Traveling Improves Your Understanding of Other Cultures

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Get used to 

picking up new words in a different language every

time you travel and you will see improvements in your brain
capacities, as Dan Roitman wrote in the Huffington Post. If only
this, start getting familiar with travel jargon.
Even more than "just" languages, traveling helps you learn
about yourself. You might run into challenging situations
where you need to be resourceful and think differently. I'm
sure that you will develop a new set of skills that you didn't
suspect you had within you.

4. Traveling Improves Your Understanding Of Other

Why we travel may differ from one person to another, but
people travelling always develop empathy and a deeper
understanding of other cultures.

Being more understanding and tolerant about a culture

different than ours is part of being smarter, but I consider it
as a benefits of traveling in itself. There is a quote by Saint
Augustine, which goes “The world is a book, and those who do
not travel read only one page”. You could think of it this way:
if you read what's in the news or watch the news on TV and
don't question it, you're missing on a ton of information. You
might think that it makes you smarter and more aware of the
world, but it's the exact opposite: it narrows your mind to a
unique and biased perspective.

Sure, you probably feel comfortable where you are, but that is
just a fraction of the world! If you are a student, take
advantage of programs such as Erasmus to get to know more
people, experience and understand their culture. Dare
traveling to regions you have a skeptical opinion about. I bet
that you will change your mind and realize that everything is
not so bad abroad.
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5. Traveling Makes You More Interesting

I have no doubt that you're quite the conversationalist. That
being said, including a few stories from abroad is likely to
grant you even more attention. Mentioning something that
most people aren't familiar with or bring a new perspective is
always a good way to shine in a social situation. No need to
write a whole travel essay, just discuss what you've seen and
where you've been: people who are accustomed to their daily
life will travel with your words.

During my trip to Egypt, my Airbnb host and I went out for

dinner. He had been to some many different places, the
conversation lasted all night long, and I wasn't bored for one
If you're not yet an Airbnb user, use this link to get a few free
credits and check out this post on how to get started.
Who do you think people want to listen to: the guy who spent
his vacations at home doing some gardening and reading the
newspaper, or the one who spent a week in Cuba, driving an
old American car, swimming with dolphins and tasting
deliciously spicy food? I know which story I want to hear

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