Questions and Answers in Quantum Mechanics: Q1 .What Is A Simple Harmonic Oscillator (SHO) ?
Questions and Answers in Quantum Mechanics: Q1 .What Is A Simple Harmonic Oscillator (SHO) ?
Questions and Answers in Quantum Mechanics: Q1 .What Is A Simple Harmonic Oscillator (SHO) ?
1 Simple Harmonic Oscillator(SHO) 1
1.1 The power series method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
However the most important reason for studying SHO isSHO presents a
realistic case of potential that varies continuously with time. For
continuous potentials the solutions of the one dimensional Schrodinger equa-
tion can be obtained by analytical techniques. The continuous SHO potential
V (x) ∝ x2 —(2)
The SHO potential is described by equation (2) above the shape is parabolic
as potential V varies with the second power of x. Since the particle executes
motion about an equilibrium point so there must a be point where the po-
tential is minimum. The potential looks as follows.
Figure 1: shape of SHO potential
Q6. How does we treat the SHO potential quantum mechanically?
The basic step is to put the SHO potential in the one dimensional Schrodinger
q The frequency of oscillation of the mass is given by
ω= m C
equation (6)is the angular frequency. From (6) we can express the spring C
constant as
C = ω 2 m-–(7) The SHO potential is V = 12 Cx2 —-(8) using (7) in (8) we
V = 21 mω 2 x2 —(9)
This is a very conceptual question indeed.Most of the texts and students
take it for granted some mathematical steps but understanding the physics
makes the stuff more interesting.In the preceding question we have expressed
the potential in terms of the mass,frequency (ω)and displacement. The rea-
son for doing this is that since we want to find the energy in quantum me-
chanical description so we have to work with the frequency which is directly
related to energy both in classical and quantum mechanical descriptions. Re-
member quantum mechanically allowed energies are in terms of the frequency.
E = n 6 hν
In the available literature there are two methods to solve the quantum
mechanical SHO problem.
H= 2m
[p2 + (mωx)2 ]—(14)
The equation (14) contains sum of two squares. From your basic knowl-
edge of complex numbers you know
H= 2m
[(mωx) − ip][(mωx) + ip]—(16)
a+ = √ 1
(−ip + mωx)—-(17) and
a− = √2m6 hω
(+ip + mωx)—(18)
These two equations are f prime importance in the theory of quantum
mechanical SHO. Now the new things will be revealed when the product of
(17) and (18) will be calculated
Here is key point lets check the product and see what result it yields.
a− a+ = 2m61hω [p2 −mω 2 x2 −mωi(xp−px)]—(19).In equation (19) the quantity
(xp − px) is yielding something that we don’t expect from simple multipli-
cation of two complex numbers.
Q12.What is the problem with this quantity its pre school math-
ematics, the result will be zero?
tainty principle is everywhere !!!!! No this is not the reason. One thing you
must keep in mind that both momentum and position are operators. The
magic with operator is that when they operate on any function the result
depends on the direction from which they act.Let us make the things more
and position is simple x.Now let us take a function f(x) and see the fol-
lowing results
(1) x(−i 6 h ∂f∂x(x) )—(20) this occurs when we apply xp on f(x). Now lets see
what happens when we apply px on f(x)
i 6 h left over.
Yes the result is both shocking and interesting.let us see another more
clear example.Let our function f (x) = x2 we now perform the mathematical
operations same as above
now we come to the second operation where the position operator is after
the momentum operator
(−i 6 h ∂x
= −i 6 h3x2 )—-(23)
Q13Is there any physical meaning of this mathematical relation i.e. com-
mutation relation?
δxδp ' 6h2 . If the commutation relation of two operators A and B is such
[A, B] = AB−BA = 0 then the two operators A and B are said to commute
and the two quantities can be measured simultaneously. If
Canonical has a wide range of meanings. For time being we can under-
stand canonical means a set of coordinates that describe system completely.
For example position and momentum is such a set of coordinates.
Conjugate variables are those which do not commute with each other,i.e.
they cannot be measured simultaneously with precision. Momentum and po-
sition form such a pair of variables. But there is an important concept here
when we are talking of momentum and position both are vector quantities
and have components along three axes. The meaning of conjugate will be
more clear here .Suppose the particle is moving in two dimensional space. If
you take position of the particle along x axis then you can find the y com-
ponent of momentum along the y axis i.e py so the commutation relation
between these two quantities will be
[x, py ] = 0—-(25)
a− a+ = 6h1ω H − 12 ——(25)
equation (25) results due to the commutation relations.The general for of
commutation relation is
[a− , a+ ] = 1—(26)
H =6 hω(a− a+ − 21 )—(27)
a+ a− = 26hmω
[p2 + (mωx)2 − imω(−i 6 h)]
the first quantity in bracket on the right hand side is Hamiltonian so after
solving we have
a+ a− = denH
H + 12 —(28)
by similar method we can find that
a− a+ = nothω − 21
Now let us come to the point what these actually mean.We see that chang-
ing the order of the two quantitiesa− and a+ changes the sign of the factor
in the Hamiltonian. Now the Schrodinger equation of the form
Hψ = Eψ–(30) can now be written in the form
Q17.what about a± ψ
From physical considerations we can guess that since the quantities a and
a+ contain the operators np and x so they will produce some effect on the
eigen function ψ let us first evaluate the commutation relation
[a− , a+ ] = a− a+ − a+ a− = 1—(32)
Hψ = Eψ we use
now remembering the commutation relation between a− and a+ we have
a+ [6 hω(a+ a− + 1 + 12 )ψ]
don’t add 1 and 21
this gives
a+ (H+ 6 hω)ψ or
this a remarkable result earlier where there was only E the total energy
of the system now we have
H(a+ )ψ = (E+ 6 h)—-(34)
the quantity a− when operates on the eigen function reduces the enrgy by
one unit of 6 hω
the ladder operators