Challenges of Electric Vehicle Adoption in India: August 2019
Challenges of Electric Vehicle Adoption in India: August 2019
Challenges of Electric Vehicle Adoption in India: August 2019
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1.8 million (Cobb, 2016) with a forecast of 5.5 million For instance, the then newly implemented CNG vehicles
EVs to be sold by 2025 (Dynamics, 2015). The early in early 2000s (in Delhi) led to huge jams due to unending
users of EV enjoyed major incentives like free charging queue of CNG vehicles at the fuelling stations. The required
and subsidized EV rates (Mersky, et al., 2016; Langbroek, infrastructure was far from ready at the time of roll-out which
et al., 2016). ‘Range anxiety’- the fear of running out of
electricity before reaching another charging station; is
found to be of great inconvenience to EV users (Wood, invoked debates on the sustainability of social, economic
2014) and a great deterrent to willingness to adopt EV and environmental aspects on its production and usage.
The lack of quality raw materials and low yield led to shut
down of various joint ventures for production of biofuel. The
bone of contention also brought forward broad issues like
charging infrastructure, c) lack of products comparable to effect of biofuels on land-use, deforestation, food economy
and subsequent climate change. So as to not repeat the old
conventional vehicles and d) less investment in augmenting
experiences, one must take note of impending issues in
EV manufacturing capacity. Attributed to these factors,
implementation and usage of EVs.
the accurate estimation of demand for EV charging of
a particular area is found to be challenging leading to 4. CHALLENGES OF EV IN INDIA
imbalance between supply and demand (Fig.2). Disparity EVs in India, as welcomed as they are, come bundled with
between demand and supply has marred the spread of other challenges that might adversely affect the vox-populi. One
unconventional transport fuels in the past; the experiences of such foremost concern is the availability of “electricity”.
from which we can gain from. Fig. 2 summarises the global The electricity requirement for EVs is projected to be
EV stock along with the total number of publicly available 79.9 gigawatt hours (GWh) by 2020 which will rise up to
installed EV chargers. It can be inferred that currently China 69.6 terawatt hours (TWh) by 2030 (EY & ASSOCHAM,
has the largest number of charging infrastructure in place 2018). This simply means that a substantial increase in
which is boosting its swift migration towards e-mobility. electricity production is required to offset the overloading
of local transformers and the grid. The risk of overloading
of grid is particularly high during peak hours when most
of the EV owners plan to simultaneously recharge. In a
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