PSS Syllabus BSS (19-20)

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Department of Political Studies

Undergraduate: 2019-20

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

Sylhet, Bangladesh

Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus

Department of Political Studies Second Year: 1st Semester
Undergraduate Program Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits
Session 2019-2020 Theory Lab
First Year: 1st Semester PSS231 Modern Political Thought 3 0 3.0
Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits British Colonial Rule in India and 3 0 3.0
Theory Lab People’s Resistance
PSS111 Fundamentals of Political Science 3 0 3.0 PSS233 Introduction to Local Governance 3 0 3.0
Introduction to Public 3 0 3.0 ANP201 Political Anthropology 3 0 3.0
Administration Approaches to Community 3 0 3.0
Ancient and Medieval Political 3 0 3.0 Intervention
Thought Statistics for Social and Political 2 0 2.0
ECO103 Principles of Economics 4 0 4.0 Research-I
SOC101B Principles of Sociology 3 0 3.0 Statistics for Social and Political 0 1 1.0
PSS100 Seminar + Viva Voce 0 4 2.0 Research-I Lab
Total 16 4 18.0 PSS300 Seminar +Viva-Voce 0 4 2.0
Total 17 5 20.0
First Year: 2nd Semester
Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits
Theory Lab Second Year: 2nd Semester
PSS121 Oriental Political Thought 3 0 3.0 Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits
Public Administration in 3 0 3.0 Theory Lab
Bangladesh Major Political Systems (UK, USA, 3 0 3.0
PSS123 Political Institutions 3 0 3.0 China and Japan)
BAN171 Introduction to Business 3 0 3.0 PSS242 Political Sociology 3 0 3.0
ENG101e English Language (Theory) 2 0 2.0 PSS243 Approaches to the Study of Politics 3 0 3.0
ENG102e English Language (Lab) 0 2 1.0 Statistics for Social and Political 2 0 2.0
BNG101 Bangla Language (Theory) 2 0 2.0 Research –II
BNG102 Bangla Language (Lab) 0 2 1.0 Statistics for Social and Political 0 1 1.0
PSS200 Seminar +Viva-Voce 0 4 2.0 Research –II Lab
Total 15 8 19.0 Introduction to Human Geography 3 0 3.0
and Environment
PSS400 Seminar +Viva-Voce 0 4 2.0
Total 14 5 17.0

Third Year: 1st Semester

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits
Theory Lab
PSS351 Introduction to International Politics 3 0 3.0
PSS352 Research Methodology-I 3 0 3.0
Military and Politics in Developing 3 0 3.0
PSS354 Introduction to Political Economy 3 0 3.0
Introduction to Computing 0 3 3.0
PSS500 Seminar + Viva Voce 0 4 2.0
Total 12 7 17.0

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Third Year: 2nd Semester Detailed Syllabus
Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits Major Courses
Theory Lab
Political History of the Modern 3 0 3.0 PSS111 (3.0 Credits)
PSS362 Research Methodology-II 3 0 3.0
a) Political Science: Meaning, Nature and Scope of Political Science. Methods:
PSS363 Rural Development and Politics 3 0 3.0
Historical, Observational, Experimental and Comparative. Relationship with other
War of Liberation and Emergence 3 0 3.0
PSS364 Social Sciences, Significance of the Study of Political Science.
of Bangladesh (1947-1971)
b) State: Meaning and Elements, Nature, Functions, Purpose and Ends of the State.
Politics and Governance in South 3 0 3.0
PSS365 Origin & Development of the State, Sovereignty: Meaning and Characteristics,
Liberal Marxist, Police State, Welfare State, Islamic State, State-Government
Politics and Personalities in the 3 0 3.0 Relationship, State and other Institutions, Monism and Pluralism.
Indian Sub-continent c) Fundamental Concepts: i) Liberty: Meaning, Nature and Kinds, ii) Equality:
PSS600 Seminar + Viva Voce 0 4 2.0 Meaning, Nature & Kinds, Relationships between Liberty & Equality. iii) Rights:
Total 18 4 20.0 Meaning, Nature, Kinds. Theories of Rights, Protection of Rights, Political
Participation and Repreasentation, iv) Justice: Meaning; Nature and Kinds. v)
Nation, Nationality, Nationalism.
Fourth Year: 1st Semester vi) Internationalism: Meaning and Nature.
Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits d) Ethics and Equity: Meaning, Importance.
Theory Lab e) Law: Meaning, Source, Kinds, Theories of Origin & Nature of Law.
PSS471 Gender Politics 3 0 3.0 f) Power, Authority, Hegemony, Civil Society, Public Sphere.
PSS472 Recent Political Thought 3 0 3.0
PSS473 Foreign Policies of Major Powers 3 0 3.0 Recommended Readings:
PSS474 Comparative Politics 3 0 3.0  Agarwal, R.C.(2004). Political Theory. New Delhi: S. Chand and Co.
Area Studies : (a) Middle East (b) 3 0 3.0  Ball, R Alan. (1977). Modern Politics and Government. London: Macmillan Press.
PSS475 Latin America  De Vos, Ton. (1975). Introduction to Politics. New York: Winthrop Publishers.
(c) Sub-Saharan Africa  Finer, Herman (1949). Theory and Practice of Modern Government. H. Holt and
PSS700 Seminar + Viva-Voce 0 4 2.0 Commpany.
Total 15 4 17.0  Garner, J.W. (1910). Introduction to Political Science. New York: American Book
Fourth Year: 2nd Semester  Gettle, Rymond G. (1910. Political Science. Boston: Inn and Co.
Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits  Johari, J.C. (1989). Principles of Modern Political Science. New Delhi: Sterling
Theory Lab Publishers.
PSS481 Political Management in Bangladesh 3 0 3.0  Kapur, A.C. (1990). Principles of Political Science. New Delhi: S. Chand and Co.,
PSS482 Project Management 3 0 3.0  Laski, H.J. (1931). A Grammar of Politics. London: Allen & Unwin Ltd.,
Public Policy Analysis with Special 3 0 3.0  Rodee, Anderson & Christol (eds) (1967) Introduction to Political Science. New
Reference to Bangladesh York: McGraw-Hill.
Globalization: International 3 0 3.0  Wheare, K.C. (1952) Modern Constitutions. London: Oxford University Press.
PSS484 Organizations and Financial  W. gKmy`yi ingvb (2013) ivóªxq msMV‡bi iƒc‡iLv| XvKv: Av‡jqv cÖKvk
PSS485 Politics in Bangladesh 3 0 3.0 PSS112 (3.0 Credits)
Total 15 6 18.0
a) Public Administration: Meaning, Nature, Scope and Significance. Public and
Total Credits: 18.0+19.0+20.0+17.0+17.0+20.0+17.0+18.0=146.0 Private Administration, Approaches to the Study of Public Administration,
Paradigms of Public Administration, Public Administration and Other Social

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b) Concepts of Public Administration: i) Power and Authority, ii) Hierarchy, iii)  Khan, Mohammad Mohabbat. (1980) Bureaucratic Self-Preservation: Failure
Division of Work, iv) Co-ordination, v) Span of Control, vi) Unity of of Major Administrative Reform Efforts in the Civil Service of Pakistan. Dhaka:
Command, v) Line and Staff, vi) Centralisation and Decentralisation, vii) University of Dhaka.
Departmentalisation.  Lane, Frederick S. (1994) Current Issues in Public Administration. New York:
c) Organisation: Formal and Informal Organisation, Organisation Theories: (a) St. Martin’s Press,
Classical Theories; Scientific Management and F. W. Taylor; Administrative  Maheshwari, S. R. (1998) Administrative Thinkers. New Delhi: Macmillan
Management and Henry Fayol; Bureaucracy and Max Weber. (b) Neo- India Limited.
Classical/Behavioural Theories: Human Relations Movement and Elton Mayo.  McCurdy, Howard E. (1977) Public Administration: A Synthesis. Sydney:
(c) Modern Theories: Systems Theory and Contingency Theory. Cummings Publishing Company.
d) Processes of Organisation: Motivation, Leadership, Communication, Decision-  Nigro, F. and L. Nigro. (1977) Modern Public Administration. New York:
Making. Harper & Row.
e) Bureaucracy:Meaning,Characteristics,Functions,New Public Management(NPM)  Ostrom, Vincent. (1974) The Intellectual Crisis in American Public
Recommended Readings: Administration. Alabama: University of Alabama Press.
 Barber, Michael P. (1978) Public Administration. London: The English  Pugh, Derek S. and David J. Hickson. (1996) Writers on Organizations.
Language Book Society and M & E Ltd., England: Penguin Books.
 Barnard, Chester I. (1968) The Functions of the Executive. Massachusetts,  Shafritz, Jay M. (Ed.). (2000) Defining Public Administration. Colorado:
Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Westview Press
 Corson, John J. and Joseph P. Harris. (1963) Public Administration in Modern  Shafritz, Jay M. and Albert C. Hyde (Eds.). (1992) Classics of Public
Society. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. Administration. Pacific Grove: CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company
 Frederickson, H. G. (1980) New Public Administration. Alabama: University of  Simon, H. A.; D. W. Smithburg and Thompson V. A. (1950) Public
Alabama Press. Administration. New York: Alfred Knopf
 Golembiewsky, R. T. (1977) Public Administration as a Developing Discipline.  United Nations. (1998) Rethinking Public Administration: An Overview. New
New York :Marcel Dekkar York: United Nations
 Gortner, Harold F.(1977). Administration in the Public Sector. Chichester:  Weber, Max. (1962) From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. Translated by H.
John Wiley and Sons. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills, New York: Oxford University Press.
 Gullick, Luther H. and Lyndell Urwick. (1937) Papers on the Science of  White, L. D. (1926) Introduction to the Study of Public Administration. New
Administration. New York: Institute of Public Administration, York: The Free Press.
 Heffron, Florence. (1989) Organization Theory and Public Organizations: The  W. gKmy`yi ingvb (2013) evsjv‡`‡ki ¯’vbxq ¯^vqËkvmb| XvKv: Aemi
Political Connection. Englewood Cliffs: NJ, Prentice Hall cÖKvk
 Henry, Nicholas. (1989) Public Administration and Public Affairs. NJ: Prentice  W. ‡gv: Avbmvi DwÏb (2012) ‡jvKcªkvmb : ZË¡ I cª‡qvM| XvKv: Aaybv
Hall. cÖKvkb
 Hicks, Herbert G. and C. Ray Gullett. (1975) Organizations: Theory and  Sharma, M.P. (2014) Public Administration in Theory and Practice, Kitab
Behavior. Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book Company. Mahal.
 Hughes, Owen E. (1994) Public Management and Administration: An  Marx, F.M. (1946) Elements of Public Administration.
Introduction. London: Macmillan Press Ltd.,
 Huque, Ahmed Shafiqul. (1990) Paradoxes in Public Administration: PSS113 (3.0 Credits)
Dimensions of Development. Dhaka: University Press Limited. ANCIENT AND MADIEVAL POLITICAL THOUGHT
 Jack Rabin, Bartley Hildreth and Gerald Miller (eds.). (1989) Handbook of
a) Development of Political Thought
Public Administration. New York: Marcel Dekkar
b) Ionian School of Philosophy
 Kast, Fremont E. and James E. Rosenzweig. (1973) Contingency Views of
c) Greek City States and Greek Philosophy:
Organization and Management. Chicago:Science Research Associates, Inc.
i) Socrates: Life and Philosophy; Socratic method, Philosophical belief,
 Kast, Fremont E. and James E. Rosenzweig. (1985) Organization and Knowledge, Virtue, Politics, Covertness
Management: A Systems and Contingency Approach. New York: McGraw-Hill ii) Plato: Life and Central doctrines; The Ideal state, Justice, Philosopher King,
Book Company. Education, Socialism.
 Khan, Haroon A. (1997) Public Administration: An Introduction. Iow: iii) Aristotle: Life and Central doctrines; Logic, Science, and Dialectic
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. d) Four Schools of Thought: Sophism, Stoicism, Epicureanism, and Cynicism

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e) Roman Political Thought: Political Philosophy in the Roman Empire, Polybius- • Bhagwan ,Vishnoo.(2002) Indian Political Thinkers. Delhi: Attma Ram and
Life and Central doctrines, Cicero- Life and Central doctrines. Sons.
f) Feudalism, Kingship and Church, Church-State Conflict, St. Augustine, Thomas • Kangle, R. P. (1965) Arthashastra of Kautilya. Delhi: Motilal Bansarsidass.
Aquinas and Marsilio of Padua. • Nurbakhsh, Javad. (1992) The Psychology of Sufism. New York: Khaniqahi
g) Conciliar Movement: Its Failure and Success. Nimatullahi Publ.
• Sharma, B.S.(1965) The Political Philosophy of M.N. Roy. Delhi: National
Recommended Readings: Publishing House.
 Barker, Ernest. (1960) Greek Political Theory: Plato and His Predecessors. • Nehru, J. (1956) Discovery of India. London: Meridian Books.
London: Methuen Publishing Ltd. • Narvane, V.S. (1978) Modern Indian Thought. New Delhi: Orient Longman.
 Barker, Earnest (1956) The Political Thought of Plato and Aristotle. New York: • Ghoshal, U.N. (1959) A History of Indian Political Ideas. London: Oxford
Dever Publications. University Press.
 Cocker, F.W. (1938) Readings in Political Philosophy. New York: Macmillan.
PSS122 (3.0 Credits)
 Coleman, J.(2000) A History of Political Thought: From Ancient Greece to Early
Christianity. London: Blackwell
 Dunning, W.A.(2006) A History of Political Theories: Ancient and Medieval. a) Philosophy of the Constitution: Constitution of the People’s Republic of
Montana: Kessinger Publishing. Bangladesh and its Provisions Relating to Public Administration.
 Ebensein. W, and Alan, O. Ebensein (2002) I ntroduction to Political Thinker.
T T b) Historical Background of Public Administration in Bangladesh: (i)The
USA: Thomson Learning. Structure and Organization of Public Administration in British India (ii) State
 Ebenstein, William. (1973) Great Political Thinkers: Plato to the Present. Delhi: of Public Administration in United Pakistan (ii) Government Organs and their
Oxford and IBM Publishing Co. interrelationship (iv) Secretariat set-up, Ministries, Divisions, Departments,
 Gettle, R,(1924) History of Political Thought. New York: Novell & Co., Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Bodies/Agencies- Structure, Functions
 Lancaster, Lane W. (1973) Masters of Political Thought Volume Three: Hegel to and Relationship (v) Field Administration in Bangladesh: District and Upazilla
Dewey. London: George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd. Administration- Structure, Functions, Control and Coordination (vi) Public
 Mukherjee, Subrata & Ramaswamy, Sushila (1999) A History of Political Administration System in Bangladesh.
Thought: Plato to Marx. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India. c) Bangladesh Civil Service: (i) Inter-cadre Conflict (ii) Accountability and
 Suda, J.P. (1972) History of Political Thought. Meerut: K Nath & Co. Transparency (ii) Administrative Corruption.
 Sabine, George H. (1973) A History of Political Theory. New Delhi. Oxford and d) Politics-Administration Interface: Role of Bureaucracy in Public Policy
IBM Publishing Co. Formulation and Implementation.
e) Role of the Central Personnel Agencies: The Ministry of Establishment and
PSS121 (3.0 Credits) Bangladesh Public Service Commission.
ORIENTAL POLITICAL THOUGHT f) Public Corporation: Problems and Prospects.
g) Field of Public Administration in Bangladesh: Problems and Issues, BPATC.
a) Definition of Orientalism h) Administrative Reforms in Bangladesh.
b) Ancient Indian Political Thought: Background and Sources. i) Ombudsman in Bangladesh Administration.
i) Brahmanic, Buddist and Jain Traditions. j) Women in Bangladesh Administration.
ii) Kautilya and Arthashastra
ii) Chaitanyabad. Recommended Readings:
iv) Atish Dipankar, Vibekananda, Abul Fazal,  Ahmed, Ali. (2006) Role of Higher Civil Servants in Bangladesh. Dhaka:
c) Ancient Chinese Political Thought: Confucianism, Taoism. UPL
d) Arab-African Political Thought: Al - Farabi, Ibne Khaldun., Ibne Sina, Imam  Ali, A. M.M.S. (2007) Civil Service Management in Bangladesh: An
Gazzali, Khomeni, G. A. Naser, M. Gaddafi. Agenda for Policy Reform. Dhaka: University Press Limited
e) Political Thought of India and Sub-continent: Mahatma Gandhi and Others.  Ali, A. M. M. S. (2002) The lore of Mandarins- Towards a Non-partisan
Public Service in Bangladesh. Dhaka: University Press Limited
Recommended Readings:
 Ali, A. M. M. S. (2004). Bangladesh Civil Service: A Political-
• Saletore, Bhaskar Anand (1968) Ancient Indian Political Thought and Institutions.
Administrative Perspective. Dhaka: University Press Limited.
Delhi: Asia Publishing House.
 Das, S. K. (1998) Civil Service Reform and Structural Adjustment. Delhi:
• Chittick, William C. (2000) Sufism: A Short Introduction. England: Oneworld.
Oxford University Press.

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 E. Ahmed (Ed.), Bureaucratic Elites in Segmented Economic Growth-  W. gKmy`yi ingvb (2013) ivóªxq msMV‡bi iƒc‡iLv| XvKv: Av‡jqv cÖKvk
Pakistan and Bangladesh. Dhaka: University Press.
PSS231 (3.0 Credits)
 Hughes, O. E. (2003) Public Management and Administration (3rd eds).
New York: Palgrave Macmillan
 H. Zafarullah & Khan, M.M.(2005) The Bureaucratic Ascendancy. New a) Socio-Economic Background of Modern Political Thought
Delhi & Dhaka: South Asia & AHD Publishers. b) Renaissance and Reformation- Machiavelli, Bodin, Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu,
 Jahan, F. (2006) Public Administration in Bangladesh. BRAC University. Rousseau
Dhaka: CGS c) Liberalism and Utilitarianism: Jeremy Bentham, J. S. Mill, H. Spencer, Thomas
 K. K. Tummala (Ed.) Administrative System Abroad. Washington DC: Green, Marry Wollstonecraft
University Press of America. d) Idealism: Immanuel Kant, Hegel
e) Utopian Socialism: St. Simon Charles Fourier and Robert Owen, Marxian
 Khan, M. M (ed). (1984) Bangladesh: Society Politics and
Socialism: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels;
Bureaucracy. Dhaka: CENTAS
 ___________. (1988) Administrative Reforms in Bangladesh. New Delhi Recommended Readings:
& Dhaka: South Asia & UPL.  Brein O, Nelson.(2003) Western Political Thought. New Delhi: Pearson
 _______________. (2006) The Dominant Executive and Dormant Education.
Legislature: Executive-Legislature Relations in Bangladesh. New Delhi  Dunning, William A.(1966) A History of Political Theories: Ancient and
and Dhaka: South Asia & UPL Medieval. Allahabad: Central Book Depot,
 ___________. (1991) Politics of Administrative Reform in  Ebenstein, William.(1973) Great Political Thinkers: Plato to the Present. Delhi:
Bangladesh. New Delhi: Ashish Publishing House. Oxford and IBM Publishing Co.
 Lifschultz, L. (1979) Bangladesh: the Unfinished Revolution. London:  Foster, Michael B.(1971) Masters of Political Thought Volume One: Plato to
Zed Press. Machiavelli. London: George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd.
 W. gKmy`yi ingvb (2013) ivóªxq msMV‡bi iƒc‡iLv| XvKv: Av‡jqv cÖKvk  Germino, Dante (1972) Modern Western Political Thought: Machiavelli to Marx.
PSS123 (3.0 Credits) Chicago: Rand Mcnally & Company.
POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS  Jones, W.T. (1973) Masters of Political Thought Volume Two: Machiavelli to
Bentham. London: George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd.
a) Institutions: Meaning, Types and Theories.
 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1952) Communist Manifesto and other
b) Constitution: Classification and forms of Constitution, Government:
Writings. New York.
Government, Democracy and Dictatorship, Totalitarianism, Parliamentary and
 Lenin, Vladimir (1913) Karl Marx: A Brief Biographical Sketch with an
Presidential Constitution, Government, Unitary & Federal Government, T T T T

Exposition of Marxism. Peking: Foreign Languages Press.

Coalition government, Problems and New Trends of Federalism.
c) Organs of Government: Legislature, Executive, Judiciary.  Singer, Peter (1980). Marx. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

d) Separation of powers  Suda, J.P. (1972) History of Political Thought. Meerut: K Nath & Co.
e) Rule of Law, Administrative Law.  Strauss, L. (1958) Thoughts on Machiavelli. Chicago: University of
f) Election Commission and Representation, Elite group. Chicago Press.
g) Political Parties, Interest Groups.  Sabine, George H.(1973) A History of Political Theory. New Delhi:
h) Bureaucracy. Oxford and IBM Publishing Co.
i) Public Opinion.  Wayper, C.L.(1967) Political Thought. London: The English University
Recommended Readings:
 Ball, R Alan. (1977) Modern Politics and Government. London: Macmillan Press. PSS232 (3.0 Credits)
 Finer, H. (1932) Theory and Practice of Modern Government. New York: The BRITISH COLONIAL RULE IN INDIA AND PEOPLE’S RESISTANCE
Dial Press.
 Gettle, G Rymond. (1910), Political Science. Boston: Inn and Co. a) Nature of colonial rule, consequences of colonialism on the economy, society and
 Maclver, R. M. (1947) The Web of Government. New York: Macmillan culture
Company. b) Constitutional development: Act of 1881, Act of 1892, Simla Deputation of 1906,
Act of 1909, Lucknow Pact 1916, Montegu-Chelmsford Reform or Act of 1919
 Strong. C. F (1963). A History Modern Political Constitutions. New York:
and Dyarchy, Bengal Pact of 1923, Simon Commission of 1927, Nehru Report of
Capricorn Book.
1928, Jinna’s 14-Point of 1929, Round table conferences 1930-32, Communal
 Wheare, K.C. (1952) Modern Constitutions. London: Oxford University Press.
Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus
Award of 1932, Act of 1935 and Provincial Autonomy, 1937 Election and
Formation of Ministry, Lahore Resolution of 1940, Cripps Mission of 1942, 1945- PSS233 (3.0 Credits)
46 Elections, Ministries in Bengal, Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946, Mountbatten INTRODUCTION TO LOCAL GOVERNANCE
Plan, Indian Independence Act of 1947.
c) People’s Resistance: Socio-economic and religious movement, Wahabi, Faraizi, a) Introduction to Local Government: Meaning, Principles and Characteristics,
Peasant movement, Swadeshi, Fakir-Sannyashi, Indigo cultivators, Bhadralok Rationale, Types and Models of Local Government.
samaj, Bansher Kella (Bamboo Fort), Aligarh Movement, Khilafat movement and b) Decentralisation and People’s Participation: Meaning, Types and Importance.
Ali Brothers. c) Local Government in British Period (1870-1947): Evolution of Local
Government in British India, Various Acts e.g., Chowkidary Panchayet Act
Recommended Readings: 1870, 1882, 1885; Report on the Decentralisation Committee 1907-1909;
 Adam, Roberts and Timothy, Garton Ash (eds) (2009) Civil Resistance and
T T T T T T T T Morley-Minto Reforms; Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms; Bengal Village Local
Power Politics: The Experience of Non-violent Action from Gandhi to the Government Act 1919; Leaving Report 1913-14.
Present. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press.
T T d) Local Government in Pakistan Period (1947-1971): Basic Democracies Order
 Azad, Abul Kalam.(1998) India Wins Freedom. India: Orient Longman Pvt. of Ayub Khan.
Limted. e) Local Government in Bangladesh: (1) Evolution, Structure, Composition and
 Chandra, Bipan; Mridula Mukherjee, Aditya Mukherjee, Sucheta Functions (2) Central-Local Relations (3) Local Level Planning (4) Local
Mahajan, K.N. Panikkar (1989). India's Struggle for Independence. New
Government Finance (5) Local Government Reform Commissions/Committees,
Delhi: Penguin Books
local government and women empowerment. Local Government Election.
 Dalton, D.G. (1982) India’s Idea of Freedom: Political Thought of Swami Local Governance: Policies, strategies and challenges of local governance in
Vevekananda, Aurobindo Ghose, Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore. Bangladesh.
Delhi: Academic Press. f) Central Control Over Local Government Bodies.
 Gandhi, M. K.(1983) The Story of My Experience with Truth. India: Dover
Recommended Readings:
Publications.  Ahmod, Ali. (1979) Administration of Local Self – Government in Rural Areas
 Heehs, Peter (1998). India's Freedom Struggle: A Short History. Delhi: Oxford
in Bangladesh. Dhaka: NILG.
University Press.  Ahmed, Tofail (1993) Decentralisation and the Local State under Peripheral
 Jalal, Ayesha.(1994) The Sole Spokesman: Jinnah, the Muslim League and the Capitalism: A Study on the Political Economy of Local Government in
Demand for Pakistan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bangladesh. Dhaka: Academic Publishers Ltd.
 Karunakaran, K.P.(1975) Indian Politics from Dadabhai Naoroji to Gandhi A  Ali, S. Moqsood. (1981) Decentralization and People’s Participation in
Study of the Political Ideas of Modern India. New Delhi: Gitanjali Prakashan. Bangladesh. Dhaka: NIPA
 Seal, Rajagopalachari, C. (1967) Gandhiji”s Teachings and Philosophy,  Hye , Hasnath. Abduul. (1982) Local Level Planning. Dhaka: NILG.
Bombay: Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan.  Khan, Mohabbat (2009). Decentralization in Bangladesh, Myth or Reality.
 Sarkar, Sumit (1983). Modern India: 1885–1947. Madras: Macmillan. .
Dhaka: A. H. Development Publishing House.
 Sharma, B.S.(1965). The Political Philosophy of M.N. Roy. Delhi: National  Siddiqui, Kamal. (1994), Local Government in Bangladesh. Dhaka: UPL.
Publishing House.  _____________. (2000) Local Government in Bangladesh: Leading Issues and
 Seal, Anil (1968). Emergence of Indian Nationalism: Competition and
Major Challenges. Dhaka: UPL.
Collaboration in the Later Nineteenth Century. London: Cambridge U.P  ______________. (2000) Local Government in South Asia: A Comparative
 Singh, Jaswant.(2009). Jinnah India–Partition Independence. India: Rupa Study. Dhaka: UPL.
Publications.  W. gKmy`yi ingvb (2013) evsjv‡`‡ki ¯’vbxq ¯^vqËkvmb| XvKv: Aemi
 Young, Tan Tai, Soci. (2009) Political and Economic Challenges in South cÖKvk
Asia. India: Sage Publications.
 nviæb-Ai-iwk` (2018) evsjv‡`k: ivRbxwZ miKvi I kvmbZvwš¿K Dbœqb PSS241 (3.0 Credits)
 W. gKmy`yi ingvb (2014) e½f½ I evOvjxi HK¨| XvKv: Aemi cÖKvk
a) United Kingdom: Development & Nature of the Constitution. Law &
Convention, the Crown, the Parliament, the Cabinet, the Civil Service, the
Judiciary, Political Parties & Pressure Groups.

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b) U.S.A.: Development and Nature of the Constitution, the President, the h) Social Problems in Bangladesh: Corruption, Violence, Environmental Pollution,
Congress, the Committee System of the Congress, the Judiciary & Judicial Militancy and Extremism, Abuse of Modern Technology.
Review, Separation of Powers and Checks and Balance, Political Parties & i) Social Movements, Revolution and Change.
Pressure Groups, Electoral system, Lobbying, Bill. Recommended Readings:
c) China: Chinese Revolution, Nature and Development of the Constitution,  Bottomore. T.B. (1970) Elites and Society. New York: Penguin.
Chinese People’s Congress. President and Council of Ministers, Role of the  Bottomore, T. B. (1979 ) Classes in Modern Society. London: GAW,
Communist Party. Problems & Prospects of the Chinese Political System  Biswas, Dipti Kumer. (1976) Political Sociology: An Introduction. Calcutta.
d) Japan: Meiji Restoration, Party system, Democratization process. Executive, Firma KLM.
Legislative and Judicial System in Japan.  Colin, Leys (ed). (1969) Politics and Change in Developing Countries.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Recommended Readings:
 Dahl, Robert A. (1974) Modern Political Analysis. New Delhi: Prentice Hall
 Brogan, D.W. (1943) American Political System. London: Hamish Hamilton
 Dobratz, Betty A.; Waldner, Lisa K., and Buzzell, Timothy (2012). Power, Politics
 Bogdanor, Vernon (1997). The Monarchy and the Constitution. London:

and Society: An Introduction to Political Sociology. New York: Routledge.

Oxford University Press
 Eiseadat , S. N. (ed). (1971) Political Sociology. New York: Basic Books
 Chrimes, S B (1967). English Constitutional History. London: Oxford

 Kornhauser, Willam. (1967) Politics of Mass Society. New York: Free press.
University Press.
 Lewis, Aj. Coser Cedl .(1967) Political Sociology: Selected Essays. New York:

 Chien, Tuan-Sheng. (1950) The Government & Politics of China. Cambridge:

Harper and Raw.
Harvard University Press.
 Lipset and Bendix. (1970) Class, Status and Power: Social Stratification in
 Finer, S. E. (1956) Government of Greater European Powers: A Comparative
Comparative Perspective. Ladan: R. KP.
Study of the Governments and Political Culture of Great Britain, France,
Germany, &the Soviet Union .volume1, New York: Holt  Pye, Lucian and Verba, (1967) Political Cultures and Political Development.
Princeton: Princeton University Press..
 Finer, S. E. (1970) Comparative Government. Allen lane: Penguin Press.
 Farber, Daniel (2003). Lincoln's Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press. PSS243 (3.0 Credits)
 Wood, Gordon (1998). The Creation of the American Republic (1776-1787). APPROACHES TO THE STUDY OF POLITICS
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
 Laski, H. J. (1938) Parliamentary Government in England. London: Allen & a) Meaning, Nature and Scope, Institutional and Behavioral Concept.
Unwin b) The Scientific Study of Politics: Concept, Generalizations, Explanations,
 Munro, W. B. (1954) The Governments of Europe. N.Y. : Macmillan Models
 Pritchett, C. Herman (1959). The American Constitution. New York: McGraw- c) Theories of the study of politics, Elementary Data Analysis
Hill d) Approaches to the Study of Politics: Old Institutional Approachs
 Turpin, Colin., Tomkins, Adam (2007). British Government and the System Analysis, Functional Analysis, Elite Theories, Group Theories, Role
Theories, Decision Theories, Conflict Theories, Power Approach, Psycho-
Constitution: Text and Materials. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Analytic Approaches, Marxist and Neo-Marxist Approaches, Coalition
Bargaining Theory, Rational Choice Theory, Political culture and Socialization,
PSS242 (3.0 Credits) New Institutional approach, Actor-Power Analysis and Power-Interest Analysis
Recommended Readings:
a) Political Sociology: Nature, Scope, emergence of Political Sociology and  Almond, G. A. and Powell, G.B (1988) Comparative Politics Today: A
Sociology of Politics, Approaches to the study of Political Sociology. Worldview. Boston: Foresman & Co.
b) Relationship of Political Sociology with other Social Sciences.  Almond, G. A. and Powell, G.B (1966) Comparative Politics: A
c) Sociology of Power and Authority: Concept, Types and Approaches. Developmental Approach. Boston: Foresman & Co.
d) Social Stratification: Historical Development, Forms, Determinants.
 Apter, David E and Eckstein, Harry (1968) Comparative Politics: A Reader.
e) Political Institution: Group, Party, Bureaucracy, Pressure group.
New York: The Free Press.
f) Political Participation: Conditions, Forms and Processes, Electoral Politics and
 Blondel, J,(1999) The Discipline of Politics. New York, NY: Wiley-
Voting Behavior. Public Opinion and Political Socialization.
Interscience, John Wiley & Sons
g) Social Inequality: Class, Gender and Minority. T T

Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus

 Bill and Hardgrave (1973) Comparative Politics: The Quest for Theory. Ohio:  Herz, John H. (1959) International Politics in the Atomic Age . New

Merrill York : Columbia University Press


 Easton, David (1953) The Political System: An Inquiry into the State of  Kaplan, Morton A. (1957) System and Process in International Politics . New

Political Science. New York: Knopf. York : John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

 Easton, David (1965) A System Analysis of Political Life. New York: John  Morgenthau, Hans J. (eds) (1985) Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for
Wiley and Sons. Power and Peace. New York: McGraw-Hill.
 Huntington, S. P and Weiner, Myron (1987) Understanding Political  Organski, A.F.K. (1958) World Politics . New York : Alfred A. Knopf

Development. Boston: Little Brown and Co.  Palmer, Norman D. and Perkins, Howard C. (1953) International Relations .


Isaac.A. C, (1997) The Method and Scope of Political Science. USA: Harcourt Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co.

College Pub.  Richardson , Lewis F. (1960) Arms and Security . Pittsburgh : Boxwood Press


Kaplan, Abraham(1973) The Conduct of Inquiry, NJ: Transaction Publishers  Stoessinger, John G. (1964) The Might of Nations; World Politics in our Time .
 Lasswell, Harold D (1958) Politics: Who Gets What, When and How? New

New York : Random House .

York: The World Publishing Company. T TT T T T

 Lasswell, H, D. & Lerner, D (ed.), (1951) The Policy Sciences: Recent PSS352 (3.0 Credits)
Developments in Scope and Method. Stanford: Stanford. University Press, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY-1
1951. 3-15.
 Storing , Herbert, J.(1962) Essays on The Scientific Study of Politics. New a) Importance of Research in Political Science/ Social sciences.
York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. b) i) Basic Elements of Social Research: Symbols, Concepts, Variables, statements.
 GgvRDÏxb Avng` (1995) Zzjbvg~jK ivRbxwZ: ivR‰bwZK we‡kølY| ii) Types of Social Research: Applied research, action research, operational
XvKv: evsjv‡`k eyK Ki‡cv‡ikb wj:| research.
iii) Research methods and techniques: Exploratory, Descriptive, Experimental,
PSS351(3.0 Credits) Explanatory, Observation, Survey, Case Study, Content analysis, Historical,
c) Research Design: Selection of the problem, Review of the literature,
a) International Politics: Meaning, Nature, Scope and approaches, Development Development of Hypotheses, Operationalization of the Variables, Methods and
of International Politics, Approaches to the Study of International Politics. methodology, technique of data analysis.
b) Nature & Development of International Society, International and Regional d) Research Instruments: Interview guide, interview schedule
Society, Nationalism & National Power, National Interest, Balance of Power, e) Sampling: Probability, non-probability, sample size calculation
Bi-Polarity, Multi-Polarity, Uni-polarity. f) Data collection procedures: participant observation, interviews, questionnaire
b) Diplomacy and Foreign Policy-Goals, factors, Formulation and Implementation g) Quantitative technique and its uses in Social Research.
of Foreign Policy; Diplomacy as an instrument of foreign policy, Economic h) Ethics in Social Research.
c) Regional & Collective Security, Risk Analysis. Recommended Readings:
d) Foreign Policy: Objectives & Goals, Determinants of Foreign Policy,
 Abedin, Dr. M. Zainul .(1996) A Hand Book of Research. Dhaka: Book
Formulation & Execution
e) UN, International Institutions and New Imperatives of Global Politics.
 Blalock, H.M. (1960) Social Statistics. New York: McGraw-Hill.
f) Regional Organisations: EEC, ASEAN, SAARC, Regionalism and Co-
operation, Blue Economy and SAARC.  Denzin & Lincoln(ed), (1994) Handbook of Qualitative Research. UK: Sage
Recommended Readings:  Ghosh, B.N. (1996) Scientific Method and Social Research. New Delhi:
 Burrton,J.W.(1965) International Politics-A General Theory. Cambridge: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Cambridge University Press.  Good and Hatt, (1981) Methods in Social Research. New Delhi: McGraw Hill
 Gulik, Edvard . (1955) Europe's Classical Balance of Power Ithaca : Cornell Book company.


University Press .T
Kothari, C.R. (1996) Research Methodology (2 nd Edition). New Delhi: Wishwa P P

 Glaude, Inis. (1962), Power & International Relations. New York : Random Prakshan


House Polansky, N.A (ed). (1960) Social Work Research. Chicago: The University of
Chicago Press.

Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus

 Thakur, Devendra, (1997) Research Methodology in Social Sciences. New b) History of Economic Analysis: Mercantilism, Colbertism, Commercialization-
Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications Concept, Regulation of Economic Life. Economic Growth & Development: Basic
 Wilkinson, T.S., and Bhandarkar, P.L. (1994) Methodology and Techniques of Social Ideas of Economic Growth and Development, Balanced & Unbalanced Growth.
Research. Bambay: Himalaya Publishing House. c) Role of the State in Economic Development
 Young, P.V. (1996) Scientific Social Surveys and Research, New Delhi: d) Sustainable Development: Environment and Poverty Alleviation
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., e) Agriculture: Agriculture and Economic Development, Land reform in Bangladesh
f) Industrialization: Industrialization and Economic Development, Problems of
Industrialization in Developing Countries.
PSS 353 (3.0 Credits) g) Social Welfare States: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland.
a) Military in Politics: Theoretical perspective, Theory of Civil-military relations, Recommended Readings:
Political role of the military in developing countries, Process of civilianization  Borooah and Ploeg.(1984) Political Aspects of Economy. Cambridge; New York:
and Legitimacy crisis of military rule. Cambridge University Press.
b) Consequences of military rule: development or decay? Military withdrawal and  Chandra, R. (1992) Industrialization & Development in the Third World. Asia:
democratization process. Military withdrawal from politics: myth or reality? Routledge,
c) Military build-up and national security: concept and elements of national
 Deane, P (1989) The State & Economic System. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
security, strategies for security maintenance- global change, New world order,
 Eicher and Statz (1984) Agricultural Development in the Third World. Baltimore:
New security concept, regional context- relevance for Bangladesh.
John Hopkins University Press
d) Military and Power: Military Intervention, Structure Agency, Military in
Business (Milibus), Military-Industry, Gender and Military.  Ghatak and Ingersent,(1984) Agricultural and Economic Development.
e) Military and Peace-keeping Experience: Bangladesh. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press
 Kruger, A. O. (1994) Political Economy of Policy Rreform in Developing
Recommended Readings: Countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
 Eric, A. Nordlinger, (1977). Soldiers in Politics: Military Coups and  Todaro, M. P. (1981) Economic Development in the Third World. UK: Longman
Governments. New Jersey: Prentice Hall,  Wells, Jr, (1983) Third World Multinationals. Cambridge: MIT Press.
 Finer, S.E. (1962) The Man on Horseback: The Role of Military in Politics.
London: Pall Mall Press.
PSS361 (3.0 Credits)
 Huntington, Samuel P. (1957) The Soldier and the State: The Theory and
Politics of Civil-Military Relations. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University
Press. a) Maritime Explorations: i) New World-Colonization, ii) Laissez-fair, iii) Rise
 John J, Johnson (ed.). (1962) The Role of the Military In Underdeveloped and Fall of Ottoman Empire, iv) The French Revolution: v) The Rise of
Countries. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Napoleon,vi) French, German, Russian and British Imperialism. vii) The Great
 Janowit, Morris. (1977) Military Institutions Coercion in the Developing powers of Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. viii) The Soviet
Nations. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Union: Cooperation and Conflict in Europe (1920-39), ix) Europe at War
 Khan. Zillur Rahman. (1995) Martial Law to Martial Law: Leadership Crisis (1939-45).
in Bangladesh. Dhaka: University Press Ltd. b) Europe: After the War, The Political State of Europe (1945-50), The Cold War.
 Maniruzzaman, Talukder. (1987). Military Withdrawal from Politics: A Current Changes in the Eastern Europe: Emergence of New States and the New
Comparative Study. Cambridge: Balliner Publishers Political Order.
 Welch, C.E. (eds) (1976) Civilian Control of the Military: Theory and Cases c) Modern Africa: The Colonial period, The War of Independence, The Formation
from Developing Countries. Albany: State University of New York Press. of a National Government, The Civil War, The Era of Expansion and reform,
Conflict management, Social Change at Home: Americanization.
PSS354 (3.0 Credits) d) De-colonization and New-Colonialism.
INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL ECONOMY e) Issues in Communist Politics and Post-Communist era.
f) 9/11 and its impact: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria.
a) Basic Concepts: i) Capitalism, ii) Socialism, iii) Mixed Economy, iv) Intermediate
Regime, v) Development Models and Strategies, vi) Corporatism and Free Market Recommended Readings:
Economy.  Bamford Parkes, Henrey. (1986) The United State of America: A History. New
Delhi: Khosla Publisihing House.

Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus

 Chartes, Downer Hazen. (1977) Modern Europe. New Delhi: Schand and  Good and Hatt, (1981) Methods in Social Research. New Delhi: McGraw Hill
Company Limited. Book Company.
 Doyle, William (2001). The French Revolution: A very short introduction.  Ghosh, B.N. (1996) Scientific Method and Social Research. New Delhi:
Oxford: Oxford University Press. Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
 Hunt, Lynn. (1984). Politics, Culture, and Class in the French Revolution.  Jones, E. Terrence (1971), Conducting Political Research. New York: Harper
Berkeley: University of California Press. and Row Publishers
 Heller, Henry (2006). The Cold War and the New Imperialism: A Global  Kothari, C.R.(1996) Research Methodology, 2 nd Edition. New Delhi: Wishwa

History, 1945–2005. New York: Monthly Review Press Prakshan .

 Hudson, Pat (1992). The Industrial Revolution. New York: Routledge,  Moore, Nick (1984), How to Do Research. London: The Library Association
Chapman and Hall, Inc. Publishing
 Mohajan, V.D.(1992). History of Modern Europe. New Delhi. Schand and  Margret, C. and Elegert, Frank B. (1976), Political Analysts: An Introduction.
Company Limited. London: Allynx Bacon.
 Palmer, R.R (2013). A History of the Modern World. New York: McGraw-Hill  Nachmias, David and Nachmias, Chava (1981) Research Methods in the Social
Higher Education. Sciences (2nd Edition). New York: St. Martin’s Press Inc.
 Thompson, J.M. (1951). Napoleon Bonaparte: His Rise and fall. Oxford:  Polansky, N.A (ed). (1960) Social Work Research. Chicago: The University of
Oxford University Press. Chicago Press.
 Avjx , ‡K. (1985), AvaywbK BD‡iv‡ci cwiPq, XvKv: Avjx cvewj‡KkÝ.  Raj, Hans. (1996) Theory and Practice in Social Research. Delhi: Surjeet
 Riessman, C.K..(1994) Qualitative Studies in Social Work Research. New
PSS362 (3.0 Credits)
Delhi: Sage Publications.
 Thakur, Devendra, (1997) Research Methodology in Social Sciences. New
a) Introduction: Definition of Qualitative Research, Distinction between Qualitative Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications Ltd.
and Quantitative Research, Types of Qualitative Research, Importance of  Wilkinson, T.S., and Bhandarkar, P.L. (1994) Methodology and Techniques of Social
Qualitative Research in Social Science. Research. Bambay: Himalaya Publishing House.
b) Major Paradigm & Perspectives: Constructivist, Interpretive Approach in  Welsh, William (1973), Studying Politics. London: Thomas Nelson and Sons.
Qualitative Research, Models of Qualitative Research. Ltd.
c) Strategies of Inquiry: Qualitative Research Design, Metaphor, Case Studies,  Young, P.V. (1996) Scientific Social Surveys and Research. New Delhi:
Ethnography and Participant Observations, Phenomenology, Ethno-Methodology, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
Interpretive Practice, Grounded Theory Methodology.
d) Methods of Collecting & Analyzing Empirical Materials: Interviewing; The Art PSS363 (3.0 Credits)
of Science, Observational Techniques, Interpretation of Documents, Visuals RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND POLITICS
Methods, Personal Experience Methods, Data Management & Analysis Methods,
Content and Thematic Analysis. a) Introduction: Meaning and Importance of Rural Development, Rural Society of
e) The Art of Interpretation, Evaluation, Presentation, Assessing in Interpretive Bangladesh, Stratification Patterns, Samaj and Shalis, Family, Marriage &
Validity, the Art and the Politics of Interpretations, Writing a Method of Inquiry, Kinship Patterns of Rural Society.
Qualitative Program Evaluation, Influencing Policy Process with Qualitative b) Rural Power Structure: Traditional and New Emerging Leadership Pattern,The
Research. Evolution of Local Government Institutions, Politics of Local Government, and
f) The Future & Prospects in Qualitative Research. Important Agencies of Social Control in Rural Society.
g) Combining qualitative and quantitative research e) Social Safety Net Program (SSNP), Women Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh.
Recommended Readings: e) Adaptation of Modern Technologies in Agricultural Production.
 Abedin, Dr. M. Zainul .(1996) A Hand Book of Research. Dhaka: Book f) Rural Economy: i) Land Tenure System ii) Land Reform ii) Theories of Land
Syndicate. Reform, iii) Institutions of Rural Development:1) The Role of BARD Comilla
 Bailey, K.D.(1982) Methods of Social Research. (2 nd Edition) New York: Free
2) The Role of RDA Bogra 3) The Role of BRDTI Sylhet.
Press. g) The Strategy of Rural Development: i) National Rural Development Policy
 Denzin and Lincoln(ed), (1994) Handbook of Qualitative Research. UK: Sage (NRDP)- 2001 ii) Technological change, The Theory & Measurement of
Publication. Technological change, iii) Integrated Rural Development: Comilla Model vii)
The Advent & role of the NGO's in Rural Development.
Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus
a) Pakistan: Religious Nationalism and Secular politics, East-West Relationship,
N.B. The students will have to prepare individual or group reports on any issue of development of internal colonialism, The constitution of 1956, 1962 and Center-
Rural Development in Bangladesh. Province relations, Martial Law regimes, Nation building, State building, Basic
Democracies and its impacts on politics.
Recommended Readings: b) 1952 Language Movement, 1962 Constitutional Movement, 1965 war and 1966
 Abedin, Nazmul. (1973) Local Administration and Politics in Modernizing Six -Point Formula , Autonomy Movement, 1968- 1969 Mass Movement, Non
Societies: Bangladesh and Pakistan. Dhaka: Oxford University Press, Cooperation Movement and struggle for constitutional autonomy, Election of
 Ahmed, Ali. (1979) Administration of Local Self-Government in Rural Areas in 1970, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s historical 7th March Speech.
Bangladesh. Dhaka: NILG. c) War of Liberation 1971: Application of force by Pakistani Army, Genocide and
 Alderfer, Harold F. (1964) Local Government in Developing Countries. New Mass killing, Rape, Destruction, Freedom Fighters, Guerilla warfare, Mass
York: McGraw-Hill Company. participation in war, Collaboration of a section with Pakistani Army, Role of
 Ali, A. M. M. Shawkat, (1986) Politics, Development and Upazila. Dhaka: External Forces, War in different fronts: Role of Bangalis Abroad, Role of
NILG, “Shadhin Bangla Betar Kendro” and other cultural forces, Killing of
 Ali, S. Maqsood.(1981) Decentralisation and People’s Participation in Intellectuals on 14 th December. Victory on 16th December,1971.

Bangladesh. Dhaka: NIPA, d) The Role of Foreign States in the Liberation Movement: India, Soviet Union,
 Azher, Ali. (1975) Rural Development in Bangladesh. Comilla: Bangladesh USA, China.
Academy for Rural Development. e) Spirit of the Liberation war and engagement by new generation, Demand for
 Cheema, G. S. and D. A. Rondinelli (eds.). (1983) Decentralisation and War Criminal Trial.
Development: Policy Implementation in Developing Countries. Baverly Hills:
Recommended Readings:
Sage Publications.
 Ahmed, Moudud (1992) Bangladesh Constitutional Quest for Autonomy 1950-
 Haque, Wahidul. et. al. (1975) – Towards a Theory of Rural Development.
1971. Dhaka: UPL
Bangkok: UN – Asian Development Institute.
 Ahamed, Emajuddin (eds) (1989) .Society and Politics in Bangladesh. Dhaka:
 Hye, Hasanat Abdul (1982) Local Level Planning. Dhaka: NILG.
Academic Publishers.
 Raper, Arther(1970) Rural development in action : Comprehensive Experiment
 Harun, Shamsul Huda (1984) Parliamentary Behavior: A Multinational State
at Comilla. Cornel: Cornel University press.
1947-1958, Bangladesh Experience. Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.
 Rahman, Dr. Maksudur (n/m) Politics and Development of Rural Local-self
 Jahan, Rounaq (1972) Pakistan:Failure in National Integration. NY: Columbia
government in Bangladesh
University press.
 Shrestha, Tulsi Narayan (1996) The Concept of Local Government and
 Khalid Bin Sayeed, Politics in Pakistan: The Nature and Direction of Change.
Decentralization. Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Bhandar.
NY: Praeger Publishers, 1980
 Siddiqui, Kamal.(2000) Local Governance in Bangladesh: Leading Issues and
 Maniruzzaman, T. (2003) Bangladesh Revolution & Its Aftermath. Dhaka: UPL
Major Challenges. Dhaka: University Press Limited.
 Muhith, A.M.A (1992) Bangladesh: Emergence of a New Nation in a Multipolar
 Siddiqui, Kamal (1994) Local Government in Bangladesh. Dhaka: University
World. Dhaka: UPL.
Press Limited.
 Siddiqui, Kamal.(1991) Local Government in South Asia: A Comparative PSS365 (3.0 Credits)
 Siddiqui, Noore Alam(1997),Decentralisation and Development: Theory and PAKISTAN, SRI LANKA, NEPAL, BHUTAN, MALDIVES)
Practice in Bangladesh. Dhaka: University of Dhaka.
 Tepper, Eliot.(1996) Changing Patterns of Administration in Rural East a). Government and Political Systems in South Asia: i) Society and Politics in
Pakistan. Michigan: Michigan State University, South Asia in the colonial & post-colonial era. ii) Common political
 Tinker, Hugh. (1954) Foundations of Local Self-Government in India, Pakistan characteristics & systems, iii) Political mobilization and the rise of
and Burma. London: Athlone Press. Nationalism.
iv) Constitution and the nature of the Government, v) Civilian, Military-
PSS364 (3.0 Credits) Bureaucratic oligarchy. vi) Instruments of Power and control, vii)
WAR OF LIBERATION AND THE EMERGENCE OF BANGLADESH Institutionalization of Political Party, Bureaucracy and Interest Groups.
(1947-71) b) Process of democratization: i) Economic development and relations between
South and South Asia. ii) The origins of Bureaucracies in the South and South-
Introduction: East Asia.

Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus

c) The civil Service Systems: Structure, Composition and Function of Central and
Field Administration, Personnel Administration, Recruitment, Selection, Recommended Readings:
Training & the role of central personnel Agency.  Azad, Abul Kalam.(1998) India Wins Freedom. India: Orient Longman Pvt.
d) South & South-East Asian Regional & Economic Organizations: Formation Limted.
and future: SAARC, SAPTA, ASEAN, BIMSTEC.  Bhutto, Benazir.(1988) Daughter of the East, Pakistan: Random House
e) Common Regional Issues: Maritime Boundary, Border Security, Water Share,  Dalton, D.G. (1982) India’s Idea of Freedom: Political Thought of Swami
Refugee Problem, Cross Border Terrorism, Women and Child Trafficking. Vevekananda, Aurobindo Ghose, Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagor.
d) Ethnic Conflicts: Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), Seven Sisters, Kashmir, Tamil- Delhi: Academic Press.
Sinhalese, Mao-Guerilla in Nepal  Gandhi, M. K. (1983) The Story of My Experience with Truth. India: Dover
e) Maldives: Political and Environmental crisis
Recommended Readings:  Karunakaran, K.P.(1975) Indian Politics from Dadabhai Naoroji to Gandhi A
 Boxter,Craig Ed. (2002) Government and Politics in South Asia. Colorado: Study of the Political Ideas of Modern India. New Delhi: Gitanjali Prakashan
Westview Press.  Karim, SA. (2005) Sheikh Mujib: triumph and tragedy. Dhaka: UPL

 Hackin, Joseph; Couchoud, Paul Louis (1996). The Mythologies of the East:  Rajagopalachari, C. (1967) Gandhiji”s Teachings and Philosophy. Bombay:
Indian Subcontinent, Middle East, Nepal and Tibet, Indo-China and Java. Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan.
Delhi: Aryan Books International.  Singh, Jaswant. (2009). Jinnah: India–Partition Independence. India: Rupa
 Harle, James C. (1994). The Art and Architecture of the Indian Subcontinent. Publications.
New Haven: Yale University Press.  Young, Tan Tai, Soci. (2009) Political and Economic Challenges in South asia.
 Pye, Lucian.W and Pye, Mary W. (1985) Asian Power and Politics. India: Sage Publications.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press.  Rahman, Sheikh Mujibur, (2012) The Unfinished Memoirs,Translated by
 Sáez, Lawrence (2011). The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Fakrul Alam, Dhaka: UPL.
(SAARC): An Emerging Collaboration Architecture. Abingdon, Oxon:
Routledge. PSS471 (3.0 Credits)
 Sar Desai, D R (1997) Southeast Asia : Past and Present. Boulder: Westview GENDER POLITICS
Preess. a) Epistemological Foundation of the Study of Gender: Theories of Gender,
 Sugata Bose and Ayesha Jalal. (2004) Modern South Asia. London: Different Schools: Liberal, Radical, Marxist, Psychoanalytic, Existential, Post
Routledge. Modernism and Feminist thought, Black Feminism, Third World Feminism,
 Thapar, Romila . (1966) A History of India. New York: Penguin Books. Eco-Feminism.
 Xinru, Liu.(2010) The Silk Road in World History, New York: Oxford b) Women and the State: Ancient, Feudal, Pre-Colonial, Colonial, Capitalist, and
University Press. Socialist, Women in the society: Religion, Patriarchy, Race, Class, Ethnicity,
Sexuality, ideology of domesticity, male dominance, Purdaa, Honour and
PSS366 (3.0 Credits) Shame.
POLITICS AND PERSONALITIES IN THE SUB-CONTINENT c) The Political Economy of Gender in Bangladesh: Forms of exploitation of
women, Sexual division of labour and capitalism, Class, ideology and the
a) Nawab Sirazuddolah and the Battle of Palassy (Social and economic family household, Work, Wages and Economic conditions, Work and women’s
background), the dominance of colonial masters and the movement of self- migration, Gender and health, Discrimination in education, Violence against
determination, Hazi Shariat Ullah and Shaheed Titumeer, Syed Ahmed women, Representation in the media.
Brelovy, Sir Syed Ahmed, Nawab Abdul Latif, Hazi Muhammad Mohsin, Raja d) Developmental Approach to Gender: NGO programmes for women, WID,
Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Biddyassagar, Lalon Shah, M.N Roy. WAD, GAD, Women and Human Rights, UNO initiatives, Conferences on
Rabindranath Tagore. women, Impact of globalization.
b) Political Contribution: Ghandi, Nehru, CR Das, Netahaji, Jinnah, Mawlana e) Women’s organizations, Women’s movement (#Me too), Resistance against
Abul Kalam Azad, Allama Iqbal, AK Fazlul Hoque, HS Showarawardy, male oppression
Mawlana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, Abul Monsur Ahmed, Sheikh Mujibur f) Different Laws related to women’s empowerment, Gender Development Policy
Rahman, Tajuddin Ahmed, Ziaur Rahman. in Bangladesh.
c) Female Personalities: Nawab Faizunnessa, Begum Rokeya, Sarojini Naidu,
Pritilata, Ila Mitra, Sufia Kamal, Jahanara Imam, Indira Gandhi, Benzir Bhutto,
C. Kumaratunga, Sheikh Hasina, Begum Khaleda Zia.
Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus
Recommended Readings:  Cixous, Helene (2004). Portrait of Jacques Derrida as a Young Jewish Saint ,

 Beauvir, Simon De. (2012) The Second Sex. New York: Knopf Doubleday New York: Columbia University Press
Publishing Group.  Deutscher, Issac.(1949) Stalin:A Political Biography. New York: Oxford
 Collection of Articles (1994) Polity Reader of Gender. UK: Polity Press. University Press.
 Engels , Friedrich, (1972) The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the
 Harrington, Michael. (1972) Socialism. New York: Bantham
State. New York: Pathfinder Press.  Harold J. Laski (1936) The Rise of European Liberalism. London: George
 Gould, Carol (ed). (1997) Gender : Key Concepts in Critical Theory. NJ: Allen & Unwin
Humanities Press,  Hallowell, John H. (1950). Main Currents in Modern Political Thought. New
 Hossain, Hamida (1992) No Better Option? Industrial Women Workers in York: Henry Holt and Co.
Bangladesh. Dhaka: UPL.  Maxey, C.C. (2007) Political Philosophies. Delhi: Surjeeth Publications.
 Jahan, Rounaq, (1995) Elusive Agenda, Main Streaming Women in  MacCunn, John. (1979) Six Radical Thinkers, London. New York: Arno Press.
Development. Dhaka: UPL,  Miller, James (1993). The Passion of Michel Foucault. New York City: Simon


Khan, Salma. (1992) The Fifty Percent: Women in Development and Policy in & Schuster.
Bangladesh. Dhaka: UPL  Paul Le Blance(ed)(1996) From Marx To Gramssi. New Jersey: Humanities
 Khattak, Habib and Khan. (2008) Women and Human Security in South Asia: Press.
The case of Bangladesh and Pakistan Dhaka: UPL.  Stokes, Philip (2004). Philosophy: 100 Essential Thinkers. Kettering: Index
 Lowrdes, Beneria (ed), (1994) Women in Development: The Sexual Division of Books.
Labour in Rural Societies. USA: Prawger  Van Loon, Borin (2001). Introducing Critical Theory. Thriplow: Icon Books
 Marshall, Barbara A. (1988) Engendering Modernity : Feminism, Social Ltd.
Theory and Social Change. UK: Polity Press.
 McDowell. L and Sharp JP (ed)(1997) Space, Gender, Knowledge : Feminist PSS473 (3.0 Credits)
 Quddus, Abdul and Shakil, Mohammad Jahirul Hoque,(2002) Bangladesher
a) Foreign Policy: Definition, nature, and its aims and objectives, approaches to
Artho-Samajik Preksapote Narir Khamotayan: Somassa O Sombabona. Dhaka:
the study of foreign Policy, Determinants of foreign policy, foreign policy and
Batayan Prokashoni.
diplomacy, foreign policy and international relations, foreign policy and
 Rusemary, Tong.(1985) Feminist Thought : A Comprehensive Introduction. domestic policy.
London: Routeledge, b) Foreign Policy of USA: Background and salient features of US foreign policy,
 Rosaldo M and Lamphire (ed). (1947) Women, Culture and Society: A US Policy towards Middle-East, Europe, South and South-east Asia, Changing
Theoretical Overview. Stamford: Stamford University Press. US Policy after 9/11 as the implementation of the theory of Clash of
 Stiftung. F E (1983), Women in Politics. New Delhi: Har Anand Publications. Civilization. USA-Bangladesh Relations.
 Vicky, Randal. (1994) Women and Politics: An International Perspective. c) European Union and its Politics: EU-Bangladesh Relations.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press. d) Foreign Policy of Japan: Principle and salient features of Japanese foreign
 Whelehan, Imelda (1995) Modern Feminist Thought. Edinburgh: Edinburgh policy, economic basis of Japan’s foreign policy, Japanese approach to major
University Press. global and regional issues, Japanese approach to the third world, USA-Japan
Relations, Japan-Bangladesh relations.
PSS472 (3.0 Credits) e) Foreign Policy of China: Salient features, China's relations with USA, Japan,
RECENT POLITICAL THOUGHT Pakistan, India and Bangladesh,China and nuclear weapons, China and BRI.
f) Case studies: India vs. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Vietnam, North Korea , Iraq ,
a) Post Marxian Thought: Lenin, Stalin and Mao Ze dong, b) Neo Marxism: George Israel vs. Palestine, Ireland, Middle East.
Lukacs, Antonio Gramsci, Collectivism, Syndicalism, Guild Socialism, Fabianism, g) India: Principles of Indian Foreign policy, Indian Foreign Policy towards South
Revisionism, c) Totalitarian Political Thought: Fascism and Nazism, d) Pluralism in Asia, India-Bangladesh Relations.
Politics, e) Irrationalist Political Thought: Elite Theorists and Existentialism, f) Post
Modeninism : Jacques DerridaT, Michel FoucaultT. Recommended Readings:
 Bhola, P. L. (2001), Foreign Policies of India, Pakistan and China. Jaipur:
Recommended Readings: RBSA Publishers.
 Boggs, Carl (1984). The Two Revolutions: Gramsci and the Dilemmas of
Western Marxism. London: South End Press.
Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus
 Borgwardt, Elizabeth. (2005) A New Deal for the World. Cambridge: Harvard Recommended Readings:
UP.  Alavi, H and J, Harris (1989), Sociology of Developing Societies, London:
 Chandra , Prakash, (1994), International Relations Foreign Policies of Major Macmillan.
Power and Regional System’s New Delhi: Vikash Publishing House Pvt Ltd.  Almond, G.A and Coleman, J.S. (1960), The Politics of the Developing Areas,
 Dixit, Jyotindra Nath . (2001) India’ s Foreign Policy and its Neighbours.
Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Delhi: Gyan Publishing House.  Almond, and Powell (1972), Comparative Politics: A Developmental
 Jha , Nalini Kant,( 2003) South Asia in twenty – First Century India. her Approach. New Delhi: Amerind.
Neighbours, and the Great Powers, New Delhi: South Asian Publication.  Almond and Powell (etl.).(2004), Comparative Politics Today. New Delhi:
 Kapur , Ashok et. al, (2002), India and the United States in a Changing World. Pearson Education Publication.
New Delhi: Sage Publication.  Almond and Verba (Eds.) (1980), The Civil Culture Revisited. Boston: Little
 Langdon , Frank. (2011) Japan 's Foreign Policy . USA: University of British
Colombia Press.  Bill and Grave, H. (1973), Comparative Politics: The Quest for a Theory,
 Mankoff, Jeffrey.(2011) Russian Foreign Policy : The Return of Great Power
Ohio: Merrill.
Politics. UK: Rowman& Littlefield Publisher,Inc.  Blondel, Jean. (1959), An Introduction to Comparative Government. London:
 Pande, Aparna.( 2011) Explaining Pakistan ’s Foreign Policy : Escaping India.
Weidenfield and Nicolson.
New York: Routeledge.  Blomstrom, M and Bjorn, H. (1985), Development Theory in Transition,
 Robinson, T.W and Shambaugh, D.L. (1995) Chinese Foreign Policy : Theory
London: Zed Books Ltd.
and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.  Curtis, M. (2005), Comparative Government and Politics. New York: Harper &
 Rashid , Harun ur. (2001) Foreign Relations of Bangladesh. Dhaka: Rishi Row.
Publications  Dahl, Robert. (1979), A Modern Political Analysis, 2nd Ed. Englewood Cliffs,
 Smith, Tony; Richard C. Leone (1995). America's Mission: The United States N.J.: Prentice Hall.
and the Worldwide Struggle for Democracy in the Twentieth Century. New  Deutsch, Karl,et al.(1981) Comparative Government: Politics of Industrialized
Jersey: Princeton University Press. and Developing Nations. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
 Dragenich, Alex, et al. (1992) Comparative Government and Politics.
PSS474 (3.0 Credits) Hyderabad: Allied Publishers.
COMPARATIVE POLITICS  Frank, Andre. G. (1970), Latin America: Underdevelopment or Revolution,
a) Comparative Politics: Meaning, Nature and Scope. Boston: Monthly Review Press.
a) Comparative Politics: Meaning, Nature, Growth and Scope, Analytical and  Joheri, J.C. (1999) Comparative Politics. New Delhi: Sterling Publication.
Empirical Method.  John H. Kautsky.(1972), The Political Consequences of Modernization, New
b) Approaches to Study of Comparative Politics: Emphasis on the study of York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
developing societies.  Kay, Geoffrey. (1974), Development and Underdevelopment, Delhi: Macmillan
c) Comparative inquisition: i) Theories of Development and Underdevelopment: Press.
In aspects of Political development ii) Modernization Theory: State theory and  Wilber, K. Charless (ed.) (1974), The Political Economy of Development and
Modernization, Capitalist development, Unequal and Uneven development. Underdevelopment, New York: Random House.
d) Dependency Perspective: Critiques of Modernization Theory, Definition and
major concepts of Dependency, Tools of Analysis: Internal Colonialism, Poles PSS475 (3.0 Credits)
of Development and Dependent Capitalist Development. AREA STUDIES
e) Politics and Dependency: State, Military and Revolution, Structuralism and a) Middle East
Industrialization Strategy, Populism and Bureaucratic Authoritarianism, 1. Geo -Political and strategic importance of the region
Corporatism and Economic growth, Underdevelopment and Revolution, 2. Socio-economic development
Critique of dependency. 3. Religion in Politics
f) Recent trends: Globalization and World-Systems Theory, Alteration to 4. Political Elites and Institution Building
Democracy: Rise of Competitive Authoritarianism, Delegate Democracy, Neo- 5. Political Culture and Political parties
populism and Electoral Authoritarianism. 6. Public opinion
7. Military in Politics
8. Problems and Issues of Economic development.
9. Areas of conflict, Arab-Israel Conflict,

Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus

10. Regional Cooperation and its mechanism II. League of Arab States, OPEC , GCC (d) Black Protest Movements
11. Power Interest in the ME. 7. Problems of Intuitions and their Functions
12. Petro-dollar and Migration from LDCs (a) Executive
(b) Legislative
Recommended Readings: (c) Bureaucracy
 Abir, Mordeclari (1974) Oil, Power and Politics : Conflict in Arabia, The Red (d) Political parties
Sea and the Gulf, London: Frank Cass. 8. Military in Politics
 Khalidi, Walid W (1979) Palestine in the Arab Dilemma. Landon: Helm. 9. Experiments in Regional Integration
 Pauly, Ittammands (1972) Political Dynamics in Middle East. NY: Elsover
 Polk, William R. (1975) The United States and the Arab world. Cambridge: Recommended Readings:
Harvard University press.  Amin, Samir (1977) Imperialism and Unequal Development. Sussex: Harvester
b) Latin America  Coleman, J, S, and Rose Berg (eds) (1964) Polities and National Integration in
1. Geo- Politics: Importance of Latin America Tropical Africa. Beckley: Colif UPC
2. The Colonial Legacy  Gupta, A (1974) Government and Politics in Africa. New Delhi: Vikas
3. Rise of Nationalism in Latin America  Hodgkin, Thouras (1956) Nationalism in Colonial Africa. London: Frederick
4. Governmental, Structures and Political Processes Muller
5. Trends of Political Development  Potholm, Christion P. (1979) The Theory and Practice of African Politics. New
6. Political Unrest and Violence Jersey
7. Role of Bureaucracy and Military  Sithole, Ndabanigid (1968) African Nationalism. London: Oxford University
8. Politics and ethnicity Press.
9. Party System, Pressure Groups and Electoral Politics  Welch, C. E. (eds) (1970) Soldier and State in Africa. Evanston: North-
10. Cross border terrorism Western University Press.
11. Regional Organizations
12. World power in Latin America
PSS481 (3.0 Credits)
Recommended Readings:
 James, D. Cockcroft (1998) Mexico’s Hope: An Encounter with Politics and a) Political Management: Meaning, Scope and Subject Matters, Functions of
History. Mexico: Monthly Review Press Political Management; Techniques of Political Management.
 Payne, Mark J. (2002) Democracies in Development: Politics and Reform in b) Management of Political Conflict: Crisis management in the electoral,
Latin America. Volume – 1 Inter America Development Book. legislative and issue management arenas; Factional politics; Role of
 Roberto, Regalado (2007) Latin America at the Crossroads: Domination, International Organizations.
Crisis, Popular Movements and Political Alternatives. Mexico: Ocean Press. c) Relationships between Politics and Bureaucracy: Central, Regional and
Grassroot levels.
c) Sub-Saharan Africa d) Government- Interest Group relations: FBCCI, DCCI, BGMEA, SKOP, BMA
1. Geo- Politics: Importance of region and other interest groups.
2. Features and Legacies of Colonial rule e) Management of Electoral Politics: Role of the Election Commission, Political
3. National Liberation Struggles Parties, Caretaker-Government: Selection of EC.
4. Process of Decolonization. f) Election and Campaign Finance Law: Election law and Campaign, Fundraising
5. Problems of Independence in Elections, Elections in Bangladesh, Change and Factors in election
(a) Problems of Legitimacy campaigns- Electoral Alliance of Political Parties, Recent trends and Electoral
(b) National Integration Corruption.
(c) Search for as Identify g) Contemporary Communications Media: Role of Media (print, electronic and
6. Problems of Ideologies social) in Democracy, Influence of Media in Elections and Campaign of
(a) Pan-Africanism Political parties, Public Opinion.
(b ) African Socialism h) Evolving Social and Political Changes within Society, Role of Anti-corruption
(c) Modernization Commission (ACC) and Civil Society.

Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus

i) Project Development Process in Bangladesh: Role of Planning Commission,
Recommended Readings: Planning Units of Concem Ministries, NEC, ECNEC, donors/ development
Akhter, Muhammad Yeahia (2001) Electoral Coruption in Bangladesh partners(Bi-lateral and Multi-lateral, NGOs), Resource Mobilization, procedure
England: Ashgate Publishing Limited. for release of funds, financing projects under ADP, problems and issues with
 Blakeley and Boris (1998) Political Management in Canada (2 nd edition).
particular focus to ADP.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
 Heymann, Philip B. (1989) The Politics of Public Management. Yale Recommended Readings:
University Press  Anderson, James E. (2011) Public Policy Making. Boston: Engage Learning,
 Harun or Rashid, (2005) An Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies. Dhaka: Inc.
UPL  Dye, T. R. (1980) Understanding Policy. New Jersey: Prentice Hall
 Kabir, Humayun (2002) Civil Society and Democracy in Bangladesh. Dhaka:  Sapru, R.K. (1994) Public Policy: Formulation and Evolution. New Delhi:
APPL Stering Publishers Private Limited
 Mark H, Moore (1995) Creating Public Value: Strident management in  Stockey, E- and Zeckhuaser R. (1978) A Primer for Policy Analysis. NY:
Government. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Norton
 Maniruzzaman, Talukder (1982) Group Interests and Political Changes:
Studies of Pakistan and Bangladesh. South Asian Publishers PSS483 (3.0 Credits)
 Sobhan, R. (1993) Bangladesh: Problems of Governance. Dhaka: PUBLIC POLICY ANALYSIS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO
University Press Limited. BANGLADESH
 Sabur, Humayun Kabir (2000) Conflict Managemnet and Sub–Regional a) Policy Science: Meaning, nature, and utility of policy science; basic assumption
Cooperation in Asian Relevance for SAARC. Dhaka: APPL of policy science, policy, politics and administration.
 The CCHRB ELECTION Observation Report: the Eighth Parliamentary b) Public Policy: Meaning, scope, significance and importance of public policy,
election – 2001. the categories of public policy, politics & administration and public policy.
PSS482 (3.0 Credits) c) Models & Approaches: Approaches to the study of public policy; systems
PROJECT MANAGEMENT approach, structure-functional approach, rational approach, behavioral
approach, incremental model, institutional approach, mixed scanning model
a) Project Management : Concepts and Models - Definition, Features and Types etc.
of Project, Elements and Models– definition, features and types of project, d) Policy Making: Process of policy making; dynamics in policy formation; forces
elements and functions of project management, models of project management in the policy making process, roles of different agencies in policy making,
b) Different Aspects of Project: Projects as an alternative approach for conditions of the donors – IMF WB, ADB, constraints in policy making and
development management, traditional management and project management policy implementation.
features and difference. Bangladeshi Experience: Ministry of Finance, Planning Commission, Experts,
c) Project Management– Project Cycle: Project idea , Project identification, Pre- Intellectuals, Developing Partners
feasibility, Approval, Implementation and Evaluation, Project performance e) Policy Analysis: Policy and public policy analysis, sources of policy analysis,
indicators, principles in policy analysis, framework for policy analysis. SAP, PSRP,
d) Project Planning: Steps in project planning, planning process – time planning, PRGF, vision-2021, vision-2041, Delta plan-2100.
manpower, CPM/ PERT – network analysis, modern project planning systems, f) Analysis of Public Policy in Bangladesh: Agriculture Policy, Health Policy,
project planning methods. Environmental Policy, Industrial Policy, Education Policy, Energy Policy,
e) Project Direction: Coordination and control, project direction, communication Women Development Policy.
in a project, project coordination, project control, scope/ progress control, d) Policy Implementation: Policy implementation, problems in policy
performance control, schedule control, cost corporal , methods of project implementation, Policy Evaluation.
control, additional factors in the control of projects.
Recommended Readings:
f) Project Feasibility: Different techniques and tool, financial analysis, economic
 Anderson, James E. (2011) Public Policy Making. Boston: Engage Learning, Inc.
analysis, managerial and administrative feasibility, environmental feasibility,
legal feasibility.  Dye, Thomas R (1972) Understanding Public Policy. New Jersey: Prentice- Hall.
g) Project Monitoring: Approaches and techniques  Mahtab, N (1990) Public Policy: A Theoretical Perspective. LOC, Vo., 1, No, 1.
h) Project Evaluation: Objectives, types and methods.  Sparu, R. K (1994) Public Policy: Formulation, Implementation and Evaluation.
New Delhi: Sterling Publishers private Itd.

Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus

 Smith, T. B (1973) Policy Implementation Process. New York: The Free Press.  Zaman, Shafique-uz, Is Structural Adjustment a Sufficient Condition for
Private Foreign and Domestic Investment?, Journal of International
PSS484 (3.0 Credits) Relations, VOL.2, No.2, January-June, 1995.
INSTITUTIONS PSS485 (3.0 Credits)
a) Globalization: Concept, Nature, Aspects, Trends. Democratization: The
community of Democracies; The concept of world community and its challenges a) The Bangladesh Constitution: Major features, Different Amendments of the
b) The concept of international organization: Forms of international organizations, Constitution.
The United Nations-origin and development of The UN since 1945, The UN b) Political Process of Bangladesh During Different Regimes: i) Bangabandhu
organizations- UGC, USC, OC, ICJ, UNICEF, UN’s achievements and failures. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Regime and its Performance, ii) Military Intervention
Other international organizations: OIC, NAM, Commonwealth. and civilianization of military regime: Ziaur Rahman Regime and its
c) Development of capitalism: Competitive to monopoly, Industrial capital to finance performance, Military coup and Ershad Regime, Mass upsurge of 1990,
capital imperialism; World capitalist system- center-periphery relations, World Democratization process and the Caretaker Government, Military Backed
trade system, Trade liberalization, Market economy vs. protectionism and Caretaker Government (2007), Abolition of Caretaker Government.
regionalism-NAFTA, AFTA; Different rounds of GATT, Dunkel text and c) Key Issues: Nation Building, State Bulding, Democratization, Political
structure of WTO, TRIM, TRIP, GATT; Uruguay Round and Agriculture; Participation, Electoral Politics, Political Parties, Alliance Politics, Conflict and
Uruguay Round and Multinational company or Mega corporations; Trade Cleavages, Institution Building, Role of Military, Role of Bureaucracy,
liberalization and WTO; Globalization of capital. World Bank and IMF: Working of Parliamentary System, Class structure, People’s Movements,
Brettonwoods conference, Creation and Growth of the World Bank and The IMF Terrorism, Economic Development, Role of Donor Agencies, Political Culture,
Affiliated institutions and their functions (IDA, IFC etc.)- Their role in Third Hartal, Political Violence and Unrest, Partisanship, Patron-Client Relations.
World development, Structural adjustment policies and their implications. d) Women and Politics in Bangladesh: Women’s Participation in Legislature,
d) Neo-International Economic Order. Cabinet, Judiciary, Political parties, Administration, National and Local level,
e) Challenges of Globalization, Impact of Globalization over Developing Countries. Electoral Bodies, Women in State Politics.
Recommended Readings: e) Electoral Politics in Bangladesh : Election of 2008, 2014 and afterwards.
 Fabozzi, Frank J (1992) Capital Markets: Institutions and Instruments. f ) War Crime Tribunal and Punishment.
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Recommended Readings:
 Ghandavarkar, Anand. G (1984) The International Monitory Fund: Its  Ahamed, Emajuddin (eds) (1989) .Society and politics in Bangladesh. Dhaka:
Financial Organization and Activities. Washington DC: IMF. Academic Publishers.
 Hirst. P and Thompson, G (1996) Globalization in Question: The  __________________ (eds) (1980) Bureaucratic Elite in Segmented Economic
International Economy and the Possibilities of Governance. Cambridge: Growth: Pakistan & Bangladesh. Dhaka: UPL
Polity Press.  Ahmed, Moudud (1992) Bangladesh Constitutional Quest for Autonomy 1950-
 Hossain, Ferdous (1996) GATT theke WTO: Punjir Antorjatikikaron O 1971. Dhaka: UPL
Tritiya Bishwer Rajnaitik Arthaniti (in Bengali). Dhaka: Progressive  Chakrobarty, Sr (eds) (1995) Bangladesh under Mujib, Zia and Ershad. New
Publishers. Delhi: Har Anand Publisher.
 Howard F Didsbury (eds) (1985) Global Economy: Today, Tomorrow and  Hakim Muhammad A (1993) Bangladesh Politics: The Shahabuddin
the Transition. Bethesda: World Future Society. Interregman. Dhaka: UPL.
 Matin, K. M (1986) Bangladesh and the IMF: An Exploratory Study.  Harun, Shamsul Huda (1984) Parliamentary Behavior: A Multinational State
Dhaka: BIDS. 1947-1958, Bangladesh Experience. Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.
 Raghavan, C, Recolonization (1991) GATT, the Uruguay Round and the  Hasanuzzaman, Al Masud (1998) Role of Oppositions in Bangladesh Politics.
third World. Penang: Third World Network. Dhaka: UPL.
 Talalay. M, Farrands. C and Tooze. R (eds) (1997) Technology, Culture  Hoque, Mohammad Jahirul (2011) Problems of Democratisation in
and Competitiveness: Change and the World Economy. London: Bangladesh: A Country Experiences with Socio-political Conflicts and Civil
Routledge. Military Interactions. Germany: VDM Verlag.
 William W. Keller and Others (1998) The Myth of Global Corporation.  Jahan, Rounaq (eds) (2005) Bangladesh Politics: Problems & Issues.Dhaka:
NJ: Princeton University Press. UPL

Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus

 ___________ (2015). Political Parties in Bangladesh, Prothoma Prokashon, Detailed Syllabus
Dhaka. Non-Major Courses
 ____________ (eds)(2000). Bangladesh: Promise and Performance, Dhaka: (offrered by other departments)
University Press Limited.
 _____________ (1972) Pakistan:Failure in National Integration. NY: ENG101e (2.0 Credits)
Columbia University press. ENGLISH LANGUAGE (Theory)
 Maniruzzaman, T. (2003) Bangladesh Revolution and Its Aftermath. Dhaka: 1. Problems with: (a) Main Verbs; (b) Tense; (c) Modals and Modal-related
UPL patterns; (d) Causatives; (e) Conditionals; (f) Subjunctives; (g) Infinitives; (h)
 _____________ (1982) Group Interests and Political Changes: Studies of Have + Participle; (i) Auxiliary Verbs; (j) Pronouns, Relative Pronouns, Nouns
Pakistan and Bangladesh. South Asian Publishers and Adjectives, Nouns functioning as Adjectives and other Parts of Speech; (k)
 Parvin, Nelofar (2012). Public Intellectuals and Partisanship in Bangladesh, Determiners; (l) Comparatives; (m) Prepositions and prepositional idioms; (n)
Dhaka: Academic Press and Publisher Library. Point of View for Syntactical Pattern; (o) Agreement of verbs; (p) Introductory
 Ziring Lawrence (1994) Bangladesh From Mujib to Ershad: An Interpretive verbal; Modifiers; (q) Sentences and Clauses; (r) Word
Study. Dhaka: UPL Choice—Vocabulary—Antonym, Synonym, Homonym, Homograph,
 Karim, SA. (2005) Sheikh Mujib: Triumph and Tragedy. Dhaka: UPL. Homophone; (s) Wh. Questions; (t) Punctuations: Full stop, comma, colon,
 nviæb-Ai-iwk` (2018) evsjv‡`k: ivRbxwZ miKvi I kvmbZvwš¿K Dbœqb semi colon, apostrophe, capital letter, hyphen, quotation marks, titles etc.; (u)
1757-2018 XvKv: Ab¨cÖKvk Proofreading
2. Reading Comprehension
 nK, mvnveyj I Avjg, ev‡qRx` (2014) evsjv‡`‡ki †RvU ivRbxwZ
3. Composition (Argumentative Essay as per IELTS structure)
(1954-2014)| XvKv: Aemi cÖKvkbv ms¯’v.
Recommended Readings:
PSS800A (3.0 Credits) 1. Barron’s TOEFL
Internship 2. Allen, W. Stannard. Living English Structure
3. Cambridge IELTS series
Description 4. Any other standard grammar book of Instructor’s choice
Internship will be considered as the integral part of the Bachelor degree in Political
Studies. Every student will be placed for an internship for a period of 30 working days ENG102e (1.0 Credits)
for full time work in an approved organization, for instance governmental, non ENGLISH LANGUAGE (Lab)
governmental, banking, micro credit, international donor agency etc. The location will
be selected by the department which could be in anywhere in Bangladesh. Students are This course attempts to enhance students’ listening and speaking abilities through
expected to apply their theoretical knowledge acquired in the classes to their practical learner-centered diverse skills and techniques in the forms of interactive sessions
situation and realities. like pair works, group works, discussions, etc.
For testing student’s skill in speaking English, four students will be called in at a
Course structure
time to viva board and interviewers will judge their skill in spoken English
For conducting the internship students shall be supervised by a faculty member of the
department and a respective officer of the assigned office. Each student will submit a
comprehensive final report based on their experiences at the end of the internship. BNG 101 evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ¨ : (ZË¡xq) BANGLA LEATERATURE AND
Evaluation system LANGUAGE: (THEORETICAL)
Internal Examiner (Faculty of the department) : 30% 2 Hours/week, 2.0 credits
External Examinar-1 (Faculty of the department) : 30% [wjwLZ cixÿvi b¤^i eÈb :ÔKÕ wefvM- 3wU cÖkœ10=30, ÔLÕ
External Examiner-2 (Officer of assigned organisation) : 20% wefvM- 3wU cÖkœ10=30, †gvU 60]
Comprehensive Viva : 20% K. wefvM
1. cÖv_wgK aviYv : aŸwb, eY©,A¶i,iƒcg~j, kã I c`
2. cÖwgZ evsjv evbvbixwZ;
3. evsjv fvlvixwZ;
4. cwifvlv I cÖwZeY©©xKiY;
5. cÖæd ms‡kvab I Awfavb ZË¡

Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus

6. evsjv wjLb †KŠkj : cÖwZ‡e`b, ¯§viKwjwc, Rxebe„Ë wewfbœcÎ -Zvivk¼i e‡›`¨vcva¨v‡qi Dcb¨vm: mgvR I
†hvMv‡hvM BZ¨vw`| ivRbxwZ
7. Abyev` 29. fx®§‡`e †PŠayix I ˆmq` AvwRRyj nK (m¤úv) gvwbK
L. wefvM e‡›`¨vcva¨vq kZevwl©K ¯§iY
30. f~Bqv BKevj (m¤úv) gvwbK e‡›`¨vcva¨vq
KweZv : iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi : †Q‡jUv 31. Rx‡e›`ª wmsn ivq cÖg_ †PŠayix
KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg : gvbyl 32. i_x›`ªbv_ ivq evsjv mvwn‡Z¨ cÖg_ †PŠayix
33. mvBdzj Bmjvg : ms¯‹…wZ mvaK †gvZv‡ni †nv‡mb †PŠayix
Mí : iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi : kvw¯Í
gvwbK e‡›`¨vcva¨vq : mixm„c
cÖeÜ : cÖg_ †PŠayix : Avgv‡`i wkÿv BNG 102 evsjv fvlv (j¨ve) BANGLA LANGUAGE (LAB)
†gvZv‡ni †nv‡mb †PŠayix : ms¯‹…wZ 2 Hours/week, 1.0 credit
Av‡jvP¨ m~wP :
mnvqK MÖš’ :
1. evMhš¿
1. Awgqf~lY gRyg`vi wjL‡b Kx N‡U
2. evsjv aŸwb
2. AiæY †mb evbv‡bi wbqg
3. D”PviY ¯’vb
3. Avwbmy¾vgvb ( m¤úv) cvV¨ eB‡qi evbvb
4. D”PviY ixwZ
4. Avãyi iwng evsjv evbv‡bi K_v
5. D”PviY m~Î
5. †R¨vwZf~lY PvKx evsjv fvlvi e¨vKiY
6. b‡ib wek¦vm evsjv D”PviY Awfavb mnvqK MÖš’ :
7. cweÎ miKvi evsjv evbvb ms¯‹vi:mgm¨v I m¤v¢vebv 1. axivb›` VvKzi evsjv D”PviY †Kvl
8. dinv` Lvb k‡ãi PvjwPÎ 2. b‡ib wek¦vm evsjv D”PviY Awfavb
dinv` Lvb Drm Awfavb 3. gnv¤§` `vbxDj nK fvlvi K_v
9. evsjv GKv‡Wwg cÖwgZ evsjv e¨vKiY 4. gyn¤§` Ave`yj nvB aŸwb weÁvb I evsjv aŸwbZË¡
10. gbmyi gymv evsjv cwifvlv:BwZnvm I mgm¨v 5. iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi kãZË¡
11. gvneyeyj nK evsjv evbv‡bi wbqg Ñ evsjv fvlv cwiPq
12. gybxi †PŠayix I Ab¨vb¨ evsjv fvlvi e¨vKiY
13. †gvnv¤§` Ave`yj KvBDg Awfavb ECO103 (4 Credits)
14. wkecÖmbœ jvwnox I Ab¨vb¨ (m¤úv.) evsjv fvlvi cÖ‡qvM PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS
15. kªx gYx›`ªKzgvi †Nvl evsjv evbvb MICRO:
16. mybxwZKzgvi P‡Ævcva¨vq fvlv cÖKvk ev½vjv e¨vKiY 1. Introduction: Definition and scope of economics; basic concepts and tools
17. myfvl fÆvPvh© evsjv fvlvi e¨vKiY used in economics; economic problems - scarcity and resources.
Ñ AvaywbK evsjv cÖ‡qvM Awfavb 2. Demand, Supply, and Market: Concept of demand, supply and equilibrium;
18. nvqvr gvgy` evsjv †jLvi wbqg Kvbyb determinants of demand and supply; shifting of demand and supply curves;
19. bxnviiÄb ivq iex›`ª mvwn‡Z¨i f~wgKv application of demand and supply; elasticity of demand and supply.
20. cÖg_bv_ wekx iex›`ªbv‡_i †QvUMí 3. Theory of Consumer Behaviour: Concepts of utility; paradox of value; law of
21 ex‡i›`ª `Ë evsjv †QvUMí: cÖm½ I cÖKiY diminishing marginal utility; indifference curve; budget constraint; consumer’s
22 eyׇ`e emy iex›`ªbv_:K_vmvwnZ¨ equilibrium.
23. fx®§‡`e †PŠayix `y-PviwU AkÖæRj: iex›`ª M‡íi 4. Theory of Firm: Production function; law of diminishing return; stages of
wfbœcvV production; law of variable proportion; short run and long run production and
24. f~‡`e †PŠayix evsjv mvwn‡Z¨ †QvUMí I MíKvi costs.
25. AvRnvi DwÏb Lvb evsjv mvwn‡Z¨ bRiæj 5. Market: Structure of markets; characteristics of different types of markets; perfect
26. AvZvDi ingvb bRiæj Kve¨-mgx¶v competition and monopoly - price and output determination, monopolistic
27. iwdKzj Bmjvg KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg : Rxeb I KweZv competition.
28. wbZvB emy gvwbK e‡›`¨vcva¨v‡qi mgvRwRÁvmv MACRO:

Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus

1. Introduction to Macroeconomics: Definition: macroeconomic performance: Social Problems: Nature of social problems, social disorganization and deviant
measuring national product & national income-GNP, NNP, NI; personal behavior. Collective Movement: Group, Crowd and Mob.
disposable income; national & real GNP; circular flow of Income, value added
approach. Selected Texts:
2. Determination of National Income: Components of aggregate demand & 1. R.T. Schaefer and R.P. Lamm, Introducing Sociology
planned spending; aggregate demand; equilibrium output/Income Multiplier model 2. M.S. Bassis, R.J. Gelles and Levine, Sociology
of income and spending. 3. Ian Robertson, Sociology
3. Money & Banking: Definition & functions of money, components of money 4. Anthony Giddens, Sociology
supply and money demand, multiple deposit creation, commercial banks & the 5. Vander Zanden, Sociology: The Core
money stock; functions of central bank, open market operations; high-powered
Recommended Readings::
1. Alex Inkels, What is Sociology
4. Inflation and Unemployment: Types and causes of inflation, expected &
2. Pascal Gisbert, Introduction to Sociology
unexpected inflation: cost of inflation: money supply & the price level: velocity &
3. E.C. Cuff, W. Sharrock and D.W. Francis, Perspectives in Sociology
quantity equation, types and causes of unemployment, remedial measures, Phillips
4. Micheal P. Robbins, Organizational Behavior
5. T.B. Bottomore, Sociology: A guide to problems and literature
Recommended Readings:: 6. J.E. Goldthrope, An Introduction to Sociology
1. Arnold, R A (2014): Economics, South Western Publishing Company, Eleventh 7. Metta Spencer, Foundation of Modern Sociology
Edition 8. P.B. Horton and C.L. Hunt, Sociology
2. Browning, E K and M A Zupan (2006): Microeconomics – Theory and 9. G. Lenski, J. Lenski and P. Nolan, Human Societies
Application, Ninth Edition 10. E.W. Steward and J.A. Glynn, Introduction to Sociology
3. Koutsoyiannis, A (2003): Modern Microeconomics, Palgrave Macmillan, Second 11. F.R. Scarpitti and M.L. Andersen, Social Problems
Revised Edition 12. G. T. Miller, Living in the Environment
4. Mankiw, N G (2012): Principles of Economics, Thomson South Western 13. Samuel Koenig, Sociology
Publishing, Sixth Edition 14. Nazmul Karim, Samajbighan Samikhan
5. Samuelson, P A and W D Nordhaus (2009): Economics, McGraw-Hill USA,
Nineteenth Edition. ANP201 (4 Credits)
6. Stiglitz, J E and C E Walsh (2005): Principles of Microeconomics, W, W Norton POLITICAL ANTHROPOLOGY
and Co Inc. USA Definition and Scope of Political anthropology. Distinction between political
anthropology and social sciences. Origin and development of political anthropology.
SOC101B (3.0 Credits) Origin and evolution of society, Primitive society, Ancient society, Civilized
PRINCIPLES OF SOCIOLOGY society, Modern society. State and Political anthropology: types of pre-industrial
state, the evolution of state, anthropological theory of state, Social stratification and
What is Sociology? Nature and Scope of Sociology: Origin and development of Power. Culture: anthropological perspective. Power structure: structure of power in
sociology as a separate discipline, relationship between sociology and other social and local community, national power structure, local community and class structure.
natural sciences. Sociological Perspectives: Geography, Population & Environment. Factionalism and specialized institutions.
Functionalist, conflict and inter-actionist perspectives in sociology. Doing Recommended Readings::
Sociology: Scientific method and techniques for sociological investigation. Primary 1. Balandier, Georges.(1970) : Political Anthropology, Pantheon Books.
concepts: Society, Community, Association, Institution, Culture: Components of 2. Geertz, Clifford - Local Level Politics.
culture; Norms, values, folkways, mores, Cultural unity and diversity. Types of 3. Gladhill: Political Power and Disguise
Society: From early hunting gathering to industrial development and globalization. 4. Pritchard, Evans (1969) : The Nuer, Oxford University Press.
Social Process: Socialization: Agents of Socialization, Early development of infant, 5. Turner, V. & Swartz, Marc J. (2006) - Political Anthropology, Aldine Transaction
Social Institutions: Family, Marriage and kinship, Religion, Functionalist and
Conflict Perspectives of institutions. Social Stratification and class structure: SCW202 (3 Credits)
Systems of Stratification, Functionalist and Conflict Perspectives of Stratification, APPROACHES TO COMMUNITY INTERVENTION
social mobility, Population and Geography: Population Growth, Ecological
Balance, Ecosystem, Threats to global environment, The environment: A Community Need Assessment:
sociological issue. Social Change: Change and its factors, theories of social change.

Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus

Definition, Meaning, Principles, Approaches, and Steps of community need 1. Straub and Attner, Introduction to Business.
assessment; Factors in studying a community; Models of community intervention. 2. Koontz and Fulmer, A Practical Introduction to Business.
Community Organization: 3. F. T. Haner et at., An Introduction to Business.
Definition, Meaning, Historical Development and Principles.
Methods of Community Organization: Fact-finding, Analysis, Evaluation, Planning, GEE203e (3 Credits)
Conference, Consultation, Negotiation, Legislative social action. Non-legislative INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENT
social action, Education, Fundraising, Joint budgeting, federated financial campaign.
Introduction to Geography: Definition, Branches, Scope and subject matters.
Community Development: Solar system: origin and evolution. Earth as a planet: Shape, size, rotation,
Definition, Meaning, Historical development and Principles revolution, perihelion, aphelion, solstice, eclipse, equinox. Location and time:
Process of community development: Building support, Making plan, Implementing Latitude, Longitude, Local and Standard time, International Date Line.
and analyzing the plan, and maintaining momentum. Lithosphere: Earth crust, rock and minerals, internal structure of earth.
Attitudes knowledge and skills required for community development. Atmosphere: Composition and Structure, Weather and Climate, Humidity,
Challenges and difficulties in community development. Planetary wind system, cyclone and anti-cyclone. Hydrosphere: Hydrological
cycle, Major oceans, the profile of the ocean floor and ocean current. Biosphere:
Recommended Readings: Environment, Ecology and Ecosystem (Concept and Function). Map Design and
Batten 1. R. Communities & Their Development. Oxford University Press London, Map Reading: Map, Map scale and Map design (concept and uses). Geographical
1969. strengths, impacts and important of Bangladesh: Location, Physiography,
Dunham A., The Community Welfare Organization, Thomas Y. Crowell, , New Climate, River system, Resource management, Environmental problems.
York. 1970.
Gangrade, K. D. (1971). Community Organization in India. Bombay: Popular Recommended Readings:
Prakashan. 1. Geography, Vol-1, K. Shiddhartha and S. Mukarjhe.
Henderson, P. and Varma, R. M. (1981). Readings in Community Work, George 2. Physical Geography, Alan Strahler and Arthur Strahlar.
Allen & Unwind. London. 1981. 3. Environmental Geography, Savindrasingh.
Perlman R. and Gurin A.. Community organization & Social Planning. John Wile, , 4. Elements of Practical Geography, R.L. Singh.
New York. 1972. 5. Geography of Bangladesh, Professor Harun-ur-Rashid.
Ross. Murray G.. Community Organization, Harper and Row. New York. 1967.
The community Development Handbook, Flo Frank and Anne Smith. CSE202 (3 credits)
Encyclopedia of Social Work, Terry Mizrahi & Larry E. Davis, 20th Edition, INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING APPLICATIONS
Volume-1 Spreadsheet Analysis: Introduction (Spreadsheet & its Applications, Menus &
Toolbars), Working with Spreadsheets (Converting files to different formats,
BAN171 (3.0 Credits) Importing, Exporting, Spreadsheet addressing, Computing data, Mathematical
INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS operations, Using formulas), Formatting Spreadsheets (Border & shading,
Highlighting values, Visibility, Sorting, Filtering, Validation, Consolidation,
The business Enterprise: Foundation of Business and Economics: why study Business? Subtotal), Creating Charts (Selecting charts, Formatting charts, label, scaling etc.),
Business in Bangladesh. Business objectives, Economic systems. A historical review of Using Tools (Error Checking, Spell Checks, Macros), Printing worksheet.
American Business Challenge for the 21st Century forms of Business Ownership. What type Database Applications: Introduction (Database concepts, Tables, Queries, Forms,
of Business is right for you? Sole proprietorship, partnership, Corporation Other Reports), Working with Databases (Creating Tables, Table Design, Indexing,
Incorporated forms of Business Entrepreneurship, franchising, and small Business Entering data, importing data), Creating Queries (SQL statements, Setting
Entrepreneurship, franchising, small Business. The Environment for Business Social relationship, using wizards), Creating Forms, Creating & printing reports.
Responsibility and Business ethics, social Responsibilities, Responsibility to Customers, Statistical Analysis: Introduction, Operation commands, Data definition,
Responsibility to Employees, Responsibility to Environment, Responsibility to Investors, manipulation commands and procedure commands like LIST, DESCRIPTIVES,
Advancing Social Responsibility, Business Ethics, Business Law and Government, FREQUENCIES, CROSSTABS, T-TEST, ANOVA, REGRESS, etc.
Introduction to Law, Law affecting business , Government Regulation of Business
Deregulation, Government Taxing. Fundamental of Management , Finance Accounting, STA102e STATISTICS FOR SOCIAL AND POLITICAL RESEARCH-I
Marketing, HRM, International Business. Theory: 02 Hour/Week, 2.0 Credits
Text book: Steven J. Skinner & John M. Ivancevich, Business for the 21st Century.
Other recommended books:
Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus
(N.B: The course provides an introduction to descriptive statistical methods used in Books Recommended:
social research. The course will also help students to understand basic research 1. Dwyer, Statistical Models for the social &Behavioural Sciences
concepts.) 2. Goode W J &Panek H, Methods in Social Research
Statistics: Definition of Social statistics, subject matter, application of statistical tools in 3. Selltiz C, Research Methods in Social Relations
political studies.Definition of Population, Sample, attribute, variable, parameter and 4. Young P V, Scientific Social Surveys And Research
statistic. Statistical data: nature, classification and tabulation, difference between 5. Mostafa, M.G, Methods of Statistics, Bangladesh
univariate and bivariate data, levels of measurement, reliability and validity of social
data, frequency distribution, various methods of graphical representation of data.
Central tendency and its different measures: definitions, importance and STA205eL STATISTICS FOR SOCIAL AND POLITICAL RESEARCH -II
characteristics, types and applications of mean, weighted arithmetic mean, median, LAB
quartiles, deciles, percentiles and mode.Dispersion and its different measures: Theory: 02 Hour/Week, 1.0 Credits
definitions, types - absolute and relative measures of dispersion, range, variance,
quartile deviation, mean deviation, standard deviation, coefficient of The lab is fully designed on practical problems and the contents will be taught using
variation.Shapes of distribution: moments, skewness and kurtosis of a SPSS software.
distribution.Probability:definition and related concepts, elementary theory of Correlation analysis: simple correlation, rank correlation and Probable Error of
probability, additive and multiplicative laws of probability, Bayes’ theorem, Correlation Coefficient and interpretation. Regression analysis: simple and multiple
probability function and probability destiny function, linear regression models and interpretation of the results. Probability distribution:
probabilities and percentiles, PDF and CDF from binomial, Poisson and normal
Recommended Readings: distributions.Basic inferential Statistics: statistical significance tests (e.g. t-test: test
1. Wonnacott & Wonnacott Introductory Statistics regarding population mean, two independent samples t-test, z-test: proportion, Chi-
2. Mostafa M G, Methods of Statistics, Bangladesh square test: test of association, F-test: ANOVA).Logistic regression analysis: Logit
3. Yule and Kendal, An Introduction the Theory of Statistics model, interpretation of data, log-odds and odds ratio.

LAB (Offrered for other Departments)
Lab: 02 Hours/Week, 1.0 Credits
Course No. Credit Dept Yr-Sem Course Title
Descriptive Statistics: condensation and tabulation of data, frequency PSS102 3.0 ANP 1-2 Politics and Administration in
distribution, graphical representation of data (Bar diagram, pie diagram, Bangladesh
histogram, line chart, box-plot, stem and leaf plot, scatter plot), Measures of PSS102 3.0 ECO 1-1 Politics and Administration in
central tendency: mean, median, mode and quantiles, Measures of Bangladesh
dispersion: range, variance, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation. PSS102 3.0 BAN 2-2 Politics and Administration in
Shapes of distribution: skewness and kurtosis of a distribution. Bangladesh
PSS102 3.0 BNG 1-1 Politics and Administration in
STA205e STATISTICS FOR SOCIAL AND POLITICAL RESEARCH -II PSS102 3.0 SOC 1-1 Politics and Administration in
Theory: 02 Hour/Week, 2.0 Credits Bangladesh
PSS201 2.0 SCW 2-1 Governance and Politics in
Correlation and its measures: definition and its uses, bivariate data, different types Bangladesh
of correlation, coefficient of correlation, Probable Error of Correlation Coefficient, rank PSS101 3.0 ENG 1-2 Bangladesh Studies
correlation.Regression analysis: definition and its uses, difference between correlation
and regression, different types of regression, concept of simple, multiple, and linear
regression model, regression coefficient, standard error of estimate, coefficient of Detailed Syllabus
determination. Probability distribution: application and properties of Binomial, Non-Major Courses
Poisson, normal and standard normal distributions. Sampling distribution: application (offrered for other departments)
and properties of t, F and Chi-square distribution. Test of hypothesis:definition and
concepts, test for mean, proportion and test of association, concept of analysis of PSS102 (3.0 Credits) for ANP, ECO, BAN, BNG,SOC

Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus

a) Fundamental Concepts: i) State, ii) Power, iii) Sovereignty, iv) Law, v) Liberty, vi)
Institution, vii) Nationalism, viii) Constitution, ix) Government and its forms. PSS201 (2.0 Credits) for SCW
b) Bangladesh: Society, Economy and Politics GOVERNANCE AND POLITICS IN BANGLADESH
c) Background of the Evolution of Bangladesh: Nationalism, War of Liberation,
Nature of Leadership a) Fundamental concepts: State, Power, Sovereignty, Law, Liberty, Institution,
d) Political Process of Bangladesh: Constitutional Experimentation and Democratic Nationalism, Constitution, Government and its various forms.
Practices (Constitution and its Amendments), Organs of Government ( Executive, b) Bangladesh: Society, Economy and Politics
Legislature and Judiciary), Alliance Politics & Coalition Government, Military c) Background of Bangladesh: Nationalism, War of Liberation, Nature of Leadership
Rule & Civilianization Process. d) Political Process of Bangladesh: Constitutional Experimentation and Democratic
e) Constitutional Framework of Bangladesh Public Administration Practices (Constitution and Constitutional Amendments), Military Rule &
f) Central Personnel Agencies Civilianization Process, Power and function of the Organs of Government
i) Ministry of Public Administration (MOPA) (Executive, Legislature and Judiciary)
ii) Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC) e) Local Government in Bangladesh.
g) Structure and Functions of Bangladesh Secretariat and Attached Departments. f) Contemporary Issues in Politics: Environment, Governance, Human Rights, Public
h) Bureaucracy in Bangladesh: Characteristics and Functions. Policy, International Organizations and related other issues, Extra-judicial Killing,
i) Election Commission and its Power. Media and Accountability.
j) Local Government Institutions in Bangladesh.
Recommended Readings:
Recommended Readings:  Agarwal, R.C.(2004) Political Theory. New Delhi: S. Chand and Co.,
 Agarwal, R.C. (2004) Political Theory. New Delhi: S. Chand and Co.,  Ball, R Alan. (1977) Modern Politics and Government. London: Macmillan Press.
 Ball, R Alan. (1977) Modern Politics and Government. London: Macmillan Press.  Constitution of Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh.
 Constitution of Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh.  De Vos, Ton.(1975) Introduction to Politic. New York:. Winthrop Publishers.
 De Vos, Ton.(1975) Introduction to Politic. New York:. Winthrop Publishers.  Gullic, Luther H. and Lyndell, Urwick. (1937) Papers on the Science of
 Gullic, Luther H. and Lyndell, Urwick. (1937) Papers on the Science of Administration. New York: Institute of Public Administration.
Administration. New York: Institute of Public Administration.  Garner, J.W. (1910) Introduction to Political Science. New York: American Book
 Garner, J.W. (1910) Introduction to Political Science. New York: American Book Com.
Com.  Gettle, G Rymond. (1910), Political Science. Boston: Inn and Co.,
 Gettle, G Rymond. (1910), Political Science. Boston: Inn and Co.,  Halim, Abdul. (2006) Constitution, Constitutional law and Politics: Bangladesh
 Halim, Abdul. (2006) Constitution, Constitutional law and Politics: Bangladesh Perspective. Dhaka: CCB Foundation and CCB Book Centre, 61 Islamia

Perspective. Dhaka: CCB Foundation and CCB Book Centre, 61 Islamia Market.
 Jahan, Rounaq. (1980) Bangladesh Politics: Problems & Issue. Dhaka: University

 Jahan, Rounaq. (1980) Bangladesh Politics: Problems and Issue. Dhaka: Press Limited.
University Press Limited.  Jahan , Rounaq.(1972) Pakistan: Failure in National Integration. New York:.
 Jahan , Rounaq.(1972) Pakistan: Failure in National Integration. New York:. Columbia University Press.
Columbia University Press.  Johari, J.C .(1989). Principles of Modern Political Science. New Delhi: Sterling
 Johari, J.C .(1989). Principles of Modern Political Science. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers.
Publishers.  Kapur, A.C. (1990), Principals of Political Science, New Delhi: S. Chand and Co.,
 Kapur, A.C. (1990), Principles of Political Science, New Delhi: S. Chand and  Laski, H.J .(1931) A Grammar of Politics. London: Allen & Unwin Ltd.,
Co.,  Rodee, Anderson & Christol (ed.). (1967) Introduction to Political Science. New
 Laski, H.J .(1931) A Grammar of Politics. London: Allen & Unwin Ltd., York: McGraw-Hill.
 Rodee, Anderson & Christol (ed.). (1967) Introduction to Political Science. New  Wheare, K.C. (1952) Modern Constitutions. London: Oxford University Press.
York: McGraw-Hill.  White, L. D. (1926) Introduction to the Study of Public Administration. New York:
 Wheare, K.C. (1952) Modern Constitutions. London: Oxford University Press. The Free Press.
 White, L. D. (1926) Introduction to the Study of Public Administration. New York:  W. gKmy`yi ingvb (2013) ivóªxq msMV‡bi iƒc‡iLv| XvKv: Av‡jqv cÖKvk
The Free Press.
PSS 101: (3.0 Credits) for ENG

Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus

BANGLADESH STUDIES Public Administration in Bangladesh
Secretariat: Structure and functions  Ministry of Public Administration 
Objectives: Bangladesh Public service Commission (BPSC)Local Government in Bangladesh
To enhance learners’ understanding of the history, culture, geography, environment Some Socio-Economic and Environmental Issues of Bangladesh
and development of Bangladesh. Students revisit the rich heritage and cultural Bangladesh Economy  Education  Health  Environment and Climate Change:
influences and vents that have shaped national identity. They gain knowledge of the Challenges and protection  Women Empowerment: Social and legal status,
challenges and opportunities facing Bangladesh. Contribution of women in the socio-economic and political development  State of
Good Governance in Bangladesh: Characteristics and  Development Concepts 
Human Development Index(HDI)  MDGs  Role of NGOs n development
Different social movements Ideas on Political and Ethnic Conflict in Bangladesh
British Colonial Bengal: Aspects of Nationalist Politics during Colonial Rule
(1757-1857) Arise of Fundamentalism in Bangladesh
 The Beginning of British Rule, Palashi and its Aftermath  Fakir Sanyasi
Recommend readings:
Rebellion  Indigo Revolt  Santal Rebellion  Titu Meer’s Revolt  Faraizi
 Barkat, Abul., (2013). Political Economy of Fundamentalism in
Movement  First War of Independence, 1857
British Colonial Bengal: Aspects of Nationalist Politics during Colonial Rule
 Gullic, Luther H. and Lyndell, Urwick. (1937). Papers on the Science of
(1905-1947) First Partition of Bengal (1905) and Swadeshi Movement: Its
Administration. New York: Institute of Public Administration.
Proponents and Opponents  Birth of the Muslim League  FazlulHuq’ s Krishak-
 Garner, J.W. (1910). Introduction to Political Science. New York: American
Praja Party-Led Peasant Mobilization  Pakistan Movement: From Birth of the Book Com.
Muslim League to the Lahore Resolution of 1940  Tebhaga Movement  Second  Gettle, G Rymond. (1910), Political Science. Boston: Inn and Co.
Partition of Bengal (1947): Causes, Processes and Consequences
 Huq, Muhammad Shamsul (1995). Bangladesh in International Politics,
The University Press Limited, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
 Halim, Md. Abdul. (2010). Constitution, Constitutional Law and Politics:
Post-Colonial Nationalist Resistance (1948-1971)
Bangladesh Perspective, CCB Foundation, Dhaka-1000.
Pakistan Period and the Growth of Nationalism in Bangladesh  The Language
 Islam, M. Johurul and Hamid, S.S. Alleviating Corruption in Bangladesh:
Movement  The United Front  Ayub Regime  Education Movement  Six-Point
An Agenda for Good Governance, in Dr. Mizanur Rahman (ed.) Human
Program  11 Point Demand and Student-Led Mass Movement, 1969  The March Rights and Corruption, Empowerment through Law of the People
Non-Cooperation Movement, 1971  Massacre of the Pakistan Army and (ELCOP), Dhaka-1205.
Declaration of Independence Lecture 6: Emergence of Bangladesh: Liberation War  Jahan, Rounaq. (2005), Bangladesh Politics: Problems and Issues, The
of 1971  Beginning of War: Spontaneous Resistance and Retreat  Bangladesh University Press Limited, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
Government in Exile or the Mujibnagar Government  War Strategies, Military  Jahan , Rounaq.(1972) Pakistan: Failure in National Integration. New York:.
Organizations and the Various Forces  Final Phase of the War, Fall of Dhaka and Columbia University Press.
the Surrender of the Pakistan Army Section  Karim, Tariq and Fair, C. Christine , Bangladesh at the Crossroads,
Political Development and Democratic Transition (1971-1990) Special Report 181, United States Institute of Peace, January 2007.
 Consolidation of Bangladesh  Mujib Regime  Zia Regime  Ershad Regime   Khan, Mohammad Mohabbat, and Saiyada Anoyara Hosena. Bangladesh
Mass Upsurge and the Fall of Ershad  Critical Analysis of Different Regimes Studies: Politics, Administration, Rural Development, and Foreign Policy.
Political Development (1991- Present)  Litner, Bertil (2003), The Plight of Ethnic and Religious Minorities and
 Structural Features of Politics: Dynamics of Two Political Parties  Transition to the Rise of Islamic Extremism in Bangladesh, Asia Pacific Media Service.
Democracy: Achievements and Challenges  Regime of Khaleda Zia  Regime of  Muhith, A. M. A. (1999), Bangladesh in the Twenty-First Century:
Sheikh Hasina  The Caretaker Government Issue and the Transitional Period  Towards an Industrial Society, The University Press Limited, Dhaka-
Critical Analysis of Different 1000, Bangladesh.
 Peiris, G.H. (1998), Political Conflict in Bangladesh, Ethnic Studies
Political Process of Bangladesh Report, Vol. XVI, , No. 1.
Democratic Practices and Constitutional Experimentation in Bangladesh: Constitution  Rahman, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Unfinished Memoirs. Trans. Fakrul
and its Amendments. Organs of Government: Executive, Legislature and Judiciary Alam.
Alliance Politics & Coalition Government Military Rule & Civilianization Process

Syllabus | 49 50| Syllabus

 Rashid, Harun-or-. (2005, updated edition), Economic Geography of
Bangladesh, The University Press Limited, Dhaka. Bangladesh.
 Rashid, K. B. Sajjadur. (2008). Bangladesh: Resources and
Environmental Profile, A H Development Publishing House, New Market,
 Schendel, Willem Van. (2015), A History of Bangladesh. Cambridge
University Press.

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