A Step-Based Feature Modeler For Capp: S.M. Amaitik, S.E. Kiliç

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Middle East Technical University, Mechanical Engineering Dept., 06531, Ankara, TURKEY
{e121259, ekilic}@metu.edu.tr


Feature-based modeling has been considered as an indispensable tool for integrating CAD/CAPP systems. One
of its advantages over conventional geometric modeling is the ability to associate not only geometric and
topological information, but also for features, tolerances, material properties and other information which may be
used during the process planning. This paper proposes a STEP-based feature modeler for rotational and prismatic
parts. High-level 3D solid features are used as the basic entities for part design. The modeler relies on three
main steps; (1) selection of the part main shape and overall size, (2) selection of the features to be added to or
subtracted from the part being designed, and (3) providing information needed to define feature size, position,
orientation and other attributes such as surface finish, tolerances, etc. The designed part is then exported as a
STEP data file format (according to ISO 10303-AP224). This file can be used to integrate into CAPP/CAM
systems without using a complex feature recognition process. An object-oriented approach is used in the
definition and implementation of the product model. This approach offers advantages of incremental system
development and reusability. An example is given to demonstrate the application of the proposed modeler.


STEP, EXPRESS, Feature, Process planning, CAD

INTRODUCTION Recognition of even a simple feature may require a

complex algorithm. So, the main deficiency of the
A CAD design system is a common tool used in feature recognition approach is that it can be a time
industries, but the level of part definition data is too consuming process due to the complexity of
low. Part definition data in a CAD system (2D or 3D) algorithms and the need for extensive search to find
is represented at a low level, such as: geometry for the information from a CAD model. On the other
wireframe models, geometry and topology for B-rep hand, one benefit of using the design by feature
models and primitives and operators for CSG models approach is that features can capture the functional
[1]. None of them can be directly used in intent on which a designer’s activity is based within
downstream applications, such as CAM activities. its geometry-based representation. In feature-based
This is because information on higher-level features modeling, a “cylindrical hole” feature has a much
is missing [2]. In an effort to overcome this clearer meaning than just a “cylinder” primitive in
shortcoming, feature technology has been introduced. CSG. Also feature-based modeling has become more
Feature technology has been a central topic for years popular in the field of design and automation since it
mainly in the field of CAD/CAM integration. Feature can facilitate high-level communications between
technology is essentially grouped into two design and manufacturing systems [3]. However, the
approaches, namely feature recognition and design design by feature approach limits designers’ ability to
by feature. The feature recognition approach create complex parts due to the limited number of
examines the topology and geometry of a part and predefined features that can be stored in the feature
matches them with the appropriate definition of library. This paper uses the feature representation
predefined features. The design by feature approach capability of STEP–AP224 to give a higher level
builds a part from predefined features where their representation to the geometry and topology
attributes are attached. Both approaches are information of the part by way of form features.
advantageous in some ways, but each approach also
brings some problems. STEP-BASED FEATURES

One advantage of the feature recognition approach is STEP AP 224, the ISO standard for Mechanical
that the designers can work directly on the current Product Definition for Process Planning using Form
CAD system. However, in order to get information Features is used in the proposed feature modeler [4].
from the CAD model, feature recognition algorithms The STEP AP224 feature library provides 98
need to be developed, and this is not an easy task.
manufacturing features generally classified as shown

The use of an object-oriented approach for the

implementation of a product model was chosen since
it represents a logical means for representing real-
world objects like machined parts. Compared with
traditional approaches to the design and
implementation of software systems, this approach
offers advantages of increased flexibility,
incremental system development, and reusability.

Figure 1 STEP manufacturing features

The classification shown above including, (1) A

replicate feature provides a means for specifying an
arrangement of multiple machining features of the
same type. (2) A transition feature is a transition area
between two surfaces. (3) A machining feature which
represents a volume of material that will be removed
by machining. Each manufacturing feature has a
stereotypical shape governed by several parameters.
For example, a round hole feature can be instanced Figure 2 Hole feature
by hole diameter, hole depth, taper properties and
several bottom conditions as shown in Fig. 2. The product model is based on the application
objects defined within STEP AP224. These objects
In addition to feature library, STEP AP 224 provides cover information related to: manufacturing features,
the following: tolerances, part properties, feature profiles, feature
1- Geometrical and topological entities required to definition items, part administration data, etc. Due to
represent manufacturing features implicitly in the large number of objects covered, this paper will
boundary representation format. only illustrate the implementation of a round hole
2- Explicit representation of manufacturing feature as a subclass of the manufacturing feature
features. class. Each manufacturing feature is encapsulated in
3- Information necessary to identify the a class file with its private properties. The inheritance
dimensional and geometrical tolerances of the feature of object-oriented approach is used to define
manufacturing features. other common properties and to interface with the
4- Information necessary to define material, operations required to be performed on the instanced
hardness, surface finish and other technological feature [5].
data. A Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used in the
analysis of the proposed system. Figure 3 shows
Figure 3 Round hole feature UML model

a UML model of the round hole feature. Each Feature creation phase
manufacturing feature has a class diagram titled by
its name and contains the properties used to define an Four steps are required to create a feature; (1)
instanced feature (object). Common properties and selection of the feature type from the feature library.
operations can be interfaced from other classes This is done by pointing to the required feature from
(abstract classes). For example, to create a round a pull-down menu or toolbar icon of the system
through hole feature, the following three steps are interface. (2) Defining the selected feature
required. (a) Instance the feature from the round hole dimensions including the basic dimensions, position
feature class. (b) Assign the values of the properties and orientation (Figure 5). (3) A 2D feature region is
associated with instanced feature. (c) Interface with created to facilitate the generation of the 3D feature
CAD, STEP or CAPP classes to perform a selected volume. Figure 6a shows the parameters used to
operation on the instanced feature. create a 2D region for round through hole with
diameter D, hole depth L and insertion point P(x,y,z).
PROPOSED SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE (4) Generation of the feature volume by revolution or
extrusion. In figure 6b, a round through hole feature
As discussed before, it is more reasonable to design a is obtained by revolving a closed 2D region 360
part with meaningful entities "features" rather than degree around a specified axis.
geometric details or extracting features from the
product model after design. A STEP-based feature Part creation phase
modeler is proposed to fulfill the requirement of
concurrent design. As shown in Figure 4, the The part creation starts with the selection of the base
proposed system consists of three main phases; feature (the initial stock of raw material). Three types
feature creation, part creation and STEP data of base features are supported; prismatic, rotational
creation. and profile feature. After that, manufacturing features
are attached sequentially on the base feature. Feature topological entities, explicit definition of these
attachment process consists of three steps. First, the features are also translated to STEP format.
feature position is fixed by placing the feature in the
specified insertion point in the Part Coordinate
System (PCS). Then, the feature orientation is
adjusted by determining the values of three angles
with respect to PCS. Finally, feature boolean
operation is performed by subtracting or adding the
feature to the part. Figure 6 demonstrates the
attachment process of a round through hole feature.

Figure 5 Round hole definition

Figure 6 Round hole feature attachment

The pre-processor mechanism used in the translation

process is based on two layers. In the first layer,
usually known as Logical Layer, a formal language
called EXPRESS is used. This formal language
enables precision and consistency of representation
and facilitates implementation. The representation of
EXPRESS is two fold. The first one is a formal
language that uses a lexical notation and syntax
defined by a grammar. The second one is a graph
Figure 4 Proposed system architecture representation, namely EXPRESS-G, which provides
a very compact and rich illustration. The EXPRESS
STEP data creation phase specification defining, for example, ROUND HOLE
feature is shown below
In this phase, a pre-processor translator is designed to
convert part design data into a STEP format. The ENTITY round_hole
translation process is carried out by the following SUBTYPE OF (hole);
stages. (1) Part data related to part general data, part change_in_diameter: OPTIONAL taper_select;
shape, part technical data etc. are translated in part bottom_condition: hole_bottom_condition_select;
model data stage. (2) Each feature is analyzed to its diameter: circular_closed_profile;
geometrical and topological entities and then hole_depth: linear_path;
translated into STEP format. (3) In addition to the END_ENTITY; -- Round_hole
translation of the features geometrical and
TYPE hole_bottom_condition_select = SELECT if hole bottom condition is flat with radius
(through_bottom_condition, #KK=CONICAL_HOLE BOTTOM(‘ ‘, tip angle
blind_bottom_condition) ; value, tip radius value);
END_TYPE; -- hole_bottom_condition_select if hole bottom condition is conical
TYPE taper_select = SELECT value); if hole bottom condition is spherical
(angle_taper, diameter_taper, directed_taper) ; #EE=CIRCULAR_CLOSED_PROFILE(‘ ‘,
END_TYPE; -- taper_select diameter value);
#FF=LINEAR_PATH(‘ ‘, distance value,
ENTITY circular_closed_profile direction_element);
SUBTYPE OF (closed_profile); Where
diameter: numeric_parameter; AA= current serial number
END_ENTITY; -- Circular_closed_profile BB=AA+1
ENTITY linear_path DD=CC+1
SUBTYPE OF (path); KK=DD+1
distance: numeric_parameter; EE=KK+1
direction: direction_element; FF=EE+1
END_ENTITY; -- Linear_path

The second layer is known as "Physical Layer". This SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION

layer defines the communication file structure called
STEP file. This file transfer mechanism represents The proposed feature modeler is a subsystem of an
the static aspect of STEP which allows exchange of integrated neural-fuzzy CAD/CAPP system being
product data. This file is obtained by translating the developed in CIM lab at METU in Ankara. The
EXPRESS schemes defined in the logical layer to a modeler is developed as a design by feature tool to
STEP AP224 file structure. facilitate the application of neural networks and
fuzzy logic in automated process planning. MS
An object-oriented approach has been implemented Visual BASIC and ActiveX technology are used in
to facilitate the use of translation process from the implementation of the proposed system in
EXPRESS format to STEP text encoding format. All AutoCAD environment. This implementation is done
the EXPRESS schemas defining manufacturing by adding feature modeler and process planning
features have been programmed in class files. Each commands to AutoCAD. By this way, AutoCAD
feature has an algorithm that uses the EXPRESS became capable of providing geometrical modeling,
class files to generate the required STEP feature data feature modeling and performing process planning
format. For example, the following algorithm is used tasks.
to generate the round hole feature data according to
STEP part 21 text encoding format. EXAMPLE
Round hole Feature STEP format Algorithm To demonstrate the application of the proposed
modeler, a simple prismatic part with four round
#BB=ROUND_HOLE(‘ ‘, #CC, #DD, #EE, #FF); through holes has been selected. The design process
#CC=ANGLE_TAPER(‘ ‘, angle value); starts with selection of the base feature from the
if taper select is taper angle PART menu of the system. Figure 7 shows the base
#CC=DIAMETER_TAPER(‘ ‘, final diameter feature dialogue window.
value); if taper select is diameter taper
#CC=DIRECTED_TAPER(‘ ‘,angle value,
direction_element); if taper select is directed taper
#CC=’ ‘ if no taper select
if hole bottom condition select is through
if hole bottom condition select is blind
if hole bottom condition is flat
taper angle value, final diameter value);
if hole bottom condition is flat with taper
‘, corner radius value); Figure 7 Base feature dialogue window
Figure 8 Design environment of the proposed system.

After that a round hole feature is selected from the proposed system is that STEP-based features have
FEATURE menu and hole parameters are defined. been applied as a modeling tool of mechanical parts
This attachment process is repeated for the other manufactured by turning and milling processes.
holes to complete the part geometry. Tolerances can
be attached to a selected feature using the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
TOLERANCES menu. Other tasks can be performed
on the designed part by selecting the required task The authors gratefully acknowledge DPT, TÜBİTAK
from the system menu. and IMTRG for their support. Also, thanks to
SAYİSAL GRAFİK San ve Tic for providing

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