What Your Child Has Learnt October 2020

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What Your Child Has Learnt

Month: October

Theme: Occupation

Vocabulary Islamic Study Science

- Learnt new vocabulary about -Learnt about adab of seeking -Electricity

occupation : knowledge. -Light and shadow
-Straight line tester
1. Introduce about occupation -Learnt about Hajj.
-Learnt about azan and doa
2. Introduce about community after azan.
helpers. Mathematics
- Enforce about solat movement - Learnt about measurement.
3. Introduce about workplace. - Enforce about niat solat - Recap the measurement
- Enforce doa tahiyat akhir (Long & Short)
- Recap the Number Square.
- Enforce Surah al-Qariah (verses
- Enforce surah al-Qariah (verses Art and Craft
- Enforce surah al-Qariah (verses - Astronout Mask
9-12) - Police Hat Craft.
- Fire Station Paper bag craft.

Kemahiran Bahasa

-English :

1. Words with the same - Occupation Song

English - Ulat bulu
vowel to consonant
word pattern - Huruf hijaiyah
-Learnt about simple conversation: - 5 pillars of islam
(-en, -et, -ll, -ox)
- 25 rasul
2. Words with the same - Anak- anak nabi
1. What is your ambition? - 10 angles
vowel to consonant
2. Why you like to be a chef? - Born in Mecca
word pattern
3. What is the community (-og, -im, -ag, -in, - Numbers
helper? -id, -ig) -Mari bersolat
4. What is the function of a
librarian? 3. Words with the same
vowel to consonant Reading:
5. Where is the policeman/
word pattern
nurse/ chef workplace? Parent’s
(-ad, -ot, -it)

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