Evaluation of New Injection and Cavity Preparation Model in Local Anesthesia Teaching
Evaluation of New Injection and Cavity Preparation Model in Local Anesthesia Teaching
Evaluation of New Injection and Cavity Preparation Model in Local Anesthesia Teaching
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ocal anesthesia is frequently used during distress.5 Didactic courses may decrease the anxiety
dental treatment. It facilitates more comfort- of dental students in relation to administration of a
able treatment, so that the patient’s comfort is local anesthetic injection.6
mazimized during the treatment and the dentist is able Simple electronic training models that indicate
to work calmly with concentration and precision.1 the accurate site of injection have been available for
However, learning the techniques for the administra- three decades.7,8 Currently, only a minority of dental
tion of local anesthetics is a complex process, and schools use these models before the initial injection
the transition to the first injection of a patient is often on humans, but several other schools have expressed
difficult for dental students.2 plans to introduce them into their curricula.9 Students
Many dental students feel insufficiently pre- who have used a preclinical training model have con-
pared for their first injection in a human. Knowledge sidered it a useful preparation for their first injection
of anatomy and complications of anesthetics have in a human, and many students have supported its
been frequently mentioned as areas in which students introduction into the dental curriculum.3
feel insufficiently prepared.3 This feeling may still be As far as we know, only one study has evalu-
present after graduation as a dentist. Recently gradu- ated the effects of a preclinical training model on
ated dentists indicate that local anesthesia courses subsequent clinical teaching.10 That study found
do not provide adequate preparation for the initial that use of a preclinical training model did not affect
demands of a general practice.4 Nineteen percent the self-reported confidence level of dental students
of dentists in the United States have reported that about injections in a human. However, the recipients
administration of local anesthesia has caused them of the injections rated students who had practiced
Question 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
mandibular block anesthesia were reported by 0.9 to It is expected that in the near future virtual
6.3 percent of the patients.13-16 These reactions may reality may play a role in the teaching of landmarks
occur when the needle touches the periosteal layer of and insertion points,17,18 but as far as we know, such
the ascending ramus, a nerve, or the artery wall.1,16 models are not available yet. However, simple train-
A previous study suggested the preclinical ing models that indicate the site of injection have
use of human cadavers as a teaching method for the been available for three decades.7,8 Dental students
injection of mandibular block injection techniques.2 who used a preclinical training model in one study
This would give dental students the opportunity to considered it a useful preparation for their first injec-
practice the insertion of the needle using anatomi- tion in a human.3 Another study, which evaluated the
cal landmarks before their first administration of effects of a preclinical training model on subsequent
mandibular anesthesia in a living individual, usually clinical teaching, found that students who practiced
a patient or fellow student.3,9 However, in a recent on the model were considered more confident and
survey among dental schools in Europe, no school calm by the recipients of their first injection.10 A
reported the use of human cadavers for local anes- near-significant decrease in pain during the insertion
thesia education,9 which may be related to ethical of the needle was also reported in that study. These
and logistical problems. positive effects of a preclinical training model in
1. Cavity preparation on a tooth generates signals representing a sensitive layer of the tooth. How 5.27±0.72 (n=33)
helpful might this function be for students?
2. Cavity preparation on a tooth in dentin or pulp generates two different signals representing dentin 5.06±0.83 (n=33)
or pulp layer. How helpful might this be for students?
3. How do you evaluate the model as a training aid for teaching cavity preparation skills? 5.16±0.85 (n=32)
4. How do you evaluate the model as a training aid for grading cavity preparation skills of the students 4.34±1.10 (n=32)
in exams?
5. How does the model represent the superficial anatomy and landmarks with regard to mandibular 4.77±1.06 (n=31)
6. How does the model represent the internal anatomy with regard to mandibular block? 4.66±0.94 (n=29)
7. How do you evaluate the model as a training aid for teaching mandibular block? 4.97±0.81 (n=31)
8. How do you evaluate the model as a training aid for grading the mandibular block skills of students 4.47±1.05 (n=32)
in exams?
9. In the model, when the injection needle gets close enough to the mandibular foramen, signals from 5.31±0.74 (n=32)
dentin are blocked. Furthermore, when the injection needle gets even closer to the mandibular
foramen, signals from dentin and pulp are blocked. How helpful might this function be for students?
10. How do you grade the model when it is compared with the traditionally used models in terms of 5.54±0.71 (n=26)
being helpful for students to increase their injection skill?
Note: Each item was measured on a six-point scale from 0=not helpful at all to 6=very much helpful.
local anesthesia education were observed despite training in the dental curriculum.3 Recently, some
anatomical limitations of the models, such as the dental schools have reported that they intend to in-
poor representation of the oral mucosa in the area troduce such models in their regular local anesthesia
of the ascending ramus of the mandible. Therefore, teaching program.9 Our experiences with the model
during the development of our new training model, described here seem to support these recommenda-
special attention was given to a realistic represen- tions to introduce preclinical training models into the
tation of landmarks, which are important for the dental curriculum. It may offer students a possibility
correct administration of mandibular block anes- to rehearse their skills, even without supervision by
thesia. Therefore, the mandibular bone of the model a staff member, before they perform a real injection.
includes the bilateral ramus, mandibular foramen, This may have positive effects on the administration
coronoid process, mandibular notch, coronoid notch, of local anesthetics by dental students and may help
and sigmoid notch (Figure 2). The soft tissue of the to prepare them for the demands of general practice.
model includes the bilateral mucobuccal fold, ptery-
gomandibular raphe, pterygomandibular depression, Acknowledgments
and mandibular sulcus (Figure 1). Furthermore, the The authors thank the Faculty of Odotology,
bilateral coronoid notch and the posterior border of Malmö University in Sweden; Cecilia Christersson,
the ramus are palpable under the soft tissue similar Head of the Department of Dental Technology and
to a real mouth (Figures 2 and 3). Material Science, for her professional and expertise
In our study using this improved training contribution; and Lars Eriksson, Head of the Depart-
model, the dental students were very positive about ment of Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine, for his kind
the anatomy and landmarks of the training model and critical supervision regarding the anatomical
for mandibular block anesthesia (Tables 1 and 2). improvement of the model. The authors also thank
Using these landmarks, 85 percent of the students Maziar Mir, Department of Conservative Dentistry,
performed the injection correctly, according to the Periodontology, and Preventive Dentistry, Aachen
opinion of the observers. This suggests that practice University, Germany for his critical role in the start-
with this model may be a useful preparation for the up of the study, and Afsaneh Shahrokhi Rad, Dental
first injection of a dental student in a human. Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sci-
Many dental students have suggested the in- ences, Iran for her professional contributions.
troduction of preclinical models for local anesthesia
Note: The entrance of the mandibular canal (at the inner site of the ramus) is situated in a horizontal line behind the deepest point of the
anterior aspect of the ramus, exactly halfway the anterior-posterior distance.
Figure 3. Example of administration of mandibular block anesthesia in the model with approach from the contralateral
premolar region
Note: The non-dominant hand is used to retract the buccal soft tissue (thumb in coronoid notch of the mandible; depth of injection