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Magnetostatics: UNIT-2

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E M Waves and Transmission Lines Unit 2

Lecture Notes 26


A steady magnetic field is generated either by a permanent magnet or a constant
current flowing through a conductor. i.e as an electric charge produce an electric field at
its static or resting position, when the charges are in motion, they produce a magnetic
When a magnetic needle is placed near a wire carrying current, the needle
experiences a force depending on the current. Thus it is said that there is a magnetic field
around the wire, the direction of which is taken as the one in which the north seeking pole
of a magnetic needle points.

Magnetic induction & Faraday’s Law



As shown in figure a ballaostic galvanometer is connected to a loop placed near

along a straight wire carrying a current I. If a magnetic needle is placed at the position of
the loop, it shows the presence of magnetic field whose direction is out of the plane of the
paper for an upward current flow in the wire.
If the current I is reduced to zero the galvanometer shows a deflection which is
independent of rate at which the current is reduced to zero. The current Ig through the
galvanometer flows as a result of voltage V induced in the loop i.e Ig = .
The charge Q is
t t V
Q = ∫ Igdt = ∫ dt

B. I. Neelgar, ECE, GMRIT.

E M Waves and Transmission Lines Unit 2

Lecture Notes 26

Magnetic Flux:
Magnetic flux through the loop is defined as the time integral at the voltage
induced in the loop throughout the interval during which the magnetic field is being
established OR if the magnetic field is already established it is the time integral of
voltage throughout the interval in which the field is being reduced to zero.
∴ φ= ± ∫ V dt
Differentiating is r.t. time
− dφ
∴ V=
Which is called as Faraday,s induction Law. The negative sign indicated that for a right
handed co-ordinate system when the flux is increasing in the positive direction, the
induced voltage will increase with a negative value unit of magnetic flux is ---- Weber.

Magnetic Flux Density (B)

It is defined as the magnetic flux per unit area It is a vector quantity. The direction
of B is taken as normal to the plane of the loop, which loop is oriented to enclose
maximum flux. The unit of B is Weber / m2 or Tesla .
In terms of B magnetic flux through a surface ds is given by

φ= ∫ B ds
n = ∫ B .ds

Where Bn is the normal component of B

Magnetic Field Intensity (H):-

With the help of small problem & galvanometer near a current carrying
conductor. B can be determined in the region near the wire.
Experimentally it can be shown that B is related to the current I as
Bα ------ (1)
Where ‘r’ is the ⊥ distance of the loop from the wire.

I – Current in the wire.

µ - Permeability of Medium
µ = µr µo

Where µr = relative permeability of medium.

µo = absolute permeability in vacuum or free space
= 4π = 10-7 H/m
For air or vacuum µr = 1. & the proportionality factor for equation (1) is

B. I. Neelgar, ECE, GMRIT.

E M Waves and Transmission Lines Unit 2

Lecture Notes 26

∴ B =
2π r
= µH
Where H = I/2πr A/m

∴ B = µH

Biot – Savarts Law:-



If dH is the differential magnetic strength due to differential current element Idl.

Then the field varies inverse with the square of the distance and it has a direction given
uur uur
by the cross product of dl and aR where aR is a unit vector in the direction of point
when the field is to be determined. This relationship is known as Biot – Savarts Law.
Idl × ar
i.e dH = A/m --------(1)
4π r 2
Equation (1) gives the magnetic field intensity at any point due to a direct current
element. The direction of dH is ⊥r to the vector dl and ar and coincides with the direction
in which the right handed screw advance when rotated from dl to ar. For figure (1) the
dH will have a direction ⊥r to both dl and ar is inward to the plane of paper.

Idl sin θ
Also dH = A/m
4π r 2
When θ is the angle between the conductor and the line joining the point P to conductor.

B. I. Neelgar, ECE, GMRIT.

E M Waves and Transmission Lines Unit 2

Lecture Notes 26

Standard derivations
1. An infinitely long, straight, filamentary current. I along z – axis in cylindrical co-
ordinates is shown in figure. Find the magnetic field intensity at any point.

dz P1

zaz RaR

o P y

Solution : Consider a Point P at z = 0 plane on y – axis at a distance ρ. for an elemental

length dz. at a distance z as shown.
I dl = (I) dz az
From Biot - Savarts Law
I dl × aR
H =
4π R 2
Idzaz × aR
i.e dH =
4π R 2
From figure:

zaz + RaR = ρaρ

ρa ρ − za z
∴ aR =
ρ 2 + z2
Idza z ρa ρ − za z
∴ dH = 2 2
4π ( ρ + z ) ρ 2 + z2
Iρ dz
= aφ
4π ( ρ 2 + z 2 ) 3 / 2
The net Magnetic field intensity is
∞ Iρ dz
H = ∫ aφ
4π ( ρ 2 + z 2 ) 3 / 2
B. I. Neelgar, ECE, GMRIT.
E M Waves and Transmission Lines Unit 2

Lecture Notes 26

Put z = ρ tanθ
dz = ρ sec2θdθ
at z=∞ ∴ θ = π/2
z = -∞ ∴ θ = -π/2
I π / 2 ρ sec 2 θdθ

4π ∫−π / 2 4π ( ρ 2 + ρ 2 tan 2 θ ) 3 / 2
H= aφ

I π /2
4πρ ∫−π / 2
= cos θdθ aφ

∴H = aφ

B. I. Neelgar, ECE, GMRIT.

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