Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry: Strategic Plan 2019
Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry: Strategic Plan 2019
Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry: Strategic Plan 2019
To share the love of Christ and His Church with those who are incarcerated
and their families so that lives are transformed and God is glorified.
The final result of this hard work is this booklet you hold in your hands. If OCPM is to become all
that it can be in the future, it will need your help. Please take time to look over this strategic plan
and prayerfully ask the Lord how you can be a part of this vital ministry. You will be answering
the call of Jesus to His sheep: “I was in prison and you came to Me.” (Matthew 25:36)
Our first strategic planning session began with this verse of Holy Scripture: “Where there is no
vision, the people will perish.” (Proverbs 29:18) In the following pages, you will discover the
vision for the future of OCPM. Please join with us in making this vision a reality.
OCPM exists to share the love of Christ and His Church with those who are incarcerated and
their families so that lives are transformed and God is glorified.
Success in any ministry requires taking an honest look at why you exist, where you are, where
you want to be, and how you will get there. Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry recently took
that honest look at our ministry. While always keeping in mind the precious men and women
in prisons and jails across this country and their families, we put together this comprehensive
Strategic Plan. As this Plan is implemented, OCPM will grow and flourish in its calling,
ultimately benefiting those who are incarcerated and their families.
Over the past year, a group of committed clergy and laity looked closely at what OCPM
is currently doing and what OCPM should be doing. We then took on the difficult task of
deciding how OCPM would get there. We had to seriously analyze the Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) of OCPM. This work involved everyone coming to
consensus on each step. This Mission Statement is the result of that work:
To serve those who are incarcerated and their families, and provide resources, training and support to
our ministry partners.
We discussed at length what values we wanted everyone involved with OCPM to exhibit. In
order to be the ministry that God has called us to be, we agreed that we must have these shared
• Accept that each person is made in the image and likeness of God
• Loving with compassion and respect
• Integrity
• Committed to excellence
• Team-oriented
Using the acronym PRISON, we came to agreement on where OCPM needs to be going over the next
four years. Here is that Vision Statement:
Our Strategic Plan that follows this Executive Summary includes our Statement of Why and the details
of our SWOT Analysis, Core Values, Mission and Vision. It also lays out the specific SMART Goals and
the very methodical, step-by-step implementation plan and process to achieve each goal, including
precise timelines, areas of responsibility and how we will measure success.
This Strategic Plan will provide you, the reader, with a thorough analysis of what we must do and a
comprehensive plan to accomplish it in an effective manner. Throughout this process, we kept in mind
the precious men and women in prisons and jails across this country and their families.
Even though much work went into the making of this Strategic Plan, it is now that the real work begins
as we commit ourselves to implementation. Throughout this process we will assess our successes and
challenges in order to make the necessary adjustments. We will continually be measuring our results to
ensure our success. We now invite you to join us as we journey into the future answering the call of Jesus
to visit those in prison as if we were visiting Jesus Himself.
With this Strategic Plan, we now have a clear road map for how Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry will
better share the love of Christ and His Church with those who are incarcerated and their families so that
lives are transformed and God is glorified.
II. Purpose of Strategic Planning
Strategic Plan
Strategic Planning is first and foremost Biblical
and Christ-centered. At the very end of our Lord’s
Part 1: The Process, Including Starting
ministry on this earth, He gave His Apostles
with Why
a clear strategic plan as to how they were to
achieve His vision by saying: “Go therefore and
I. Start with Why
make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Have you ever pondered why you received the
teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.”
gift of life from God? Why are you here? These are
(Matthew 28:19-20)
questions that most of us have pondered at some
point in our lives. The answer to those questions
In Jeremiah 29:11-12 we hear: “For I know the plans
truly helps us move forward in life with a purpose
that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for well-
in what God has called us to be and do.
being, and not for calamity, in order to give you a
future and a hope. When you call out to me and come
In our strategic planning, the first (and perhaps
and pray to me, I’ll hear you.”
most important) question we needed to answer
was: “Why does OCPM exist?” Without answering
The Book of Acts, written by St Luke, has been
that question, we truly would not have a vision
described as: “…a blue print for reproducing the
as to what OCPM should be doing. The Holy
specific details and aspects of the Church…However,
Scriptures tell us clearly that “Where there is no
it is of great importance for understanding the
vision, the people will perish.” (Proverbs 29:18) As
organization and structure of the Church…” And,
we began this process, we realized that without
in the rich Holy Gospel, we find Christ’s clear
a vision, OCPM would perish and the major
strategic direction and plan given to his Apostles:
ministry of our Church to those in prison would
“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has
be lost.
come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in
Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the
God’s calling to us regarding those in prison is
ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)
made clear in Matthew 25:36, “I was in prison and
you came to Me.” Whatever is done to a person
The calling to “be witnesses to Me to the ends
who is incarcerated and to their families is being
of the earth” certainly has not changed; it remains
done to Jesus Himself. God’s calling is there for
God’s calling to each of us. The dark and evil
you to become involved in some way with OCPM
world of a prison could easily be listed as part
so that the love of Christ can be shared with these
of “the ends of the earth”, as anyone who has been
precious souls.
around a prison could attest.
The following is the Statement of Why adopted by
III. The Strategic Planning Process
the strategic planning team for OCPM:
Strategic planning is a process to define our
OCPM Statement of Why
direction (strategy) and allocate our resources to
achieve our goals. A Strategic Plan must answer
To share the love of Christ and His Church with those
four fundamental questions:
who are incarcerated and their families so that lives are
transformed and God is glorified.
1. Why do we exist?
2. Where are we now?
3. Where do we want to be?
4. How will we get there?
IV. How Our Strategic Plan Was Developed Part 2 - Our Mission, SWOT, Core Values,
Vision and Strategic Goals
To do the initial work, a “Strategic Planning
Committee” was formed. We did our best to I. Mission Statement
include people who approached prison ministry
from varying positions: People who worked in A critical part of any Strategic Planning process is
prisons; people who volunteered in prisons; developing a clear description of the fundamental
people who lived in prisons; and people who just purpose for which an organization exists and
had a great heart for those now in prisons. what it does to achieve its Vision. A Mission
Statement answers the question: “What do we
We followed a Six-Step Strategic Work Plan: do?” A Mission Statement is clearly Biblical: “Go
therefore and make disciples of all the nations.”
• Step ONE - Strategic Planning Opening The following is the mission statement adopted
Retreat by the strategic planning team for OCPM:
• Step TWO - Task Force Meetings
• Step THREE - Communications of the Draft OCPM Mission Statement
Strategic Plan Outline
• Step FOUR - Strategic Planning Second Retreat To serve those who are incarcerated and their families,
• Step FIVE - Finalize Strategic Plan and Roll and provide resources, training and support to our
Out Event ministry partners.
• Step SIX - Implementation of the Strategic Plan
II. SWOT Analysis
To serve
or our environment, etc. Such an analysis and
testing of oneself is Biblical: “Examine yourselves as
to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves!” The
those who are OCPM Strategic Planning Committee participated
in this SWOT Analysis.
incarcerated and At the initial retreat, the Strategic Planning
their families,
Committee assessed many unique Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. However,
to make the final OCPM SWOT list, a particular
and provide item had to be listed by many people and agreed-
upon by consensus. The Strategic Planning
training and
Opportunities and Threats. This list is a static
assessment at one point in time and will inevitably
be modified as OCPM continues to move into the
support to future. The Strategic Planning process must remain
dynamic in order to address new or different
in Step Six as this Strategic Plan is implemented.
It must be periodically re-assessed, refreshed
and potentially modified to remain a living and
breathing document and roadmap through a
constantly changing environment.
Strengths Threats
Strengths include characteristics of OCPM that Threats include external elements in our
give us advantages. This can include things we environment that could be problematic for OCPM
do well. or inhibit our success.
Opportunities include external chances to Core Values are beliefs shared among the
improve our performance in our environment. stakeholders in an organization. They drive
an organization’s culture and priorities and
• Strategic Partnerships and relationships provide a framework to help make decisions.
with: God presented us critical Core Values in the Ten
- Local ministries and Chaplains Commandments, and our Lord and Savior Jesus
- Seminaries Christ augmented them in his Sermon on the
- Bishops Mount with what is known as the Beatitudes.
- Other church ministries or non-profits
- Orthodox jurisdictions After numerous small and large group
discussions, the Strategic Planning Committee
• Use of Technology for incarcerated and the agreed that the following Core Values should
families, volunteers and donors guide OCPM in everything we do:
• Expanding programs to help incarcerated
individuals and their families as they integrate
into society
OCPM Core Values
IV. Vision
Part 3 - THE SMART Goal Process II. Strategic Task Forces
to reach important goals and action plans. What
Here are the summary titles for the eight OCPM
remains is the most critical and difficult step,
SMART goals in our three Strategic Areas of
namely the performance and implementation of
this Strategic Plan.
Part 4 – Closing Thoughts The latest incarceration rates show the USA had
an incarceration rate of 655 people per 100,000.
I. Can We Do This? The odds have greatly increased that each of us
likely knows someone who either is or has been
Some of the challenges we will address have been in prison. In case you are wondering about
with us for some time. Others are new. Each of us the incarceration rate for some other countries:
has unique gifts that must be celebrated and put Turkey-318; Mexico-163; Lebanon-126; China
to the best use for God’s greater glory. All of us -118; Greece-99 per 100,000. That really puts
working together can achieve the unimaginable. the 655 for the USA in perspective. For all the
Keep in mind that God loves those in prisons and countries see:
their families more than we do. Truly, we work
in cooperation with Him in putting this strategic https://tinyurl.com/PrisonRateOther
plan into being: “For I know the plans I have for you,
declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to With so many people incarcerated and their
give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11) With families being greatly impacted by their
this in mind, “we can do all things through Christ incarceration, OCPM needs to expand its
who strengthens us.” (Philippians 4:13) outreach. This Strategic Plan is vital to keep us
focused and moving in the right direction to share
II. You Are Invited to Join The Team the love of Christ and His Church with those who
are incarcerated and their families so that lives
We invite anyone who is interested in working are transformed and God is glorified.
on any specific Strategic Goal to volunteer and
offer their stewardship of time and talents by After all of the hard work of our Strategic Planning
contacting us. You can volunteer at: Committee, we believe that the systematic
implementation of the detailed action plans in
[email protected] this Strategic Plan will allow us to directly address
our needs and allow us to measurably improve
The more experienced and dedicated souls we our service to the precious souls incarcerated in
have working together, the more we can achieve. our country and their families. We do not believe
The newly constituted and expanded eight our resources to implement this Strategic Plan
Strategic Planning Implementation Task Forces are scarce given the extraordinary God-given
will execute and manage the tasks identified in talents that exist within the Orthodox Church
the specific Strategic Action Plans contained in of this country. We believe we live in a world
this Strategic Plan. of abundance. By the Grace of God and with the
essential support of the Holy Spirit, we can make
III. Conclusion a difference and achieve all of our Strategic Goals
in the fullness of time. The future of OCPM is
The United States of America continues to have the indeed bright as we work together.
highest rate of incarceration of any country in the
world. It has held that distinction for many, many May our Lord bless the work of Orthodox
years. In the latest statistics from World Prison Christian Prison Ministry as it reaches out to
Brief there were 2,121,600 adults incarcerated in share the love of Christ and His Church with
the U.S.A. For all countries see: those who are incarcerated and their families so
that lives are transformed and God is glorified.
OCPM Strategic Goals and Action Plans
Affiliates and Partnership Program
Goal 1.1 Parish Partners Programs
(a) Within 13 months, we will research and develop a franchise-like model that contains a comprehensive array of
programs that will provide the format, tools, training and materials that Orthodox parishes/locations need to begin
or expand a ministry focused on serving the needs of those who are incarcerated and their families (including post-
incarceration care) that thereafter;
(b) Within 18 months will be successfully implemented in at least 5 new parishes/locations; and
Goal 1.1 Action Plan
Affiliates & Partnership Programs
Goal 1.2 Affiliate Partners Programs
Within12 months, we will identify and research existing prison ministries and institutions serving
those who are incarcerated and their families (including post-incarceration care) and develop guidelines
and procedures for recognizing Affiliate Partnership programs; and within 11 months thereafter begin to
implement approved partnerships.
Communications & Metrics
Goal 2.1 Comprehensive OCPM Internal Communications Plan
Within 21 months, we will research, develop and implement a best-practices comprehensive Internal
Communications Plan to most effectively communicate with our board, staff, Parish Partners and Affiliates,
donors and other stakeholders.
Communications & Metrics
Goal 2.2 Comprehensive OCPM External Communications Plan
Within 20 months, we will research, develop and implement a best-practices comprehensive External
Communications Plan to most effectively and regularly publicly communicate our programs and activities.
Goal 2.2 Action Plan
Communications & Metrics
Goal 2.3 OCPM Operational Excellence and Metrics
(a) identify the most critical OCPM operations, processes and metrics that will ensure the greatest
success of the OCPM programs and activities;
(c) make improvements in existing and new operations and processes; and
Goal 2.3 Action Plan
Fundraising & Team Expansion
Goal 3.1 Comprehensive Fundraising Plan
Within 14 months, we will develop and begin to implement a comprehensive fundraising plan that
will allow us to completely fund the entire OCPM operating budget, including funding for expanded
programs and other initiatives arising from our Strategic Plan.
Fundraising & Team Expansion
Goal 3.2 Board Expansion & Development
Within 12 months, we will establish a process to recruit and effectively train an OCPM Board that
is comprised of at least 15 active and contributing Board members, and provide those individuals
with on-going best practices: (a) education programs; (b) resources; (c) materials; and (d) information.
Fundraising &Team Expansion
Goal 3.3 Staffing Plan
Within 21 months from the hiring of the new full-time OCPM Executive Director, we will develop and
implement a comprehensive plan to enhance, restructure and recruit expanded OCPM staff.