CH 09
CH 09
CH 09
Engineering collage
Solubility Limit
(a) We are asked to determine how much sugar will dissolve in 1000 g of water at 90°C. From the solubility
limit curve in Figure 9.1, at 90°C the maximum concentration of sugar in the syrup is about 77 wt%. It is now possible
to calculate the mass of sugar using Equation 4.3 as
Csugar (wt%) = ´ 100
msugar + mwater
77 wt% = ´ 100
msugar + 1500 g
(b) Again using this same plot, at 20°C the solubility limit (or the concentration of the saturated solution) is
about 64 wt% sugar.
(c) The mass of sugar in this saturated solution at 20°C (m' sugar ) may also be calculated using Equation
4.3 as follows:
m' sugar
64 wt% = ´ 100
m' sugar + 1500 g
which yields a value for m'sugar of 2667 g. Subtracting the latter from the former of these sugar concentrations
yields the amount of sugar that precipitated out of the solution upon cooling m"sugar ; that is
(a) From Figure 9.7, the maximum solubility of Cu in Ag at 500°C corresponds to the position of the b–(a +
b) phase boundary at this temperature, or to about 2 wt% Cu.
(b) From this same figure, the maximum solubility of Ag in Cu corresponds to the position of the a–(a + b)
phase boundary at this temperature, or about 1.5 wt% Ag.
Three variables that determine the microstructure of an alloy are (1) the alloying elements present, (2) the
concentrations of these alloying elements, and (3) the heat treatment of the alloy.
Phase Equilibria
9.4 What thermodynamic condition must be met for a state of equilibrium to exist?
In order for a system to exist in a state of equilibrium the free energy must be a minimum for some specified
combination of temperature, pressure, and composition.
One-Component (or Unary) Phase Diagrams
9.5 Consider a specimen of ice that is at 210°C and 1 atm pressure. Using Figure 9.2, the pressure–
temperature phase diagram for H2O, determine the pressure to which the specimen must be raised or lowered to
cause it (a) to melt, and (b) to sublime.
The figure below shows the pressure-temperature phase diagram for H2 2 ) LJ XUH D YHUW
LFDOOine has
been constructed at -10°C, and the location on this line at 1 atm pressure (point B) is also noted.
(a) Melting occurs, (by changing pressure) as, moving vertically (upward) at this temperature, we cross the
Ice-Liquid phase boundary. This ocFXUVDWDSSUR[LP DW
from 1 to 570 atm.
(b) In order to determine the pressure at which sublimation occurs at this temperature, we move vertically
downward from 1 atm until we cross the Ice-Vap or phase boundary. This intersection occurs at approximately 0.0023
9.6 At a pressure of 0.01 atm, determine (a) the melting temperature for ice, and (b) the boiling
temperature for water.
The melting temperature for ice and the boiling temperature for water at a pressure of 0.01 atm may be
determined from the pressure-W
line has been constructed across this diagram at a pressure of 0.01 atm.
The melting and boiling temperatures for ice at a pressure of 0.01 atm may be determined by moving horizontally
across the pressure-temperature diagram at this pressure. The temperature corresponding to the intersection of the
Ice-Liquid phase boundary is the melting temperature, which is approximately 1°C. On the other hand, the boiling
temperature is at the intersection of the horizontal line with the Liquid-Vapor phase boundary--approximately 16°C.
Binary Isomorphous Systems
9.7 Given here are the solidus and liquidus temperatures for the germanium-silicon system. Construct the
phase diagram for this system and label each region.
9.8 Cite the phases that are present and the phase compositions for the following alloys:
(a) 90 wt% Zn-10 wt% Cu at 400°C (750°F)
(b) 75 wt% Sn-25 wt% Pb at 175°C (345°F)
(c) 55 wt% Ag-45 wt% Cu at 900°C (1650°F)
(d) 30 wt% Pb-70 wt% Mg at 425°C (795°F)
(e) 2.12 kg Zn and 1.88 kg Cu at 500°C (930°F)
(f) 37 lb m Pb and 6.5 lb m Mg at 400°C (750°F)
(g) 8.2 mol Ni and 4.3 mol Cu at 1250°C (2280°F)
(h) 4.5 mol Sn and 0.45 mol Pb at 200°C (390°F)
This problem asks that we cite the phase or phases present for several alloys at specified temperatures.
(a) That portion of the Cu-=Q SKDVHGLDJ UDP ) LJ XUH W
point labeled “A” represents the 90 wt% Zn-10 wt% Cu composition at 400°C.
As may be noted, point A lies within the e and h phase field. A tie line has been constructed at 400°C; its
intersection with the e-e + h phase boundary is at 87 wt% Zn, which corresponds to the composition of the e phase.
Similarly, the tie-line intersection with the e + h-h phase boundary occurs at 97 wt% Zn, which is the composition of
the h phase. Thus, the phase compositions are as follows:
Ce = 87 wt% Zn-13 wt% Cu
Ch = 97 wt% Zn-3 wt% Cu
As may be noted, point B lies within the a + b phase field. A tie line has been constructed at 175°C; its intersection
with the a-a + b phase boundary is at 16 wt% Sn, which corresponds to the composition of the a phase. Similarly,
the tie-line intersection with the a + b-b phase boundary occurs at 97 wt% Sn, which is the composition of the
b phase. Thus, the phase compositions are as follows:
Ca = 16 wt% Sn-84 wt% Pb
Cb = 97 wt% Sn-3 wt% Pb
(e) For an alloy composed of 2.12 kg Zn and 1.88 kg Cu and at 500°C, we must first determine the Zn and Cu
concentrations, as
2.12 kg
C Zn = ´ 100 = 53 wt%
2.12 kg + 1.88 kg
1.88 kg
CCu = ´ 100 = 47 wt%
2.12 kg + 1.88 kg
(f) For an alloy composed of 37 lb m Pb and 6.5 lb m Mg and at 400°C, we must first determine the Pb and Mg
concentrations, as
37 lb m
CPb = ´ 100 = 85 wt%
37 lb m + 6.5 lb m
6.5 lb m
CMg = ´ 100 = 15 wt%
37 lb m + 6.5 lb m
(g) For an alloy composed of 8.2 mol Ni and 4.3 mol Cu and at 1250°C, it is first necessary to determine the
Ni and Cu concentrations, which we will do in wt% as follows:
' =n
nCu m Cu ACu = (4.3 mol)(63.55 g/mol)= 273.3 g
481.3 g
CNi = ´ 100 = 63.8 wt%
481.3 g + 273.3 g
273.3 g
CCu = ´ 100 = 36.2 wt%
481.3 g + 273.3 g
The Cu-Ni phase diagram (Figure 9.3a) is shown below; the point labeled “G” represents the 63.8 wt% Ni-36.2 wt%
Cu composition at 1250°C.
As may be noted, point G lies within the a phase field. Therefore, only the a phase is present; its composition is
63.8 wt% Ni-36.2 wt% Cu.
(h) For an alloy composed of 4.5 mol Sn and 0.45 mol Pb and at 200°C, it is first necessary to determine the
Sn and Pb concentrations, which we will do in weight percent as follows:
' =n
nPb m Pb APb = (0.45 mol)(207.2 g/mol)= 93.2 g
534.2 g
CSn = ´ 100 = 85.1 wt%
534.2 g + 93.2 g
93.2 g
CPb = ´ 100 = 14.9 wt%
534.2 g + 93.2 g
It is not possible to have a Cu-Ni alloy, which at equilibrium, consists of a liquid phase of composition 20
wt% Ni-80 wt% Cu and an a phase of composition 37 wt% Ni-63 wt% Cu. From Figure 9.3a, a single tie line does not
exist within the a + L region that intersects the phase boundaries at the given compositions. At 20 wt% Ni, the L-(a
+ L) phase boundary is at about 1200°C, whereas at 37 wt% Ni the (L + a)-a phase boundary is at about 1230°C.
9.10 Is it possible to have a copper-zinc alloy that, at equilibrium, consists of an e phase of composition
80 wt% Zn-20 wt% Cu, and also a liquid phase of composition 95 wt% Zn-5 wt% Cu? If so, what will be the
approximate temperature of the alloy? If this is not possible, explain why.
It is not possible to have a Cu-Zn alloy, which at equilibrium consists of an e phase of composition 80 wt%
Zn-20 wt% Cu and also a liquid phase of composition 95 wt% Zn-5 wt% Cu. From Figure 9.19 a single tie line does
not exist within the e + L region which intersects the phase boundaries at the given compositions. At 80 wt% Zn, the
e-(e + L) phase boundary is at about 575°C, whereas at 95 wt% Zn the (e + L)-L phase boundary is at about 490°C.
9.11 A copper-nickel alloy of composition 70 wt% Ni-30 wt% Cu is slowly heated from a temperature of
1300°C (2370°F).
(a) At what temperature does the first liquid phase form?
(b) What is the composition of this liquid phase?
(c) At what temperature does complete melting of the alloy occur?
(d) What is the composition of the last solid remaining prior to complete melting?
Shown below is the Cu-Ni phase diagram (Figure 9.3a ) and a vertical line constructed at a composition of 70
wt% Ni-30 wt% Cu.
(a) Upon heating from 1300°C, the first liquid phase forms at the temperature at which this vertical line
intersects the a-(a + L) phase boundary--i.e., about 1345°C.
(b) The composition of this liquid phase corresponds to the intersection with the (a + L)-L phase boundary,
of a tie line constructed across the a + L phase region at 1345°C--LH ZW 1 L
(c) Complete melting of the alloy occurs at the intersection of this same vertical line at 70 wt% Ni with the (a
+ L)-L phase boundary--i.e., about 1380°C;
(d) The composition of the last solid remaining prior to complete melting corresponds to the intersection
with a-(a + L) phase boundary, of the tie line constructed across the a + L phase region at 1380°C--i.e., about 79 wt%
9.12 A 50 wt% Pb-50 wt% Mg alloy is slowly cooled from 700°C (1290°F) to 400°C (750°F).
(a) At what temperature does the first solid phase form?
(b) What is the composition of this solid phase?
(c) At what temperature does the liquid solidify?
(d) What is the composition of this last remaining liquid phase?
Shown below is the Mg-Pb phase diagram (Figure 9.20) and a vertical line constructed at a composition of 50
wt% Pb-50 wt% Mg.
(a) Upon cooling from 700°C, the first solid phase forms at the temperature at which a vertical line at this
composition intersects the L-(a + L) phase boundary--i.e., about 560°C;
(b) The composition of this solid phase corresponds to the intersection with the a-(a + L) phase boundary,
of a tie line constructed across the a + L phase region at 560°C--i.e., 21 wt% Pb- ZW 0 J
(c) Complete solidification of the alloy occurs at the intersection of this same vertical line at 50 wt% Pb with
the eutectic isotherm--i.e., about 465°C;
(d) The composition of the last liquid phase remaining prior to complete solidification corresponds to the
eutectic composition--i.e., about 67 wt% Pb-33 wt% Mg.
9.13 For an alloy of composition 74 wt% Zn-26 wt% Cu, cite the phases present and their compositions at
the following temperatures: 850°C, 750°C, 680°C, 600°C, and 500°C.
This problem asks us to determine the phases present and their concentrations at several temperatures, for
an alloy of composition 74 wt% Zn-26 wt% Cu. Fro m Figure 9.19 (the Cu-Zn phase diagram), which is shown below
with a vertical line constructed at the specified composition:
This problem asks that we determine the phase mass fractions for the alloys and temperatures in Problem
(a) From Problem 9.8a, e and h phases are present for a 90 wt% Zn-10 wt% Cu alloy at 400°C, as represented
in the portion of the Cu-Zn phase diagram shown below (at point A).
Furthermore, the compositions of the phases, as determined from the tie line are
Ce = 87 wt% Zn-13 wt% Cu
Ch = 97 wt% Zn-3 wt% Cu
Inasmuch as the composition of the alloy C0 = 90 wt% Zn, application of the appropriate lever rule expressions (for
Ch - C0 97 - 90
We = = = 0.70
C h - Ce 97 - 87
C 0 - Ce 90 - 87
Wh = = = 0.30
C h - Ce 97 - 87
(b) From Problem 9.8b, a and b phases are present for a 75 wt% Sn-25 wt% Pb alloy at 175°C, as represented
in the portion of the Pb-Sn phase diagram shown below (at point B).
Furthermore, the compositions of the phases, as determined from the tie line are
Ca = 16 wt% Sn-84 wt% Pb
Cb = 97 wt% Sn-3 wt% Pb
Inasmuch as the composition of the alloy C0 = 75 wt% Sn, application of the appropriate lever rule expressions (for
Cb - C 0 97 - 75
Wa = = = 0.27
Cb - Ca 97 - 16
C 0 - Ca 75 - 16
Wb = = = 0.73
Cb - Ca 97 - 16
(c) From Problem 9.8c, just the liquid phase is present for a 55 wt% Ag-45 wt% Cu alloy at 900°C, as may be
noted in the Ag-Cu phase diagram shown below (at point C)—i.e., WL = 1.0
(d) From Problem 9.8d, just the a phase is present for a 30 wt% Pb-70 wt% Mg alloy at 425°C, as may be
noted in the Mg-Pb phase diagram shown below (at point D)—i.e., Wa = 1.0
(e) From Problem 9.8e, b and g phases are present for an alloy composed of 2.12 kg Zn and 1.88 kg Cu (i.e., of
composition 53 wt% Zn-47 wt% Cu ) at 500°C. This is represented in the portion of the Cu-Zn phase diagram shown
below (at point E).
Furthermore, the compositions of the phases, as determined from the tie line are
Cb = 49 wt% Zn-51 wt% Cu
Cg = 58 wt% Zn-42 wt% Cu
Inasmuch as the composition of the alloy C0 = 53 wt% Zn and application of the appropriate lever rule expressions
Cg - C0 58 - 53
Wb = = = 0.56
C g - Cb 58 - 49
C 0 - Cb 53 - 49
Wg = = = 0.44
C g - Cb 58 - 49
(f) From Problem 9.8f, L and Mg 2 Pb phases are present for an alloy composed of 37 lb m Pb and 6.5 lb m Mg
(85 wt% Pb-15 wt% Mg ) at 400°C. This is represented in the portion of the Pb-Mg phase diagram shown below (at
point F).
Furthermore, the compositions of the phases, as determined from the tie line are
C = 81 wt% Pb-19 wt% Mg
M g2 Pb
CL = 93 wt% Pb-7 wt% Mg
Inasmuch as the composition of the alloy C0 = 85 wt% Pb and application of the appropriate lever rule expressions
CL - C0 93 - 85
WMg 2Pb = = = 0.67
C L - CMg 2Pb 93 - 81
C 0 - CMg 2Pb 85 - 81
WL = = = 0.33
C L - CMg 2Pb 93 - 81
(g) From Problem 9.8g, just the a phase is present (i.e., Wa = 1.0) for an alloy composed of 8.2 mol Ni and 4.3
mol Cu (i.e., 63.8 wt% Ni-36.2 wt% Cu) at 1250°C; such may be noted (as point G) in the Cu-Ni phase diagram shown
(h) From Problem 9.8h, b and L phases are present for an alloy composed of 4.5 mol Sn and 0.45 mol Pb (85.1
wt% Sn-14.9 wt% Pb ) and at 200°C. This is represented in the portion of the Pb-Sn phase diagram shown below (at
point H).
Furthermore, the compositions of the phases, as determined from the tie line are
Cb = 97.5 wt% Sn-2.5 wt% Pb
CL = 74 wt% Sn-26 wt% Pb
Inasmuch as the composition of the alloy C0 = 85.1 wt% Sn, application of the appropriate lever rule expressions (for
C0 - CL 85.1 - 74
Wb = = = 0.47
Cb - C L 97.5 - 74
Cb - C 0 97.5 - 85.1
WL = = = 0.53
Cb - C L 97.5 - 74
9.15 A 1.5-kg specimen of a 90 wt% Pb– 10 wt% Sn alloy is heated to 250°C (480°F); at this temperature
it is entirely an a-phase solid solution (Figure 9.8). The alloy is to be melted to the extent that 50% of the
specimen is liquid, the remainder being the a phase. This may be accomplished either by heating the alloy or
changing its composition while holding the temperature constant.
(a) To what temperature must the specimen be heated?
(b) How much tin must be added to the 1.5-kg specimen at 250°C to achieve this state?
(a) Probably the easiest way to solve this part of the problem is by trial and error--that is, on the Pb-Sn
phase diagram (Figure 9.8), moving vertically at the given composition, through the a + L region until the tie-line
lengths on both sides of the given composition are the same. This occurs at approximately 295°C (560°F).
(b) We can also produce a 50% liquid solution at 250°C, by adding Sn to the alloy. At 250°C and within the
a + L phase region
CL - C0 34 - C 0
Wa = 0.5 = =
C L - Ca 34 - 14
And solving for C0 gives 24 wt% Sn. Now, let mSn be the mass of Sn added to the alloy to achieve this new
é 0.15 kg + mSn ù
ê ú ´ 100 = 24
ë 1.5 kg + mSn û
And, solving for mSn (the mass of tin to be added), yields mSn = 0.276 kg.
9.16 A magnesium-lead alloy of mass 5.5 kg consists of a solid α phase that has a composition that is just
slightly below the solubility limit at 200°C (390°F).
(a) What mass of lead is in the alloy?
(b) If the alloy is heated to 350°C (660°F), how much more lead may be dissolved in the α phase without
exceeding the solubility limit of this phase?
(a) This portion of the problem asks that we calculate, for a Pb-Mg alloy, the mass of lead in 5.5 kg of the
solid a phase at 200°C just below the solubility limit. From Figure 9.20, the solubility limit for the a phase at 200°C
corresponds to the position (composition) of the a-a + Mg 2Pb phase boundary at this temperature, which is about 5
wt% Pb. Therefore, the mass of Pb in the alloy is just (0.05)(5.5 kg) = 0.28 kg.
(b) At 350°C, the solubility limit of the a phase increases to approximately 25 wt% Pb. In order to determine
the additional amount of Pb that may be added (mPb), we utilize a modified form of Equation 4.3 as
0.28 kg + mPb
CPb = 25 wt% = ´ 100
5.5 kg + mPb
(a) In order to determine the temperature of a 90 wt% Ag-10 wt% Cu alloy for which b and liquid phases are
present with the liquid phase of composition 85 wt% Ag, we need to construct a tie line across the b + L phase region
of Figure 9.7 that LQW
(b) The composition of the b phase at this temperature is determined from the intersection of this same tie
line with solidus line, which corresponds to about 95 wt% Ag.
(c) The mass fractions of the two phases are determined using the lever rule, Equations 9.1 and 9.2 with C0
= 90 wt% Ag, CL = 85 wt% Ag, and Cb = 95 wt% Ag, as
C0 - CL 90 - 85
Wb = = = 0.50
Cb - C L 95 - 85
Cb - C 0 95 - 90
WL = = = 0.50
Cb - C L 95 - 85
9.18 A 30 wt% Sn-70 wt% Pb alloy is heated to a temperature within the a + liquid phase region. If the
mass fraction of each phase is 0.5, estimate:
(a) The temperature of the alloy
(b) The compositions of the two phases
(a) We are given that the mass fractions of a and liquid phases are both 0.5 for a 30 wt% Sn-70 wt% Pb alloy
and asked to estimate the temperature of the alloy. Using the appropriate phase diagram, Figure 9.8, by trial and error
with a ruler, a tie line within the a + L phase region that is divided in half for an alloy of this composition exists at
about 230°C.
(b) We are now asked to determine the compositions of the two phases. This is accomplished by noting the
intersections of this tie line with both the solidus and liquidus lines. From these intersections, Ca = 15 wt% Sn, and
CL = 43 wt% Sn.
9.19 For alloys of two hypothetical metals A and B, there exist an α, A-rich phase and a β, B-rich phase.
From the mass fractions of both phases for two different alloys provided in the table below, (which are at the same
temperature), determine the composition of the phase boundary (or solubility limit) for both α and β phases at this
The problem is to solve for compositions at the phase boundaries for both a and b phases (i.e., Ca and Cb ).
We may set up two independent lever rule expressions, one for each composition, in terms of Ca and Cb as follows:
Cb - C 01 Cb - 60
Wa 1 = 0.57 = =
Cb - Ca Cb - Ca
Cb - C 02 Cb - 30
Wa 2 = 0.14 = =
Cb - Ca Cb - Ca
In these expressions, compositions are given in wt% of A. Solving for Ca and Cb from these equations, yield
For this problem, we are asked to determine the composition of the b phase given that
Wa = Wb = 0.5
Cb - C 0 90 - 55
Wa = 0.5 = =
Cb - Ca 90 - Ca
It is not possible to have a Cu-Ag alloy of composition 50 wt% Ag-50 wt% Cu which consists of mass
fractions Wa = 0.60 and Wb = 0.40. Using the appropriate phase diagram, Figure 9.7, and, using Equations 9.1 and 9.2
let us determine Wa and Wb at just below the eutectic temperature and also at room temperature. At just below the
eutectic, Ca = 8.0 wt% Ag and Cb ZW $ J W
Cb - C0 91.2 - 50
Wa = = = 0.50
Cb - Ca 91.2 - 8
Cb - C 0 100 - 50
Wa = = = 0.50
Cb - Ca 100 - 0
And, Wb = 0.50. Thus, the mass fractions of the a and b phases, upon cooling through the a + b phase region will
remain approximately constant at about 0.5, and will never have values of Wa = 0.60 and Wb = 0.40 as called for in the
9.22 For 11.20 kg of a magnesium-lead alloy of composition 30 wt% Pb-70 wt% Mg, is it possible, at
equilibrium, to have α and Mg 2Pb phases having respective masses of 7.39 kg and 3.8 1 kg? If so, what will be the
approximate temperature of the alloy? If such an alloy is not possible, explain why.
Yes, it is possible to have a 30 wt% Pb-70 wt% Mg alloy which has masses of 7.39 kg and 3.81 kg for the a
and Mg 2 Pb phases, respectively. In order to demonstrate this, it is first necessary to determine the mass fraction of
ma 7.39 kg
Wa = = = 0.66
ma + mMg 2Pb 7.39 kg + 3.81 kg
CMg 2Pb - C 0
Wa =
CMg 2Pb - Ca
81 - 30
Wa = 0.66 =
81 - Ca
Solving for Ca from this expression yields Ca = 3.7 wt% Pb. The position along the a-(a + Mg 2 Pb) phase boundary
This portion of the problem asks that we derive Equation 9.6a, which is used to convert from phase weight
fraction to phase volume fraction. Volume fraction of phase a, Va , is defined by Equation 9.5 as
Va = (9.S1)
va + vb
where va and vb are the volumes of the respective phases in the alloy. Furthermore, the density of each phase is
va = (9.S2a)
vb = (9.S2b)
Va = (9.S3)
ma mb
ra rb
in which m's and r's denote masses and densities, respectively. Now, the mass fractions of the a and b phases (i.e.,
Wa and Wb ) are defined in terms of the phase masses as
Wa = (9.S4a)
ma + mb
Wb = (9.S4b)
ma + mb
mb = Wb (ma + mb ) (9.S5b)
Wa (ma + mb )
Va =
Wa (ma + mb ) Wb (ma + mb )
ra rb
Va = (9.S6)
Wa Wb
ra rb
For this portion of the problem we are asked to d erive Equation 9.7a, which is used to convert from phase
volume fraction to mass fraction. Mass fraction of the a phase is defined as
Wa = (9.S7)
ma + mb
ma = va ra (9.S8a)
mb = vbrb (9.S8b)
va ra
Wa = (9.S9)
va ra + vbrb
From Equation 9.5 and its equivalent for Vb the following may be written:
va = Va (va + vb ) (9.S10a)
vb = Vb (va + vb ) (9.S10b)
Va (va + vb )ra
Wa =
Va (va + vb )ra + Vb (va + vb )rb
Va ra
Wa = (9.S11)
Va ra + Vbrb
This problem asks that we determine the phase volume fractions for the alloys and temperatures in Problems
9.8a, b, and c. This is accomplished by using the technique illustrated in Example Problem 9.3, and also the results of
Problems 9.8 and 9.14.
Using these data it is first necessary to compute the densities of the e and h phases using Equation 4.10a.
re =
C Zn(e) CCu(e)
r Zn rCu
= = 7.03 g/cm3
87 13
6.83 g/cm3 8.77 g/cm 3
rh =
C Zn(h) CCu(h)
r Zn rCu
= = 6.88 g/cm3
97 3
6.83 g/cm3 8.77 g/cm 3
Now we may determine the Ve and Vh values using Equation 9.6. Thus,
Ve =
We Wh
re rh
7.03 g/cm 3
= = 0.70
0.70 0.30
7.03 g/cm 6.88 g/cm 3
Vh =
We Wh
re rh
6.88 g/cm 3
= = 0.30
0.70 0.30
7.03 g/cm 6.88 g/cm 3
Using this data it is first necessary to compute the densities of the a and b phases. Thus
ra =
CSn(a ) CPb(a)
rSn rPb
= = 10.29 g/cm3
16 84
7.22 g/cm3 11.20 g/cm 3
rb =
CSn(b) CPb(b)
rSn rPb
= = 7.30 g/cm3
97 3
7.22 g/cm3 11.20 g/cm 3
Now we may determine the Va and Vb values using Equation 9.6. Thus,
Va =
Wa Wb
ra rb
10.29 g/cm3
= = 0.21
0.27 0.73
10.29 g/cm3 7.30 g/cm3
Vb =
Wa Wb
ra rb
7.30 g/cm 3
= = 0.79
0.27 0.73
10.29 g/cm 7.30 g/cm3
(c) This is a Ag-Cu alloy at 900°C, wherein only the liquid phase is present. Therefore, VL = 1.0.
Development of Microstructure in Isomorphous Alloys
9.25 (a) Briefly describe the phenomenon of coring and why it occurs.
(b) Cite one undesirable consequence of coring.
(a) Coring is the phenomenon whereby concentration gradients exist across grains in polycrystalline alloys,
with higher concentrations of the component having the lower melting temperature at the grain boundaries. It
occurs, during solidification, as a consequence of cooling rates that are too rapid to allow for the maintenance of the
equilibrium composition of the solid phase.
(b) One undesirable consequence of a cored structure is that, upon heating, the grain boundary regions will
melt first and at a temperature below the equilibrium phase boundary from the phase diagram; this melting results in a
loss in mechanical integrity of the alloy.
Mechanical Properties of Isomorphous Alloys
9.26 It is desirable to produce a copper-nickel alloy that has a minimum noncold-worked tensile strength
of 350 MPa (50,750 psi) and a ductility of at least 48%EL. Is such an alloy possible? If so, what must be its
composition? If this is not possible, then explain why.
From Figure 9.6a, a tensile strength greater than 350 MPa (50,750 psi) is possible for compositions between
about 22.5 and 98 wt% Ni. On the other hand, according to Figure 9.6b , ductilities greater than 48%EL exist for
compositions less than about 8 wt% and greater than about 98 wt% Ni. Therefore, the stipulated criteria are met only
at a composition of 98 wt% Ni.
Binary Eutectic Systems
9.27 A 45 wt% Pb– 55 wt% Mg alloy is rapidly quenched to room temperature from an elevated
temperature in such a way that the high-temperature microstructure is preserved. This microstructure is found to
consist of the α phase and Mg 2Pb, having respective mass fractions of 0.65 and 0.35. Determine the approximate
temperature from which the alloy was quenched.
We are asked to determine the approximate temperature from which a 45 wt% Pb-55 wt% Mg alloy was
quenched, given the mass fractions of a and Mg 2 Pb phases. We can write a lever-rule expression for the mass
CMg 2Pb - C 0
Wa = 0.65 =
CMg 2Pb - Ca
The value of C0 is stated as 45 wt% Pb-55 wt% Mg, and CM g Pb is 81 wt% Pb-19 wt% Mg, which is independent of
81 - 45
0.65 =
81 - Ca
which yields
Ca = 25.6 wt% Pb
The temperature at which the a–(a + Mg 2Pb) phase boundary (Figure 9.20) has a value of 25.6 wt% Pb is about
360°C (680°F).
Development of Microstructure in Eutectic Alloys
9.28 Briefly explain why, upon solidification, an alloy of eutectic composition forms a microstructure
consisting of alternating layers of the two solid phases.
Upon solidification, an alloy of eutectic composition forms a microstructure consisting of alternating layers
of the two solid phases because during the solidification atomic diffusion must occur, and with this layered
configuration the diffusion path length for the atoms is a minimum.
9.29 What is the difference between a phase and a microconstituent?
A “phase” is a homogeneous portion of the system having uniform physical and chemical characteristics,
whereas a “microconstituent” is an identifiable element of the microstructure (that may consist of more than one
9.30 Is it possible to have a copper-silver alloy in which the mass fractions of primary β and total β are
0.68 and 0.925, respectively, at 775°C (1425°F)? Why or why not?
This problem asks if it is possible to have a Cu-Ag alloy for which the mass fractions of primary b and total
b are 0.68 and 0.925, respectively at 775°C. In order to make this determination we need to set up the appropriate
lever rule expression for each of these quantities. From Figure 9.7 and at 775°C, Ca = 8.0 wt% Ag, Cb = 91.2 wt% Ag,
and Ceutectic = 71.9 wt% Ag.
For primary b
C 0 - C eutectic C 0 - 71.9
Wb’ = = = 0.68
Cb - C eutectic 91.2 - 71.9
C 0 - Ca C - 8.0
Wb = = 0 = 0.925
Cb - Ca 91.2 - 8.0
And this value of C0 is 85 wt% Ag. Therefore, since these two C0 values are the same (85 wt% Ag), this alloy is
9.31 For 6.70 kg of a magnesium-lead alloy, is it possible to have the masses of primary α and total α of
4.23 kg and 6.00 kg, respectively, at 460°C (860°F)? Why or why not?
This problem asks if it is possible to have a Mg-Pb alloy for which the masses of primary a and total a are
4.23 kg and 6.00 kg, respectively in 6.70 kg total of the alloy at 460°C. In order to make this determination we first
need to convert these masses to mass fractions. Thus,
4.23 kg
Wa' = = 0.631
6.70 kg
6.00 kg
Wa = = 0.896
6.70 kg
Next it is necessary to set up the appropriate lever rule expression for each of these quan tities. From Figure 9.20 and
at 460°C, Ca = 41 wt% Pb, CM g Pb = 81 wt% Pb, and Ceutectic = 66 wt% Pb
For primary a
C eutectic - C 0 66 - C 0
Wa' = = = 0.631
C eutectic - Ca 66 - 41
CMg 2Pb - C 0 81 - C 0
Wa = = = 0.896
CMg 2Pb - Ca 81 - 41
And this value of C0 is 45.2 wt% Pb. Therefore, since these two C0 values are different, this alloy is not possible.
9.32 For a copper-silver alloy of composition 25 wt% Ag-75 wt% Cu and at 775°C (1425°F) do the
(a) Determine the mass fractions of α and β phases.
(b) Determine the mass fractions of primary α and eutectic microconstituents.
(c) Determine the mass fraction of eutectic α.
(a) This portion of the problem asks that we determine the mass fractions of a and b phases for an 25 wt%
Ag-75 wt% Cu alloy (at 775°C). In order to do this it is necessary to employ the lever rule using a tie line that extends
entirely across the a + b phase field. From Figure 9.7 and at 775°C, Ca = 8.0 wt% Ag, Cb = 91.2 wt% Ag, and
Ceutectic = 71.9 wt% Sn. Therefore, the two lever-rule expressions are as follows:
Cb - C 0 91.2 - 25
Wa = = = 0.796
Cb - Ca 91.2 - 8.0
C 0 - Ca 25 - 8.0
Wb = = = 0.204
Cb - Ca 91.2 - 8.0
(b) Now it is necessary to determine the mass fractions of primary a and eutectic microconstituents for this
same alloy. This requires us to utilize the lever rule and a tie line that extends from the maximum solubility of Ag in
the a phase at 775°C (i.e., 8.0 wt% Ag) to the eutectic composition (71.9 wt% Ag). Thus
C eutectic - C 0 71.9 - 25
Wa' = = = 0.734
C eutectic - Ca 71.9 - 8.0
C 0 - Ca 25 - 8.0
We = = = 0.266
C eutectic - Ca 71.9 - 8.0
(c) And, finally, we are asked to compute the mass fraction of eutectic a, Wea . This quantity is simply the
Since there is a primary b microconstituent present, then we know that the alloy composition, C0 is between
61.9 and 97.8 wt% Sn (Figure 9.8). Furthermore, this figure also indicates that Cb = 97.8 wt% Sn and Ceutectic = 61.9
wt% Sn. Applying the appropriate lever rule expression for Wb'
C 0 - C eutectic C - 61.9
Wb' = = 0 = 0.57
Cb - C eutectic 97.8 - 61.9
We are given a hypothetical eutectic phase diagram for which Ceutectic = 47 wt% B, Cb = 92.6 wt% B at the
eutectic temperature, and also that Wa' = 0.356 and Wa IURP W
of the alloy. Let us write lever rule expressions for Wa' and Wa
Cb - C 0 92.6 - C 0
Wa = = = 0.693
Cb - Ca 92.6 - C a
C eutectic - C 0 47 - C 0
Wa' = = = 0.356
C eutectic - Ca 47 - C a
Thus, we have two simultaneous equations with C0 and Ca as unknowns. Solving them for C0 gives C0 = 32.6 wt%
9.35 For a n 85 wt% Pb-15 wt% Mg alloy, make schematic sketches of the microstructure that would be
observed for conditions of very slow cooling at the following temperatures: 600°C (1110°F), 500°C (930°F),
270°C (520°F), and 200°C (390°F). Label all phases and indicate their approximate compositions.
The illustration below is the Mg-Pb phase diagram (Figure 9.20). A vertical line at a composition of 85 wt%
Pb-15 wt% Mg has been drawn, and, in addition, horizontal arrows at the four temperatures called for in the problem
statement (i.e., 600°C, 500°C, 270°C, and 200°C).
On the basis of the locations of the four temperature-composition points, schematic sketches of the four respective
microstructures along with phase compositions are represented as follows:
9.36 For a 68 wt% Zn-32 wt% Cu alloy, make schematic sketches of the microstructure that would be
observed for conditions of very slow cooling at the following temperatures: 1000°C (1830°F), 760°C (1400°F),
600°C (1110°F), and 400°C (750°F). Label all phases and indicate their approximate compositions.
The illustration below is the Cu-Zn phase diagram (Figure 9.19). A vertical line at a composition of 68 wt%
Zn-32 wt% Cu has been drawn, and, in addition, horizontal arrows at the four temperatures called for in the problem
statement (i.e., 1000°C, 760°C, 600°C, and 400°C).
On the basis of the locations of the four temperature-composition points, schematic sketches of the four respective
microstructures along with phase compositions are represented as follows:
9.37 For a 30 wt% Zn-70 wt% Cu alloy, make schematic sketches of the microstructure that would be
observed for conditions of very slow cooling at the following temperatures: 1100°C (2010°F), 950°C (1740°F),
900°C (165 0°F), and 700°C (1290°F). Label all phases and indicate their approximate compositions.
The illustration below is the Cu-Zn phase diagram (Figure 9.19). A vertical line at a composition of 30 wt%
Zn-70 wt% Cu has been drawn, and, in addition, horizontal arrows at the four temperatures called for in the problem
statement (i.e., 1100°C, 950°C, 900°C, and 700°C).
On the basis of the locations of the four temperature-composition points, schematic sketches of the four respective
microstructures along with phase compositions are represented as follows:
9.38 On the basis of the photomicrograph (i.e., the relative amounts of the microconstituents) for the
lead– tin alloy shown in Figure 9.17 and the Pb– Sn phase diagram (Figure 9.8), estimate the composition of the
alloy, and then compare this estimate with the composition given in the figure legend of Figure 9.17. Make the
following assumptions: (1) the area fraction of each phase and microconstituent in the photomicrograph is equal
to its volXP H IUDFW
Primary a and eutectic microconstituents are present in the photomicrograph, and it is given that their densities are
11.2 and 8.7 g/cm3, respectively. Below is shown a square grid network onto which is superimposed outlines of the
primary a phase areas.
The area fraction of this primary a phase may be determined by counting squares. There are a total of 644
squares, and of these, approximately 104 lie within the primary a phase particles. Thus, the area fraction of primary a
is 104/644 = 0.16, which is also assumed to be the volume fraction.
We now want to convert the volume fractions into mass fractions in order to employ the lever rule to the Pb-
Sn phase diagram. To do this, it is necessary to utilize Equations 9.7a and 9.7b as follows:
Va' ra'
Wa' =
Va' ra' + Veutectic reutectic
(0.16)(11.2 g /cm 3)
= = 0.197
(0.16)(11.2 g /cm3 ) + (0.84)(8.7 g /cm3 )
Veutectic reutectic
Weutectic =
Va ra + Veutectic reutectic
(0.84)(8.7 g /cm 3 )
= = 0.803
(0.16)(11.2 g /cm3 ) + (0.84)(8.7 g /cm3 )
From Figure 9.8, we want to use the lever rule and a tie-line that extends from the eutectic composition (61.9 wt% Sn)
to the a–(a + b) phase boundary at 180°C (about 18.3 wt% Sn). Accordingly
61.9 - C 0
Wa' = 0.197 =
61.9 - 18.3
wherein C0 is the alloy composition (in wt% Sn). Solving for C0 yields C0 = 53.3 wt% Sn. This value is in good
The (a) and (b) portions of the problem ask that we make schematic plots on the same graph for the tensile
strength versus composition for lead-tin alloys at both room temperature and 150°C; such a graph is shown below.
(c) Upon consultation of the Pb-Sn phase diagram (Figure 9.8) we note that, at room temperature (20°C),
about 1.5 wt% of Sn is soluble in Pb (within the a-phase region at the left extremity of the phase diagram). Similarly,
only about 1 wt% of Pb is soluble in Sn (within the b-phase region at the left extremity). Thus, there will a solid-
solution strengthening effect on both ends of the phase diagram—strength increases slightly with additions of Sn to
Pb [in the a phase region (left-hand side)] and with additions of Pb to Sn [in the b phase region (right-hand side)];
these effects are noted in the above figure. This figure also shows that the tensile strength of pure lead is greater
than pure tin, which is in agreement with tensile strength values provided in the problem statement.
In addition, at room temperature, for compositions between about 1.5 wt% Sn and 99 wt% Sn, both a and b
phase will coexist, (Figure 9.8), Furthermore, for compositions within this range, tensile strength will depend
(approximately) on the tensile strengths of each of the a and b phases as well as their phase fractions in a manner
described by Equation 9.24 for the elastic modulus (Problem 9.64). That is, for this problem
(TS) alloy @ (TS)a Va + (TS)b Vb
in which TS and V denote tensile strength and volume fraction, respectively, and the subscripts represent the
alloy/phases. Also, mass fractions of the a and b phases change linearly with changing composition (according to
the lever rule). Furthermore, although there is some disparity between the densities of Pb and Sn (11.35 versus 7.27
g/cm3 ), weight and volume fractions of the a and b phases will also be similar (see Equation 9.6).
At 150°C, the curve will be shifted to significantly lower tensile strengths inasmuch as tensile strength
diminishes with increasing temperature (Section 6.6, Figure 6.14). In addition, according to Figure 9.8, solubility limits
for both a and b phases increase—for the a phase from 1.5 to 10 wt% Sn, and for the b phase from 1 to about 2 wt%
Pb. Thus, the compositional ranges over which solid-solution strengthening occurs increase somewhat from the
KH °C curve above. Furthermore, at 150°C, it would be
expected that the tensile strength of lead will be greater than that of tin; and for compositions over which both a and
b phases coexist, strength will decrease approximately linearly with increasing Sn content.
Equilibrium Diagrams Having Intermediate Phases or Compounds
9.40 Two intermetallic compounds, AB and AB2, exist for elements A and B. If the compositions for AB and
AB2 are 34.3 wt% A– 65.7 wt% B and 20.7 wt% A– 79.3 wt% B, respectively, and element A is potassium, identify
element B.
This problem gives us the compositions in weight percent for the two intermetallic compounds AB and AB2 ,
and then asks us to identify element B if element A is potassium. Probably the easiest way to solve this problem is to
first compute the ratio of the atomic weights of th HVH W
atomic weight of potassium (39.10 g/mol, per inside the front cover), it is possible to determine the atomic weight of
element B, from which an identification may be made.
First of all, consider the AB intermetallic compound; inasmuch as it contains the same numbers of A and B
atoms, its composition in atomic percent is 50 at% A-50 at% B. Equation 4.6a may be written in the form:
CB' = ´ 100
where AA and AB are the atomic weights for elements A and B, and CA and CB are their compositions in weight
percent. For this AB compound, and making the appropriate substitutions in the above equation leads to
AB = 1.916 AA
Since potassium is element A and it has an atomic weight of 39.10 g/mol, the atomic weight of element B is just
Upon consultation of the period table of the elements (Figure 2.6) we note the element that has an atomic weight
closest to this value is arsenic (74.92 g/mol). Therefore, element B is arsenic, and the two intermetallic compounds are
KAs and KAs 2 .
Congruent Phase Transformations
Eutectoid and Peritectic Reactions
9.41 What is the principal difference between congruent and incongruent phase transformations?
The principal difference between congruent and incongruent phase transformations is that for congruent no
compositional changes occur with any of the phases that are involved in the transformation. For incongruent there
will be compositional alterations of the phases.
9.42 Figure 9.36 is the aluminum-neodymium phase diagram, for which only single-phase regions are
labeled. Specify temperature-composition points at which all eutectics, eutectoids, peritectics, and congruent
phase transformations occur. Also, for each, write the reaction upon cooling.
There are two eutectics on this phase diagram. One exists at 12 wt% Nd-88 wt% Al and 632°C. The reaction
upon cooling is
L ® Al + Al11 Nd 3
The other eutectic exists at about 97 wt% Nd-3 wt% Al and 635°C. This reaction upon cooling is
L ® AlNd 3 + Nd
There are four peritectics. One exists at 59 wt% Nd-41 wt% Al and 1235°C. Its reaction upon cooling is as
L + Al 2 Nd ® Al11 Nd 3
The second peritectic exists at 84 wt% Nd-16 wt% Al and 940°C. This reaction upon cooling is
L + Al 2 Nd ® AlNd
The third peritectic exists at 91 wt% Nd-9 wt% Al and 795°C. This reaction upon cooling is
L + AlNd ® AlNd 2
The fourth peritectic exists at 94 wt% Nd-6 wt% Al and 675°C. This reaction upon cooling is
L + AlNd 2 ® AlNd 3
There is one congruent melting point at about 73 wt% Nd-27 wt% Al and 1460°C. Its reaction upon cooling
L ® Al 2 Nd
There is one eutectic on this phase diagram, which exists at about 51 wt% Cu-49 wt% Ti and 960°C. Its
reaction upon cooling is
L ® Ti 2Cu + TiCu
There is one eutectoid for this system. It exists at about 7.5 wt% Cu-92.5 wt% Ti and 790°C. This reaction
upon cooling is
b ® a + Ti2Cu
There is one peritectic on this phase diagram. It exists at about 40 wt% Cu-60 wt% Ti and 1005°C. The
reaction upon cooling is
b + L ® Ti2Cu
There is a single congruent melting point that exists at about 57.5 wt% Cu-42.5 wt% Ti and 982°C. The
reaction upon cooling is
L ® TiCu
9.44 Construct the hypothetical phase diagram for metals A and B between temperatures of 600°C and
1000°C given the following information:
The melting temperatu re of metal A is 940°C.
The solubility of B in A is negligible at all temperatures.
The melting temperature of metal B is 830°C.
The maximum solubility of A in B is 12 wt% A, which occurs at 700°C.
At 600°C, the solubility of A in B is 8 wt% A.
One eutectic occurs at 700°C and 75 wt% B– 25 wt% A.
A second eutectic occurs at 730°C and 60 wt% B– 40 wt% A.
A third eutectic occurs at 755°C and 40 wt% B– 60 wt% A.
One congruent melting point occurs at 780°C and 51 wt% B– 49 wt% A.
A second congruen t melting point occurs at 755°C and 67 wt% B– 33 wt% A.
The intermetallic compound AB exists at 51 wt% B– 49 wt% A.
The intermetallic compound AB2 exists at 67 wt% B– 33 wt% A.
Below is shown the phase diagram for these two A and B metals.
The Gibbs Phase Rule
9.45 In Figure 9.38 is shown the pressure–temperature phase diagram for H2O. Apply the Gibbs phase
rule at points A, B, and C; that is, specify the number of degrees of freedom at each of the points—that is, the
number of externally controllable variables that need be specified to completely define the system.
We are asked to specify the value of F for Gibbs phase rule at points A, B, and C on the pressure-
temperature diagram for H2 O, Figure 9.38, which is shown below.
P +F =C+N
For this system, the number of components, C, is 1, whereas N, the number of noncompositional variables, is 2--viz.
temperature and pressure. Thus, the phase rule now becomes
P +F =1+2=3
F =3– P
Thus, point A is an invariant point (in this case a triple point), and we have no choice in the selection of externally
controllable variables in order to define the system.
At point B on the figure, only a single (vapor) phase is present (i.e., P = 1), or
which means that specification of both temperature and pressure are necessary to define the system.
And, finally, at point C which is on the phase boundary between liquid and ice I phases, two phases are in
equilibrium (P KHQFH
Or that we need to specify the value of either temperature or pressure, which determines the value of the other
parameter (pressure or temperature).
The Iron-Iron Carbide (Fe-Fe 3 C) Phase Diagram
Development of Microstructure in Iron-Carbon Alloys
This problem asks that we compute the mass fractions of a ferrite and cementite in pearlite. The lever-rule
expression for ferrite is
C Fe C - C 0
Wa = 3
C Fe C - Ca
and, since CFe C = 6.70 wt% C, C0 = 0.76 wt% C, and Ca = 0.022 wt% C
6.70 - 0.76
Wa = = 0.89
6.70 - 0.022
C 0 - Ca 0.76 - 0.022
WFe C = = = 0.11
3 C Fe C - Ca 6.70 - 0.022
9.47 (a) What is the distinction between hypoeutectoid and hypereutectoid steels?
(b) In a hypoeutectoid steel, both eutectoid and proeutectoid ferrite exist. Explain the difference between
them. What will be the carbon concentration in each?
(a) A “hypoeutectoid” steel has a carbon concentration less than the eutectoid; on the other hand, a
“hypereutectoid” steel has a carbon content greater than the eutectoid.
(b) For a hypoeutectoid steel, the proeutectoid ferrite is a microconstituent that formed above the eutectoid
temperature. The eutectoid ferrite is one of the constituents of pearlite that formed at a temperature below the
eutectoid. The carbon concentration for both ferrites is 0.022 wt% C.
9.48 What is the carbon concentration of an iron–carbon alloy for which the fraction of total ferrite is
This problem asks that we compute the carbon concentration of an iron-carbon alloy for which the fraction
of total ferrite is 0.94. Application of the lever rule (of the form of Equation 9.12) yields
C 0' = 0.42 w t% C
9.49 What is the proeutectoid phase for an iron–carbon alloy in which the mass fractions of total ferrite
and total cementite are 0.92 and 0.08, respectively? Why?
In this problem we are given values of Wa and WFe C (0.92 and 0.08, respectively) for an iron-carbon alloy
and then are asked to specify the proeutectoid phase. Employment of the lever rule for total a leads to
CFe 3C - C 0 6.70 - C 0
Wa = 0.92 = =
CFe 3C - Ca 6.70 - 0.022
Now, solving for C0 , the alloy composition, leads to C0 = 0.56 wt% C. Therefore, the proeutectoid phase is a-ferrite
since C0 is less than 0.76 wt% C.
9.50 Consider 1.0 kg of austenite containing 1.15 wt% C, cooled to below 727°C (1341°F).
(a) What is the proeutectoid phase?
(b) How many kilograms each of total ferrite and cementite form?
(c) How many kilograms each of pearlite and the proeutectoid phase form?
(d) Schematically sketch and label the resulting microstructure.
(a) The proeutectoid phase will be Fe3C since 1.15 wt% C is greater than the eutectoid compositio n (0.76
wt% C).
(b) For this portion of the problem, we are asked to determine how much total ferrite and cementite form.
Application of the appropriate lever rule expression yields
which, when multiplied by the total mass of the alloy (1.0 kg), gives 0.83 kg of total ferrite.
Similarly, for total cementite,
C 0 - Ca 1.15 - 0.022
WFe 3C = = = 0.17
CFe 3C - Ca 6.70 - 0.022
And the mass of total cementite that forms is (0.17)(1.0 kg) = 0.17 kg.
(c) Now we are asked to calculate how much pearlite and the proeutectoid phase (cementite) form.
Applying Equation 9.22, in which C1' = 1.15 wt% C
(a) Ferrite is the proeutectoid phase since 0.65 wt% C is less than 0.76 wt% C.
(b) For this portion of the problem, we are asked to determine how much total ferrite and cementite form.
For ferrite, application of the appropriate lever rule expression yields
C 0 - Ca 0.65 - 0.022
WFe 3C = = = 0.09
CFe 3C - Ca 6.70 - 0.022
0.76 - 0.65
Wa' = = 0.15
The mass fractions of proeutectoid ferrite and pearlite that form in a 0.25 wt% C iron-carbon alloy are
considered in this problem. From Equation 9.20
This problem asks that we determine the carbon concentration in an iron-carbon alloy, given the mass
fractions of proeutectoid ferrite and pearlite. From Equation 9.20
C 0' - 0.022
Wp = 0.714 =
In this problem we are given values of Wa and WFe C for an iron-carbon alloy (0.88 and 0.12, respectively),
and then are asked to specify whether the alloy is hypoeutectoid or hypereutectoid. Employment of the lever rule for
total a leads to
CFe 3C - C 0 6.70 - C 0
Wa = 0.88 = =
CFe 3C - Ca 6.70 - 0.022
Now, solving for C0 , the alloy composition, leads to C0 = 0.82 wt% C. Therefore, the alloy is hypereutectoid since
C0 is greater than 0.76 wt% C.
9.55 The microstructure of an iron-carbon alloy consists of proeutectoid ferrite and pearlite; the mass
fractions of these microconstituents are 0.20 and 0.80, respectively. Determine the concentration of carbon in this
We are asked in this problem to determine the concentration of carbon in an alloy for which Wa' = 0.20 and
Wp = 0.80. If we let C 0' equal the carbon concentration in the alloy, employment of the appropriate lever rule
C 0' - 0.022
Wp = = 0.80
In this problem we are asked to consider 2.0 kg of a 99.6 wt% Fe-0.4 wt% C alloy that is cooled to a
temperature below the eutectoid.
(a) Equation 9.21 must be used in computing the amount of proeutectoid ferrite that forms. Thus,
which corresponds to (0.94)(2.0 kg) = 1.88 kg. Now, the amount of eutectoid ferrite is just the difference between total
and proeutectoid ferrites, or
(c) With regard to the amount of cementite that forms, again application of the lever rule across the entirety
of the a + Fe3C phase field, leads to
C 0 - Ca 0.40 - 0.022
WFe 3C = = = 0.057
CFe 3C - Ca 6.70 - 0.022
This problem asks that we compute the maximum mass fraction of proeutectoid cementite possible for a
hypereutectoid iron-carbon alloy. This requires that we utilize Equation 9.23 with C ' = 2.14 wt% C, the maximum
solubility of carbon in austenite. Thus,
This problem asks if it is possible to have an iron-carbon alloy for which Wa = 0.846 and WFe 3C¢ = 0.049. In
order to make this determination, it is necessary to set up lever rule expressions for these two mass fractions in terms
of the alloy composition, then to solve for the alloy composition of each; if both alloy composition values are equal,
then such an alloy is possible. The expression for the mass fraction of total ferrite is
CFe 3C - C 0 6.70 - C 0
Wa = = = 0.846
CFe 3C - Ca 6.70 - 0.022
Solving for this C0 yields C0 = 1.05 wt% C. Now for WFe 3C¢ we utilize Equation 9.23 as
C1' - 0.76
WFe 3C' = = 0.049
This expression leads to C1' = 1.05 wt% C. And, since C0 = C1' , this alloy is possible.
9.59 Is it possible to have an iron-carbon alloy for which the mass fractions of total cementite and pearlite
are 0.039 and 0.417, respectively? Why or why not?
This problem asks if it is possible to have an iron-carbon alloy for which WFe 3C = 0.039 and Wp = 0.417. In
order to make this determination, it is necessary to set up lever rule expressions for these two mass fractions in terms
of the alloy composition, then to solve for the alloy composition of each; if both alloy composition values are equal,
then such an alloy is possible. The expression for the mass fraction of total cementite is
C 0 - Ca C - 0.022
WFe 3C = = 0 = 0.039
CFe 3C - Ca 6.70 - 0.022
Solving for this C0 yields C0 = 0.28 wt% C. Therefore, this alloy is hypoeutectoid since C0 is less than the eutectoid
composition (0.76 wt% ). Thus, it is necessary to use Equation 9.20 for Wp as
C '0 - 0.022
Wp = = 0.417
This expression leads to C '0 = 0.33 wt% C. Since C0 and C '0 are different, this alloy is not possible.
9.60 Compute the mass fraction of eutectoid ferrite in an iron-carbon alloy that contains 0.43 wt% C.
In order to solve this problem it is necessary to compute mass fractions of total and proeutectoid ferrites,
and then to subtract the latter from the former. To calculate the mass fraction of total ferrite, it is necessary to use the
lever rule and a tie line that extends across the entire a + Fe3 C phase field as
Now, for the mass fraction of proeutectoid ferrite we use Equation 9.21 as
This problem asks whether or not it is possible to determine the composition of an iron-carbon alloy for
determine the alloy composition; and, in fact, there are two possible answers. For the first, the eutectoid cementite
exists in addition to proeutectoid cementite. For this case the mass fraction of eutectoid cementite (WFe C'') is just
the difference between total cementite and proeutectoid cementite mass fractions; that is
Now, it is possible to write expressions for WFe C (of the form of Equation 9.12) and WFe C' (Equation 9.23) in terms
3 3
of C0 , the alloy composition. Thus,
C 0 - Ca C - 0.76
WFe C" = - 0
3 C Fe C - Ca 5.94
C 0 - 0.022 C - 0.76
= - 0 = 0.104
6.70 - 0.022 5.94
For the second possibility, we have a hypoeutectoid alloy wherein all of the cementite is eutectoid
cementite. Thus, it is necessary to set up a lever rule expression wherein the mass fraction of total cementite is 0.104.
C 0 - Ca C - 0.022
WFe 3C = = 0 = 0.104
CFe 3C - Ca 6.70 - 0.022
This problem asks whether or not it is possible to determine the composition of an iron-carbon alloy for
determine the alloy composition; and, in fact, there are two possible answers. For the first, the eutectoid ferrite exists
in addition to proeutectoid ferrite. For this case the mass fraction of eutectoid ferrite (Wa'') is just the difference
Wa'' = Wa – Wa'
Now, it is possible to write expressions for Wa (of the form of Equation 9.12) and Wa' (Equation 9.21) in terms of C0,
the alloy composition. Thus,
C Fe C - C 0 0.76 - C 0
Wa" = 3 -
C Fe C - Ca 0.74
6.70 - C 0 0.76 - C 0
= - = 0.82
6.70 - 0.022 0.74
CFe 3C - C 0 6.70 - C 0
Wa = = = 0.82
CFe 3C - Ca 6.70 - 0.022
Below is shown the Fe-Fe3C phase diagram (Figure 9.24). A vertical line at a composition of 5 wt% C-95
wt% Fe has been drawn, and, in addition, horizontal arrows at the three temperatures called for in the problem
statement (i.e., 1175°C, 1145°C, and 700°C).
On the basis of the locations of the three temperature-composition points, schematic sketches of the
respective microstructures along with phase compositions are represented as follows:
9.64 Often, the properties of multiphase alloys may be approximated by the relationship
where E represents a specific property (modulus of elasticity, hardness, etc.), and V is the volume fraction. The
subscripts α and β denote the existing phases or microconstituents. Employ the relationship above to determine the
approximate Brinell hardness of a 99.80 wt% Fe– 0.20 wt% C alloy. Assume Brinell hardnesses of 80 and 280 for
ferrite and pearlite, respectively, and that volume fractions may be approximated by mass fractions.
This problem asks that we determine the approximate Brinell hardness of a 99.80 wt% Fe-0.20 wt% C alloy,
using a relationship similar to Equation 9.24. First, we compute the mass fractions of pearlite and proeutectoid ferrite
using Equations 9.20 and 9.21, as
Now, we compute the Brinell hardness of the alloy using a modified form of Equation 9.24 as
9.65 A steel alloy contains 97.5 wt% Fe, 2.0 wt% Mo, and 0.5 wt% C.
(a) What is the eutectoid temperature of this alloy?
(b) What is the eutectoid composition?
(c) What is the proeutectoid phase?
Assume that there are no changes in the positions of other phase boundaries with the addition of Mo.
(a) From Figure 9.34, the eutectoid temperature for 2.0 wt% Mo is approximately 850°C.
(b) From Figure 9.35, the eutectoid composition is approximately 0.22 wt% C.
(c) Since the carbon concentration of the alloy (0.5 wt%) is greater than the eutectoid (0.22 wt% C),
cementite is the proeutectoid phase.
9.66 A steel alloy is known to contain 93.8 wt% Fe, 6.0 wt% Ni, and 0.2 wt% C.
(a) What is the approximate eutectoid temperature of this alloy?
(b) What is the proeutectoid phase when this alloy is cooled to a temperature just below the eutectoid?
(c) Compute the relative amounts of the proeutectoid phase and pearlite.
Assume that there are no alterations in the positions of other phase boundaries with the addition of Ni.
(a) From Figure 9.34, the eutectoid temperature for 6.0 wt% Ni is approximately 650°C (1200°F).
(b) From Figure 9.35, the eutectoid composition is app roximately 0.62 wt% C. Since the carbon
concentration in the alloy (0.2 wt%) is less than the eutectoid (0.62 wt% C), the proeutectoid phase is ferrite.
(c) Assume that the a–(a + Fe3C) phase boundary is at a negligible carbon concentration. Modifying
C 0' - 0 0.20
Wp = = = 0.32
0.62 - 0 0.62