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Technical note

Project Phase 1A Cotswold Canal Restoration Project Date 04 January 2011

Geotechnical Interpretation of Ground SDC
Note 8202/CP30/GR002
Investigation at Canal Ironworks Ref
Author R. Wheway / L Rivers Final Rev 2

1 Introduction
This Technical Note presents the findings and interpretation of a recent ground
investigation (GI) carried out within the Canal Ironworks industrial estate as part of
the Phase 1A Cotswold Canal Restoration Project.

The investigation was carried out in order to investigate ground conditions, provide
information on the design of the proposed canal and associated structures and to
assess the contamination status at the site in connection with the reinstatement of
the canal and Hope Mills lock and the construction of a new bridge providing
access into the industrial estate. This Note includes an assessment of the ground
conditions, derivation of geotechnical design parameters and a geo-environmental

2 Investigations
2.1 Desk Study

The anticipated geology and ground conditions have been determined from a
review of BGS Sheet 234, Gloucester, Solid and Drift Geology, historic mapping
and Geotechnical Desk Study, Arup 2005. The canal follows the valley of the River
Frome which cuts into the Jurassic Strata of the Cotswold Hills. The canal is to the
south west of the River Frome with it’s alignment following the lowest part of the
valley slopes just above the valley bottom. The Frome valley slopes are masked
with landslide debris generated by slope wastage where the Cotteswold Sands and
Inferior Oolite overlie the Upper Lias Clay.

In the area of Canal Ironworks a bench has been excavated into the valley side
between the railway and the River Frome to allow for industrial development. As
such, significant superficial deposits are not expected at the site. There has been
significant industrial use along the valley bottom with several mill sites along the
canal route. There are extensive areas of made ground adjacent to the canal and as
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Phase 1A Cotswold Canal Restoration Project Geotechnical Interpretation of Ground Investigation at Canal Ironworks

canal infill. It is documented that asbestos sheet may form part of the canal infill at
Canal Ironworks.

The following general sequence is anticipated beneath the site:

• Made Ground;

• Landslip / head deposits;

• Solid geology – Upper Lias Clay

The desk study indicates that alluvium associated with the River Frome is
immediately to the north of the site and the Upper Lias Clay and Cotteswold Sand
are to the south east where the canal is currently in water.

2.2 Ground Investigation (GI)

Trial Excavation of Hope Mill Lock, 2005

In June 2005 David McDougall was instructed by British Waterways to carry out a
trial excavation at Hope Mill Lock. The purpose of this investigation was to
determine the location and condition of the lock.

Two trial pits (TP107 and TP108) were excavated on 24th June 2005 to locate the
lock walls. The trial pits were up to 2m deep.

Ground Investigation at Canal Ironworks, 2010

In June 2010 Structural Soils Limited were instructed by Halcrow on behalf of

Stroud District Council to carry out a ground investigation, GI, of the proposed
canal location at the existing Canal Ironworks industrial estate. Halcrow prepared
the specification for the GI, administered the contract and provided part-time
supervision of the site works.

The main phase of GI was carried out by Structural Soils Limited between 15 July
and 22 July 2010. It comprised four dynamic sample/rotary cored boreholes, four
dynamic sample holes, six machine-dug trial pits, one machine dug trial trench and
two hand-dug inspection pits. A location plan of the exploratory holes is presented
in Figure 1.
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The boreholes (BHCI-01 to BHCI-04) were advanced to depths of up to 15.0 m

below ground level (bgl). The dynamic sample holes (WSCI-01 to WSCI-04) were
advanced to depths between 3.9mbgl to 4.9mbgl. The hand-dug inspection pits
(IPCI-01 and IPCI-02) were approximately 0.6m by 0.6m in plan and up to 1.75m
deep. The machine-dug trial pits (TPCI-01 to TPCI-06) were approximately 0.9m
by 2.5m in plan and were advanced to a maximum depth of 3.4m. The machine-
dug trial trench (TTCI01) was approximately 1.0m by 5.6m in plan and was
progressed to a depth of 3.0m.

Additional GI comprising three dynamic probe boreholes was undertaken on 30

October 2010 to retrieve additional data at the locations of BHCI-01 to 03. The
dynamic probe holes (DPCI-01 to DPCI-03) were advanced to depths of up to

In situ testing comprising Standard Penetration Tests (SPTs), Dynamic Cone

Penetrometer Tests (DCPs) and hand vane and/or hand penetrometer tests were
carried out in the exploratory holes. Laboratory testing was carried out on samples
collected from the exploratory holes and comprised classification tests (natural
moisture content, bulk and dry density, Atterberg Limits, grading), consolidation
tests (one dimensional consolidation, measurement of swelling), strength tests
(unconsolidated undrained triaxial tests without measurement of pore water
pressure, consolidated undrained triaxial tests with measurement of pore water
pressure, unconfined compressive strength (for rock)) and a suite of analytical geo-
environmental tests).

A factual report was produced by Structural Soils which has been used to inform
this interpretation (refer to Section 7).

3 Ground Conditions
The topography of the site is relatively flat with average ground levels being
approximately 56mOD. Ground cover at the site comprises concrete or asphalt
hard standing with light industrial units and warehouses. The soils encountered
during the ground investigation generally comprised the following:

• granular Made Ground underlain by cohesive Made Ground;

• weathered Lias Clay with bands of silt
• partially weathered Lias Clay
• Lias Clay
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The ground conditions are summarised in Table 1, graphically presented as a

geological cross-section in Figure 2a and presented in more detail in the text below.
The location of the cross-section is indicated on Figure 2b.

The Made Ground generally comprised a granular layer overlying a cohesive layer.
The proven thickness of the granular Made Ground was between 0.3m and 3.30m.
The proven base depth of the cohesive Made Ground was between 0.75m and
4.60m below ground level. The granular layer was described as sandy, clayey Gravel
and the cohesive layer was described as slightly gravelly, silty, very sandy Clay. The
cohesive layer was not identified in the area of the buried Hope Mill Lock chamber
(exploratory hole TTCI01). Suspected asbestos was noted within the Made

Twenty-one particle size distribution (PSD) tests were undertaken on samples of

Made Ground. The results classify the granular Made Ground (approximately
upper 1-2m) as silty, very sandy Gravel. The lower cohesive Made Ground is
generally classified as slightly sandy, slightly gravelly, silty Clay. In areas the
cohesive Made Ground also comprises slightly gravelly, slightly sandy Silt.

The stratum immediately beneath the Made Ground is interpreted to be the Lias
Clay, which has subsequently been interpreted into two distinct layers based
predominantly on strength descriptions. The Lias Clay is described as soft to firm,
slightly sandy, slightly gravelly, silty Clay overlying a layer of grey, stiff to hard,
closely fissured, sandy, silty, gravelly Clay with proven base depths of between
9.40m and 12.50m. Soft brown, sandy, clayey Silt was also encountered at several
locations. A hydrocarbon odour was noted within the clay stratum adjacent to Unit
3 (BHCI03).

Ten particle size distribution (PSD) tests were undertaken on samples of Lias Clay.
The results classify the clay as brown, slightly gravelly, slightly sandy, silty Clay.
Some samples classified the presence of slightly sandy slightly gravelly silt.

The Lias Clay bedrock was described as extremely weak to strong grey thinly
laminated calcareous mudstone and was encountered in boreholes BHCI01,
BHCI03 and BHCI04.

The descriptions of the Lias Clay are generally consistent with published geological
information for this area.

Refer to Figure 2 for a geological long section of the typical ground profile through
the site.
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Phase 1A Cotswold Canal Restoration Project Geotechnical Interpretation of Ground Investigation at Canal Ironworks

Strata Average Thickness Base elevation Description

thickness range (m) of strata
(m) (mOD)
Granular made 0.7 0.3 - 3.3 53.0 -56.2 Sandy clayey gravel
Cohesive made 1.5 0.95 – 2.9 52.7 – 55.3 Slightly sandy slightly
ground gravelly silty clay
Weathered Lias 1.2 0.4 - 1.85 52.2 - 53.3 Grey brown soft to firm
Clay slightly sandy slightly
gravelly silty clay
Partially 8.0 7.5 – 8.65 45.2 – 46.5 Grey brown, firm to very
weathered Lias stiff, closely fissured, sandy
Clay silty gravelly clay
Lias Clay Not Not Not proven Extremely weak to strong,
proven proven grey, thinly laminated,
calcareous mudstone
Table 1 Summary of ground conditions

4 Assessment of Geotechnical Properties

4.1 Granular Made Ground

Moisture content and atterberg values

Given the nature of the granular Made Ground no moisture content or atterberg
testing was completed in this stratum.

Empirical correlations quoted in Carter and Bentley (1991) indicate that a bulk
density of 1.8Mg/m3 is appropriate based on descriptions of the granular Made

Strength parameters
One standard penetration test (SPT) was undertaken in the granular Made Ground
at a depth of 1.0m and achieved a value of 4, which correlates with the description
of the material as a loose, silty, very sandy Gravel. This SPT value corresponds to
an effective angle of friction of roughly 29° according to Carter and Bentley (1991).
A further SPT test giving a value of 1 but was discounted as it is thought to have
been obstructed by a cobble.

No laboratory strength testing was undertaken for the granular Made Ground.
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For design purposes, the strength parameters of the granular Made Ground are
considered to be similar to those of the cohesive Made Ground. Further details on
the strength assessment of the Made Ground are presented in Section 4.2 Cohesive
Made Ground below.

4.2 Cohesive Made Ground

Moisture content and atterberg values

Nineteen moisture content determinations were made on samples of cohesive
Made Ground. The results ranged from 11-55% with an average of 27%.

The Atterberg Limit results from nineteen samples of cohesive Made Ground plot
as clays of intermediate to high plasticity. The plasticity index was within the range
of 13% and 38%, with a median PI value of 18% which correlates to intermediate
plasticity. A plasticity chart is presented in Figure 3.

Density tests on specimens from one U100 sample of cohesive Made Ground
yielded natural bulk densities of 2.15 Mg/m3 and 2.16Mg/m3 and dry densities of
1.87 Mg/m3 and 1.88 Mg/m3. This is comparable with typical values for clays of
low plasticity quoted by Carter and Bentley (1991). These results may not be
representative of the material as a whole owing to the high granular content.

Presumed bearing values

Tomlinson (2001) indicates presumed bearing values between 100kPa and 200kPa
for a firm clay and foundation widths of 1m (assuming water levels do not rise
above the foundation level and allowing for settlements of up to 50mm).

Undrained shear strength

Dynamic probe testing undertaken in the cohesive Made Ground gave N100 results
ranging from 1 to 7 blows, with a median of 3 blows. Based on correlations
recommended by Tonks and Whyte, these results indicate undrained shear strength
values for the cohesive Made Ground of between 7kN/m2 to 49kN/m2 (median of

Hand vane/penetrometer testing undertaken in the exploratory holes in the

cohesive Made Ground stratum indicated undrained shear strength values of
10kN/m2 (very soft) to 150kN/m2 (stiff) with an average of 54kN/m2 (firm).

One unconsolidated undrained triaxial compression test (without the measurement

of pore water pressure) was undertaken on a sample of cohesive Made Ground
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(silt) at 3.0m depth. The result indicated an undrained shear strength value of
9kN/m², which correlates to a very soft material. At this point the Made Ground
material is described as extremely low strength slightly sandy slightly gravelly clayey
organic silt. This result is considered representative of this localised area of silt only.
Assuming that the cohesive Made Ground typically comprises firm slightly gravelly
sandy clay, empirical data published in Carter and Bentley (1991) suggests a typical
undrained shear strength value of 40kN/m².

Effective shear strength

Based on relationships in BS8002, a critical state effective friction angle of
approximately 28° for the cohesive Made Ground might be anticipated for a
material with a plasticity index of 18%. This is comparable with friction angles
presented by Carter and Bentley (1991) for clays of intermediate plasticity.

4.3 Weathered Lias Clay

Moisture content and atterberg values

Eight moisture content determinations were made on samples of weathered Lias
Clay. The results ranged from 16-109% with an average of 38%.

The Atterberg Limit results from eight samples of soft to firm clay range from
intermediate to extremely high plasticity. The plasticity index was within the range
of 15% and 36% with a median PI value of 21%. The majority of the results
indicate that the clay is of intermediate plasticity. A plasticity chart is presented in
Figure 4.

Density tests (undertaken as part of triaxial compression strength tests) on U100
samples of clay yielded mass densities of between 2.05 and 2.13Mg/m3 (median of
2.09Mg/m3). One particle density test undertaken on a sample at 2.26m depth
gave a result of 2.69Mg/m3. These are compatible with data presented in Carter
and Bentley (1991) for normally consolidated clays.

Undrained shear strength

One SPT was undertaken at 3.6m depth within firm to stiff sandy gravelly clay and
gave a value of 0. This result is not representative of the strata description in this

Hand vane/penetrometer testing undertaken in the exploratory holes in the clay

stratum indicated undrained shear strength values of 5kN/m2 (very soft) to
65kN/m2 (firm) with an average of 22kN/m2 (soft).
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Dynamic probe testing undertaken in the soft to firm clay gave N100 results ranging
from 1 to 9 blows. Based on correlations recommended by Tonks and Whyte these
results indicate undrained shear strength values for the soft to firm clay of between
7kN/m2 to 63kN/m2.

Laboratory testing on soft to firm clay samples indicated undrained shear strength
values of 80kN/m2 (firm to stiff) to 358kN/m2 (hard), refer to Figure 3. The range
of values from the tests indicates a typically stiff to hard material, however the
material description is more typically soft to firm. It is considered likely that the
high proportion of silt in the samples tested influenced the outcome of the tests to
provide inconsistent and potentially unrepresentative values. Carter and Bentley
recommend a typical undrained shear strength value of 40kN/m² for a soft to firm

Effective shear strength

One effective shear strength test was undertaken at 2.0m depth in the soft to firm
clay which indicated an effective friction angle value of 33°. Based on the material
description this value is higher than typically adopted for design and could be
attributed to the gravel and sand content in this particular sample. Based on
relationships in BS8002, a critical state effective friction angle of approximately 27°
for the soft to firm clay might be anticipated for a material with a plasticity index of
21% and is consistent with empirical correlations in Carter and Bentley for a silty
clay of intermediate plasticity.

A one-dimensional consolidation test was carried out on a sample of soft to firm
clay. The resulting coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) of the material was
0.14 m²/MN, which classifies the material as being of medium compressibility in
accordance with Tomlinson (2001).

4.4 Partially Weathered Lias Clay

Moisture content and atterberg values

Fourteen moisture content determinations were made on samples of clay. The
results ranged from 12-24% with a median of 15%.

The Atterberg Limit results from fourteen samples of clay plot range from
intermediate to high plasticity. The plasticity index was within the range of 15%
and 22% with a median PI value of 19%. The majority of the results indicate that
the clay is of intermediate plasticity. A plasticity chart is presented in Figure 5.
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Density tests (undertaken as part of triaxial compression strength tests) on U100
samples of clay yielded mass densities of between 2.13 and 2.40 Mg/m3 (median of
2.2Mg/m3). These are compatible with data presented in Carter and Bentley
(1991) for normally consolidated clays.

Undrained shear strength

Twelve standard penetration tests (SPT) were undertaken in the clay. The SPT N60
values ranged between 37 and 140 blows with a median of 62. Based on the
correlation in CIRIA Report 143, the median value of the interpreted undrained
shear strength is 310kN/m² (hard). The lowest N60 value of 37 gives a lower bound
interpreted undrained shear strength of 185kN/m2 (very stiff).

Dynamic probe testing undertaken in the stiff to hard clay gave N100 results ranging
from 1 to 50 blows, with a median of 11 blows. Based on correlations
recommended by Tonks and Whyte these results indicate undrained shear strength
values for the stiff to hard clay of between 7kN/m2 to 350kN/m2 (median of

Hand vane/penetrometer testing undertaken in the exploratory holes in the clay

stratum indicated undrained shear strength values of 75kN/m2 (firm to stiff) to
200kN/m2 (very stiff) with an average of 138kN/m2 (stiff).

Laboratory testing on clay samples indicated undrained shear strength values of

132kN/m2 (stiff) to 366kN/m2 (hard), refer to Figure 6.

Effective shear strength

Nine effective shear strength tests were undertaken on samples of clay. The results
are presented on Figure 7. These indicate a moderately conservative envelope with
effective cohesion at 5kPa and effective angle of friction at 29°, which are
reasonable for the applicable stress range and are consistent with recommendations
in Carter and Bentley for this material. It is, however, recommended that effective
cohesion properties within the soil are discounted as a conservative assumption for
the purposes of design.

Based on material description, which indicates a clay of low compressibility, a
typical coefficient of volume compressibility for this material is indicated in Carter
and Bentley to be 0.1 m²/MN.
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4.5 Lias Clay

Density tests on core samples of mudstone yielded mass densities of between 2.19
and 2.23Mg/m3 (median of 2.21Mg/m3).

Undrained shear strength

Seven standard penetration tests (SPT) were undertaken in the mudstone. The SPT
N60 values ranged between 70 and 169 blows with a median of 106. Based on the
correlation in CIRIA Report 143, the median and lower bound values of the
interpreted undrained shear strength are 530kN/m² and 350kN/m2 respectively.

Effective shear strength

Based on the description of the mudstone, BS8002 recommends effective shear
strength parameters of effective cohesion of 0 kN/m² and effective angle of
friction of 29°.

Unconfined strength
Three unconfined strength (UCS) tests were carried out on specimens of bedrock
with results ranging from 0.13 MN/m2 and 0.44 MN/m2 (median 0.39 MN/m2)
for the mudstone. These represent a description of ‘extremely weak’ bedrock, in
accordance with BS EN ISO 14689-1 (2003).

4.6 Summary of design geotechnical properties

Preliminary geotechnical design parameters have been determined based on the

strata descriptions, in-situ testing, laboratory results, literature review and in-house
expertise. The preliminary geotechnical design parameters are presented in Table 2
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Phase 1A Cotswold Canal Restoration Project Geotechnical Interpretation of Ground Investigation at Canal Ironworks

Material Density Shear strength Uniaxial Consolidation/

Compressive deformation
Bulk Undrained Effective Effective qc mv
c' φ'
(Mg/m3) cu (MN/m2) (m2/MN)
(kN/m2) (degrees)
Made Ground 1.8 40 0 28 N/A N/A
Weathered Lias 2.0 40 0 27 N/A 0.14
Partially 2.2 130 0 29 N/A 0.10
weathered Lias
Lias Clay 2.2 350 0 30 0.13 N/A
Note: mv – Coefficient of volume compressibility

Table 2: Summary of preliminary geotechnical design properties

5 Groundwater
Table 3 presents a summary of groundwater monitoring in installations within the
boreholes carried out on three occasions between the dates 05/08/10 and

Borehole Installation Installation Minimum Maximum

strata depth (mbgl) groundwater depth groundwater depth
(mbgl) (mbgl)

BHCI-01 Partially weathered 1.50 1.57

Lias Clay

BHCI-02 Partially weathered 10 1.75 2.11

Lias Clay

BHCI-03 Partially weathered 10 1.26 1.41

Lias Clay

BHCI-04 Partially weathered 10 0.60 0.84

Lias Clay

Table 3: Summary of groundwater monitoring

Groundwater strikes during drilling were recorded in boreholes BHCI01, BHCI03

and BHCI104 at depths between 3.85 and 11.75mbgl (rising to 6.48mbgl).
Groundwater was also encountered in the inspection and trial pits/trenches at
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depths between 0.6 (IPCI02) and 2.0m (TTCI01). Seepages were recorded between
1.5m (TPCI04) and 2.2m (TPCI05).

For design purposes a groundwater depth of 1m below ground level (approximately

55mAOD) is recommended. However, it should be noted during design that there
appears to be a shallower water table towards the eastern end of the site with
groundwater nearer 0.6mbgl, 55.4mOD.

6 Agressivity of Ground to Concrete

An assessment of the agressivity of ground to concrete was carried out using the
BRE Special Digest 1:2005, third edition. Two samples from the Made Ground and
three samples from the Lias Clay were collected and assessed using their pH values,
sulphur and sulphate concentrations. The values measured are presented in Table 4.

Determinant Range of Characteristic

values value
Acid soluble sulphate (% SO4) 0.02 – 1.39 -
Aqueous extract sulphate (g/l SO4) 0.05 – 1.37 0.9
pH value 7.5 – 8.7 7.5
Total Sulphur 0.01-0.59 0.59
Table 4: Summary of Sulphate testing

For the purposes of the assessment the site location is classified as natural ground
not containing pyrite and the groundwater is assumed to be mobile. Based on these
assumptions, the Design Sulphate Class for this location is DS – 1. The aggressive
chemical environment for concrete (ACEC) class is AC – 2.

7 References
BRE Special Digest 1:2005, Concrete in Aggressive Ground, third edition
BS8002:1994 Code of Practice for Earth Retaining Structures, BSI
BS EN ISO 14689-1 (2003) Geotechnical investigation and testing. Identification and
Classification of Rock, BSI
Clayton, C.R.I (1995) The Standard Penetration Test (SPT): Methods and Use, CIRIA
Report 143
Carter, M. and Bentley, S.P. (1991) Correlations of Soil Properties, Pentech Press
Structural Soils (2010) Factual Report on Ground Investigation, Phase 1A Cotswold Canal
Restoration Project, at Canal Ironworks
Tomlinson, M.J. (2001) Foundation Design and Construction, Pearson Prentice Hall
Tonks, D.M and Whyte, I.L. (1988) Dynamic Soundings in Site Investigations: some
observations and correlations, Penetration Testing in the UK, Thomas Telford
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Figure 1 : Exploratory Hole Location Plan



Plasticity Index (%)



CI 'A' - Line




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Liquid Limit

Figure 3: Plasticity Chart for cohesive Made Ground

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Plasticity Index (%)



CI 'A' - Line




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Liquid Limit

Figure 4: Plasticity Chart for weathered Lias Clay



Plasticity Index (%)



CI 'A' - Line




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Liquid Limit

Figure 5: Plasticity Chart for partially weathered Lias Clay

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Phase 1A Cotswold Canal Restoration Project Geotechnical Interpretation of Ground Investigation at Canal Ironworks

Triaxial tests


Depth (mbgl)




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Undrained Shear Strength (kN/m 2)

Figure 6: Undrained shear strength vs. depth for partially weathered Lias Clay



Effective Shear Stress (kN/m²)

200.0 Design parameters:

c' = 5 kN/m , Ø'=29º




0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 450.0 500.0
Effective Normal Stress (kN/m²)

Figure 7: Effective shear strength envelope for partially weathered Lias Clay

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