A Critical Literature Review On Quality Management For Infrastructure Projects
A Critical Literature Review On Quality Management For Infrastructure Projects
A Critical Literature Review On Quality Management For Infrastructure Projects
Abstract: Quality management is most important consideration in any infrastructure construction project. The
paper constitutes about the quality management practices of infrastructure construction projects. Indian
government declares schemes and policies for growth in quality of construction work. The main aim of this
research is to achieve high quality of construction work and give most advantageous quality of infrastructure to
society and also encounter the requirements of all the interested parties of the infrastructure projects. Little
research work was done and studied for finding applied problems of quality management in a practical and
current situation of an infrastructure project. Analysis and conclusions from a questionnaire survey and data
analysis were done from the quality audits, problems pertaining to contractor‟s quality management in projects
of the infrastructure.
Keywords:Quality Management, Infrastructure, Project, Quality Audit, High Quality
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Date of Submission: 10 -03-2018 Date of acceptance: 26-03 2018
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I. Introduction
Infrastructure is the basic facilities like roads, schools, phone lines, sewage treatment plants, power
generation and industries. The main goal of quality management is to succeed at the necessary level for quality
in an infrastructure project which is effectively planned. Quality management is important for maintaining the
quality of construction projects at different level so contractors are able to inspect the completed work and check
quality of construction. The main focus of the paper is to identify the factors that are affecting quality
management from the contractor's perspective in infrastructure projects.
A Critical Literature Review on Quality Management for Infrastructure Projects
construction companies and in construction firms.. Depends on basic questions for objective, appropriate
research methods have been studied to fulfill objectives. Mixed methods approach is used for data collection
with questionnaire surveys and focus group discussions/interviews for better understand ISO 900. [6]
Tan Chin-Keng et al. (2011) explored what are different practices of quality management, what are
commitments in quality field, and what are the obstacles in quality implementation. Tang and am (1999) stated
that one of the hardest tasks is to implement ISO 9001. They suggested quality inspection reports and interview
survey of a quantitative analysis using statistical tools. In the process of sampling the sampling approach is
Raji Al-Ani et al. (2011) recommended a Quality Management System (QMS) for Construction Site
for increase in quality levels in projects, and communication between staff in various Management. The research
explained in construction industry there are two main reasons for lesser quality is not usage of building material
and second one is poor techniques applied in construction. He stated that there is a misunderstanding to
understand quality management. [15]
H. James Harrington et al. (2012) defined the quality and productivity problems, and main aim of
this paper is, improvement of quality most is needed to remove waste in the construction industry. Author stated
that there is not enough research on better approach for managing quality. [8]
AbukarWarsame et al. (2013)stated quality management is to achieve the high level of quality for an
infrastructure project. Main focused on the identification of factors affecting quality management for contractors
in infrastructure projects. Procurement methods used in constructing infrastructure transport projects. [1]
Mohamad Kamal et al. (2013) focused implementation of the quality management work process in
ship construction industry and for this survey qualitative method was selected as the most appropriate research
method among those available. The main purpose was to succeed in the quality management implementation in
ship construction project.[11]
Teena Joy et al. (2014) discussed the role of construction industry was the most important role
economically and most important to achieving quality in the construction. Quality is a required for sustainability
and satisfaction of customer. Quality is defined as „meeting the customer prospect, This study is to provide
clients, project managers, designers, and contractors with necessary information needed to better manage the
quality of a construction building projects by identifying the factors that affect process quality of construction
projects and to rank them by the degree of importance. Factors were found by relative index and suggestions
were given to increase their quality for companies. [17]
D. Ashokkumar et al. (2014)focused the factors that affect the quality management in the
construction. They resolute the results with the help of quality inspection reports and interviews. Field people
very well know about the factors affecting the quality majorly. This paper helps, to expose the main factors
which affect the construction quality and also useful for minimizing the material wastage, workmanship
wastage, time wastage, and indirect. [3]
Mr. Amit A. Mahadik et al. (2014) stated that quality Management is a managerial approach that
views and main aims of this paper is broadly at maintaining and improving quality standards and to achieve
customer satisfaction. This study investigated the necessity and benefits to the extensive implementation of
quality control in the construction industry through a questionnaire survey. [10]
Elvis Attakora-Amaniampong et al. (2014) identified the relationship between total quality
management (TQM) and the amounts of internal and external customer attention in project management
practices to each of construction firms in Ghana. The study done was both presumed surveys of 50 appellants,
which was based on the literature review and investigation was done using questionnaires. [7]
Moza T. Al Nahyan et al. (2014) presented the case study of large infrastructure project on the subject
of project management practices and interested parties impact. The investigation of large highway construction
was done in the UAE. Information was collected using various methods such as examining documents,
interview with main parties, visit to the site and a group discussion. The result focuses on the necessity to
enhance coordination, communication and decision making ability and sharing knowledge to all stakeholders.
P.P.Mane et al. (2015)explained the role of quality management fora construction company. Author
mentioned that Quality Management System (QMS) can be applied either at the size of organization or at the
project size. The paper described about the rating characteristics depends on the importance of a five-point
scale. After that in next step the interviews of parties were done related to construction project. [13]
AnupW S. et al. (2015) identified the issues encounter during the execution of Quality Management
Systems. A case study which achievement the questionnaire is conducted using content analysis method. They
Used Content analysis technique all the inputs, mechanisms, and output were tabulated.[2]
A Critical Literature Review on Quality Management for Infrastructure Projects
III. Conclusion
Assessment and solutions of the study were done for the execution of quality management in
construction projects and several points can be concluded:
1) For factors finding project delay in construction. Needy site management and administration, unseen soil
conditions, decision-making power is less.
2) For affecting cost performance of Indian construction projects. Nine factors were identified inexperience
and absence of knowledge; the presence of needy project particular resistant socio-economic and climatic
condition, forceful competition during tender stage.
3) For Site related factor: Wastes control during material usage, lack of site storage space, operation limitation
within site, stealing on site, unforeseen site condition, the existence of unnecessary material.
4) For improper material use in construction-related factor: An Improper study on material availability study
and its source, inflated specification of an item over specified codes, inadequate preconstruction survey on
the material.
5) For poor leadership: Inappropriate site supervision and control, inadequate material management, improper
construction techniques, inappropriate planning and mistakes during construction, fraudulent activities of
6) For Labour and equipment related factors: Obsolete or unsuitable construction equipment, improper
handling of materials at the site and engaging inadequate skill on labour.
7) For miscommunication among project members regarding quality factor: lack of strong management, lack
of communication, miscommunication between contractor and labour
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A Critical Literature Review on Quality Management for Infrastructure Projects
Figure 1 (a): Integrated framework for assessing factors affecting quality management for
infrastructure projects
Figure 1 (b): Integrated Framework for Assessing Factors Affecting quality management in
infrastructure projects
Harshil Shah." A Critical Literature Review On Quality Management For Infrastructure Projects
" International Journal Of Engineering Research And Development , vol. 14, no. 03, 2018, pp.