Cash Count: Audit Objectives Procedures Level of Risk
Cash Count: Audit Objectives Procedures Level of Risk
Cash Count: Audit Objectives Procedures Level of Risk
Additional Procedures on
1. Evaluate system of internal control in loading, replenishment and
reconciliation of ATM. Observe if logbooks are properly accomplished
and maintained.
2. Obtain copy of the printed ATM counters (receipt showing cash
position), take note the time of cash count and determine the cut-off
to be reconciled.
3. Count the cash on the cassettes in the presence of the accountable
officer or authorized representative. Compare balance with the
4. Return cash counted to the accountable officer and obtain
acknowledgement for the receipt of items counted.
5. Obtain ATM daily activity report from the date of cut-off until the date
of cash count to determine the total withdrawals made on the ATM.
6. Compare amount of cash counted against the report. Should there be
any difference noted, verify the next day on the EJ files or on the daily
activity report.
7. Consider the possibilities of debit without dispense or irregularity if
still there is shortage or overage noted.
8. Verify substantial accuracy and proper classification of the account in
the latest financial statement.
9. List exceptions.
The presence of the teller or a representative is required during
the entire verification. Under no circumstances should an auditor
remain alone with cash. If teller’s proof is not completed, as in the
case of an afternoon count, do not start the count but observe teller
and cash until proof is made. Accompany teller if he/she leaves the
cage to run checks, etc.
Review teller and supervisor passwords. Ascertain that they are
maintained in sealed envelopes bearing the current teller and officer’s
signature across the flap and that these envelopes are under dual
2) CHECKS AND OTHER 1. Simultaneous with the cash count, control all checks and other cash RISK
CASH ITEMS items on hand.
This account includes: 2. Run-up checks and other cash items and compare total against
1. Checks drawn on general ledger balance, investigate any difference noted.
other banks received 3. Prepare or obtain a schedule.
either for deposit or in 4. Review checks and other cash items and take note of the existence of
payment of loans by the following:
bank’s depositors or a. Stale or post-dated checks and other cash items.
borrowers negotiated b. Disagreement between amount in figures and in words.
and presented by the c. Alterations and mutilations.
bank for d. Checks and other item to cover up shortages and other
clearing/payment irregularities such as:
through designated Personal check drawn out for the amount of the cash
clearing banks. shortage.
2. Checks drawn on the Checks drawn out on non-existing account.
bank but chargeable False checks mixed with cash for the purpose of
against depositor’ balancing the account.
accounts held in the Worthless items substituted for good checks to
bank’s other abstract the proceeds thereof.
branches. Checks of officers and employees in material
Government checks amounts.
which are in the Returned checks.
process of collection. Checks drawn on the bank and held as cash items to
3. Such other items in avoid overdrafts.
process of collection Cash items received as hold over to cover shortages
payable immediately in the regular items received.
upon presentation in Checks drawn on one bank account for deposit to
the Philippines as are another bank account towards the end or at end of the
customarily collected month to cover shortages (kiting).
by banks as cash 5. After the review, return items to the custodian and obtain his signature
items. to acknowledge receipt thereof.
6. Ascertain that checks are cleared not later than following banking day
Audit Objectives: or within a reasonable period of time. Checks used to cover up
1. To establish the irregularities will usually de detected in the follow-up of their
propriety and validity of disposition.
the items as of the cut-
off date of audit.
2. To ascertain that cash
items examined as of Follow-up procedures for clearing items on hand as of audit cut-off
the audit cut-off date date:
are collected or i. Trace outward clearing items against check deposit slip to our
properly disposed of
during the course of the
3. To evaluate
effectiveness of internal
control; and
4. To determine
substantial accuracy
and proper
classification of the clearing bank. For items returned from clearing, ascertain
account in the latest reasons for such return and the subsequent disposition of
financial statement. these items. (Outward clearing items – checks drawn on other
banks received through for deposit/in payment of loans from
depositors/borrowers to be collected through the clearing
ii. For Bank’s own checks (not yet posted to the current accounts
subsidiary ledger nor returned to clearing banks), trace (for
material items) subsequent debit to the individual current
accounts subsidiary ledgers and to the returned check register
as the case may be.
iii. Examine returned checks for four (4) days after count to
ascertain whether these include items counted by auditor and
investigate reason for return.
iv. Verify postings of returned checks to depositors’ ledger
(normally, these will consist mainly of returned checks of
savings depositors).
7. Follow through or trace all cash items on hand ascertain that they are
collected within a reasonable period of time. Investigate long
outstanding items.
8. Review the general ledger account to check whether checks are
deposited intact to the clearing bank in the following business day.
9. Evaluate system of internal control.