
c. specific density
• When a system deviates infinitesimally from equilibrium d. Relative gravity
at every instant of its state, it is undergoing
a. Isobaric process • The total energy in a compressible or incompressible
b. Quasi-static process fluid flowing across and suction in a pipeline is a
c. Isometric process function of:
d. Cyclic process a. pressure and velocity
b. pressure, density and velocity
c. pressure, density and velocity, and viscosity
• Heat transfer due to density differential: d. flow energy, kinetic energy, height above
a. convection datum and internal energy
b. nuclear • The locus or elevations to which water will rise in the
c. Conduction piezometer tube is termed
d. radiation a. Energy gradient
b. Friction head
• Work done per unit charge when charge is moved from one c. Hydraulic gradient
point to another: d. Critical depth
a. Equipotential surface
b. Potential at a point • The heat per unit mass per degree change in temperature
c. Electrostatic unit is called:
d. Potential difference a. Heat fusion
b. Heat of vaporization
• What amount of air is required in a low by pass factor? c. Relative heat
a. greater d. Specific heat
b. lesser
c. indeterminate • The temperature to which the air must be cooled at
d. does not change constant pressure to produce saturation is called:
a. Boiling point
• Percent excess air is the difference between the air b. Dew point
actually supplied and the theoretically required c. Critical point
divided by: d. Triple point
a. the theoretically air required
b. the deficiency air supplied • The mass of water vapor per unit volume of air
c. the actually air supplied a. absolute humidity
d. None of these b. specific humidity
c. relative humidity
• The sum of the energies of all molecules in a system, d. critical humidity
energies appear in several complex forms, is the
a. Kinetic energy • The heat transfer due to motion of matter caused by a
b. Potential energy change in density is called:
c. Internal energy a. radiation
d. Frictional energy b. convection
c. conduction
• At any instant, the number of particles passing every d. absorption
cross-section of the stream is the same, the flow is
said to be
a. steady flow • When the expansion of compression of gas takes place
b. Uniform flow without transfer of heat to or from the gas, the
c. Continuous flow process is called:
d. Turbulent flow a. isothermal
• The ratio of the density of a substance to the density b. isentropic
of some standard substance is called c. adiabatic
a. relative density d. reversible
b. Calorimeter
• The external pressure applied to a confined fluid c. Boiling point
increases the pressure of every point in the fluid by d. Thermal energy
an amount equal to the external pressure. This is known
as: • Type of turbine that has high pressure and low pressure
a. Archimedes Principle is called
b. Torricelli’s Theorem a. compound turbine
c. Bernoulli’s Theorem b. gas turbine
d. Pascal’s Law c. impulse turbine
d. compound turbine
• Weight per unit volume is termed as:
a. Specific gravity • The design of an air supply duct of an air conditioning
b. Density system
c. Weight density a. adds moisture to the air
d. Pressure b. Lowers the temperature of the air
c. Does not affect the distribution of air
• The speed with which a liquid escapes from a vessel d. Affects the distribution of air
through an orifice is given by:
a. Archimedes Principle
b. Torricelli’s Theorem • The changing of solid directly to vapor, without
c. Bernoulli’s Theorem passing through the liquid state is called:
d. Flow equation a. Evaporization
b. vaporization
• When gas is heated at constant volume, the process is c. Sublimation
called: d. Condensation
a. isotropic
b. isobaric • The volume of a liquid passing a cross section of a
c. isometric stream in unit time is called:
d. adiabatic a. steady flow
b. uniform flow
• When gas is heated at constant pressure, the process is c. discharge
called: d. continuous flow
a. isometric
b. adiabatic • If the volume of the confined gas is constant, the
c. polytropic pressure is directly proportional to the absolute
d. isobaric temperature. This is known as:
a. Kelvin’s Law
• An instrument that measures density b. Boyle’s Law
a. Manometer c. Charles’ Law
b. Hydrometer d. Joule’s Law
c. Barometer
d. Hydraulic meter • If the temperature of a confined gas is constant, the
product of the pressure and volume is constant. This is
• This law states that pressure applied at a point in a known as:
confined liquid is transmitted equally to all other a. Kelvin’s Law
points. b. Boyle’s Law
a. Boyle’s Law c. Charles’ Law
b. Charles’ Law d. Joule’s Law
c. Len’s Law
d. Pascal’s Law • At the same pressure and temperature equal volumes of
all gases contain equal number of molecules, this is
• The temperature at which its vapor pressure is equal to known as:
the pressure exerted on the liquid a. Faraday’s Law
a. Absolute humidity b. Boyle’s Law
10 | P a g e
c. Len’s Law
d. Avogadro’s Law • Work done in pushing a fluid across a boundary, usually
into or out of a system
• Amount of heat required to change the temperature of 1 a. torque
g of water 1⁰C b. partial pressure
a. British thermal unit c. kinetic energy
b. Joules d. flow energy
c. Calorie
d. Heat • If heat energy a gas at the bottom, the hotter gas
expands, gets lighter per unit volume and begins to be
• Evaluation of equipment performance requires replaced by gravitational movements called:
a. constant supervision a. free electrons
b. daily log sheet b. isobaric process
c. manufacturer’s representative c. free convection
d. all of these d. isothermal process
• Atmospheric pressure at sea level is: • This heated air, being lighter, rises and circulates
a. 76 mm Hg through the house or is forced through by a fan is
b. 29 ft H₂O called
c. 14.7 psi a. vacuum
d. 101.325 kg/cm2 b. vapor
c. steam
• Soot on tubes will result in: d. forced convection
a. loss of efficiency
b. loss of steam • Is a chart on which enthalpy is the ordinate and
c. loss of water entropy the abscissa.
d. lose of fire a. Ericson cycle
b. Mollier Chart
c. Charles’ Law
• Fuel oil mechanical atomization depends on: d. Bernoulli’s Chart
a. viscosity
b. pressure • Is one with rigid boundaries exchanging neither energy
c. temperature nor mass with its surroundings
d. volume a. Entropy
b. ideal gases
• Air contains by weight: c. isolated system
a. 23% O2 d. heat
b. 21% O2
c. 22% O2
d. 20% O2 • An unbalanced one in search of an equilibrium state or
a steady state
• An instrument used to determine the specific gravity of a. ram effects
a solution b. radiosity
a. Tachometer c. equilibrium flow
b. Sling psychrometer d. transient process
c. Hygrometer
d. Hydrometer • The term velocity head is called:
a. friction head
• A boiler in which the products of combustion pass b. head loss
through the tube which is surrounded by water. c. fluid friction
a. water-tube boiler d. pressure head
b. vertical-tube boiler
c. fire-tube boiler • When system is in the thermodynamic equilibrium with
d. horizontal-tube boiler the natural environment it is in:
11 | P a g e
a. dead state
b. sink • Is the attraction between unlike molecules
c. equilibrium a. diffusion
d. neutral b. cohesion
c. extraction
• A body wholly or partly immersed on a fluid is buoyed d. adhesion
up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid it
displaces. This is known as: • The process of one substance mixing with another
a. Bernoulli’s Theorem because of molecular motion
b. Torrecelli’s Theorem a. saturation
c. Pascal’s Theorem b. absorption
d. None of the above c. adhesion
d. diffusion
• The ratio of the sum of individual maximum demands of
the system to the total demand of the whole system: • States that a heat engine cannot transfer heat from a
a. demand factor body to another at a higher temperature unless external
b. Power factor energy is supplied to the engine
c. Utilization a. First Law of thermodynamics
d. diversity factor b. Planck’s Law
c. Second Law of thermodynamics
• The ratio of the average load over the designated d. Third Law of thermodynamics
period of time to peak load in that period of time
a. Diversity factor • The escape of burned gases from the combustion chamber
b. Plant use factor through the piston rings and into the crankcase:
c. Capacity factor a. blowby
d. None of the above b. priming
c. scavenging
• The ratio of kWh generated to the product of the d. foaming
capacity of the plant in kW to the total number of
hours the plant has been in actual use. • The type of heat that changes the physical state of a
a. Diversity factor substance
b. Utilization factor a. specific heat
c. Load factor b. latent heat
d. Demand factor c. sensible heat
d. over heat
• A type of water turbine where a jet of water is made to
fall on the blades or buckets and due to the impulse of • Water containing a high proportion of chemicals is:
the water, the turbine starts moving a. Potable
a. Pelton wheel b. Treated
b. Reaction turbine c. Soft
c. Francis turbine d. Hard
d. Kaplan turbine
• A thermocouple is another name of:
• The sum of the pressure head, elevation head, and the a. two conductors
velocity head remains constant. This is known as: b. two insulators
a. Torrecelli’s Theorem c. two thermometers
b. Archimedes Principle d. two thermostats
c. Bernoulli’s Theorem
d. Boyle’s Law • The first act when taking over boiler watch is to:
• Is the attraction between like molecules a. check the system
a. Absorption b. clean strainers
b. adhesion c. check the water in the boiler
c. diffusion d. check the boiler feed pump
d. cohesion
12 | P a g e
• Heat transfer by contact is called:
a. Convection • Is an open system in which there is no change of stored
b. conduction mass
c. radiation a. cooling system
d. none of the above b. steady flow system
c. dew point
• The part of the boiler designed for burning the fuel. d. elastic system
a. chimney
b. tube • Work per unit time is:
c. gauge cock a. specific heat
d. furnace b. torque
c. specific mass
• The amount of heat passing through a body of 1 m2 cross d. power
section and 1 m thick in 1 hour at a temperature
difference of 1⁰C.
a. quantity of heat • The number of molecules in a mole of any substance is a
b. Specific heat constant called
c. Latent heat of solid a. Thompson’s constant
d. Thermal conductivity b. Rankine cycle
c. Otto cycle
• Is a substance that exists, or is regarded as existing, d. Avogadro’s number
as a continuum characterized by low resistance to flow
and the tendency to assume the shape of its container. • The gas constant per molecule, called
a. fluid a. Archimedes constant
b. gas b. Mollier’s constant
c. ice c. Avogadro’s constant
d. volume d. Boltzmann’s constant
• The weight of a body means the • The kind of process, as the opening of water faucet and
a. mass of a body letting the water flow, is called
b. volume of a body a. Throttling process
c. force of gravity of a body b. torrecelli’s constant
d. molecular weight c. Orifice
d. Pressure and velocity
• The negative sign is for a gage reading called:
a. transmission of pressure • “At absolute zero, the entropy of a pure substance (in
b. vapor pressure equilibrium at 0⁰R) in some “perfect” crystalline form
c. pressure head becomes zero”
d. vacuum pressure a. First Law of Thermodynamics
b. Third Law of Thermodynamics
• When property changes cease, the bodies are said to be c. Second Law of Thermodynamics
in: d. Fourth Law of Thermodynamics
a. thermal equilibrium • Form of energy, associated with the kinetic energy of
b. slug the random motion of large numbers of molecules
c. change in volume a. Heat of fusion
d. change in pressure b. Kinetic energy
c. Internal Energy
• When a certain mass of fluid in a particular state d. Heat
passes through a series of processes and returns to its
initial state, it undergoes a • Which property of fluids is of fundamental importance
a. Cycle in the study of hydraulics?
b. reversible non-flow process a. Unit weight
c. irreversible process b. Mass density
d. equilibrium c. Specific gravity
13 | P a g e
d. All of the above b. coefficient of performance
c. tons of ice per day
• Summation of all heads in one section is equal to the d. all of the above
summation of all heads in another section.
a. Archimede’s Principle • Flexible material used to seal pressurized fluids,
b. Bernoulli’s Principle normally under dynamic conditions.
c. Torrecelli’s Principle a. packing
d. Boyle’s Law b. polymer
c. gasket
• Absolute viscosity of a fluid varies with pressure and d. seal
temperature and is defined as a function of:
a. Density and angular deformation rate • An instrument that determines the heating value of
b. Density, shear stress and angular deformation fuel.
rate a. Calorimeter
c. Density and shear stress b. hydrometer
d. Shear stress and angular deformation rate c. psychrometer
d. tachometer
• The hydraulic formula CA√2gh is used to find the
a. Quantity of the discharge through an orifice • A nuclear power reactor where heavy fuel atoms (U233 or
b. Velocity of flow in a closed conduit U235) are split.
c. Length of pipe in a closed network a. fusion reactor
d. Friction factor of pipe b. fission reactor
c. solid reactor
d. none of these
14 | P a g e
a. air and water pressure
• Term referring to the products of combustion b. air and water temperature
a. exhaust gas c. range and approach
b. flue gas d. cooling draft
c. smoke
d. stack gas • In testing halocarbon refrigerant leaks:
a. A soap solution and water is used
• Refers to the temperature at which all molecular motion b. sulfur candle test is used
ceases according to the kinetic theory of heat. c. halide torch is used
a. flash point d. a digital meter is used
b. Critical point
c. Saturation point • A receiver in an air compressor system is used to:
d. absolute zero a. avoid cooling air before using
b. reduce the work needed during the compression
• Heating fuel oil will reduce its: c. collect the water and grease suspended in air
a. volume d. remove the air discharge pressure
b. viscosity
c. valence • One ton of refrigeration is a heat equivalent to:
d. pressure a. 2413 BTU/hr
b. 2545 BTU/hr
• A pump that requires an internal or external relief is c. 990 BTU/hr
a: d. 12000 BTU/hr
a. centrifugal pump
b. gear • The science of a low temperature which deals with the
c. steam pump liquefaction of gases
d. reciprocation pump a. air conditioning
b. ventilation
• To remove suspended solids from water, you need: c. cryogenics
a. filtration d. psychrometry
b. atomization
c. precipitation • Is one whose temperature is below the saturated
d. demineralization temperature of one gram of water to one degree
• The soap solution test is recorded in: a. compressed
a. cem b. condensed
b. ppm c. superheated
c. mg/l d. subcooled
d. mg/cm3
• Based on PSME code, for piping identification, water
• If you cannot find water in a boiler, you shoud: pipes should be painted with what color?
a. add more water a. yellow
b. call a supervisor b. white
c. Shut down boiler c. green
d. run away immediately d. black
• The change of the state of a substance from gaseous to • The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature
the liquid form of one gram of water to one degree centigrade.
a. condensation a. Btu
b. sublimation b. Calorie
c. evaporation c. Joule
d. fission d. ft-lb
• The most important valve on the boiler is: • The power interval in a 4-stroke cycle of an 8-cylinder
a. safety valve engine
b. blowdown valve a. 60 degrees
c. feedwater valve b. 90 degrees
d. gate valve c. 180 degrees
d. 120 degrees
• Is a curve telling a history of the flow of water from
month throughout the year • In a 4-stroke cycle, the number of crankshaft
a. hydrograph revolutions to complete a cycle is -
b. William’s line a. one revolution
c. bell curve b. two revolutions
d. spot curve c. three revolutions
d. none of the above
19 | P a g e
b. two revolution
• The stroke whereby burned gases are discharged through c. three revolution
the upward movement of the piston of a valve which is d. none of the above
open -
a. intake stroke • An internal combustion engine converts chemical energy
b. compression stroke to -
c. power stroke a. heat energy
d. exhaust stroke b. mechanical energy
c. chemical energy
• Which of the following is not a cause of overheating? d. sound energy
a. wrong timing
b. low oil level • The assemblage of equipment that produces and delivers
c. low water level a flow of mechanical to electrical energy -
d. battery overcharge a. generator
b. regulator
c. diesel electric power plant
d. stationary engines
• The main purpose of a cooling system - • The source of power which act as the prime mover for
a. to cool the engine the generator, with horsepower ranging from 100 to 500
b. to avoid overheating -
c. to maintain engine-working temperature a. motor
d. none of the above b. gasoline engine
c. diesel engine
• The abnormal wearing-out of parts due to excessive d. steam engine
friction -
a. tear
b. wear
c. score
d. seizure • Which valve is close during power stroke?
a. intake valve
• The main purpose of lubricating system is - b. exhaust valve
a. to reduce friction c. intake and exhaust valve
b. to reduce noise d. none
c. to reduce excessive heat
d. to reduce wear
• Which of the following is not one of the purposes of
• The part that provides sufficient supply of diesel fuel the lubricating system?
to the engine during operation a. to act as coolant
a. gasoline tank b. to act as sealant
b. diesel fuel reservoir c. to act as detergent
c. diesel fuel system d. to act as contaminant
d. diesel fuel pump
• When both valves are close and the piston is moving • Which of the following statements is correct?
upward - a. Intake is more important than compression
a. intake volume b. Power is the most important stroke
b. compression stroke c. Exhaust is next to power in importance
c. power stroke d. Compression occurs when the fuel charge is
d. exhaust stroke compressed into smaller volume
20 | P a g e
a. carbon residue a. reduce the speed of the motor when the maximum
b. flash paint pressure is reached.
c. acidity b. Drain the condensate from the cylinder
d. combustion c. Release the pressure in the cylinders in order
to reduce the starting load.
• Pressure filter that builds up working pressure is - d. Prevent excess pressure in the receiver
a. 100 psi
b. 125 psi • The power required to deliver a given quantity of fluid
c. 150 psi against a given head with no losses in the pump is
d. 200 psi called:
a. wheel power
• The type of cooler extensively used for medium and b. brake power
large size engines - c. hydraulic power
a. plate cooler d. indicated power
b. radiator cooler
c. shell and tube cooler • An engine indicator is generally used to measure
d. disk cooler a. steam temperature
b. heat losses
• The type of pump where oil is being carried away by two c. steam cylinder pressure
vanes during operation d. errors to gauge reading
a. gear type
b. rotary type
c. lobe type • Measure of ability of a boiler to transfer the heat
d. oil pump given by the furnace to the water and steam is:
a. grate efficiency
• Which of the following is not a part of the air intake b. stoker efficiency
system? c. furnace efficiency
a. blower with supercharging d. boiler efficiency
b. thermometer
c. air intake silencer
d. air filter with piping connection • How do you describe a non-flow process where in the
volume remains constant?
• Which of the following engines use vane blowers? a. isometric
a. aircraft engines b. isentropic
b. marine engines c. isobaric
c. locomotive d. isenthalpic
d. all of the above
• Hand-starting is used only for small engines having a • In the processing section, there is an instrument
bore diameter not exceeding frequently used to measure the flow rate of fluids.
a. 2 inches What is the instrument consisting of a venical passage
b. 4 inches with variable cross-sectional area, a float and a
c. 3 inches calibrated scale?
d. 6 inches a. rotameter
b. pitot-tube
• Which of the following requires large filter to handle c. rota aire
oil for a medium-sized engine? d. manometer
a. continuous filtering
b. shunt filtering • The law states that entropy of all perfect crystalline
c. bypass filtering solids is zero at absolute zero temperature
d. hatch filtering a. Newton’s Law
b. Third Law of Thermodynamics
• The function of an unloader on an electric motor-driven c. First Law of Thermodynamics
compressor is to: d. Second Law of Thermodynamics
21 | P a g e
a. is very viscous
• A goose-neck is installed in the line connecting a b. obeys Newton’s Law of Viscosity
steam gauge to a boiler to: c. None of the above
a. maintain constant steam flow d. frictionless and is compressible
b. protect the gauge element • In industrial plant design, in calculating the working
c. prevent steam knocking space requirement, the maximum number of persons
d. maintain steam pressure working or will be working shall not exceed one person
per _____ cubic meter.
• A heat transfer device that reduces a thermodynamic a. 12
fluid from its vapor phase to its liquid phase such as b. 10
in a vapor-compression refrigeration plant or in a c. 15
condensing steam power plant. d. 18
a. flash vessel
b. cooling tower • The blow off pressure of a safety valve is
c. condenser a. slightly more than atmospheric pressure
d. steam separator b. equal to boiler working pressure
c. half of the boiler working pressure
• President F. V. Ramos approved on February 12, 1998 a d. 106% of the boiler working pressure
Republic Act which is an act to regulate the practice
of Mechanical Engineering in the Philippines, otherwise • A type of firing in pulverized coal-fired furnaces
known as the new M.E. Law. What is this act? which employs a turbulent burner, the unit being
a. RA No. 9645 located in the front or near wall.
b. RA No. 8495 a. vertical firing
c. RA No. 8594 b. horizontal firing
d. RA No. 8945 c. impact firing
d. tangential firing
• A manometer is an instrument that is used to measure:
a. air pressure • Is the difference between saturation temperature and
b. heat radiation actual temperature
c. Condensate water level a. Degree subcooling
d. air volume b. Degree superheating
c. Compressed temperature
• What is the color code for air pressure? d. Saturation temperature
a. red
b. light blue • The actual horsepower delivered by the engine to the
c. brown drive shaft -
d. violet a. indicated horsepower
b. brake horsepower
• The carbon dioxide percentage in the flue gas of an c. friction horsepower
efficiently fired boiler should be approximately d. none of the above
a. 15%
b. 12% • Peak load for a period of time divided by installed
c. 16% capacity is:
d. 20% a. capacity factor
b. demand factor
• Which material should be used for the construction of a c. utilization factor
ducting system? d. load factor
a. steel
b. iron • The size of a steam reciprocating pump is generally
c. Aluminum designated by three-digit number such as 646. What
d. All of these would be the first number designate?
a. stroke of the pump in inches
b. inside diameter of the steam cylinder measured
• An ideal fluid is one that in inches
22 | P a g e
c. percent clearance b. fitting the cylinder head and block
d. number of cylinders c. cylinder head gasket
d. none of the above
• Fluids that are pumped in processing work are
frequently more viscous than water. Which of the • Another term for sludge formation -
following statement is correct? a. carbon residue
a. Reynolds number varied directly as viscosity b. oxidation
b. Efficiency of a pump increases as the viscosity c. water and sediments
increases d. pour point
c. Increased fluid friction between the pump parts
and the passing fluid increases useful work • The hollowed spaces within the cylinder head directly
d. Working head increases as the viscosity above the piston where the fuel change is burned
increases a. piston head
b. top dead center
• The velocity at which the flow of a liquid reversibly c. combustion chamber
changes from viscous to turbulent. d. valve head
a. low velocity
b. high velocity • The power output of the engine is increased through -
c. velocity heat a. scavenging
d. critical velocity b. turbo-charging
c. supercharging
• The portion of sunlight, rich in ultraviolet rays, d. all of the above
which has a strong effect on the photographic plate.
a. gamma rays • The property of lubricating oil which indicates its
b. beta rays relative fluidity -
c. X-rays a. viscosity
d. Actinic rays b. no gumming
c. waterless and free from sediments
• Which of the following is more accurate about d. verification of contents
a. It is a path of fluid particle. • Factors which affects the efficiency of diesel power in
b. It is a line normal to the velocity vector stationary plant -
everywhere a. financial allocation
c. It is fixed in space in steady flow b. space allotment
d. It is perpendicular to the path line c. supply of power
d. none of the above
• The function of the sharp seal in an open type
refrigerating system is to prevent the gas from • The cooling system in which water under pressure flows
escaping the: through the engine jackets and is drained off or
a. evaporator recirculated through a cooling tower -
b. Compressor a. open cooling system
c. Condenser b. closed cooling system
d. Capillary tube c. open and closed cooling system
d. all of the above
• When the liquid boils at a pressure below atmospheric,
the liquid has reached its: • What kind of heat exchanger where water is heated to a
a. boiling point point that dissolved gases are liberated?
b. pressure point a. evaporator
c. critical point b. condenser
d. Vapor pressure c. intercooler
d. deaerator
• The cylinder head and the cylinder block is fitted to a
water and gas tight seal through - • An air current in a confined space such as that in a
a. the cylinder head’s bolts and nuts cooling tower or chimney is called:
23 | P a g e
a. variable flow c. formation
b. velocity profile d. corrosion
c. velocity • A device that changes electric current from high to low
d. draft voltage
a. alternator
• One of the following tasks which is an example of b. generator
preventive maintenance is: c. transformer
a. cleaning up the cup on a rotary cup burner d. dynamometer
b. cleaning a completely clogged oil strainer
c. replacing a leaking valve • An automatic device which allows the passage of water
d. replacing a blown fuse but prevents the passage of steam.
a. steam trap
• What should be the temperature of both the water and b. fusible plug
steam whenever they are present together? c. separator
a. saturation temperature for the existing pressure d. blow-off
b. boiling point of water at 101.325 Kpa
c. super heated temperature • A chart which compares visually smoke density with
d. one hundred degree centigrade graded color bars.
a. Mollier’s chart
• How many pounds of air are theoretically needed to burn b. Achumann chart
one pound of diesel fuel oil? c. control chart
a. 28 d. Ringleman chart
b. 14
c. 18 • In the hydel plant classified as medium head pressure
d. 22 due to water backflow may be delivered by:
a. forehay
• An unloader is used on air compressor to: b. Wicket gate
a. relief air pressure c. surge tank
b. start easier d. draft tube
c. stop easier
d. run faster • The proportions of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen,
sulfur and ash is known as:
• The relationship of water vapor in the air at the dew a. Proximate analysis
point temperature to the amount that should be in the b. Orsat Analysis
air if the air were saturated at the dry-bulb c. Ultimate analysis
temperature is: d. Molal Analysis
a. partial pressure actual dew point
b. percentage humidity • The ratio of the dynamic depression head to the total
c. relative humidity head of a pump.
d. run faster a. Heat factor
b. Cavitation factor
• The brake effective pressure of an internal combustion c. Discharge coefficient
engine is: d. Diagram factor
a. obtained from the indicator card
b. greater than the indicated mean effective • A steam engine that has two or more cylinders, the
pressure exhaust steam from one cylinder entering the next
c. a computed value from brake measurements cylinder at a lower pressure is known:
d. can be determined without knowing the engine a. compound engine
speed b. wankel engine
c. reciprocating engine
• A chemical action which causes destruction of the d. otto engine
surface of metal by oxidation.
a. emulsification
b. scaling • (U + PV) is a quantity called:
24 | P a g e
a. flow energy
b. shaft work • Cavitation is the result of:
c. entropy a. Static pressure in a fluid becoming less than
d. enthalpy fluid vapor pressure
b. Rivets under impact load
• Work of energy can be a function of all of the c. Exposure of concrete to salt water
following, EXCEPT: d. Heat treatment of a low carbon steel
a. temperature and entropy
b. torque and angular rotation • Which of the metal is the best heat conductors?
c. force and time a. aluminum
d. power and time b. copper
c. gold
• Which of the following thermodynamic cycle is the most d. silver
a. Carnot • When exposed to the atmosphere, which of the following
b. Brayton liquids is the coldest?
c. Otto a. oxygen
d. Diesel b. argon
c. hydrogen
• Enthalpy in an ideal gas is a function only of: d. helium
a. temperature
b. entropy • The voltage of a galvanic cell does not depend on which
c. Internal energy of the following parameters?
d. pressure a. concentration of solutions
b. temperature
• From the standpoint of thermodynamics, the best c. pressure
compressor follows which compressor curve: d. volume
a. PV = C
b. PVk = C • Brayton cycle cannot be used in reciprocating engine
c. PV1.3 = C oven for the same compression ratio and work output
d. PV1.25 = C because:
a. Brayton cycle is more efficient
• Temperature above which a given gas cannot be b. Otto cycle is less efficient
qualified: c. Brayton cycle is for slow speed engines only
a. Absolute temperature d. Large volume of low pressure gas cannot be
b. Cryogenic temperature efficiently handled in reciprocating engines
c. Critical temperature
d. Boiling temperature • Total sulfur content in a diesel fuel oil must not
• The possibility of detonation in a spark ignition will a. 0.1%
be increased by: b. 0.5%
a. Lowering compression ratio c. 0.2%
b. Lowering the inlet air temperature d. 0.15%
c. Lowering the jacket water temperature
d. advancing the spark time • The mean effective pressure of a diesel cycle having
fixed compression ratio will increase if cut-off ratio
• Which of the following is a natural draft cooling is:
tower. a. Increased
a. Cooling pond b. decreased
b. Induced draft cooling tower c. Independent of CR
c. evaporative cooling tower d. depends on other factors
d. Hyperbolic cooling tower
• Boiling point of Freon 22 is:
a. -33.33⁰C
25 | P a g e
b. -29.8⁰C a. C2H5Cl
c. -78.5⁰C b. CH3Cl
d. -40⁰C c. CH2Cl2
d. CHCl2
• Which refrigerant has the highest critical point
temperature? • One type of pipe which is not recommended for use in
a. Ammonia ammonia refrigerating system is:
b. Freon 11 a. steel
c. Freon 12 b. brass
d. Freon 22 c. seamless
d. iron
• A material designed to reduce friction between • A device that changes electric current from high to low
surfaces. voltage
a. Shims a. carburetor
b. Lubricant b. separator
c. Fuel c. transformer
d. Bearing d. regulator
• An instrument designed to measure the rotational speed • The part of the boiler design for burning the fuel
of a machine. a. oven
a. Tachometer b. heater
b. Governor c. furnace
c. Rotator d. gage cock
d. Anemometer
• The first law of thermodynamics state that:
• When gas is heated at constant volume, the process is a. Heat energy cannot be completely transformed
called: into work
a. isotropic b. Internal energy is due to molecular motion
b. isobaric c. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed
c. isometric d. Entropy of the universe is increased by
d. adiabatic irreversible process
• An engine cycle containing two adiabatic and two • Clearing a cylinder of exhaust gases by forcing into it
isothermal preocesses. a current of air switch provides clean air for the next
a. Carnot cycle compression stroke of an engine.
b. Rankine cycle a. turbo charging
c. Diesel cycle b. purging
d. Otto cycle c. scavenging
d. emulsifying
• Cp = Cv + R applies to:
a. ideal gas • Coals that become soft under the usual furnace
b. two-phase states temperature and merge into undesirable masses of coke
c. enthalpy a. anthracite
d. all pure substance b. bituminous
c. lignite
• When droplets of water are carried by steam in the d. caking
a. priming • A mechanical device used in refrigeration system for
b. foaming the purpose of increasing the pressure upon the
c. carryover refrigerant.
d. embrittlement a. evaporator
b. condenser
• The chemical formula for methyl chloride c. expansion coil
26 | P a g e
d. compressor b. Redwood
c. SSU
• In power piping system, the corresponding piping color d. Degree API
for proper fluid identification for steam is:
a. green • Term not used in relation to lubrication oil:
b. silver gray a. Cetane number
c. light blue b. Condradson carbon
d. violet c. Neutralization number
d. Demulsibility
• The name given to procedure by which efficiency of a
combustion process is determined. • It is the temperature at which vapor forms above the
a. chamber liquid fuel:
b. heat balance a. Diesel index
c. oxidation b. Fire point
d. evolution c. Flash point
d. Critical point
• The evaporator constructed of pipe or tubing
a. fusible plug • For which type of process does the equation dQ = TDS
b. steam trap hold?
c. expansion coil a. Irreversible
d. sling b. Isothermal
c. reversible
• A device having a pre-determined temperature fusible d. isobaric
member for the relief of pressure
a. fusible plug • During an adiabatic, internally reversible process,
b. stop valve what is true about the change of entropy?
c. water column a. it is always zero
d. pressure valve b. it is always less than zero
c. it is always greater than zero
• The process of supplying or removing air by natural or d. it is temperature - dependent
mechanical means to or from any surface
a. refrigeration • A boiler furnishing hot water to be used externally to
b. humidification itself.
c. circulation a. water heating
d. ventilation b. hot water supply boiler
c. low pressure heating boiler
• The maximum load carried by a system or a unit of d. portable boiler
equipment over a designated period of time
a. average load • A refrigerating system in which the evaporator is in
b. peak load direct contact with the refrigerated material or space
c. nominal rating or is located.
d. plant a. direct expansion
b. chilled water
• As commonly used, the PH value: c. flooded
a. has no relation to the hydrogen – ion d. multiple
b. for boiler water is usually kept at a value • Trichloromonofluouromethane is also known as:
between 5 and 6 a. Freon 11
c. will be lower if boiler is treated with calistic b. Freon 12
soda c. Freon 21
d. of 7 represent a neutral solution d. Freon 114
• Which of the following is not a viscosity rating? • Dichlorodifluouromethane is otherwise known as:
a. Centistroke a. Freon 11
27 | P a g e
b. Freon 12
c. Freon 21 • In the vapor-compression refrigeration cycle, the
d. Freon 114 refrigerant leaving the expansion valve is:
a. liquid
• An internally fired boiler which is self-contained and b. partly vaporized
primarily intended for temporary location. c. saturated vapor
a. low pressure boiler d. superheated vapor
b. unified pressure boiler
c. portable boiler • The capacity of an air compressor is:
d. power boiler a. Independent on the rpm of the compressor
b. decrease with lower discharge pressure
• A closed vessel in which pressure is obtained from an c. may be controlled by varying the clearance value
indirect application of heat. d. increases with lower values of the polytropic
a. low pressure boiler constant
b. unified pressure boiler
c. portable boiler • Mol ratio is proportional to the volumetric ratio is
d. power boiler known as:
a. Amogat’s Law
• A refrigerating system using direct method in which b. Pascal’s Law
refrigerant is delivered to two or more evaporators in c. Avogadro’s Law
separate rooms or refrigerators d. Archimedes’ Law
a. direct expansion
b. chilled water • Heat movement through space by shining, just as light
c. flooded is radiated.
d. multiple a. Convection
b. Circulation
• The ratio of the energy removed at the evaporator to c. Conduction
the energy supplied to the compressor d. Radiation
a. TOR
b. Power ratio • The primary object of the washing of coal is to
c. Compression ratio decrease
d. COP a. dustiness
b. ash fusion temperature
• Dichloromethane is known as: c. ash and sulphur
a. Methyl Chloride d. volatile matter
b. Methyl formula
c. Methylene chloride • A periodic, time-scheduled inspections to detect wear
d. Ethyl Chloride and tear in advance of actual equipment breakdown with
subsequent replacement of worn-out parts before they
fail in order to minimize interference in operation
• The alcohol most frequently considered as fuel for a. routine maintenance
internal combustion engines b. preventive maintenance
a. Methanol c. corrective maintenance
b. Grain alcohol d. general maintenance
c. isopropanol
d. isoprophyl alcohol
• A part of the generating capacity of a hydro-electric
plant that is connected to the bus and ready to take
• The temperature at which the fuel gives off vapors load.
ignited by an open flame. a. cold reserve
a. pour point b. hot reserve
b. power point c. standing reserve
c. flash point d. spinning reserve
d. boiling point
28 | P a g e
• Which of the following statements about Mach number (M) • A sample substance to which a chemical formula can be
is false? assigned, whose weight is equal to its formula weight
a. Mach number is the ratio of velocity to the is formed a:
sonic velocity a. molecule
b. Mach 11 is the maximum attainable velocity in a b. mole
nozzle throat c. grain equivalent weight
c. Supersonic velocities (M>1) are achievable in d. atom
the diffuser section of a rocket nozzle if
expansion ratio is great enough • Hydrogen is common to all:
d. Mach no. has the dimension of velocity a. acids
b. salts
c. oxides
• The hydraulic formula CA√2gh is used to find the: d. metals
a. quantity of discharge through an orifice
b. length of pipe in a closed network • Which of the following does not illustrate the effect
c. velocity of flow in a co=losed conduit of temperature or pressure on gas solubility?
d. friction factor of a pipe a. Air bubbles form on the sides of a warm glass of
b. Soda pop is bottled under pressure
• If gas is expanded isothermally in a cylinder c. Boiling frees water gases
a. No work is done d. Air is more humid on rainy days
b. Heat must have been abstracted to make the
process possible • The chemical process which occurs when water is added
c. Heat must have been added during the process to cement is
d. It must have been completely insulated a. oxidation
b. Brownian movement
c. plastic flow
• All of the following statements about wet bulb d. hydration
temperature are true, EXCEPT
a. Wet bulb temperature equals adiabatic saturation • To determine the chemical formula of a compound, we
temperature need to know all of the following EXCEPT the:
b. Wet bulb temperature is the only temperature a. elements that compose the compound
necessary to determine grains water per lb of b. atomic weights of the elements in a compound
dry air c. molecular weight of the compound
c. Wet bulb temperature lies numerically between d. density of the compound
dew point and dry bulb temperature for
unsaturated systems • From the 1993 PSME Code, electricity is represented by
d. Wet bulb temperature equals both dry-bulb and the color:
dew point temperature at 100% relative humidity a. light blue
b. Violet
c. White
• In a four-cycle gasoline engine, when properly tuned, d. Light orange
the value operation will be such that the:
a. Intake-opens after the dead center • For the steam jet refrigeration system, the refrigerant
b. Exhaust opens before bottom dead center used is:
c. Intake closes before bottom dead center a. Freon 11
d. Exhaust closes before bottom dead center b. Freon 12
c. Refrigerant 718
• Which of the following is member of the halogen family? d. None of these
a. sodium
b. fluorine • Heat added to or removed from a substance that causes a
c. hydrogen chloride change of temperature:
d. phosphorus a. absolute heat
29 | P a g e
b. specific heat
c. latent heat • A substance that absorbs heat through expansion or
d. sensible heat vaporization
a. lubricant
• The ratio of the maximum load to the plant capacity is: b. relaxant
a. plant capacity factor c. refrigerant
b. use factor d. fuel
c. utilization factor
d. demand factor • Which of the following statements about Mach number (M)
is false?
• Orsat analysis is: a. Mach number is the ratio of velocity to the
a. volumetric analysis of the wet gas sonic velocity
b. dry exhaust gas volumetric analysis b. Mach 11 is the maximum attainable velocity in a
c. ultimate analysis of fuel nozzle throat
d. molal analysis of fuel c. Supersonic velocities (M>1) are achievable in
the diffuser section of a rocket nozzle if
expansion ratio is great enough
• If the rpm of the pump is doubled, the power required d. Mach no. has the dimension of velocity
a. quadrupled
b. doubled
c. remains the same
d. increases exponentially
30 | P a g e