Budding Scientist: Technology and Innovation
Budding Scientist: Technology and Innovation
Budding Scientist: Technology and Innovation
Learning objectives: pupils will be able to get some of the key words and vocabularies used
in the text.
Interactive/interpretive the teacher interacts with his pupils through questions and
Teaching Aids: text book
Extra resources:
Task 02: Put the verbs between brackets -To give pupils
in the sentence of column 'A' into the additional
right tense. Then match each sentence chances to
with its function in column 'B'. practise the
Key :
A: Sentences B: Functions
Competencies: reading and writing:pupils write a descriptive essay about the topic and
read and exchange their drafts
interactive:oral interaction by explaining how to write a descriptive essay “water “to make
pupils have an idea.
Interpretive:pupils will interpret the given ideas.
productive:pupils write a descriptive essay about the topic and read and exchange their
Teaching Aids: text book
Extra resources:pictures of different uses of water