Operation Summer Storm

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Entity ; 6785240 Date Filed : 10/16/2018 PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Pennsylvania Department of State BUREAU OF CORPORATIONS AND CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS C1 Return document by mail to: Patricia M Kartha rporation-For Profit 36/2102/2805/2702/2003/5101! (eev.22017) 5901 Castor Avenue, Natress Philadelphia PA 19149 a Tip Coe D1 Retum document by email to: Read all instructions prior to completing. This form may be submitted online at https://www corporations pa. gov Fee: $125.00] Squalify fora vetrateservist-owncd smal hasincss fee exemption (sce nstrctions) ‘Check only one: Business-stock (§ 1306) Management (§ 2703) Business-nonstock (§ 2102) Professional (§ 2903) Business-statutory close (§ 2303) Insurance (§ 3101) ‘Cooperative (§ 7102) Benefit (§ 3303) In compliance with the requirements of the applicable provisions (relating to corporations and unincorporated associations), the undersigned, desiring to incorporate a corporation for profit, hereby states th 1. The name of the corporation (corporate designator required, ic., “corporation,” “incorporated,” “limited,” “company,” or any abbreviation {hereof. “Professional corporation” or “P.C.” permitted for professional corporations): CREATIVE CONSULTING CONCEPTS Ine 2. Complete part (a) or (b) - not both: (a) The address of this corporation’s proposed registered office in this Commonwealth is: (post office box alone is not acceptable) 6631 HADDINGTON LN, PHILADELPHI PA 19151 Philadelp! A Number and Street (b) The name of this tate Zip County’ corporation’s commercial registered office provider and the county of venue is: loi Name of Commercial Registered Office Provider ‘County 3. The corporation is incorporated under the provisions of the Business Corporation Law of 1988. 4. Check and complete one: the corporation is organized on a nonstock basis. [X] The corporation is organized on a stock share basis and the aggregate number of shares authorized is: 1000 PENN File: October 1 2018 DSCB: 15-1306/2102/2303/2702/2903/3101/3303/7102-2 5. The name and address, including number and street, if any, of each ineorporator (all incorporators must sign below): Name Address DAVID HALL 6631 HADDINGTON LN , PHILADEPHIA, Philadelphia, PA , United States, 19ST 6. The specified effective date, if any is: imonth/dayiyear hour, fwny Additional provisions of the articles, ifany, attach an 8% by 11 sheet. 8. Statutory close corporation only: Neither the corporation nor any shareholder shall make an offering of any of its shares of any class that would constitute a “public offering” within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 (15 U.S.C. § 77a et seq.) 9. For Cooperative Corporation Only: Check and complete one: The corporation isa cooper ve corporation andl the common bond of membership among its members is: ‘The corporation isa cooperative corporation and the common bond of membership among its shareholders is: 10. Benefit corporations only: This corporation shall have the purpose of creating general public benefit. Strike out if inapplicable: This corporation shall have-the purpose of creating the enumerated specific. ‘public benesit(s): IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the incorporator(s) has/have signed these Articles of Incorporation this, of Octobs 2018 16 DAVID HALL ignature

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