Psychological Sorcerer A Simple Manual On How To Influence, Persuade and Manipulate by Huddy Hail

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The manual provides advice on how to influence, persuade and manipulate others through psychological techniques.

The manual aims to teach the reader how to gain power and control over others through psychological manipulation and influence.

The author claims that society and civilization are not as civilized as they seem and that people will try to use and control each other.

Psychological Sorcerer

A Simple Manual on How to Influence,

Persuade and Manipulate Human Beings

By Huddy Hail
Disclaimer: This manual is not a substitute for
professional consultations or advice coming from a
psychologist or psychiatrist. By reading this, you agree
that any wrongdoing committed by the reader or advice
given by someone who has read this manual is not the
authors responsibility.

The author does not condone any forms of violence that the
reader may engage in from this manual. This manual
should be seen as a form of entertainment.

During my time of existence, many saw me as a devout

Christian. Kind and playful, I went to extraordinary lengths to
be a servant of God. Whether it was helping the
disadvantaged or being a caring individual.

During a prayer session at the Saint Anthony Shrine located

in the Downtown district of Boston, Massachusetts, 16 miles
from Salem, an invisible touch to my forehead occurred, yet,
the barely occupied church did not seem responsible for this
tactile sensation. Further noting the moment, I would be able
to physically feel a mild imprint in the region where my third
eye was located.

Moreover, as I begin to investigate these bodily sensations,

my internal body began to echo with words, each syllable of
the words vibrating within the inner regions of my physical
form. This was the first evidence that there was a magical
world that existed outside of our perceptual framework.

Shocked by the occurrence, I began crying with joy that

something benevolent had touched me.

This took place within a matter of minutes. The existence of a

higher being had excited me, providing me the great relief
that upon my passing I would not become simply food for the
Yet, upon leaving the church, my now psychological state of
emptiness would become compromised by an external
intruder, a spirit who (sent by Satan) would become a
formidable enemy turned friend in my life for 12 years.

I simply call this spirit “6”.

Now in cohabitation with this dark spirit, he has brought an

understanding of the reality we exist in. One where Christian
altruism, compassion, and kindness in a land highly
developed is only a facade for an agenda that is inexplicably
a falsehood of wishful thinking to keep the masses passive
and docile.

By the blessings of powerful dark forces in the spiritual

world, you will be aware that the world we inhabit does not
favor the weak in mind. That many will attempt to use you for
their purpose.

This guide is meant to equip you with the proper knowledge

and insight to make you powerful beyond measure. A power
seldomly studied by the established order but used to control,
influence, and manipulate for gains as well as for sport by
the elite.

In this case, you must understand the significance of being a

psychological sorcerer and how you can apply it to fit your
personal needs. Whether it is to gain popularity, wealth, or to

If you believe that peace (though valuable) and respect can

be gained through mutual kindness, then you are sadly
mistaken, and this manual is not for you. This manual is for
the strong at heart and mind. Every day you are at war, and in
the world we inhabit you are fighting to survive. As Charles
Darwin states, “It is survival of the fittest,” and the fittest are
the ones that are highly adaptive.

You must consciously adapt to the environment you are

placed in and if you live in an environment where it is
chaotic and driven by darkness this manual is for you.

“Only in Heaven is everything fair and just.”

Psychological Sorcery is a form of Dark Psychology. Dark
Psychology travels in the cusp of a modern-day rendition of a
form of mental sorcery in order to receive favorable

Psychological sorcery is dark in nature and similar to dark

psychology which comes with many advantages. To outwit,
become cunning, and outlast competition with the utilization
of patience.

It is a form of sorcery minus the concrete notable procedure

of actual witchcraft to gain an worldly advantage.

Prayer is a form a sorcery because you are using the mind

and speech mechanism to ask a higher omnipresent authority
to provide Earthly assistance. Though this higher authority
will provide you with what you need, He will not provide
you with what you want. This manual is meant to aid you in
the effort to be successful in the attainment of satisfactory
consequences – leading to the obtainment of wealth, doors to
better opportunities, and other rewards. If you are reading
this, then you are among the lucky because this manual is
controversial and will only meet a few eyes.

With psychological sorcery, you are using your own magical

power of mind to gain access to forbidden fruits and powers
many of the elites utilize - knowledge if used correctly will
win you praise and favor. If use destructively, you may lose
everything that you have worked so hard to gain during your
life journey. You are a magical creature, like many, but you
and a monolith of people have been misinformed and misled
to think you are an ordinary human being. We all possess the
ability to change our circumstances whether with the help of
spiritual aids or through what this manual outlines.

If you are already spiritually inclined, then there should be

no doubt that spirits will place you in position to exercise the
techniques and tactics written in this easy to read manual.
You could be very well in the midst of a Great Awakening
seeing the world as it is and not what we would like for it to

This is the crucial moment where you are attentive toward

the sorcery we have been subjected to keep us blind and
ignorant from our pure potentiality.

In this manual you will notice some of these techniques have

been used on you, whether accidentally or on purpose. Do
not be alarmed. This is all part of the game in this very
reality we are placed in. Your job is to recognize how you
can use the methods revealed in this manual for personal
improvement to make you discreet yet superior. The tactics
conveyed in this manual, dramatically increases your chances
of succeeding compared to those who are unaware of the
power dynamics inhabiting your realm.

Life it's not meant to be fair, mother nature intended it to

provide only to the most crafty, clever, and vicious. The
faster you realize this truth, the quicker you can act on your
new and improved instinctual side to survive. With this
manual, you will not only survive, but see the pleasure and
thriving compared to your silent competitors.

Be slow to anger and quick to act, for nothing is as important

as the urgency of now. With this Psychological Sorcerers
guide, you will possess a human-to-human communication
toolkit that many wish they would have known. Enjoy!

Name Technique

Has anyone ever called you by your first name? What type of
bearing did it have on you? Have you ever had a crush call
you by your first name playfully or heatedly? Names are
extremely vital in the sorcerers' playbook.

One of the most influential and persuasive tools you can use
is by calling an individual by their name. This is called the
Name Technique. People love to hear their name and when
you say it more and more, people begin to recognize the
significance of your presence. This urges the person you are
calling by name to acknowledge you as a person of
importance or distinctiveness.

People love hearing their name, in fact, it is music to their


You must ask yourself; how much do you appreciate hearing

your name when done in a reverential way? Hearing your
name elicits a positive reaction that encourages the person
you are calling to give you their undivided attention. In the
world we exist in, there's a high emphasis on being unique
and individualistic. Everyone has a name that represents how
“unique” they are believed to be. By saying the targets name,
you are prompting them to appreciate their uniqueness and
how they are different from the dull masses that inhabit this

Many failed to use this technique because of a lack of

knowledge of it's great use. If you were to take the time to
think about it, how many people have called you by your first
name, if so, how was it uttered? Was it in an affectionate
way? Was it with an air of admiration? Was it said with
authority? People have raised to great heights by merely
remembering people's names and using this technique as
often as possible.

Many police officers use this technique to build rapport with

a suspect or victim. It's an attempt to enter the mind of
individuals they are speaking to. By saying their name
genuinely people are more likely to open up.

People love hearing their name, that is an undeniable fact, it

makes them feel great and sometimes even important. If you
feel like your name is important, then imagine how others
feel about their name. Use this technique to your advantage
and make a note to ALWAYS say the name of the person you
were speaking with. By doing so you open a door to

When given a gift, you feel special. Sometimes you feel

obligated to pay back the gift giver. In the book Influence -
The Psychology of Persuasion by Dr. Robert Cialdini,
delightfully notes about a specific incident that took place in
an airport.

A group of missionaries were offering airport passerby’s

flowers. By giving simple flowers, the missionaries were
receiving in return donations to their cause. Those returning
from their flight would give their donations after receiving a
simple mundane flower. Later, the passerby would throw
away the flower. Recognizing their success, the missionaries
simply went to the trash and picked up the thrown flowers to
give to more people in return for more donations. The
technique used by the missionaries is called Reciprocity.

By simply giving something to someone you place them in a

type of mental debt. They feel obligated to reciprocate what
you have given them. In some way shape or form! Like
Robert Greene, the author of 48 Laws of Power, “BEWARE
THE FREE MEAL” because the action may very well have
strings attached to it. Every gift has a string attached, even
when they say, “There are no strings attached.”

Those who are highly susceptible to reciprocity are those

who have a good conscience, people who can feel guilt,
shame, or forms of indebtedness. This will most certainly
work if done correctly. Things that fall under the umbrella of
reciprocity can even be providing secrets (so long as it does
not harm you or your reputation). Many criminal informants
provide valuable secrets to law enforcement. With that, they
are given immunity whereas their competition receives a
harsh punishment and incarceration while the arresting
officer receives an award and a story in the newspaper.

Reciprocity creates a bond, as does the name technique,

which opens the door to influence when studying the said
target. Is the target someone who receives little recognition
from family, friends, and society? Then they will be highly
appreciative of your “sincere” gift. This will surely be
ineffective to someone who receives countless gifts from
suitors, friends, colleagues, however.

What reciprocity does is lower resistance and allows you to

be more persuasive when seeking to influence. This
technique is also powerful when gaining an ally. The mark
will see you as being thoughtful, envisioning you to be a
promising comrade or lover.

Do not provide anything too big, large, or vast. Do not

provide money because you do not want to deplete your
funds for someone who could possibly switch up on you. You
should use simple and meaningful gifts to elicit compliance
like buying or making a meal.
Halo Effect

By using the name technique, inducing reciprocity, the next

step is to get the target to cooperate with your wishes. What
is needed is for you to build rapport - instantly. Humor can
be used as a great icebreaker to gain a connection. One
effective way to connect with the target is a humorous joke.
An example would be, “How does a Jew make his
coffee...Hebrews it.”

All jokes aside, it is of the utmost importance to seem kind at

heart which requires a genuine smile. The genuine smile is an
important tactic to practice in front of the mirror. Smiling
should be from ear-to-ear and your eyes should slightly
squint r the smile to seem authentic. A true smile can elicit a
warm happy feeling from the target. Laughter only promotes
the power of the genuine smile, so long as it is not toward
any cruel or inhumane conditions. By doing so you disarm the
individual making the target more complicit and willing to
cooperate. They must see no threat in you whatsoever and
that you are down-to-earth, kind, and warm; that is the energy
you want to project to your target. We call it the Halo Effect.

When you are seen as a savior or hero, people are inclined to

submit to your presence, becoming fully compliant to your
will. When seen as a heroic person, people will immediately
trust you; even with their lives. Many politicians project the
halo effect on its nation's citizens. By doing so, some have
created cult followings resisting any negative suggestions
that their beloved leader could be corrupt, evil, or have
silently gone mad with power. Many of the politicians have
guarded their reputation and by doing so gained the
cooperation of civilians and world leaders alike. They
project they are honorable and just.

Influencing, persuading, controlling, or manipulating can be a

short-term or long-term process.

What matters the most is that your reputation is positive, you

must protect it with your life!

If you use the reciprocity technique effectively, where the

target is willing to cooperate with you, and become
compliant, create a small commitment that increases in
increments for the target to uphold. By doing so you create
this level of responsibility one should take into
consideration. In this step, you are using psychological magic

It is important that this should seem like a voluntary action,

“Do you want to grab me a…” If one is willing to commit to
a commitment early, then you have found yourself someone
susceptible to your influence which you can use consistently.
You, however, should avoid committing to anyone or
anything. A good way to avoid committing is when a target
suggests that [e.g.] “you should get married…” always
answer vaguely, “I’ll consider it,” then give a genuinely
warm smile.

An incalculable amount of people are trying to use you and

you must be prepared. One way to stay away from making a
commitment is to keep a friendly distance from people yet
still interact with them, whether through text or through social

If you think critically, there's nothing wrong with

occasionally going out with friendly group members or other
allies. Yet, one should refrain from being overly committed
to one person or one idea apart from that that will empower
you. Everything should be done in moderation.

Becoming overzealous leads to extreme emotionalism.

This manual is to help guide you to make monumental

decisions that lead to gains, accessing power, and locating
resources that could make your life more convenient,
prosperous, and fruitful.


Authority is another technique used by Psychological

Sorcerers. Naturally, people are judgmental and will judge a
book by its cover. If that wasn't true, book covers would not
have images to appeal to the visual senses. By dressing in a
manner that suggests you are a man or woman of importance
like a police officer, politician, models, corporate manager,
members of the public will be complicit to your orders if
done correctly.

A Cambridge neighbor of mine says he evades detection from

immigrations officers frequently when they are on patrol, the
neighbor nearby would wear slim fitted suits so he would not
be seen as a person that illegally immigrated into the United
States. When someone is wearing a suit and tie, he is seen
not only as a productive member of society but also as
someone with wealth and power. Those in power with
proper apparel signify prominence. It is this prominence you
should give off when needed to illustrate you are a man or a
woman of great stature.

The appearance of authority could even draw spectators to

you out of curiosity for your immaculate physical nature. Not
only must you look powerful, but you must also speak
powerfully. The authority technique is not only about
appearance but by how one speaks as well.

If you speak clumsily and possess inadequate speech, no

matter how powerfully you’re dressed, you will sound like a
buffoon. How one dresses, how one speaks, and the energy
one presents to others will be the deciding mark because
people are more inclined to submit to an authority figure who
is well put together. Lacking in speech conviction and
confidence will make your air of authority disintegrate within
a matter of seconds. You will read more about how to boost
your confidence in Level III when we discuss Dark NLP; the
Anchoring technique.

Positive/Negative Intermittent Reinforcement

Your desire is to be able to control your target. One way is

through the Intermittent Reinforcement techniques.

Intermittent reinforcement is a tactic utilized to motivate the

target to physically and/or verbally act, think, and behave in
the way you want them to. This has its positive uses whether
in schools or homes to create a well-behaved child. Though
nothing is as preferred then empathy and positive
communication when you're dealing with the future

We are to emphasize the term “positive” which is when the

target is given:

• Attention

• Approval

• Praise

• Appreciation

• Love

• Sex

• Admiration

• Etc.

The point is to randomly reinforce using these ways to

increase the wanted behavior. When a target is on the
receiving end of these tactics, their initial feelings toward
you are strengthened.

The target will bond with you further, which is what you are
looking for. You are attempting to look for a window into
their heart and soul which will later lead you to controlling

Whether it's for money, power, or influence. If they create

distance and resist against these tactics, then that leads to
stage II, which is the Negative Reinforcement technique.

You are to hold back or plainly deny by withdrawing those

previously discussed positive reinforcements rewards to
decrease behavior - weaponizing yourself by creating
ambiguity, doubt about one's worth and value, you have
become a void, having the person seek your companionship
for healing. Negative reinforcement can psychologically hurt
them especially when you have no intention of explaining
why they are withholding and leaving you. They are placed
in a world of hurt which can be damaging to the mind.

The target will persistently seek similar positive

reinforcement from the person causing the discomfort or
anyone willing to provide what their needs are to ease the
feeling of unworthiness and emptiness. When a person is
creating an incredible amount of pleasure, whether, through
praise, appreciation, or sex, the person feels wanted and
wants more. When there is a withdrawal or withholding of
these verbal or physical sensations, anxiety, fear, and anger
is produced.

We first become addicted to these positive sensations

because they are rewards. The pleasure neurotransmitter
dopamine is produced when we have food we love, when we
are with friends and receive attention and especially when
we have sex. Anything that we do that is pleasurable is
because dopamine is being produced by the brain. When this
form of love abruptly stops, initially we can go mad, which
is what the initiator [you] will want, and when they go back
for you, you effectively become in control. They will go to
the ends of the earth to alleviate themselves from such

You must not fall for such tactics and take everything with a
grain of salt. In Level IV, we discuss counteroffensives to
arm you in the event where you meet another Psych. Sorcerer.
When in a relationship, it's wise to know who you are with.
You give the target a lot of leverage when they have the
power to control your emotions.


As most people would recognize, the majority of people in

developed nations such as the United States, Australia, or the
United Kingdom attempt to live by an ideology which is the
necessity of humanity. Many follow these morals that
accompany fantasizing about a future where ideas are

Still, there are those who venture outside these norms and
take advantage of those who are confronted by the dark side
of modern civilization, society, and governance. For those
who are ill-equipped to battle the manipulation and
persuasive sorcery of criminals, law enforcement, and
politicians, these people react as the silent victim’s
incapable of having the desired ferocity required to fight
back. What these people are suffering from is what's known
as Emotiphobia.

Emotiphobic people scarcely possess any power or

authority. These people are terrified of negative emotions
that are caused by an external agent. People with
Emotiphobia under extreme or benign pressure will fold and
dispense that which the persuader or manipulator is
attempting to receive. As we continue in the age of
information, the government has made it a necessity to
indoctrinate individuals to become unassuming and
submissive, those who are Emotiphobic believe the world is
full of fairness. This manual is giving you the tool to not live
in a state of denial and delusion, but most of your target(s)
with this phobia are unable to face people who spark
dissatisfaction with their inner being. These people live in
fear of emotions, running away from these common and
natural occurrences.

The significance of this discussion stems from how useful

those with Emotiphobia can be. When placed in a situation
where you find value in using negative reinforcements on the
person with Emotiphobia (when confronted with such
tactics) then you may proceed into getting what you desire
from the said target, whether that which will increase your
grandiosity, awarded with sex, or receive gifts/favors. At
this stage, you must already have built a strong rapport with
the target.

They must see you in a positive light for this to become

successful. If you are seen with great reverence and your
target is known to have little to no self-esteem, then the
rewards if done correctly are high.

Signs that the individual has Emotiphobia is when they

excessively apologize. That is an immediate and direct
confirmation that they fear disappointing others and fear

Again, they fear negative emotions and you can play that to
your advantage in gaining what you want from the target. As
with everything, moderation from this tactic is preferred.
Occasional praise for their honest apology such as “You are
so honest with yourself,” or “No worries, it’s nice I can be
with a trustworthy person” can be seen as a reward and
enabling them to continue apologizing. This gives the notion
that you are transparent as well as forgiving. Make your
target seek validation from you but make sure this is done
carefully as to evade detection.

Flattery Bombing

Flattery Bombing is a technique where you want your target

to feel that they are being loved and appreciated. Works
effectively with people who have been abused during their
childhood or have been mistreated in previous relationships.
You must come across as someone who is down-to-earth,
conscious, and peaceful.

Genuine praise is your most comfortable ally in flattery

bombing. Examples would be “You are an absolute genius...”
or “You are the most stunning woman I have ever seen.” By
flattery bombing the individual with constant praise for their
individuality and their uniqueness, you place yourself in a
position where the target looks to you to feel a sense of
wonderfulness. You want the target to look at you for
validation. You want to act as if you see something amazing
in your target that nobody else sees and that you are willing
to voice any non-heated outrage for the blindness of others
incapable of witnessing the greatness of your target.

People love to feel special and important. People seek

special treatment to boost self-esteem to evade thinking they
are nothing but a speck in the universe - that their purpose in
life is meaningful. By indicating that their special talent
should be respected by all, make them believe they are
gifted. To make your target feel they are gifted elicit a sense
of appreciation, use kind and thoughtful words that pertain to
their attributes. When your target does not believe in the
special gift you recognized and amplified, simply tell them,
“Wow, I love how humble you are!”
Women may go to a man and say, “You look so strong...”
knowing men value strength while a clever man may say to a
college female student, “I can tell by how well kept your
nails are that you are probably the most detailed girl in your

Statements as such those will intoxicate your targets. In this,

you must be consistent and honest with your words and
always have them wanting to hear more of what you have to
say. You will gain an ally or a possible girlfriend/boyfriend
by making them feel internally valued. By doing so you open
more doors to access power and popularity if done
sufficiently without over-kill.

Tread softly in this tactic, flattery bombing must be used

when necessary and not blindly.

Indirectly using flattery bombing can be even more powerful

because it is not coming from an empty point of discussion.
You must take the investigative approach and locate qualities
in your target to magnify and bring to the light so they can
feel the beauty of their essence - for this, you will be seen as
certainly and surely indispensable. You open the pathway to
success and enter into the mind and heart of the target by
flattery bombing through genuine praise as well as showing
affection and providing undivided attention.

Active Listening
When engaging in conversation with the target, what is the
most important thing you can do?

Provide advice? Immediately give a response and speak on

your experience? Yes, those can be used in later points.
However, a key ingredient in building rapport that can later
lead you to apply the techniques stated above is by Active

You have no idea how much people love to talk about

themselves and willingly share their opinions on a particular
matter. There is a rationale behind it. Many people you will
encounter are “experts” on politics, themselves, or the
preferred behavior of others [gossip]. When using the active
listening technique, you allow the person to speak more than
yourself. This tactic is widely used by professionals in
therapeutic sessions. People are willing to provide you the
most important and intimate details about their mind’s inner
workings and viewpoints in their world if you just shut up
and listen. Do not be interesting, be interested. Do not be
interesting, be interested. Do not be interesting, be interested.

Many people believe that bragging about their achievements

and talking about their positive qualities make them worthy
of gaining access to doors of wealth. It is the complete
opposite. By engaging in active listening, you participate in
the thought process of the target's worldly issues and
Most people are largely self-absorbed and self-centered.
More importantly, everyone feels that they have a sufficient
amount of intelligence and want to speak about any analysis
they have made while at work, school, or regarding the arts.
Your job as a psych. sorcerer is to listen to anything your
target has to say. You want them to feel they are free to open
themselves around you and that your space is a judgment-free
zone. You can always use lenient language such as, “You can
relax around me…” or if the person is hesitant, “I'm here for
you. I know that you are rarely wrong so whatever happened,
I'm sure you were in the right.”

Very few people are unwilling to speak and allow you to

engage in the active listening technique and that's okay. This
usually stems from the fact that the target has had negative
experiences with displaying emotions among the apathetic.
Signs of success that you have reached the point of pure
active listening is when the target speaks about:

• Past Traumas

• Beliefs

• Struggles

• Achievements

• Etc.
You want to act as if you care about what the person is saying
and keep them at peak speech.

You very well may care and be smarter than them in every
way, but the point is to keep them not inquiring about you.
Add some praise such as “Someone like you has been
through a lot, if you ever wrote a book I would definitely buy
it,” or “You have such an interesting life, every time I hear
you talk about it it's like I'm at the movie theaters.” This
unequivocally boosts your target's sense of self as well as
places you in a position of power in the target's life. Most
people will not react to something that makes the target feel
special, finding reasons to boost their own self-esteem or
make themselves feel unique. You will be appreciated and
remembered in the grand scheme of things.

Many therapists engaging in active listening must limit how

much they engage with their patients or clients because they
fall addicted to the comfort of having a relaxed mind.
Sigmund Freud (1886-1939) the creator of Psychoanalysis
and considered the Father of Psychology, was such an expert
active listener when with his female clients that his clients
began to fall in love with him - that's how powerful active
listening is. Make sure you listen, peacefully direct inquiries,
have the target speak more, and end it off because this tactic
can be (despite effective) draining because the target will
begin to look to you for tranquility inducing income.

There is some effectiveness in being a blunt or direct

individual. At the heart of it, all people appreciate honesty.
In 2016, President Donald Trump won the Presidential
election on the mere premise that he appeared to be an honest
man who “Tells it like it is.” What makes Donald Trump such
a powerful figure in the United States is that his deception
seems genuine. You always, must seem noble and honest to
perform your deception successfully.

Deception is a powerful tactic used to gain an ally,

acceptance in a group, or to infiltrate an organization. The
best way to use deception effectively is to portray yourself as
a leader. Being seen as a leader or someone with critical
thinking abilities will make people believe you have a vigor
in understanding the way “life” functions. We all have
encountered people in our lives who portray themselves with
a larger-than-life attitude or with a supreme display of
arrogance who use their power to intimidate. Once seen as a
powerhouse of an individual; many people will fold to your
presence due to their fear of your strength.

Part of the deception is being able to tell lies by omission.

This is very popular in the political and media realm. It's
because there are bits of truth in your lie. You are just simply
choosing not to reveal certain parts that may be harmful to
your reputation or to your cause. For instance, you woke up
early, had breakfast then went to work. A beautiful colleague
of yours insisted you have lunch with him/her. Both of you
are highly flirtatious towards each other and at one point
your employee-colleague even caressed your hand. You
come back home, and your significant other asked you what
you did today. If you follow this deceptive rule correctly, you
simply say, “Went to work and had lunch.” That is the
essence of deception because you evaded telling your
significant other that you had a flirtatious moment take place
during your lunch break. Your significant others heart isn't
broken, and you get to keep your position in the household
while continuing to flirt with your employee colleague.

Lying is another more notorious form of deception.

Psychopaths and sociopaths have mastered the ability to
deceive people in society with their lies. The government
may claim that they are employed in the freest country in the
world, yet actions may prove the complete opposite. You can
say anything as long as it sounds convincing and you continue
to keep a steady eye contact with the person you were lying
to. Looking someone in the eyes while telling a lie is difficult
and requires a plethora of practice. Many know that if
someone's body language does not match their fictitious
story, then the second party may see it as a red flag - an
indication that a lie is being told. The best way to lie is
through text or through social media where there is no one to
visually contact you. Keep your lies realistic, do not go
around saying you are a millionaire without the proper attire
or external material proving that you could be a person of
great importance.

Lying can help you achieve your goals. Whether it is on your

resume to find employment, impress someone in front of you,
or to make someone feel special. There is no powerful
government that has ever existed that is completely honest or
doesn't lie to its citizens. The United States went to war with
Iraq and lied to the UN saying the nation possessed weapons
of mass destruction. Learning from this, you can win support
from a person or a group of people by merely lying to gain
what you need and to strive to successfully influence others.

Likability and Trustworthiness

What is the key to sales to have a customer purchase an item

in your store? You believe that the product may sell itself for
being exuberant [like an iPhone]. No. The key in most sales
is to be liked. Here we are talking about you selling yourself
to the second party as a trustworthy and likable individual.

People are likely to open up to you if they like you as a

person or who possesses a prolific personality pierced with
a smiles – a genuine and heart-warming smile. In this case,
you are the product and you want them to purchase you as an
individual – to be used if you allow it – and to bring with
them into their endeavors, opening more doors for you to
access. Get people to like you to further your goals. What is
your goal? To access doors to wealth, privileges, and

Once liked, people will buy you things and serve you to win
over your good graces. To be liked, lying is a possible
avenue to travel on. You may use positive reinforcements to
strengthen the bond between you and the person or group
members you are attempting to influence. Reciprocity is also
a tactic one can use to be liked. In Level III you will read
Dark NLP techniques such as mirroring which will aid in
getting you liked. Furthermore, the more you are liked by
many the more powerful you can become. When you engage
in active listening, the second party WILL grow a certain
liking to you. A friend can be conditioned to do your bidding
once correct suggestions are made (with enough time) or a
significant other who is impressed that he or she can have a
relaxed mind around you.

Politicians will do anything to be liked by the masses to

secure their votes. Which means lying, using the halo effect,
and promising a change that will better your life financially.
Hold everything with a grain of salt when the promising
sounds too good to be true. You are different however while
reading this manual, you are opening your mind to the reality
of how power works. You must place an effort into being
liked then gaining your target(s) trust. By even saying to the
target, “I have immense trust in you,” Can elicit a response
from him or her trusting you back and willing to want rapport
with you. After trust is gained, your moment to gain power,
influence, or persuade others is only inches away.

Neuro-Linguistic Programing or simply NLP is another facet

to bring into the psych. sorcery catalog. With its inception in
the 1970s, NLP has been a fascinating branch in the
therapeutic sciences. NLP believes behavior starts in the
subconscious and that everything is intricately found within
the inner workings of a humans mind - here we start with
Dark NLP

Dark NLP states that some people lack a concrete identity.

With this lack of notable psychological image worth
respecting, these individuals are subject to influence. The
docile, the passive, are not able to sink into a foundation and
grow into an inward tree of wondrous satisfaction. These are
great targets for cults, for they seek individuals who do not
have something to cling on to, so they purposely isolate them
and give them a foundation to latch on to - something worth
believing in. In their subconscious, these people are lonely,
lacking in any friends or self-worth. These people lack
confidence and dress in a way that illustrates this inability to
forge a solid “self.” What one person says is trash, the others
may say is a treasure.

The forgotten who you will find can be considered great

assets. These are great targets to play with within your
psychological sorcery practice. Like Play-Doh, you can shift
and mold them to your liking, boosting your morale with the
tactics and techniques delineated in this manual.

The second emphasis in Dark NLP is the way one uses

words. To be a mental sorcery expert, one must be articulate.
How you utter your wordings with tonality and exemplary
vocabulary will further your goal in your conquests and
unlock people with the keys to success. Instead of saying,
“He is the most hideous creature on the planet,” the correct
framing would be, “He is aesthetically deficient.” It prevents
a negative backlash and the creation of a possible enemy, yet,
you are allowed to poetically state the facts. You are also
welcome to lie to get favorable rewards or results, such as,
“You are by far the smartest boss I've ever had” while you
are in the midst of attending something that requires your
attention to evade appearing as a kiss-ass. The truth is, you
are beyond where most people are by reading this. 5% of
people bewitch 90% of the world while the remaining 5%
are too scared to act but are aware of what's taking place in

In collaboration with active listening is another technique

called Re-framing. We would like to feel like we are being
heard and understood. Re-framing acts as a method in speech
to clarify what the listener has heard from the said target.

Simply, when you are listening to the person talk and the
target waits for your response, what re-framing suggests is
that you rephrase what the individual said to you and ask if
what you rephrased was accurate.

An example would be,

• Jennifer - “Had a long day at work! Jerry gave me an

assignment that took me 3 hours to complete.”

• You - “I see, you had a long day because Jerry gave you an
assignment that took some time.[praise] You are SUCH a
hard worker”

By acknowledging that she has suffered a great deal from the

task given by Jerry and then adding praise afterward secures
your position as a thoughtful and caring lover. She has been
successfully heard and understood about her troubles and
woes from the day. The appearance of morality is there, but
the truth is you could be using her for shelter, sex, or other

Morality is just a social construct that exists only to the

wishful thinker, but in reality, the only construct that wins is
that who follows Mother Nature - she only provides to the
effective predators.

One prominent technique in Dark NLP is called Pattern

Interruption. You may say or do something that will
jeopardize your position within your target's life. Pattern
interruption prevents the target from internally calculating
what you may have done or said. Before the target reaches
high critical faculty functioning, immediately change the
topic, and disrupt the thinking pattern. You do not want your
target to register what you said or did, so the faster you act,
the faster you can remain “innocent” of any malicious
wrongdoing. You can fake an excuse and say,

“Wait, do you hear that,” quickly check your windows to buy

time, then change the subject.

Keep them waiting if you must, subjecting them to your

inclination of what is important - safety.

In a worst-case scenario, lying can be used so deny, deny,

deny. When faced with the implicit accusation, however,
assert your knowing of nothing and spin with a disruptions of
your own by accusing the second party of what your being
accused of.

Remember, you are not obligated to answer anyone's

questions, you are the master of your domain, and as such,
you should believe in the power you possess. Do not feel the
need to pursue answering any follow-up questions from
anyone because then that destroys your power of control.
However, if pattern interruption is done correctly, the target
in your reverence and grandeur will happily move on as long
as you act watchful and urgent.
By far the most important and powerful technique in Dark
NLP is Mirroring. With mirroring, you are priming your
target as well as setting the stage to be instantly liked. There
are two forms of mirroring, you can mirror the personality
format of the target [not if it's sad and gloomy], or you can
mirror the body language of the person.

By mirroring the personality of the target, the target will see

a little bit of himself or herself in you. Assumingly the target
is self-absorbed, will take a liking to his/her reflected self.
In essence, you are matching the individual's energy. Too
much energy matching and the target may think you are
mocking them. You want to make your mirroring effort
somewhat similar yet with your twists and flair of yourself.
The second form is physical mirroring. This is by far the
easiest and most effective way to get someone to like you.
When someone is sitting cross-legged, simply join them in
the same method of sitting down. As your target moves in
different positions slowly but surely move in similar
positions as well. Continue doing this until the target
subconsciously begins following your lead of movement.
This may take some time so don't beat yourself up if you don't
get it on the first try.

The most common form of Dark NLP is Anchoring.

Anchoring is a very simple tactic that requires minimal
practice. In this case, you want to use it to build up a persona
from a memory, even a personality from what you may have
seen in a person or a character you find intriguing.

Imagine you have a business meeting to attend to a week from

now. The people that will attend are high-caliber and
powerful people. Of course, you will need to put on a
confident role.

Imagine the time in your past where you were confident and
resolved in your action. Remember.

You felt as though you were on top of the world. Empower

yourself from the memory. Re-live it as if it happened
seconds ago. In its purest core of that time, while feeling the
emotion that took place - snap your finger. With the snap of
your finger, you are anchoring that moment in time where you
felt invincible. Each time you feel as though you are losing
your self-esteem or confidence, immediately snap your finger
to bring you back to the time where you felt unstoppable. The
more emphatic your snaps are, the more you are placed back
into that memory where your confidence was impeccable,
undeniable, and the envy of all. With a boost of confidence,
you can influence a person or even an audience of people.

Congratulations, you have found a way to selectively choose

when to be powerful and when to be humble with just a few
snaps of your fingers.

You were now able to understand the intricacies of

manipulation, influencing, and persuading others. One of the
most important things to understand is that many people
comprehend these multifaceted ways as well who are hidden
or in power and keep these secrets to themselves. In this
case, you will need to learn how to counterattack when
confronted with the same tactics taught within this manual.

Counterattack #1 Zero-Tolerance Policy

Manipulators, persuaders, and influencers seek to win as

many victories as possible. The people you will encounter
will do it quickly or slowly - either way, you must always be
ready and on your toes. What you need to develop is a Zero-
Tolerance Policy. When confronted by someone who
attempts to manipulate you negatively, you must tell yourself
that this individual must be kept at arm's length. If you are
unable to use them in any way shape or form, then the next
step is to discard them. The zero-tolerance policy is needed
to assure yourself that anyone who places you as a person to
use for their advantage will have to suffer the consequences.
You do not have to immediately cut them out of your life, but
it is preferred you keep your distance from them from further
attempting to sway you to feel empowered by your
Counterattack #2 Pretend Stupidity

Pretend that you are not intelligent. You are intelligent if you
are reading this manual, yet many feel this innate wanting to
feel that the world owes them for their “uncanny skills”
which most likely will be sub-par. Pretend to be an idiot
when you realize a person in front of you is a manipulating
sorcerer, not all sorcerers are comrades. Be observant of the
manipulator’s actions, responses, and statements. Analyze
any weak points and test this person if necessary. Engaged in
active listening by having the target manipulator believe his
points are remarkably accurate and deserving of praise. Even
try the re-framing technique to solidify your supposed
interested position. Do not allow them to drain too much
energy out of you, some manipulators just want an audience
and love to hear themselves speak. When you locate a point
to leave the conversation, mention how wise they are. Their
ego will be blown out of proportion, but the truth is you were
the smart one who did nothing important but have fun playing
with their mind.

Counterattack #3 Saying “No”

Learn to say “No.” As stated in the previous paragraph,

manipulators/persuaders may try to hypnotize you into
listening to their story to get something out of you, whether
it's money, sympathy, or attention. The word “No” is one of
your most powerful vocabulary to use when confronted by
someone who is attempting to use you for those purposes.
When you say “No,” people realize you are a person of
strength. When you say “No” in an unwavering way, people
realize you are not a person they can psychologically play
with. People who are Emotiphobic are unable to say no to
people for fear of losing a "friend" or disappointing people.
You should never be afraid to say “No” to anyone if your
integrity, funds, or tranquility is being jeopardized. You owe
nothing to no one. Let them know directly or indirectly that
you were willing to leave if you feel that you are being used.

Counterattack #4 Tell Stories of Previous Manipulative


Most situations can be evaded before a manipulation attack.

Tell stories asserting what you have done in the past or what
you have done to people who have attempted to fuck with
you. This will be a clear indication of what will take place
in the event where you feel the second party may attempt to
use you. You may say that due to your zero-tolerance policy
for people attempting to use you, you have immediately cut
them off without giving them a fair explanation. You may
even say that the last person who did something got punched
in the face. Either way, the point is to tell the person that you
are not someone to be tampered with and that there are
serious repercussions for any attempts to persuade you in a
way that is malicious or malevolent.
Counterattack #5 Be Confrontational

If you have made your power analysis of the person and it is

clear that it is safe, be confrontational. The best thing to do is
to look the person directly in the eye. Call them out on their
bullshit. They will lie and lie and deny any forms of
manipulation, however, if you find it beyond a reasonable
doubt they are attempting to use you, call them out. If you're
having difficulties being confrontational, use the anchoring
technique from Level III regarding confidence. Snap your
fingers rapidly and assert your position as the dominant

Counterattack #6 Never Inherit Others Drama

Never, I repeat never, get absorbed into another person's

drama. They are attempting to indirectly recruit you for a
character assault. At all times, you want to remain in a
position of neutrality. To get into people's drama is to accept
the consequences that person may face. It's good to be
associated with powerful people, yet you must remain neutral
and do not engage in other people's dramatic situations. You
can pretend you care and provide an active listening ear;
however, you should do no more than that. Your job is to
accept any opportunities others may offer you with the many
techniques written in this manual. You never want to be guilty
by association when someone is losing in the power
dynamics schemes - avoid the unlucky and unwise.
Counterattack #7 Never Be Naive

The greater your knowledge catalog increases, the more you

will be aware of how sorcery rules this world. Fake your
empathy to win people over to you through the halo effect.
You must never be naive. To believe in compassion without a
reward is a farce. This does not mean become cruel to
people, but do not be the Emotiphobic nice guy that is doing
favors for everyone to be liked and getting nothing valuable
in return. You must be firm and realize in life there is only the
prey and predator - as mother nature intended. The nation that
I'm in was brutally won by pillaging, killing, assassinating,
brainwashing, and entering countless wars. Yet in its
universities, there is an ongoing sentiment of peace and
civility - of idealism and values that the government remains
far from; with an air of arrogance and a refusal to abide by
the higher conscious masses. You must be above that, be
aware of all attempts to enter and sway your mind whether
it's by an individual or a nation. Walk on the air of caution,
many have preached peace, faked surrender, then silently
went to war against the wishes of many. There is an ongoing
psychological battle taking place on this planet, you must
play your position wisely to ensure you do not become a
victim of naivete or become a casualty of the war against the

Congratulations you have successfully completed this easy to

read manual on psychological sorcery. You have read how
powerful it is to be interested and not interesting. The
importance of earning people's trust. More importantly, it is
highly advised that you keep your intentions and secrets to
yourself. Always say less than what you know so you can
maneuver in silence in this world without any disruptions or
threats to your goals.

Civilization is not as civilized as you think it is, it is barbaric

and cold - in the mental and physical state. From the
microcosm of society to the macrocosm of a nation, people
will attempt to use you as a pawn and are trying to use you on
a national scale. However, you are now empowered to
recognize the game that you are in. There is a large veil in
which those in power do not want you to pass through to
ensure you remain ignorant. From the government to the
media-controlling the masses into mob mentality and

You now acknowledge the power of being liked, building

rapport, and the halo effect used by many of those in power
to seem angelic and graced by God when in truth they are
nothing but players in this cosmic simulation. Wording is
important to not create enemies and to gain friends. By
gaining friends, you open the doors of unfathomable and
glorious promises towards freedom. The opportunities that
lie ahead of you will be gained from this psychological
sorcery which we have discussed in this manual. Make sure
to guard your reputation and appear genuine, homely, and
down-to-earth. By doing so, you create the force required to
influence, persuade, and manipulate. Convey an unmatched
positivity to your target with a genuine smile yet cherish the
notion of unemotionality.

Use flattery bombing to your discretion. Not everyone

deserves your good graces. Learn to praise when necessary
but do not have your target become drunk with your
“kindness.” Be able to build yourself on victories whether
small or large by unlocking the minds of each person that
comes across your path. Know that many will attempt to use
authority against you, guilt-trip you, or use the silent
treatment as a means to negatively impact you. You will be
unaffected because these individuals are nothing more but
sorcerers in using what they possess in their toolkit. Never
feel the need to explain yourself to someone lower than you.
You are beyond that.

Do not fall victim to compassion and do not fall for anyone's

pity. Become selectively compassionate and reward those
who are in your inner circle - those deserving of your
understanding nature. Always possess a tenacious attitude, an
attitude to thrive, strive, and communicate with excellence.
With reciprocity, carefully induce a sense of compliance and
obligation yet you do not need to do favors for anyone unless
you will be rewarded for your efforts. This form of sorcery
is an evolutionary state, one that requires you to become a
predator to survive and to biologically multiply. After
reading this, with a placed and active mind, you should
develop a sixth sense in knowing who to approach and who
to avoid.

Counterattack every form of sorcery used against you. Some

may require confrontation while others can be done by taking
evasive maneuvering tactics such as keeping a distance from
the former target or weaponizing your silence. Always do
what is needed to further your goal, do not be ashamed by
hacking into the minds of humankind. Everything you do must
have a purpose and always appear to be noble and humble.
You must always try to be in good standings with others but
remember to keep a friendly distance from people that are
unlucky and unwise.

Submit if necessary but never fully comply. From now on, let
the world become your oyster fellow sorcerer.

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