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Background: Depdiknas, Pendekatan Kontekstual (Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2003), P. 6

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1.1 Background
Nowadays, technology is a component of human’s everyday lives.

Information and communication technologies have covered many elements of the

community, in particular the internet that can be accessed and shared, and

communicated shortly. The role is not only used for business and banking, but also

for education.

In education, internet have promoted in teaching learning process, especially

for learning English Language. Learning English is very important in this

globalization era to get involved in the development of scientific and technological

information worldwide. Therefore, introducing English as early as possible is

necessary. In Indonesia, English as the first foreign language that should be taught as

one of the subjects studied by the students from elementary up to university level.

The teaching of English is focused on the ability of learners to be capable of

mastering the four language skills, namely: listening, speaking, reading and writing. 1

All elements are related, and it is important to master all of the four skills of English.

To integrate for those skills there are components that also must be learnt by the

students. One of which is vocabulary. In order to master the four English, The

students should master in vocabulary. If vocabulary is mastered, it will be easier to

master English.

Depdiknas, Pendekatan Kontekstual (Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2003), p.




Vocabulary is a list or collection of words defined or explained. It will help

the learner in learning English language well. Limited vocabulary made others so

difficult to express their idea. Vocabulary is one of the language components that

have an important role in the development of the language skills because for large

majority of learners, the ultimate goal of studying is to be able to communicate.

David Wilkins in Thornbury said that without grammar very little can be conveyed,

without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.2 It means that even someone has a
good grammar but it will be useless if they don’t know many vocabularies.

In addition, by Penny UR that vocabulary is one important thing to be taught

in learning foreign language because it will be impossible to speak up without variety

of words.3 For that reason, vocabulary is important to learn as a foreign language.

However, vocabulary is not easy to teach a language without using suitable method

and media. Both of those have very important role in teaching. In reality, vocabulary

is one of the main problems often is faced by students in learning English. Based on

preliminary observation at MA DDI Kanang, the researcher found that students are

not interested in learning English especially vocabulary and they do not also give

their full attention in the task and without that attracting and interesting the process

of teaching vocabulary cannot run well.

This situation happened because the methodology or the strategy which is

used maybe not suitable. The teacher has still used old method in teaching English

vocabulary, most of the teachers teach English vocabulary through translation, they

usually apply too many new words and ask the students to translate and then to make

Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary (England: Pearson Education Limited, 2002),
p. 13.
Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching Practice and Theory (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1996), p. 60.

sentences by using the given words. The teacher usually gives many words to the

students and asks them to open their dictionary to find the meaning of those words,

after finding the words, the students forget. In fact, the students may become

confused and discouraged in the process of learning. The students feel that they are

forced and they would get bored.

Lewis and Hill state that students will not achieve success in learning unless

they enjoy the process.4 It can be seen that students will feel toward a learning
process will affect their achievement. That’s what should be a special concern of a

teacher. Based on the explanation above, it is important the teacher needs to use a

new technique or media to help students in solving their vocabulary problems.

English teacher are expected to be more creative in making and giving materials,

good method to the students to improve them in vocabulary. The researcher chooses

Memrise Application as a media to solve the problem above.

This era globalization, education tool has been developed by many expert, for

example Memrise Application. Memrise is a free language learning platform with a

website, an iOS and android learning application. The main benefits are portability

and accessibility (via computer and application on smartphone and tablet). It uses

audio, images and fun, creative activities to help the students learn and remember
words and their meanings. Memrise Application is possible to use inside or outside

the class. The use of Memrise Application are likely to build up the students

vocabularies.5 So, it is possible to apply this application in teaching learning process

because it is very simple and easy to operate.

L.K Lewis and D Seiblod, “Reconceptualizing Organizational Change Implementation As A
Communication Problem:A Review of Literature and Research Agenda” in Rollof, M.E. and Paulson.
G. (Eds) Communication Yearbook vol. 21, 1998, Sage, Newbury Park, CA, p. 94.
Nayla Morales, “Improve Your Vocabulary with the Learning Memrise Application”

(online) (https://atslaslanguageschool.com) (accessed on June 5, 2019).


Several studies showed the effectiveness of the use of Memrise Application

in English teaching and learning process. Kent and Sherman have proved that

Memrise is effective to enhance Korean student’s vocabulary in a blended learning

context.6 In addition, Fadhilawati reported that the implementation of Memrise as

learning and reviewing vocabulary tool in Islamic University of Blitar could improve

the students’ vocabulary achievement. Moreover, the result of her research is

strengthened by the students’ positive responses toward the use of Memrise as a

learning and reviewing vocabulary tool.7

Based on the problem and condition above, the researcher intends to help

students by introducing Memrise Application as fun media of vocabulary learning.

The researcher is interested in studying the Effectiveness of Memrise Application to

Upgrade the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at second grade of MA DDI Kanang.

1.2 Problem Statement

1.2.1 Is using Memrise Application effective to upgrade the students’ vocabulary

mastery at second grade of MA DDI Kanang?

1.2.2 How do the students respond to Memrise Application as media to improve the

students’ vocabulary mastery at second grade of MA DDI Kanang?

1.3 The Objectives of the Research

1.3.1 To find out whether Memrise Application is effective to upgrade the students’

English Vocabulary at Second Grade of MA DDI Kanang.

1.3.2 To know the students’ response to Memrise Application as media in teaching

English Vocabulary at Second Grade of MA DDI Kanang.

D. Kenth and B. Sherman, “Pilot Study for Use of Memrise Application by Korean Junior
College Students Studying EFL Vocabulary in A Blended Learning Context” (Woosong University,
2013), p. 169.
D. Fadhilawati, “Learning and Reviewing Vocabulary through Memrise to Improve
Students’ Vocabulary Mastery, vol.1 no.2 (Jares, 2016), p. 33.

1.4 Significances of the Research

The significances of the research are:

1.4.1 To The Researcher

The researcher expects this research will be useful for developing her ability

in teaching vocabulary for students. The researcher hopes that the result of the

study can be used as the additional reference in other research.

1.4.2 To The Students

The finding of this research is expected to make process of learning more

interesting and enjoyable, so it will increase the students’ vocabulary.

1.4.3 To The English Teacher

It is necessary for the teacher to use interesting technique and media such as

Memrise Application. Students will be able to interest in joining the lesson

and they should be able to develop a good atmosphere in the class, so that the

students learn at comfortable situation.

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