Ultimate Load Capacities of Mooring Bollards and Hull Foundation Structures
Ultimate Load Capacities of Mooring Bollards and Hull Foundation Structures
Ultimate Load Capacities of Mooring Bollards and Hull Foundation Structures
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5 authors, including:
Kangsu Lee
Korean Institute of Ocean Science and Technology
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Ocean Engineering
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a r t i c l e in f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: CSRs (Common Structural Rules for bulker and tanker), which came into effect in 2006, invoke the
Received 26 July 2009 concept of the ultimate strength of hull girders. While numerous studies associated with the ultimate
Accepted 15 February 2010 capacities regarding global hull girders and stiffened panels have been carried out, there are few
Available online 1 March 2010
application cases of the ultimate strengths for deck machineries and their supporting structures. In the
Keywords: present study, nonlinear finite element analyses have been performed to obtain ultimate capacities for a
Mooring fitting size 450 DIN type bollard including hull foundation structures for which elastic strength assessments
Bollard based on allowable stress analyses were jointly carried out by a Mooring Fitting SWL Standardization
SWL (safety working load) Committee consisting of four major Korean shipbuilders (DSME, HHI, HHIC, and SHI) in 2003. The
MBL (minimum breaking load)
plastic hardening property is identified from a comparison of the results of ultimate strength
USD (ultimate strength design)
simulations and a bollard tension tests performed by the committee. It is assumed that the ultimate
ASD (allowable stress design)
Mooring rope load is the corresponding load point when the deformation slope of the bollard column reaches the
Equipment number critical slip angle. It is concluded that the reinforcements appear to be effective with respect to the
allowable stress criterion, but are not substantially effective from the point of view of ultimate
capacities. In other words, structural reinforcements based on allowable stress analyses may noticeably
increase production costs, but do not remarkably raise the ultimate capacities.
Crown Copyright & 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0029-8018/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright & 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.-R. Cho et al. / Ocean Engineering 37 (2010) 770–776 771
ultimate strengths. In order to minimize natural variations of the 3. Analyses based on allowable stress and ultimate strength
FE analysis such as element sizes, load applications, and boundary
conditions, the same FE models provided by the committee are 3.1. Arrangement of bollard and load application
primarily used. In addition to a structural comparison of ASD and
USD, the production costs are also evaluated. As shown in Fig. 2, bollards are arranged in two directions:
along the longitudinal stiffeners (LS type) and transverse
stiffeners (TS type). Flat bar local stiffeners are reinforced under
2. General descriptions of bollards the deck plate along the bottom perimeter without longitudinal
stiffeners. Reviewing the committee’s works, three types of
2.1. Types of bollards tankers, 75K, 150K, and 300K deadweights, are taken into
account. Table 1 explains hull scantlings including deck plate,
There are two types of bollards: JIS-F2001 (JIS, 1995) and DIN- transverse girder, local stiffeners, longitudinal space, and frame
82607 (DIN, 2001) types, as shown in Fig. 1. While shipbuilders space, which had been decided as standard foundation scantlings
have both JIS-F2001 and DIN-82607 type bollards as shipyard by the committee members.
standards, the JIS-F2001 type bollard had been dominantly used ISO-3913 (ISO, 1977) and JIS-F2001 (JIS, 1995) indicate that a
in most Korean shipyards until 2000. Because the DIN-82607 type rope can be wound in a figure-of-eight fashion to produce shear
bollard is simpler and lighter than JIS-F2001 type bollard for the load or bending moment, respectively. Fig. 3 represents two load
same SWL capacities, the DIN-82607 type bollard is currently application types where the shear type is a rope wound at the top
preferred. plate of a bollard base box whereas the bending type is a rope
wound at 80% of the bollard column height (H1) from the bollard
2.2. Determination of mooring force base box. The present study only considers bending type load
application, because the committee report verified that bending
There are alternative methods to determine forces acting on type load causes larger stress than shear type load.
the bollard: the first is to determine the force directly from the
MBL (minimum breaking load) of the actual mooring rope and the
second is to obtain the force from the equipment number 3.2. FE modeling for allowable stress analyses
specified in the classification rule. Ship owners generally require
larger size ropes than the rope sizes determined from equipment This paper introduces allowable stress analysis results of
numbers. Rope forces determined from equipment numbers are nominal bollard size 450, provided by the committee, which is
more reasonable than those derived from the MBL, since usually installed on deck plates of 75K and 150K tankers. Fig. 4
hydrodynamic forces are dependent not on rope size, but rather shows a FE model for a nominal size 450 mooring bollard
vessel deadweight, hull shape, etc. New SOLAS (International longitudinally and transversely mounted on a 75K tanker hull.
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea) regulations, which came Applying a fully fixed boundary along the FE model perimeter
into effect in 2007, from the 80th determination of MSC (Maritime (thick red line in Fig. 4), the FE model includes two transverse
Safety Committee) of IMO (International Marine Organization), frames and six longitudinal stiffeners to minimize the boundary
specify use of design loads that is 1.25 times the SWL determined effect. All the FE models were constructed using only shell
from the equipment number. elements, where element sizes are about 100 mm 100 mm.
Fig. 1. Types of bollards: (a) JIS type and (b) DIN type.
772 S.-R. Cho et al. / Ocean Engineering 37 (2010) 770–776
Fig. 2. Arrangement of bollards: (a) longitudinal type and (b) transverse type.
Table 1
Scantling of hull foundations (unit:mm).
Shear type Bending type For a comparative study, the same FE models provided by the
committee were used. Ultimate strength analyses for the load
Fig. 3. Load applications types: (a) shear type and (b) bending type. cases shown in Table 2 are carried out using Simulia.Abaqus,
where an S4R shell element with a reduced integration scheme
was chosen. An elastic–perfect plastic material was assumed (Oh,
According to the committee report, the initial FE models were 2006; Oh et al., 2006), but for ultimate strength analyses it is
constructed based on the scantlings given in Table 1, but very high necessary to define plastic material properties. Assuming the used
stresses were observed in local stiffeners. To improve the hull materials follow Swift’s power law, the isotropic flow stress can
resistance for a 75K tanker, the sizes of the local stiffener were be expressed as Eq. (1):
upgraded as shown in Fig. 5, where the red line denotes the
ep n
intersection line with the bollard. In the case of the longitudinal sY ¼ s0 1 þ ð1Þ
type, local stiffeners in blue elements and red elements in Fig. 5(b)
between L3 and L4 were changed to AH32 grade 300 90 13/17 where sY is the flow stress and s0 the initial yield stress. 235 MPa
angle bars and to AH32 grade 250 90 12/16 angle bars, for A grade and SS400 and 315 for AH32 grade, ep the plastic
respectively. In the case of the transverse type, local stiffeners strain, e0 the initial yield strain (E s0/E), E the elastic modulus
in green elements were stiffened to AH32 grade 250 90 12/16 (E206 GPa) and n the plastic hardening exponent.
angle bars. On the other hand, the hull resistance of the 150K Since the actual initial yield stress and plastic hardening
tanker was also improved by changing the local stiffener sizes and exponent are unknown material constants, the nominal value
material to AH 32 grade 200 90 13/17 angle bars for both the (235 MPa) is applied to the FE model as the initial yield stress. To
longitudinal and transverse types. Rope force 2P was applied to a determine the proper plastic hardening exponent, results of
reference node of rigid elements that connect a half circle of the numerical simulations are compared with those of the ultimate
S.-R. Cho et al. / Ocean Engineering 37 (2010) 770–776 773
T2 T2
L1 L1
L2 L2
L3 T1 L3 L4 T1
L4 L5
L6 L6
LS type TS type
Fig. 4. FE model of nominal size 450 mooring bollard with 75K tanker hull: (a) LS type and (b) TS type.
LS type/Original LS type/Reinforced
TS type/Original TS type/Reinforced
Fig. 5. Local reinforcements for 75K tanker hull: (a) LS type/original, (b) LS type/reinforced, (c) TS type/original, and (d) TS type/reinforced.
Table 2
Applied load cases.
lift up from the bollard column. The critical slip angle can be
400 simply calculated using Eq. (2). Assuming a static friction
coefficient Cf of about 0.15, the critical slip angle is determined
Simulation n=0.00
Simulation n=0.05
as 8.61, which is equivalent to a lateral displacement of 94 mm
Simulation n=0.10 (red line in Fig. 10):
Mooring Force [tonf]
3.4. Comparison of results based on allowable stress and ultimate Production cost is composed of the weight cost of the adopted
strength material and man-hour cost for fabrication. Each shipyard
develops its own standards to estimate production cost, but most
In this paper, the maximum load based on an allowable stress yard standards are similar. In this paper, for instance, unit
analysis, F0, is the load when any of the elements reaches the production cost is estimated based on the standard of a Korean
allowable stress ( ¼initial yield stress). In contrast, the maximum shipyard. It is found from Table 5 that production cost is increased
load based on an ultimate strength analysis, Fu, is the load when more than 1.3 times due to structural reinforcements. Comparing
the bollard column angle y from the deck plate in Fig. 9 reaches structural improvement ratios based on ultimate strength
the critical slip angle yu or the load when the incremental slope of (Table 4) and production cost increase ratios (Table 5), it is
the force–displacement curve becomes negative. If the bollard is concluded that increased production cost does not help to
deflected more than the critical slip angle, the mooring rope will upgrade ultimate strength capacities.
S.-R. Cho et al. / Ocean Engineering 37 (2010) 770–776 775
400 400
LC03 LC05
LC04 LC06
300 300 LC07
Mooring Force [tonf]
200 200
100 100
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Displacement [mm] Displacement [mm]
LC01-LC04 LC05-LC08
Fig. 10. Comparison of force–displacement curves: (a) LC01-LC04 and (b) LC05-LC08.
Table 3 chosen for ultimate strength calculations. Since the size 450
Comparison of strength ratios. bollard is usually mounted on tankers less than 150K DWT, 75K
and 150K tankers are taken into account. For a comparative study,
Load cases F0 (tonf) Fu (tonf) Fu/F0 (tonf)
the same FE models of bollards and hull foundations generated by
LC01 28.6 220.0 7.7 the committee are used for the ultimate strength assessment.
LC02 67.5 335.0 5.0 The reliability of present analysis is verified through compar-
LC03 37.9 237.0 6.3 ison with a bollard tension test. The material property of the
LC04 62.6 273.0 4.4
plastic hardening exponent is also identified from a comparison of
LC05 35.9 240.0 6.7
LC06 65.7 278.0 4.2 the results of ultimate strength simulations and the bollard
LC07 46.9 262.0 5.6 tension test. In order to determine the ultimate capacities from
LC08 70.3 268.0 3.8 nonlinear numerical simulations, it is assumed that the ultimate
capacity is the load point when the slope of the bollard column
under mooring load reaches the critical slip angle or when the
Table 4 applied mooring load begins to reduce.
Comparison of structural improvement ratios.
Comparison of the strength ratio between the original
Load cases Based on allowable stress Based on ultimate strength structure and reinforced structure provides a good index for
verifying the efficiency of structural reinforcements. Structural
LC02/LC01 67.5/28.6 ¼2.36 335.0/220.0 ¼ 1.52 reinforcements appear to be efficient from the viewpoint of
LC04/LC03 62.6/37.9 ¼1.65 273.0/237.0 ¼ 1.15
allowable stress analyses, but it is shown that the reinforcements
LC06/LC05 65.7/35.9 ¼1.83 278.0/240.0 ¼ 1.16
LC08/LC07 70.3/46.9 ¼1.50 268.0/262.0 ¼ 1.02
do not remarkably raise the ultimate strength. In addition, in spite
of noticeably increased production costs due to structural
reinforcements, the reinforcements are not substantially effective
Table 5 from the point of view of ultimate capacity. It is also expected that
Comparison of weight and cost increase ratios due to structural reinforcements. design based on ultimate strength will reduce production cost.
In order to practically design ship local structural members
Load cases Steel weight increase ratios Production cost increase ratios
based on the ultimate strength, uncertainties regarding material
LC02/LC01 1.73 1.61 properties and fabrication-induced imperfections should be
LC04/LC03 1.81 1.42 studied probabilistically. In future works, a reasonable safety
LC06/LC05 2.98 2.38
factor to determine ultimate strength shall be studied.
LC08/LC07 1.49 1.28
4. Conclusions Acknowledgement
This paper addresses the bollard in standardization works This work was supported by UNIVERSITY OF ULSAN and INHA
proposed by a Mooring Fitting SWL Standardization Committee UNIVERSITY Research Grants.
consisting of four major Korean shipyards. The works include
standard SWLs based on allowable stress analyses for most kinds References
of mooring fittings used for tankers. For advanced derivation of
standard design and standard SWLs of mooring fittings, however, DIN (Deutsche Industrie Normen), 2001. DIN-82607, double bollard.
it is necessary to re-assess the ultimate load capacities of mooring IACS (International Association of Classification Societies), 2006a. Common
structural rules for bulk carriers.
fittings, including hull foundation structures. In this paper, among IACS (International Association of Classification Societies), 2006b. Common
the DIN type bollards described in DIN-82607, nominal size 450 is structural rules for double hull oil tankers.
776 S.-R. Cho et al. / Ocean Engineering 37 (2010) 770–776
ISO (International Standard Organization), 1977. ISO-3913, shipbuilding-welded Oh, Chang-Min, 2006. Ultimate strength assessment of bollard and its foundation
steel bollards. structures. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Ulsan.
JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards), 1995. JIS-F2001, bollards. Oh, Chang-Min, Choung, Joonmo, Cho, Sang-Rai, 2006. Ultimate strength
Mooring Fitting SWL Standardization Committee, 2003. The Report for Standardi- assessment of mooring bollards and their foundation structures, TEAM 2006,
zation of Mooring Fitting SWL Group E:BOLLARD. 133–143.