Raman Spektroskoisi

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Spectroscopy 21 (2007) 69–89 69

IOS Press


The potential of Raman microscopy and

Raman imaging in plant research
Notburga Gierlinger a,∗ and Manfred Schwanninger b
Max-Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Department of Biomaterials, Potsdam, Germany
BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry,
Vienna, Austria

Abstract. To gain a better understanding on structure, chemical composition and properties of plant cells, tissues and organs
several microscopic, chemical and physical methods have been applied during the last years. However, a knowledge gap exists
about the location, quantity and structural arrangement of molecules in the native sample or what happens on the molecular
level when samples are chemically or mechanically treated or how they respond to mechanical stress. These questions need to
be answered to optimise utilization of plants in food industry and pharmacy and to understand structure-function relationships
of plant cells to learn from natures unique. Advances in combining microscopy with Raman spectroscopy have tackled this
problem in a non-invasive way and provide chemical and structural information in situ without any staining or complicated
sample preparation. In this review the different Raman techniques (e.g. near infrared Fourier Transform Raman spectroscopy
(NIR-FT), resonance Raman spectroscopy, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy) are briefly described before approaches in
plant science are summarised. Investigations on structural cell wall components, valuable plant substances, metabolites and
inorganic substances are included with emphasis on Raman imaging. The introduction of the NIR-FT-Raman technique led
to many applications on green plant material by eliminating the problem of sample fluorescence. For mapping and imaging
of whole plant organs (seeds, fruits, leaves) the lateral resolution (∼10 µm) of the NIR-FT technique is adequate, whereas
for investigations on the lower hierarchical level of cells and cell walls the high resolution gained with a visible laser based
system is needed. Examples on high resolution Raman imaging are given on wood cells, showing that changes in chemistry
and orientation can be followed within and between different cell wall layers having dimensions smaller than 1 µm. In addition
imaging the distribution of amorphous silica is shown on horsetail tissue, including an area scan from a cross section as well as
a depth profiling within a silica rich knob of the outer stem wall.
Keywords: Cellulose, cell walls, chemotaxonomy, crystallinity, hemicelluloses, inorganic substances, lignin, micromechanical
studies, minerals, molecular stress, plant fibres, plant metabolites, silica, terpenes

1. Introduction

The main spectroscopic techniques to detect vibrations in molecules are based on the processes of
infrared absorption and Raman scattering. While Raman scattering involves excitation of a molecule by
inelastic scattering with a photon (from a laser light source), infrared spectroscopy typically involves
photon absorption, with the molecule excited to a higher vibrational energy level [1]. Raman scattering
depends on changes in the polarisability due to molecular vibrations, while infrared absorption depends
Corresponding author: Notburga Gierlinger, Max-Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Department of Biomaterials,
D-14424 Golm, Germany. Tel.: +49 331 567 9426; Fax: +49 331 567 9402; E-mail: Gierlinger@mpikg.mpg.de.

0712-4813/07/$17.00  2007 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
70 N. Gierlinger and M. Schwanninger / The potential of Raman microscopy

on changes in the intrinsic dipole moments induced by molecular vibrations [2]. Raman and infrared
spectroscopy thus provide “complementary” information about the molecular vibrations. While infrared
(IR) spectroscopy has been established for decades as a useful tool for structure elucidation and quality
control in various industrial applications, the use of Raman spectroscopy was restricted for a long time
primarily to academic research. Nowadays both spectroscopic methods are widely used to gain infor-
mation on chemical structures, to identify substances from the characteristic spectral patterns (“finger-
printing”) and to determine quantitatively or semi-quantitatively the amount of a substance in a sample.
The identification and quantification of valuable plant substances by IR and Raman spectroscopy was
reviewed very recently by Schulz and Baranska [3].
Due to the strong dipole moment of water, which results in a strong signal, applications of IR spec-
troscopy were focused on dry material. Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) techniques have also evolved
rapid IR measurements of many liquids and solvent extracts. Contrary to the strong absorption in IR,
water has only weak Raman scattering properties making this technique more suitable to perform in situ
studies of fresh plant material. Raman scattering is in general less widely used than infrared absorp-
tion, mainly due to problems with sample degradation and fluorescence. However, in the past years a
renaissance of Raman spectroscopy was triggered by recent advancement in laser technology, by the
design of very efficient filters to suppress elastically scattered Rayleigh light, by the development of ex-
tremely sensitive detectors and new methodological approaches for enhancing signal intensity [4]. These
advances, together with the ability to examine aqueous solutions and samples without any preparation
have led to a rapid growth in the application of the technique, especially in combination with microscopy
[5,6]. Besides classical fields in chemistry new fields have opened e.g. in art and archaeology [7], in food
science [8–11], biology [12–17], pharmaceutical and medical [18–22] and biomaterial research [23–26].
The approaches developed in plant science will be summarised in this review after some general
information on the principle, instrumentation and limitations of the different Raman techniques. In the
first section emphasis is laid on plant cell walls and structural aspects, including investigations of plant
fibres and wood. The potential of the Raman mapping technique will be illustrated for wood cell walls.
In the second part the research on green plant tissues and plant organs will be presented, including
the investigations on the distribution and characterisation of natural plant products, e.g. essential oils,
carotenoids and alkaloids. Finally investigations on mineral substances in plants will be mentioned and
completed with recent results on Raman imaging of silica in horsetail.

2. Principle, instrumentation and limitations

A Raman spectrum is usually obtained through inelastic scattering of coherent monochromatic light
from a laser, so that it can be focussed on a small spot. Thus it has long been recognised as having po-
tential as a microscopic technique [27], which can also be made confocal and thus allow depth profiling.
Most Raman microscopes use a beam-splitter to inject the laser into the collection axis, and “infinity-
corrected” objective lenses to permit a collimated beam path within the microscope. There are several
variations on the design, but most of them direct the laser beam through the objective lens and collect
scattered light through the same objective lens in a 180◦ backscattered geometry, followed by notch or
edge filters that remove most of the intense elastic Rayleigh scattering [2]. The spatial resolution is de-
termined by the optical characteristics of the objective lens and associated optics, and is especially large
when coupled to the confocal technique. The laws of diffraction provide a theoretical limit to the spa-
tial resolution, with a strong dependence on the wavelength (λ) of the laser and the numerical aperture
N. Gierlinger and M. Schwanninger / The potential of Raman microscopy 71

(NA) of the objective (∆x = 0.61λ/NA) [28]. In practice the spatial resolution achieved is less than the
theoretical limit, for example Agarwal [29] observed a spatial resolution of 1.6 micrometers (µm) for a
514.5 nm excitation based Raman microprobe and about 10 µm for a 1064 nm based system, using a
100× microscopic objective.
Classical dispersive multichannel Raman spectrometers are usually composed of laser with wave-
length in the visible range (e.g. Ar+ , He–Ne, Kr+ , doubled Nd:YAG lasers) for excitation, a dispersive
spectrometer and a charge coupled device detector (CCD) for detection [2,30]. This system enables high
spatial resolution when coupled to a confocal microscope equipped with objectives with high numerical
apertures. Depending on the sample or sample impurities the serious problem of fluorescence may hinder
measurements or even make measurements impossible if a laser in the visible range is used. Especially
in the analysis of “real life” samples, the fluorescence may mask the Raman spectra completely. When
Raman spectroscopy is moved from the visible to the near-infrared (NIR) range, fluorescence virtually
disappears as electronic absorption bands are much less probable in this region [31]. The use of Nd:YAG
laser radiation at 1064 nm coupled with interferometers (involving Fourier transformations) led to so-
called near infrared Fourier Transform (NIR-FT) Raman spectrometers [31], which allow measurements
of a wide variety of samples [32–36]. Besides having a lower spatial resolution, another consequence of
moving to the NIR is that hydrogen-containing compounds, whether sample or solvent, have absorption
bands due to overtones and combinations of the fundamental vibrations. This can result in a reduction in
the intensity of Raman-scattered light in the range of the absorption bands and thus a drop in the detected
intensity. Furthermore the absorption of the exciting radiation can result in thermal emission. Neverthe-
less the quality of the spectra can be improved by optimising the sampling arrangement as discussed
in [35].
The detection of molecules present in very low concentrations is limited, since the Raman effect gives
weak signals as only a small number of the incident photons are inelastically scattered. To circum-
vent this problem, special Raman signal-enhancing techniques can be applied. The two most prominent
approaches are the resonance Raman effect and the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) [2].
The resonance condition in resonance Raman spectroscopy arises when the exiting laser wavelength
is adjusted to the electronic absorption band, causing the vibrational modes involved in the electronic
transition to be selectively enhanced (by a factor of up to 100 compared to non-resonant excitation). The
SERS effect corresponds to the enhancement (by a factor of up to 107 ) of the Raman scattering of a
molecule situated in the vicinity of nano-sized metallic particles (e.g. Ag or Au) [37–39]. Although the
exact reason for such dramatic improvement is still under discussion [22], it is known that there are two
possible reasons (a) the enhancement of polarizability, and (b) the enhancement of electrical field, since
intensity of Raman signal is proportional to the square of electric dipole moment. One disadvantage of
SERS is the difficulty of spectra interpretation. Additionally, because of chemical interactions with the
metal surface, certain peaks, which are strong in conventional Raman, might not be present in SERS
at all. A non-linear character of signal intensity as a function of concentration complicates things even
further. The surface-enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy (SERRS) technique utilizes both surface-
enhancement effect and Raman resonance effect so the resulting enhancement in Raman signal intensity
can be as high as 1014 . The main advantage of SERRS is that the spectra resemble very much regular res-
onance Raman spectra, which makes it much easier to interpret. SERRS has also been used in imaging
studies [40,41].
Besides the linear Raman spectroscopic techniques, inelastic, non-linear scatterings in which the vi-
brational degrees of freedom in molecular systems are measured have been developed. The impressive
72 N. Gierlinger and M. Schwanninger / The potential of Raman microscopy

progress of femto-second lasers in the 1990s resulted in a breakthrough of non-linear Raman spec-
troscopy such as coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering (CARS) [4]. CARS microscopy is a promising
label-free imaging technique for biological samples [42–46].
One of the central problems in Raman spectroscopy is the fluorescence. As mentioned earlier it can be
suppressed or at least substantially reduced by selecting the excitation wavelength in the near infrared.
The problem of near-UV–visibly excited Raman spectroscopy can also be circumvented by probing well
below the fluorescence emission in the ultraviolet (UV) region [47–49]. However, this method often
leads to resonance enhancement of several sample constituents simultaneously and this may be undesir-
able when detecting species at low concentrations or where constituent selectivity is desired. To achieve
selectivity through the resonance enhancement, a laser with an excitation wavelength in the near-UV–
visible region is necessary requiring suppression techniques to eliminate the detrimental effects of the
fluorescence background on the Raman signal [50]. Several linear Raman techniques have been demon-
strated to reduce the fluorescence problem including shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy
(SERDS) [51], polarization modulation [52], shifted spectra [53,54], Fourier transform filtering [53],
temporal gating [54,55], but the techniques have some limitations [56]. An effective rejection device
based on a 4 picosecond optical Kerr shutter has been developed [57,58] for separating Raman light
from fluorescence in the time domain. The fluorescence suppression ratio achievable by the technique
depends on the fluorescence lifetime and can be up to 105 for long-lived fluorescence species (>1 µs).
The specifications of the gate allow a rejection ratio of 10−5 in the closed state and a usable spectral
range from 300 to 700 nm. To enhance the performance of this device further for the case where an
intense fluorescence background is still present after the Kerr gate, a new approach that combines the
Kerr gating rejection technique with SERDS has been developed [50]. The Kerr gate directly rejects
fluorescence while the probe shifted technique accesses the photon shot noise level within the residual
fluorescence [50,51]. Moreover, it was found that the presence of the SERRS-active metallic Ag surface
dramatically reduced the high fluorescence yield from plant pigments [59], a serious problem that has
prevented detection of resonance Raman scattering signals in the past [60].
Beside single spectra acquisition the advent of two-dimensional detectors combined with precise
x–y–z motor stages permits a variety of efficient methods categorized broadly as Raman imaging and
mapping techniques resulting in a sample image based on spectroscopic information [61]. Basically Ra-
man imaging methods can be classified in two categories, referred to as “parallel- or direct-imaging”
or “series-imaging” [62]. The direct-imaging technique results in the immediate production of a com-
plete two-dimensional (2D) image at a chosen wavelength which is characteristic of a molecular com-
pound within the specimen and does not necessitate additional data processing [62]. On the other hand,
series-imaging techniques require image reconstruction after collecting spectral information [62], e.g.
the diffraction-limited spot of the laser is moved line by line over a defined area and at every defined
point (pixel) a spectrum over the entire wavenumber range is acquired. Spectral images can be calcu-
lated afterwards by integrating the intensity of defined wavenumber ranges (e.g. [13,63,64]) or by using
multivariate approaches [65]. The series-imaging is advantageous, because a spectrum comprising the
whole wavenumber range is available at every pixel and can avoid misinterpretation of the image data
and give further insights. In addition to lateral x–y mappings also depth scans (x–z) are possible in the
confocal mode, but for depth profiling the use of immersion objectives is recommended to minimise
errors due to refraction at the sample surface [66,67].
The Raman mapping experiments shown in this review were done with a visible laser based system,
described in detail together with the sample preparation of the wood cell walls in [63,68]. For the area
scan on wood cell walls (Fig. 2) an oil immersion objective (Nikon, 100×, NA = 1.25) and for the
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area and depth scan on horsetail (Fig. 4) a water immersion objective (Nikon, 60×, NA = 1) was used.
Spectra were acquired every 0.25 µm with an integration time of 1 s on the wood sample (Fig. 2) and
every 1 µm with 2 s integration time on the horsetail sample.

3. Applications on plants

Raman spectroscopy is used for probing structure, dynamics and function of biomolecules. By com-
bining this technique with microscopy, molecular information can be obtained with high spatial res-
olution, samples of microscopic size can be analysed directly wet or dry, and in many cases this can
be done non-destructively. A number of organic compounds and functional groups can be identified by
their unique spectral pattern, and the intensity of the bands may be used for the calculation of the relative
concentration in the sampled entity. Both qualitative and quantitative information can be obtained using
microspectroscopy and also information regarding the orientation of functional groups.

3.1. Plant fibres and cell walls

The shape and mechanical strength of the living plants is maintained by structural components organ-
ised in complex patterns in the plant cell walls. While primary cell walls must be capable of growth and
therefore be flexible and elastic, secondary cell walls in fibres and wood are rigid to avoid buckling [69].
The functional characteristics of cell walls depend not only on the composition of the cell wall polymers,
but also on fine details of their macromolecular structure and conformation, and on their highly ordered
architecture at scales from a few nanometers (i.e. just above the molecular scale) to several microns.
Much of this fine detail is lost when cell-wall polymers are fractionated and/or solubilised to be exam-
ined by the classical chemical techniques. Therefore spectroscopic approaches play an important role to
examine plant cell walls in their native state. Not only the chemical composition per se is of interest,
but also the conformation and the composition in relation to different cell wall layers as well as the
orientation of the polymers and changes during treatment and deformation.
Less work has been done on primary walls [70] and in the following the focus will be on secondary
walls of plant fibres and wood.
3.1.1. Cellulosic plant fibres
Raman applications on plants began with the investigation of cellulose [71–73], the most important
skeletal component in plants [74]. Early Raman microprobe studies on native cellulose fibres (Valonia,
Cladophora, cotton and ramie) were important basic studies to understand the spectra and structure of
native celluloses and to assign the bands in the complex spectra [72,73]. During the last decade the fea-
sibility of Raman spectroscopy to investigate natural plant fibres non-destructively was demonstrated for
several cellulose fibres e.g. flax [75–80], cotton [77,81], jute, ramie, kapok, sisal and coconut fibres [77].
The chemical composition of these fibres varies between species and somewhat according to growth
conditions, but their main constituent is cellulose (64–91%) and the rest water, lignin and pectin [77].
Studies go from general characterisation of fibres [76,77] to analysis following the molecular changes
during mechanical processing [34] and chemical treatments [78].
One of the first Raman imaging studies in plant research was done on flax stem tissue [76]. Using the
NIR-FT-Raman technique area maps were collected in 6 to 10 µm steps and chemical profiles calculated
by integration over specific spectral regions. By this no information was gained on the cellular level,
but the major components (cellulose, lignin, non-cellulosic polysaccharides) in the different anatomical
tissue types (epidermal tissue, bast, fibres and core) could be investigated [76].
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3.1.2. Lignified cell walls (wood)

Raman microprobe studies on wood began not much later than on cellulose fibres and brought impor-
tant insight into the macromolecular organisation and compositional variability of the cell wall [82–85].
Wood consists of 40 to 50% cellulose, associated with a mixture of hemicelluloses (20–30%), lignin
(20–35%) an aromatic system composed of phenylpropane units, extractives (2–20%) and ash (0.2–3%)
[86,87]. Excitation of aromatic and conjugated lignin structures with deep ultra violet (UV) light gives
resonance-enhanced Raman signals and enabled to investigate lignin structures and detection of lignin
trace amounts [88–92]. A few of the substructures of lignin are capable of exhibiting a pre-resonance
effect when visible excitation is used and in some studies on lignocellulosic material laser induced flu-
orescence was encountered thus limiting applications [29]. The field of lignocellulosics thus benefited
from the development of the NIR-FT-Raman method. It enabled, for example, the study of changes in
lignin structure in situ in the xylem of stems of genetically manipulated tobacco plants [93].
In order to interpret the Raman spectrum of a multicomponent material such as wood, not only the con-
tribution of each component needs to be identified, but also the latter needs to be assigned to component-
specific moieties and/or functional groups. An important study to identify contributions of the wood
polymers in the spectrum of black spruce (Picea mariana) was done by Agarwal and Ralph [94]. Most
of spruce Raman features could be assigned to cellulose and lignin, whereas contributions of hemicellu-
loses occurred at similar wavenumbers to cellulose and could not be clearly distinguished. To investigate
changes at the hierarchical level of individual cells and/or cell wall layers, the use of visible laser excita-
tion is preferential as a higher spatial resolution can be achieved. Laser-induced lignin fluorescence can
be limited by sampling under water and/or oxygen [29], an optical Kerr gate [95,96], and using confocal
mode [29,63]. A study with a visible laser-based system on 1.6 µm regions from 30 cell corner middle
lamellae in white birch and black spruce indicated that the relative concentration of lignin to cellulose
varied considerably [97]. In the last years the potential of Raman imaging was shown on wood cell walls
[63,64,98]. A 785-nm near-IR laser-based Raman system was applied to study beech cell walls [98], but
also higher resolution, 633-nm [64] and 532-nm [63] visible laser-based confocal Raman microscopes
were used to investigate the wooden cell walls with a spatial resolution below 1 µm. After mapping a
sample area of interest Raman images can be calculated by integration over bands assigned to e.g. lignin
or cellulose (Fig. 1) to visualize the distribution of the wood cell wall polymers (Fig. 2A–F) [63,64]. In
the lignin image (integration range 1540 to 1760 cm−1 ) of a cross-section of poplar wood (Populus sp.)
the compound middle lamella (middle lamella and primary cell wall, CML) and the cell corners (CC)
show high intensity (bright yellow) due to higher lignin content compared to the secondary cell wall (S2)
(Fig. 2A). The secondary wall of the vessel in the left bottom of the image also shows a higher degree
of lignification. This technique enabled furthermore to localise a small lignified layer (0.5 µm) towards
the lumen in the cellulosic gelatinous layer of poplar tension wood fibres [63]. In another similar study
significant variation of the lignin content was suggested within the S2 of black spruce wood [64].
Spectra can be extracted from single points and cell wall layers (Fig. 3A–B) for further evaluation, and
band intensities can be plotted along drawn lines, e.g. across a cell wall [63]. Beside spectral changes,
the extracted average spectra of the cell corner, the secondary cell wall of fibres and the vessel show big
differences in the background level, which increases with higher lignin bands in the vessel wall and the
cell corner (Fig. 3A).
Cellulose distribution can be followed by taking the band regions around 380 cm−1 [64,98],
1097 cm−1 and 2898 cm−1 [64] into account (Fig. 1). Only the 380 cm−1 band region can be unam-
biguously assigned to cellulose, whereas the other two regions have definite but small contributions
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Fig. 1. Average Raman spectrum of the secondary cell wall of poplar wood. The regions chosen to calculate the chemical
images in Fig. 2 are indicated.

from lignin and/or hemicelluloses [64,94]. Nevertheless, the similarity of the three band profiles in-
dicated that any small contributions from lignin does not significantly distort the results; and due to an
enhanced signal-to-noise ratio the more intense bands at 1097 and 2898 cm−1 might be preferential [64].
In our imaging example we result in three different cellulose images by using the three cellulose regions
(Fig. 2B–D). Choosing the low intensity band around 380 cm−1 results in a higher cellulose content in
the secondary cell wall than in the CML, but the cell corners known to be almost cellulose free also
show high intensities (Fig. 2B). This is explained by the fact that the lignin rich cell corner spectra show
a much higher fluorescence background accompanied by a lower signal to noise ratio (Fig. 3A). Thus
low intensity bands have to be chosen with care for image calculation, if big changes in background
and signal to noise ratio are observed within the investigated region (Fig. 3A). Integrating over a wider
range (1178 to 1001 cm−1 ) comprising different cellulose bands and only small lignin contributions the
CCs and CML show less intensity, proving that the lignin contribution has little influence and allowed
the imaging of almost cellulose free CCs (Fig. 2C). Choosing the area comprising bands attributed to
CH-stretching of cellulose (2898 cm−1 ) and lignin (2940 cm−1 ) reveals that cellulose contributions
predominate, because secondary walls are emphasised in comparison to the lignin rich CML and CC
(Fig. 2D). In all three cellulose images (Fig. 2B–D) intensity changes are observed within the secondary
cell wall regions. A closer look at the extracted spectra revealed that band heights of the different cel-
lulose bands do not change uniformly, but changing band height ratios are observed (Fig. 3B). These
intensity changes clearly derive from effects due to orientation [63,68] and will be discussed in the next
3.1.3. Orientation of cell wall molecules
Over the past 40 years the technique of polarised Raman spectroscopy has been developed as an im-
portant method to study molecular orientation distributions in polymers [99]. Also in biopolymers the
dependence of band intensities on the polarisation of the incident light relative to the orientation of the
molecule can reveal the directional character of many of the vibrational modes. The intensity of the
νs (C–O–C), ν(CH) and νs (CH2 ) modes, mainly related to β(1 → 4) glycosidic linkages of the cellulose
76 N. Gierlinger and M. Schwanninger / The potential of Raman microscopy

Fig. 2. (A–F) Raman images (40 µm × 40 µm) of a cross-section of poplar wood calculated by integrating from 1540 to
1760 cm−1 (A, lignin), 352–401 cm−1 (B, cellulose), 1178 to 1001 cm−1 (C, cellulose), 2769 to 3043 cm−1 (D, cellulose) and
very restricted wavenumber ranges to accentuate the orientation sensitive cellulose band at 1097 cm−1 (1114 to 1079 cm−1 , E)
and 2898 cm−1 (2931 to 2819 cm−1 , F). The big arrow in E indicates the direction of laser polarisation.
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Fig. 3. (A, B) Extracted average Raman spectra (A) of the cell corner (CC), the S2 of the fibres (S2) and of the vessel (S2 vessel)
and a zoom into regions of interest (B).

skeletons, to methine groups of the glucopyranose rings as well as to the methylene groups of the glu-
copyranose side show clear orientation-dependent vibrational behaviour. Spectra acquired with different
polarisation of the incident light relative to the axis of cellulose fibres gave evidence for molecular ori-
entation in native cellulosic fibres [73,75] and supported the interpretation of the vibrational spectrum of
cellulose [72]. Experiments on wood sections with the laser parallel and perpendicular to the fibre axes
evidenced that cell wall components are highly organised [82,100]. Not only the cellulose was found
to be oriented parallel to the fibre axis, but also the phenyl ring of lignin is preferentially oriented in
the plane of the cell wall surface as seen by intensity changes of the band at 1600 cm−1 [82]. Recently
also the net orientation of macromolecules in the epidermal cell wall of wheat stems was investigated:
cellulose was found to be oriented parallel, whereas xylan and the phenylpropane units of lignin tend to
lie perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the cells [101].
When polarised laser light is used in combination with Raman imaging care has to be taken to in-
terpret every intensity change due to concentration differences, as the orientation of the molecules with
respect to the direction of the laser polarisation may also affect intensity. Although this may compli-
78 N. Gierlinger and M. Schwanninger / The potential of Raman microscopy

cate data interpretation, it can on the other hand provide an insight into changes of orientation of the
molecule within the sample [63,68]. Integrating over narrow areas comprising the cellulose bands most
affected by orientation changes (νs (C–O–C) at 1097 cm−1 and νs (CH) at 2898 cm−1 ) cell wall layers
with different orientation can be worked out (Fig. 2E,F). A small layer (<0.5 µm) representing the S1
is clearly separated from the S2 and the CML in the direction of the laser polarisation. Also the S2 of
the vessel shows higher intensity than the S2 of the fibres (Fig. 2E). Integrating over the νs (CH) band
emphasises the S2 of the fibres, but in y-direction the size of the gap between the double cell wall is
broader (Fig. 2F) as the S1 is included due to low band intensities in the S1. These effects are explained
by the fact that in the S2 the cellulose is aligned parallel to the fibre axes, whereas in the S1 and in the
vessel wall the cellulose is aligned in an angle (probably greater than 45◦ ). The spectral explanation is
that in the investigated cross-section if cellulose is aligned parallel to the fibre axis the νs (C–O–C) is
low, because we look perpendicular on the backbone. Whereas the side chain methylene groups, which
are perpendicularly arranged with respect to the cellulose molecule, are in plane with the incident light
and show high intensity [100]. When cellulose is aligned with a high angle in respect to the fibre axis the
C–O–C becomes more parallel and therefore the signal is enhanced when in laser polarisation direction
(Fig. 2E). This example of the effect of orientation reflects again very nicely the high spatial resolution
and potential of Raman microscopy. By using the imaging technique layers smaller than 0.5 µm (like
the S1) can be differentiated, although the extracted spectra might have contribution from the neigh-
bouring regions. Without imaging it would not be possible to gain these spectra, because the laser beam
cannot be placed accurately on such a small layer, which is not visible at all in a normal light microscopy
3.1.4. “Modified” cell walls
Plant fibres and wood are treated in many ways to increase suitability for applications. Raman mi-
croscopy has proven to be an important tool in understanding and improving such treatments.
Following mechanical processing of green linseed flax fibres showed clearly an ongoing disappear-
ance of the lignin assigned Raman lines e.g. at 1600 cm−1 (aromatic ring stretch) with increasing number
of treatments, indicating that woody parts of the stems were broken and removed [34]. The increasing
band sharpness and band intensities of the skeletal modes νs /as (C–O–C) of cellulose at 1096 cm−1 and
1121 cm−1 indicated an increase of cellulose crystallinity by mechanical processing [34]. During NaOH
chemical treatments, so-called mercerization, the polymorphic transformation of cellulose I into cellu-
lose II taking place within the crystalline domains was detected by changes in the CH stretching vibra-
tion as well as stretching modes νs (C–O–C) and νas (C–O–C) [78,102]. Following enzymatic treatment
of biomass (Triticum aestivum) with NIR-FT-Raman analysis indicated an increase in crystallinity of the
cellulose [103].
In the field of paper making important insights into the understanding of photochemistry and bleach-
ing chemistry of mechanical pulp were gained [104–107]. Furthermore solid wood modification with
chemicals, e.g. with fungistatic propiconazole [108], boric acid [109] or Melamin-formaldehyde [110]
could be verified with Raman spectroscopy on the cellular level. Besides also natural modification in
fossil wood was studied with the help of Raman microscopy [111,112].
3.1.5. Monitoring molecular stress
Raman spectroscopy has also been used for evaluating microstructural and molecular changes that
occur in samples subjected to stress and strain. Micromechanical studies combined with Raman spec-
troscopy have been conducted on polymeric fibres [113,114] as well as on various forms of cellulose
and wood [115–118] to monitor changes during deformation on the molecular level. The method relies
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on the fact that Raman bands corresponding to the vibrations of structural groups within polymer chain
molecules shift towards a lower wavenumber upon tensile deformation of the polymer material [119]. It
was shown that during tensile deformation in cellulose fibres and cellulose composite systems (wood and
paper) the 1095 cm−1 Raman band, corresponding to the stretching of the cellulose ring structure, shifts
towards a lower wavenumber due to molecular deformation [79,115]. The magnitude of the wavenum-
ber shift induced by strain and/or stress depends on the molecular structure and microstructure of the
sample. Going from testing of wood sections at different strain level [115] to mechanically peeled out
single wood fibres and short-time data acquisition during straining allows the investigation of the mi-
cromechanics of the cell wall itself [120]. In the single fibre test the failure between attached fibres is
excluded and higher stress levels lead to higher band shifts, indicating the real possible straining of the
cellulose molecule in the cell wall [120]. Experiments on different cell wall types during deformation
will help to deepen the micromechanical understanding of plant cell walls and its macromolecules. This
technique can also give important insights into the micromechanics of other biomaterials, e.g. of spider
silk [121–123] and of newly created bioinspired composites.

3.2. Green plant tissue and plant metabolites

Chlorophyll as a major compound in green plant tissues showed thermal degradation, luminescence
and photooxidation when investigated with “classical” Raman spectroscopy and thus limited applica-
tions. However, excitation with radiation of 1064 nm enhances the intensity of the chlorophyll bands by
a pre-resonance Raman effect [124] and allows analysis of “green” plants [34].
3.2.1. Chemotaxonomy
Spectral changes according to composition give a very distinct fingerprint and enable the use of Ra-
man spectroscopy as a very fast and non-destructive technique for chemotaxonomy. Single needles can
be measured and differences due to their chemical composition (mainly terpenes) allow classification
of different conifers such as Picea, Pinus, Cedrus, Abies, and Tsuga [15]. Mentha is a taxonomically
complex genus, but Raman spectra taken from the glandular trichomes allow the discrimination of taxa
by applying cluster analysis [39]. Spectroscopic analysis of essential oils from marjoram and oregano
allowed to discriminate between different essential oil profiles from individual oil plants of the same
species (chemotypes) [125]. The use of NIR-FT-Raman spectroscopy was furthermore proposed for tax-
onomical validation of plant germplasm resources gathered in seed collections. This was suggested after
successful discrimination of seed spectra among many Apiaceaeous species, including those of similar
morphology [126].
3.2.2. Identification and localization of plant metabolites
Alkaloids are secondary metabolites of high interest due to their activity against several diseases.
Urlaub et al. [127] were able to study in situ the structure and the spatial distribution of naphtyliso-
quinoline alkaloids in fresh plant material of a tropical liana (Ancistrocladis heyneanus) by micro-FT-
Raman spectroscopy. Although the chemical structure of the different alkaloids is very similar, the sen-
sitivity of the technique allowed distinguishing ancistroheynine A in the tip of the shoots as well as
in the leaf midrib, while the alkaloid ancistrocladine was found to be in the branch root of the plant
[14,127]. In another tropical liana (Triphyophyllum peltatum) the antimalaria active naphthylisoquino-
line alkaloid dioncophylline A was localized in vivo in 10 µm large inclusions located in the bark re-
gion of the plant material [128]. Naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids exhibit strong electronic absorptions
in the deep-UV spectral range and the Raman excitation wavelengths of 244 and 257 nm were suc-
cessfully applied to resonantly enhance the Raman signals of selective vibrations of dioncophylline A
80 N. Gierlinger and M. Schwanninger / The potential of Raman microscopy

in situ in different parts (e.g. roots) of T. peltatum [129]. The main alkaloids of poppy (Papaver som-
niferum L.) were semi-quantitatively determined in capsules, milk and ethanolic extracts by FT-Raman
spectroscopy [130]. A very recent study showed in situ flavonoid analysis in dried, green rooibos (As-
palanthus linearis) [131]. Characteristic key bands of aspalathin, the main flavonoid and antioxidant
occurring in rooibos, were identified and Raman mapping revealed the spatial distribution within the
intact dried leaves [131].
Essential oils of herbs are widely known for their therapeutic effects and medical applications. NIR-
FT-Raman spectroscopy can give important insight in characterisation and evaluation of the oils itself
and the oil plants [132–135]. Raman and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic investigations of the
essential oil of thyme and oregano showed that they consist of the same monoterpenes, but differ in their
quantitative distribution [136]. In different basil chemotypes identification and quantification of valuable
as well as carcinogenic substances was possible in the isolated essential oils or solvent extracts, and
also in the air-dried herbs [137]. The ability to monitor rapidly various essential oils makes it possible
to efficiently select high-quality single plants from wild populations as well as progenies of crossing
experiments [135]. Applying Raman mapping allows one to follow the distribution within the plant, e.g.
the distribution of essential oils in leaves of different Eucalyptus species [132] or of anethole (one of the
main components in the essential oil of fennel), in fruits [138] and seeds [134].
Harpagoside, an iridoid glycosides, that is believed to have a strong antiinflammatory effect, is present
in the plant Harpagophytum procumbens in amounts of 0.5–0.6%, and is highly concentrated in the
secondary roots. NIR-FT-Raman spectroscopy was used for the identification and quantification in the
roots and the spatial distribution was visualized with Raman mapping by using the frequency range from
1618 to 1656 cm−1 including the key signals of harpagoside [139].
Other interesting metabolites studied with NIR-FT-Raman microscopy are carotenoids, which have
many important biological functions in plants. Animals and human beings are incapable of carotenoid
biosynthesis, but can modify some of them when absorbed from plant food as for example β-carotene,
which can be converted to retinol (vitamin A) [140,141]. In case of carotenoids the detection limit
with NIR-FT-Raman technique is drastically increased due to signal enhancement caused by the pre-
resonance effect of the analyte. Spectra obtained from various tissues of a range of plant species indicate
that the wavenumber location of C=C stretching vibrations is mainly influenced both by the length as
well as by the terminal substituents of the polyene chain of carotenoids and by their interaction with
other plant constituents. The cis–trans isomerization of carotenoids during processing can be investi-
gated in the intact plant tissue and 2-D Raman mappings show the distribution of individual carotenoids
(different 7-, 8-, and 9-double bond conjugated carotenoids) in the sample [142]. Raman mappings with
wide increments (50 µm) allowed the localisation of carotenoid accumulation in different leaves, tomato
fruits and chamomile inflorescence and also changes induced by biotic and abiotic stress [138,143]. The
main carrot (Daucus carota L.) root carotenoids (α-, β-carotene, lutein and lycopene) were measured
simultaneously in situ in root sections [144]. The Raman mapping technique revealed detailed informa-
tion regarding the relative content, the distribution, and tissue-specific accumulation of these carotenoids
and can supply essential information on carotenogenesis useful for molecular investigations on gene ex-
pression and regulation [144]. Some other studies showed promising analysis of polyacetylenes in plants
by using NIR-FT-Raman microscopy [145–147]. Besides characterisation and quantification Baranska
et al. [147] were able to show structural changes of polyacetylenes in American ginseng roots by a shift
of the key band at 2237 cm−1 to about 2258 cm−1 during water loss and rewetting. An explanation of
this phenomenon can be due to an interaction of polyacetylene molecules with plant components in the
presence of water molecules forming a stable entity that is broken after dehydration. Additionally, the
N. Gierlinger and M. Schwanninger / The potential of Raman microscopy 81

results of the simultaneous analysis of different plant constituents, e.g. polysaccharides, polyacetylenes
and carotenoids, after applying Raman imaging technique shows their spatial distribution on the same
region of interest and thus gives different chemical pictures in context with the structure [148].
The advantage of the high spatial resolution of Raman microscopy furthermore enabled characterisa-
tion of accessory compounds in the lumen of single cells, e.g. lipid droplets in the xylem of trees [149]
or spherical storage compounds in wood parenchyma cells [63].
3.2.3. Minerals in plants
Minerals and inorganic substances in plants are normally determined as the residue remaining after
all the combustible material has been burned off (oxidized completely) and subsumed as ash content.
Regrettably this method does not result in detailed information about the kind of inorganic. Raman mi-
croscopy studies allow the identification, characterisation and spatial localisation of inorganic substances
in fossil [111,112,150] and living plants [151–154].
Intracellular inclusions in the pedicel and calyx-tube tissues of Chamelaucium uncinatum were iden-
tified as calcium oxalate crystals by Raman spectroscopy [151]. In another study on the cuticula of
mango small reddish crystallites containing α-quartz and iron oxide (Fe2 O3 ) were identified between
wax crystals [152].
The accumulation process of inorganic compounds in animals and plants by biomineralisation is not
well understood, though it may be the key to an environmental-compatible production of modern ma-
terials in the future. In studies on the silica accumulation in selected Gramineae (Dactylis glomerata L.
and Triticum aestivum L.) Raman microscopy was used together with several other methods. Most of
the silica was found in cells below the epidermis and in epidermal appendices (bristles, prickle hairs)
One of our own recent Raman imaging studies was done on horsetail (Equisetum hyemale), which is
known to accumulate high amounts of silica, mostly in the form of amorphous hydrated silica [155,156].
On a fresh hand cut cross-section an area scan was done over a region of 200 µm × 200 µm. Integrating
over the CH-stretching region from 2801 to 3043 cm−1 gives an overall picture of the investigated area,
as CH-vibrations derive from almost all organic molecules, including cellulose in the inner and cuticular
waxes in the outer region (Fig. 4A). Extracted spectra from the outer appended knobs and the inner part
clearly show the different chemical composition (Fig. 5). The broad “band” between 245 and 570 cm−1
is assigned to amorphous silica [157] and shows higher intensity in the spectrum extracted from the
knob region (grey line, Fig. 5). Integrating over this band enables the amorphous silica distribution to be
followed within the sample (Fig. 4C), confirming that the amorphous silica is mainly accumulated in the
outer part and especially in the knobs. To investigate an intact knob in detail a depth scan was performed
directly on the intact surface of a thin tangential cut from the outer part of the stem. This was done by
scanning a 60 µm long line across a knob followed by lines moving always 1 µm deeper until a depth
of 60 µm. The CH-stretching image of the depth profiling shows a small layer covering the knob, which
represents cuticular waxes (Fig. 5B). By integrating over the amorphous silica band the highest intensity
is observed immediately below the cuticular wax layer (Fig. 5D). While the amount of the amorphous
silica decreases continuously through the knob (Fig. 5D), the organic contributions show a border and
an increase in the opposite direction (Fig. 5B). A detailed analysis of the data will give information
about the distribution and also possible differences in the structure of the silica within horsetail (paper
in preparation).
82 N. Gierlinger and M. Schwanninger / The potential of Raman microscopy

Fig. 4. (A–D) Raman images of an area scan (200 µm×200 µm) from a cross-section (A, C) and of a depth scan (60 µm×60 µm)
through a knob from the outer surface of a tangential cut (B, D) of Equisetum hyemale. Integration from 2801–3043 cm−1
illustrates the intensity of the CH-stretching vibration and corresponds to the amount of organic material (A, B), whereas
integration from 245 to 570 cm−1 images the distribution of amorphous silica (C, D).

Fig. 5. Raman spectra acquired during an area scan of the cross-section of Equisetum hyemale averaged within the knob (grey
line) and inner region (black line) as marked in Fig. 4A (white rectangles). The integration ranges used for the Raman images
(Fig. 4) are indicated by lines.
N. Gierlinger and M. Schwanninger / The potential of Raman microscopy 83

4. Conclusions

Raman microscopic applications on plants are very far ranging, going from investigations on structural
polymers to metabolites to mineral substances. Chemical and structural information can be gained in the
native state without any staining and complicated sample preparation. The introduction of the NIR-
FT Raman technique led to many applications on green plant material by eliminating the problem of
sample fluorescence. While for mapping and imaging whole plant organs (seeds, fruits, leaves) the lateral
resolution with the NIR-FT technique is adequate, investigations on the lower hierarchical level of cells
and cell walls need the high resolution gained with a visible laser based system. The chemical imaging
studies on wood cell walls illustrate the great potential in revealing changes in chemistry and orientation
with a high spatial resolution (<1 µm). In addition to the calculation of the chemical images, showing the
intensity distribution of various functional groups attributed to the cell wall polymers, underlying spectra
can be extracted from very defined regions and assist in data analysis and give additional insights.


We thank R. Nöske (Potsdam University, Department of Chemistry) for providing the horsetail sam-
ple, L. Sapei (Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Department Biomaterials, Potsdam) for
technical help and I. Burgert, O. Paris and P. Fratzl (Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, De-
partment Biomaterials, Potsdam) for enabling the work. J. Dunlop is thanked for reading the manuscript
and the valuable comments. The first author (N.G.) was financed during the writing of this review by the
APART programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

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