Monolithic 16-Bit Dacport AD669: 61 LSB Integral Linearity Error
Monolithic 16-Bit Dacport AD669: 61 LSB Integral Linearity Error
Monolithic 16-Bit Dacport AD669: 61 LSB Integral Linearity Error
Complete 16-Bit D/A Function
On-Chip Output Amplifier (MSB) (LSB)
High Stability Buried Zener Reference DB15 DB0
Monolithic BiMOS II Construction 7 22
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Last Content Update: 02/23/2017
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AD669–SPECIFICATIONS (@ T = +258C, V A CC = +15 V, VEE = –15 V, VLL = +5 V, unless otherwise noted)
–2– REV. A
AC PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (With the exception of Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise and Signal-to-Noise
Ratio, these characteristics are included for design guidance only and are not subject to test. THD+N and SNR are 100% tested.
TMIN ≤ TA ≤ TMAX, VCC = +15 V, VEE = –15 V, VLL = +5 V except where noted.)
Parameter Limit Units Test Conditions/Comments
Output Settling Time 13 µs max 20 V Step, TA = +25°C
(Time to ± 0.0008% FS 8 µs typ 20 V Step, TA = +25°C
with 2 kΩ, 1000 pF Load) 10 µs typ 20 V Step, TMIN ≤ TA ≤ TMAX
6 µs typ 10 V Step, TA = +25°C
8 µs typ 10 V Step, TMIN ≤ TA ≤ TMAX
2.5 µs typ 1 LSB Step, TMIN ≤ TA ≤ TMAX
Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise
A, B, S Grade 0.009 % max 0 dB, 1001 Hz; Sample Rate = 100 kHz; TA = +25°C
A, B, S Grade 0.07 % max –20 dB, 1001 Hz; Sample Rate = 100 kHz; TA = +25°C
A, B, S Grade 7.0 % max –60 dB, 1001 Hz; Sample Rate = 100 kHz; TA = +25°C
Signal-to-Noise Ratio 83 dB min TA = +25°C
Digital-to-Analog Glitch Impulse 15 nV-s typ DAC Alternately Loaded with 8000H and 7FFFH
Digital Feedthrough 2 nV-s typ DAC Alternately Loaded with 0000H and FFFFH; CS High
Output Noise Voltage 120 nV/√Hz typ Measured at VOUT, 20 V Span; Excludes Reference
Density (1 kHz – 1 MHz)
Reference Noise 125 nV/√Hz typ Measured at REF OUT
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Specifications in boldface are tested on all production units at final electrical test. Results from those tests are used to calculate outgoing quality levels. All min and
max specifications are guaranteed. Those shown in boldface are tested on all production units.
REV. A –3–
The AD669 features input protection circuitry consisting of large transistors and polysilicon series
resistors to dissipate both high-energy discharges (Human Body Model) and fast, low-energy pulses
(Charged Device Model). Per Method 3015.2 of MIL-STD-883: C, the AD669 has been classified
as a Class 2 device. WARNING!
Proper ESD precautions are strongly recommended to avoid functional damage or performance
degradation. Charges as high as 4000 volts readily accumulate on the human body and test ESD SENSITIVE DEVICE
equipment and discharge without detection. Unused devices must be stored in conductive foam or
shunts, and the foam should be discharged to the destination socket before devices are removed.
For further information on ESD precautions, refer to Analog Devices’ ESD Prevention Manual.
Linearity Gain
Temperature Error Max TC max Package Package
Model Range TMIN–TMAX ppm/8C Description Option*
AD669AN –40°C to +85°C ± 4 LSB 25 Plastic DIP N-28
AD669AR –40°C to +85°C ± 4 LSB 25 SOIC R-28
AD669BN –40°C to +85°C ± 2 LSB 15 Plastic DIP N-28
AD669BR –40°C to +85°C ± 2 LSB 15 SOIC R-28
AD669AQ –40°C to +85°C ± 4 LSB 15 Cerdip Q-28
AD669BQ –40°C to +85°C ± 2 LSB 15 Cerdip Q-28
AD669SQ –55°C to +125°C ± 4 LSB 15 Cerdip Q-28
AD669/883B** –55°C to +125°C ** ** ** **
** N = Plastic DIP; Q = Cerdip; R = SOIC.
** Refer to AD669/883B military data sheet.
–60dB –60dB
1 1
THD + N – %
THD + N – %
0.01 0.01
0.001 0.001
–50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 100 1000 10000
is measured in dB. 7 22
as possible switches change state, i.e., from 011 . . . 111 to 27 16-BIT DAC
100 . . . 000. R1
28 10V REF
DIGITAL FEEDTHROUGH: When the DAC is not selected AD669 24 GND
(i.e., CS is held high), high frequency logic activity on the digi-
1 2 3 4
tal inputs is capacitively coupled through the device to show up
as noise on the VOUT pin. This noise is digital feedthrough.
REV. A –5–
If it is desired to adjust the gain and offset errors to zero, this STEP III . . . BIPOLAR ZERO ADJUST
can be accomplished using the circuit shown in Figure 3b. The (Optional) In applications where an accurate zero output is re-
adjustment procedure is as follows: quired, set the MSB ON, all other bits OFF, and readjust R2
STEP1 . . . ZERO ADJUST for zero volts output.
Turn all bits OFF and adjust zero trimmer, R4, until the output
reads 0.000000 volts (1 LSB = 153 µV).
Turn all bits ON and adjust gain trimmer, R1, until the output DB15 DB0
7 22
is 9.999847 volts. (Full scale is adjusted to 1 LSB less than the
nominal full scale of 10.000000 volts). CS 6 16-BIT LATCH 10kV
L1 5 26
DB15 10.05kV
+15V LDAC 23
7 22
16kV 10kV
27 16-BIT DAC
26 R1
L1 5
28 10V REF
R2 AD669 24 GND
10kV 1 2 3 4
27 16-BIT DAC
28 10V REF
AD669 24 GND Figure 4b. ± 10 V Bipolar Voltage Output with Gain and
1 2 3 4 Offset Adjustment
–VEE +VCC +VLL It should be noted that using external resistors will introduce a
Figure 3b. 0 V to +10 V Unipolar Voltage Output with small temperature drift component beyond that inherent in the
Gain and Offset Adjustment AD669. The internal resistors are trimmed to ratio-match and
temperature-track other resistors on chip, even though their ab-
BIPOLAR CONFIGURATION solute tolerances are ± 20% and absolute temperature coeffi-
The circuit shown in Figure 4a will provide a bipolar output cients are approximately –50 ppm/°C. In the case that external
voltage from –10.000000 V to +9.999694 V with positive full resistors are used, the temperature coefficient mismatch be-
scale occurring with all bits ON. As in the unipolar mode, resis- tween internal and external resistors, multiplied by the sensitiv-
tors R1 and R2 may be eliminated altogether to provide AD669 ity of the circuit to variations in the external resistor value, will
bipolar operation without any external components. Eliminating be the resultant additional temperature drift.
these resistors will increase the gain error by 0.50% of FSR in INTERNAL/EXTERNAL REFERENCE USE
the bipolar mode. The AD669 has an internal low noise buried Zener diode refer-
ence which is trimmed for absolute accuracy and temperature
(MSB) 50V (LSB) coefficient. This reference is buffered and optimized for use in a
DB15 DB0
7 22
high speed DAC and will give long-term stability equal or supe-
rior to the best discrete Zener diode references. The perfor-
CS 6 10kV mance of the AD669 is specified with the internal reference
L1 5 driving the DAC since all trimming and testing (especially for
LDAC 23 16-BIT LATCH gain and bipolar offset) is done in this configuration.
R1 10kV The internal reference has sufficient buffering to drive external
AMP 25 circuitry in addition to the reference currents required for the
28 10V REF
DAC (typically 1 mA to REF IN and 1 mA to BIPOLAR OFF-
AD669 24 GND
SET). A minimum of 2 mA is available for driving external
1 2 3 4 loads. The AD669 reference output should be buffered with an
–VEE +VCC +VLL external op amp if it is required to supply more than 4 mA total
current. The reference is tested and guaranteed to ± 0.2% max
Figure 4a. ± 10 V Bipolar Voltage Output error. The temperature coefficient is comparable to that of the
gain TC for a particular grade.
Gain offset and bipolar zero errors can be adjusted to zero using
the circuit shown in Figure 4b as follows: If an external reference is used (10.000 V, for example), addi-
tional trim range should be provided, since the internal refer-
STEP I . . . OFFSET ADJUST ence has a tolerance of ± 20 mV, and the AD669 gain and
Turn OFF all bits. Adjust trimmer R2 to give –10.000000 volts bipolar offset are both trimmed with the internal reference. The
output. optional gain and offset trim resistors in Figures 5 and 6 provide
STEP II . . . GAIN ADJUST enough adjustment range to null these errors.
Turn all bits ON and adjust R1 to give a reading of +9.999694 It is also possible to use external references other than 10 volts
volts. with slightly degraded linearity specifications. The recom-
mended range of reference voltages is +5 V to +10.24 V, which
–6– REV. A
allows 5 V, 8.192 V and 10.24 V ranges to be used. For ex- USING THE AD669 WITH THE AD688 HIGH PRECISION
ample, by using the AD586 5 V reference, outputs of 0 V to VOLTAGE REFERENCE
+5 V unipolar or ± 5 V bipolar can be realized. Using the The AD669 is specified for gain drift from 15 ppm/°C to
AD586 voltage reference makes it possible to operate the 25 ppm/°C (depending upon grade) using its internal 10 volt
AD669 off of ± 12 V supplies with 10% tolerances. reference. Since the internal reference contributes the vast ma-
Figure 5 shows the AD669 using the AD586 5 V reference in jority of this drift, an external high precision voltage reference
the bipolar configuration. This circuit includes two optional po- will greatly improve performance over temperature. As shown in
tentiometers and one optional resistor that can be used to adjust Figure 6, the +10 volt output from the AD688 is used as the
the gain, offset and bipolar zero errors in a manner similar to AD669 reference. With a 3 ppm/°C drift over the industrial
that described in the BIPOLAR CONFIGURATION section. temperature range, the AD688 will improve the gain drift by a
Use –5.000000 V and +4.999847 as the output values. factor of 5 to a factor of 8 (depending upon the grade of the
AD669 being used). Using this combination may result in ap-
50Ω parent increases in initial gain error due to the differences
(MSB) (LSB) between the internal reference by which the device is laser
DB15 DB0 trimmed and the external reference with which the device is ac-
2 22
tually applied. The AD669 internal reference is specified to be
6 CS
10 volts ± 20 mV whereas the AD688 is specified as 10 volts
± 5 mV. This may result in an additional 5 mV (33 LSBs) of ap-
parent initial gain error beyond the specified AD669 gain error.
VOUT 6 27 REF IN AD669 The circuit shown in Figure 6 also makes use of the –10 V
100Ω 28 REF OUT
24 GND
AD688 output to allow the unipolar offset and gain to be ad-
R2 –V EE +VCC +V LL justed to zero in the manner described in the UNIPOLAR
GND 10kΩ
1 2 3 4 CONFIGURATION section.
DB15 DB0
7 22
7 6 4 3
A3 1 CS 6 R3
16-BIT LATCH 20k
A1 R1 R4
RS L1 5 26 10kΩ
AD688 100Ω
LDAC 23 16-BIT LATCH 10.05k
R1 R2
R2 R5 100Ω
A4 15 10k
AMP 25
R6 2 +VCC 0 TO +10V
R3 A2
16 –VEE 28 24 GND
10V REF AD669
5 9 10 8 12 11 13
1 2 3 4
Figure 6. Using the AD669 with the AD688 High Precision ± 10 V Reference
REV. A –7–
The AD669’s output buffer amplifier typically settles to within The bus interface logic of the AD669 consists of two indepen-
0.0008% FS (l/2 LSB) of its final value in 8 µs for a full-scale dently addressable registers in two ranks. The first rank consists
step. Figures 7a and 7b show settling for a full-scale and an LSB of a 16-bit register which is loaded directly from a 16-bit micro-
step, respectively, with a 2 kΩ, 1000 pF load applied. The guar- processor bus. Once the 16-bit data word has been loaded in the
anteed maximum settling time at +25°C for a full-scale step is first rank, it can be loaded into the 16-bit register of the second
13 µs with this load. The typical settling time for a 1 LSB step is rank. This double-buffered organization avoids the generation of
2.5 µs. spurious analog output values.
The digital-to-analog glitch impulse is specified as 15 nV-s typi- The first rank latch is controlled by CS and L1. Both of these
cal. Figure 7c shows the typical glitch impulse characteristic at inputs are active low and are level-triggered. This means that
the code 011 . . . 111 to 100 . . . 000 transition when loading data present during the time when both CS and L1 are low will
the second rank register from the first rank register. enter the latch. When either one of these signals returns high,
the data is latched.
600 The second rank latch is controlled by LDAC. This input is ac-
tive high and is also level-triggered. Data that is present when
+10 400
LDAC is high will enter the latch, and hence the DAC will
200 change state. When this pin returns low, the data is latched in
the DAC.
0 0
–200 Note that LDAC is not gated with CS or any other control sig-
nal. This makes it possible to simultaneously update all of the
AD669’s present in a multi-DAC system by tying the LDAC
–600 pins together. After the first rank register of each DAC has been
individually loaded and latched, the second rank registers are
0 10 20 then brought high together, updating all of the DACs at the
same time. To reduce bit skew, it is suggested to leave 100 ns
a. –10 V to +10 V Full-Scale Step Settling between the first rank load and the second rank load.
The first rank latch and second rank latch can be used together
in a master-slave or edge-triggered configuration. This mode of
600 operation occurs when LDAC and CS are tied together with L1
tied to ground. Rising edges on the LDAC-CS pair will update
the DAC with the data presented preceding the edge. The tim-
ing diagram for operation in this mode can be seen in Figure lb.
0 Note, however, that the sum of tLOW and tHIGH must be long
–200 enough to allow the DAC output to settle to its new value.
Table I. AD669 Truth Table
CS L1 LDAC Operation
0 1 2 3 4 5
µs 0 0 X First Rank Enable
X 1 X First Rank Latched
b. LSB Step Settling 1 X X First Rank Latched
X X 1 Second Rank Enabled
X X 0 Second Rank Latched
0 0 1 All Latches Transparent
+10 “X” = Don’t Care
It is possible to make the second rank register transparent by ty-
0 ing Pin 23 high. Any data appearing in the first rank register will
then appear at the output of the DAC. It should be noted, how-
ever, that the deskewing provided by the second rank latch is
then defeated, and glitch impulse may increase. If it is desired to
make both registers transparent, this can be done by tying Pins
5 and 6 low and Pin 23 high. Table I shows the truth table for
0 1 2 3 4 5 the AD669, while the timing diagram is found in Figure 1.
–8– REV. A
Unipolar coding is straight binary, where all zeros (0000H) on +5V
the data inputs yields a zero analog output and all ones
(FFFFH) yields an analog output 1 LSB below full scale.
Bipolar coding is offset binary, where an input code of 0000H A0
yields a minus full-scale output, an input of FFFFH yields an ADDRESS BUS
output 1 LSB below positive full scale, and zero occurs for an A13
REV. A –9–
tied together which configures the input stage as an edge trig- The same procedure is repeated until all three AD669s have had
gered 16-bit register. The rising edge of the decoded signal their first rank latches loaded with the desired data. A final write
latches the data and updates the output of the DAC. It is neces- command to the LDAC address results in a high-going pulse
sary to insert wait states after the processor initiates the write that causes the second rank latches of all the AD669s to become
cycle to comply with the timing requirements tLOW shown in transparent. The falling edge of LDAC latches the data from the
Figure 1b. The number of wait states that are required will vary first rank until the next update. This scheme is easily expanded
depending on the processor cycle time. The equation given in to include as many AD669s as required.
Figure 9 can be used to determine the number of wait states
given the frequency of the processor crystal.
AD0 – AD15
# OF t LOW – T + 9ns
1 Figure 10. 8086-to-AD669 Interface
2 (XTAL)
–10– REV. A
NOISE Analog and digital signals should not share a common path.
In high resolution systems, noise is often the limiting factor. A Each signal should have an appropriate analog or digital return
16-bit DAC with a 10 volt span has an LSB size of 153 µV routed close to it. Using this approach, signal loops enclose a
(–96 dB). Therefore, the noise floor must remain below this small area, minimizing the inductive coupling of noise. Wide PC
level in the frequency range of interest. The AD669’s noise tracks, large gauge wire, and ground planes are highly recom-
spectral density is shown in Figures 12 and 13. Figure 12 shows mended to provide low impedance signal paths. Separate analog
the DAC output noise voltage spectral density for a 20 V span and digital ground planes should also be utilized, with a single
excluding the reference. This figure shows the l/f corner frequency interconnection point to minimize ground loops. Analog signals
at 100 Hz and the wideband noise to be below 120 nV/√Hz. should be routed as far as possible from digital signals and
Figure 13 shows the reference noise voltage spectral density. should cross them at right angles.
This figure shows the reference wideband noise to be below One feature that the AD669 incorporates to help the user layout
125 nV/√Hz. is the analog pins (VCC, VEE, REF OUT, REF IN, SPAN/BIP
OFFSET, VOUT and AGND) are adjacent to help isolate analog
signals from digital signals.
100 The AD669 power supplies should be well filtered, well regu-
lated, and free from high frequency noise. Switching power sup-
plies are not recommended due to their tendency to generate
spikes which can induce noise in the analog system.
Decoupling capacitors should be used in very close layout prox-
imity between all power supply pins and ground. A 10 µF tanta-
lum capacitor in parallel with a 0.1 µF ceramic capacitor
1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M provides adequate decoupling. VCC and VEE should be bypassed
FREQUENCY – Hz to analog ground, while VLL should be decoupled to digital
Figure 12. DAC Output Noise Voltage Spectral Density
An effort should be made to minimize the trace length between
the capacitor leads and the respective converter power supply
and common pins. The circuit layout should attempt to locate
the AD669, associated analog circuitry and interconnections as
100 around the AD669 will isolate large switching ground currents.
For these reasons, the use of wire wrap circuit construction
is not recommended; careful printed circuit construction is
The AD669 has two pins, designated analog ground (AGND)
1 and digital ground (DGND.) The analog ground pin is the
1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M
“high quality” ground reference point for the device. Any exter-
nal loads on the output of the AD669 should be returned to
Figure 13. Reference Noise Voltage Spectral Density analog ground. If an external reference is used, this should also
be returned to the analog ground.
BOARD LAYOUT If a single AD669 is used with separate analog and digital
Designing with high resolution data converters requires careful ground planes, connect the analog ground plane to AGND and
attention to board layout. Trace impedance is the first issue. A the digital ground plane to DGND keeping lead lengths as short
306 µA current through a 0.5 Ω trace will develop a voltage as possible. Then connect AGND and DGND together at the
drop of 153 µV, which is 1 LSB at the 16-bit level for a 10 V AD669. If multiple AD669s are used or the AD669 shares ana-
full-scale span. In addition to ground drops, inductive and ca- log supplies with other components, connect the analog and
pacitive coupling need to be considered, especially when high digital returns together once at the power supplies rather than at
accuracy analog signals share the same board with digital sig- each chip. This single interconnection of grounds prevents large
nals. Finally, power supplies need to be decoupled in order to ground loops and consequently prevents digital currents from
filter out ac noise. flowing through the analog ground.
REV. A –11–
PRINTED IN U.S.A. C1555–10–11/91