Roof Details PDF
Roof Details PDF
Roof Details PDF
The purpose of this research is to study different types of methods and systems which can be incorporated for allowing natura l
lighting in underground spaces. Existing planning techniques and lighting principles were studied to derive the efficient ways to
implement natural lighting performance in underground buildings. The main aim is to develop a lighting system which can be
used in underground spaces of commercial build ings. Upper floors unable planning open spaces which are extant techniques for
allo wing sunlight into underground spaces. Allowing even ambient lighting into deep spaces was an essential matter. This met h od
can help avoiding the planning of large open spaces and increasing the flexib ility of design for planning underground spaces.
Results show how incorporating natural lighting in underground spaces can improve the living conditions and indoor
environment. And how the working conditions enhances in such spaces by the use of these techniques.
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, April 2017 10400
length, either for even distribution along the whole length or the long sides of monitors to incorporate light or ventilate in
for limited light effusion. A tube coated with highly the area under the roof. Vertical or sloped Glazing may be used
contemplative material leads the light rays over a building, accordingly. Monitors should not be placed on east and west
originating fro m an entrance-point situated on its roof or any orientations.
outer wall. A light tube is not meant for imaging, thus image
distortions makes no problem and are in numerous ways
inspired due to the subtraction of ‘directional’ light. The origin
point usually has a dome, which has the task of gathering and
reflecting as much sunlight as credible into the tube.
Skylights implanted horizontally in sloped or flat roofs provide
a ceiling height of uniform level. Skylights are generally
efficient for the lighting of horizontal tasks. The efficiency of
skylights differs under clear skies or overcast skies. Thermal
gain is an issue in hot climates. Skylights functions best for
one-story buildings.
A confined area, often enclosed by a building or co mplex that
is open to the sky is known as a courtyard. The north
orientation should be the open segment to minimize glare and
to reduce the necessity for sun control in partly encased
courtyards. It is an open space imp lemented for direct lighting.
Ground materials and building facades should reflect daylight
and sunlight without booming glare for the users.
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, April 2017 10401
would otherwise be a dark and poor ventilated area. Lightwells this indoor courtyard is that a summert ime environ ment can be
may be coated with glazed bricks to escalate the reflection of maintained throughout the year. The lively interior atriu m is
sunlight within the area. Lightwells serve to minimize the successful in the commercial settings as the major circulat ion
requirement for electric lighting, provide an internal open paths pass adjacent or through the atrium.
space for windows to provide an illusion of having a view
outside and add a central space within the building. 4. CONCLUS ION:
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, April 2017 10402