Risks and Mitigation Measures in Build-Operate-Transfer Projects
Risks and Mitigation Measures in Build-Operate-Transfer Projects
Risks and Mitigation Measures in Build-Operate-Transfer Projects
International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering Vol:4, No:3, 2010
Total Water and 28,689
basic infrastructure to develop the countries and lack of huge 354
fund has urged the host government to utilize BOT type of
procurement. Table 1 shows the involvement of private sector Grand Total 1,339 282,804
in infrastructure projects in East Asia and Pacific. Energy
sector has recorded the highest investment amounting to US$
101,187 million followed by telecom, transport and water and II. NATURE OF RISKS IN BOT PROJECTS
sewerage. The existence of risk in every single project is
The BOT is a type of infrastructure project which is based unquestionable. The type of risks are varied; on the nature and
on granting of concession by a principal, usually a size of the depend project. Risk in BOT project is solitary and
government, to a promoter, sometimes known as different but somehow always related to the phases in a
concessionaire, who is responsible; construction, financing, project namely: initiation, implementation and operational
operation and maintenance of a facility over the period of the phase. In order to accomplish the objectives, the risks need to
concession before finally transferring the facility, at no cost to be managed wisely.
Proper measurements have to be taken into account to allow
Syed Kamarul Bakri Syed Ahmad Bokharey is currently with the Mudajaya for uncertainness in the judgement which might take place
Cooperation Bhd, Malaysia. (e-mail: [email protected] ). during the project have to be considered. Any BOT project is
Kalaikumar Vallyutham is with Civil Eng. Dept., Universiti Teknologi
PETRONAS, 31750 Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia. (Phone: +605-368 7305; Fax: subjected to influences from, within and outside organization
+605-365 6716; e-mail: [email protected] ). itself. The objectives of the projects are governed by the
Narayanan Sambu Pothy and Nabilah Abu Bakar are with Civil Eng. Dept., stakeholders; posses’ distinctive expectation and interests in
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 31750 Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia (e-mail:
[email protected] and [email protected]).
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the project which could jeopardize the project if the risks are show a concept model of risk that has been developed by
not properly handled and managed. Merna and Al-Thani by including uncertainty, probability,
For instance, the host government always places public effect and outcomes.
interest first for any project related to them. The host
government would actively involve during the pre and post Uncertainty
implementation stage by revising the design to ensure the surrounding a factor
or event
safety of the finished product for the public. In addition to
that, changes will be made to ensure that the project comply
with all local regulations such as environmental safety
requirement, building code and other stipulated regulations. Effect Probability
Thus, it becomes the responsibility of the promoter of the or factor or event on of occurrence of the
project to explore for best solution to tackle those risks and the project outcome factor or event
manage it well within the context of concession contract.
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No Type of Risks Sources Mitigation Measures
1 Country Risk • Unstable government • Carry out a thorough country risk profile
• Inadequate foreign reserve and budgetary practices by reliable third
party such as reputable management
consultant or refer to the World Bank,
ADB or the United Nations
2 Financial Risk • Wrong financial assumption and packaging • Consult a top-notch financial consultant
• Inadequate cash flow to conduct the projection or verifying the
• Poor feasibility study financial report of the project
3 Construction Risk • Poor design report • Ensure good design report and vetted by
• Prolong construction schedule owner and consultant before the project
• Changes in factors of production commences
4 Inadequacy in • Major terms are not included • Compare the contract with proven and
Concession Contract • Exit clause not done similar good concession contract
• Variation according to time or economic • Employ a good legal advisor who are
condition not provided familiar with the industry in drafting the
5 Shareholders’ Risk • Unsupportive shareholders • Work closely with the major
• Loggerhead between shareholders shareholders and know their aspirations
International Science Index, Civil and Environmental Engineering Vol:4, No:3, 2010 waset.org/Publication/5772
6 Market Risk • Change in market trend • Carry out a thorough market research
before embarking on the project
7 Changes in Key • Poor working conditions and benefit • Provide good benefits and working
Management Personnel environment to selected key management
Risk personnel
8 Operation and • Unreliable operations and maintenance team • Operations and maintenance agreement
Maintenance Risk • Poor machinery and equipment installation must have benefits or benefit reduction to
• Poor technical feasibility reports and design operation and maintenance company
• Provide a maintenance manual and
update it regularly
The concessionaire should posses the capability to minimize Inexperienced promoter might overlook the risks in the
(limit and confine) the impact to the project outcome by BOT project due to lack of information and uncertainty about
understanding, analyzing and responding to the risks. future condition and that also could be a risk. Consequently,
A BOT project would be classified as a success by alleviation measures must be established and supervised with
measuring the revenue to the concessionaire over the period. care by means to reduce and manage the risks effectively to an
The promoter should able to get rid off a reasonably high acceptable level and minimizing the chances of project failure.
degree of risks in maximizing the profit without any tolerance
A. Financial Risk
to the objective and requirements. A well experienced
promoter would able to identify and understand the associated Merna and Njiru have defined financial risk as the impact
risk with the BOT project, and inherently address it on the financial performance of any entity exposed to risk [2].
effectively. Investors and lenders are aware of certain risks and willing to
face it, in order to gain the profit from their investment. The
V. TYPES OF RISKS IN BOT PROJECT higher the risk, the higher the profit shall be gained.
Developing countries in East Asia are facing obvious financial
Apart from the risks that have been shown in the table II, risk and the source of financial risk could be summarized as
there are also other innumerable risks that are associated with below: [10].
BOT project. These risks can be categorized as follow:
1) Currency risks
A. Financial risks - currency risks, internet rate risk, equity 2) Interest risks
risk, foreign exchange risk, commercial 3) Equity risks
risk, liquidity risk, counter party risk 4) Foreign exchange risk
and economic risk 5) Commercial risk
B. Political risks - sovereign risks and country risk 6) Liquidity risk
C. Technical risks - construction risk and operation and 7) Counterparty risk
maintenance risk 8) Economic risk
D. Other risks - market risk, inadequacy of
concession contract, shareholders’ risk
1) Currency Risk
and risks associated with changes
The investor or lenders is aware the existence of currency
among key management personnel
risk in any BOT projects and it does occur due to funding
from international banks or foreign companies; creates
volatility of the exchange rates. Bing et al. have stated that
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by China Construction and Shandong International Trust and the financial performance to the project. In spite of that,
Investment Corporation and was first time twinned with a commercial risk in BOT project is characterized differently;
large US dollar tranche [13]. During the negotiation stage Merna and Njiru have classified into three categories, risks
between host government and concessionaire/promoter, a related to the completion, during operation and risks related to
proper agreement should be achieved in order to mitigate input or output of the project [2].
currency risks; host government should provide guarantee for Supply and off-take agreement between the supplier and the
currency mismatches to avoid any defect in project government is very crucial in mitigating the risk. In the
implementation and operation. agreement, the related parties will agree upon the required
2) Interest Rate Risk amount of input for instance coal in power plant project and
In contrast, interest rate will affect the project in terms of the output generation is the electricity. This will allow the
borrowing and debt payments. Any fluctuation in the interest supplier to stock the materials upfront at lower price and the
rate will definitely affect the lenders. An appropriate interest promoter able to generate the required output within the
rate should be agreed upon the project. The lenders have to stipulated cost, not burdening the public by increasing the
pay extra cost if the interest rate is far high or benefit them if tariff. Apart from that, it will secure long term revenue for the
the interest rate is low. promoter by selling the output to the client
More foreign investors or private sector could be attracted 6) Liquidity Risk
by providing interest rate guarantee by the host government in Most of the BOT project, the revenues are generated from
a BOT project. This approach has been adopted in Indonesian the operation. To ensure the success of the BOT project, it
BOT toll road whereby the government has guaranteed on should able to generate sufficient amount of revenue to settle
maximum interest rate, minimum revenue guarantee, debt the debt within the stipulated time frame. An amount of profit
guarantee, tariff guarantee and minimum tariff guarantee [14]. that can be generated from the operating facility is determined
3) Equity Risk by conducting analysis on the projected revenue during
Performance of the concessionaire is crucial in seeking for operational phase. The failure to generate the required revenue
fund to implement a BOT project. Usually, equity risk is will cause to liquidity risk.
related with the performance of the company which is 7) Counterparty Risk
measured by the share price of the company. The higher the Inadequate support in terms of financial from the lender at
share price goes, in definite, benefit the shareholder but the specific time is defined as counterparty risk. It also can be
lesser it goes will affect the prestige of the concessionaire. interpreted as a credit risk. According to Lam and Chow,
Capability of the company in raising capital for the BOT credit risk as the risk that the counterparty (partner of the joint
project is reflected on the share price. venture) to any financial transaction is not being able to fulfill
It has been believed that, the equity investors and other long its commitment on the due date [16]. The debt capacity of the
term investors will only agree to provide the amount of promoter will reduce when the credit risk arises. In a
funding for BOT project upon the promoter has proven their concession contract, transactions between two or more parties
financial capability of the project over its entire lifespan [15]. contain a risk that one party will default on an obligation of
It is very difficult to attract domestic capital of debt and equity the commitment. Failure in financing the required cash flow
especially in East Asia when it is involving huge amount of for the BOT project is the most common issue that arises.
investment in an infrastructure project. Nevertheless, the 8) Economic Risk
competence in carrying out detailed and comprehensive This risk mostly related to the facility’s operation which
feasibility study, economic and risk assessment study, ensure consist of materials supply, labour supply, equipment
the promoter to be in better position in obtaining domestic availability, inflations, tariffs, fiscal policies and exchange
equity finance for funding the BOT project. rates [17]. Project cash flow is affected by any financial
aspects that relate to the economic parameters. Increment in
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the supply and maintenance cost, eventually will increase the consultant together with an experience contractor should be
operation cost, thus reduce the revenue. This could be seen as hired to implement the BOT project without any tolerance to
a threat to the promoter the standard codes and practice.
B. Political Risk 1) Construction Risk
Unknown ground conditions, delay in procuring of
1) Sovereign Risk construction materials, and price escalation of raw materials
Sovereign risk is a risks related to the provision of loans to for construction such as an increase in the price of steel,
foreign government and commonly used in banking world [3]. copper or aluminum are the problems related to construction
The risk is governed by the political environment of the risk which occur during construction phase. In addition to
country where the investment will take place, specifically, the that, poor design report, prolong construction schedule and
location of BOT project commence. Sovereign risk occurs changes in factor of production also contribute to construction
when the political environment is unstable and will affect the risk.
investor or promoter of the project. In the North-South Highway project in Malaysia has caused
For instance in East Asia, some of the BOT project faced the promoter to bear the increment in the project cost. The
difficulties due to political instability such as in Thailand due initial estimated cost was US$1.2 billion but due to hassles
to frequent change in political leaders. Apart from that, encountered during construction phase such as land
countries which are governed by different ideologies such as acquisition problem and poor road design, the cost escalated
Libya and Saudi Arabia are also facing sovereign risk. A BOT
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contract with the similar and proven contract. Good legal An allocation has been provided in the concession contract
advisor who are familiar with the industry should be which requires the promoter to allocate risks to the party who
employed by concessionor and concessionee to check is best able to manage it. Four basic steps have been proposed
thoroughly the contracts before accepting it. The contract to manage the risks systematically [6]:
should benefit both parties without burdening the consumers.
Personnel in key management of concession are very crucial 1) Identify the risk sources
and consist of a range of expertise. An ideal concessionaire 2) Quantify their effect (risk analysis)
organization must hire highly skilled and competent 3) Develop management responses to risk
management personnel. They will be the backbone of the 4) Provide for residual risk in the project estimates
consortium as their involvement not just limited to project
initiation, negotiation, implementation and project Overall risk reduction depends on the capability of the
management or during transfer to the principal. They are concessionaire to identify and formulate mitigation measures
familiar not only with the BOT process but with all in risk management. This capability will generate confidence
contractual terms of the concession contract and actual project among the lenders and government to the concessionaire.
management as well. These personnel must be sustained to Tiong argues that the promoter gained high profits when the
ensure the management team always efficient and productive. host government reluctant to provide any financial guarantee
Poor working conditions and benefit could lead them to leave [21]. The promoter realized that they need to manage the risk
the organizations. In East Asia, very few promoters are by taking all mitigation measure to prevent any impact to the
providing benefits to their key management personnel in terms project. Even though the profits of BOT project are controlled
of employee share ownership scheme, profit sharing etc. This by the host government, but there are some BOT projects
will enhance the productivity and level of performance of the make good returns to the stakeholders. This is not limited to
team and sustain them. the entrepreneurial capability of the concessionaire but also
their ability to install early warning system through mitigation
VI. PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT IN BOT measures in the system.
The study has revealed that risk management is very The success of the BOT project depends on the
important tools in mitigating the risks in a BOT project. It concessionaire’s strategies. The adopted strategies are using
always has been the main objective for the lender and an advanced well proven technology and contracting out the
investors in ensuring a good return on their investment. Thus, responsibilities, that enabled them to understand the nature of
the successful of the project implementation and operation is the risks and how to response to it in an effective manner. In
measured by the generated revenue or returns on the addition to that, the success of employed risk management
investment. Continuing risk evaluation through the whole life system which could reduce the risks to an acceptable level to
span of the project is essential to manage and operate the all stakeholders is deniable. Successful risk management’s key
stakeholders’ asset. Chances of a project’s success could be principles have been identified [22]:
maximized by conducting risk management. Basically the risk
management was never intended to eliminate the risks 1) Clearly identified and visible senior management support
completely but to identify and foresee the risks to control it to for the project
a manageable level and proper mitigation measurement are 2) Explicit policies which are clearly communicated to all
adopted to maximize the revenue of the project. 3) The adoption of a transparent and repeatable framework
of activities
4) The existence of a culture that supports and understands
the concepts of controlling risk
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The authors would like to express their appreciation of
Professor Dr. Andrew Gale who advised, assisted, guided and
provided expert feedback in preparing the materials. Not
forgetting Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS for the facilities
in preparing the paper.
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