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Research Article: A Stress-Strain Model For Brick Prism Under Uniaxial Compression

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Advances in Civil Engineering

Volume 2019, Article ID 7682575, 10 pages

Research Article
A Stress-Strain Model for Brick Prism under
Uniaxial Compression

Keun-Hyeok Yang , Yongjei Lee , and Yong-Ha Hwang

Department of Architectural Engineering, Kyonggi University, Suwon 16227, Republic of Korea

Correspondence should be addressed to Yongjei Lee; yongjei@gmail.com

Received 25 November 2018; Revised 1 February 2019; Accepted 11 March 2019; Published 14 April 2019

Academic Editor: Carlos Chastre

Copyright © 2019 Keun-Hyeok Yang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
This study proposes a simple and rational stress-strain relationship model applicable to brick masonry under compression. The
brick prism compression tests were conducted with different mortar strengths and with constant brick strength. From the
observation of the test results, shape of the stress-strain curve is assumed to be parabola. In developing the stress-strain model, the
modulus of elasticity, the strain at peak stress, and the strain at 50% of the peak stress on the descending branch were formulated
from regression analysis using test data. Numerical and statistical analyses were then performed to derive equations for the key
parameter to determine the slopes at the ascending and descending branches of the stress-strain curve shape. The reliability of the
proposed model was examined by comparisons with actual stress-strain curves obtained from the tests and the existing model. The
proposed model in this study turned out to be more accurate and easier to handle than previous models so that it is expected to
contribute towards the mathematical simplicity of analytical modeling.

1. Introduction stress-strain models for concretes [2–5] used the basic ex-
pression established by Popovics [6] or Sargin et al. [7], and
Masonry is a material built from units and mortar that the constants in the basic expression were determined
induce an anisotropic behavior for the composite. The lack empirically. In some models, the ascending and descending
of knowledge on the properties of the composite material branches were dealt with separately with nonlinear equa-
imposes low assessments of the strength capacity of the tions; in this case, the test data were essential to establish the
masonry wall. Atkinson et al. [1] state that the prediction of empirical constants. Hence, some limitations such as ap-
compressive and deformation of full-scale masonry based on plicable ranges of concrete strength and concrete density
compressive test of stack-bond masonry prism and the exist. Knutson [8] evaluated the stress-strain diagrams for
interpretation of the results prism tests have a significant various materials and showed that they can be cast into a
influence on the allowable stress and stiffness used in the mathematical form. However, Mohamad et al. [9] men-
masonry design. When structural masonry is subjected to tioned a complete understanding of the mechanisms in-
vertical and horizontal loading, one of the most important volved in the deformation and failure which are not fully
parameters for design is the stress-strain relationship. Es- explained. It is believed that the development of a theoretical
pecially, the stress-strain relationship of concrete brick model of universal application is a rather hard task, although
prism in compression is essential for the analysis of masonry there have been very nice efforts to propose simplified
structures. The relationship is generally known to depend on mathematical models for the stress-stain relation [10, 11].
several interrelated test parameters including compressive When modeling masonry structure in common FEM soft-
strength of bricks and mortar. Many mathematical models ware such as Abaqus [12] and LS-DYNA [13], it is not
have been proposed for accurate finite element models and possible to correctly model and predict the behavior of
structural analysis of concretes in compression. Existing masonry structures primarily due to the lack of the
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

references that fully define the plastic behavior of masonry. Mortar

In design process, just as in analysis, the accurate design code 10 mm thick
considering elastic and plastic properties of the masonry is
not given, either.
Although the brittle materials such as concrete have Concrete brick
similar issues, a model proposed by Yang et al. [14] explained
the stress-strain behavior of it in compression quite suc-
cessfully. The study calibrated the mathematical equation for
the stress-strain curve using material test results. As men- 90
tioned above, the pure theoretical development for the 190
behavior of the concrete brick prism is rather a difficult task.
Figure 1: Masonry element for shear friction test (unit: mm).
However, the theoretical approach with aid of the material
test can make a satisfactory result. The present study aims to
propose a simple and rational model for nonlinear stress- Table 1: Compressive strength of bricks (MPa).
strain curves of concrete brick masonry in compression with
various mortar strengths (fm ). For this model, a key pa- Identification fbrick Average of Standard Average strain
of brick (MPa) fbrick (MPa) deviation at fbrick
rameter that determines the slopes of the ascending and
descending branches is formulated using a parametric nu- 1 8.265
merical analysis, where different mortar strengths are 2 8.014
considered, including the modulus of elasticity and secant 3 8.522
4 7.935
modulus joining the origin and the 0.5fpm point after the
5 8.071
peak stress, where fpm is a strength of prism. For the 6 8.418 8.23 0.198 0.00248
material properties used to define the stress-strain re- 7 8.091
lationship, a regression analysis is performed on an extensive 8 8.459
amount of test data collected from a wide variety of concrete 9 8.092
specimens. The reliability of the developed model is ex- 10 8.367
amined using a normalized root-mean-square error ob- 11 8.249
tained from a comparison of model estimates with the Note. fbrick  compressive strength of brick.
experimental data. Finally, the existing empirical models are
reviewed and compared with the developed model.
resulting compressive stress of the mortar was 2-3% more
than the planned strength and also that of the concrete brick
2. Experiment was 3% more than originally planned strength. As a result,
the exact ratios of the mortar to concrete brick strength of
2.1. Specimens. To evaluate the compressive strength of the
Cp-2.0, Cp-2.5, and Cp-3.0 were 2.0, 2.4, and 2.8, re-
concrete brick prism, the specimens (Figure 1) were pre-
spectively. As the compressive strength of mortar increased,
pared with three different mortar strengths: (1) twice of the
the strain at the maximum strength decreased by 8.16% in
minimum concrete brick strength (8 MPa) required by KS
2.5fb and 10.20% in 3.0fb , when they were compared to
F404 [15]; named specimen Cp-2.0, (2) two and half times of
2.0fb (Table 3), where fb is the strength of brick. The stress-
the minimum concrete brick strength, named specimen Cp-
strain relationship of mortars and brick is shown in Figure 2.
2.5, and (3) three times of the minimum concrete brick
The brick was the most ductile material among them
strength, named specimen Cp-3.0. Here, the specimen no-
showing the lowest strength but the highest strain.
tations include two parts as follows: the first part, “Cp,”
refers that the specimen is in compression and the second
part refers to the mortar identification. 2.3. Loading and Measurement. The test specimens were
prepared with caution to align the loading point with the
center of the specimen to avoid eccentricity. Two linear
2.2. Materials. Before evaluating the strength of concrete variable differential transformers (LVDT) which can mea-
brick prism, material test of each component, brick and sure displacement up to 25 mm were installed at both sides
mortar, was performed. The test protocol of compressive of the prism (Figure 3). The data from each LVDT were
strength of standard concrete brick (190 × 90 × 57 mm) compared to exam if there occurred any eccentricity. The
followed KS F404 [15]. The test result shows that the average load was applied by 500 kN capacity universal testing ma-
compressive strength of 11 specimens was 8.23 MPa and the chine (UTM). The loading rate was 0.1 mm per minute.
standard deviation of them was 0.198 (Table 1). The volu-
metric mixture ratio of cement and sand of the joint mortar 3. Test Results and Discussion
was 1 : 2.7. The water-cement ratio was decided through the
premixing procedure (Table 2). The cylindrical specimen 3.1. Failure Mode. Typical failure mode by compression is
(v100 × 200 mm) test result showed that the strength of the shown in Figure 4. The first crack started at the brick near the
mortar was more than 10.8 MPa which is the minimum steel attachment at 40%∼50% of the peak stress. The number
required mortar strength for masonry by KS L5220 [16]. The of cracks increased mainly around it. The cracks developed
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

Table 2: Compressive strength of mortars (MPa).

Rate of strain change
Identification of mortar W/C (%) fm (MPa) Average of fm (MPa) Standard deviation Strain at fm , ε0
at fm (%)
1 17.1
2 2.0fb 74.1 16.4 16.4 0.7 0.00245 —
3 15.7
4 19.2
5 2.5fb 64.8 19.6 19.4 0.2 0.00225 −8.16
6 19.3
7 23.0
8 3.0fb 55.5 23.6 23.3 0.3 0.00220 −10.20
9 23.3
Note. fm  compressive strength of mortar and fb  required compressive strength of concrete brick.

Table 3: Test parameters and test results.

Test results
Specimen fm (MPa) Compressive strength, Average of Average ε0.5 (strain at 0.5 fpm
ε0 (Strain at fpm Average of ε0.5
fpm (MPa) fpm (MPa) of ε0 in descend. branch)
1 5.310 0.0027 0.0047
2 4.983 0.0028 0.0048
3 Cp-2.0 2.0fb 5.513 5.306 0.0027 0.0027 0.0047 0.0047
4 5.783 0.0027 0.0047
5 4.940 0.0027 0.0047
6 5.693 0.0027 0.0044
7 5.439 0.0030 0.0047
8 5.912 0.0027 0.0044
Cp-2.5 2.5fb 5.703 0.0029 0.0046
9 5.418 0.0029 0.0046
10 5.998 0.0029 0.0046
11 5.760 0.0030 0.0047
12 5.931 0.0030 0.0045
13 5.868 0.0030 0.0046
14 Cp-3.0 3.0fb 5.980 5.921 0.0030 0.0030 0.0045 0.0045
15 5.825 0.0030 0.0045
16 6.002 0.0030 0.0045


Compressive stress (MPa)



0 0.002 0.004 0.006

2.0 fb 3.0 fb
2.5 fb Brick

Figure 2: Compressive stress-strain curves measured in the mortars and the brick element.

sharply along the loading direction at 85% of the peak stress, the peak strength. Most of the cracks were observed in the
which was accompanied by a rapid increase in the strain. The concrete bricks. At last, the cracks from one surface of the
fracture process zone developed to the middle as reaching specimen developed to reach the other surface to conclude
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

Comp 6.5

Strength of prism, fpm (MPa)

10mm thick 5.5
LVDT 5.1 y = 0.09x + 3.92
4.9 R2 = 0.51
Brick (190 × 90 × 57) 191
16 18 20 22 24
Strength of mortar, fm (MPa)

Figure 5: Regression analysis for fpm.

Compressive stress (MPa)

Figure 3: Concrete brick prism for compression test (unit: mm).

0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

Figure 4: Typical failure mode of prism under compression. Cp-2.5


its fracture. These tendencies were equally observed re- Figure 6: Compressive stress-strain curves measured in the
gardless of the mortar strengths. concrete brick prism.

with its vertex at the peak stress point. The slopes of the
3.2. Prism Strength. The strengths of the 16 prism specimens
ascending and descending branches of the curve mostly
are listed in Table 3. Gumaste et al. [17] noted that the brick
depend on fpm . The curve was almost linear up to ap-
masonry strength increases with increase in brick and/or
proximately one-half of the peak stress point, showing that
mortar strength. In this study, only one parameter, i.e., the
their initial slope increased as fpm increased. The strength of
strength of the mortar (fm), was introduced. Because all
Cp-2.5 and Cp-3.0 were 7.3% and 11.5% higher than that of
other conditions were fixed other than that, the strength of
Cp-2.0, respectively. The strain at the peak stress also in-
the prism (fpm) would be expressed as a function of the
creased in ascending branch (the strain of Cp-2.5 and Cp-3.0
strength of a mortar and a brick as
was 7.4% and 11.1% more than that of Cp-2.0, respectively)
fpm  f  fm , fb . (1) but the strain at 0.5 fpm in descending branch reduced as the
compressive strength increased (the strain at 0.5 fpm of Cp-2.5
Using the test data, with a constant brick strength, a and Cp-3.0 was 2.1% and 4.3% less than that of Cp-2.0, re-
regression analysis [18] was performed as shown in Figure 5, spectively). It shall be noted that the strength of the prism was
and the relationship between the prism strength and the lower than that of the brick or mortar, against expectation.
mortar strength was found to be The innate nature of each materials as well as the way of
fpm  0.09fm + 3.92. (2) assemblage of them may cause inevitable uneven contact
condition and develop local cracks.

3.3. Stress-Strain Relationship. The compressive stress-strain

curve of prism obtained for the concrete mixes is plotted in 3.4. Modulus of Elasticity, Epm . From above inference, it is
Figure 6. The shape of the curve was a second-degree parabola thought that the slope of the curve in the earlier stage, i.e., the
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

modulus of elasticity, is directly related with the prism 2800

strength (fpm ). Considering a parabolic trend of the stress
and strain relationship, the equation for modulus of elas-
ticity can be expressed as
Epm  A1 fpm  (MPa).
2700 y = 1513x

Epm (MPa)
R2 = 0.81
Similar studies have been conducted on determining
the factors A1 and α by, for example, Yang et al. [14] and 2650
Noguchi et al. [19]. In this study, based on the test results, a
regression analysis was conducted to find a best-fit value of
A1 and α in equation (3), as shown in Figure 7, finding 2600
A1  1513 and α  0.33. The test results for Epm and the
analysis results from equation (5) are compared in Table 4. 2550
The averages of differences between them for Cp-2.0, Cp- 1.65 1.7 1.75 1.8 1.85
2.5, and Cp-3.0 are 0.2%, 1.0%, and 0.9%, respectively. It fpm(1/3)
can be concluded that the analysis equation for elastic
Figure 7: Regression analysis for Epm.
modulus derived above matched with the test results with
accuracy. 1.75
ε0.5  0.004 exp0.25  ,
Equation (3) was compared with existing equations f10
found in internationally accepted documents such as fpm
FEMA306 [20], which proposes Epm ≈ 550fpm. In-
ternational Building Code [21] and the MSJC document [22] where Epm is given in equation (3).
recommend Epm as 700 times fpm, while Eurocode6 [23] The test results for ε0 and ε0.5 and the analysis results
suggest conservatively higher values of Epm (1,000 times fpm). from equations (5) and (6) are compared in Table 5. The
The Canadian masonry code S304.1 [24] recommends Epm as averages of differences of ε0 between them for Cp-2.0, Cp-
850 times fpm with an upper limit of 20,000 MPa. The 2.5, and Cp-3.0 are 3.1%, 2.0%, and 0.7%, respectively. Those
proposed Epm in this study was compared with some se- of ε0.5 between them are 7.1%, 4.9%, 4.7%, respectively. It can
lective existing models as shown in Figure 8. All featured be concluded that the analysis equation for strains derived
models showed higher Epm than the proposed model in most above represents the test results with high fidelity.
of the ranges of fpm; in other words, the proposed model
estimates the Epm rather conservatively. 4. Mathematical Equation for
Stress-Strain Relationship
3.5. Strain at Peak Stress ε0 and at 50% of Peak Stress of 4.1. Generalized Equation. The shape of a compressive
Descending Branch ε0.5 . MacGregor and Wight [25] estab- stress-strain curve of concrete is generally characterized as a
lished that the strain at peak stress (ε0 ) of concrete increases parabola with its vertex at the peak stress [14]. This phys-
with increase in concrete strength. The same trend is ob- ically means that the tangential modulus of elasticity Et has
served in brick prism made with concrete. As it was revealed maximum value at the origin, gradually decreases to zero at
from the test results shown in Table 3, for the ascending the peak stress, and becomes negative in the descending
branch of the stress-strain curve, the strain at the peak stress branch of the curve (Figure 11).
ε0 was proportional to fpm . On the other hand, for the In this study, the same assumption and the following
descending branch, ε0.5 decreased as fpm increased, i.e., they nonlinear equation (7) were applied in generating a com-
are in reverse proportion to each other. Their relationships plete curve of concrete brick prism:
can be expressed as
β3 x
fpm y , (7)
ε0  A2 expB2  , xβ2+ β1
(4) where y  (fpc /fpm ) is the normalized stress, x  (εpc /ε0 ) is
the normalized strain, and fpc is the prism stress corre-
ε0.5  A3 expB3  ,
fpm sponding to strain εpc .
The physical meaning of the equation gives the following
where f10  10 MPa is a reference value for prism strength. boundary conditions: (1) y  0, for x  0; (2) y  1 for x  1;
To derive equations for ε0 and ε0.5 , nonlinear regression and (3) (dfpc /dεpc )  0, for x  1. From the first and second
analysis (Figures 9 and 10) were conducted and the following conditions, it can be said that β3 is equal to β1 + 1. From the
best-fit equations was developed as tangential modulus at a point, d(fpc )/d(εpc ), and the third
fpm boundary condition, it can be inferred that β2 is equal to β1 + 1.
ε0  0.0014 exp348 , (5) Therefore, the stress-strain curve of concrete can be expressed
Epm in the following basic form with the key parameter β1 :
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 4: Comparison of elastic modulus from test and analysis.

Elastic modulus
fm fpm
Specimen Test Test average Analysis Analysis average Difference Difference average
(MPa) (MPa)
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (%) (%)
1 5.310 2644 2640 0.2
2 4.983 2591 2584 0.3
3 Cp-2.0 2.0fb 5.513 2663 2633 2673 2638 −0.4 −0.2
4 5.783 2670 2716 −1.7
5 4.940 2599 2577 0.9
6 5.693 2673 2702 −1.1
7 5.439 2620 2661 −1.6
8 5.912 2726 2736 −0.3
Cp-2.5 2.5fb 2677 2703 −1.0
9 5.418 2620 2657 −1.4
10 5.998 2726 2749 −0.8
11 5.760 2700 2712 −0.5
12 5.931 2719 2739 −0.7
13 5.868 2665 2729 −2.4
14 Cp-3.0 3.0fb 5.980 2750 2714 2746 2737 0.1 −0.9
15 5.825 2692 2722 −1.1
16 6.002 2746 2750 −0.1

8000 0.009

Epm (MPa)

5000 0.008

3000 y = 0.004e0.25x

2000 0.007
3.8 4.8 5.8 6.8 7.8
fpm (MPa) 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2

This study IBC&MJSC (f10/fpm)1.75

FEMA306 Canadian
Figure 10: Regression analysis for ε0.5.
Figure 8: Comparison of proposed Epm with existing models.
 β1 + 1x
y . (8)
xβ1 +1 + β1

0.0031 Note that the slopes of the ascending and descending

branches of the curve depend on the value of β1 ; however, the
0.0030 value of β1 differs for each branch. To determine the slope of
the ascending branch, the elastic modulus of prism, Epm , can
be regarded as a more adequate reference parameter than the
0.0028 initial tangent modulus Eti because of the lack of available test
data for Eti . Following ASTM C1314 [26], Epm was decided as

0.0027 the slope of the line joining the 5% and the 33% of the peak
strength. This statement is thought to be reasonable because
0.0026 y = 0.0014e348x the stress-strain curve of prism in compression would remain
linear up to 0.33fpm [27]. Substituting the defined Epm in
equation (8) gives the following equation for the key pa-
0.0024 rameter β1 of the ascending branch
0.4 Xa  +  0.4 − Xa β1 − Xa  0,
0.0018 0.0019 0.002 0.0021 0.0022 0.0023 β1 +1
fpm/Epm for εpc ≤ ε0 , (9)

Figure 9: Regression analysis for ε0. where Xa  (0.4fpm /Epm ε0 ).

Advances in Civil Engineering 7

Table 5: Comparison of ε0 and ε0.5 from test and analysis.

ε0 ε0.5
Specimen Analysis Difference Difference Analysis Difference Difference
(MPa) Analysis Analysis
average (%)∗ average (%)∗ average (%)∗ average (%)∗
1 0.0028 −4.5 0.0044 7.1
2 0.0027 −1.3 0.0044 7.6
3 Cp-2.0 2.0fb 0.0029 0.0028 −4.7 −3.1 0.0044 0.0044 7.2 7.1
4 0.0030 −6.2 0.0043 7.9
5 0.0027 1.3 0.0044 5.5
6 0.0029 −4.9 0.0043 1.4
7 0.0029 0.6 0.0044 7.0
8 0.0030 −2.7 0.0043 1.9
Cp-2.5 2.5fb 0.0029 −2.0 0.0044 4.9
9 0.0029 0.3 0.0044 5.0
10 0.0030 −0.3 0.0043 6.3
11 0.0029 −5.1 0.0043 7.8
12 0.0030 −0.7 0.0043 5.0
13 0.0030 −0.3 0.0043 6.1
14 Cp-3.0 3.0fb 0.0030 0.0030 0.7 0.7 0.0043 0.0043 4.2 4.7
15 0.0030 2.2 0.0043 3.9
16 0.0030 1.4 0.0043 4.3

The differences and the difference averages are the ones compared with the test results listed in Table 2.

1.2 The value of β1 in nonlinear equations (9) and (10) can be

E0 calculated via numerical analysis, such as the Newton–
1 Et = 0 Raphson method, using the given values of fpm .
Eti y = β3x/xβ2 + β1
4.2. Key Parameter β1 . The equations for Ec , ε0 , and ε0.5
y = fpc/fpm

0.6 Et < 0 Esec

derived in the preceding subsections were substituted in
equations (9) and (10). These two nonlinear equations,
0.4 (xa, 0.33) (εa, 0.5) which incorporate fpm , were then solved for β1 using the
Newton–Raphson method. Based on the analytically ob-
0.2 Epm tained results, a statistical optimization was carried out as
shown in Figure 12 to derive the following best-fit equations
0 for β1 : equation (5) for the ascending branch and equation
0 1 2 3 4
(6) for the descending branch.
x = εpc/ε0

 
fpm 0.67 
Figure 11: Generalized compressive stress-strain relationship. β1  0.62 exp 0.91  , for εpc ≤ ε0 , (11)
f 10

In contrast to the ascending branch slope, there is no

 
fpm 0.67 
consensus on the reference point to determine the slope of β1  0.31 exp 1.53  , for εpc > ε0 . (12)
the descending branch. For mathematical simplicity, Tas- f 10
nimi [11] used an inflection point as a reference, but it is
difficult to identify the location of the inflection point. Van In summary, a stress-strain relationship model for the
Gysel and Taerwe [28] employed the secant modulus joining prism in compression is proposed as follows:
the origin and 50% of the peak stress to derive the  β1 + 1εpc /ε0 
descending branch slope. Furthermore, CEB-FIP [29] de- fpc  fpm , (13)
εpc /ε0 
β1 +1
scribes the descending branch only up to 0.5fpm point. + β1
Following these researchers, the present study selected the
secant modulus at 0.5fpm as a reference point for evaluating where εpc is a strain, ε0 is given by equation (5), and β1 is
the descending branch slope and formulated an equation for given by equations (11) or (12).
the key parameter β1 defining the descending branch as
follows: 4.3. Comparisons with Existing Models. In this section, the
test and analysis results provided above are compared with
 Xd  +  1 − 2Xd β1 − 2Xd  0,
β1 +1
for εpc > ε0 , (10) another notable model. Knutson [8] assessed the masonry
stress-strain diagram for different combinations of mortar
where Xd  (ε0.5 /ε0 ) and ε0.5 is the strain corresponding to and brick and concluded that the stress-strain relationship
0.5fpm after the peak stress. could be approximated as
8 Advances in Civil Engineering

fpm= 3~7 MPa
4 Best fit curve
for descending branch,
y = 0.31e1.53x

Best fit curve
1.5 for ascending branch,
1 y = 0.62e0.91x
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

Figure 12: Best-fit equation for key parameter β1 obtained from numerical analysis.

Compressive stress (MPa)

0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008

Cp-2.0 Cp-2.5 Strain Cp-3.0

Cp-2.0 Test Cp-2.5 Test Cp-3.0 Test
Cp-2.0 Analysis Cp-2.5 Analysis Cp-3.0 Analysis
Knutson Knutson Knutson
Figure 13: Comparisons of predicted stress-strain curves with test results.

σ σ Table 6: Comparisons of normalized root-mean-square error

ln1 − ,
ε− if ≤ 0.75, obtained from each stress-strain curve.
E0 fcmas fcmas
(14) Researcher
σ σ Specimen fm (MPa)
ε  −4 cmas 0.403 − ,
f This study Knutson
if > 0.75,
E0 fcmas fcmas Cp-2.0 2.0fb 0.249 0.357
Cp-2.5 2.5fb 0.257 0.351
where σ is the normal stress, ε is the normal strain, fcmas is Cp-3.0 3.0fb 0.239 0.358
the masonry compressive strength, and E0 is the elastic Note. Normalized root-mean-square error (NRMSE)  (1/(fpm )m)
modulus. [{(fpm )Exp − (fpm )Pre}2 /n]1/2 , where (fpm )m is the mean stress in the
The stress-stain relationship of the test specimens and measured stress-strain curve, (fpm )Exp and (fpm )Pre are experimental and
predicted stress, respectively, and n is number of points in experimental
the analytical results from the proposed model and Knut- stress-strain curve.
son’s model are compared in Figure 13. The normalized
root-mean-square errors obtained from each stress-strain
curve are listed in Table 6. The Knutson model would deal with the stress-strain
The stress-strain graphs generated by the analysis relationship of the brick prism from loading commence-
model match with the test results quite well from the ment, only up to the peak stress. The curve matched with the
beginning, through ascending branch, to the 50% of peak test results well until 60% of the peak stress. After that, the
stress in the descending branch. In the final stage after the decreased stiffness moved the peak point far away from that
ε0.5 in the descending branch, the analysis results showed of the tests. For example, the strain at the peak point from
rather decreased ductility than the test results. It is thought the Knutson model was 23% more than that from the test of
that the confined condition of the specimens in test affected specimen Cp-2.5. The model did not provide the descending
the ductility after the crush had happened. Further ex- branch of a stress-strain curve.
perimental study with mode specimens under same or In summary, the above comparison reveals some limita-
different test set-ups is required to find out the cause of tions of Knutson’s model: (1) only ascending branch can be
difference. modeled in Knutson’s model, as is often the case with; (2)
Advances in Civil Engineering 9

compared with the earlier stage of the stress-strain relation- Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT &
ship, the final stage of it is not well explained. On the other Future Planning (no. 2015R1A5A1037548) and by Kyonggi
hand, the predictions from the model proposed in this study University’s Graduate Research Assistantship 2018.
are in better agreement regardless of compressive strength.
The calculated normalized root-mean-square error (NRMSE)
by the proposed model ranged between 0.239 and 0.257, while
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