A Step-Based Feature Modeler For Capp: S.M. Amaitik, S.E. Kiliç
A Step-Based Feature Modeler For Capp: S.M. Amaitik, S.E. Kiliç
A Step-Based Feature Modeler For Capp: S.M. Amaitik, S.E. Kiliç
Feature-based modeling has been considered as an indispensable tool for integrating CAD/CAPP systems. One
of its advantages over conventional geometric modeling is the ability to associate not only geometric and
topological information, but also for features, tolerances, material properties and other information which may be
used during the process planning. This paper proposes a STEP-based feature modeler for rotational and prismatic
parts. High-level 3D solid features are used as the basic entities for part design. The modeler relies on three
main steps; (1) selection of the part main shape and overall size, (2) selection of the features to be added to or
subtracted from the part being designed, and (3) providing information needed to define feature size, position,
orientation and other attributes such as surface finish, tolerances, etc. The designed part is then exported as a
STEP data file format (according to ISO 10303-AP224). This file can be used to integrate into CAPP/CAM
systems without using a complex feature recognition process. An object-oriented approach is used in the
definition and implementation of the product model. This approach offers advantages of incremental system
development and reusability. An example is given to demonstrate the application of the proposed modeler.
One advantage of the feature recognition approach is STEP AP 224, the ISO standard for Mechanical
that the designers can work directly on the current Product Definition for Process Planning using Form
CAD system. However, in order to get information Features is used in the proposed feature modeler [4].
from the CAD model, feature recognition algorithms The STEP AP224 feature library provides 98
need to be developed, and this is not an easy task.
manufacturing features generally classified as shown
a UML model of the round hole feature. Each Feature creation phase
manufacturing feature has a class diagram titled by
its name and contains the properties used to define an Four steps are required to create a feature; (1)
instanced feature (object). Common properties and selection of the feature type from the feature library.
operations can be interfaced from other classes This is done by pointing to the required feature from
(abstract classes). For example, to create a round a pull-down menu or toolbar icon of the system
through hole feature, the following three steps are interface. (2) Defining the selected feature
required. (a) Instance the feature from the round hole dimensions including the basic dimensions, position
feature class. (b) Assign the values of the properties and orientation (Figure 5). (3) A 2D feature region is
associated with instanced feature. (c) Interface with created to facilitate the generation of the 3D feature
CAD, STEP or CAPP classes to perform a selected volume. Figure 6a shows the parameters used to
operation on the instanced feature. create a 2D region for round through hole with
diameter D, hole depth L and insertion point P(x,y,z).
PROPOSED SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE (4) Generation of the feature volume by revolution or
extrusion. In figure 6b, a round through hole feature
As discussed before, it is more reasonable to design a is obtained by revolving a closed 2D region 360
part with meaningful entities "features" rather than degree around a specified axis.
geometric details or extracting features from the
product model after design. A STEP-based feature Part creation phase
modeler is proposed to fulfill the requirement of
concurrent design. As shown in Figure 4, the The part creation starts with the selection of the base
proposed system consists of three main phases; feature (the initial stock of raw material). Three types
feature creation, part creation and STEP data of base features are supported; prismatic, rotational
creation. and profile feature. After that, manufacturing features
are attached sequentially on the base feature. Feature topological entities, explicit definition of these
attachment process consists of three steps. First, the features are also translated to STEP format.
feature position is fixed by placing the feature in the
specified insertion point in the Part Coordinate
System (PCS). Then, the feature orientation is
adjusted by determining the values of three angles
with respect to PCS. Finally, feature boolean
operation is performed by subtracting or adding the
feature to the part. Figure 6 demonstrates the
attachment process of a round through hole feature.
After that a round hole feature is selected from the proposed system is that STEP-based features have
FEATURE menu and hole parameters are defined. been applied as a modeling tool of mechanical parts
This attachment process is repeated for the other manufactured by turning and milling processes.
holes to complete the part geometry. Tolerances can
be attached to a selected feature using the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
TOLERANCES menu. Other tasks can be performed
on the designed part by selecting the required task The authors gratefully acknowledge DPT, TÜBİTAK
from the system menu. and IMTRG for their support. Also, thanks to
SAYİSAL GRAFİK San ve Tic for providing