Printed Media
Printed Media
Printed Media
The word "print" originates from the Middle English word "printe." meaning "to impress or
stamp." Its definition relates to the process of producing text using ink, lettering and paper, or
other printable materials. The origin of "media" goes back to the Latin word "medius" or
"medium," the singular form of the word, meaning an intermediate agency or channel of
communication. Media is defined as any means of communicating that reaches a large number of
Newspapers reach people in countries worldwide, keeping readers in their respective nations
abreast of local, national and international stories that editors and writers find of interest. Prior to
newspaper publishing, transmission of information primarily took place verbally, through word-
of-mouth messaging.
Publication of the first magazine printed in English took place in 1704. As of 2010, the world of
media boasts an uncountable number of these print publications covering an equally
indeterminable number of topics including science, fashion, news, sports, teen life, comics,
science, housekeeping, sex and cooking.
Libraries overflow with books from authors who cater to dedicated readers of this type of media,
which takes on the form of biographies, fiction, nonfiction, children's books and self-
Books, magazines, newspapers, catalogs, journals, and articles are six types of print media.
Newsletters, billboards, and posters are also forms of print media.
Flashy magazines are always popular among consumers and are often read by them for a
particular period of time in a month. The monthly magazines are the best way to bring
attention to any advertisements.
Some forms of the print media have a huge and trusted followers. This is definitely a
great boost to attract readership.
Print media allows you to choose your own space for advertisement, thus, you can
manage your budget and expenses while planning for the advertisement.
If you are targeting the global audience, then this is not the medium you should go for.
Instead, the internet has a much wider reach than print media in this.
Placing an advertisement in print media requires a lot of planning and time. In this case,
you are faced with flexibility problem, particularly when you work in tight deadlines.
In fact, there is much limitations when it comes to targeting your audience as the
particular newspaper may not be available to the audience all the time. On the other hand,
a person can get access to the internet from anywhere and everywhere.
Besides, most of the time, your advertisement might get lost among all other ads and
editorials. Plus, the lifespan of newspaper and magazines is very short as people have a
tendency to throw them or keep them aside after one day of read.