Lie Groups
Lie Groups
Lie Groups
Kumar Balasubramanian
Remark: These are a few important definitions, examples and results from
the Lie Theory Course.
8. Let G and H be matrix lie groups, with lie algebras g and h respec-
tively. Suppose Φ : G → H is a lie group homomorphism Then there exists
a unique real linear map φ : g → h such that
i) φ(AXA−1 ) = Φ(A)φ(X)Φ(A)−1 ∀A ∈ G
ii) φ([X, Y ]) = [φ(X), φ(Y )]
iii) dtd t=0 Φ(etX ) = φ(X)
i) AdA ∈ GL(g) A ∈ G.
eadX = Ad(eX ) ∀X ∈ g
12. Every continuous homomorphism between any two matrix lie groups
is smooth.
i) [, ]is bilinear
14. Ado’s Theorem: Every finite dimensional real or complex lie algebra
is isomorphic to a real or complex subalgebra of gl(n, R) or gl(n, C)
15. Exponential mapping and it’s properties: Let G be a lie group
and g be the lie algebra of G. For X ∈ g we define the exponential as
X Xm
eX =
i) e0 = I
v) eX+Y = eX + eY if XY = Y X
vi) eCDC = CeD C −1
i) H is a subgroup of G
19. Let G be a matrix lie group with lie algebra g and let Π be a finite
dimensional real or complex representation of G, acting on the space V .
Then there is a unique representation π of g acting on the same space V
i) Π(eX ) = eπ(X) ∀ X ∈ g
ii) π(X) = dtd t=0 Π(etX )
iii) π(AXA−1 ) = Π(A)π(X)Π(A)−1 ∀ X ∈ g, ∀ A∈G
20. A finite dimensional representation of a group or lie algebra is said to
be completely reducible if it is isomorphic to a direct sum of irreducible
iii) Two irreducible representations of sl(3, C) with the same highest weight
are equivalent.
iv) If π is an irreducible representation of sl(3, C), then the highest weight
µ0 of π is of the form µo = (m1 , m2 ), m1 , m2 are non-negative integers.
25. A complex lie algebra g is called simple if the only ideals in g are 0
and g and dimg ≥ 2.
sl(3, C) ∼
= su(3)C and su(3) = Lie(SU (3))
Z and N are subgroups of SU (3) and Z is a normal subgroup of N . The
Weyl Group W is defined to be the quotient group N .
ii) µ0 −µ is expressible as a linear combination of the positive simple roots
α1 and α2 with integer coefficients.