Minutes of Meeting - 7 December 2010
Minutes of Meeting - 7 December 2010
Minutes of Meeting - 7 December 2010
See attendance record of 7 December 2010.
President Darryl Johnston opened the Meeting and welcomed our guest presenters, Neil Savery and Helena
Seagrott from ACTPLA.
Jan Petrie, Rusty Woodward, Steve Doszpot MLA, Sergeant Rod Anderson, Jill Faulkner, Joy Burch MLA,
Glenys Patulny, Susan Penn-Turrall and Alison Ryan.
“Welcome to another meeting of the Tuggeranong Community Council and a special welcome to our guests
from the ACT Planning and Land Authority. The past month has been exceptionally busy on the planning
and development front – that old perennial, the proposed Tralee South residential development took up most
of our time and energy early in November.
The Planning and Environment Sub-Committee lodged a submission against the Tralee South residential
development, the second submission in less than a year. As part of the process the Queanbeyan City Council
called a special meeting on 17 November. Despite lodging its submission early in the process, the TCC was
not officially advised of the special Council meeting. We found out about it through news reports and I
called the Queanbeyan City Council to confirm the time and venue of the meeting. Dug Holmes and I
attended the meeting. On arrival we were advised that we would be given 5 minutes each to address
Councillors on why the TCC opposed the development. As a result Dug and I had to speak off the top of our
heads. We were the only two to speak out against the proposal. Other speakers followed and they were well
prepared with speaking notes or written speeches. We could only conclude that they had been given prior
notice that they would have the opportunity to address the Council.
The communication breakdown between the TCC and the Queanbeyan City Council may be a result of the
fact that the TCC dropped off the Queanbeyan Council email distribution list. For some time I was receiving
Mayoral messages, media releases or other community information and advice. The last email the TCC
received from Queanbeyan Council was on 7 October. This has now been rectified. The information
regarding the special Queanbeyan City Council meeting was contained in a media release issued by the City
Council on 4 November.
The TCC has also put forward a submission on the Eastern Broadacre Study. I wish to thank Dug Holmes
and the other members of the Planning Sub-Committee for their hard work, and general members for their
The TCC hosted a combined meeting of Canberra Community Councils and the Jerrabomberra Residents
Association (JRA) on 20 November. It was attended by Executive members of the JRA, and the Community
Councils, except for Gungahlin. The JRA was invited to attend because as we have learnt from Tralee,
Canberra Airport and the Eastern Broadacre Study there are many planning and development issues that do
not simply stop at the ACT/NSW border. The meeting was officially opened by the Chief Minister, Jon
Stanhope who took questions from attendees. Opposition Leader, Zed Seselja joined the gathering for a
working lunch and The Greens Planning spokesperson, Caroline Le Couteur closed the meeting.
As you would have read in The Chronicle newspaper, the meeting adopted a motion put forward by our
colleagues from Woden Valley calling for a review of planning processes in the ACT. This motion will be
presented to the ACT Government. The next Combined Councils meeting will be held in March.
And finally, the TCC was represented at the Tuggeranong Festival. We had an information booth where we
distributed brochures and membership application forms. This was the first time the TCC was represented at
the Festival and I think our attendance has helped to raise our profile in the community. I wish to thank
Albert, Alison and Rusty for assisting me on the information booth. I hope the TCC will be a regular
participant at the festival. Thank you.”
A query was raised regarding the nature and extent of support provided by SOSO Printing to warrant
inclusion of their name on our banners, and brief information was provided by Darryl regarding the discount
Sub-Committee Reports:
- Planning and Environment Committee
Dug Holmes reported on the following matters:
• Submission provided to ACTPLA re Eastern Broadacre Study – protection of local horse paddocks
to be considered.
• Recent meeting at Queanbeyan City Council re planned South Tralee residential development
- 1,600+ submissions received and considered (in categories) within a short time frame;
- recommendations referred to Planning NSW and outcome to be advised in due course.
• Meeting with Chief Minister re Talking Tuggeranong issues, particularly update on horse paddocks
and wildlife corridor – Darryl confirmed that their future was still undecided.
Our representative, John Armstead provided a comprehensive report on the recent meeting of the Canberra
Airport Consultative Forum. He made reference to the following issue of interest:
• National Aviation White Paper (December 2009) – to be considered by Parliament shortly;
- operation and name of Consultative Groups to be revised, Chair of all Groups to be independent
from the airport and rotated from among members of interested Community Groups - not
considered an appropriate or entirely suitable arrangement;
- Guidelines to be decided by the Minister and circulated to members for comment in due course.
• South Tralee development (Section 65)
- consultation period closed early November with 1,600+ submissions, including from
Commonwealth, ACT Government and TCC;
- strong opposition to planned residential development under the Canberra Airport flight path;
- development subsequently approved by Queanbeyan City Council on 17 November for
consideration by Planning NSW;
- Canberra Airport has since submitted an appeal to Land and Environment Court of NSW re the
process involved.
The latter Report was supported by Eric Traise and Colin Petrie.
Other Reports – Police:
Sergeant Rod Anderson, OIC Tuggeranong Police Station, was unable to attend the Meeting, but provided a
copy of his usual report on crime statistics and information regarding other local Police activities during the
past month. The Report was presented by President, Darryl Johnston and included the following details:
A request was received for opposition to Tralee residential development under the current flight path to be
mentioned in Parliament by Gai to raise further awareness.
Concerns also expressed about dealing with recycling of electronic waste and the matter was acknowledged
and briefly discussed.
Mr Smyth provided the following details:
• Reminder to think about next ACT Elections – less than 100 weeks away;
• ACT was previously a world leader on various important social and environmental issues;
• What are the expectations for improvements to our local community?
• Every opportunity to express dissatisfaction to be availed of.
Concerns expressed about the weakness of the judicial system and a reference to conflict with the Human
Rights charter. A brief discussion followed and Brendan made reference to the following additional items:
• ACT Prison was already at capacity – bunks to be installed as a solution;
• prisoners being expected to pay the price and the additional punishment is not warranted;
• mental health and drug problems prevalent;
• green bins issue was previously raised by ACT Liberals and action has been protracted.
A short break was taken at this stage prior to the presentation by our guest speakers.
Neil commenced by clarifying the strategy and considerations involved with the planning process and he
acknowledged the different perspectives and expectations of the various parties effected. He highlighted the
difference between some previous sensitive planning decisions based on ACTPLA’s statutory role and those
involved with strategic policy decisions or variations to the Territory Plan made directly by the ACT
Government through the Assembly.
Neil made reference to the impact of the Eastern Broadacre Study and the concerns about the loss of the
horse paddocks – likely to be replaced if used for other purposes. He indicated that a condition of the grants
provided to Community Councils by ACTPLA does not involve automatic approval of ACTPLA decisions.
He also provided some background of the master plan project, which is market driven based on the changing
demographics and transport systems in the Tuggeranong/Erindale area, and the importance of the
consultation process.
Helena provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding the project, which included the following information:
• Nature and reason for the project – effect of lobbying by the local community;
• Focus of the plan and development of the design framework – interviews being conducted with
several stakeholder groups/parties;
• Improvements to bus station facilities;
• Distribution of 10,000+ newsletters;
• Information available on ACTPLA website, also booth at recent Tuggeranong Festival;
• Community consultation workshops conducted – disappointing turnout to date;
• Engagement with local schools and a planned “roadshow” presentation with student participation;
• Workshop planned for April 2011 for design options, also 2 speak out sessions in June/July;
• Specialist consultants engaged for background research, also in-house Expert Reference Groups;
• Key dates involved with project – Implementation Plan in early 2012;
• Importance of community participation to achieve maximum input to identify key issues.
• Suggestion for a shop front display to be set up at each of the Centres, also advertising through
media and letter box drops;
• Access to various expert groups required for discussions;
• Nature of workshops was queried; general lack of community interest/participation until too late in
the process;
• What sort of interest expected from non-expert members of the public?
• Wider consultation required with local business owners directly affected (60 retailers) – further
aspects of consultation planned;
• Governance arrangements and process queried;
• Reference to proposed residential development at Greenway (opposite Bunnings) – more effective
use of lake foreshore required;
• LDA and ACTPLA to communicate/cooperate on planning proposals.
All matters were suitably addressed by Mr Savery and he made particular mention of the changed local
demographic, resulting in a declining population in the Tuggeranong Valley and the current high under
utilisation of available facilities and infrastructure.
Darryl thanked our guest presenters and encouraged members to become involved with the ongoing
community consultation process involved with this project.
Other Business:
Nick Tsoulias provided a report on the outcome of the recent meeting to discuss parking and transport
arrangements at Calwell, with consideration for a Park ‘n Ride facility to encourage use of public transport
by South Tuggeranong residents. The proposal will complement planned transport arrangements for
Erindale and Kambah and further promotional activity is planned in this regard.
General Announcements:
Darryl reminded members about the TCC Christmas Picnic/BBQ on Sunday, 19 December commencing at
4.30pm at the BBQ area off Bartlet Place near the Tuggeranong Town Centre Park. It is a BYO function and
in the event of rain it will be automatically cancelled.
Darryl proceeded to deliver the following closing Report for the final Meeting of the year:
“This brings us to the end of the last meeting for 2010 and before I close I just want to thank the following
- Vice Presidents, Colin and Dug for their support and hard work over the past year in the preparation of our
detailed submissions to government on various planning and development issues;
- Susan, our Secretary for your support and advice to the Executive and Sub-Committees;
- Albert, our Minute Secretary for your expert note taking and faultless reproduction of our important
Council Minutes;
- Treasurer, Eric for management of our finances and keeping me to a tight budget;
- Public Officer, Jan Petrie for your tireless efforts in reviewing and reworking the TCC Constitution with
your team earlier in the year and ensuring that our new Executive was registered; and
- Committee member Alison Ryan who, with the backing of the TCC, was instrumental in getting Random
Roadside Drug Testing introduced in the ACT, and with the support of local MLAs was also successful in
getting the anti-drug driving message on our vehicle registration stickers.
I also want to thank Rusty Woodward and Glenys Patulny for their hard work and support to the Sub-
Committees, and to John Armstead who is our representative on the Canberra Airport Consultative Forum.
Thank you to Sergeant Rod Anderson and his team from the Tuggeranong Police station, to our local
Members of Parliament for keeping us informed of developments in the political sphere and Jonathon
Reynolds who, until recently, has assisted us in remaining online.
I especially want to thank you, our general members who, by your attendance to these Meetings demonstrate
that you are committed to your community and prepared to sacrifice your time and make a positive
contribution to your community.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and I look forward to seeing you at our first
Meeting for 2011 on the first Tuesday in February.”
Michael Lindfield expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the TCC’s encouragement and involvement
that contributed to the success of the Tuggeranong Festival.
The next General Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 1 February 2011, with guest presenter to be
confirmed. The meeting concluded at approximately 9.20pm and members were invited to stay on for the
usual light refreshments and casual chat.