Dynamic Analysis of A Slider-Crank Mechanism, Its Construction, Working and Applications

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Dynamic Analysis of a Slider-Crank Mechanism, its

Construction, Working and Applications

Section A:
Mudassar Dilbar (2017-ME-41)
Sajeer Ahmad (2017-ME-01)
Shahmir Rizwan (2017-ME-16)
Shoaib Bilal (2017-ME-09)
Usama Afzal (2017-ME-04)

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore.

Date Submitted: 18th December, 2018

Submitted to: Engr. M. Ahmad Naveed

Letter of Transmittal

Engr. Ahmad Naveed

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore.

17th December, 2018

Sajeer Ahmad, Group Leader
B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, (2017-21)
University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore.

Subject: Letter of Transmittal.

Dear Mr. Naveed,

We are writing to you about the lab report titled Dynamic Analysis of a Slider-
Crank Mechanism & its Applications enclosed. As the title suggests, the purpose of writing
this report is to analyze the mechanism mentioned above in detail in terms of its construction
design, working principles, motion dynamics and its applications in the field.

This project officially started on 13th December, 2018 and was completed the
same day in the Engineering Dynamics Laboratory of the Department of Mechanical
Engineering. The supervisor for this analysis was Engr. M. Usman. The other members of the
group that took part in this analysis are mentioned on the title page.

The report focuses on the mechanism mentioned above only and completely.
The slider-crank mechanism has numerous applications in different areas of Mechanical
Engineering including automobiles, industrial machines, pumps and motors, etc. The visual
results of this report exhibit how the slider and crank move relative to each other and what are
the different relations among them. This is submitted as the final copy of this report. Kindly,
inform us if you have any concerns.


Mudassar Dilbar, Sajeer Ahmad, Shahmir Rizwan, Shoaib Bilal, and Usama Afzal.


We would like to express our deepest appreciation to all those who provided me the
opportunity to complete this report. A special gratitude to our Lab Instructor, Engr. M. Ahmad
Naveed and lab attendant, Engr. M. Usman, for supervising the analysis and teaching us the
proper methodology.
Furthermore, we would also like to acknowledge with appreciation, our classmates who
created an encouraging environment and helping us with the lab work and the writing of this
report. Last but not least, many thanks to the authorities of the Department of Mechanical
Engineering for providing us with proper equipment and latest technology.

Table of Contents:
i. List of Figures, Tables & Graphs ................................................................. 6

ii. Summary ...................................................................................................... 7

Chapter 1: Introduction ....................................................................................... 8

1.1. Aims and Objectives: ................................................................................. 8

1.2. Scope of the Report: ................................................................................... 8

1.3. Mechanisms & Machines: .......................................................................... 9

1.4. Kinematics: ................................................................................................ 9

1.4.1. Links: .................................................................................................... 9

1.4.2. Joints: .................................................................................................. 10

1.4.3. Kinematic Pair: .....................................................................................11

1.4.4. Kinematic Chain: ................................................................................. 14

1.5. Mechanisms: ............................................................................................ 14

1.6. Slider-Crank Mechanism: ......................................................................... 15

1.6.1. Types: .................................................................................................. 15

1.6.2. Parts: ................................................................................................... 16

1.6.3. Conditions for Working: ...................................................................... 17

1.6.4. Examples: ............................................................................................ 17

Chapter 2: Methods & Materials ....................................................................... 19

2.1. Apparatus & Tools Used: ......................................................................... 19

2.2. Procedure Followed: ................................................................................ 19

2.3. Formulae Employed: ................................................................................ 20

Chapter 3: Data Analysis & Results................................................................... 21

3.1. Graphical Analysis: .................................................................................. 22

3.2. Results: .................................................................................................... 23

Chapter 4: Discussion ......................................................................................... 24


iii. Conclusion .................................................................................................. 25

iv. Recommendations ...................................................................................... 26

v. References .................................................................................................. 27

vi. Bibliography ............................................................................................... 28

vii. Appendices ................................................................................................. 30


i. List of Figures, Tables & Graphs

 Figure 1: Example of Links.

 Figure 2: A Pin Joint.
 Figure 3: Lower Pair.
 Figure 4: Higher Pair.
 Figure 5: Sliding Pair.
 Figure 6: Rolling Pair.
 Figure 7: Turning Pair.
 Figure 8: Screw Pair.
 Figure 9: Cylindrical Pair.
 Figure 10: The slider-crank mechanism. (a) The physical model, (b) the experiment
 Figure 11: In-line Slider crank mechanism.
 Figure 12: Offset Slider-Crank Mechanism.
 Figure 12: Dynamic Model of a Reciprocating Engine.
 Table 3.1: Data for Slider Displacement with Disc Rotation.
 Table 3.2: Data for Slider Velocity with Disc Rotation.
 Table 3.3: Data for Slider Acceleration with Disc Rotation.
 Graph 3.1: Degree vs. Displacement.
 Graph 3.1: Degree vs. Velocity.
 Graph 3.1: Degree vs. Acceleration.

ii. Summary

This report has two major aspects, the illustration of working and uses of a slider-crank
mechanism and then the dynamic analysis of that mechanism. Every engineer must know the
details about basic mechanics and definitions of different terms frequently used in mechanics.
The slider-crank mechanism is a basic mechanism which has major applications and can be
modified into many other mechanisms. Its types, working and its applications in machines
around us are discussed in detail in this report. After this review of literature about mechanics
and the slider-crank mechanism, we must know the dynamic properties of this mechanism.
This can be achieved by a dynamic analysis of this mechanism and graphical representation of
the results of the analysis. This report not only provides a complete dynamic analysis but also
has a proper discussion on the results and recommendations for better performance of the

Chapter 1: Introduction

Every machine that we see around us is either a simple or a complex combination of

different mechanisms and mechanical components. From a simple pencil sharpener, to heavy
turbines and industrial machines, everything works according to one or more than one
engineering mechanisms. Considering this, it is crucial for every Mechanical and Design
engineer to be familiar with the basic mechanisms, their working and their applications.
When it comes to the knowledge of engineering mechanism, they are actually different
elements linked with each other, moving and working in accordance with each other. To be able
to use them, one must have full knowledge of how the elements are linked together, how they
move, what factors affect their working and how to get maximum desired outcome from the
whole mechanism.
This report is regarding the complete analysis of one of the most commonly used
mechanisms in machine making, the slider-crank mechanism. It is very simple, easy to put
together and easily comprehensible. After reading this report, the readers will be completely
familiar with the mechanisms and will be able to use it efficiently anywhere needed.

1.1. Aims and Objectives:

Following are the objectives that are focus in this report;

a. Demonstration of construction and working of the slider-crank mechanism.

b. Performing a dynamic analysis of the slider-crank mechanism.

c. Explore different applications and improvements in slider-crank mechanism.

1.2. Scope of the Report:

This report includes comprehensive details about mechanisms and machine designs.
The components of different mechanisms, their classifications and nomenclatures, and their
linking processes are discussed at length. Appropriate examples and illustrations are provided
with every article for better understanding of the readers. The dynamic analysis, i.e. the analysis
of motion, velocity and acceleration of the mechanism is included in the report. There are
graphs and tables that support and visualize the results of the analysis.

This report does not include the analysis or details of any mechanism other than the
slider-crank mechanism. The reason is that the slider-crank mechanism was the primary focus
of the experiment performed in the laboratory was upon the slider-crank mechanism. Moreover,
this mechanism is the basis for many other mechanisms and has vast applications everywhere.
Understanding this mechanism well, will also be helpful in studying the others.
This report is developed primarily for academic purpose. The readers will mostly
include students of Mechanical and Design Engineering and their Instructors. They will learn
about the working and uses of a basic mechanism. They will also learn how to do an analysis
of motion for any mechanism and to think of its practical applications.

1.3. Mechanisms & Machines:

Shigley and Uicker, Jr. (1981) have provided a comprehensive definition of this branch
of engineering:
The Theory of Mechanisms and Machines is an applied
science which is used to understand the relationships between the
geometry and motion of the parts of a machine or mechanism and
the forces which produce this motion.

This branch of science is further divided into three parts; kinematics (the analysis of
motions), designing methods, and kinetics and time-varying forces. In this report, we will be
dealing with the first aspect, i.e. the analysis of motion of machines and mechanisms.

1.4. Kinematics:
The kinematics basically deals with the way things move. It is the study of the geometry
of motion. The kinematic analysis involves determining the position, displacement, rotation,
speed, velocity and acceleration of a mechanism. The kinematics provides insight into
significant design questions. (Myszka, 2012)

1.4.1. Links:
Every element or pair of elements moving relative to the other parts of a machine is
called a link. The movement of a link is studied by using geometry so the link is then considered
to be rigid.

(Figure 1: Example of Links, Myszka, 2012)

Classification of links:
The links are classified under following three categories;
a. Binary links (connect two joints).
b. Ternary links (connect three joints).
c. Quaternary links (connect four joints).

Types of Links:
Within the above mentioned classes, there are following three types of links on basis of
the nature of their material;
a. Rigid links e.g. connecting rod, crank, etc.
b. Flexible links e.g. belts, ropes, springs, etc.
c. Fluid links e.g. hydraulic press, lift, etc.

1.4.2. Joints:
The connections between links are modeled as providing ideal movement, pure rotation
or sliding for example, and are called joints. The most familiar joints for link systems are the
revolute or hinged joints, denoted by an R and the prismatic or sliding joints, denoted by a P.
Most other joints are modeled as their combinations. (Hibbeler, 2013)

The cylindrical joint consists of an RP or PR serial chain constructed so that the axes
of the revolute and prismatic joints are parallel, the spherical joint consists of an RRR serial
chain for which each of the hinged joint axes intersect in the same point, the planar joint can
be constructed either as a planar RRR, RPR, and PPR serial chain that has three degrees-of-

(Figure 2: A Pin Joint, Hibbeler, 2013)

1.4.3. Kinematic Pair:

A kinematic pair is a combination of two kinematic links and a joint that have relative
motion with respect to each other. When two links in a machine are in contact with each other,
they form a pair and if the relative motion of these two links is completely or partially
constrained, then the links are said to form a kinematic pair.
The kinematic pairs were introduced as a new approach to the study of machines that
provided a modification to the motion of elements that comprise the simple machines.
(Reuleaux, 1963)

Types of Kinematic Pairs:

The kinematic pairs can be broadly classified into many types based on three main
criteria namely the nature of contact between elements, type of mechanical contact and the
relative motion between the elements.
Following are the categories on basis of the contact nature;
Lower pair:
The pair is called lower pair if the links have surface or area contact between them such
as nut and bolt, shaft and bearing, ball and socket joint, etc.

(Figure 3: Lower Pair, Moubarak & Ben-Tzvi, 2013)


Higher pair:
The pair is called higher pair if the links have line or point contact between them such
as gears, cam and follower, rolling ball, etc.

(Figure 4: Higher Pair, Moubarak & Ben-Tzvi, 2013)

Now the types based on the type of mechanical contact;

Self-crossed pair:
A pair is said to be self-crossed if the links have direct mechanical contact between
them, even without the application of external force.

Force-crossed pair:
A pair is said to be force-crossed if the links are kept in contact by the application of
external forces. A good example is ball and roller bearings.

And finally, on basis of the type of relative motion between the elements;

Sliding pair:
It is the pair in which each element has sliding motion relative to the other element such
as piston inside a cylinder, spur gear drive and square bar in a square hole.

(Figure 5: Sliding Pair, Moubarak & Ben-Tzvi, 2013)


Rolling pair:
In a rolling pair, one element rolls relative to the other element. A wheel rolling on a
road is a good example.

(Figure 6: Rolling Pair, Moubarak & Ben-Tzvi, 2013)

Turning pair:
In a turning pair, one link undergoes turning motion relative to the other link. Example
is a shaft with collars in a circular hole.

(Figure 7: Turning Pair, Moubarak & Ben-Tzvi, 2013)

Screw (or helical) pair:

A screw pair consists of links that have both turning and sliding motion relative to each

(Figure 8: Screw Pair, Moubarak & Ben-Tzvi, 2013)


Cylindrical pair:
A cylindrical pair is a kinematic pair in which the links undergo both rotational and
translational motion relative to one another such as a solid cylindrical bar inside a hollow shaft.

(Figure 9: Cylindrical Pair, Moubarak & Ben-Tzvi, 2013)

Spherical pair:
In a spherical pair, a spherical link turns inside a fixed link. A spherical pair has three
degrees of freedom.

1.4.4. Kinematic Chain:

In mechanical engineering, a kinematic chain is an assembly of rigid bodies connected
by joints to provide constrained (or desired) motion that is the mathematical model for a
mechanical system. A kinematic diagram is a schematic of the mechanical system that shows a
kinematic pair. (Homer, 2002)

1.5. Mechanisms:
Reuleaux (1963) defines the term mechanism in the sense of engineering as a source to
get output from different forces:
A mechanism, in engineering, is a device that transforms
input forces and movement into a desired set of output forces and
movement. It is a combination of resistant bodies arranged in such a
way that by using them, the mechanical forces of nature can be made
to do work in a particular direction. A mechanism can also be defined
as a kinematic chain, in which one link is fixed or stationary, is called
a mechanism.

A mechanism is usually a piece of a larger process or mechanical system. Sometimes

an entire machine may be referred to as a mechanism. Examples are the steering mechanism in
a car, or the winding mechanism of a wristwatch. Multiple mechanisms are machines.

1.6. Slider-Crank Mechanism:

It is an arrangement of mechanical parts designed to convert straight-line motion to
rotary motion, as in a reciprocating piston engine, or to convert rotary motion into straight-line
motion, as in a reciprocating piston pump. A slider crank mechanism converts circular motion
of crank to linear motion of the slider or vice versa.

(Figure 10: The slider-crank mechanism. (a) The physical model, (b) the experiment equipment, Ha,
Fung, Chen & Hsien, 2005)

1.6.1. Types:
There are two basic types of slider-crank mechanism namely in-line and offset slider-
crank mechanism. This report is, however, focused on the dynamic analysis of the inline type
slider-crank mechanism.

In-line Slider-crank Mechanism:

An in-line slider-crank has its slider positioned so the line of travel of the hinged joint
of the slider passes through the base joint of the crank. This creates a symmetric slider
movement back and forth as the crank rotates.

(Figure 11: In-line Slider crank mechanism, Myszka, 2012)

Offset Slider-crank Mechanism:

If the line of travel of the hinged joint of the slider does not pass through the base pivot
of the crank, the slider movement is not symmetric. It moves faster in one direction than the
other. This is called an offset or a quick-return mechanism.

(Figure 12: Offset Slider-Crank Mechanism, Thaddaeus, 2016)

1.6.2. Parts:
A slider-crank is a four-bar linkage that has a crank that rotates coupled to a slider that
the moves along a straight line. This mechanism is composed of three important parts; the crank
which is the rotating disc, the slider which slides inside the tube and the connecting rod which
joins the parts together. A slider crank is an RRRP type mechanism i.e. it has three revolute
joints and a prismatic joint. The total distance between the two extreme positions of the slider
is called the path length.

1.6.3. Conditions for Working:

In order for the crank to rotate fully, the following condition must be satisfied;


R is the crank length,
L is the length of the link between the crank and slider and
E is the offset of the slider. (Thaddaeus, 2016)

1.6.4. Examples:
There are numerous applications of slider-crank mechanism in our daily lives. Many
other mechanisms are also developed from it and employed in different machines wherever
needed. Some of the common applications of this mechanism, both inline and offset, are
enlisted below:
 Reciprocating engine.
 Rotary engine.
 Oscillating cylinder engine.
 Hand pump.
 Scotch yoke.
 Oldham’s coupling.
 Elliptical trammel.
 Control valve actuators.
 Shaper machines.
 Internal combustion engines.
 Screw press.
 Revolver mechanism.

(Figure 12: Dynamic Model of a Reciprocating Engine, Hibbeler, 2013)


Chapter 2: Methods & Materials

2.1. Apparatus & Tools Used:

Since this report is about the dynamic analysis of a slider-crank mechanism, it does not
need much tools and the experiment can be performed easily if only a working sample of this
mechanism is available. Following is a list of apparatus used during the analysis of the

 Slider-crank mechanism.
 Meter rod.
 Steel rule.
 Degree meter showing crank position.
 Scientific calculator.
 Lead pencils.
 Graph paper/Plotting software

2.2. Procedure Followed:

Since this report is based on an experiment performed for educational purposes, it does
not involve usage of advanced computer programs for the dynamic analysis. Nor does it employ
any kind of motor or any other machine to maintain uniform velocity.
In the experiment, the inline type slider-crank mechanism is used as the apparatus.
There are two different approaches towards the dynamic analysis of this mechanism;
1. We rotate the crank or the disc and record the reciprocating motion of the slider.
2. We reciprocate the slider and record the rotation of the disc.
In this experiment, the first approach is adopted for the sake of ease of the students who are
performing the experiment.
There is a degree meter attached to the crank to measure the degree of its rotation. We
check the apparatus for the smoothness of slider. Then we rotate the crank manually till the
slider is at its top extreme position. That position will be the reference point with slider
displacement zero. Now we start rotating the crank in clockwise direction. The slider will start
moving downward.

We stop after rotating the crank through 30⁰ and note the displacement of the slider
using a ruler scale put adjacent to the path of the slider. Continue the procedure and note the
displacements after every 30⁰ until one revolution of crank is complete. The crank must be
rotated as smoothly as possible and with attempted uniform speed.
Plot a graph between angle of rotation and displacement and find velocity from the
slope of the curve at different points. Now plot a graph between angle and velocity and find
acceleration from the slope of the curve at different points. Finally plot a graph between angle
and acceleration.
Observe the behavior of the three curves for pattern and logic and interpret the data.
Also we calculate the slider displacement, velocity and acceleration using derived and
worldwide accepted formulae and compare their plot with our experimental graphs in order to
analyze the slider-crank mechanism used in this experiment relative to an ideal one working
perfectly according to the mathematical formulae.

2.3. Formulae Employed:

Following are the mathematical formulae employed in this analysis to get theoretical
values of displacement, velocity and acceleration for each crank degree interval;

Displacement = x = r(1 – cos𝜃)

Velocity = v = 𝜔r sin𝜃 = r sin𝜃
Acceleration = a = 𝜔 2r cos𝜃 = r cos𝜃

Here, r is the radius of the circular disc,

θ is the measure of crank degree in radians, and
ω is the angular velocity with which we rotate the disc.

Chapter 3: Data Analysis & Results

In this chapter, the experiment is presented in form of data tables and then the graphical
analysis of the experimental as well as the calculated data.

Table 3.1:
Crank Slider Displacement
Sr. # Rotation (inches)
(Deg) Experimental Calculated % Error
1. 0 0 0 0.0
2. 30 0.45 0.33 26.1
3. 60 1.50 1.25 16.7
4. 90 2.82 2.50 11.3
5. 120 3.99 3.75 6.0
6. 150 4.76 4.67 2.0
7. 180 5.00 5.00 0.0
8. 210 4.72 4.67 1.2
9. 240 3.91 3.75 4.1
10. 270 2.70 2.50 7.4
11. 300 1.40 1.25 10.7
12. 330 0.37 0.33 10.8
13. 360 0 0 0.0

Table 3.2:
Crank Velocity
Sr. # Rotation (inches/degree)
(degree) Experimental Calculated % Error
1. 0 0.002 0 100
2. 30 0.025 0.0213 14.8
3. 60 0.040 0.0367 8.3
4. 90 0.042 0.0425 1.2
5. 120 0.032 0.0368 13.0
6. 150 0.017 0.0213 20.2
7. 180 -0.001 0 100
8. 210 -0.018 -0.0213 15.5
9. 240 -0.034 -0.0368 7.6
10. 270 -0.042 -0.0425 1.2
11. 300 -0.039 -0.0368 5.6
12. 330 -0.023 -0.0213 7.4
13. 360 0 0 100

Table 3.3:
Crank Acceleration
Sr. # Rotation ( square inches/degree)
(degree) Experimental Calculated % Error
1. 0 7.19 7.225 0.48
2. 30 6.25 6.257 0.11
3. 60 2.75 3.6125 23.88
4. 90 -1.19 0 100
5. 120 -4.11 -3.6125 12.1
6. 150 -5.50 -6.257 12.098
7. 180 -5.83 -7.225 19.31
8. 210 -5.50 -6.257 12.09
9. 240 -3.94 -3.6125 8.31
10. 270 -0.86 0 100
11. 300 3.08 3.6125 14.74
12. 330 6.69 6.257 6.47
13. 360 8.06 7.225 10.36

3.1. Graphical Analysis:

In this section, we provide the visual representation of the dynamic analysis for the
slider-crank mechanism in the form of graphs corresponding to the data mentioned earlier.

Graph 3.1:
Degree vs. Displacement;

Displacement (inch)

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360
Crank Degree (deg)
Experimental Calculated

Graph 3.2:
Degree vs. Velocity;

Velocity (inch/deg)

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360
Crank Degree (deg)
Experimental Calculated

Graph 3.3:
Degree vs. Acceleration;

Acceleration (inch/deg^2)

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360
Crank Degree (deg)
Experimental Calculated

3.2. Results:
The graphs for the slider-crank mechanism used in this experiment are in the same
manner as the curves for the calculated values. There is noticeable percentage difference
between our experimental and calculated values. The error is highest in the velocity values with
an average of 29.8% and least in the displacement values with average value 16.7%. The error
for acceleration values is intermediate with an average of 23%.

Chapter 4: Discussion

The results of this report provide us with a decent and thorough dynamic analysis of
the slider-crank mechanism. The analysis in this report is enough at the learning stage of the
students performing the experiment and the errors or differences found are acceptable at this
The displacement curve shows the change in position of slider with rotation of the crank.
The slider starts from the reference point and comes back to it in one rotation of the crank.
There is difference between the curves for experimental and calculated values which shows
that the movement of slider is not uniform which may be due to friction or play in the rotating
The velocity curve shows that the slider has maximum velocity at instants where its
displacement from reference point is zero or minimum. The experimental velocity curve also
deviates from the calculated one slightly. The acceleration curve shows that the slider is
accelerated initially and then decelerates to a minimum value and then accelerates again to a
final value.
The angular velocity of the disc in this experiment is not uniform since the disc is being
rotated manually. Moreover, the disc is being stopped after small intervals to take readings of
slider displacement. This is why, in this experiment, we have assumed a suitable value for the
angular velocity and kept it constant throughout.

iii. Conclusion

To conclude this report, we must acknowledge that the slider-crank mechanism is the
basis for many of the modern technology and machines. It has numerous applications and uses
in our daily lives as well as in our industries. Furthermore, we learned that the dynamic analysis
is a good tool to gauge any mechanism or machine. We can implement the results from a
dynamic analysis in the making of machines and get better performance out of them. This
enlightens the importance of dynamic analysis and every engineer associated with the
designing field must have his grip at the concepts involved in it.

iv. Recommendations

After completing the analysis and this report we recommend a few things for the readers
and for the people working with the mechanism mentioned in this report, that are enlisted

 The slider-crank mechanism should be smooth in its rotation as well as

reciprocating motion.
 The disc should be rotated using some mechanical or electrical means for better
outcome of the analysis.
 The graphing in the dynamic analysis should be done with the help of advanced
plotting computer programs for greater accuracy and precision.
 The slider-crank should be used anywhere after performing proper dynamic
analysis and the data from analysis must be kept under consideration while varying
the conditions and factors for the mechanism. Same goes for every other mechanical

v. References
Ha, J. L., Fung, R. F., Chen, K. Y. & Hsien, S. C. (2005). Dynamic Modeling. Dynamic
Modeling & Identification of a Slider-Crank Mechanism, Page 3.
Hibbeler, R. C. (2013). Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics, 14th ed. New Jersey: Pearson
Homer, E. (2002). Kinematic Design of Machines and Mechanisms, 6th ed. New York:
Moubarak, P. & Ben-Tzvi, P. (2013). On the Dual-Rod Slider Rocker Mechanism and Its
Applications to Tristate Rigid Active Docking. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and
Robotics, Page 5.
Myzska, D. H. (2012). Machines & Mechanisms, Applied Kinematic Analysis, 4th ed. New
Jersey: Pearson Education.
Reuleaux, F. (1963). The Kinematics of Machinery. (trans. and annotated by A. B. W. Kennedy).
New York: Dover.
Shigley, J. E. & Uicker, J. J. (1981). Thoery of Machines and Mechanisms. New York:
Thaddaeus, J. (2016). Offset Slider-Crank Mechanism. Synthesis and Dynamic Simulation of
an Offset Slider-Crank Mechanism, Pages 5 - 9.

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Worden, K. (2014). Structural Dynamics Research in Mechanical Engineering at the
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vii. Appendices

Appendix – A:
Degree vs. displacement graph for offset slider-crank mechanism;


Displacement (mm)





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360
Crank Degree (deg)
Experimental Calculated

Appendix – B:
Degree vs. velocity graph for offset slider-crank mechanism;

Velocity (mm/deg)

-0.200 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360
Crank Degree (deg)

Experimental Calculated

Appendix – C:
Degree vs. acceleration graph for offset slider-crank mechanism;

Acceleration (mm/deg^2) 15.00
-5.00 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360
Crank Degree (deg)
Experimental Calculated

. _____________________ .

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