Chapter - 22: Bridge Works - Miscellaneous: Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (RS.) Cement Qty. (QTL.)
Chapter - 22: Bridge Works - Miscellaneous: Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (RS.) Cement Qty. (QTL.)
Chapter - 22: Bridge Works - Miscellaneous: Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (RS.) Cement Qty. (QTL.)
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
221010 Providing and laying boulders apron on river cum 857.81
bed for protection against scour with stone
boulders weighing not less than 35 kg each
with the voids filled with spalls complete as
per drawing and Technical specification
221020 Laying of boulder apron laid in wire crates of cum 262.29
approved size including overlaps at joints
laid with stone boulders, all loose ends to be
tied with 4 mm galvanised steel wire.
Payment for boulders & wire crates to be
221030 done extragalvanized wire net trungers made
Supplying Sqm 279.02
from 4 mm galvanised steel wire @ 32 kg per
10 sqm having minimum tensile strength of
300 Mpa conforming to IS:280 and
galvanizing coating conforming to IS:4826,
woven into mesh with double twist, mesh
size not exceeding 100 x 100 mm
221040 Providing and laying of apron with cement cum 1541.80 3.200
concrete blocks cast in-situ and made with
nominal mix of 1:2:4 with a minimum
cement content of 250 kg/cum. Payment to
be made for blocks only. Cost of cement and
shuttering to be paid extra
221050 Providing and laying Pitching with stone cum 940.39
boulders weighing not less than 35 kg each
with the voids filled with spalls on slopes laid
over prepared filter media including boulder
apron laid dry in front of toe of embankment
complete as per drawing and Technical
specifications (Filter media to be paid
separately under the relevant item)
221060 Providing and laying Pitching with stone cum 1398.13 1.250
boulders weighing not less than 35 kg each
with the voids filled with cement sand mortar
1:4 on slopes laid over prepared filter media
including boulder apron laid dry in front of
toe of embankment complete as per drawing
and Technical specifications (Filter media to
be paid separately under the relevant item)
221070 Providing and laying Filter material As Per cum 1355.00
RDSO Specifications underneath pitching in
slopes complete as per drawing and
Technical specification
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
221080 Providing & Laying of a Permeable geotextile
filter between pitching and embankment
slopes on which pitching is laid to prevent
escape of the embankment material through
the voids of the stone pitching/cement
concrete blocks as well as to allow free
movement of water without creating any
uplift head on the pitching. as per RDSO
guide lines
221081 With GJT-Type 1 (For Harsh conditions) Sqm 28.75
221082 With GJT-Type 2 (For less severe conditions) Sqm 34.76
221083 With GJT-Type 3 (For moderate conditions) Sqm 48.81
221090 Laying boulder apron on river bed for cum 84.21
protection against scour with stone boulders
supplied by railways with the voids filled with
spalls complete as per drawings and
technical specifications. With maximum lead
upto 150m
221100 Laying pitching with stone boulders supplied cum 127.33
by the railways with the voids filled with
spalls on slopes laid over prepared filter
media including boulder apron laid dry in
front of toe of embankment as per drawings
and technical specifications. Max lead upto
150m (Filter media to be paid under the
relevant item)
Flooring in Bridges
222010 Providing and laying Flooring with rubble cum 1336.04 1.12 for
stone , laid over 15 cm thick CC 1:2:4 and rubble
stone only
the voids filled with CC 1:2:4 complete with
the joints pointed with 1:2 Cement sand
mortar as per drawing and Technical
specifications. Payment for cement to be
done separately. Voids in the rubble stone to
be taken as 35% of the gross volume of the
stone layer. (Base concrete to be paid extra)
222020 300 mm thick (average) Dry stone flooring cum 875.84
with boulders of not less than 35 kg each in
weight , hand packed with surface levelled
off to the correct section with hammer
dressing as necessary on the ground
including filling the gaps with quarry spalls
and ordinary sand complete including the
cost of supply of all materials, labour, lead,
lift, tools, plants, crossing of tracks and the
like as per drawing and technical
specification as directed by Engineer
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
222030 Supply and laying of quarry dust including cum 752.01
consolidation, supply of all materials, labour,
lead, lift, tools, plants, crossing of tracks as
per drawing and technical specification as
directed by the Engineer incharge in case
loose slush is encountered at site of
foundation before casting the foundation or
before laying the filtering media
222040 Supply and laying of coarse sand including cum 699.51
consolidation, supply of all materials, labour,
lead, lift, tools, plants, crossing of tracks as
per drawing and technical specification as
directed by the Engineer incharge in case
loose slush is encountered at site of
foundation before casting the foundation or
before laying the filtering media
222050 Guniting concrete surface with cement Sqm 867.20 0.160
mortar of average thickness 25mm, applied
with compressor after cleaning surface and
spraying with epoxy complete as per
Technical Specification in the ratio of 16 Kg
of cement to 0.04 cum of sand,
50X50X3mm size wire mesh, with 0.67 Kg of
epoxy and 0.64 Kg of accelerator compound
for guniting per Sqm
222060 Providing and inserting nipples with Each 37.01
approved fixing compound after drilling holes
for grouting as per Technical Specifications
including subsequent cutting/removal and
sealing of the hole as necessary after
completion of grouting
222070 Sealing of cracks/porous concrete by
injection process through nipples/Grouting
complete as per Technical Specification
222071 Neat Cement Grout with 20 % anti shrinkage Kg 132.12 as per actual
compound w.r.t. cement site
222072 Cement sand Mortar (1:1) Grout with 20 % Kg 179.10 as per actual
anti shrinkage compound w.r.t. cement site
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
222090 Applying epoxy mortar over leached, honey Sqm 1057.03
combed and spalled concrete surface and
exposed steel reinforcement complete as per
Technical Specification with average
thickness of 10 MM including priming coat,
mortar plaster and seal coat of epoxy
222100 Removal of defective concrete, cleaning the Sqm 937.17 0.160
surface thoroughly, applying the shotcrete
mixture mechanically with compressed air,
comprising of cement, sand, coarse
aggregates, water and quick setting
compound as approved, gunite strength not
less than 25 Mpa with average thickness of
40mm in the ratio of 16 Kg of cement to 0.04
cum of sand, 50X50X3mm size wire mesh
with 0.67 Kg of epoxy and 0.64 Kg of
accelerator compound for guniting per Sqm
222110 Applying pre-packed cement based polymer Sqm 317.78
mortar of strength 45 Mpa (28 days) for
replacement of spalled concrete with average
thickness of 10mm
222120 Providing & applying Epoxy for bonding of Sqm 600.88
new concrete to old concrete @ 0.80 Kg /
sqm with pot life not less than 60-90 minutes
and as per specifications including cleaning
the surface
222130 Providing & Fixing 12 mm rabbit wire mesh Sqm 90.74
at the junction of RCC where specifically
ordered or as shown in the drawing
222140 Providing, cutting, fabricating, treating, fixing MT 62688.74
structural steel as per IS: 2062 in access
ladders (top of girder/slab to pier cap),
inserts, platforms, railing, trolley refuges,
drain pipes etc. by drilling holes and grouting
with C.C as per specifications including
painting with two coats of approved paint
over two coats of primer. (Cement for
grouting shall be paid separately)
222150 Providing/ fixing/ grouting various size HTS Kg 135.71 0.010
holding down bolt in concrete column or in
other structural steel member incl. drilling
holes of required size, bolts threaded at both
ends shall be fixed with proper size nuts
bolts, plates, washers complete including all
labour and material
222160 Providing weep holes by making suitable metre 283.54 0.020
opening or drilling in existing Brick
masonry/Plain/ Reinforced concrete
abutment, wing wall/ return wall with 100
mm dia AC pipe, extending through the full
width of the structure complete
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
222170 Providing and fixing of Drainage Spouts of metre 250.89 0.010
100 mm UPVC complete as per drawing and
Technical specification
222180 Providing and laying of filter media consisting cum 1652.90
of granular materials of GW, GP, SW groups
as per IS 1498-1970 in required profile
behind boulder filling of abutments, wing
walls / return walls etc above bed level with
all labour and material complete job as per
drawing and technical specification of RDSO
222190 Removing all loose concrete, cleaning rust
with dusting compound & water jet, drying,
replacing worn out reinforcements by
welding new re-inforcement for making up
lost steel section, applying approved
anticorrosive polymer coating over the
damaged area to proper profile, providing
polymer mortar (upto 20 mm. thickness) or
polymer concrete (more than 20 mm.
thickness) consisting of cement, sand, 6 mm.
down chips where required and polymer as
per manufacturers' specification. The rate
includes curing for 14 days, all materials,
consumables, labours, tools and plants,
scaffolding/staging with all lead and lift. Cost
of cement & inforcement to be paid
222191 20 mm. thick polymer mortar Sqm 1311.15 0.122
222192 20-50 mm. thick polymer concrete Sqm 1049.67
222200 Supply, fabrication and erection of steel MT 86435.02
members to replace existing corroded
members of built up section made up of MS
plate, angles, channels of different thickness
and sizes incl. painting with red lead priming
to IS: 102 and one heavy coat of ready mix
red oxide conforming to IS: 123. Structural
steel should conform to IS:2062-Gr'B'.
Fabrication and erection to be as per existing
design initially by bolts and nuts and finally
by rivetti'lg during the sanctioned traffic
block. Payment for rivets and riveting to be
made separately. Rate includes cutting of
new steel work, drilling for riveting,
dismantling of any existing members
required for inserting fabricated members,
fixing of new fabricated built up members
with all tools, plants, labour, consumables,
machinery and accessories etc. Work will be
executed as per IRS:B 1-2001
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
222210 Supplying and changing of corroded worn-
out and loose rivets of any size at any
location of the bridges with or without traffic
blocks including all tools, plants, machinery
complete in all respects. Cost of rivett to pay
222211 Rivetts size upto 25 mm dia. Each 141.31
222212 For Rivets more than 25 mm dia. Each 239.68
222220 Dismantling of existing bed plate from Each 4869.28
existing bed block by cutting & removal of Plate
HD bolts and nuts with all tools, plants,
machinery scaffolding, labour and other
materials and shiting it at one end of the
bridge during traffic block.
222230 Painting the HFL and danger level marks, Each 103.39
year of HFL on bridge abutments and piers Mark
with ready mixed paint as per standard in
two coats over one coat of primer with all
materials, labour, tools, scaffolding, all lead
and lift etc including writing complete
222240 Providing cast in situ bridge number plaques Each 475.55 0.100
as per Railway drawing in cement concrete
1:2:4 mix using 20mm hard stone
aggregate embedded in 30mm notch in
Bridge parapet coping duly engraving the
letter and figures and an arrow indicating the
direction of flow and finishing the top
exposed surface with cement mortar 1:3,
painting letters and figures with two coats of
black enamel paint on two coats of white
back ground with all labour, tools, cement,
paint etc.with all lead and lifts
222250 Providing cast in situ plaques for bridge Each 619.95 0.100
foundations details of size 45x45x5 cm in
cement concrete 1:2:4 mix using 20mm hard
stoneaggregate embedded in 30mm deep
notch over abutment & piers, engraving the
letters & figures with CM 1:3 and finished
smoth including painting letters and figures
with 2 coats of black enamel and plaque with
white enamel with all labour, tools, cement,
paint, curing, etc. as a complete job
222260 Providing & laying non pressure NP-4 Class
RCC pipe with collars, jointing with 1:2
Cement and ordinary sand mortar including
testing of joints but excluding earth work
with all labour and material as a complet job.
Cement for mortar will be paid seperately
222261 600 mm dia. metre 1671.10
222262 900 mm dia. metre 2134.66
222263 1000 mm dia. metre 2705.66
222264 1200 mm dia. metre 3897.87
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
222280 Supplying, spreading and filling coarse sand cum 631.72
(No cohesive materials to be used) of
approved quality including watering and
ramming in foundation, plinth, behind the
abutment, wing wall, retaining wall in layers
not exceeding 150mm thick including its
compaction as per direction of Engineer-in-
charge. The rate includes all lead, lift,
ascent, descent, crossing of Railway line, etc.
complete with contractor’s labour, materials,
tools and plant
222290 Providing Boulder backing behind wing wall, cum 147.85
return wall, retaining wall with hand packed
boulders & cobbles with smaller size boulders
toward the back including all lead, lift, labour
& other incidental charges as complete work
in all respect. Payment for boulder/cobbles
will be done extra
222300 Dewtering of natural or accumulated water HP Hour 20.67
from any location. Payment to be done for
Horse power of pump multiplied by pumping
222310 Supplying & fixing Galvanised Steel wire Sqm 1027.67
ropenet, made of 9mm dia steel wire rope
having aperture size of 45cm x 60cm with
6m long hangs for top anchoring and 5m
wide alongwith chain-link mesh-netting of
80mm x 80mm mesh size made from 2.4mm
dia galvanised wire, joining of chain-link
mesh & steel wire ropenet and joining of
adjacent nets with galvanised spiral lock
springs of steel wire dia 2.2mm; inner dia of
springs 18mm; total length 50mm ± 0.5mm;
pitch 4mm & open end length 60mm
including cutting of tree/shrub etc. in rope-
netting location .....contd.
... contd. - and also, excavation / filling-back
of trenches in all types of soil after anchoring
ropenet with RCC pre-cast beam of size
15cm x 15cm x 2m of M-15 concrete & 30cm
thick M-10 PCC. This work also includes
supply of 200mm x 200mm x 6mm epoxy
coated washer plates with 12.5mm / 18mm
dia hole at centre and supplying & fixing of
anchor bolts/fastners of 10mm dia including
drilling of holes upto a depth of 110mm in
rock; cleaning of holes; fixing of fastners
with nut & epoxy coated washer plates; -
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
... contd. - applying torque 65 to 70 N/mm
for fixing of ropenet for intermediate
anchoring on the surface of cutting, bottom
anchoring upto 1m depth by using 16mm dia
HYSD steel bolts, threaded upto 200mm on
top and fixing epoxy coated washer plate,
fabrication & fixing of U-pin on top of cutting
for top anchoring and joining of adjacent
nets with spiral spring and fixing at the ratio
of 1 no. per 0.6m in longitudinal direction of
net portion and additional locks for lacing
chain link netting with ropenet with
contractor's materials, machinery, tools &
plants, cement, steel, labour, lead, lift,
transportation, ascent, descent, taxes,
royalty etc. complete as per directions of
222320 Supplying & fixing of Erosion Control Geomat Sqm 233.46
(for surfacial erosion control) consisting of 2
layers of polymeric netting, having aperture
size of 20mm x 20mm and a middle layer of
coir as per Specifications. Max. width of
rolls/each composite mat shall be 5m. Work
includes dressing of slopes to proper profile
& removing loose rubbles, muck & leading to
the point as directed by engineer-incharge;
supply & spreading of good earth/soil
material on slope/berm portion etc. to
proper profile for laying of Geomat anchoring
in top anchor trench; seaming of adjacent
panels of Geomat with HDPE Twine;
fabrication & fixing of U-pin on slope/berms
including top of cutting for anchoring of
Geomat as per approved scheme and
providing of grass sods and placing over
Geomat so as to completely cover it,
including watering for 2 weeks with all
labour, tools & materials alongwith lead & lift
etc. complete
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
222330 Supplying & placing of Mechanically Woven cum 2294.30
Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire Mesh
Gabion Boxes of required sizes, Mesh Type
10cm x 12cm, Zn and PVC coated Mesh Wire
dia.2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), edges of meshes
mechanically edged / selvedged with heavy
coating of galvanization as per EN 10223-
3/ASTM A 975 with partitions at every 1m
interval and properly packed with approx.
150mm size boulders including
transportation and placing at indicated places
as per direction of engineer-in-charge
including contractor's tools, plants, labour,
royalty charges etc. complete in all respect
and stitching with lacing wire of dia.
2.2/3.2mm (ID/OD) @ 5% by weight of
Gabion boxes, carrying the material by head
lead from nearest approach with all safety
precautions and all leads and lifts
222340 Supplying & placing partly or fully cum 2290.56
underwater of Polypropylene Tarred Rope
Gabion, fabricated from 9mm dia. rope,
100mm x 100mm Mesh with partitions at
every 1m interval and properly packed with
approximately 150mm size boulders
including transportation and placing at
indicated places as per direction of engineer-
in-charge with contractor's tools, plants,
labour etc. including royalty charges
complete in all respect and stitching with
polyprpylene lacing rope of minimum dia.
4mm; carrying the material by head lead
from nearest approach with all safety
precautions and all leads and lifts
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
.. Contd. -- (Note : In lieu of etching with
acid the surface can be roughened or bond
improved by other appropriate means.)
complete as per specification
222351 Piers, substructure, Box bridges and culverts Sqm 376.09
in river bed
222352 Sidewalks Sqm 324.09
222360 Surface protection of Underside of Bridge Sqm 240.85
Decks, Girders, Inside of Box Girders,
Railings, etc. of Bridges and Piers and
Substructures which are not in River Bed by
cleaning and drying the surface; repairing
local defects, e.g. honeycombs with a paste
of cement admixed with 5% by weight of
cement of Polymer bonding agent, applying
(@ 0.30 litre per square metre) a coat (DFT
of 100-150 micron) of a translucent brown
coloured modified phenolic resin based single
component high performance polymeric
waterproofing compound (sp. gr. 0.87, rosin
content nil and a solid content of minimum
0.47%), applying (@ 0.25 litre per square
metre) a top coat of a modified phenolic
resin based single component waterproofing
compound of grey or other shades (sp. gr.
0.85) before the base coat becomes tack-
free; permitting the coatings to cure and dry
naturally; the 2-coat system shall be
impermeable under a water head of 20.0
metres, complete as per specification
222370 Surface protection of Bridge Deck by cleaning Sqm 345.52
and preparing the surface by acid etching;
treating the surface with a two-layer plaster;
first layer of 5 mm thick with cement (OPC or
slag), admixed with an octadecanoic acid
based cementitious waterproofing compound
(bulk density not greater than 0.5 gm/cc) in
the weight ratio of 50:3 for cement and
waterproofing compound, further enriched
with specially fabricated deformed galvanized
steel fibre (@ 150 gm per square metre of
treated surface and second layer of 12 mm
thick cement-sand (1:2.5) plaster, enriched
with polyester fibre (to be paid seperately)
and curing the plastered surface. Treatment
shall be impermeable under a waterhead of
20m complete as per specifications
New Items To Be Added By Zonal