Bank Performance Analysis
Bank Performance Analysis
Bank Performance Analysis
Rs in Crore
1 Total Assets 274,473.10
2 Earning Assets 486,811.00
Balances with RBI 14,033.49
Balances with Banks in Deposit Accounts 218,555.80
Balances with Banks & money at Call & Short Notice 8,212.74
Balances with Banks Outside India 5,958.44
Investments + 79,189.55
Advances + 160,860.67
Total Earning Assets 486,810.69
3 Interest bearing Liabilities
Saving Deposits 52,403.60
Term & Other Deposits 160,028.82
Borrowings 27,183.31
Subordinated Debt 234,000.00
Total Interest bearing liabilities 473,615.72
Profitability Ratios
Return on Assets= NI/ TA -0.01
TE/ TA 0.06
ROE=ROA X EM -0.18
NI/ OR -0.11
OR/ TA 0.09
TA/ TE 17.52
Provisions/TA 0.02
ROA -0.01
EA/ TA 1.77
NIM 0.02
II/ EA 0.05
IE/ Intt Bearing Liab 0.04
Spread 5382.29
Efficiency ratio= Non intt exp/ (Net Interest Income+Non intt income) 0.19
Risk Ratios
Liquidity Risk= Short term securities/ Deposits
Total capital ratio= (Total equity + Long-term debt + Reserve for loan
losses)/Total assets 0.21
Provision for loan loss ratio= PLL/ TL (provision for loan losses/total loans
and leases) 0.04
-0.01 -0.03 -0.01 -0.03
Since banks basic source of earning is spread, the need to know earning power of assets to gene
make 2% of their assets utilized.
This ratio is indicator to show the health of the bank that how much operating profit is generate
This ratio tells the need of bank to create total provisions of its total assets. The higher the bad a
which can be very dangerous for bank as it is already in losses.
Return on assets tells that how much the assets are efficient in genearting income. The ROA of I
This ratio states the power of earning assets to create the ability of the bank to create more spre
of the bank is very low to generate income.
The ratio helps to see the portion of earning assets from total assets. It indicates the ability of ba
be said to be using its assets effeciently and has a passive income generation.
Since banks basic source of earning is spread, the need to know earning power of assets to gene
make 2% of their assets utilized.
Since banks basic source of earning is spread, the need to know earning power of assets to gene
make 2% of their assets utilized.
This ratio helps to find the total percentage of interentincome earned because of earning assets
This ratio helps to find the total percentage of interent expence out of total interest bearing liab
The ratio is helpful to understand the total percentage of earning asset consumed in to settle int
simply indicates more and more burden.
The total amount of income generated because of lending at higher rate and depositing at lowe
the bank which can lead the bank to shut as it is the basic income for the bank.
This ratio tells how well the overheads expenses are being take care of. The effeciency ratio und
decreasing. The Effeciency ratio has increased from 12.07% in 2016 to 17.38% in 2020. The ratio
increased by 5 percent points over last 5 years.
This ratio explains the percentage of provision created of loans. The more the provisions indicat
NPA could be higher in these years which can again lead to more losses.
It intreprets the banks total assets financed by debt. If it is greater than 1, it indicates that a con
to 0.6 which is considerable.
This ratio gives an indication of the extent to which “hot” money is being used to fund the riskie
Bank's vulnerability is also increasing to risk of bad loans as well as hot money is also increasing
It shows the percentage of tax paid by the banks. The less it is means more disposable income a
to analyze this ratio as the amount of tax paid depends uponth profit and since it has incurred lo