Jha RWFW Raft Cocrete Job

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Rohan Builders (i) Pvt.Ltd.

DSM Engineering - MIDC Ranjangaon Job Hazard Analysis

PROJECT / TASK :Water Tank – Raft Concrete Job CONTRACTOR: Rohan Builders JOB No.: 08/

SUPERVISOR : Lalit Kumar LOCATION :Utility Area DATE: 10/10/2008


Break the job into steps. List the hazard or type of harm List the necessary control measures to be followed to Person who will ensure
Listing work which may be hazardous. identified with each step eliminate the identified hazards this happens

1.Transportation of concrete By  Hit by vehicle carrying  Proper access will be provided (Nimbalkar)
Tranxit Mixer. concrete
 Vehicle speed will be restricted to 10kmph (Site Engg.)

 As Per Checklist vehicle check

 Use of PPE.

 Proper Supervision.

2. Shifting Concrete By Mobile  Fall Hazard  Ground will be levelled properly

Tower Crane  Cut Injury

 As Per Checklist Crane Check
 Hitting Hazard
 All lifting tools will be third party certified.

 Only trained Worker will be allowed to work .

 A single signal man for crane.

 Restriction to other persons Concrete Job

Dsm This document is current at 12-07-2007
Rohan Builders (i) Pvt.Ltd.


2.Placing of Concrete  Cut injury  Use of hand gloves and safety shoes/
 Foot traping in
 To provide proper walkway over

Job Hazard Analysis Attendees: K.K.Mishra. D.B.Nimbalkar.

Name Signature Date
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Reviewed by:

Dsm This document is current at 12-07-2007

Rohan Builders (i) Pvt.Ltd.


People Plant Environment
5 – Very High/ Multiple Fatalities Greater than Catastrophe, destruction of sensitive environment, worldwide 5 – Almost The event is expected to occur in most
Catastrophic $10Million Loss attention. Likely EPA prosecution. More than 30 days delay. certain circumstances. Likely to occur frequently-
More than 1 per year
4 – High/ Major Fatality or Permanent Disabilities $1Million to Disaster, high levels of media attention, high cost of clean 4 – likely/ The event will probably occur in most
$10Million Loss up. Offsite environmental harm, more than 10 days delay. probable circumstances. Likely to occur several tines. 1
per year
3 – Moderate Major Injuries - Incapacitations or $100Thousand to Major spills, onsite release, substantial environmental 3– The event should occur at some time. Likely to
requiring time of work $1Million Loss nuisance, more than 1day delay. (Leads to an additional moderate/ occur some time. 1 per 5 years
resources call out i.e. SES) occasional
2 – Low/ Minor Significant Injuries – Medical $10Thousand to Significant spills (leads to a call out of Site Emergency 2 – remote/ The event could occur at some time. Unlikely
Treatments, non-permanent injury $100Thousand Loss Response Group) unlikely but possible. 1 per 10 years
1 – Very Low/ Minor Injuries – First Aid Treatments Less than Low environmental impact. Minor Spills less than 80 Litres. 1 – rare/ The event may occur only in exceptional
Insignificant (cuts/bruises) $10Thousand Loss very circumstances. Assumed it may not be
unlikely experienced. 1 per 100 years

Action Required
Intolerable Task not to start till the risk is eliminated or reduced. Bring to the immediate attention of
5 6 7 8 9 10 8 - 10
management. Formal assessment required. MUST reduce the risk as a matter of priority.
High Bring to the immediate attention of management. Task not to start till the risk is eliminated or
4 5 6 7 8 9 7
reduced. Further Assessment required. MUST reduce the risk as a matter of priority.
Significant Risk Bring to the attention of supervision. Review risks and ensure that they are reduced to as low as
3 4 5 6 7 8 6 reasonably practicable. To be dealt with as soon as possible, preferably before the task
commences. Introduce some form of hardware to control risk.
Moderate Risk Needs to be controlled but not necessarily immediately, an action plan to control the risk should be
2 3 4 5 6 7 5 drawn up. Review effectiveness of controls. Ensure responsibilities for control are specified.
Low Risk If practical reduce the risk. Ensure personnel are competent to do the task. Manage by routing
1 2 3 4 5 6 2-4
procedure. Monitor for change
1 2 3 4 5 A JHA considers a variety of activities/tasks involved in a job scope and analyses the key hazards (sources of harm) and their
consequences (types of harm) eg. Sources of harm – lifting a heavy pipe, which is manual handling. Types of harm – Back strain.

Main Points – On how to write a JHA. Hierarchy of Hazard Management – Control Measures
1. Define the task – what is to be done. These steps outline what should be planned for when deciding what control measures are to be put in
2. Review previous JHA if any – have we done it before? place. Whenever possible the highest step should be used first and then progress down the list.
3. Identify the steps – what is to be done. 1. Eliminate the hazard.
4. Identify the hazards of each step. 2. Substitution.
5. Identify who or what could be harmed. 3. Reducing the frequency of a hazardous task.
6. Give the task a risk rating – Consequence + Frequency 4. Enclosing the hazard.
7. Develop solutions to eliminate or control hazards in each step. 5. Additional procedures.
8. Review the risk rating after the control system has been implemented. 6. Additional supervision.
9. If risk rating unacceptable review the solutions till risk rating acceptable. 7. Additional training.
10. Agree who will implement the control system. 8. Instructions / information.
11. Document the JHA and discuss with the relevant personnel. 9. Some personal protective equipment.

Dsm This document is current at 12-07-2007

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