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The committee which designs the standards & characteristics for the cloud computing is

mixes the simplicity of ___ with the power of _____, to great effect
Cloud-computing providers offer their services as
Developers and organizations all around the world leverage extensively
I have some private servers on my premises, also I have distributed some of my workload on the publi
Does Stopping and Terminating instances have same effect?
How can you integrate IAM with data centers security
What does ARN stand for?
All Amazon services supports region?
Which is more secure?
Objects in S3 can be delivered through Amazon CloudFront
Route S3 can be used to route users to infrastructure outside of AWS
EC2 stands for
In S3, what does RRS stand for?
What does S3 stand for?
What’s the maximum size of the S3 bucket?
What is the maximum length of a file name in S3?
Amazon S3 is a,
Which service in AWS allows you to create and delete stacks of AWS resources which are defined in

Amazon CloudFormation is a:
Autoscaling is enabled through
What metrics can be monitored through cloudwatch without being charged?
Which of the following is not true about Elastic Load Balancing
Which of these services are used to distribute content to end users using a global network of edge l
A highly available and scalable domain name system web service

What happens when content is not present at an edge location and a request is made to it?
You are serving content from CloudFront. Which of the following happens to an end user's request?
How can you restrict the access to the contents delivered in cloudfront?
Which of these services will help in better availability
Which of the following is not correct about CloudFront?
Service-oriented architecture advocates
Which of the following can not be done using auto scaling ?

You are using an S3 bucket through which you are running a photo sharing website. It is found that
How will you secure the data at rest in EBS?
If I want my instance to run on a single-tenant hardware, which value do I have to set the instance’s
Which is the characteristic of T2 instances?
Are the Reserved Instances available for Multi-AZ Deployments?
Which AWS services will you use to collect and process e-commerce data for near real-time analysis

What are the measures to be taken to ensure maximum availability?
Difference between instance store and EBS
How do you access data on Elastic block storage
What are the uses of Amazon Glazier
What is an AMI?
Route 53 can be used to route users to infrastructure outside of AWS
What is boot time for an Instance store backed instance?
why do you use subnets
When will you incur costs with an Elastic IP address (EIP)?
Which of the following is not true about Amazon Glacier

Hybrid Cloud
Amazon Resource Name
Elastic Compute Cloud
Reduced Redundancy Storage
Simple Storage Service
5 TB
UTF-8 1024 bytes long
Key-Based object store
Deployment and management
disk, CPU, data transfer
Can be enabled only in a single availability zone
Amazon Route 53

CloudFront delivers the content

directly from the origin server
and stores it in the cache of the
edge location
The user's request is routed to the nearest edge location
CloudFront cannot serve content from a non AWS origin server
Maintain fixed number of running ec2

Utilize bucket polices, ACLs, and

user policies
Security groups and ACL
Moderate Baseline performance & high burst performance\
All instance

Auto scaling
once the instance is stopped and started, the data in instance storage is lost. Whereas, the data in EBS persists
anywhere from inside AWS
infrequent data
Amazon Machine Image
5 mins
To efficiently utilize networks that have a large no. of hosts
When it is allocated and associated with a running instance.
Services enables rapid disaster recovery

Sequence of step by step instructions is known as a ___ job
Software robots are capable of interacting with a wide range of 1
The topmost layer in layered design of RPA is Proces
is hosted on a server. Robot controller
is the master repository of jobs. Robot controller
is used for nesting of substeps in a job Developer tool
provides instructions to robot. DT
BPM interacts through the _ layer Data
Agents are capable of performing close to actions 600
Locating objects relative to the edge of the screen is known as pixel-based object location
_ deploys jobs to the software robots. Robot controller
Assisted Automation focusses on dynamically assigning tasks 1
All the RPA tools provide both front and back office automation 0
publishes data to the master repository. Robot controller
Macros are linear and fixed but RPA is dynamic. 1
provides open platform for automation. UIPath
RPA will be able to handle operations such as Claims processng
RPA does not enforce integration requirements. 1
Layered approach in RPA design assists in separating different le 1
RPA can be used to automate Customer Relationship Manage both
For RPA to work efficiently, programming logic of the underlyi 1
RPA is a __ software lightweight
A robot can accumulate knowledge of procedures over time 1
RPA interacts with multiple application at the ________ layer Object
UiPath offers rule based automation. 0 1
is aimed at IT architecture to enable process management capab BPMS All
RPA is best for automating processes. All
Blue Prism has the largest trained ecosystem. 0
Autonomous RPA is a kind of uassisted Assisted
CRM system can be streamlined using _ tools. RPA
Unclear inputs, Social Context, Task distribution, and Transfor Assisted
deploy(s) jobs to the software robots Robot controller
RPA enables reduction of data entry errors.
Prioritized work queues is available in All
Which among these is not an RPA tool? Openspan
RPA with thinking and decision making capabilities are known aCognitive
The sequence of user action is captured to speed up the processProcess recorder
In RPA process layered approach, factors make up being strong Reusabolity
Recorder function is an added advantage while selecting a RPA St peed up config
RPA answers to customers in Natural language
The lowermost layer in layered design of RPA is None
Process Administration technique, which focuses on Global procProcess Analytics
RPA is not suitable for processes that are require constant human intervention
RPA enables All
Individual level screen level interactions are covered by _ layer component

Re-engineering the entire underlying process is part of BPM

Which of the following is a Containerization System Warden
Chef was initially created by Adam Jacob
Which of the following is a configuration definition file? manifest
supports all the AWS resources. cloudformation
Which of the following is an infrastructure definition tool Terraform
Which of the following is not a lifecycle event of a server None
is an open source tool developed by HashiCorp Terraform
is more secure than VM , container
Marionette is a former name of chef
HP Public Cloud uses tool chef
Docker is a tool written in GO
OpenStack Heat is a tool written in python
comes as part of Linux's Fedora distribution Ansible
shares the OS kernel of the host system. Container
Infrastructure provisioning can be done with ____ tools Infrastructure Definition
Puppet was initially released in the year 2005
You can use _________ to script your configuration file ANY
In _________ model, the configuration server automatically sends the updated configu
Data like ______ should not be stored in VCS password
A challenge that grows over time is Configuration Drift
Which of the following describes how to achieve the desired state of the system? declarative
There is no server in the server-less architecture 0
causes more failure than Human Error, Hardware failure
Which of the following cannot be found on a server? utility
Which is a core part of IaC versioning
__________ configuration is faster than ___________ configuration Automatic , manual
In _________ model, the configuration server is checked periodically for updates. pull
Which is directly proportional to your business security
Which of the following is not a cloud service provider? Google Azure
This kind of automation is very difficult without considerable re-architecting retrofitting
For quick configurations, the servers must be well configured
The most straightforward approach to implement IaC is scripting
A good infrastructure tool should support loose coupling
If a change is patched, it is ___ infrastructure mutable
Which is a CI tool here Bamboo
IaC simplifies the tasks of Testing
IaC is frequently referred to as, _____________ programmable
__________ configuration is faster than ___________ configuration
Which is directly proportional to your business availability
It is easy to ________ a system, than to ________ it.

Which of the following describes only the desired state of th iterative

Automation is well suitable for the environments which are partially unique

__________ infrastructure replaces a server completely when
there is a change immutable
There is no server in the server-less architecture 0
IaC was initially evolved to support physical hardware setup

Hardware failure

Which of the following is true about Node.JS?

What is Node.JS?

What is use of Underscore Variable in REPL session?

How Node based web servers are different from tradi

REPL stands for
Which of the following is true about __dirname global
Print the relative path of your script using the pre de
Which of the following command will show all the mod
Which method of fs module is used to write a file?
Which method of fs module is used to truncate a file
Which of the following is true about EventEmitter.em
Which of the following statement is valid to use a N
Which method of fs module is used to close a file?
Which of the following is true about readable stream?
Which of the following is true about writable stream?
A stream fires end event when there is no more data t
Each type of Stream is an EventEmitter.
A stream fires data event when there is data availabl
Which of the following is true about RESTful webser
Which of the following is true about console global o
Can we create child processes in Node applications.
Which of the following command will show all the mod
Is console a global object?
Which of the following code print the platform of op
Which of the following module is required for operat
Which of the following command will show all the modules installed globally?
Node.js is a single threaded application but supports

Node.js is a JavaScript based framework/platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript V8

to get last result

Node based server uses a single threaded model and can services much larger number of
requests than traditional server like Apache HTTP Server.
Read Eval Print Loop
console.log( __dirname ); 9)
$ npm ls -g
fs.writeFile(path, flags[, mode], callback)
fs.ftruncate(fd, len, callback)
emit property is used to fire an event.
var http = require("http");
fs.close(fd, callback)
| and ||
| and ||
| and ||
npm -is
console.log('platform : ' + os.platform());
os module
ow all the modules installed globally?

True or False: JSON objects are typed while XML data is typeless.
What is/are the correct statements about JSON?
What is the standard MIME type for JSON?
True or False: Objects can contain multiple name/values pairs.
True or False: Data can be readily accessible using JSON objects
GSON can convert any Objects into JSON and vice versa.

What are the true options applicable for JSON Parser?

FasterXML’s Jackson can handle both JSON/non-JSON encodings.
JavaScript function JSON.stringify() is to convert JSON Object into a string
Which would be better option to consider in a environment when you have b
JavaScript function JSON.parse() is to convert text into string.
Which statements is/are correct about JSON Syntax?
True or False: In JSON syntax, square brackets can't holds arrays.
JSON is now being supported by almost all Programming languages.
Which would be better option to consider in a environment with distribute
What is the true option applicable for JSON?
JSON.parse() function was developed as a safer alternative to
Why JSON over XML?
What is JSON RPC
Looping an Array is possible in JSON.
JSON is not a data format that can be used for asynchronous browser/se
Which would be better option to consider in a environment when you have
Parse the data with JSON.parse() and the data becomes a JavaScript objec


Used to convert a JSON text to a
JavaScript object.
JSON object begins with { (left brace) and ends with } (right brace)
Retrieving values is as easy as reading from an object property
JSON-RPC is a simple remote procedure call protocol that uses the lightweight JSON format instead of XML.

tead of XML.

Which is not true about Angular2?
Which of the following is one of the blocks of Angular 2 Architecture?
Angular 2 uses Dependency Injection.
Angular2 is written on top of Angular 1.5.x.
Which scripting language can be used to write Angular2 apps?
The @Component decorator defines how an application should be compiled and launched.
What is it called, when you "compile the application in the browser before launching the app"?
Root module class by convention named as _.
What is it called, when you "compile the applicaton as part of the build process"?
The decorator that is used to indicate a module is
A _ acts as a mediator between application / business logic and the application presentaion layer
Components can be used with
How many lifecycle methods does Angular offer apart from a Component's construtor()?
There can be only one component per DOM element
element property is used to tell angular to insert the instance of component in the HTML file.
are mandatory parameter in components.
Templates handle the view part of the application.
Which of the following is the correct usage of template syntax?
Templates can also be added using URLs of the file containing code.

What happens when the following code is encountered by Angular?

<td id="tableData4" colspan={{2 * 2}}>
Multiline template should be included within
Which of the following is the correct usage of template syntax?

Consider following code.

<p class="bold text-center"> {{data.userName}} </p>

What does the following code demonstrate?

<input #empId placeholder="Enter your TCS employee id" required>

Which of the following helps you define Metadata for a class?
Which of the following are valid metadata properties?
Which of the following is NOT an Angular metadata Decorator?
Everything in Angular 2 is a simple class, until you declare metadata.
Which among the following is not a metadata?

Angular2 extensively uses $scope object to implement MV* pattern
Typescript or Javascript
Just In Time Compilation
Ahead-of-Time(AOT) Compilation



A template parse error is thrown since colspan is a native HTML


<li (click)="selectHero(hero)" *ngFor="let hero of heroes"></li>

<p class="bold text-center"> {{data?.userName}} </p>

Use of Template Reference Variables

Using Decorator

What command should I use to retrieve my files that have been temporarily stashed ?
What is the command to temporarily store uncommitted ?

How do I view all the commits for the last 2 weeks ?

A good commit message should be descriptive and specific

What is the command to amend an incorrect commit message ?

A good commit message can have have more then 100 characters.
git bisect is used to identify a commit that has introduced a bug
I have made a commit and discarded it . I can still retrieve that commit using git reflog.
git reflog –verbose will print extra information on the screen.
git reflog track the commits that are made and the commits that are discarded .
What is the command to pick a commit from a specific branch and move it to another branch ?
What is the git command to move branch pointer to different commit without checkout ?
Which command helps you track the revisions of your revisions in git ?

git stash pop – index
git stash

git log -–since=”2 weeks ago”

git commit –amend -m “correct
git cherrypick
git update-ref
git reflog

Which plugin helps in task dependencies? gulp-depend
Which among the following helps to compile into .CSS format? both
Which plugin notifies whenever there is any change in file? gulp-notify
Which command in the CLI will trigger the 'default` task? all
gulp-concat helps with concat js\css alone


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