Magic and Amal Bil Quraan, What Is It
Magic and Amal Bil Quraan, What Is It
Magic and Amal Bil Quraan, What Is It
What is it?
Talha bin Zahoorul Hasan
بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم العزيز الجبار المتكبر اعيذك بكلمته عورمن الخ
الحمد هلل االكرم الذي خلق االنسان و كرم و علمه من البيان مالم يعلم و الصلوة و السالم
على رسوله المكرم و على اله و اصحبه اما بعد
Or the servant of the angel Dardaeel may give you signs or in rare
cases to put numbers in the table, to either cure or bind the magic.
You may find Nuqush which are circular or triangular or with
diagonal markings, pentagrams etc.. This, they infer from the magic
of the magicians and try to bind the magic with, which I declare is
haram. It only should be done if you have no other choice. The
angels will give you something which is better to fight the magic
In Conclusion
If you have any doubts regarding what I have said do Istikharah or
contact me at:
[email protected]