Study Plan Manual
Study Plan Manual
Study Plan Manual
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GMAT: Study plan for the Video Course
Before you start with the course:
Spend 30 minutes watching these three 10-minute videos as below (even if you have watched some parts of them before). Don’t skip even a second.
Why is this important? This video will familiarize you with the expectations | goals | philosophy | focus of the course. By now you know that the
focus of this course is to help you get the 99th percentile score on the GMAT (760-800 range). It is absolutely compulsory for you to have the right
mindset whenever you start with anything significant. For example, if you were to run a marathon 3 months from now, you can’t be random in
your thinking / training … “Let me see / let me start and see how this pans out / Let me run a little every day / even if a few days are missed, it is
okay / if not this marathon, probably the next one / if not a full marathon, I can go for a half marathon … etc.” This won’t take you anywhere. If
you want to achieve any big target, you must have a goal that is extremely clear. And an Ivy-league or equivalent MBA is the most coveted
education in the entire world (you will be shocked to know that 473/500 Fortune-500 CEOs hold prestigious MBAs).
Specific: ≥760 Score … don’t say I want a good score. UGH! LAME! Learn to talk in specific numbers.
Measurable: at the end of your exam, you will be able to measure whether you got ≥760 score or not. Similarly, at the end of each day / week /
month, you can measure whether you are achieving your desired targets (in terms of hours / materials finished).
Actionable / Attainable / Achievable: after knowing the experiences of thousands of 99th percentile scorers in the past, you must believe that this
goal is undoubtedly achievable. Thousands of my students in the past have demonstrated that such scores are indeed possible.
Relevant: of course, a ≥760 score is bound to be relevant to your future career ambitions.
Time bound: you can’t say, “let me see / let me start preparing …” kind of lines. Be focused and specific about what you want to achieve. You must
prepare with a deadline in mind. To this effect, daily inputs are really important. Set a target of at least 3 hours a day, on average (weekly 21
hours overall). Depending on your current situation, you may study more than 3 hours per day as well. Hold yourself accountable on days that
you slip up. Inculcate self-discipline and self-motivation. Generally speaking, people who need someone else to discipline / motivate them don’t
go very far in life (don’t become top CEOs / top entrepreneurs). Be on a mission. Have a laser-focused precision and razor-sharp sense of purpose.
2. Video No. 2 – GMAT Topicwise
Some parts in this are repeated from the previous video(s) that you may have seen.
Why is this important? Once you have set the big goal of getting a 99th percentile score (760-800 range), the next thing is to understand the
component parts: RC, SC, CR and Quant (DS and PS). Watching this video will give you the necessary confidence that even if you are extremely
weak at any area to begin with, you can really scale spectacular heights with this course. I expect the BEST EFFORT OF YOUR LIFE and not a
casual, ‘it’s ok’ ‘chalta-hai (means ‘it is okay to be lax’)’ kind of effort. You may be below average to start with; that doesn’t matter. All you need
to do is be sincere with this course.
In the past, we have had students who went from 1/30 in the Initial Student Assessment Test (SAT) to 760 within a matter of months | from 18 to
40 in Verbal | from 21 to 42 in Verbal | from 26 to 42 in Verbal | from getting 1/25 in the first DS (Data Sufficiency) Session to scoring 50 or 51
in Quant | from 0% accuracy to scoring a 99th percentile in Verbal | from 610 to 760 in 2 weeks | from 460 to 760 in a few months.
Also, remember this: someone who gets a 770 score with this course will have access to the same resources (same teacher / same videos /
same materials / same guidance) as someone who gets a 610 score. So, the difference is not in instruction / teaching / service quality. The
difference is clearly in the efforts put in by the two respective students. My efforts are the same for each student. Let your effort match my
philosophy of a 99th percentile score. I will definitely push you for a ≥760 score, but if you put in 550-level efforts, I won’t be able to help you
Why is this important? You must realize that the GMAT isn’t your end goal; the goal is to join a B-school / University for MBA or MS (Masters)
or PhD program. So, if you turn a complete blind eye to the application process in this moment (“let me focus on GMAT right now. I will think
about the schools later.”), you run a huge risk of losing ONE FULL YEAR. The correct approach will be to have at least a general idea (if not specific)
about the application process, your target schools and their respective deadlines (if not anything else).
To this effect, after watching the three videos, please schedule a call with my resident B-School Admissions Expert Autrri Chakravarti for a
preliminary discussion. Talking to Autrri will give you a lot of clarity in terms of your timelines. You can get in touch with him at
For best results from this course, please start with the Study Plan only after finishing the three
videos and the call with Autrri.
Actual Study Plan
For every video session, we have set for you some Pre-Work (before watching the video) and some Post-Work (after watching the video).
PLEASE NOTE: All the extra materials (Manhattan Books, Official Guides and all other necessary resources) are provided from our side.
Video Sessions
Session No. + Name Pre-Work Video Post Work
Session 1: Introduction
Go through solutions
to the GMAT + RC 1
PDF for this session.
(Part 1) from the PDF Watch Session 1 Video.
Solve the initial 6 questions (2 questions in Quant, 2 in CR,
Make relevant notes.
2 in SC) + RC Session 1 (first 2 passages, 7 RC questions Video Session Support
Video Session Support Pause / rewind the video
overall) in untimed conditions without referring to Handouts\Introductory
Handouts\Introductory whenever needed.
solutions. Max one hour! Session\S1 Introduction
Session\S1 3 hours
+ RC 1 (part 1)
Introduction + RC 1
(part 1).pdf
Go through solutions
PDF for this session.
Session 2: Verbal Important: after the
Session 2: RC 1 first two sessions of RC,
(Remaining) + RC 2 Watch Session 2 Video. revise OCTAVE from
Solve passage No. 3-6 from RC 1 and solve all the 7
from the PDF Make relevant notes. OCTAVE PDF.
passages from RC 2 (11 RC passages and 26 RC questions
Pause / rewind the video Video Session Support
overall) in untimed conditions without referring to
Video Session Support whenever needed. Handouts\Introductory
solutions. 90-120 min
Handouts\Verbal\S2 3 hours Session\OCTAVE
RC Session 1 (Part 2) + 2020.pdf
RC Session 2.pdf Don’t do this before
finishing the videos /
reading the solutions.
Suggested extra post work after RC 1 and RC 2: Solve at least 4 passages a day from RC Latest PDF. Read each solution, even if you are
correct. Though this is strongly advised, it is not absolutely compulsory at this stage.
RC\Latest RC.pdf and RC Latest solutions_final.pdf
Go through solutions
PDF for this session.
Session 3: Quant 1: DS
Traps …
Video Session Support
Watch Session 3 Video. Handouts\Quant\ S3 DS
Don’t revise any math
Solve each of the DS questions. Make relevant notes. traps solution.pdf
basics / formulas
Pause / rewind the video
before this session.
60 min whenever needed. Important: please don’t
3 hours be frustrated about your
Video Session Support
accuracy in DS Traps.
Almost everyone
Quant 1 DS Traps.pdf
struggles with DS traps
in the beginning.
If your math basics are decent – skip this step entirely. Just read the concepts from the session handouts, solve the session handouts,
watch the videos, and then solve Quant 700-800 and Quant Latest after all the (respective) sessions are over.
If you need brushing up on the basics: Read the relevant topics from Manhattan GMAT Quant books (before every session). Respective
book names / page numbers are given before each video session’s Pre-work.
I repeat: only if you need help from absolute basics in Quant, you may refer to the Manhattan GMAT Quant guides. If your math foundations
are decent / strong, you may skip Manhattan Guides completely.
Manhattan GMAT guides for Quant (all guides are provided by us):
Topic wise books (Strategy Guides) – 1. Algebra, 2. Word Problems, 3. Fractions, Decimals, and Percents, 4. Number Properties, 5. Geometry
Folder name: Manhattan Guides + PDF Mocks … you may find all the guides there.
Go through solutions
PDF for this session.
\Quant\Quant 700-800
For concepts in SC:
You must finish reading
3 hours
(Optional) Read CR concepts book again. Watch Session 10
Video. Make relevant
Session 10: Verbal Session 6: Compulsory: Must solve at least 25 more passages notes. Pause /
CR Session 3 + RC Session 4 from RC Latest, preferably all in one long sitting. rewind the video
Read every solution, even if your answers are whenever needed. Go through solutions PDF
\Video Session Support correct. This session is really for this session.
Handouts\Verbal\S6 CR 3 + good for revising the
RC 4.pdf Compulsory: finish the S10 CR 3 + RC 4.pdf AVE part of OCTAVE.
NOTE: This is going to help only those students who have finished watching ALL the video sessions and have done all the pre- and post- works.
Write a mock test (GMAT-Prep 1 - download from ... write the entire test. Don’t skip any section. Do the entire test in one sitting.
After identifying your weak areas, follow the entire study plan (as given below). Ideally this should take 30 days (4 hrs/day) or 40 days (3 hrs/day).
To customize your plan: you may get in touch with our admissions director Autrri Chakravarti (who is also a GMAT expert) ( to chart
out a customized plan for you depending on your performance in the first mock test).
We have not listed down the hour-wise or day-wise plan because each student has different practice styles. But if you want us to design a daily /
weekly plan for you, we may help you (though it is strongly advised that you manage your own time during this process).
Take an estimate of the number of questions you have to solve. Always solve at least 30 questions at a stretch in one hour (2 minutes per question).
Take an estimate of the number of questions you have to solve. Always solve at least 30 questions at a stretch in roughly 50 minutes (ideally 100
seconds per question).
1. (Compulsory) OG and OG VR
2. (Compulsory) CR Latest (most important) + Add on … some questions are repeated intentionally in this collection because we feel you need to relook
at the logic involved in them once again.
Take an estimate of the number of passages / questions you have to solve. Always solve at least 4 passages at a time: passage with 3 questions (5
min overall – reading the passage and answering the questions) / passage with 4 questions (6.5 min overall – reading the passage and answering the
Concepts: OCTAVE has been discussed in detail in the videos (revise from OCTAVE PDF)
Practice: OG, OG VR
RC Latest Questions
Take an estimate of the number of questions you have to solve. Always solve at least 30 questions at a stretch in 30 minutes (ideally one minute
per question).
1. OG, OG VR
2. SC Latest Questions (most crucial) - this is a set of about 700 questions in SC ... if you can get 90% accuracy on this, your exam won't be a problem at
For all the questions in SC Latest, you must write your brief solution and check from Manhattan-GMAT forums (only expert replies). You must
make sure that you use only grammar (rules), meaning, and idiom to eliminate. Don't use intuition at all. This contains about 700 official SC
After the video (you will need the session handout), please refer to the Model answers to AWA questions (just read five sample topics and answers a
day prior to the test). You will ensure a grade of 5-6. A grade of 4 is absolutely acceptable.
IR (optional, you may skip this altogether):
After watching the video and solving the relevant PDF, please follow the following steps for IR:
1. Solve "IR questions - real GMAT.PDF" fully (39 questions) and check all solutions ... some of the questions in this document are common with the
session handout but there are a lot of new questions.
2. Solve "OG online supplement - IR 50 questions.PDF" (50 questions) fully and refer to each solution.
3. Solve "TOP-GMAT's Integrated Reasoning Content.PDF" (72 questions) fully and refer to each solution. This is tougher level practice.
YOU CAN ENSURE a grade of 7-8 by doing all the above steps. BUT don’t sweat this topic much. Isn’t all that important.
We have seen that almost all students face a problem of lack of concentration, lack of stamina, fatigue, bad pacing, and improper execution as bigger
problems on the test than the subject content.
You must make ten to twenty 140-min sittings with LSAT RC and CR sections alternately under strict time conditions – 35 minutes per section (complete
4 sections in one sitting). These sittings must be nonstop 140 minutes.
Mock Tests to take before the real test:
Please understand that taking any other mock test will not help you at all.
Book your exam date when you feel that your worst day performance can't be lower than 730.
All the best for your GMAT 99th percentile dream and admit to the business school of your choice:
Sandeep Gupta
Founder, Top-One-Percent GMAT and GRE | GMAT 800/800 [Earlier scores: 800/800, 770/800, 770/800]
GRE 340/340 [Earlier scores: 1600/1600 - old format, 2400/2400 - old format] | A Hattrick of Harvard Admits
GMAT and GRE coach since 1996 |
Just a message / phonecall away for any help you need