ALP2 0003333752190COIN V5 en
ALP2 0003333752190COIN V5 en
ALP2 0003333752190COIN V5 en
ALP IFCC Gen.2 Enzymes
Order information
Analyzers on which cobas c pack can be used
03333752 190 ALP IFCC Gen.2 Small (200 tests) System-ID 07 6761 1
03333701 190 ALP IFCC Gen.2 Large (400 tests) System-ID 07 6760 3
10759350 190 Calibrator f.a.s. (12 × 3 mL) System-ID 07 3718 6
10759350 360 Calibrator f.a.s. (12 × 3 mL, for USA) System-ID 07 3718 6
12149435 122 Precinorm U plus (10 × 3 mL) System-ID 07 7999 7
12149435 160 Precinorm U plus (10 × 3 mL, for USA) System-ID 07 7999 7
12149443 122 Precipath U plus (10 × 3 mL) System-ID 07 8000 6
12149443 160 Precipath U plus (10 × 3 mL, for USA) System-ID 07 8000 6
10171743 122 Precinorm U (20 × 5 mL) System-ID 07 7997 0
10171735 122 Precinorm U (4 × 5 mL) System-ID 07 7997 0
10171778 122 Precipath U (20 × 5 mL) System-ID 07 7998 9
10171760 122 Precipath U (4 × 5 mL) System-ID 07 7998 9
05117003 190 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 1 (20 × 5 mL) System-ID 07 7469 3
05947626 190 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 1 (4 × 5 mL) System-ID 07 7469 3
05947626 160 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 1 (4 × 5 mL, for USA) System-ID 07 7469 3
05117216 190 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 2 (20 × 5 mL) System-ID 07 7470 7
05947774 190 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 2 (4 × 5 mL) System-ID 07 7470 7
05947774 160 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 2 (4 × 5 mL, for USA) System-ID 07 7470 7
ALP IFCC Gen.2 Enzymes
P362 + P364 Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. Reaction mode R1-S-SR
Product safety labeling primarily follows EU GHS guidance. Reaction direction Increase
Contact phone: all countries: +49-621-7590, USA: 1-800-428-2336 Wavelength A/B 409/659 nm
Reagent handling Calc. first/last 58/98
Ready for use
Unit U/L
Storage and stability
Pipetting parameters
Shelf life at 2‑8 °C See expiration date on
cobas c pack label Diluent (H2O)
COBAS INTEGRA 400 plus system R1 75 µL 16 µL
On-board in use at 10‑15 °C 4 weeks Sample 2.75 µL 20 µL
COBAS INTEGRA 800 system SR 17 µL 10 µL
On-board in use at 8 °C 8 weeks Total volume 140.75 µL
ALP IFCC Gen.2 Enzymes
For diagnostic purposes, the results should always be assessed in Repeatability Mean SD CV
conjunction with the patient’s medical history, clinical examination and other U/L (µkat/L) U/L (µkat/L) %
Precinorm U 80.1 (1.34) 1.3 (0.02) 1.6
Special Wash Programming: The use of special wash steps is mandatory Pecipath U 228 (3.81) 4 (0.07) 1.8
when certain test combinations are run together on COBAS INTEGRA
analyzers. Refer to the CLEAN Method Sheet for further instructions and for Human serum 1 72.7 (1.21) 1.5 (0.03) 2.0
the latest version of the Extra wash cycle list. Human serum 2 225 (3.76) 4 (0.07) 1.8
Where required, special wash/carry-over evasion programming must
be implemented prior to reporting results with this test. Intermediate precision Mean SD CV
Limits and ranges U/L (µkat/L) U/L (µkat/L) %
Measuring range Precinorm U 81.8 (1.37) 2.3 (0.04) 2.8
3.0‑1200 U/L (0.05‑20 µkat/L)
Pecipath U 230 (3.84) 6 (0.10) 2.8
Determine samples having higher activities via the rerun function. Dilution
of samples via the rerun function is a 1:5 dilution. Results from samples Human serum 1 70.0 (1.17) 1.9 (0.03) 2.7
diluted using the rerun function are automatically multiplied by a factor of 5. Human serum 2 220 (3.67) 6 (0.10) 2.7
Lower limits of measurement
Lower detection limit of the test: Method comparison
3.0 U/L (0.05 µkat/L) ALP values for human serum and plasma samples obtained on a
The lower detection limit represents the lowest measurable analyte level COBAS INTEGRA 700 analyzer with the COBAS INTEGRA
that can be distinguished from zero. It is calculated as the value lying ALP IFCC Gen.2 (ALP2L) reagent (y) were compared to those determined
3 standard deviations above that of a zero sample (zero sample + 3 SD, using the same reagent on a Roche/Hitachi 917 analyzer (x), and to those
repeatability, n = 21). determined using the previous reagent (ALP6) on a COBAS INTEGRA 700
analyzer (x).
Expected values
(measured at 37 °C) Roche/Hitachi 917 analyzer Sample size (n) = 97
Passing/Bablok16 Linear regression
y = 1.021x - 2.95 U/L y = 1.036x - 5.78 U/L
Males (n = 221) 40-129 U/L (0.67-2.15 µkat/L)
τ = 0.978 r = 0.999
Females (n = 229) 35-104 U/L (0.58-1.74 µkat/L)
SD (md 95) = 10.9 Sy.x = 4.20
Consensus values13 The sample activities were between 37 and 866 U/L (0.618 and
Males 40-130 U/L (0.67-2.17 µkat/L) 14.5 µkat/L).
Females 35-105 U/L (0.58-1.75 µkat/L)
COBAS INTEGRA 700 analyzer Sample size (n) = 93
Passing/Bablok16 Linear regression
aged 1 day < 250 U/L (< 4.17 µkat/L)
y = 1.006x + 0.034 U/L y = 1.004x + 0.351 U/L
aged 2‑5 days < 231 U/L (< 3.84 µkat/L)
τ = 0.982 r = 1.00
aged 6 days‑6 months < 449 U/L (< 7.49 µkat/L)
SD (md 95) = 7.00 Sy.x = 3.17
aged 7 months‑1 year < 462 U/L (< 7.69 µkat/L)
The sample activities were between 38 and 924 U/L (0.635 and
aged 1‑3 years < 281 U/L (< 4.67 µkat/L) 15.4 µkat/L).
aged 4‑6 years < 269 U/L (< 4.48 µkat/L) References
aged 7‑12 years < 300 U/L (< 5.00 µkat/L) 1 Greiling H, Gressner AM, eds. Lehrbuch der Klinischen Chemie und
Pathobiochemie, 3rd ed. Stuttgart/New York: Schattauer Verlag 1995.
aged 13‑17 years (f) < 187 U/L (< 3.11 µkat/L)
2 King EJ, Armstrong AR. A convenient method for determining serum
aged 13‑17 years (m) < 390 U/L (< 6.51 µkat/L) and bile phosphatase activity. Can Med Assoc J 1934;31(4):376-381.
*calculated from published reference ranges for the ALP opt. method 3 Ohmori Y. Uber die Phosphomonoesterase. Enzymologia
(DGKC)14 using a factor of 0.417 derived from a method comparison. 1937;4:217-231.
Conversion factors to other temperatures have been published,15 but not 4 Bessey OA, Lowry OH, Brock MJ. A method for the rapid determination
checked by Roche for the present reagent. of alkaline phosphatase with five cubic millimeters of serum. J Biol
Chem 1946;164:321-329.
Roche has not evaluated reference ranges in a pediatric population.
5 Hausamen TU, Helger R, Rick W, et al. Optimal conditions for the
Each laboratory should investigate the transferability of the expected values determination of serum alkaline phosphatase by a new kinetic method.
to its own patient population and if necessary determine its own reference Clin Chim Acta 1967;15:241-245.
6 Tietz NW, Rinker AD, Shaw LM. International Federation of Clinical
Specific performance data Chemistry. IFCC methods for the measurement of catalytic
Representative performance data on the analyzers are given below. concentration of enzymes, Part 5. IFCC method for alkaline
Results obtained in individual laboratories may differ. phosphatase (orthophosphoric-monoester phosphohydrolase, alkaline
optimum, EC J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1983;21:731-748.
Precision was determined using human samples and controls in an internal 7 Guder WG, Narayanan S, Wisser H, et al. List of Analytes;
protocol with repeatability (n = 21) and intermediate precision (1 aliquot per Preanalytical Variables. Brochure in: Samples: From the Patient to the
run, 1 run per day, 21 days). The following results were obtained: Laboratory. Darmstadt: GIT-Verlag 1996.
ALP IFCC Gen.2 Enzymes