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Computer Aided Design Course Code: 3341904

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Computer Aided Design Course code: 3341904


(Code: 3341904)

Diploma Programme in which this course is offered Semester in which offered

Mechanical Engineering 4th Semester

The students of mechanical engineering programme are mainly involved in modelling,
designing, manufacturing, inspection and planning activities (such as preparing design
and production drawing, process plans, preparing bill of materials, etc.) in industries. For
all such activities, reference document is the modelling and drawing of
component/assembly to be manufactured. In this context, it is of utmost importance to
prepare, read and interpret these drawings correctly for production of components and
assemblies accurately and precisely. The industrial practices of modelling and designing
are also important for the students to make them aware of modelling and designing
practices, symbols, codes, norms and standards generally used in industries.
This course has been introduced at Diploma level in order to develop the skills in student
so that they can generate various modelling and digital production drawings as required
by industry using appropriate CAD software.

The course content should be taught and implemented with the aim to develop
different types of skills so that students are able to acquire following competency:

 Develop production drawings and solid models using codes, norms, standards
and CAD software.

The theory should be taught and practical should be carried out in such a manner that
students are able to acquire different learning out comes in cognitive, psychomotor
and affective domain to demonstrate following course outcomes.

i. Select configuration of CAD workstation.

ii. Select type of modeling technique for given part.
iii. Design, develop and model the given part using various CAD software like-
Creo/Catia /Unigraphics/Solid edge/Inventor/ AutoCAD, etc.
iv. Prepare solid models & assembly of mechanical parts.

GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/13-14 Gujarat State

Computer Aided Design Course code: 3341904


Teaching Scheme Total Credits Examination Scheme

(In Hours) (L+T+P) Theory Marks Practical Marks Total
2 0 2 4 70 30 20* 30
Legends: L -Lecture; T -Tutorial/Teacher Guided Student Activity; P -Practical; C - Credit; ESE-End
Semester Examination; PA -Progressive Assessment

Major Learning Topics and Sub-topics

Unit Outcomes (in cognitive
1a. Appreciate the need 1.1 Computer graphics & its
Unit – I of CAD and its terminology.
application. 1.2 CAD definition, concept & need.
Fundamentals 1.3 CAD process.
of CAD 1.4 Functional areas of CAD.
1.5 Coordinate systems.
1b.Perform Geometric 1.6 Geometric transformation-concept
2D transformation. and types.
1.7 2 dimensional (2D) geometric
transformation- translation, scaling,
rotation and mirror with numeric

2a. Describe functions of 2.1 CAD Workstation-types, functions

Unit- II CAD Workstation, its and configuration.
types, and 2.2 Input and output devices (including
CAD configuration. voice, gesture, 3 dimensional (3D)
Hardware 2b. Use input/output printer, etc)-types, configuration and
CAD devices. applications.

3a.Explain types of solid 3.1 Difference between 2D & 3D

Unit – III modeling. models.
3.2 Geometric modeling – concept,
Geometric types, features and applications.
modeling 3.3 Solid modeling methods like
Constructive Solid Geometry, Pure
primitives & Boundary

3b.Describe 3.4 Feature base modeling-concept,

characteristics of illustrative examples.
features based CAD

GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/13-14 Gujarat State

Computer Aided Design Course code: 3341904

Major Learning Topics and Sub-topics

Unit Outcomes (in cognitive
3c.Differentiate graphics 3.5 Parametric & non parametric
packages used for modeling-concept, differences and
modeling illustration.

4a. Use appropriate UCS 4.1 Introduction to AutoCAD-3D

Unit – IV for the given features and 2D commands
situation. overview.
3D Modeling 4.2 3D primitives-types and defining
using parameters.
AutoCAD 4.3 User coordinate system (UCS) and
its options.
4b. Prepare solid model 4.4 3D draw commands.
of industrial parts and 4.5 3D modify and editing commands.
its assembly using 4.6 3D viewing & views generation.
Auto CAD.
4c. Prepare simple 4.7 Surface modeling commands.
surface model using
5a Prepare solid model 5.1 Introduction to parametric modeling
Unit – V of industrial parts and software. (Any one from Creo,
its assembly using Unigraphics, CATIA, Solid Edge,
3D parametric modeling Inventor etc).
parametric software. 5.2 Sketching interfacing overview.
modeling 5.3 3D working plane introductions.
5.4 3D modeling.
5.5 Assembly modeling.
5.6 Views generation.


Unit Unit Title Distribution of Theory Marks

Teaching R U A Total
Hours Level Level Level Mark
I Fundamentals of CAD 4 5 5 0 10
II CAD Hardware 2 2 3 0 5
III Geometric modeling 4 2 4 4 10
3D Modeling using
IV 8 4 6 10 20
V 3D parametric modelling 10 5 6 14 25
TOTAL 28 18 24 28 70

Legends: R = Remember; U = Understand; A = Apply and above levels (Bloom’s Revised taxonomy)

Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and
teachers. The actual distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from
above table.
GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/13-14 Gujarat State
Computer Aided Design Course code: 3341904

General Notes:
a. If midsem test is part of continuous evaluation, unit numbers I, II, III and IV (Up
to point number 4.2 only) are to be considered.
b. Ask the questions from each topic as per marks weightage. Numerical questions
are to be asked only if it is specified. Optional questions must be asked from the
same topic.
c. For theory paper, examiner has to give options of “Select and specify any one
software from Creo, Unigraphics, CATIA, Solid Edge, Inventor etc” while
asking the questions from Unit V.


The practical/exercises should be properly designed and implemented with an attempt
to develop different types of skills (outcomes in psychomotor and affective domain)
so that students are able to acquire the competencies/programme outcomes. Following
is the list of practical exercises for guidance.

Note: Here only outcomes in psychomotor domain are listed as practical/exercises.

However, if these practical/exercises are completed appropriately, they would also
lead to development of certain outcomes in affective domain which would in turn lead
to development of Course Outcomes related to affective domain. Thus over all
development of Programme Outcomes (as given in a common list at the beginning of
curriculum document for this programme) would be assured.
Faculty should refer to that common list and should ensure that students also acquire
outcomes in affective domain which are required for overall achievement of
Programme Outcomes/Course Outcomes.

S. No. Unit Practical/Exercises Hrs.

Number (Outcomes’ in Psychomotor Domain) required

Preperatory Activity
1 ALL 02
Prepare a 2D drawing using AutoCAD and 2D
parametric sketcher environment.

3DSolid Modeling-I
2 IV 04
Prepare 3D solid models using AutoCAD (Three
mechanical components).

3D Surface Model
3 IV 02
Prepare simple surface model using AutoCAD (Two
mechanical components).

3D Solid Modeling-II:
Prepare 3D solid model using any one (from Creo,
4 V Unigraphics, CATIA, Solid Edge, Inventor etc) 05
parametric software. (Three models that includes base
features, Extrude/Protrude/Revolve).

GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/13-14 Gujarat State

Computer Aided Design Course code: 3341904

3D Solid Modeling-III:
Prepare 3D solid models using any one (from Creo,
5 V 05
Unigraphics, CATIA, Solid Edge, Inventor etc)
parametric software. (Four models that includes
engineering features).

Mini Project And Presentation Using Any One (From CREO,

Unigraphics, CATIA, Solid Edge, Inventor) Parametric

a. Prepare solid models of dismantled parts of an

assembly (selected as student activity 1).
6 V b. Assemble the parts. 10
c. Get orthographic production drawings of solid
models prepared at “a” above.
d. Get orthographic production drawings of assembly
model prepared at “b” above.
e. Prepare the bill of material (BOM) .
f. Present the project.
Total Hours 28

a. It is compulsory to prepare log book of exercises. It is also required to get each
exercise recorded in logbook, checked and duly dated signed by teacher.
b. Term work report must not include any photocopy/ies, printed manual/pages,
litho, etc. It must be hand written / hand drawn by student only. Printouts of
actually modelled parts/assemblies are to be permitted.
c. Term work report content of each experience should include following.
i. Sketches of parts/assemblies.
ii. Steps followed with commands, its options with numeric values,
position of UCS (in case of AutoCAD), planes selected, etc.
iii. Printouts of modelled parts/assemblies.
d. Mini project and presentation topic/area has to be assigned to the student in the
beginning of the term by batch teacher. This may be assigned individually or in
the group of maximum 2 to 3 students.
e. For 80 marks ESE, students are to be assessed for competencies achieved.
They should be given following tasks:
i. Prepare solid models and assembly using AutoCAD and any one
software (Creo, Unigraphics, CATIA, Solid Edge, Inventor etc).


Sr. Activity
Bring Actual mechanical assembly from industry/real life/scrap shop/garage/etc.
1 (made up of at least 4 to 5 mechanical components), dismantle the same, measure
dimensions and sketch it to use the same for exercise no.6).
Visit design section of different industry and observe various hardware and
software, procedure, standards they are following for designing a product.
GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/13-14 Gujarat State
Computer Aided Design Course code: 3341904


Sr. Unit Strategies

1 I & II a. Explain various configurations for CAD workstation and
different peripherals.
b. Demonstrate various Input/output devices and its connections
and how to use it.
c. Demonstrate the procedure of loading the CAD software on a
computer system.
2 III Bring actual industrial production drawings from nearby industry and
distribute them among group of students for self study and
interpretation. Ask students to practice these drawings using CAD
3 IV & a. Bring small real components/assemblies like nuts, bolts,
V washers, cotter-knuckle joints, couplings, pulleys, shafts, gears,
tool post, tool holders, etc. in the class.
b. Demonstrate various features of such components.
c. Show the steps to create solid models and assemblies of such
parts/assembly using CAD softwares.
d. Take the students for industrial visit.


A. List of Books:
Sr. Title of Books Author Publication
1. Creo 2.0 for designer and engineers Sham Tickoo Dreamtech press
2. Designing with Creo Parametric 2.0 Dr. Michel J Rider SDC Publications
3. Pro/Engineer wildfire 5.0 instructor David S. Kelley McGraw-hill
4. Unigraphics for designer & engineers Sham Tickoo Dreamtech press
5. AutoCAD for engineers and Designers Sham Tickoo Dreamtech press
6. Machine design K.C.Jhon PHI
7. Production drawing K.L.Narayan New age publication
8. Fundamental of Geometric Alex kruleski Cengage publication
dimensioning & tolerancing
9. CAD/CAM & Automation Farzak haidaree Nirali
10. Machine drawing including AutoCAD Ajeet singh McGraw-hill

B. List of Major Equipment/ Instrument with Broad Specifications:

i. CAD Workstations.
ii. Laser printer-A3 size.
iii. AutoCad.

GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/13-14 Gujarat State

Computer Aided Design Course code: 3341904

iv. Latest educational network version of Creo, Unigraphics, CATIA,

Solid Edge, Inventor, software (Any one).

C. List of Software/Learning Websites:

i. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY0YuCkJWdw
ii. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIYrkF_FId8
iii. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoMW_usjaJo
iv. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx6kt9djIpc
v. https://www.youtube.com/watcAh?v=8wdOIHxICxw
vi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srnm--IKtl4
vii. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtjDfZXscrI


Faculty Members from Polytechnics:

 Prof. K. H. Patel, Head of Mechanical Engineering, Dr.S.S.& S. Gandhi College of
Engineering and Technology, Surat.
 Prof. A. A. Lohia, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Government Polytechnic, Rajkot.
 Prof. S. H. Sundrani, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Government Polytechnic
 Prof. Hitesh J. Yadav, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, RCTI, Ahmedabad.
 Prof. B.D. Parmar, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Government Polytechnic, Porbandar.
 Prof. J. B. Patel, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Sir BPI, Bhavnagar.
 Prof. Jignesh M. Patel, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, BSP Polytechnic, Kherva.

Coordinator and Faculty Members from NITTTR Bhopal

 Prof. Sharad K. Pradhan, Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering
 Dr. K.K. Jain, Professor and Dean, Department of Mechanical Engineering

GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/13-14 Gujarat State


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