Progress Report July, 2020 (OF)
Progress Report July, 2020 (OF)
Progress Report July, 2020 (OF)
July, 2020
Executive summery
Table of Content
Executive summery..........................................................................................................................i
Table of Content..............................................................................................................................ii
1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................1
1.1 Information on D/Markos Road Network........................................................................1
1.2 Functional Classification of Roads by RNSMD..............................................................4
1.3 Climate.............................................................................................................................4
1.4 Topography......................................................................................................................4
1.5 Terrain..............................................................................................................................4
1.6 Significances of the road network...................................................................................4
1.7 Summary of Annual physical plan and budget incurred.................................................5
1.8 Objectives and Scope.......................................................................................................6
1.9 Purpose of the Report......................................................................................................6
1.10 Road Network Map..........................................................................................................7
2 Project Information...............................................................................................................8
2.1 Routine Maintenance.......................................................................................................9
2.2 Contractors 2013EFY Financial Action Plan................................................................10
2.3 Row Issues, Material test and Quarry sites....................................................................11
2.4 Summary of claims........................................................................................................11
2.5 Progress review meetings & Site Visit..........................................................................11
3 Progress of works................................................................................................................12
3.1 Routine Road Maintenance works.................................................................................12
3.2 Bridge and Culvert maintenance works under each section..........................................13
3.3 Progress by activities.....................................................................................................14
3.3.1 Routine maintenance projects....................................................................................14
3.4 Bridge and Culvert Maintenance...................................................................................16
3.4.1 Dejen Bridge & Culvert Maintenance.......................................................................16
3.4.2 Bure Bridge & Culvert Maintenance.........................................................................16
3.4.3 Chagni Bridge & Culvert Maintenance.....................................................................17
3.4.4 B/Dar Bridge & Culvert Maintenance.......................................................................17
3.5 The maintenance district’s manpower and Equipment status.............................................18
3.5.1 Project equipment crew.............................................................................................18
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
1.1 Information on D/Markos Road Network
Road infrastructures play a key prominence in the social and economic wellbeing of a society. Thus
the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has launched Road Sector Development Program
(RSDP) to enhance development objectives and the living standard of the population all over the
Accordingly, Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA), on behalf of the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia (FDRE), is implementing various strategies whereby to expand the Roads Network all over
the country and also to preserve the road asset simultaneously.
ERA is responsible for the expansion and preservation of the federal road network so as to play its
vital role in supporting the socio-economic development of the country. To this effect, the Authority
has established ten (10) Network and safety Management Branch directorates which strive to
geographically manage and preserve the road assets assigned to them, under the Road Asset
Management DDG. Of which, D/Markos road network and Safety Management Branch Directorate
is, thus, one of these branches undertaking the road maintenance works.
The Road Network is found in North Western part of Ethiopia particularly in parts of Amhara and
Benshangul Gumuz National Regional States. Total road network length is 1658 km, of which, 769
km asphalt and 889 km gravel roads and the remaining 237 km is under up grading.
The directorate office is located 292 km due North West of A.A along A3 trunk road, in Debre
Markos town, the major town of East Gojjam zone, with surplus agricultural productive areas of the
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
The contractor that undertakes maintenance works in 2013EFY is D/Markos Own Force Road
Maintenance District (OFRMD). The district has established four road maintenance sections for
ease of operations. i.e Dejen, Chagni, Bure and Bahir Dar sections. In all sections representatives
are assigned on the side of D/Markos Road Network & safety Management Branch Directorate.
The entire road network is classified into five major classes based on ERA’s Road classification
system, as shown under the table:
A 72 177 80 329
C 26 337 363
1.3 Climate
The area where the road network stretches is characterized by all types of climatic conditions.
During the rainy seasons/June-September/ it has high intensity of rainfall up to 1400 mm near the
highland area and descends to 300mm around lowlands.
1.4 Topography
D/Markos road network is located in the western highlands and the outer lowlands with an altitude
of 4100mts and 530mts above sea level respectively.
1.5 Terrain
The large portion of the network lies on flat and rolling terrain and the rest small portion pass
through hilly and mountainous terrain.
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
Potential development areas such as cash crop and mining areas, sugar plantation
development and hydroelectric power stations.
Generally the D/Markos Road network plays its role in supporting the socio-economic
development of the locality and the country as a whole.
Periodic Maintenance…………………………………….…….….….......……………….0.00Birr
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
The sop of works will be undertaken by the maintenance contractor is as per ERA 2003
Technical specification recommendation for each activity under it. In case of activities not
included in it, like activities to the construction scope, those activities accomplished as per the
latest ERA construction manual, 2013 manual. So the contractor must achieve at least the main
specified qualities of each activity under the above listed manuals.
Accordingly each activities accomplished by the contractor will be reported with re respective
amount in the reporting month. Activities can be road repair, road safety works, bridge and
culvert maintenance, construction of the remaining works under Tik Weigh Bridge and Yetnora
and Wojel Approach road reconstruction works.
This progress report provides general information on maintenance activities during the month,
and the purpose of the report is to provide the employer and other stakeholders with the
following basic benefits.
A summary of activities performed within the months
Detailed description on the progress of planned and actual activities.
A summary of detailed serious issues which affect the outcome of maintenance projects
Financial cash flow for each road segments
To provide pertinent contract information for the monitoring and management of the
project program
Summary of expenditures incurred for each road segment
To provide input for the Project Engineer's monthly program summaries for the various
funding agencies involved in the project.
List of material and quarry location used for the maintenance projects and test results
Summary of budget and time overrun for the maintenance projects
Descriptions in problem encountered, pended issues and solutions undertaken for each
maintenance projects
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
Project Information
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
Before the 2013 budget start, the Road Network and Safety Management Branch Directorate
have proposed a number of maintenance projects in its network. Accordingly, but not to the
proposed amount, all of the routine projects are funded by the Road Fund, while the rest is
covered under capital projects.
The maintenance projects planned to be undertaken by the contractor, D/Markos Own Force
Road Maintenance District, include Routine maintenance, one Heavy/capital maintenance
project and Tik Weigh Bridge remaining work.
Projects in 2013EFY under Own force maintenance district are tabulated as follows;
Section Length Classificatio Terrain Surface
Name Project Name (Km) n Classification Type
During the fiscal year, the projects intended to maintain are Dejen section, Burie section, Bahar
Dar section and Chagni Section works. The fiscal and financial plans for these projects, which
are scheduled to operate on a Routine maintenance program during the fiscal year, are
summarized below.
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
responsibility under the directorate. The team exerts its maximum effort and performs the
services with the highest professional standard during the reporting month. However, the
proclamation issue for land displacement triggered his work and the overall maintenance work
also affected by this issue.
The maintenance district’s laboratory is functional. Accordingly, different tests for soil &
aggregate (excluding bituminous works) can carried out jointly when required. In the reporting
month the sub base material quarry sites are taken and are on the way of testing them. However,
the bituminous material test laboratory has not been established so far.
Source of materials (Borrow areas, quarry sites, sand and other construction material) required
for whole project are not yet finalized. However, we have carrying out the maintenance works
using the previously developed quarry sites and some of the newly developed ones.
In the reporting month all projects, Dejen, Bure, Bahirdar and Chagni section works planned to
be performed by the contractor were visited by the, team leaders and respective engineers as
Accordingly the maintenance works executed and its progress against the program in the
respective sections are evaluated properly and summarized in the next topic.
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
3 Progress of works
The Physical and financial accomplishment of projects in terms of road segment in the reported period is as follows:
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
Project Name Km Annual Plan Previous accomplishment This month accomplishment Year to date accomplishment Remark
Dejen section
Physical 100% 10% 20% 394% 10% 20% 394% G/woin-
Bridge & Culvert Abay
Rehabilitation Financial 299,409.6 299,409.6
929,156.76 394% 929,156.76 394%
Bure section
Physical 100% 5% 4% 75% 5% 4% 75% Adis
Bridge kidam
Rehabilitation Financial 3,246,028.20 bridge
162,301.41 121,115.70 75% 162,301.41 121,115.70 75%
Chagni section
Physical 100%
Bridge & Culvert
Rehabilitation Financial 304,424.45 - - - - - - - -
B/Dar section
Physical 100% 5% 5%
Bridge & Culvert
Rehabilitation Financial 102,482.36
Financial 564,193.37 1,050,272.46 186.15 564,193.37 1,050,272.46 186.15
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
Total 560,479.70
15% VAT 84,071.95
Total with VAT 644,551.65
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
Activity Activity name Unit Unit This This month Total to date Remark
Code price month Qty Amount
807,962.40 G/woin-
Culvert clearing m3 193.2 4182 807,962.40 Abay
activity Activity name Unit Unit This This month Total to date Remark
Code price month Qty Amount
105,318.00 Adis kidam
Activit Activity name Unit Unit This This month Total to date Remark
y Code price month Qty Amount
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
Activit Activity name Unit Unit This This month Total to date Remark
y Code price month Qty Amount
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
Project name and available Number of equipment
No Equipment Chagni
. Type Dejen section Bure section B/Dar section section Remark
1 Dozer
2 Grader 1 2 1
the contractor
3 Loader 1 1 1
4 Dump Truck 5 4 1 is used such
5 Roller 1 1 equipment
6 Excavator 1 rotationally
7 Water Truck for different
8 Pickup 2 1 projects
9 Crusher
10 Tractor 1
Ethiopian Roads Authority D/Markos BRNAM/Team
4. Financial Report
The total budget allocated (final) for EFY 2013 is ETB 173,532,109.54. Accordingly, the contractor’s monthly payment was entitled by the Road Network
Management on the basis of monthly activity report (MAR).
annual 2013 allocated Work executed (July 8, 2020 up to
Area Section Road segment / Remaining Budget
plan (km) budget July 25, 2020)
1. Routine maintenance
Dejen -D/Markos 72.00 2,936,759.53 984,612.75 1,952,146.78
G/woin - Abay River
569,094.12 11,668,174.39
Bridge 80.00 12,237,268.51
Nifasam -Bichena 70.00 12,152,053.58 12,152,053.58
Dejen Section D/Markos -Waber 60.00 12,483,260.54 12,483,260.54
waber -Aratie 60.00 12,259,610.30 501,631.60 11,757,978.70
D/Markos -Dembecha 48.00 3,527,854.46 3,527,854.46
Culvert Maintenance OFRMD/ 100% 4,720,973.23 929,156.76 3,791,816.47
Area 1
Lack of machinery & equipment, in number and capacity, of the contractor for the
maintenance works of paved roads.
Spread of COVID-19 faced slow rate of progress
ROW problems faced on quarry material locations.
Environmental, Social and Safety measures at borrow area and work site are not properly
We have faced underperformance material on site in due of lack and/ or precision of
laboratory equipment for test.
Problems related to the ownership of property for material production.
4.2 Solutions undertaken
As a solution of the above mentioned problems: the following are recommended
As per request, we have checked and forwarded to the concerned body for further
action to solve the ROW issues.
We are insisting the fulfilling and calibration of laboratory equipments
Though the contractor has scarcity of machinery, we have advised the contractor to
deploy the existing machinery for each project based on the project priority.
Through our discussion, we have acquiesce to prevail the ongoing maintenance
projects with caution of pandemic disease side by side
We are recommending ERA Head office to involve other enhanced contractors in to
the road maintenance sector.
5. Correspondence summary
The correspondence letters held with different staffs in the reported month is as follows:
A. Outgoing Letter
S.No Subject Letter dated To
1 Monthly Activity Report From July 08,2020 Contract Admiration Team
May 26-July 07/2020
2 Condition survey Form July14,2020 D/M RN&SMB Directorate
3 Assignment July 15,2020 Own force road Maintenance
4 About Associate Engineer July 15,2020 D/M RN&SMB Directorate
B. Incoming letter
6. Work Order
In the reporting month, challenging the existing above listed problems and working in close
cooperation with the employer and contractor we have performed 90% of the month’s plan. However
when we come to project wise evaluation of the month’s performance, only Dejen section project can
accomplish his plan.
So for the future, we had to work hard and cover as much as possible the project wise plans of each
reporting month. However, the machinery and manpower, like mason, and construction material input
problems has to be solved in conjuncture.
7.2 Recommendations
A due solution has to be putted for those main problems faced on this reporting year to make the
progress effective for the subsequent months of fiscal year. Afterward;
Supplying (mobilize) effective resources and establishing with a number of proper crews
Make better management system on the site.
The ROW issues should be solved prior to the start-up of maintenance activities (before the
maintenance resources have been mobilized).
Establishing the Steering Committee as a matter of urgency by considering the criticality of
the ROW matter on the good governance and the overall performance of the project.
Realistic resources schedule and updating every time as it is required on the fiscal year.
8. Appendix
Summary of Road List under D/Markos Road Network & Safety M/B/D
1 Dejen
3 Amhara
A3_4 501/2 A-Trunk Dejen -Lumame AC 35.0 - 5.0 DS - 3
2 Dejen
3 Amhara
501/3 A-Trunk Lumame -D/Markos AC 35.0 - 5.0 DS - 3
3 Dejen Under
3 Amhara Acceptance
B31-1 501/4 B - Link Tik -Bichena AC 30.0 - 0.0 DS - 5
4 Dejen Under
4 Amhara Acceptance
501/5 B - Link Bichena –FelegeBerhan AC 47.0 - 7.0 DS - 5
5 Dejen Under
3 Amhara Acceptance
501/6 B - Link Felegeberhan-G/Woin AC 32.0 - 2.0 DS - 5
6 Dejen D- 7
Nefasem - Bichena 4.0 66.0 Amhara
D Collector Gravel 0.0 DS - 6
7 Dejen D- 5
DebreMarkos-Waber 56.0 Amhara
D Collector Gravel 6.0 DS - 6
8 Dejen D- 6
Waber - Aratie 2.3 57.7 Amhara
D Collector Gravel 0.0 DS - 6
10 B/Dar
4 Amhara
A3_7 502/1 A-Trunk Dangla -Merawi AC 40.0 - 0.0 DS - 3
11 B/Dar
4 Amhara
502/2 A-Trunk Merawi -B/Dar AC 40.0 - 0.0 DS - 3
12 Dejen Under
30.0 3 Amhara Acceptance
B31-1 502/3 B - Link Gindowoin-mota AC - 0.0 DS - 5
13 Dejen Under
32.0 - 3 Amhara Acceptance
B31-2 502/4 B - Link Mota - ZemaR.Bridge AC 2.0 DS - 4
14 B/Dar Under
43.0 4 Amhara Acceptance
502/5 B - Link ZemaR.Bridge-Adet AC 3.0 DS - 4
15 B/Dar Under
45.0 4 Amhara Acceptance
502/6 B - Link Adet -B/Dar AC - 5.0 DS - 4
16 B/Dar
D- 22 2 Amhara
D33 502/7 Collector TissAbayjun -TissAbay Gravel - .0 2.0 DS - 5
17 B/Dar
96 10 Amhara
E35-1 502/8 E - Feeder Durebete - Shahura Gravel 10.5 .5 7.0 DS - 5
18 Burie 122 12
E - Feeder Dembecha – F/bet – Adet Gravel - .0 2.0 DS - 6
22 Chagni C-Main 70 7
DS - 5
Access IsakR.Bridge - Guba Gravel - .0 0.0
23 Chagni
D- 43 4 Amhara DS - 5
D32 503/5 Collector Dibatejun - Dibate Gravel - .0 3.0
24 Chagni
C-Main 50 5 DS - 5
C33-4 503/6 Access Guba -Bambudi Gravel - .0 0.0
25 Chagni
C-Main Assosa junction- B/Nile 50 5 DS - 5
C33-4 503/6 Access River Bridge Gravel - .0 0.0
26 Chagni D- 1 8 Provisionally
Collector Pawejun - Fendika–Ayma AC 81.0 .0 2.0 DS - 4 Accepted
27 Dejen
5 Amhara
A3_5 504/1 A-Trunk DebreMarkos –Denbecha AC 53.0 - 3.0 DS - 3
28 Burie
5 Amhara
504/2 A-Trunk Denbecha- Bure AC 55.0 - 5.0 DS - 3
29 Burie
C-Main 26 2 Amhara
C32 504/3 Access Mankusa -Birsheleko Gravel - .0 6.0 DS - 5
30 Burie
3 Amhara
A3_6 504/4 A-Trunk Bure- Kossober AC 38.0 - 8.0 DS - 3
31 Burie
3 Amhara
504/5 A-Trunk Kossober –Dangle AC 35.0 - 5.0 DS - 3
33 Burie Under
Sontom -Abay River 14 2 Amhara Upgrading
504/7 B - Link bridge Gravel 5.3 .7 0.0 DS - 5
Name Road Class Surface Type Total
Trunk Link Main Access Collector Feeder Paved Unpaved U/UP
RNSMD 331 399 366 251 311 865 663 130 1658
1 Director 1 1 0
2 Lawyer 1 1 0
3 Office Manager 1 0 1
4 Office Assistant 1 1 0
5 Driver II 1 1 0
6 Driver I 1 0 1
7 Team Leader 1 1 0
12 Structural Inspector 2 0 2
13 Safety inspector 2 0 2
14 Pavement/Material Inspector 2 0 2
15 Surveyor 1 0 1
16 Office Manager 1 1 0
17 Office Assistant 1 1 0
18 Driver I 5 2 3
19 Team Leader 1 1 0
23 Associate Engineer 3 2 1
24 Station Supervisor 1 1 0
26 Row Agent 1 1 0
27 Office Manager 1 0 1
28 Office Assistant 1 0 1
32 Team Leader 1 1 0
37 Office Manager 1 0 1
38 Office Assistant 1 0 1
39 Driver I 3 2 1
40 Team Leader 1 1 0
41 Office Manager 1 1 0
42 Office Assistant 1 1 0
Administration Unit
43 Lead HR Officer 1 1 0
44 Senior HR Officer 1 0 1
45 Junior HR Officer 1 1 0
46 Senior IT Officer 1 1 0
49 Stock/Store Clerk 1 1 0
52 Driver I 4 4 0
53 Cleaner 4 4 0
54 Security Supervisor 1 0 1
55 Shift Leader 4 0 4
56 Security Person 12 3 9
Finance Unit
59 Finance Officer 1 0 1
62 Casher Acct. 1 1 0
G.Total 114 66 48