IFE/KR/E-2009/003: Guidelines For Prediction of C02 Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production Systems

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Guidelines for prediction of

C02 corrosion in oil and gas
production systems
Institute for Energy Technology

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Report number Date

IFE/KR/E-2009/003 2009-09-01
Report title Number of pages

Guidelines for prediction of C02 corrosion 19

in oil and gas production systems

Project/Contract no. and name ISSN

Client/Sponsor Organisation and reference ISBN
Operators Group on Corrosion Prediction Guidelines 978-82-7017-791-2

A group of corrosion experts from different oil companies has

prepared guidelines for use of CO2 corrosion prediction tools. The
guidelines are intended for use in design and engineering practice
applied by companies operating oil and gas production facilities.
This document attempts to set minimum guidelines that should be
common to most companies. The document is sufficiently
flexible to allow individual companies to adapt the information
set forth in this document to their own environment and
A methodology for defining the likelihood of corrosion and the
impact on C02 prediction is developed. The CO2 prediction is
based on existing tools. An overview of available CO2 corrosion
prediction models evaluated by the participants is given. It is the
responsibility of the operator to select which model to use.

Keywords: CO2 corrosion, prediction, oil and gas production systems

Name Date Signature
RolfNyborg 2009-09-01

Reviewed by
Arne Dugstad 2009-09-01
Approved by
RolfNyborg 2009-09-01

1 Preface 1

2 Introduction 2
2.1 Objectives......................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Guidance for use and regulatoryconsiderations................................................2
2.3 Definitions........................................................................................................ 2
2.4 Abbreviations....................................................................................................3

3 Corrosion and corrosivity assessment 4

3.1 Use of prediction model s................................................................................. 4
3.2 Principles of corrosion prediction models....................................................... 4
3.3 Accuracy of input parameters............................................................................6
3.4 Severity levels...................................................................................................6
3.5 Likelihood of corrosion.....................................................................................8

Appendix 1: Examples of models evaluated against field data 11

Appendix 2: Water composition for Corrosion prediction: Default values for

total carboxylic species content inproduced waters 16

1 Preface
This publication is based on discussions in several meetings between corrosion experts in
different oil companies. The meetings have been arranged by Institute for Energy
Technology, but the initiative has been taken by the operators. The report incorporates
inputs from BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ENI, Gaz de France, Saudi Aramco, Shell,
StatoilHydro, Total and IFE. The participants would like to thank IFE for organising the
meetings and providing facilities for the meetings. Inputs are based on the experience
acquired during involvement with the design, construction, operation and maintenance of
processing units and facilities, and research and joint industry projects.

The objective is to give a recommended guideline for use of C02 corrosion prediction tools
in design and engineering practice applied by companies operating oil and gas production
facilities, and thereby to achieve maximum technical and economic benefit from
standardization. This document attempts to set minimum guidelines that should be common
to most companies. The document does not cover H2S corrosion, erosion-corrosion or
corrosion by seawater or injection water, or choice of corrosion mitigation techniques. H2S
corrosion may be covered in a later stage.

The information set forth in this publication is provided to users for their consideration and
decision to implement. This is of particular importance where this document may not cover
every requirement or diversity of condition at each location. The document is sufficiently
flexible to allow individual companies to adapt the information set forth in this document to
their own environment and requirements.

When Operating Companies, Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use this document

they shall be solely responsible for the quality of their work and the attainment of the
required design and engineering standards. In particular, for those requirements not
specifically covered, they will be expected to follow those design and engineering practices
which will achieve the same level of integrity as reflected in this document.

Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements
with users, the authors of this document disclaim any liability of whatsoever nature for any
damage (including injury or death) suffered by any company or person whomsoever as a
result of or in connection with the use, application or implementation of this document,
even if it is wholly or partly caused by negligence on the part of the authors.

This document is issued as an open IFE report which can be ordered through the IFE library
or accessed via IFE's website, www.ife.no. This has been chosen as a practical way of
distributing the document openly. The document has been prepared mainly by the operators
representatives in this group, with secretarial and editing assistance by IFE. IFE has also
written Appendix 1 based on the IFE joint industry projects on C02 corrosion models
evaluation. The main part of the document has been written as a group effort by the
participants from the operators, and should not be interpreted neither as official IFE policy
nor as official policy of any of the operators involved in the preparation of the document.
2 Introduction
2.1 Objectives

The objective is to produce an international guideline for the prediction of corrosion

likelihood/corrosivity in C02 dominated environments in oil and gas production systems
with emphasis on the design phase and risk based assessment.

A methodology for defining the likelihood of corrosion and the impact on C02 prediction is
developed. The C02 prediction is based on existing tools, which are not covered in this
document in depth. Selection of which C02 prediction tools to use will be the
responsibility of each operator.

It is considered that corrosion is C02 dominated if the partial pressures ratio Pcoz/Pms is
above 500 to 1000.

2.2 Guidance for use and regulatory considerations

This guideline is intended for use in oil and gas production facilities. The guideline does
not cover every contingency. It is the responsibility of the user to recognise when additional
resources need to be brought to bear on a question or decision.

If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements may be more
stringent than in this guideline, the user shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the
requirements are the more stringent and which combination of requirements will be
acceptable as regards safety, environmental, economic and legal aspects. In all cases the
Contractor shall inform the Principal of any deviation from the requirements of this
guideline which is considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or local
regulations. The Principal may then negotiate with the Authorities concerned with the
object of obtaining agreement to follow this guideline as closely as possible.

2.3 Definitions

The Contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, commissioning or management of a project, construction, or operation of a
facility. The Principal may sometimes undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor.

The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party that manufactures or supplies equipment and

services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor.

The Principal is the party that initiates the project and ultimately pays for its design and
construction. The Principal will generally specify the technical requirements. The Principal
may also include an agent or consultant authorised to act for, and on behalf of, the

The word shall indicates a requirement.

The word should indicates a recommendation.

2.4 Abbreviations

a Fugacity coefficient
A Availability fraction of corrosion inhibitor
ATL Acceptable thickness loss, defined as the total wall thickness (including
corrosion allowance) minus the wall thickness required for the (design)
pressure rating. This equates to the corrosion allowance plus possible
extra available thickness with time due to, for example pressure decrease,
allowances for laying stresses etc.
CA Corrosion allowance
Cl Corrosion inhibitor
CRA Corrosion resistant alloy
CRj Inhibited corrosion rate

Cru Actual or predicted uninhibited corrosion rate.

CTL Cumulative thickness loss, defined as the total wall thickness (including
corrosion allowance) minus the current wall thickness
fco2 C02 fugacity = ax pCo2
MACR Measured actual corrosion rate
Ph2s Partial pressure of H2S
Pco2 Partial pressure of C02
RBI Risk based inspection
TLC Top of line corrosion. It takes place at top of the line surface in wet
multiphase gas lines operated in stratified flow due to water condensation
as a result of external cooling.

3 Corrosion and corrosivity assessment

3.1 Use of prediction models

Corrosion prediction models help the corrosion engineer to make decisions for the design
of oil and gas production and treatment facilities, e g. the use of CRA versus carbon steel,
the need for corrosion inhibitor (Cl) injection, to determine the corrosion allowance (CA)
or other mitigation measures.

The objective is to predict the order of magnitude of the CO2 corrosion rate, including
localised corrosion. Models that have been evaluated using field data should preferably be
used for the prediction of CO2 corrosion rates. An example of model evaluation using field
data can found in Appendix 1 and Reference 1. A list of models which have been evaluated
against these field data is included in Appendix 1. However none of these models were
evaluated against field data for top of line corrosion (TLC) prediction.

The predicted corrosion rates are used for the definition of the severity levels (section 3.4).

Finally the possibility to use inhibition is evaluated taking into account inhibitor availability
and critical velocity.

3.2 Principles of corrosion prediction models

Prediction models may be categorised as either being mechanistic or empirical.

A mechanistic model takes the chemical, electrochemical and transport processes into
account, whereas an empirical model starts with some simple empirical correlations.
However, both "types" use data from laboratory testing and field data for calibration.

The results of the corrosion rates calculated by the studied models do not depend
significantly on whether the model is mechanistic or empirical. The main differences
between the models are attributed to how the protectivity of the corrosion films and the
effect of oil wetting are included in the prediction.

A corrosivity prediction including all relevant corrosion mechanisms is described in

Figure 1. Only a few models include all these modules. Models have a different approach to
how the various mechanisms and parameters are treated.

Special focus should be put on the effect of H2S on localised corrosion, the effect of organic
acids on localised corrosion, and the effect of organic acids on TLC. Several models do not
include these effects.

All models have limitations in use with respect to environmental conditions and systems
which they can be applied to. Any prediction model to be applied for a specific project
should be verified to be applicable for the actual system and conditions. The empirical
models can be used with confidence within the range of data that they were developed
from. Mechanistic models are verified over a range of data and they can be used with
confidence within this range of data.

pH calculation Acetic acid concentration


Operating parameters
Flow velocity & flow
through the production
systems and
production profiles
Water phase chemistry
C02 and H2S contents Bare steel
Other chemicals to be corrosion

Glycol effect Oil wetting

Water condensation rate Flow regime effect

H2S effect Scaling & protectivity effect 4

Pitting tendency/pitting factor 4 —

Without chemical treatment
Final uninhibited corrosion rate
Corrosion likelihood
Severity level

Inhibitor availability Wall shear stress

> >

Critical velocity Solids

With chemical treatment

Final inhibited corrosion rate
Final corrosion likelihood
Corrosion rate & severity

Figure 1: Example of C02 corrosion prediction


The effect of the corrosion inhibitor on the final predicted corrosion rate can be evaluated in
a separate study and does not need to be included in the prediction model itself. Such
evaluation should include parameters as shown in Figure 1.

Input parameters depend on the modules to be used. Some inputs (like temperature) are
common to most modules. Guidance for input parameters is defined in Table 2.

3.3 Accuracy of input parameters

The total uncertainty involved in the prediction of CO2 corrosion is a result of combined
uncertainties for all factors involved. In addition to the inherent uncertainty of the
prediction model itself, there are uncertainties linked to input parameters. The final
corrosion rate will also strongly depend on the actual efficiency and the availability of the

The input parameters should include the operating parameters through the production
systems (as a minimum covering the inlet and outlet conditions) and the production profiles
for all the modes of operation and for the whole life of the facility.

For a system that has been in operation, the actual operating parameters may be obtained
and used in a prediction. In a design phase, however, the water chemistry is typically
determined based on a few samples and the operating parameters are determined from
estimated production profiles and fluid simulations. The actual operating parameters may
be very different from those initially estimated. The predicted corrosion rates in all design
phases should therefore be considered only being in the right order of magnitude, and not
an accurate data point.

3.4 Severity levels

Unmitigated predicted corrosion rate can be categorised in severity levels as defined in

Table 1. Unmitigated means free of any chemical inhibition (by added chemicals or present
in the hydrocarbon phase). To evaluate the corrosion likelihood, mitigation methods must
be considered also.

The severity level is evaluated in two steps: Step I is normally used for the preliminary
design or early assessment when limited data are available (feasibility of conceptual levels).
Step II is used for the assessment of predicted corrosion rate when all data or more detailed
data is available. In most cases, Step II evaluation shall be used for the final design.

Table 1: Severity levels

Severity level Unmitigated corrosion rate (mm/yr)

1 < 0.01
2 0.01 0.1
3 0.1 1.0
4 1.0 10.0
5 > 10.0

Severity levels represent different ranges of corrosivity. To find the position within the
severity range for a given corrosion prediction, the severity index can be calculated as

Severity level assessment should consider all operating conditions. Some parameters to be
considered for Step I and Step II are defined in Table 2.

Table 2: Parameters to be used in each step for the evaluation of severity levels

Basic or 1st pass corrosion rate for preliminary design or early

assessment with limited knowledge
Factors to be
Input parameters notes
Carbon dioxide Pjotah %C02, frj02=a Pc02 (1)
C02 / H2S ratio Pco2/ Ph2s > 500 - 1000

Temperature T

HCO3", PCo2i PH2S, total organic

calculated pH (2), (3)
acid species
Prediction model Fco2i T, pH (4)

Rigorous assessment of predicted corrosion rate

for final design and assessment (5)
Factors to be
Input parameters notes
Protectiveness of the
T, PCo2 and pH for FeC03 film (6)
Flow factors Flow regime and velocity (7)
Type of corrosion Pitting or general
Wetting effect Oil/water wetting properties
Total organic acid species, pH
Organic acids impact (8)
(Impact on the protectiveness)
Total organic acid species,
pH effect consistency check of formation
water (9)

Prediction model Operator defined (4)


(1) If model allows the use of fugacity of C02, this should be used rather than the partial
pressure of C02. Fugacity coefficients are available in the literature.

(2) The effect of acetate is limited to the impact of acetate on the calculated pH, there is
no further adjustment of the predicted corrosion rate in Step I.

(3) Default values for acetic acid are given in Appendix 2.


(4) Any model evaluated for this purpose. A brief description of some models is given in
Appendix 1.

(5) Level II corrosion prediction assessments carry a varying degree of complexity and are
Principal and situation specific. Some typical parameters and reference are provided
for information only and their use should be reviewed and approved by Principal’s
Subject Matter Experts.

(6) Any model having the required module (see Appendix 1).

(7) Any model having the required module (see Appendix 1) or dedicated flow models.

(8) HAc is the amount of non-dissociated acetic acid (i.e.: non-dissociated part of total
acetates). HAc is used to represent all types of volatile organic acids.

(9) Check formation water chemistry for electroneutrality, the differentiation between
HC03", acetates and alkalinity, calcium carbonate saturation at the reservoir
conditions. Values may have to be adjusted if they do not make sense, which may
affect the pH.

3.5 Likelihood of corrosion

For materials that are subject to corrosion, the risk assessment is based on a combination of
the consequence of failure and the likelihood of corrosion. The consequence of failure is
not covered in this document; the likelihood of corrosion can be standardised across the

Depending on the predicted corrosivity, mitigation measures need to be put in place to

make the risk to as low as reasonably practical. Even after mitigation, a certain low,
residual corrosion rate may remain and the availability of mitigation systems may be less
than 100 %. These two factors need to be accommodated by a corrosion allowance.

The likelihood of corrosion is defined the ratio of the calculated cumulated thickness loss
(CTL) to the acceptable thickness loss (ATL):


Essentially a high cumulative wall thickness loss (high corrosion rate systems) is acceptable
as long as it has been designed for and the system has a high acceptable metal loss (this
usually equates to a high corrosion allowance or short production lifetime), whereas a low
cumulative wall thickness loss (low corrosion rate systems) can give integrity problems if
this was not designed for, and the acceptable metal loss (corrosion allowance) is
inadequate. Low to moderate corrosion rate systems (for the unmitigated situation) may
cause more problems as they are not given the same attention as the highly corrosive
systems. The issue is how well the design corrosion rate predicts the corrosion rate
eventually measured in the field. Appropriate definition of the severity level for the
unmitigated situation at the design stage can solve this problem to some extent.

If the ATL is not known, this can be approximated to CA, the corrosion allowance. ATL
will be equal or greater than the CA (see definition of ATL (2.5)), so this is a conservative

If the CTL does not vary over time, then the likelihood can also be defined as the ratio of
the measured actual corrosion rate (MACR) to the maximum allowable corrosion rate:

maximum allowable corrosion rate

This is a reasonable definition at the start of production. The actual corrosion rate is
generally subject to changes during the field life, and then the first definition should be

If CTL or MACR have not yet been measured or cannot be measured accurately, they can
also be assessed from the corrosion rate from a corrosion model, if sufficient and reliable
data is available for the corrosion modelling (i.e. as a minimum at least recorded production
profiles, changes in temperature and pressure, water chemistry, C02 and H2S
concentrations and corrosion inhibitor system availability). For inhibited systems the
MACR can be assessed using the inhibitor availability equation:

CR = CRi xA + CRu x (1 — A)


CR = corrosion rate

CRi = inhibited corrosion rate

CRU = actual or predicted uninhibited corrosion rate, usually assessed from a corrosion

A = availability fraction of the corrosion inhibitor.

The availability is defined as the fraction (f) or percentage (A%) of time that the inhibitor is
applied at the correct dosage. In many cases this has proven to be the weakest link for a
corrosion inhibitor application. Delivery issues, pump problems and poor communications
regularly mean that the inhibitor is either switched off or not at the required dosage

Then the MACR can be approximated by CR. Given the conservative nature of corrosion
models, CR determined from a corrosion model is likely to be higher than a MACR. The
CTL is then CR multiplied by the time the system has been operated.

During design stage the likelihood of failure can be estimated from:


where L is the design life. During this design assessment (which is conservative), most
systems will have a likelihood of failure = 1. The likelihood categories and the possible
impact on the system life is given in Table 3. "System" means either "plant" or "pipeline"
or "equipment":
IFE 10

Table 3: Evaluation of the likelihood of corrosion categories

CTL/ATL Likelihood of Approximate Impact on system life for

corrosion a new system

<0.5 Negligible System will last longer than required with no


>0.5 and <1 Low System will reach its design life without a

>1 and <4 Medium System will only reach 25% of its design life
before a failure occurs, if no action is taken

>4 High A failure will occur before the system reaches

25% of its design life, if no action is taken

If the likelihood of corrosion is <0.5 (negligible), then a Step I corrosion prediction

estimate model is normally acceptable for design. A higher ranking will probably require a
more detailed Step II corrosion rate prediction estimate.

Following the completion of a Step II corrosion rate prediction estimate, if the likelihood of
corrosion is <1 (negligible and low), the corrosion rate prediction estimate calculated using
a model is normally acceptable for design. A higher ranking will probably require a further
analysis and a more detailed Step II corrosion rate prediction estimate, including a larger
suite of parameters.

For CRA, where no corrosion is expected, these systems are ranked as a “Negligible”
likelihood of corrosion category.

The likelihood of corrosion category can be used in a risk based assessment.


Appendix 1: Examples of models evaluated against field data

The models listed below have been evaluated against a set of corrosion field data collected
within joint industry projects at Institute for Energy Technology (1, 2). In these projects
field data with actual corrosion measurements were gathered from the participating oil
companies. The different available CO2 corrosion prediction models were evaluated by
performing sensitivity studies for the different models, running the different corrosion
models for a set of the field cases, and comparing predicted corrosion rates with the actual
measured corrosion rates. Application limits and strong and weak points of each model
were identified.

The following sixteen models have been evaluated in the IFE joint industry projects:
• NORSOK model (Statoil, Saga, Hydro)
• de Waard model (Shell)
• Cassandra (BP)
• HYDROCOR (Shell)
• CORPLUS (Total)
• CORMED (Elf, no longer used)
• LIPUCOR (Total, no longer used)
• KSC Model (IFE)
• MULTICORP (Ohio University)
• ECE model (Intetech)
• PREDICT (InterCorr)
• Corpos (CorrOcean)
• SweetCor (Shell)
• Tulsa model (University of Tulsa)
• OLI model (OLI Systems)
• ULL model (University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

This list does not exclude other models from use within the framework of the present
guidelines. Other models may also be used, but it is recommended that they are first
evaluated against a set of corrosion field data in a similar way as described above. It is the
responsibility of the operator to select which model to use.

A short description of these models with references is given below.

The Norsok M-506 model is an empirical model developed by the Norwegian oil
companies Statoil, Norsk Hydro and Saga Petroleum (3 - 5). The model is fitted to a large
amount of laboratory data. The model takes larger account for the effect of protective
corrosion films at higher temperature and higher pH than several of the other models, as it
is fitted to high temperature data up to 150 °C.

The model developed by de Waard and coworkers was for many years the most widely
used CO2 corrosion model (6). The model is based on empirical fitting to laboratory
experiments, and has been revised several times, when different correction factors were
added to the original equation to account for effects of pH, corrosion products and oil
wetting (7). This model takes relatively little account for protective corrosion films.

Cassandra is an empirical tool representing BP’s implementation of the de Waard model

and including BP’s experience in using this model (8). Oil wetting effects are not
considered in Cassandra, and the effect of protective films at high temperature is weaker
than in the de Waard model.

Hydrocor is a mechanistic model, developed by Shell to combine corrosion and fluid flow
modelling (9, 10). Hydrocor is now Shell’s preferred tool for corrosion prediction. A
relatively weak protection from corrosion product films is assumed for condensed water
cases. No protection from corrosion product films is assumed when formation water is
present, due to risk for localized attack. Oil wetting effects are included for crude oil
systems, but not for gas condensate systems where water separation is likely to occur.

Corplus is an empirical tool developed by Total and is a result of a merger of the Cormed
tool developed by Elf (11, 12) and the Lipucor model developed by Total (13). Cormed and
Lipucor are no longer used by Total and have been replaced by Corplus. Corplus is based
on detailed analysis of the water chemistry including effects of CO2, organic acids and
calcium, and a large amount of field data, particularly for wells.

The KSC Model is a mechanistic model for CO2 corrosion with protective corrosion films
developed at Institute for Energy Technology (14). The model simulates electrochemical
and chemical reactions and diffusion of corrosive species. The properties of protective
corrosion films are correlated with a large number of loop experiments.

The Multicorp model is a mechanistic model, developed by Ohio University and is based
on the KSC Model (14). This has been developed further by including modelling of
multiphase flow, precipitation of corrosion product films and oil wetting effects (15, 16).

The Electronic Corrosion Engineer model developed by Intetech is based on the de Waard
95 model, but with a module for calculation of pH from the water chemistry and
bicarbonate produced by corrosion, and new correlations for the effect of oil wetting based
on tubing corrosion data from a light crude oil field (17, 18).

The Predict model is developed by InterCorr International (now a part of Honeywell). The
basic part of the model is based on the de Waard model, but other correction factors are
used together with a so-called effective C02 partial pressure calculated from the system pH
(19, 20). The model includes very strong effects of oil wetting and protective corrosion
films and has a strong dependence on pH.

Corpos is a tool developed by CorrOcean / Force Technology. The model is based on using
input from an external fluid flow model combined with calculation of a probability of water
IFE 13

wetting and calculation of pH (21). The Norsok corrosion model is then used to calculate
the corrosion rate in several points along the pipeline.

SweetCor was developed by Shell for analysis of CO2 corrosion by managing a large
database of corrosion data from laboratory experiments and field data (22). The approach is
to group data by ranges of temperature and CO2 partial pressure or by the stable corrosion
product. Statistical analysis of the grouped data is used to make correlations for predicting
corrosion rates for specific conditions.

The CO2 corrosion model for pipe flow conditions developed at the University of Tulsa is a
mechanistic single-phase flow model with detailed modelling of the kinetics of electro­
chemical reactions and mass transfer (23, 24). The Tulsa group has worked extensively on
erosion and erosion-corrosion.

The corrosion model developed by OLI Systems combines a thermodynamic model for the
concentration of molecular and ionic species of aqueous systems with an electrochemical
corrosion model and a model for formation and dissolution of iron carbonate or sulphide
scales (25, 26). The model is based on detailed mechanistic modelling of the phase
behaviour and the various chemical and electrochemical reactions.

The ULL corrosion model for gas condensate wells is developed by the University of
Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL) (27, 28). The model calculates temperature and pressure
profiles, phase equilibria, flow conditions and then calculates the pH profile and predicts
the corrosion rate profile along the well. The model puts much weight on calculating the
flow regime and the location for condensation of water and hydrocarbons in the well. ULL
has more recently developed a corrosion model for pipelines, but this model has not been
evaluated in the IFE joint industry projects.


1. R. Nyborg, "Overview of CO2 Corrosion Models for Wells and Pipelines",

CORROSION/2002, Paper No. 02233, NACE International, 2002.

2. R. Nyborg: "Field Data Collection, Evaluation and use for Corrosivity Prediction and
Validation of Models, Part II: Evaluation of Field Data and Comparison of Prediction
Models", CORROSION/2006, Paper No. 06118, NACE International, 2006.

3. A. M. K. Halvorsen, T. Sontvedt, "CO2 Corrosion Model for Carbon Steel Including a

Wall Shear Stress Model for Multiphase Flow and Limits for Production Rate to Avoid
Mesa Attack", CORROSION/99, Paper No. 42, NACE International, 1999.

4. S. Olsen, A. M. Halvorsen, P. G. Lunde, R. Nyborg, "CO2 Corrosion Prediction Model

- Basic Principles", CORROSION/2005, Paper No. 05551, NACE International, 2005.

5. "CO2 Corrosion Rate Calculation Model, Rev. 2", NORSOK standard No. M-506,
Material/M-5061, Standards Norway, 2005.

6 . C. de Waard, U. Lotz, D. E. Milliams, "Predictive Model for CO2 Corrosion

Engineering in Wet Natural Gas Pipelines", Corrosion, Vol. 47, No. 12, p. 976, 1991.
7. C. de Waard, U. Lotz, A. Dugstad, "Influence of Liquid Flow Velocity on C02
Corrosion: A Semi-Empirical Model", CORROSION/95, Paper No. 128, NACE
International, 1995.

8. B. Hedges, R. Chapman, D. Harrop, I. Mohammed, Y. Sun, "A Prophetic C02

Corrosion Tool - But When is it to be Believed?", CORROSION/2005, Paper No.
05552, NACE International, 2005.

9. B. F. M. Pots, R. C. John, F J. Rippon, M. J. J. S. Thomas, S. D. Kapusta, M. M.

Girgis, T. Whitham, "Improvements on de Waard - Milliams Corrosion Prediction and
Applications to Corrosion Management", CORROSION/2002, Paper No. 02235,
NACE International, 2002.

10. B. F. M. Pots, S. D. Kapusta, "Prediction of Corrosion Rates of the Main Corrosion

Mechanisms in Upstream applications", CORROSION/2005, Paper No. 05550, NACE
International, 2005.

11. M. R. Bonis, J. L. Crolet, "Basics of the Prediction of the Risks of C02 Corrosion in
Oil and Gas Wells", CORROSION/89, Paper No. 466, (Houston, TX: NACE, 1989).

12. J. L. Crolet, M. R. Bonis, "Prediction of the Risks of C02 Corrosion in Oil and Gas
Well", SPE Production Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 4, p. 449, 1991.

13. Y. M. Gunaltun, "Combining Research and Field Data for Corrosion Rate Prediction",
CORROSION/96, Paper No. 27, NACE International, 1996.

14. S. Nesic, M. Nordsveen, R. Nyborg, A. Stangeland, "A Mechanistic Model for C02
Corrosion with Protective Iron Carbonate Films", CORROSION/2001, Paper No.
01040, NACE International, 2001.

15. S. Nesic, S. Wang, J. Cai, Y. Xiao, "Integrated C02 Corrosion - Multiphase Flow
Model", CORROSION/2004, Paper No. 04626, NACE International, 2004.

16. S. Nesic, J. Cai, K. L. J. Lee, "A Multiphase Flow and Internal Corrosion Prediction
Model for Mild Steel Pipelines", CORROSION/2005, Paper No. 05556, NACE
International, 2005.

17. C. de Waard, L. Smith, B. D. Craig, "The Influence of Crude Oil on Well Tubing
Corrosion Rates", CORROSION/2003, Paper no. 03629, NACE International, 2003.

18. L. Smith, C. de Waard, "Corrosion Prediction and Materials Selection for Oil and Gas
Producing Environments", CORROSION/2005, Paper no. 05648, NACE International,

19. S. Srinivasan, R. D. Kane, " Prediction of Corrosivity of C02 H2S Production

Environments", CORROSION/96, Paper No. 11, NACE International, 1996.

20. K. A. Sangita, S. Srinivasan, "An Analytical Model to Experimentally Emulate Flow

Effects in Multiphase C02/H2S Systems", CORROSION/2000, Paper No. 58, NACE
International, 2000.
IFE 15

21. P. O. Gartland, J. E. Salomonsen, "A Pipeline Integrity Management Strategy Based on

Multiphase Fluid Flow and Corrosion Modelling", CORROSION/99, Paper No. 622,
NACE International, 1999.

22. R. C. John, K. G. Jordan, A. L. Young, S. D. Kapusta, W. T. Thompson, "SweetCor:

An Information System for the Analysis of Corrosion of Steels by Water and Carbon
Dioxide", CORROSION/98, Paper No. 20, NACE International, 1998.

23. E. Dayalan, G. Vani, J. R. Shadley, S. A. Shirazi, E. F. Rybicki, "Modeling CO2

Corrosion of Carbon Steels in Pipe Flow", CORROSION/95, Paper No. 118, NACE
International, 1995.

24. E. Dayalan, F. de Moraes, J. R. Shadley, S. A. Shirazi, E. F. Rybicki, "CO2 Corrosion

Prediction in Pipe Flow under FeCOs Scale-Forming Conditions", CORROSION/98,
Paper No. 51. NACE International, 1998.

25. A. Anderko, R. D. Young, "Simulation of CO2/H2S Corrosion Using Thermodynamic

and Electrochemical Models", CORROSION/99, Paper No. 31, NACE International,

26. A. Anderko, "Simulation of FeCOg/FeS Scale Formation Using Thermodynamic and

Electrochemical Models", CORROSION/2000, Paper No. 102. NACE International,

27. C. D. Adams, J. D. Garber, R. K. Singh, "Computer Modelling to Predict Corrosion

Rates in Gas Condensate Wells Containing CO2", CORROSION/96, Paper No. 31.
NACE International, 1996.

28. J. D. Garber, V. Polaki, C. Adams, N. R. Varanasi, "Modeling Corrosion Rates in Non-

Annular Gas Condensate Wells Containing CO2", CORROSION/98, Paper No. 53,
NACE International, 1998.
IFE 16

Appendix 2: Water composition for Corrosion prediction:

Default values for total carboxylic species content in produced waters
The following values are used within Total when no water analysis is available. These
values are issued from general experience gathered since the 80's on organic species
analyses of reservoir and condensed water. No guarantee is given that any particular case
with be fully in line with these values but from experience the total organic acid content is
likely to be closer to this value than to zero values when no data is available.

The temperature considered is the Bottom-Hole Temperature.

Organic acids = HAc + Ac".

In meq/L * <1% C02 in gas > 1% C02 in gas

T < 60 °C 0 0
T< 80 °C 1 1
T< 100 °C 3 5
T< 120 °C 5 10

T< 135 °C 3 5
T< 150 °C 1 1
T> 150 °C 0 0

* 1 meq/1 is equivalent to 59 ppm.

ConocoPhillips considers when no water analysis is available, 150 ppm of acetate and
200 ppm of bicarbonate alkalinity (1).

Acetate/Acetic acid are use to represent the total volatile acid species present. The
amount present in the salt (acetate) or acid (acetic acid) form will depend upon the pH
in the system. In Hydrocor, Shell uses as input parameter:

Organic acids = HAc + Ac


1. J. Kolts, M. W. Joosten, P. Singh: "An Engineering Approach to Corrosion/Erosion

Prediction", CORROSION/2006, Paper No. 06560, NACE International, 2006.

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