Swaptions: European Swap Options

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Swap options: Referred to as Swaption.

Option that gives the right (at expiration date) to

enter into a pre-specified swap agreement.

1. For instance, the right may be to enter into a swap

agreement to receive 6 month LIBOR and pay a
specified fixed rate Rk on notional principal L, for a
specified period.
2. Alternatively, the right may be to receive fixed rate
Rk on principal L and pay floating rate, say 6
month LIBOR on L, for specified period.

Swaption is equivalent to a Bond Option:

A swap as in (1) above is equivalent to an agreement

to exchange a fixed-rate bond for a floating rate bond.
At the start of the swap, the value of the floating rate
bond = Notional principal, L. So the Swaption with
swap as in (1) above is equivalent to exchange a fixed
rate bond for L. So it is a put option to sell a fixed rate
bond for L.

The Swaption with swap as in (2) is equivalent to

exchanging a floating rate bond for a fixed rate bond.
Since the value of the floating rate bond is L, the
Swaption is equivalent to a call option to buy the
fixed rate bond for L.


Valuation of Swaption:

Suppose the swap is as in (1), i.e., receive floating

rate and pay fixed. Swap rate for particular
maturity at a particular time is the fixed rate that
would be exchanged for LIBOR in a newly issued
swap with that maturity.
Assumption: Swap rate at maturity of option has a
log-normal distribution.
RT: Swap rate at maturity T of option.
Suppose fixed rate specified in the Swaption is Rk.

If RT < Rk, Swaption will not be exercised.

If RT > Rk, Swaption will be exercised.
Suppose there are m ( = 2 for 6 month LIBOR)
payments in a year. Then RT and Rk are expressed
with compounding frequency of m times per year.

Note: If RT > Rk, Swaption is exercised and the

series of fixed payments will be (L.Rk/m), instead of
(L.RT/m). The pay off from exercising the option will
be a series of cash flows
R T  R k .

So the Swaption in this case is a Call option on RT

with series of cash flows
Max R T  R k , 0 .......... ..( 1 )
Suppose that the life of the swap is n years, we
have series of mn cash flows as in (1) at times T1,
T2, ……., Tmn.
The value of the cash flow received at time Ti is
P ( 0 , T i ) R 0 N ( d 1 )  R k N ( d 2 ) 
 R  T
ln  0    2
where d1   Rk  2
 T
d 2  d1   T


R0 is the Forward swap rate
P(0, Ti): Value of a zero coupon bond maturing at Ti

Value of Swaption
  P ( 0 , T i ) R 0 N ( d 1 )  R k N ( d 2 ) 
i 1

 L A R 0 N ( d 1 )  R k N ( d 2 ) 
where A 

i 1
P ( 0 , Ti )

Note: A is the value of a contract that pays (1/m) at

times Ti, i = 1, 2, …., mn

If the Swaption is as in (2), i.e. Receive Fixed rate

and Pay Floating rate, then the payoff from the
option is L
Max R k  RT , 0 
So in this case, Swaption is a Put option on RT
with series of cash flows
Max R k  RT , 0 
at times Ti, i = 1, 2, …., mn
Value of Swaption is
 L A R k N (  d 2 )  R 0 N (  d 1 ) 

where A, d1, d2 and R0 are as defined before.

Swaption Example


LIBOR yield curve is flat: 6% per annum with

continuous compounding
Swaption: Holder gets the right to pay 6.2% in a 3
year swap starting 5 years from now
Payments are semi-annual
Principal: 100
Volatility of swap rate: 20%
A = (1/2)[e-0.06(5.5) + e-0.06(6) + e-0.06(6.5) + e-0.06(7)
+ e-0.06(7.5) + e-0.06(8)] = 2.0035
Rate of 6% with continuous compounding is
equivalent to 6.09% with semi annual compounding.


R0 = 0.0609; Rk = 0.062; T = 5;  = 0.2
 0.0609  2 5 
ln   0.2   
 0.062   2   0.1836
d1 
0 .2 5
d2 = 0.1836 – 0.25 = -0.2636

Value of Swaption is
100 (2.0035) [0.0609 N(0.1836) – 0.062 N(-0.2636)]
= 2.07


Thank You!

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore – 560 076, INDIA



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