Chapter 2 Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic System
Chapter 2 Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic System
Chapter 2 Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic System
• where c(t) is the output, r(t) is the input, and the ai’s, bi’s, and the form of the
differential equation represent the system. Taking the Laplace transform of both
• If we assume that all initial conditions are zero, Eq. (1) reduces to
• Now form the ratio of the output transform, C(s), divided by the input transform,
Summing point
Take-off point: is a point in which the output signal of any block can be applied
to two or more points.
Take-off point
• Transfer function is
• Example2:determine the transfer function of the system shown in fig below.
• Or
• Putting R1(s)=0 and the block G2 and H1 are feedback loop and cascaded with
G1H1 and replace the summing point by -1 thus the block diagram will looks;
• Or
Basic Terminologies
• State. The state of a dynamic system is the smallest set of variables (called state
variables) such that the knowledge of these variables at t = to, together with the
knowledge of the input for t ≥ to, completely determines the behavior of the
system for any time t ≥ to.
• State Variables. The state variables of a dynamic system are the variables making
up the smallest set of variables that determine the state of the dynamic system.
• If at least n variables x1, x2…xn are needed to completely describe the behavior
of a dynamic system (so that once the input is given for t≥ to and the initial state at
t = to is specified, the future state of the system is completely determined), then
such n variables are a set of state variable.
• State Vector. If n state variables are needed to completely describe the behavior of
a given system, then these n state variables can be considered the n components of
a vector x. Such a vector is called a state vector.
• A state vector is thus a vector that determines uniquely the system state x(t) for
any time t ≥ to, once the state at t = to is given and the input u(t) for t ≥to is
• State Space. The n-dimensional space whose coordinate axes consist of the xl
axis, x2 axis,…xn axis, where xl , x2,…xn are state variables; is called a state
space. Any state can be represented by a point in the state space.
• State-Space Equations. In state-space analysis we are concerned with three types
of variables that are involved in the modeling of dynamic systems: input variables,
output variables, and state variables.
• We consider physical systems described by nth-order ordinary differential
equation. Utilizing a set of variables, known as state variables, we can obtain a set
of first-order differential equations. We group these first-order equations using a
compact matrix notation in a model known as the state variable/space model.
• The dynamic system must involve elements that memorize the values of the input
for t ˃ t0 .
• Since integrators in a continuous time control system serve as memory devices,
the outputs of such integrators can be considered as the variables that define the
internal state of the dynamic system.
• Thus the outputs of integrators serve as state variables.
• The number of state variables to completely define the dynamics of the system is
equal to the number of integrators involved in the system.
• Assume that a multiple-input, multiple-output system involves n integrators.
Assume also that there are r inputs u1(t), u2(t), … , ur(t) and m outputs y1(t),
y2(t), … , ym(t). Defining n outputs of the integrators as state variables: x1(t),
x2(t), … , xn(t). Then the system may be described by:
• The outputs y1(t), y2(t), … , ym(t) of the system may be given by:
• In vector-matrix form
• Generally the state space model for;
• Nonlinear time variant system
• Let
• There are three elements which are • There are three elements which are
dominantly involved in the analyzing dominantly involved in the analyzing
of translational motion. These are; of rotational motion. These are;
Mass Inertia
Spring Spring
Damper damper
Translational Mechanical System
• Example : Determine the transfer function for the mechanical system taking the force on
the mass as an input and the displacement as output shown in figure below.
• Example: Find the differential equation and transfer function relating the
capacitor voltage , Vc(s) to the input voltage, V(s) in Figure below
• Most of the systems which are driven by motors are associated with gear trains for
driving the load . Which provides mechanical advantage for rotational systems.
• An input gear with radius r1 and N1teeth is rotated through angle ϴ1(t) due to a
torque, T1(t). An output gear with radius r2 and N2 teeth responds by rotating
through angle ϴ2(t) and delivering a torque, T2(t)
• Let us now find the relation-ship between the rotation of Gear1,ϴ1(t) and
• The number of teeth along the circumstance is proportional with the radius:
a) Rotational system driven by gears b) Equivalent system at the output after reflection of input torque
• After simplification:
• Example: Find the transfer function for the following system taking the angular
displacement of the second inertia as an output when we apply an input torque on
the first inertia:
• Solution: First reflect impedances(D1 and J1) and the torque T1 from the input
side to the output side.