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Evaluating Safety Performance in Construction Projects by Using Ms Excel

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org © 2020 IJCRT | Volume 8, Issue 12 December 2020 | ISSN: 2320-2882


R.K.Manikandan1, Dr.K.Shunmugapriya2
Assistant professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering college,
Perambalur, Tamil Nadu, India.


In the urbanized and rising countries, the construction firm is known to be one of the most important industries in terms of its
effect on health and safety of the Working people. Construction firm is both financially and socially important. Though, the
construction firm is also familiar to be the most dangerous. This study is to enhance the safety performance of the construction
works. And it is to understand the actual safety problems and hazard of injuries that occurs in construction works. It is to examine
safety procedures, rules, policies and accident avoidance methods related to the construction works and to provide methods and
suggestions to enhance the safety performance in construction works to decrease the accident and mortal rate. Suggestion and
recommendation are made from the questionnaire based data gathering from the construction and that are given to contractors
and workers to advance the safety performance.


In recent years the concept of safety culture has attracted considerable attention especially in the dangerous industries, such as
the nuclear industry and off-shore oil industry. The construction industry is regarded as a dangerous industry due to two
characteristics; decentralization and mobility. The meaning of decentralization is that the employees are separated by sites.
even though rules and plans are available, they still have to make decision by themselves when facing specific problems.
Mobility implies that employees in the construction industry move among the companies, sites, and positions more
frequently than those in their traditional industries. Because of these two characteristics, while the promotion of safety
management and working condition is achieved in a manner that is used by several industries to consciously improve safety
performance, they are inadequate in the construction industry .This is due to decentralization and mobility of the work force.
One of the reasons is that in the construction industry, safety performance is more relevant to the human factors. It is
particularly significant for a construction firm to advance its safety culture to achieve better safety performance. A
constructive safety culture means the safety approach and values of the company are totally accepted by its employees. In the
urbanized as well as urbanizing part of the world, construction firm is considered to be one of the most significant industries in
terms of contributing to GDP and also in terms of its effect on health and safety of the working people. Construction industry
is both economically and socially important. Research shows that the important reason of the accidents are related to the
unique things of the firm, human behaviour, difficult work site conditions, and poor safety management, which result in
unsafe work methods, equipment and procedures. Emphasis in both growing and grownup countries needs to be placed on
education and the utilization of comprehensive safety programs.

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The objectives of the study are:

To explore the existing safety procedures, regulations, policies and employee values, attitudes and perception about
safety of the construction companies
To find safety performance measurement of various construction firms in and around of tamilnadu
To understand the safety problems that occurs in the building construction
To identify the roots of construction safety problems
To give suggestion and recommendation to enhance the safety procedures
To develop a strategy that makes safety an integral part

Scope of the Study

This project provides information about various works involved in the construction industry and the safety measures
adopted by the companies
To make the employee aware of the safety norms and procedures of their companies
In a developing nations like India, safety is important because of lack of social security Thus, it becomes essential to
think certain safety measures to prevent accidents

Research Significance

Construction accidents have been causing many human tragedies, loss of life, productivity, and delay projects. The main
reason for selecting this topic was the need for improving safety performance in the Tamilnadu other reasons for would be:

The lack of studies about the safety issues of construction in the Tamilnadu
To give some ideas to help construction firms
to improve safety performance on the construction sites.


Area identification

Problem identification

Preparation of questionnaires

Questionnaire survey will be done in the construction


Analysis of questionnaire survey conducted using safety

performance index formula

Report and recommendations

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The experimental program comprises the following stages

 Preparation of questionnaires
 Questionnaire survey in the construction firms
 Analysis of questionnaire survey
 Report will be prepared and recommendations will be given based on analysis

Questionnaires General

The aim of the questionnaire to realize the real safety problems, injuries and danger/hazard that may occur in construction
projects and to investigate safety procedures, regulations, policies, and accident prevention methods related to the construction
projects in construction.

Preparation of Questionnaires

Following the literature review, a safety investigation Performa was developed to elicit information about construction
safety performance at different sites. Which covers various aspects of site safety measurement.In the next step, site
observation surveys will be conducted on sites. As a preference, building construction sites constituting scaffolding operations
and working on heights operations were selected. Some snapshots will also been taken as evidence of the observations and
also for confirming the validity of the observations.In the final step, findings based on the observations are then used to
analyze the site safety performance of the construction industry. Some conclusions and recommendations will be drawn based
on the analysis of the data.

Questionnaire Survey

The questionnaire survey is done in the construction company located in and around tamilnadu and the companies
selected are based on their financial standing

Survey Details

Development of questionnaire along with factor condition of quantification of construction safety is used. These
questionnaires were distributed among the contractors, engineers, and the collection of data was carried out to 50
contractors and engineers, only 40 contractors answer the questionnaire 10 contractors were unable to provide the data.
(Response rate of 80%).


Questionnaire was designed to study more about the safety management practices in the construction industry and ways to
improve safety performance in construction works. The questionnaires were prepared with reference of literature reviews,
contractors, engineers, project managers and consultant.

STATEMENT Yes No Maybe/sometimes

MARKS 3 1 2

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1 Is there any mishap happens in your site?

2 Is there any safety training programs is conducted
3 Is there safety instruction given to workers commencing projects
Is there any punishment awarded to worker who not following safety
Is there any training program for the new workers regarding safety
6 Is there any safety monitoring personnel employed
Whether any insurance policy has been taken to cover the risk against men and
Whether there is adequate unit such as

Fire protection
First aid

9 Is there any communication facilities to handle hazardous situation

Whether any amount earmarked to meet the safety measure is included in project
cost it self
If yes
a. 0-1% b. 1-2% c. 2-3% d. morethan 3
Is there any fund allocated made available with site in charge to meet
emergency expenditure
12 Whether the workers has undergone periodical medical check up
13 Did you have specific safety checklist for each and every work
Is there provision of personal protective equipments such as Safety helmets,
Safety eye wear, Safety gloves, Safety jackets, Safety shoes
Is there any special provision for working at height

16 Is there any special provision for working near electric power lines
17 Is there any special provision for working in depth
18 Is there proper housekeeping in your site
19 Is there provision for proper barricading to the adjoining structures
20 Did you noticed any possible hazard in your last visit


The aim of the statistical analysis is to find the significances with respect to safety issues in construction industry. The data,
usable returned questionnaires collected by means of questionnaire survey were entered, coded and analysis by use of
statistical software, SPSS (statistical package for social sciences) and Microsoft excel

Following are detailed result of various statistical test done using SPSS, each and every result has been punctuated with tables,
figures, graphs and other representations. According to the response from the construction sites, suggestions are given and
alternatives regarding safety are developed. Parameters were assessed based on following scale:

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Three point scale

1. Yes

2. No

3. Maybe/sometimes

Analysis by Using Microsoft Excel

Micro Soft Excel provides facilities for analyzing and displaying information using a weighted average technique. This
document uses version 2007 of MS excels software for windows.

Weighted average is calculated by using following formula

[(Number of votes * Weighting for column 1)

(Number of votes * Weighting for column 2)
(Number of votes * Weighting for Column 3)]

Total Number of Votes

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Response Rate

Question No Yes No Maybe/Sometimes Weighted Average

q1 19 6 15

q2 33 3 4

q3 24 5 11

q4 4 17 18

q5 9 18 13

q6 12 26 1

q7 40 0 0

q8 40 0 0

q9 8 29 0

q10 40 0 0

q11 5 17 14

q12 1 33 3

q13 5 30 0

q14 40 0 0

q15 35 1

q16 28 5 5

q17 15 20 2

q18 38 0 0

q19 4 19 1

q20 14 13 0

Response result graph for all questions

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Weighted average for all questions in MS EXCEL

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Weighted Average

Question No Yes No Maybe/Sometimes Weighted Average

q1 19 6 15 2.325

q2 33 3 4 2.75

q3 24 5 11 2.475

q4 4 17 18 1.625

q5 9 18 13 1.775

q6 12 26 1 1.6

q7 40 0 0 3

q8 40 0 0 3

q9 8 29 0 1.325

q10 40 0 0 3

q11 5 17 14 1.5

q12 1 33 3 1.05

q13 5 30 0 1.125

q14 40 0 0 3

q15 35 1 2.675

q16 28 5 5 2.475

q17 15 20 2 1.725

q18 38 0 0 2.85

q19 4 19 1 0.825

q20 14 13 0 1.375

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Weighted average graph for all questions

The response result for the questionnaire is shown in table 1 and response result graph with the counts of yes, no and
maybe/sometimes. And table 2, weighted average graph shows that the weighted average of response yes, no, maybe/sometimes

Overall, we can see that of the 20 questionnaire, questions 7, 8, 10, 14 rated most highly, with an average weighted score of 3

Those Highly rated questions are

7. Whether any insurance policy has been taken to cover the risk against men and materials
8. Whether there is adequate unit such as
Fire protection
First aid
10. Whether any amount earmarked to meet the safety measure is included in project cost it self

14. Is there provision of personal protective equipments such as

a. Safety helmets
b. Safety eye wear
c. Safety gloves
d. Safety jackets

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e. Safety shoes

4.3 Site Observation

During my visit I noticed that, they are not following safety but in the questionnaire they told that they are strictly following
the safety
For instance
 No barricades are used while lifting materials like cement bags, bricks, etc.
 Electrical place are not closed and wires are set free in ground
 No proper safety measure are taken while using chemicals
 Housekeeping is not done properly
 No proper safety in scaffolding
 No proper platform for workers who dose plastering Personal protective equipments are not worn by workers No
barricades are used in lift opening, and so on...

Owner is not ready to take part of any safety during construction time in few companies contractors demand the workers to
do the work with preventative measures even they said they are following they are not ensure the safety.
From the outcome in the questionnaire survey it was found that, accidents takes in most of the construction sites. The reason
was no appropriate safety training education conducted, no penalty awarded for not following safety, no exact safety
monitoring staff and short of communication. Concerning the cost of the construction safety measure, the most of the
respondents agreed that the cost of safety less than three percentage. There were lots of potential hazards in the
construction sites that will lead to injures, or sickness between the workers on the construction sites.
On the existing safety measures, regulations, policies, and accidents avoidance methods related to the construction works;
there was cooperation among the respondents that execution of safety rule helps in dipping accidents. Construction workers
should take part in more active roles in supporting construction safety and in improving safety for construction labors. There
was also a agreement between the respondents that duty for safety and health was only confined to construction work on site.
The respondents granted on the insufficient methods that can help to increase safety performance in the construction works,
accident exposure, contractors/owners’ safety conditions relationship, penalties, and safety meeting.
Regarding the tools most wide used and obtainable in construction sites, aid bag and helmet came on high of the list.
Concerning officers, the govt. ought to give special programs and follow up the protection performance on the construction
site and visits all construction comes to see for any violation within the construction sites. On the role of contractors,
consultants, and owners, safety programs, like staff training, education and direction ought to be project the safety culture on
the construction site. Finally, the respondents in agreement that insurance underwriter should visit construction site that are

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