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Detailed Design Report

Design Optimization and Test of 3D Printed Seat Cushions for the Automotive

Adaptive 3D Technologies

Team 1097 (Vulcan Engineering & Design)

Lance Gopilan
Michel-Andre Wuilleumier
Nataly Almasri
Svaksha Iyengar
Sivakrish Sivarajah
Benjamin Koruthu

Table of Contents

List of Figures 3
List of Tables 4
Introduction 5
Project Background 5
Problem Statement 5
Scope 6
Specifications 7
Design Alternatives 9
Iteration 1 9
Iteration 2 10
Chosen Design 12
Overview 12
Subsystem 1: Stir Plate 13
Subsystem 2: Ultrasonic 14
Subsystem 3: General 15
Design Justification 15
Budget 21
Bill of Materials (BOM) 21
Other Costs 22
Contingency 22
Project Risks 23
Ethics 25
References 27
Appendix A - Electrical Schematic and Breadboard Circuit 28
Appendix B - Claw Shaft Simulation 29
Appendix C - Claw Shaft Drawings 30
Appendix D - Turntable Drawings 32
Appendix E - Transducer Tank Drawings 34
Appendix F - Software Flowcharts

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List of Figures

Figure 1: Concept 1 9
Figure 2: Concept 2 10
Figure 3: Concept 2 alt.
Figure 4: Exploded View of Overall Design 12
Figure 5: Exploded View of Subassembly 1: Stir Plate 13
Figure 6: Exploded View of Subassembly 2: Ultrasonic 14

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List of Tables

Table 1: FMEA 19
Table 2: BOM 21
Table 3: Other Costs 22

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Project Background
Our project’s sponsor, Adaptive3D Technologies, is a manufacturing polymer resin supplier for
global leaders across a wide range of industries, including consumer, medical, transportation, oil
& gas, and industrial & electrical. The company strives to be at the forefront of high volume
Additive Manufacturing of flexible elastomeric parts with innovative high performance
materials. Adaptive3D’s flagship resin, Elastic ToughRubber​TM​-90 (ETR-90), exhibits high tear
strength, tensile strength, and strain while maintaining elasticity and a fast part production time.

Adaptive3D aims to demonstrate the versatility and effectiveness of ETR-90 by manufacturing

prototypes with various end uses, including functionality as the primary material in automotive
seat cushions. Originally, our project was to design and print an automotive seat cushion to
optimize the use of ETR-90, but during the kickoff meeting with our client from Adaptive3D, we
were told that there were issues in cleaning excess resin off of larger mesh structures. This
presented a fundamental roadblock to developing larger structures like seat cushions. After
multiple meetings with the client and within the team, we shifted our focus towards designing
and developing a Parts Washer that will be able to clean the resin off of large and small mesh
structures alike without compromising the design or the material.

Current methods employed by Adaptive3D for cleaning their resins are not very efficient, and
this is where our team comes into play. If we successfully design and manufacture a Parts
Washer that meets and even exceeds expectations, we will help Adaptive3D innovate additive
manufacturing beyond status quo.

Problem Statement
For this Senior Design project, our team is tasked with solving the issue that Adaptive3D has
with cleaning resin from various 3D printed mesh structures. Currently, they are using a
combination of off-the-shelf products to develop makeshift solutions to clean the resin. From our
discussions with the client we learned that after a printed part is removed and allowed time for
excess resin to drain off, the part goes into a 99% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) shaker at one hundred
and forty rotations per minute for five minutes, dried off manually, and then placed in a
secondary bath of IPA for one more minute. Adaptive3D reports that this process works well on
parts other than the ones we are supposed to work with, but because meshes create internal
surface area that presents a large amount of surface tension within the mesh, the flow of resin
out of the mesh is inhibited. Up to this point, Adaptive3D has lacked a consistent and effective
method of evenly cleaning meshes in the hard-to-reach center portions of the meshes as opposed
to the portions along the edges of the structures. The nature of the current resin cleaning
processes employed by Adaptive3D uses up valuable time that could be spent on trying to
improve their cleaning processes, and as such we at Vulcan Engineering & Design are tasked

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with developing a machine that reliably and efficiently cleans various mesh structures in all sorts
of sizes.

Adaptive3D has tasked Vulcan Engineering & Design with creating a Parts Washer that will
thoroughly and efficiently clean residual liquid resin off of freshly printed ETR-90 mesh
structures without damaging the structure itself. These structures would ideally be of varying
sizes, shapes, and complexity.

Milestones for our project have been divided into two semesters. The following goals are within
our project scope for the first semester:
● Establish reference values for compression properties and for cleanliness of a properly
cleaned mesh based on meshes provided by Adaptive.
● Research and test various processing methods against printed meshes to ultimately select
two processing methods to investigate further for use by the Parts Washer.
○ These processes include but are not limited to ultrasonic cleaning, mechanical
agitation, solvent treatment, and heat treatment.
● Design Part Washer equipment to automatically employ selected processing methods on
mesh structures.

For the second semester, our project scope contains the following goals:
● Gather materials within our budget, construct equipment for the Parts Washer, and test
our prototype’s functionality.
● Test the Part Washer against small mesh structures and compare results to standards of
compression and clean-ness established in the first semester.
● Stretch Goal: Test the Part Washer against four or five large meshes.
○ In this context, the term “large” could be defined as the full build volume of the
Octave Light R1 printer.

The deliverables will consist of the following:

● Images of the mesh surface taken throughout the development process to establish a
standard of cleanliness for the mesh structures. Method of image capture to be
● Functional and safe Parts Washer prototype that would allow for variability in processing
but still be able to clean off any and all resin left behind on a mesh structure after being
3D printed.
○ CREO files for this prototype’s design to be used by Adaptive3D.


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Many specifications depend on the method we choose to create our part washer. Currently, we
are considering many different solutions that might include specific solvents, heat, misting, or
mechanical agitation. Until we effectively research and decide on a method, we cannot determine
many other specifications besides the ones listed below:

1) Parts Washer Dimensions:

- Inner Chamber Minimum (X x Y x Z): 134.4 x 75.6 x 186 mm (6 x 3 x 8 in)
- Outer Chamber Maximum (X x Y x Z): 762 x 762 x 762 mm (30 x 30 x 30 in)

2) Parts Washer must be able to clean parts, where a clean part is defined by the
- Visual inspection for absence of residual liquid resin
- Percentage mass reduction* comparing mesh before and after cleaning

3) Parts Washer must be able to consistently clean tet vertex centroid** mesh structures
provided by Adaptive3D with the following dimensions:
- Small mesh structures:
- Cell scale***: 2.58 mm
- # cells: 21 x 13 x 21 (X x Y x Z)
- Strut diameter: 0.5 mm
- Bounding box dimensions: 38.65 x 24.07 x 38.66 mm (X x Y x Z)
- Cell width: ~1.8 mm (X=Y=Z)
- Medium mesh structures:
- Cell scale***: 4.85 mm
- # cells: 11 x 7 x 11 (X x Y x Z)
- Strut diameter: 1 mm
- Bounding box dimensions: 38.28 x 24.61 x 38.28 mm (X x Y x Z)
- Cell width: ~3.5 mm (X=Y=Z)
- Large mesh structures:
- Cell scale***: 11 mm
- # cells: 5 x 3 x 5 (X x Y x Z)
- Strut diameter: 2 mm
- Bounding box dimensions: 40.16 x 24.54 x 40.14 mm (X x Y x Z)
- Cell width: ~8.1 mm (X=Y=Z)
- Stretch Goal (Full build volume of the Octave R1 printer):
- Bounding box dimensions: 134.4 x 75.6 x 186 mm (X x Y x Z)

4) Variable Speeds of Rotation, if a rotational method is desired (4-5 different settings)

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5) Parts Washer will have multiple settings of mechanical agitation and lengths of solvent
bath time depending on the shape and size of mesh structure.

* No prior quantification, as the mass gain caused by swelling of the part from immersion
in a solvent is not well documented. Quantities may need to be defined from experimental data
during the project.
** A set of lines from the four corners of a tetrahedron meeting in the centroid.
*** Cell scale is defined here as the length of one of the sides of the tetrahedron.

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Design Alternatives

When designing our print wash station for Adaptive3D, we had two main components that we
wanted to include into the cleaning process. One is a stir plate component that we based on our
research of the Anycubic wash station, and the other is an ultrasonic component that we got from
researching the Seeutek ultrasonic cleaner. Throughout the duration of the semester, we went
through a total of three iterations of designs to get to the final concept during our third iteration.
Examples from our first two iterations are described below.

Iteration 1:
For the first iteration we wanted to include striplate and ultrasonic cleaning in the same station.
This idea consisted of rotating a fan at the top of the lid which would create vortexes for deep
and aggressive cleaning of the ETR-90 prints. Simultaneously we had a basket which would hold
the prints in place as it was rotated by a pulley system in the opposite direction. We also had the
ultrasonic component at the bottom which would be used for gentle and refined cleaning. The
final part was a uniformly distributed temperature setting that had the potential to improve the
efficiency of the cleaning.

Figure 1: Concept 1

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Iteration 2:
We improved our first concept by adding a pump / drain / tank mechanism with several tanks for
clean and dirty solvent baths, allowing the possible use of various solvents. We also changed the
stir plate component from using a fan and rail mechanism to having a motor placed in the lid
instead, which would be connected to a revolving shaft that rotates the basket. It would
effectively function like a salad spinner.

Figure 2: Concept 2 Figure 3: Concept 2 Alt.

Some methods we used when selecting a design alternative included trade-off considerations,
specifications, constraints, and sponsor input. When looking at trade-offs, the main consideration
was the method of rotation. When conducting the test, we found that the salad spinner concept
achieved this goal by extracting the most resin out of the prints compared to the fan concept. As
for specifications, we were instructed to implement the best parts of both concepts - as well as
the rotating basket and the ultrasonic - and to make the third iteration a two part system. Another
request was to include a reservoir system which would assist users in moving solvent in and out
of the wash station. One of the biggest deciding factors in making these decisions was
communicating with our sponsor because we wanted to make a product that would fit their every
need. When going through each iteration of the design, their input allowed us to see exactly what
would work and what they wanted to see. For instance, they recommended the salad spinner
concept as well as the motor that would create the rotating motion for it. Another big factor was
our budget. Due to this limit, certain features like the pump system and temperature variation had
to be cut out. We determined our motor and heater requirements through theoretical calculations
detailed in this section with the ideas of concept 1 or 2. Because we wanted to spin the object at a
certain speed, we needed a high torque. Once we found the values we needed, we were able to
select the proper motor. When doing calculations for heating, we found that a uniformly

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distributed heating set up would require lots of wattage and therefore would cost more than
expected. Overall, the selection process of many of the components in the final design and the
design alternative were done by doing extensive research on what we exactly needed as well as
doing calculations to make sure that the components we picked met the specific requirements
needed to function properly.

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Chosen Design


Figure 3: Exploded View of Overall Design

We designed a device that Adaptive3D will use to wash resin off of parts printed on their Octave
printer. The Wash Station was designed to take some of the current methods used by the clients
to clean meshes and implement into a more streamlined system that produces more consistent
results and is easy for the clients to use. With that in mind, this wash station was separated into 3
different subsystems to facilitate all the features we wanted to incorporate. Subsystem 1 includes
all the components used for the Stir Plate Tank; through this system, we aim to use rotation
motion to remove resin. Subsystem 2 includes all the components needed for the Ultrasonic
Tank; through this system we will use cavitation in the solvent to remove resin. Subsystem 3
includes all the remaining components; these are the items that can be applied to both Subsystem
1 and 2. By having all of these working together we are hoping to thoroughly and consistently
clean small mesh structures without damaging them.

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Subsystem 1: Stir Plate

Figure 4: Exploded View of Subassembly 1: Stir Plate

This system is based on a method currently employed by Adaptive3D. They use a variation on a
salad spinner to rotate the mesh and remove the resin from the meshes. The issue with this is that
a person has to be constantly rotating the spinner. Also, there is variation in results based on
how fast a user spins it, but there is no way to determine how fast it is being spun. So, we wanted
to develop a system that could do something similar, but reduce the hassle and be more
consistent. Additionally we wanted to add multiple layers to this as well; this includes a dry spin
and a solvent spin, as well as alternating direction. By providing such variations, we are allowing
the clients to account for different types of mesh structures. The entire process of this subsystem
will take place in the aluminum tank ​(6)​. There will be a rotating platform ​(3) that will be
attached to the inner side of the aluminum tank. The purpose of this is to support the weight of
the mesh and allow for it to rotate freely. We plan to weld rods onto the platform to better guide
the basket ​(1)​, which is the component that the mesh structures will be placed into. To facilitate
simple transfer of meshes, we made Subsystems 1 & 2 compatible with the basket so that the
user simply has to remove the basket from one system and put it in the next. In order for the
basket to rotate, we decided to fabricate a claw shaped shaft ​(2) that will slide onto the rods from
the rotating platform. The shaft that the four points will converge onto will be connected to one
half of a coupling shaft. The other half of the coupling shaft ​(5) will be connected to the motor,
which will sit in the lid ​(4)​. The reason for the coupling shaft is to make it easy to take the lid off

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and put it back on without having issues with the shaft not connecting all the way. In addition to
this, we have a drain valve ​(7) attached to the tank so that we can remove the solvent from the
tank. This will make it easier to pour out the solvent from the top after each use, and it will allow
us to reuse the solvent a few times as well.

Subsystem 2: Ultrasonic

Figure 5: Exploded View of Subassembly 2: Ultrasonic

After being put through the stir plate cleaning process. The basket will be removed and placed in
the ultrasonic container ​(1)​. The ultrasonic container will go around the tank ​(2)​. On the bottom
of the tank we have three transducers ​(3) welded as that was what was needed for a tank of that
size. The transducer will be connected to an ultrasonic generator ​(4) which will take care of most
of the functionalities needed for the cleaner. We picked a generator that was capable of
frequency variation. This would allow us to create larger or smaller cavitation bubbles, which
would help the user decide if they want a more aggressive cleaning, or a smooth one. The tank
size was determined with the basket from the stir plate in mind; this would allow for ease of
transport of the meshes between systems.

Subsystem 3: General
This subassembly is what connects the other two systems together. This includes the frame,
drainage items, user interface (UI) components and other electronics. We decided to repurpose a
steel shelf for our frame due to its cost, structural rigidity, and simplicity. The frame is what will

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provide support to the subsystems and provide housing for the UI components and electronics.
Inside it, we will house the microcontroller which will control the stir plate motor. We decided to
go with the ELEGOO Mega microcontroller because of its vast capabilities that are comparable
to an Arduino Mega but at a more affordable price. To complement the Mega and help with the
control of speed and direction of the motor, we have also included a DC motor control board. In
addition to these, we have knobs to give physical control of speed to the user and the overall
device. We also plan to incorporate an LCD display which will show the temperature of the fluid
in the tank. Although our current diagram includes three push buttons and one potentiometer,
there may be more as part of the user interface to control device functions. Other components
include the motor control board and motor and a TMP102 heating sensor. The ultrasonic
transducers and generator were wired appropriately and independently before purchase and
therefore are not included in our complete diagram, which can be found in ​Appendix A -
Electrical Schematic and Breadboard Circuit.

Design Justification
Each choice we made regarding our design has reasoning behind it based on our constraints,
calculations, and models. We broke down our decisions by subassembly below:

Subassembly 1 (Stir Plate):

1. Basket
a. Octave printer maximum build volume is 8in x 6in x 3in (LxWxH), so the basket
we picked had to hold meshes of that size.
b. The mesh pattern of the basket will allow flow of solvent through it and through
the parts inside.
2. Rotating Platform
a. When picking what platform we wanted to use, we had to consider the outside
and inside diameters. The outside diameter had to be less then our tank, while the
inside diameter had to be greater than the basket diameter.
3. Claw Shaft
a. When designing this, we had to make sure that the shaft connecting to the plate
will not face higher stress then what the material is capable of. The analysis can
be found in ​Appendix B - Claw Shaft Simulation.
4. Lid
a. The lid needs to be able to house the motor as well as give enough space for wires
and other components to pass through. Additionally, it has to be able to cover the
entire tank, hence why it is 10 inches in diameter and 6 inches high.
5. Shaft Coupler
a. The shaft coupler needs to be able to fit around the motor pin which is 5.5 mm as
well as the claw shaft which is 6 mm. The one we picked does accomplish that.

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6. Stir Plate Tank
a. The tank has to be able to fit all the components needed and allow for enough
clearance that the basket is not touching the ground and the claw shaft fits inside
the tank.
b. T ank Diameter > Basket Diameter (8 in)
c. T ank Height > Basket Height + Claw + Clearance
d. B asket Height + Claw + Clearance = 6 + 2 + 0.5 = 8.5 in
e. Tank Height > 8.5 in
f. Tank we found that met these criteria had Tank Height = 13 in, Tank Diameter =
10 in. We plan to cut height down to 10 in for user convenience.
7. Motor
a. To Estimate how much torque we need to move the motor we did the following
b. Given: density = 16.97 g/in3 V mesh = 144in3 mbasket = 453.592g
c. Assumption: Motor RPM needs to be around 500 = 53.3 rad/s
d. mass = mmesh + mbasket = 16.97 * 144 + 453.592 = 2898.27g = 2.98927kg
e. Inertia of rotating object J = mass * (Radius of Basket)2 = 2.85 * (.112)2 = 0.036
f. Torque using acceleration = J * ω/t = 0.036 * 53.3/1sec = 1.88 N m = 244 oz in

Subassembly 2 (Ultrasonic):

1. Ultrasonic Tank
a. Needs to have same length and width as generator.
b. Height will match the stir plate’s height.
2. Transducers
a. 3 Transducers needed to match the same power the generator holds.
b. Each transducer draws a power of around 100 Watts.
c. Holds same frequency variations as the generator which are 20, 40, and 60 khz.
3. Transducer Tank
a. Housing for transducers.
b. Length and width need to match the generator.
4. Generator
a. Dimensions are 12 x 15 x 6 in.
b. Contains frequency variation from 20, 40, and 60 khz to allow for smooth or
rough cleaning.
c. Has a power of 300 Watts to roughly match the transducers.
d. Contains a timer to keep track of how long the mesh has been in the cleaner.

Subassembly 3 (General):
1. Frame

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a. Has to hold the Stir Plate and Ultrasonic Subassemblies while being deep enough
to hold other components.
b. Length : Stir Plate Length + Ultrasonic Length + Clearance thus Length > 26 in.
c. Width : Has to be greater than the widest component, thus Width > 15 in.
d. Height: Has to be greater than tallest component fitted inside, thus Height > 6 in.
e. The frame has to support all the weight of the components. That being said the
frame we plan to use has an 400lb load capacity, and we can assume that our
device will be significantly less than that value.
2. Reservoirs
a. The reservoir had to be able to hold solvent larger than what is being put into the
largest tank.
b. V olume of Solvent in Stir P late = π * Radius2 * Desired Height = π * 52 * 6 = 471in3
c. 471 in3 = 2.05 gallons
d. Reservoir > 2.05 gallon
3. Valve
a. When trying to find a drain valve we had to find one that can withstand solvents,
and be compatible with our tanks.
b. Weldless Stainless Steel Ball valves are used for applications such as brewing and
as such it meets all those criteria listed.
4. Microcontroller
a. The microcontroller controls the motor and LCD screen. It also processes inputs
from the user (to control the devices) and inputs from sensors as a safety
5. Power Supply
a. Power Supply needed to produce enough wattage to cover the motor and electrical
b. T otal N eeded = M otor W att Calc = 110 W
c. Power Supply chosen > 110 Watt
d. Current > Motor Current = 9.2 A

The team had not worked with ultrasonic cleaning before, so we sought out standards in addition
to an actual ultrasonic device to better understand how the process should work. In 1996, the
American Society for Testing and Materials (now ASTM International) published “Standard
Practice for Cleaning of Materials and Components by Ultrasonic Techniques” (designation
G131-96) to standardize the procedure for ultrasonic cleaning techniques. Reapproved in 2016,
this document helped us develop a fundamental understanding of standards for the ultrasonic
cleaning apparatus and the agreed-upon procedure for ultrasonic cleaning. For instance, we were
able to verify that the generator and transducers we selected - which can operate at 20, 40, or 60
kilohertz (kHz) - would be able to operate in the 25 to 90 kHz frequency range specified by

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G131-96. We also learned that frequencies in the 20 to 25 kHz range had been found to damage
soft metals like aluminum and silver. This caveat will help guide us in how we will ultimately
advise our Clients to use the prototype Parts Washer.

A broad search for standards pertaining to “elastomers” yields practices that deal with elastomers
in unrelated applications (designations E2203-14(2018), F2038-18, and F2042-18) or finding
unrelated properties of elastomers (designation D2137-11(2018)). However, searching for
ASTM standards for “rubber” revealed a document titled “Standard Practice for Stress
Relaxation Testing of Raw Rubber, Unvulcanized Rubber Compounds, and Thermoplastic
Elastomers” (designation D6048-07) that was published in 2007 and reapproved in 2018. Upon
fabrication of the Parts Washer prototype, this standard will be helpful in guiding our testing of
the material properties of cleaned parts from Adaptive3D.

Because Adaptive3D utilizes additive manufacturing to print parts made of their own proprietary
elastomers, many of ASTM’s existing standards regarding additive manufacturing would not be
relevant to the project because of the materials and methods referred to in those standards. For
instance, searching for ASTM standards using the search keys “additive manufacturing
elastomer”, “additive manufacturing rubber”, and “additive manufacturing post-processing”
turns up standards regarding matters such as the removal of residues in medical devices
fabricated by powder bed fusion (designation F3335-20), the post-processing methods for metal
parts made via powder bed fusion (designation ASTM F3301-18a), and the additive
manufacturing of stainless steel alloy components with powder bed fusion (designation ASTM

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The primary consideration was safety when looking at distinct concepts; since we are building a
system to handle a number of chemicals. We wanted to build a system that would function well
but be safe for the user. To accomplish this, we decided to add the following functions to our
design. An emergency shut off switch, a sensor to detect whether the lid has been positioned
correctly, automatic shut off if the system has been on for an extended period of time, sensor for
fluid level identification, and sensors to detect overheating. We incorporated some of these
functions from the Anycubic stir plate and Seeutek ultrasonic cleaner that we purchased for
research. The sensor to detect if the lid is in place, for example, is an innovation from the stir
plate; this principle means that the system will not operate until the lid is appropriately
positioned so that no liquid will spill out until the rotation starts. For the rest of the functions we
decided to use the FMEA approach shown in the table below.

Table 1: FMEA

The FMEA table above revealed that much of our safety issues were sufficiently taken into
account since the total RPN score was below 100; for instance the emergency shut off switch,
this function received a total RPN score of 30, this is because we decided that although the
machine may become dangerous to operate in the sense that our entire system overheats and
potentially putting the user at risk we felt as though our control mode would work efficiently
enough to make our machine safe. When it comes to heating the Table displays that action will
be required, therefore a design update added is an automated shutdown giving the mechanism
time to cool down when there is any signs of overheating. The type of solvent used in our
mechanism is another important safety issue. After testing solvents, we recommend Mean Green
to be used with our device. It is effective in cleaning the meshes and does not have any safety

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concerns when using it with ultrasonic cleaning or heating. We understand that Adaptive3D has
been cleaning their mesh structures with isopropyl alcohol (IPA), but we do not recommend
using this solvent with our mechanism because IPA is very flammable and will cause many
safety concerns when operating with ultrasonic cleaning.

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Bill of Materials (BOM)

Table 2: Bill of Materials (BOM)

Item Description Vendor Model # Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

Aluminum Tank - McDonald Mfr. Model #: 1 $70 $70
Winco AXHH-16 Stock Pot, ​10.8" Paper AXHH-16+AXS-16C
x 10.8" x 10.8", 15.14 Liters, 8 Restaurant ASIN: B01N755OE4
Pounds, Aluminum Supplies

Lid Housing - ​PME Round Cake Knightsbridge Mfr. Model #: RND103 1 $12.99 $12.99
Pan 10", ​10" x 10" x 3", 0.68 lbs Global Ltd., ASIN: B007UOTIJI
Fulfilled by

Turntable - 10" Aluminium Lazy Star Vast, ASIN: B07VLXX4LG 1 $20.99 $20.99
Susan, OD: 9.84", ID: 7.48", load Fulfilled by
up to 150 lbs Amazon.com

Basket - Instant Pot Official Large Lifetime Mfr. Model #: 5252246 1 $16.29 $16.29
Mesh Steamer Basket, OD: Brands, ASIN: B07WSRMC8P
8.3125", ID: 7", Height: 5.25" Fulfilled by

Mini Magnets - ​Deryun magnet Space Mfr. Model #: 1 $11.99 $11.99

500pcs mini Magnets, ​size: 201, technology mix XX-XCT-2-1
0.08" D x 0.04" H ASIN: B084NZKXKN

DC Motor - 5202 Series Yellow Servocity SKU: 5202-0002-0027 1 $40.00 $40.00

Jacket, 26.9:1 Ratio, 223 RPM,
530 oz-in, 3.3 - 5V Encoder

H Bridge - Qunqi L298n, Drive HiLetGo, ASIN: B07BK1QL5T 1 $9.88 $9.88

voltage: 5V-35V, Drive current: Fulfilled by
2A Amazon.com

Solvent Reservoirs Tank - Tolco Hudson Plastic Dispenser, 1 $64.99 $64.99

5 Gallon, HPDE, 5 gallon (20 Exchange Mfr. Model #: 180100
liter) capacity, 16.9" L x 9.68" W ASIN: B0735YMHS3
x 9.75" H, 2 Pack

Heat Protectant Spray - ​Design KMJPerforman Mfr. Model #: 010301 2 $15.14 $30.28
Engineering High-Temperature ce
Silicone Coating Spray,
Protection up to 1500°F, 12 oz

Claw Steel Block - 12" x 12" x Home Depot Mfr. Model #: 56038 1 $10.98 $10.98
19/32" 16-Gauge Weldable

Shaft Rod - Cold Rolled Steel Steel Supply, SKU: 119862 1 $20.50 $20.50
Round Bar .25" D x 48" L 1018 L.P.

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Lazy Susan Rods - Aluminum Home Depot Mfr. Model #: 801647, 1 $4.67 $4.67
Round Rod 1/4" x 36" SKU: 477052

Shaft Coupler - Befenybay 2PCS Befenbay ASIN: B07RMZCLZ3 1 $13.99 $13.99

5mm to 8mm Aluminium Plum
Flexible Shaft Coupling, ​0.19685"
- 0.314961" ID x 0.787402" OD x
0.984252" L

Drain Valve - Weldless Stainless HomeBrewStu Mfr. Model #: 2 $19.94 $39.88

Steel Ball valve, 1/2" end fitting ff COMINHKPR03062

Fluid Hose - Clear Vinyl Tubing, EASTRANS, ASIN: B07ZC22PR6 1 $34.99 $34.99
ID: 1", OD: 1-1/4", 25 feet, Wall Fulfilled by
thickness: 3.2mm; Hardness: 73A Amazon.com
(firm), chemical resistant

Filter - 200 pac 1" pipe screen Nesoh ASIN: B08BV7MCKH 1 $6.99 $6.99

Riser Plate - QSCL Riser Plate, ​9 fixtureworks Mfr. Model #: 1 $20.66 $20.66
mm x 40 mm x 3 mm with QCSLSP1002
diameter 5.5 mm holes

Sliding Lock - Slotted Hole 3mm fixtureworks Mfr. Model #: 1 $69.64 $69.64
slot height, ​50 mm x 30 mm x 24 QCSL1003-BK
mm with 5.5 mm diameter holes

Stainless steel Tank - Type 304 Stainless Part #: 019-002-025 1 $481.09 $481.09
Stainless Steel Rectangular Tank, Steel
18" L x 12" W x 12" H, 18 gauge Fabricators,

Transducer Tank - Winco Fulfilled by Mfr. Model #: 1 $18.81 $18.81

Anti-Jamming Steam Pan, 12.75" Amazon.com SPJL-206, ASIN:
L x 10.38" W x 5.88" H, 25 gauge B001VZ6YA8
Type 18/8 stainless steel

Transducers - Frequency ucesonic 1 $211.54 $211.54

Ultrasonic Transducer,
20KHz/40KHz/60KHz, 120W

Generator - Multi Frequency ucesonic 1 $633.68 $633.68

Ultrasonic Generator Cleaning
Power Supply,
20KHz/40KHz/60KHz, 300W

Power Supply - ​12V 15A 180W ALITOVE Mfr. Model #: 1 $19.99 $19.99
LED Driver Power Supply, ​Output: AL12V15AT
12V 15A 108W, Input:

Base structure - Open, GRAINGER Mfr. Model #: 2960, 1 $117.14 $117.14

Freestanding, Metal Shelving, UNSPSC: 24102004
Shelf size: 36" L x 12" W x 75" H
(with brace)

Wiring - ​Remington Industries 22 Remington Mfr. Model #: 1 $10.68 $10.68

AWG Gauge Solid Hook-Up Wire, Industries 22UL1007SLDBLA
100 ft,, 300V, 0.0253" Diameter

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Board - ELEGOO MEGA 2560 R3 ELEGOO Mfr. Model #: 1 $15.99 $15.99
Board, ​54 digital I/O pins, 16 Official US LYSB01H4ZDYCE-EL
analog inputs, USB connection ECTRNCS ASIN:

Solderable Breadboard - ElectroCookie Mfr. Model #: 1 $11.99 $11.99

ElectroCookie Prototype PCB Store ECPB_H_BK'_5P
Solderable Breadboard, ​Gold ASIN: B07ZYNWJ1S
plated finish to prevent oxidation,
3.5" L x 2.05" W

Buttons, Resistors, ELEGOO Mfr. Model #: 1 $7.86 $7.86

Potentiometers - ELEGOO Official US EL-CK-000, ASIN:
Electronics Component Pack B01ERPXFZK

Jumper Wires - ​AUSTOR 840 AUSTOR ASIN: B07PQKNQ22 1 $11.99 $11.99

Pieces Preformed Breadboard
Jumper Wire Kit 14 Lengths, ​Wire
lengths: 2 mm-125 mm
60 pieces per size

LED Screen - ​SunFounder IIC I2C SunFounder ASIN: B019K5X53O 1 $8.99 $8.99
TWI 1602 Serial LCD Module Direct
Display for Arduino, ​Display: 4
lines x 20 characters
Working voltage: 5V

Heat Sensor - TMP102, Working Sparkfun ASIN: B086KZ6RWN, 1 $9.95 $9.95

voltage: 1.4V to 3.6V Electronics Part #: SEN-16304

Prototype Parts Total $2,229.31

Other Costs
Table 3: Other Costs

Machine Shop Service Cost

Transducer Tank TBD ~ $100

Claw/Shaft Assembly TBD ~ $100

Turntable Assembly TBD ~ $100

Total Machine Shop Cost TBD ~ $300

We included contingency in the project budget by setting aside funds to cover unexpected costs
that may arise during the construction process as well as by planning to purchase many parts in
bulk, such as large packs of resistors, jumper wires, and buttons, in the event that a component

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may fail. We have also taken into consideration and set aside funds for the machine shop costs
which are still yet to be confirmed.

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Project Risks

We identified the following as potential risk factors for our chosen design and listed their
associated risks below:
● Lack of prior experience with projects involving post-processing of 3D printed parts.
○ Tasks take longer than anticipated, leading to schedule slippage.
● Conflicting individual schedules that demand time outside of Senior Design.
○ Late submission of deliverables.
● Lack of prior experience with projects involving high amounts of circuitry.
○ Shorting out of electrical components.
● Frame lacks/loses sufficient support during manufacturing to help manage weight.
○ Frame collapses under the weight of the filled tanks.
● Limited number of suppliers.
○ Expenses run over our given $3000 budget.

In assessing the risk factors we identified, we determined the priorities of the risks from highest
to lowest:
● Late submission of deliverables. (High Risk: Likely, Catastrophic)
● Expenses run over our given $3000 budget. (High Risk: Highly Likely, Critical)
● Shorting out of electrical components. (Medium Risk: Highly Likely, Marginal)
● Frame collapses under the weight of the filled tanks. (Medium Risk: Unlikely, Critical)
● Tasks take longer than anticipated, leading to schedule slippage. (Medium Risk: Highly
Likely, Minor)

Upon assessing the priority of our risks, we needed to come up with ways to address each of
them. Our first approach was to define actions to prevent or mitigate risk.
● To prevent late submissions of deliverables, we plan to:
○ Break deliverables into portions and delegate the portions among the whole team.
○ Work proactively on each of our respective portions.
○ Ask questions for clarification and for support whenever needed.
○ Review deliverables together the day of submission to ensure quality.
● To mitigate the risk of our expenses running over our budget, we plan to:
○ Always be on the lookout for more affordable alternatives for our selected
○ Proactively reach out to any external parties regarding quotes on services.
● To reduce the likelihood of our electrical components shorting out, we plan to:
○ Clearly follow our wiring diagrams when setting up our electrical components.
○ Calculate power drawn to each component to ensure our diagrams and design
match our needs.
● To reduce the likelihood of our frame collapsing under tank weights, we plan to:

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○ Select materials for the frame that can properly withstand the desired weight.
● To reduce the severity of task slippage, we plan to:
○ Allow more time to be given to each task, reflecting our relative inexperience in
working on projects of this caliber.
○ Stay open to supporting each other with our tasks and asking for support on our
tasks if needed.

Even with actions designed to prevent or mitigate risks, we acknowledged that adverse events
may still occur. We then needed to figure out what we would do if those outcomes did happen.
● If our expenses run over our budget, we plan to:
○ Remove select aspects of our design that are not integral to the operation of the
Parts Washer to remove the associated expenses from our budget.
○ Ask Adaptive3D for help funding any expenses that still exceed our budget.
● If our electrical components short out, we plan to:
○ Have spare components already purchased to allow for easy interchangeability.
● If we do experience task slippage, we plan to:
○ Come together to reevaluate our progress and reassign responsibility as needed.
○ Devote time from our off-hours towards making up any deficits in our progress.

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Over the course of the project so far, ethics has played a role in how we report our time, how we
approach design decisions, and how we expect to construct our final product. The National
Society of Professional Engineers outlines the six fundamental canons listed below:

1. Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.

2. Perform services only in areas of their competence.
3. Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
4. Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
5. Avoid deceptive acts.
6. Conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance
the honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession.

As we have navigated the design process, we have made sure to keep these ethical guidelines in
mind. Our primary concern has been completing the project in an efficient and safe manner. To
that end, we plan to use multiple safeguards in our device. Our design includes a sensor
(TMP102) that monitors the heat of the power supply and warns the user if it gets too hot. We
also plan to include warning labels to clearly steer users away from any potential dangers and
prevent mishaps such as overfilling of solvent tanks. To reduce the likelihood of accidents
occurring and to reduce our liability in the event those accidents occur, we will outline every
potential danger of our device, including hot surfaces, hot liquids, heavy objects, and electrical
wiring/liquid proximity in our user manual. As we think of more ways to protect the users of our
device, we will incorporate more safety features if necessary.

In regards to fundamental canon two, “Perform services only in the areas of our competence,”
we have only included features in order design that we believe we can design and build safely.
For example, our original design included pumps to shift our solvent from tank to tank.
However, we quickly realized affordable pumps are not rated to handle the desired solvents, and
this may be better handled by experts on pumps and solvents. In some aspects of our design, we
found that simplicity was essential in order to deliver a safe and effective product.

As we have not issued any public statements, we have not had the opportunity to employ
fundamental canon three, “Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.”
However, we will adhere to this canon if the opportunity arises. In any case, we have been
careful to keep our client’s needs in the forefront of our minds as we design our Parts Washer
(canon 4), and to be completely honest and transparent about what we can and cannot do (canon
5). For example, when it became clear that we could not use pumps in our machine, we were
quick to inform our client, even though it was undesirable news.

Page 27 of 39
The final fundamental canon of the National Society of Professional Engineers states “Conduct
ourselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the honor, reputation,
and usefulness of the profession.” Our team has been careful to adhere to this canon throughout
our project, and will continue to do so throughout the second half, including giving credit to the
sources that have helped us with our project. Much of the wiring of components such as the
motor have come from sources like arduino forums and part specification sheets. All of these
sources are outlined in the ​References​ section of this report.

Page 28 of 39

ASTM International. ​G131-96 (2016)e1 Standard Practice for Cleaning of Materials and
Components by Ultrasonic Techniques.​ West Conshohocken, PA; ASTM International, 2016.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1520/G0131-96R16E01

“Code of Ethics.” Code of Ethics | ​National Society of Professional Engineers.


Team, The Arduino. “Button.” Arduino. Accessed November 30, 2020.



Renwick, Ian. “How Much Wattage Do I Need?” Tutco-Farnam Custom Products. Tutco-Farnam

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Appendix A - Electrical Schematic and Breadboard Circuit

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Appendix B - Claw Shaft Simulation

Analyzing stress on the shaft to determine if we can use 0.25 inch diameter shaft to connect
the claw plate to the coupler. The results showed that even for the most extreme scenario
the shaft will undergo less stress then the calculated yield stress of the material.

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Appendix C: Claw Shaft Drawings

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Appendix D: Turntable Drawings

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Appendix E: Transducer Tank Drawings

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Appendix F: Software Flowcharts

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