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Research Article Volume 7 Issue No.4

Incorporating Sunlight in Underground Spaces

Sarva Jain
School of Arch itecture, IPS Academy Indore, M.P, India

The purpose of this research is to study different types of methods and systems which can be incorporated for allowing natura l
lighting in underground spaces. Existing planning techniques and lighting principles were studied to derive the efficient ways to
implement natural lighting performance in underground buildings. The main aim is to develop a lighting system which can be
used in underground spaces of commercial build ings. Upper floors unable planning open spaces which are extant techniques for
allo wing sunlight into underground spaces. Allowing even ambient lighting into deep spaces was an essential matter. This met h od
can help avoiding the planning of large open spaces and increasing the flexib ility of design for planning underground spaces.
Results show how incorporating natural lighting in underground spaces can improve the living conditions and indoor
environment. And how the working conditions enhances in such spaces by the use of these techniques.

Keywords: underground architecture, day lighting, light pipes, shafts, atriu ms

1. INTRODUCTION: consumption. Furthermore, left over spaces on earth allows

the development of more green spaces and more amalgamat ion
Stress on the environment created is becoming more and and ordination with the environment. Generally compared with
clearer in the form of pollution, environ ment degradation and architecture above ground, which withstand hard weather
the loss of top soil, making the land barren and unusable. So conditions, variation of air temperature, effects of humidity on
underground can be a great alternative for living and materials, and uncertain conditions, underground architecture
commercial uses. It helps in saving nature. If we provide green can serve intact spaces with thermal co mfort.
roofs over an underground structure it will help in reducing
soil erosion, sedimentation, and storm water runoff. These 2.1. DAYLIGHT IN UNDERGROUND SPACES:
features can be mixed with the contemporary techniques to Day-lighting is the restrained introduction of natural light-
save energy like solar panels, atriu ms etc. Underground direct sunlight and diffuse sunlight into a build ing to reduce
architecture means constructing properly designed spaces electric lighting and thus save energy. By giving a direct link
below ground level below ground level which are functional to thermodynamic and constantly changing patterns of outdoor
and have all the amenities that an above ground structure have. lighting, day-lighting helps to create a perceptibly stimulat ing
Spaces lie mostly beneath the ground surface. The surrounding and generative environment for building inhabitants, while
soil provide natural insulation provided by the walls and floors. condensing nearly one-third of the total building energy costs.
People living underground feel suffocated or get depressed The interiors of underground facilities needs daylight. Some of
easily because they just sit in a room without any natural this demand can be adequately met by favourable architectural
ventilation and light. So to make them co mfortable for living, design, as the adequate orientation of openings and well
green features like natural ventilation, light, thermal insulation apprehend sky lighting.
should be incorporated when designing the underground
spaces. Therefore the research has focused on the natural 3. DES IGN FEATUR ES THAT CAN BE
lighting environment in underground spaces. The motive is to INCORPORATED IN UNDERGROUND SPACES :
incorporate methods for introducing natural lighting in
underground buildings. Existing underground buildings were Light can access underground spaces from various means, it
studied to recognize the limitations and techniques to be used . can be outfitted from ceiling light, an internal yard or atriu m,
or fro m different sides of the building. Cases mostly appear
2. UNDERGROUND ARCHIT ECTURE: where the establishment of high technology may be an
efficient tool. Solar optics which operates approved plastic
Underground architecture means constructing properly Fresnel optical lenses which trail the sun optically and enables
designed spaces below ground level below ground level which sunlight deep into the interior underground spaces. In
are functional and have all the amen ities that an above ground extension to daylighting by favourable architectural design and
structure has. Spaces lie mostly beneath the ground surface. by passive optical systems, production of electricity is an
Soil can provide an insulated space in the earth against important part of forming a imperishable environment for self-
temperature changes by increasing thickness and it can delay sufficient living. Systems wh ich can be incorporated are:
variations of annual temperature due to its great thermal mass.
The daily change in temperature is neglig ible in depths over 3.1. LIGHT PIPES :
0.6 m. In a few meters under the ground level, air temperature Light tubes also known light pipes are used for carrying or
remains same during a year, which provides a warm circulat ing natural light. In their usage to daylighting they are
atmosphere in winter and a cold at mosphere in summer. often known as sun pipes, sun scopes, sky lights or daylight
Therefore, there will be minor demand in energy for increasing pipes. Basically, a light pipe or tube may address to a tube or
or decreasing the space temperature and providing convenient pipe used for carrying light to another area, reducing the loss
conditions for human beings without loads of energy of light, a transparent tube for circulation of light over its

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, April 2017 10400
length, either for even distribution along the whole length or the long sides of monitors to incorporate light or ventilate in
for limited light effusion. A tube coated with highly the area under the roof. Vertical or sloped Glazing may be used
contemplative material leads the light rays over a building, accordingly. Monitors should not be placed on east and west
originating fro m an entrance-point situated on its roof or any orientations.
outer wall. A light tube is not meant for imaging, thus image
distortions makes no problem and are in numerous ways
inspired due to the subtraction of ‘directional’ light. The origin
point usually has a dome, which has the task of gathering and
reflecting as much sunlight as credible into the tube.

Types of light pi pes are as follows :

a. Open shafts: This is the most primitive fo rm o f light tube. It
is basically vacant shaft through which a beam of light can
pass. Lenses are used to keep the beam concentrated, but light
is diffused as it goes through each lens. Reflect ive metal pipes
are generally idio lized but any off-axis light has to go through
numerous reflections, so uncollimated beams will contract
after a few meters within the tube.
Figure 2. Roof moni tors in commercial buil ding
b. Fi bre optics: The fibre optic bundle made of glas s or
plastic, can have great transmission characteristics. Mostly 3.4. SAWTOOTHS :
between 3-16 percent of the light is dissipated per metre cable A saw-tooth roof comprises a row of ridges with two pitches
run. The use of this optic can also enable a flexib le solution, on either side. The sloppy surfaces are glazed. To protect
with much lesser shaft sizes than an open pipe and the capacity workers and machinery fro m d irect sunlight it is designed
to turn corners. away fro m the equator. This type of roof introduces natural
light into an underground building. To provide even, natural
c. Prismatic shaft: To save the weight associated with solid light over a large space, without the issue of direct sunlight and
acrylic rods, the rod can be notched out and the prismatic sides its heat, the saw tooth roof is designed with its glass panels
of the tube conduct light in the required direction. facing towards north. It is useful in designing of factories and
manufacturing build ings. Structures with saw tooth roofs show
d. Li qui d light pi pes: A latest technology has been refined apertures with angled or vertical glazing incorporated in a
which carries light through very small d iameter liqu id light sloped roof plane.
pipes. This system is same as the fibre optic system and can be
more flexib le.

Skylights implanted horizontally in sloped or flat roofs provide
a ceiling height of uniform level. Skylights are generally
efficient for the lighting of horizontal tasks. The efficiency of
skylights differs under clear skies or overcast skies. Thermal
gain is an issue in hot climates. Skylights functions best for
one-story buildings.

Figure 3. saw-tooth roof

A confined area, often enclosed by a building or co mplex that
is open to the sky is known as a courtyard. The north
orientation should be the open segment to minimize glare and
to reduce the necessity for sun control in partly encased
courtyards. It is an open space imp lemented for direct lighting.
Ground materials and building facades should reflect daylight
and sunlight without booming glare for the users.

Sunken exteri or courtyards: On a flat site, utilize sunken

exterior courtyards in underground facilit ies to provide
sunlight, view, a connection to the outdoors, and to improve
orientation within the facility. Design the courtyard to
Figure 1. Skylight in sloped roof maximize sunlight penetration, utilize plants and other natural
elements, and make the courtyard accessible to people.
Roof monitor is a high rise structure running along the side 3.6. LIGHTWELLS:
ridge of a double sloped roof. Its own runs parallel with the A non-roofed exterior space present within the extent of a large
main roof. Clerestory windows or louvers are constructed on building to enable light and ventilation to reach the area that

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, April 2017 10401
would otherwise be a dark and poor ventilated area. Lightwells this indoor courtyard is that a summert ime environ ment can be
may be coated with glazed bricks to escalate the reflection of maintained throughout the year. The lively interior atriu m is
sunlight within the area. Lightwells serve to minimize the successful in the commercial settings as the major circulat ion
requirement for electric lighting, provide an internal open paths pass adjacent or through the atrium.
space for windows to provide an illusion of having a view
outside and add a central space within the building. 4. CONCLUS ION:

The result of this research can be used to design underground

buildings with natural lighting performance. M inimu m open
spaces are capable to introduce and imp lement daylight. By
applying and modify ing the presented lighting system,
underground spaces can be planned with more flexib ility and
also with advanced lighting environment. Underground
construction, with proper design, can have a great effect on
minimizing electric bills. It is also expected that these design
features can be developed in ways to show other
environmental features. By developing the results of this
research, other environmental functions like air flow and
temperature control can also be considered.
Figure 4. lightwell 5. REFERENC ES:
3.7. ATRIUM: [1].Ray mond Sterling, Underground Spaces
A huge open air or skylight covered area surrounded by a
building is known as ‘Atria’. Modern atria are generally
[2].F.B. Lembo, F.P.R. Marino, C.I. Calcagno, “Semi-
several stories high and have a glazed roof or large windows. Underground House Models as New Concepts for Urban
They are often located directly beyond the main entrance Sustainable Environment”, International Conference on Green
doors. It is used for introducing light and ventilation to the
Buildings and Sustainable Cit ies
interior. Atria is a prominent design feature because they
provide their buildings a feeling of space and light. The atrium [3].S.N. Durmisevic, “The Future of the Underground Space”
has become an important feature of many buildings in latest
years. Atria are popular with building users, building designers
and building developers. People like at ria because they create a
effective and appealing interior that provides shelter fro m the
outer environment wh ile maintaining a visual network with
that environment. Architects enjoy the contingency to create
new types of spaces in buildings. They see atrium as
impressive facilities that can improve commercial value and
appeal. An important aspect of contemporary atriu m design is
fire control. Due to elucidation that poorly designed atrium
could enable fire to spread more quickly to a building's upper

Figure 5. atium at a shoppi ng mall

Interior atrium s paces:

Create mult i-storey interior atriu m spaces within underground
facilit ies to provide extended views, visual stimu lation, a sense
of orientation, sunlight, and a focus of activity within a
building. It is one of the most powerful and versatile design
pattern available. With respect to orientation and image, the
atriu m space provide central land mark and is a part of a major
circulat ion path. It provides a major means of reliev ing
feelings of confinements. Long views are available and smaller
spaces actually can overlook floor levels below. Advantage of

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, April 2017 10402

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