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Internship Report Format & Guidelines & Marks Distribution

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Revised on 04 June 2018

Uttara University
School of Business
Internship Report Forr-nat & Guidelines

Section Explanation
CoverlTitle Page There are four things in the title page of the report such as,
intemship/report topic, name and affiliation of the supervisor, name
and department of the student, and date of submission with year.
The cover/title page should be given to know the title of the study
and other details of the study.
Inner Cover Inner cover page is identical to the cover page. It is basically the title
oase ofthe reoort.
Letter of Transmittal The purpose of this letter is to release or deliver the study report to
the supervisor for acceptance.This letter may be called as cover
letter explainine the assignment given by the supervisor.
Letter of Authorizatio n This letter is given by the faculty supervisor to authorize/allow the
student to do the internship/research proiect.
P r efu c e/A c k n ow I e dg e m e n t s In this section, the student should acknowledge the faculty
supervisor, corporate supervisor, manager or other persons from
whom s/he sot helo in accomplishins internship report.
Table of Contents The table of contents should list down chapter title and sub-title,
headinss and sub-headines.
List of Tables The list of tables includes the choronological list of tables with page
number (s) used in the report.
List of Figares The list of figures includes the choronological list of figures with
oage number (s) used in the report.
Executive Summary It is the summary of the study. Its length should not exceed two
pages. The main elements to be included in Executive Summary are:
Background, objectives and the specific purposes of
the study;
(ii) The major results of the study;
(iii) Conclusions that are interpretation of the results and
the reasons behind iU and
(iv) The recommendations that are based on findings and
should be specific.
Introduction Explain what this study is, why the internship was undertaken and
what the student tried to cover during his/her intemship. The study
backsround will also be included in this part.
Objectives of the Study Broad and specific objectives that are explained in this section.
Broad objective addresses the title/topic of the internship while
specific objectives explain the specific aspects of the internship
study or break down the broad obiectives into specific objectives.
Major dfficulties faced/ The difficulties students faced while doing internship. Limitations
Limitations include some potential areas where the study may fall short.


Rationale of the Study A rationale is the articulation of tne
and its importance to the student, organization, policym'akers,
other stakeholders.
Literature ru luls pan or rne report, student should describe and evaluate the
Review/Company ProJite organization/company where s/he worked as intern. It may include:
(Specify compan! profile t. History of the g,ompany
for internship): Organizationalstructure
Mission, vision and objective
Service/Product of the company
Market: national and/or international
vi. Performance over the years (at least 5 years, if the
organization is older than 5 years)
vii. Department where intern worked
Data Collection and
I lftls secuon may address the tbllowing areas:
J i. Data source & data collection-methods: Did the data come
I from primary or secondary sources? were results collected
Uy survey, observation, or experiment? A copy of the survey
I qrestionnaire or observation form should be included in the
I uppendix.

I ii Sample: wh_at was the target population? what sample units

were used? How were they selected? Detailed computations
(these explanations should be attached in the appendix).
iii. Fieldwork: what did the student observe or &pereince over
there? Was the work focused on the study topicf
iv. Analysis: This section should outline the qualitative
Findings & This section demonstrates objectin
Analysis/Internship the tables and graphs. At the end of the discussion, tt. student
Experience should discuss all the results that the student found and provide
explanation for their findings.
student should also provide the job description in this section.
The student is also required to provide a written assessment of the
student's work experience, indicating the type of work
accomplished, the work environment and how th. int"*rhin
related to the educational program ofthe student.
Conclusions & uoncruslons are the explanations of the important results and
Recommendations identification of the reasons behind it. Recommendations are
specific suggestions for actions.

References References are the names of the

documents used and referred to the renorf f APA cfr/le srroaaorarl\
Appendices Any marerlat1.f,at rs too technical or too detailed to go in the body of
the report but important qhould attachin the appendix.

zlv ise

{ i.) Cor er O"

:[T:i H;3:?liili' it,st g]

; (vi ii ) Li c,.;; ;' :le;;i#'
oi Ft
(vi ) rab e or contents; (vii )

kl#:J" "s i;j-

(a) Background & description of the
study topic
(b) Objectives of the study
ior difficulties fac"d / li-itutiom

(a) Brief description of the company

(b) Pescription.of internship work_related
lata description: Data s-ource & variables
!a] Data
(b) colleciion methods

Discussion o" tn
and work experience)

lil Sij::lil:'r Int*::::"::'."1y!!*, are

ror.irustrative purpose onty
ffi; reatity, there can morel, urrii|", ii{*'{iiZ,ii{r}

Conclusions & R

f ll,9:::,::l:i:plpJ
*"i on of imp orrant ourc om e(s)
Internship- rerated speciar noterir"co-ri;;;ir.r (These notes shourd
be related to overcomins the
lnternship n*p-.i"nce
(a) Experience related to work, workflow
and people
(b) Signifi cant pleasant andlor unpleurunt-i.r"ii"r.es met
company supervisor & colleagues with clients,
c). Work-internshin tonin tirt
^*^ t^*

(i) Punctuality
tllh::eicr.to rules, il";;;;;;s): (iii) Moriverinn rn ,^^*.
fr #hi*:U;,,ffi i:*l1Ttr
minimum supervision)
REPORT TOTAL (marksfrom thefaculty
supervisor on Report)
Marks Allocated
Quality of Mrltimedia SIide,
Presentation Sfvle - tr*.^* qvo, D
uvvJ L rBuage, elc.

Verbal Expression - cfi* f\/^i^^ o-^

rvrrqtuldllull, C[C.
Language-English -l

Contents of the pre 2

QualityofAnsffi 5
Ove 3

l J

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