E 161 - 96 - Rte2ms05ng

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Designation: E 161 – 96 An American National Standard
100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM

Standard Specification for

Precision Electroformed Sieves1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 161; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3. Ordering Information

1.1 This specification covers the requirements for design 3.1 Orders for items under this specification include the
and construction of electroformed sieves. These sieves are used following information as necessary:
to perform particle-size distribution analysis and in preparing 3.1.1 Name of material (Electroformed Sieve),
narrowly designated particle-size fractions. They may also be 3.1.2 ASTM designation and year of issue (ASTM
used as reference standards when suitably calibrated. A method E 161 – XX),
of calibrating these sieves is included in the Annex. 3.1.3 Quantity of each item, and
NOTE 1—Complete instructions and procedures on the use and calibra-
3.1.4 Standard sieve designation (Table 1, Column 1).
tion of testing sieves are contained in ASTM Special Technical Publica- 3.1.5 For testing sieves in standard circular frames:
tion STP447B2. This publication also contains a list of all published Nominal sieve frame diameter, and
ASTM Standards on sieve analysis procedures for specific materials or Nominal sieve frame height.
industries. 3.1.6 For sieve cloth not in frames or in non-standard
1.2 The sieve analysis results from two testing sieves of the frames:
same sieve designation may not be the same because of the Lateral dimension of sieve mesh, and
variances in sieve opening permitted by this specification. To Description of non-standard frame.
minimize the differences in sieve analysis results, the use of 3.1.7 For sieves requiring supporting grid:
testing sieves matched on a performance basis is suggested. Support grid desired, Support grid mounted up or down, and
NOTE 2—For other types of sieves, see Specifications E 11 and E 323. 3.1.8 Compatible sieve pans and covers.
1.3 The values stated in SI units shall be considered
standard for the dimensions of the electroformed mesh open- 4. Sieve Sheet Requirements
ings and the size of the wires in the electroformed mesh. The 4.1 The material used in the manufacture of the sieve sheet
values stated in inch units shall be considered standard with shall be nickel or a metal suitable for electrodeposition in a
regard to the sieve frames. firm crystalline structure. The sheet shall have square or round
openings with straight uniform sides and smooth, flat surfaces
2. Referenced Documents except for a slight bevel along the edges of the openings. The
2.1 ASTM Standards: thickness of the sheet (exclusive of the supporting grid, see
C 430 Test Method for Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by 4.2), is governed by the method of manufacture, the size of the
the No. 325 (45µ m) Sieve3 openings and the width of material between openings, but in no
E 11 Specification for Wire-Cloth Sieves for Testing Pur- case shall the thickness of material between the openings be
poses4 less than 10 µm (0.0004 in.).
E 323 Specification for Perforated-Plate Sieves for Testing 4.2 If a supporting grid is required for durability, the sieve
Purposes4 sheet shall be mounted to the supporting metal grid in such a
2.2 ISO Standard: manner that the sheet is firmly bonded to the grid. The
ISO 565 Test sieves—Metal wire cloth, perforated plate and supporting grid shall be of suitable thickness and strand width
electroformed sheet-nominal aperture sizes5 to provide adequate support to the sheet. The sheet shall be
mounted on the supporting grid with the openings running in
the same direction as those of the supporting grid.
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-29 on
Particle and Spray Characterization and is the direct responsibility of subcommittee
4.3 The finished and mounted sieve sheet from which the
E29.01 on Sieves, Sieving Methods and Screening Media. sieves are constructed, shall conform to the requirements for
Current edition approved Dec. 10, 1996. Published January 1997. Originally opening size and spacing as outlined in Table 1. Extraneous
published as E 161 – 60. Last previous edition E 161 – 87 (1992). metal formed in or near the corners which does not restrict the
ASTM STP 447B, Manual on Test Sieving Methods, Available from ASTM,
100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
passage of a spheroidal particle shall be disregarded. The mean
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 4.01. dimension of these openings as defined in Table 1 establishes

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02. the designated size of the sieve.
International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.

E 161
TABLE 1 Nominal Dimensions, Permissible Variations and Limits 5.1.1 The sieve sheet shall be mounted on the frame without
for Precision Electroformed Sieves distortion, looseness, or waviness.
Tolerance Limits, Limits, 5.1.2 To prevent the material being sieved from catching in
Nominal Openings per Openings per
on Sieve the joint between the sieve sheet and the frame, the joint shall
Opening Size, Linear cmB Linear in.
A Openings,
6 µm be filled smoothly or constructed so that the material will not
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
be trapped.
500 2.0 15.35 16.14 39 41
425 2.0 17.32 18.11 44 46
5.2 Standard Circular Frames—Sieve frames shall be cir-
355 2.0 19.29 20.87 49 53 cular, of seamless construction, with nominal diameters of 3,
300 2.0 22.83 24.41 58 62 3.94, 7.87, 8, 12 in. (76.2, 100, 200, 203.2, 304.8 mm) as may
250 2.0 25.20 26.77 64 68
212 2.0 31.89 33.46 81 85
be specified. The dimensions shall conform to the requirements
180 2.0 35.04 36.61 89 93 in Table 2.
150 2.0 41.34 46.06 105 117 5.2.1 The bottom of the frames shall be constructed so as to
125 2.0 46.06 51.18 117 130
106 2.0 47.24 59.06 120 150 provide an easy sliding fit with any sieve frames of the same
90 2.0 55.12 78.74 140 200 nominal diameter conforming to the specified dimensions.
75 2.0 59.06 78.74 150 200 5.2.2 The joint or fillet at the connection of the sieve sheet
63 2.0 66.93 98.43 170 250
53 2.0 78.74 110.24 200 280 to the frames will provide a minimum clear sieving surface
45 2.0 90.55 118.11 230 300 with a diameter equal to the nominal diameter less 0.5 in. (13
38 2.0 98.43 137.80 250 350 mm).
32 2.0 110.24 157.48 280 400
25 2.0 118.11C 196.85C 300C 500C 5.3 Non-Standard Frames—Other sieve frames may be
20 2.0 157.48C 295.28C 400C 750C either square, rectangular, or circular.
15 2.0 157.48C 295.28C 400C 750C 5.3.1 The frame may have the sieve sheet permanently
10 2.0 196.85C 393.70C 500C 1000C
5 2.0 196.85C 590.55C 500C 1500C installed or may be designed to permit replacement.
These nominal size openings are from the preferred number series R40/3 and NOTE 4—Refer to Test Method C 430, which contains requirements for
R10 (Openings on apertures 32 µm and less are series R10.) These standard 3-in. (76.2-mm) diameter by 3-in. (76.2-mm) high sieves used in the
designations correspond to the values for test sieve apertures recommended by
mineral industries, especially the cement group.
the International Standards Organization, Geneva, Switzerland in ISO/565. Other
opening sizes are not precluded.
5.3.2 The provisions of 5.1 apply, except that the frames
These limits permit at least two adjacent sieves to be formed with the same
number of openings per cm. The percent open area must in no case be so great
may also be made of other materials.
that the width of metal between openings is less than 18 µm.
C NOTE 5—Exercise care to prevent loss of material when using non-
Because of their greater durability in routine testing, sieves made close to the
minimum limit are normally supplied. Sieves made close to the maximum limit may standard sieve frames.
be obtained only on special order but are preferable from the standpoint of logical 5.4 Pans and Covers—Pans and covers for use with sieves
progression and better test completion time.
shall be made so as to nest with the sieves. Pans with extended
NOTE 3—In instances where a support grid is required for durability, rims (stacking skirts) shall be furnished when specified. The
opening sizes smaller than the allowable tolerances will be observed. This pans and covers shall conform to the dimensions in Table 2.
occurs where the support grid overlaps the sieve openings in such a way
as to either block a portion of the opening or to create several smaller 6. Product Marking
openings. This is an unavoidable situation and has been determined to 6.1 Each sieve shall bear a label marked with the following
have little measureable effect on the sieving open area or sieve perfor- information:
6.1.1 This ASTM designation,
4.3.1 There shall be no punctures, missing or deformed 6.1.2 The nominal size of the openings in micrometers,
areas, or other obvious defects in the sieve sheet. 6.1.3 The mean size in µm, and
5. Test Sieve Frames 6.1.4 The name of the manufacturer or the responsible
5.1 General Requirements—Frames for precision electro-
formed sieves shall be made from non-corrosive material such 7. Keywords
as brass or stainless steel, and constructed in such a manner as 7.1 opening; particle size; sieve; sieve analysis; sieve sheet;
to be rigid. sieve designation; test sieve
TABLE 2 Dimensions of Standard Circular Frames
Proposed Revision Mean Diameter Comments Typical FrameA
Current Nominal Diameter, In.
Inside at Top C
Outside on Skirt Nominal HeightB

3 3.000 in. + 0.030/−0.000 3.000 in. + 0.000/−0.030 1 in. (25.4 mm)

(76.20 mm + 0.76/−0.00) (76.20 mm + 0.00/−0.76)
8 8.000 in. + 0.030/−0.000 8.000 in. + 0.000/−0.030 2 in. (50.8 mm) FHD
(203.20 mm + 0.76/−0.00) (203.20 mm + 0.00/−0.76) 1 in. (25.4 mm) HHE
12 12.00 in. + 0.030/−0.000 12.00 in. + 0.000/−0.030 2 in. (50.8 mm) FH
(304.80 mm + 0.76/−0.00) (304.80 mm + 0.00/−0.76)
Other frame heights are not precluded.
Distance from the top of the frame to the sieve cloth surface.
Measured 0.2 in. (5 mm) below the top of the frame.
FH 5 Full height.
HH 5 Half height.

E 161


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 The unique manner of forming the sieve sheet makes would have been measured except for the presence of spurs or
it easier and more precise to measure the openings rather than bulges are noted. It is recommended that these measurements
the nominal width of metal between adjacent openings as is be made in at least 20 fields chosen at random over the area of
frequently done in the case of wire-cloth sieves. In some cases, the sieve. At least five actual measurements shall be made in
electrodeposition produces small spurs or bulges of metal each field. Half of the openings shall be measured in one
which project several µm into the open area in the plane of the direction and half in the other.
sheet, thereby restricting the passage of spheroidal particles A1.2.4 Sieves with openings less than 25 µm in size shall be
which would go through a normally perfect opening. measured with the microscope fitted with the 403 objective.
A1.2 Scan the entire area with a wide-angle binocular A1.2.5 It is necessary to attain considerable experience in
microscope having a magnifying power of approximately 503 the use of the equipment and in making measurements before
to determine if the sheet conforms to the specifications given in the desired accuracy is attained. Therefore, it is recommended
4.3, and if the edges between the sheet and frame are sealed that several operators measure a sieve several times in order to
completely. detect personal variations.
A1.2.1 Most microscopes will accommodate the 76.2-mm
(3-in.) sieve on the existing stage without modifications. A A1.3 If suitable standard materials having spheroidal par-
microscope fitted with a 203 or 403 objective and a filar ticles in a known size distribution are available, they may be
micrometer eyepiece of 10 or 12.5 power is sufficient for most used as a standard for calibrating sieves. Values from such
of the sieves. calibrations are not as accurate as those obtained from micro-
A1.2.2 Measurements must be sensitive to 0.5 µm. Bottom scopic measurements but will serve as an approximation of the
illumination of preferably monochromatic light with essen- conformance to specifications. Periodic tests on such material
tially parallel rays is necessary. It is also a distinct advantage to will serve to detect the presence of broken meshes that might
have vertical illumination through the objective. The magnifi- not be observed by microscopical scanning. Calibrated glass
cation of the apparatus, and filar micrometer if used, is sphere reference materials may be obtained from the U.S.
determined by means of a calibrated-stage micrometre certified Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and
to 60.5 µm for the 0.01 mm scale divisions and not greater Technology (NIST), Standard Reference Materials (SRM)
than6 0.5 µm accumulated error for the complete scale. Program, Building 202, Room 204, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-
A1.2.3 Calibration is accomplished by focusing the micro- 0001; Att: SRM Sales Office. Currently, five glass sphere
scope at the narrowest point of the open area, aligning the cross SRMs are available from the NIST SRM Program. They are:
hair of the micrometre with the edges of the opening, and SRM 1003b which consists of glass spheres with diameters
measuring across the opening to the opposite edge. By turning ranging from 10 to 60 µm; SRM 1004a glass spheres with
the micrometre in only one direction any instrument backlash diameters ranging from 40 to 170 µm; SRM 1017b glass
is avoided. Only openings with straight sides (no spurs or spheres with diameters ranging from 100 to 400 µm; SRM
bulges projecting more than 1 µm into the opening from the 1019a glass spheres with diameters ranging from 760 to 2160
center portion of the side) are measured. The number of µm. Detailed instructions for use are provided in the certificate
openings actually measured and the number of openings that which accompanies each SRM unit.


A2.1 Particles can be removed from metal framed precision to clean the sieve sheet.
electroformed sieves with the aid of an ultrasonic bath of mild
detergent and distilled water or any other chemical recom- A2.2 If the sieve sheet is broken, it can be repaired by
mended by sieve manufacturer. The sieve shall be placed in the applying epoxy cement with the point of a fine needle or
vertical position. 150 watts maximum ultrasonic energy shall applying small spheres of metal solder with a pencil-point iron.
be used for not more than 15 s at a time to prevent cavitation In both procedures a low power (10 to 503) binocular
damage to the sieve sheet. Remove the sieve, flush with microscope is a necessary aid.
distilled water, and dry. Do not use a brush or pressurized air

E 161
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.

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