Scatha Press Kit
Scatha Press Kit
Scatha Press Kit
-icoo 3
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Washing'on. DC. 20546
AC 202 755-8370
GENERAL RELEASE...................................... 1-4
CONTRACTORS ............................ 8
SCATHA LAUNCH SEQUENCE OF EVENTO.......................9
S - . .-.. . h . .. . .
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Washington, D.C. 20546
AC202 755-8370 . ...
For Release:
Dave Garrett
Headquarters, Washington, D.C. MAY
(Phone: 202/755-3090) Januay 19, 1979
Donald E. Witten
Goddard Space Flight CenEer, Greenbelt, Md.
(Phone: 301/344-8955) , .
Launch window for that day extends from 5:02 to 5:2J p.m. EST.
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71 minutes.
by the
willbe encountered
Another eclipse period
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Other sponsors of SCATHA experiments
are the Air Force
Space and Missile Systems Organization
(SAMSO), the Air
Force Geophysics Lab, and the Office
of Naval Research (ONR).
The SCATHA satellite was developed
for SAMSO, Air Force
Systems Command, Los Angeles Air Force
Station, Calif., by
Martin Marietta Aerospace Corp., Denver,
The Delta launch vehicle program is
managed by the
Goddard center, for NASA's Office of
Space Transportation
Systems. NASA's Kennedy Space Center,
Fla., manages launch
operations. Prime contractor for the Delta and
for launch
operations is McDonnell Douglas Astronautics
Co., Huntington
Beach, Calif.
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Principal Investigators/Sponsors
Delta Launch Vehicle 2 9 14:Statistics
First Stage:
,,.' . 4. o
Second Stage:
Produced by McDonnell, this uses a TRW TR-2Q1 rocket
engine; major contractors for the vehicle inertial guidance
system located on the second stage are McDonnell Douglas and
Delco. The second stage has the following characteristics:
Height: 6.4 m (21 ft.)
Diameter: 1.5 m (5 At.)
Propellants: Liquid Aerozene 50 for the fuel and
nitrogen tetroxide (N2 04 ) for the
Third Stage:
A TE-364-4 motor produced by Thiokol Chemical Corp.,
with the following characteristics:
Height: 1.4 m (4.5 ft.)
Diameter: 1 m (3 ft.)
Propellants: Solid
Thrust: 61,855 N (13,900 lb.)
Launch Operations
NIASA Headquarters:
nor) 'USAF .
1,1. Col. John Durrett SCATHA Spacecraft Program Manager
Martin Marietta Aerospacq., ,Spacecraft
Denver, Colo.
McDonnell Douglas Delta Launch Vehicle
Astronautics Co.
Huntinqton Beach, Calif. - more
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