Magnetic Particule Examination

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PR-CND-03 C 2102/2007 Loft DISTRIBUTION SERVICE TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT FABRICATION DEPARTMENT QUALITY DEPARTMENT OTHERS (see distribution list) thay yortbue i Complying ath Ha splice apeirement 4h iedhin Laie F fr Me tT cmotodh ancl His % Validakd by a praficfachey clamowilabin of it boone He wr. Huprr ik os Carkified A ein rccondinte ith Ha pypeermact, 4 T- 450 gb men ee yr ic 2710272007 Revision according to ASME code section VIII div. 1 B 14/02/05 Total révision + COFREND LEVEL II] approval A 01/06/04 Ist Issue INDICE DATE MODIFICATION, Etabli par Verifié par Approuvé par QUALITY, QUALITY pores eee INSPECTOR MANAGER vs Cyr AL PR-CND-03 C sezez: |MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION| = 7”? 2of ll 1°/ SCOPE This procedure covers all permitted methods to perform a magnetic particle examination of melds and materials to be used in pressure vessels construction. 2°/ APPLICABILITY The examination performed in accordance with this procedure, complies with ASME Code Sect. Vill, with ASME Code Sect. V art. 7 with the additional requirements herein | specified. | This specification is applicable to : - plates, tubes and forgings (carbon or low alloy stee! material), - welds and back grooved surface at room temperature condition, = welds and back grooved surfaces in preheat condition, = weld edge preparations, This procedure shall be applied to materials and welds examination during fabrication process and after hydrostatic test, whenever required by the applicable Quality Control Plan (QCP) and/or specification. 3°/ GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Personnel qualification ‘Operation and examination personnel shall be individually qualified in accordance with requirements of DLM “WRITTEN PRACTICE”, - The examination shall be conducted at least by level | qualified personnel, - The evaluation of indications shall be at least a level II qualified personnel. Removal of defects - Indication or discontinuities in excess of the acceptance standards may be removed by mechanical means up to the defect has been removed or reduced to an imperfection of acceptable size, - Whenever an unacceptable discontinuity is removed the effected area shall blended into the surrounding surface avoiding sharp notches, crevices or comer. - Surface affected by removal of indications shall be examined according to this specification Yoke technique Manufacturer Type Current Magnaflux ¥5 AC BABBI/CO Parker DA 200 AC/HW C.G.M. AC TECMA AC/HW. NDT SILVER ACIHW. ‘Ce dimen os oman de DELATIRE LEVIVIER MAROC Il et femelicmen neds de remodune on de iliser es desman sons Camorisnionésnis de DUM. PR-CND-03 C MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION| 77°27” 3o0fll Time of examination - Magnetic particle examination of welds may be performed either before or after post welds heat treatment, - The materials shall be examined in the final surface condition after heat treatment for properties, ~ During fabrication, the examination shall be performed after eventual forming and machining operations, Method of examination Examination shall be done by the continuous method, that is, the magnetizing current remains on while the examination medium is being applied and while excess of the excess of the examination medium is being removed. 4°/ WRITTEN PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS magnetic particle examination shall be performed in accordance with a written procedure, which shall, as a minimum, contain the requirements listed in Table1. The written procedure shall establish a single value, or rang of values, for each requirement. When procedure qualification is specified, a change of a requirement in Table 1 identified as an essential variable from the specified value, or range of values, shall require requalffication of the written procedure by demonstration. ‘A change of a requirement identified as a nonessential variable from the specified value, or rang of values, does not require requalification of the written procedure. All changes of essential or nonessential variables from the value, or rang of values, specified by the written procedure shall require revision of, or range addendum to, the written procedure. REQUIREMENTS OF A MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE NON ESSENTIAL ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENT VARIABLE | ESSENTIAL Magneting Technique x Magneting current true or amperage outside range specified by this article or as previously qualified ‘Surface preparation x Magnetic particles (fluorescent/ visible, color, particle site, /dry) x Method of particle application x Method of excess particle removal x Minimum light intensity x ‘Coating thickness preater than that qualified x Performance demonstration, when required x Examination part surface temperature outside of the temperature range x recommended [By manufacturer ofthe particles or as previously qualified x ‘donne aa posit de DEAT LEVIVIER MAROC 1 cement ns de erode ou de itn edocs Caacsion te de DIM, D PR-CND-03 C mn ciewzz: |MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION| = 77707 4ofil ‘Shape or size of the examination object Equipment ofthe same type ‘Temperature within chose specified by manufacturer or as previously qualified Demagnetizing technique Post examination cleaning technique Personnel qualification requirements >> x x > TABLE 1 5°/ SURFACE PREPARATION Satisfactory results are generally obtained when the surfaces are in the as-welded, as- rolled, as-cast or as-forged condition. However, surface preparation by grinding or machining may be necessary where surface irregularities could mask indications due to discontinuities. Particular surface preparations may be required by the drawing. With the exception of incomplete welds, all surfaces being tested shall be the finished surfaces. If any metal is removed by grinding, machining or any other method subsequent to the magnetic particle examination, the entire surfaces areas so affected shall be re- inspected Prior to magnetic particle examination the surface to be examined and all adjacent areas within at least 4 in (25.4 mm) shall be dry and free of all dirt, grease, lint, scale, welding flux and spatter, oil or other extraneous matter that could interfere with the examination. Cleaning may be accomplished using detergents, organic solvents, descaling solutions, paint removers, vapour degreasing, sand or grit blasting When nonmagnetic coatings are applied temporarity to uncoated surfaces only in amounts sufficient to enhance particle contrast, it shall be demonstrated that indications can be detected through the enhancement coating. 6°/ EXAMINATION MEDIUM The examination medium may be dry, wet and fluorescent ferro-magnetic particles, The dry and wet ferromagnetic particles, including wet particle suspension vehicles and particle concentrations shall be in accordance with ASME SE-709, Dry particles shall be used within the temperature range limitations set by the manufacturer, Wet particles shall be used within the temperature range limitations set by the manufacturer. ‘documenta mnt cde DELATTRE LEVIVIER MAROC Wet nme ede vce ce ance Gosenel a Lana Ge de DIAL a ; PR-CND-03 C sez |MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION| = 7727 Sof ll - Low viscosity oil, as Kerosene petroleum hydrocarbon, are preferred as suspension vehicles, - For non-fluorescent particles the recommended setting volume is from 1,2 to 2,4 ml per 100ml vehicles and from 0,1 to 0,5 ml in a 100 ml for fluorescent particles unless otherwise specified by the particle manufacturer, If fluorescent particles are used the examination is performed using an ultraviolet light, called black light. The examination shall be performed as follows. a/ it shall be performed in a darkened area, b/ the examiner shall be in the darkened area for at least 5 mm prior to performing the examination to enable his eyes to adapt to dark viewing. If the examiner wears glasses or lenses, they shall not be photosensiti c/ the black light shall be allowed to warm up for a minimum of 5mm prior to use or measurement of the intensity of the ultraviolet light emitted. di the black light intensity shall be measured with a black light meter. A minimum of 1000 micro Wicm2 on the surface of the part being examined shall be required. The black light intensity shall be measured at least once every 8 hr, and whenever the work station is changed. The following ferromagnetic particles or equivalent ones may be used : Type of powder Color Manufacturer al Gray Dry particles NP3A Black Magnaflux N°8A Red. Non fluorescent wet N°7C Black particles Ne9C Red Magnaflux. ‘Non fluorescent wet particles Magnaglo Magnaflux 7°] MAGNETIZING FIELD ADEQUACY AND DIRECTION When it is necessary to verify the adequacy or direction of the magnetizing field, the magnetic particle field indicator described in Fig. T-764.1.1 of ASME Code Sect. V shall be used by positioning the indicator on the surface to be examined, When using this indicator, a suitable flux or field strength is indicated when a clearly defined line of magnetic particle forms across the copper face of the indicator when the magnetic particles are applied simultaneously with the magnetizing force, When a clearly defined line of particles is not formed or is not formed in the desired direction, the magnetizing technique shall be changed or adjusted. 8°/ DEMAGNETIZATION When residual magnetism in the part could interfere with subsequent processing or usage, the part shall be demagnetized any time after completion of the examination, ‘C dosumsn rs unas de DELATIRE LEVIVIER MAROC 0 ext omens ic de eae od ier ce document anton te de DUM, : PR-CND-03 C zawaz: |MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION) = 777007 6of tl The demagnetisation will be performed in accordance with any applicable method Tecalled in ASME SE-709. 9°/ TECHNIQUE REQUIREMENTS Direction of magnetisation, At least two separate examinations shall be performed on each area. During the second examination, the lines of magnetic flux shall be approximately perpendicular to those used during the first examination. A different technique for magnetization may be used for the second examination. Examination Coverage. Examination shall be conducted with sufficient overlap to assure 100 percent coverage at the established test sensitivity of para 6. Prod methods may be used only before final post weld heat treatment of the welds or materials. After post weld heat treatment joke method shall be used. Grid pattern. Same grid pattern for welds and materials examination are in fig. 1 to 5. During the dry powder removal by air blowing, the magnetizing flux shall be maintained. The wet powder shall be applied by spraying or flowing over the surface, while the magnetic flux is maintained. 10°/ MAGNETISING CURENT Yoke technique This method shall only be applied to detect discontinuities that are open to the surface of the part. For this technique alternating or direct current electromagnetic yokes, or permanent magnet yokes, shall be used. Lifting Power of Yokes. al Prior to use the magnetizing power of electromagnetic yokes shall have been checked within the past year. The magnetizing power of permanent magnetic yokes shall be checked daily prior to use. The magnetizing power of all yokes shall be checked whenever the yoke has been damaged or repaired. by Each altemating current electromagnetic yoke shall have a lifting power of at least 10 Ib (4.5 Kg) at the maximum pole spacing that will be used. documents enon DELATIRE LEVIVIER MAROC Ie onaelken net de epson fsa ce Comet ea Cavin Ge de DUM, PR-CND-03 C MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION] 77787" Tofil c/ Each direct current or permanent magnetic yoke shall have a lifting power of at least 40 Ib (18.1 Kg) at the maximum pole spacing that will be used. J Each weight shall be weighed with a scale from a reputable manufacturer and stenciled with the applicable nominal weight prior at first use. A weight need only be verified again if damaged in a manner that could have caused potential loss of material. 11°/ EVALUATION OF INDICATIONS, All the indications shall be evaluated according to the followings. The light intensity during the examination of non fluorescent methods shall be at least 1 000 Lux. Any indication which is believed to be nonrelevant shall be regarded as a defect and shall be re-examined to verity whether or not actual defects are present. Surface conditioning may precede the re-examination. Nonrelevant indications which would mask indications of defects are unacceptable. Limitely to the welds, after an indication has been verified to be nonrelevant, it is necessary to reinvestigate nonrelevant indications of the same type. Mechanical discontinuities at the surface will be indicated by the retention of the examination medium. All indications are not necessarily defects, however, since certain metallurgical discontinuities and magnetic permeability variations may produce similar indications which are not relevant to the detection of unacceptable discontinuities Relevant indications are those which result from unacceptable mechanical discontinuities. Linear indications are those indications in which the length is more than 3 times the width. Rounded indications are indications which are circular or elliptical with the length less than 3 times the width. An indication for a discontinuity may be larger than the discontinuity that causes it; however the size of the indication and note the size of the discontinuity is the basis of acceptance or rejection. Broad areas of particle accumulation which could mask indications of discontinuities are unacceptable and those areas shall be cleaned and re-examined. Defects to be repaired shall be recorder on a sketch showing type, dimensions and location. 12° ACCEPTANCE STANDARDS Only indications with major dimensions greater than 1.6 mm (1/16") shall be considered relevant imperfections. ‘Gi dua ea oni de DELATIRE LEXIVIER MAROC I st malls ni eos de ile document sas Canora Gre DIM PR-CND-03 C MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION| 7777 Sof ll Any questionable or doubtful indications shall be re-examined to determine whether they are relevant. Weld edge preparations and welds. Imperfections producing the following indications are unacceptable. i. Any cracks, laps, fissures and other linear indication, ‘Rounded indications with dimension greater than 4.8 mm (3/16"), i. Four or more rounded indications in a line separated by 1.6 mm (1/16") or less edge toedge, iv. Ten or more rounded indication in any 3870 mm? (6 sq") of surface with the major dimension of this area not to exceed 152. mm (6”) with the area taken in the most unfavourable location relative to the indications being evaluated. Plate, tube and forgings materials, including formed material. a) All surface shall be free of laps, cracks, fissures and other linear defects including linearly disposed rounded defects where there are four (4) or more such indications in a line and each is separated from the adjacent indication by less than 1.6 mm (1/16”). b) All'surfaces shall also be free of rounded indications in excess of the limits specifies in the following table for all thicknesses. Cumulative Number of indications in any 387 em (6 Square inches) Major Dimension of this area not exceed 152 mm (6") Application | Maximum size mm (in.) | with the areas taken in the most unfavourable location relative to the indications being evaluated 48 G/16) or less 10 Forgin Ten vera O76) 0 Tess than 08 (1/32) 30 Tubes, [UB (732°) 024 G/B") 70 Plates Over 24 @/32) 7 13°/ CALIBRATION OF EQUIPMENT Each pace of magnetizing equipment shall be calibrated at least once a year or whenever the equipment has been subjected to major electric repair periodic overhaul or damage. If equipment has not been in use for a year or more, calibration shall be done prior to first use. ‘document a umadtié Ge DELATIRE LEVIVIER MAROC Wea mS ac de Gmc wu de ia Womens Canaccord DIM, PR-CND-03 C szwez: [MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION| = 77207 9ofil The accuracy of the unit's meter shall be verified annually by equipment traceable to a national standard. Comparative readings shall be taken for at least three different current out put levels encompassing the usable range. The unit's meter reading shall not deviate by more than + 10 % of full scale, relative to the actual current value as shown by the test meter. a) Prior to use the magnetizing power of electromagnetic yokes shall have been checked within the past year. The magnetizing power of permanent magnetic yokes shall be checked daily prior to use. The magnetizing power of all yokes shall be checked whenever the yoke has been damaged or repaired. b) Each altemating current electromagnetic yoke shall have a lifting power of at least 10 Ib ‘4.5 Kg) at the maximum pole spacing that be used. c) Each direct current or permanent magnetic yoke shall have a lifting power of at least 40 Ib (18 Kg) at the maximum pole spacing that will be used. d) Each weight shall be weighed with a scale from a reputable manufacturer and stencilled with the applicable nominal weight prior to first use. A weight need only be verified again if damaged in a manner that could have caused potential loss of material. 14°/ CERTIFICATION A certificate (Record of a magnetic particle examination) shall be filled up in all its parts, The certificate shall include at least the following informations : a) the materials, shapes or sizes examined and the extent of the examination, 1b) magnetization techniques used, 9 ‘equipment used for magnetization, surface preparation (finishing and cleaning), ©) type of ferromagnetic particles used : manufacturer, colour, wet or dry etc... f) magnetization current (type and amperage), 8) demagnetization (where required), 1h) relevant indications with a sketch if necessary, j) operator level and signature ) weld or part identification, s date and place of the test, ‘Gr dca sa etd de DELATIRE LEVIVIER MAROC Woon aca de ec Ae ie edie ss Casoaon ie de BLM, PR-CND-03 C MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION | 77°07 Wor lt 1) inspector signature and SNT level, m) map or record of indications, n) light equipment. Form ENR-104 shalll be used. 15°/ CONDITIONING AFTER TESTING | f arcing occurs all prod contact areas shall be ground and MT by yoke or PT examined according to applicable specification. Dry particles : dry powder shall be removed by blasting air. No further cleaning is required. Wet and fluorescent particles: Liquid vehicle shall be removed by alcohol or approved solvent if oil bath is used by water if water bath is used. After cleaning, the surface shall be dried by air blast. In case of use nonmagnetic coatings after the examination the surface shall be cleaned by proper means. mt a ‘Ce daa cla poate DELATIRE LEVER MAROC W fuelled de ode ote Wifioe se damenct oaocon Gr de DLA PR-CND-03 C MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION| = 77°70 Nofit PATTERN I :2 POSITION FOR EACH GRID PATTERN 2 AND 3 : 1 POSITION FOR EACH GRID FIG 1 Pattern for weld edge preparation FIG 3 Pattern for yoke technique weld exami & = approximately 90° Fig 5: Yoke method for material - 4 positions for each grid shall be used. The second direction of inspection shall be approximately ‘90° to the first direction ‘Ge asument et Io mond de DELATIRE LEVIVIER MAROC Text onnelicment inlet de tsmedie ou de difter ce docoment sana Lalonsatin érte de DLM.

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