A Company's Menu of Strategy Options: Beyond Competitive Strategy Other Important
A Company's Menu of Strategy Options: Beyond Competitive Strategy Other Important
A Company's Menu of Strategy Options: Beyond Competitive Strategy Other Important
Contents :
LEC:: 10
A Company’s Menu of Strategy Options
Support Distributors
Services or Retailers
When Does Outsourcing Make Strategic Sense?
-Activity can be performed better or more cheaply by outside specialists
-Activity is not crucial to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage
-Risk exposure to changing technology and/or changing buyer preferences is reduced
-It improves firm’s ability to innovate
-Operations are streamlined to
o Improve flexibility
o Cut time to get new products into the market
-It increases firm’s ability to assemble diverse kinds of expertise speedily and efficiently
-Firm can concentrate on “core” value chain activities that best suit its resource strengths
Offensive and Defensive Strategies
Offensive Strategies- Used to build new or stronger market position and/or create competitive advantage.
Defensive Strategies- Used to protect competitive advantage (rarely lead to creating advantage.
-Focus relentlessly on
Building competitive advantage and
Striving to convert it into decisive advantage
-Employ the element of surprise as opposed to doing what rivals expect
-Apply resources where rivals are least able to defend themselves
-Be impatient with the status quo and display a strong bias for swift, decisive actions to boost a firm’s competitive
position vis-à-vis rivals