Eco-Efficiency Dairy Processing Industry: For The
Eco-Efficiency Dairy Processing Industry: For The
Eco-Efficiency Dairy Processing Industry: For The
for the
Dairy Processing Industry
Prepared by:
The UNEP Working Group for Cleaner Production in the Food Industry
Environmental Management Centre, The University of Queensland, St Lucia
Penny Prasad, Robert Pagan, Michael Kauter and Nicole Price
Sustainable Business
Level 9, 121 Walker Street, North Sydney
Patrick Crittenden
Level 5, IBM Tower
60 City Road
Southbank Victoria 3006
Steering Committee
Ross Nicol Dairy Australia
Bob Pagan UNEP Working Group for Cleaner Production in the Food
Penny Prasad UNEP Working Group for Cleaner Production in the Food
Disclaimer: While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information in this publication
is correct at the time of printing, errors can occur. The information is provided as general
information only. Specific issues relevant to your workplace should be considered in light of this
and on an individual basis. The information provided in this publication should not be construed
as legal advice. You should consult with professional advisers familiar with your particular factual
situation for advice concerning specific environmental requirements.
Cover images: Dairy Australia, Dairy Processing Engineering Centre and UNEP Working Group for
Cleaner Production.
1.8 Summary 12
2.4 Summary 18
3 Water
3.1 Overview of water use 19
3.1.1 Water use in dairy factories 19
3.1.2 The true cost of water 20
3.1.3 Measuring water consumption 22
3.1.4 Increasing staff awareness and involvement 23
3.2.2 Efficient process control 24
3.2.3 Leaks 25
3.6 Stormwater 33
3.8 Wastewater 39
3.8.1 Treatment of wastewater 39
3.8.2 Selection of a wastewater treatment system 40
3.8.3 Reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation 41
4 Energy
4.1 Overview of energy use 43
4.1.1 The cost of energy 45
4.7 Cogeneration 76
4.7.1 Types of cogeneration 76
4.7.2 Applicability of cogeneration to the dairy processing industry 77
6 Solid waste reduction and value adding
6.1 Overview 96
6.1.1 Sources of solid waste 96
6.1.2 The true cost of solid waste 97
6.1.3 Solid waste management 98
6.1.4 Supply chain management 99
7 Chemical use
7.1 Overview of chemical use 110
7.1.1 Cleaning 110
7.1.2 Detergents, acids and sanitisers 112
7.1.3 Water quality 114
7.1.4 True cost of chemicals 114
7.1.5 Environmental impacts of chemicals 115
7.4 Chemical treatment of boilers, cooling water and condensate water 124
7.4.1 Boiler water treatment 124
1 Introduction
Table 1.1 Major Australian dairy manufacturing sites 2
Table 1.2 Typical key performance indicators for a dairy processor 9
4 Energy
Table 4.1 Proportions of electricity and thermal energy use 43
Table 4.2 Total energy use — electrical and thermal 44
Table 4.3 Typical costs for primary energy sources 45
Table 4.4 Typical fuel costs for steam production 45
Table 4.5 Typical fuel costs for direct heating of water with electricity or gas from 20°C
to 84°C 46
Table 4.6 Energy consumption of multi-effect evaporators and vapour recompression 48
Table 4.7 Optimum flue gas composition 51
Table 4.8 Fuel savings from installing online oxygen trim control 52
Table 4.9 Heat loss from steam lines 56
Table 4.10 Cost of compressed-air leaks 62
Table 4.11 Cost and energy savings that can be made by reducing air pressure 63
Table 4.12 Energy and costs savings from reducing the temperature of
compressor inlet air 64
Table 4.13 Payback periods for purchasing high-efficiency motors 65
Table 4.14 Cost comparisons for oversized motors 65
Table 4.15 Savings due to installation of variable speed drives 66
Table 4.16 Comparison of different types of lighting 68
Table 4.17 Sample methane and energy yields from biogas digestion for an ice-cream
factory in New South Wales 73
7 Chemical use
Table 7.1 Characteristics of typical soiling found in the dairy industry 111
Table 7.2 Types of chemicals used in the dairy industry 113
Table 7.3 Comparison of inorganic and organic acids 122
Figure 1.1 Milk production by state 2002–03 2
Figure 1.2 Utilisation of manufacturing milk 2002–03 2
Figure 1.3 Waste minimisation hierarchy 5
Figure 1.4 Method of undertaking an eco-efficiency assessment 8
Figure 3.1 Breakdown of water use of a market milk processor 20
Figure 4.1 Energy cost breakdown by area — milk plant 44
Figure 4.2 Energy cost breakdown by area — powder, cheese and whey plant 44
Figure 4.3 Single effect falling film evaporator schematic 48
Figure 6.1 Waste minimisation hierarchy 99
This chapter outlines the environmental challenges faced by Australian dairy processors.
The manual explores opportunities for reducing environmental impacts in relation to
water, energy, product yield, solid and liquid waste reduction and chemical use.
Figure 1.1 Milk production by state 2002–03
NSW Vic Qld SA WA Tas Aust
As Table 1.1 shows, there are 70 major dairy manufacturing sites across Australia,
51 of which are in rural areas. The largest cooperative accounts for 30% of Australia’s
milk production, while there are smaller cooperatives that produce volumes between
100 and 600 million litres (Dairy Australia 2003). Figure 1.2 shows the utilisation of
manufacturing milk by major process lines.
Table 1.1 Major Australian dairy manufacturing sites Figure 1.2 Utilisation of manufacturing milk
State No. of sites
Capital city Rural region 15%
NSW 3 9
Vic. 7 24
Qld 3 6 Butter/skim
milk powder
SA 2 4 23%
WA 2 3
Tas. 1 5 Casein/butter
5% Whole milk
NT 1 – powder
Australia 19 51
Water supply costs for Australian processors are vary according to the region, ranging
between 20c/kL for a North Queensland processor and $1.28/kL for a processor in
South-East Queensland. Water supply costs are discussed further in Chapter 3. Many
water authorities are now progressively introducing a user-pays charging system to
recover the full cost of supplying water to the consumer, in order to encourage water
conservation and to cut costs.
discharging to Sydney Water’s direct ocean outfalls, where the charging structure is
based only on the mass load (in kg) of waste components. Some utility operators have
introduced additional charges for nitrogen, phosphorus and sodium loads and these
charges are increasing. For example, Ipswich Water in Queensland currently charges
80c/kg for nitrogen and $3/kg for phosphorus. These charges are expected to increase
to more than $2/kg and $9/kg over the next few years (Mark Sherson 2004, pers.
comm.). Many utility operators also charge for oil and grease content and suspended
solids. The charge structure is affected by the processes used by the treatment plants,
and by the costs incurred in handling different components of the wastewater.
Charging structures can also be used to ‘send a message’ to customers and encourage
measures such as waste minimisation to reduce loads.
Factories that dispose of effluent directly to land generally do not pay disposal charges,
but must meet licence conditions for the quality of effluent with respect to
components such as mineral content, salt level, BOD or COD, phosphorus, nitrogen,
and oil and grease.
Full cost recovery charging has not so far been applied to sewer discharges, but this
situation is changing. Many local authorities and water boards, especially those in
metropolitan areas, are in the process of formulating charging systems that will
progressively increase wastewater discharge fees on a user-pays basis until something
approaching full cost recovery is achieved.
The national energy supply market (electricity and gas) has been progressively
deregulated over the last decade. Deregulation in the electricity industry began in
Victoria in 1994 and has spread to most states, giving dairy companies a choice of retail
companies for their supply of electricity. The low cost of energy and the lack of
mechanisms to control demand in Australia are seen as among the main factors
• office waste.
Dairy processing plants in city areas are generally well serviced by waste disposal and
recycling companies, so it is usually more profitable for a company to segregate and
recycle wastes than to dispose of waste to landfill. Processing plants in regional areas
may experience some difficulties until waste services are developed and expanded.
Organic waste is generally disposed of as animal feed, applied to farm land as fertiliser,
composted, or digested to produce biogas.
For dairy processors, solid waste disposal costs can be a relatively minor component
of total operating costs. It is, however, an area where employees at all levels can
contribute and immediately see results, and this can be a good start in encouraging
employees to be more environmentally aware and participate in company-wide
initiatives. The waste minimisation hierarchy shown below in Figure 1.3 represents
a sequential approach to reducing solid waste — with steps to avoid, reduce, reuse,
recycle and lastly treat and dispose waste. This is discussed further in Chapter 6, ‘Solid
waste reduction and value adding’.
1.2.6 Packaging
Dairy processors face increasing pressure to develop and use packaging that reduces
the consumption of resources, enables reuse or recycling, and minimises landfill
disposal. The importance placed on packaging may reflect the strong increase in
awareness resulting from the National Packaging Covenant (NPC), launched in 1999.
The NPC encourages voluntary actions by signatory companies to reduce packaging
waste, and is underpinned by regulation in all states to include non-signatories. In
some cases packaging initiatives are driven by the requirements of export customers.
Most dairy processing companies are signatories to the NPC.
• to help in developing waste minimisation plans (e.g. water and waste management
plans, National Packaging Covenant or Greenhouse Challenge plans)
The best starting point for any company that wants to improve its eco-efficiency is to
conduct an eco-efficiency assessment. This process is described in the next section.
Figure 1.4 Method of undertaking an eco-efficiency assessment
Step F
a. Monitor and review performance
Continuous improvement
Source: Adapted from UNEP, Environmental Management Tools — Cleaner Production Assessment, 2003
It is essential that any eco-efficiency opportunities that are identified for a dairy
company do not adversely affect food safety and quality. Water recycling is an example
of an eco-efficiency opportunity where increased risk (or perceived risk) can be a barrier
to its adoption. New procedures set in place as a result of an eco-efficiency assessment
may need to be included and managed by the HACCP system. Conversely, a HACCP
program may identify issues and link in with an eco-efficiency assessment.
KPIs can be linked to staff incentive schemes and to other management programs. They
are a useful, easily understood, spin-off from an eco-efficiency program and can help in
prioritising overall efficiency.
Component KPI
1.7 Achieving best practice in dairy processing
Subsequent chapters describe numerous eco-efficiency opportunities that are available
to the dairy processing industry. Many of the opportunities described are not new, and
could be considered as good operating or engineering practice; and they have been
undertaken to some degree by most leading dairy processing companies. Where
possible, benchmark figures have been provided for aspects such as water and energy
consumption and wastewater volumes and quality. While the question of ‘best practice
in dairy processing’ cannot be directly quantified within the scope of this document,
the following points attempt to describe the characteristics of a dairy processing
company and operation that is headed towards best practice. Ideally, the adoption of
best-practice technologies, procedures and initiatives should be considered during the
design and planning stages of a plant. A holistic approach should also be taken in
deciding what is the most appropriate technology or plant design. For example, if a
factory in a regional area has the option to irrigate, it may not be sensible for it to
treat wastewater to potable water standards.
• integrated process control software that enables trending of key variables and
generates customised reports for different purposes; able to be accessed by
management from office workstations; and uses programs that interface with
accounting, inventory, maintenance and quality systems
• membrane plants for the recovery of condensate, cleaning chemicals and, in some
circumstances, whey proteins.
Product yield:
• inline monitoring of key contaminant levels — COD, EC, pH, turbidity, protein, fat
Water usage:
• a detailed water balance or model that identifies the volume of water used in each
• water meters installed at strategic locations through the plant, and a system for
regularly monitoring and reporting water consumption
• in powder plants, a condensate recovery system for ‘cow water’ that reuses 90–100%
of available condensate
• a knowledge of the typical quantity and quality of wastewater streams at all times
during processing using online and traditional monitoring techniques
• zero discharge of wastewater to sewer for dairy processors in regional areas that have
the opportunity to use water for irrigation.
Energy usage:
• a detailed energy balance or model that identifies what quantity of energy is used in
each area
• high-efficiency boilers with recuperators and economisers for recovery of heat to pre-heat
flue gas and boiler feed water
• efficient lighting systems that take advantage of natural light and automatically switch
off or dim according to lighting needs
• pinch analysis of dairy factories to identify possible areas for improvement in heating
and cooling duties.
• the use of enzyme-based and chemicals with reduced rates of phosphate and nitrogen
• the holistic use of chemicals with consideration of the impact of wastewater disposal,
particularly in regard to irrigation and salinity issues
Future technologies:
• the use of alternative renewable fuels such as solar and wind energy
1.8 Summary
In past years, the dairy processing industry has undertaken various resource
management and waste minimisation programs to increase operating efficiencies.
These programs have been undertaken on a corporate basis or for individual sites
driven by a few motivated managers. Many of the 70 dairy processing plants across
Australia are well over 50 years old, with processing operations that have grown in
size, with a combination of old and new equipment and technologies, and with
workforces of various levels of experience. For these plants, there are numerous
eco-efficiency opportunities that can be taken up. These range from simply improving
housekeeping through to investing capital to upgrade or replace existing equipment.
The chapters that follow describe some of the challenges and opportunities that are
available to the industry.
The dairy industry has achieved substantial improvements in efficiency over recent
years. Yet careful examination still reveals elements of waste — wasted money,
wasted resources (such as energy and water) and wasted product.
Although eco-efficiency makes good business sense, there are some barriers that limit
its uptake. This chapter discusses those barriers and shows how they can be overcome,
through a case study that draws on the experience of Murray Goulburn and its
involvement in the Commonwealth Government’s Energy Efficiency Best Practice
Program — a program that was designed to address internal organisational barriers
to change. Although Murray Goulburn’s experience was focused specifically on energy,
the approaches that were developed can be used to implement each of the
eco-efficiency areas highlighted in this manual.
In researching this manual we asked staff what they saw as the key barriers to the
implementation of eco-efficiency. Their responses included:
• lack of capital
• operator awareness and training — particularly when there are many casual staff
• lack of communication
There are no simple answers for these and the many other potential barriers that exist
within organisations; however, each of them must be overcome if the eco-efficiency
project is to be successful.
• Hold regular team meetings, to keep focus and to ensure continued progress.
• Ensure that you develop good business cases for the eco-efficiency projects that you
are trying finance. This should include clearly communicating additional benefits such
as positive publicity, improved involvement with the local community, safety, and
operational benefits. In some instances you might also explore whether there are
alternative approaches that have not been considered.
Here are some other ways in which dairy processing companies have supported and
implemented eco-efficiency projects:
• The appointment of designated managers and supervisors. Many dairy processors have
appointed managers to work specifically on projects within the company that improve
product yield and reduce waste (e.g. Murray Goulburn’s Process Improvement Manager
or Energy Manager).
• Grants and partnerships with government bodies. There are opportunities to obtain
national and state government grants, which can provide encouragement and financial
support for improving efficiency through the use of more efficient technology and
Making eco-efficiency happen within your organisation requires support from a range
of areas; it is not the sole responsibility of one particular manager or group. It depends
on support and encouragement from all levels of your organisation, as well as external
stakeholders such as suppliers, customers, industry associations and government.
A good way of getting started is through a site-based team, as described in the next
Key learning
When you can tap into a cross-section of skills and knowledge from different functional
areas the possibilities for improvement are much greater. Why? Because everyone gets the
opportunity to share their own perspective. This opens up the possibility of identifying and
implementing projects that might otherwise be left alone because of the difficulty of
working across functional areas. When people identify problems themselves and are given
the opportunity to do something about them, they are also more committed to making
them happen.
In order to determine which projects they should focus on, the team carried out a
number of activities.
• It reviewed existing onsite energy data and monitoring equipment. The members knew
they first had to understand how energy was used and wasted, in order to understand
the potential for savings.
• It identified the people who could help or hinder them in implementing their projects
(key stakeholders). The members invited their branch manager, a senior engineer and
the environmental manager to a meeting, in which they asked questions about the
kind of support they could expect for their projects. This group of people also provided
valuable input to the technical and organisational aspects of the projects.
• It developed a business plan that mapped out the resources required, the likely
financial savings and other benefits that would be achieved, and the people and tasks
that would ‘make the projects happen’. The business plan was presented to the
managing director to get his input, and ultimately his support, for the team’s activities.
Key learning
In developing the business plan, the team had learnt a lot about their site, its production
process, and the opportunities and challenges of implementing change. Their discussions
with key managers across the organisation helped develop support from outside the team,
and helped them to be very clear about what they needed to do to successfully implement
The first project the team implemented was achieved through improved
communication between the boiler house and process operators. It did not require
any capital outlay but led to annual savings of $180 000 and 1536 tonnes of CO2
(which contributes to global warming). The following different perspectives and
the team approach contributed in various ways to identifying and implementing
this project:
Eco-efficiency perspective
Operating boilers at 30% load is inefficient and expensive, and generates greenhouse
gas emissions unnecessarily.
Following the work of the Rochester team, Murray Goulburn held a special meeting
for all senior and site managers to explore the risks and opportunities that energy
management held for the business overall. The workshop included:
• an update on the scientific and political developments of global warming and climate
change, and its likely impact on business
• a presentation from representatives of the Rochester energy team, discussing how they
achieved $180 000 of energy savings and were on track to achieve more
• an interactive session to identify strategies and actions that would support a more
focused approach to energy management across all Murray Goulburn sites.
After the workshop it was agreed that representatives from each of Murray Goulburn’s
seven sites would attend a two-day workshop to discuss and develop action plans for
establishing energy management teams on each site.
Soon after, a new position of Energy Manager was created, and filled by a senior
engineer, to ensure that there was a strong link between corporate and site-based
energy initiatives.
• reporting back to, and discussing eco-efficiency initiatives at, regular team meetings
• ensuring that good business cases are developed for eco-efficiency projects.
Dairy factories also produce high volumes of moderate to high-strength liquid wastes
(i.e. with high BOD and COD levels). Water and wastewater management can incur
costs for dairy processors, and these vary according to the location of the processing
plant, the source of water and the requirements for effluent treatment. The location
and type of processing plant and the options for effluent discharge play major roles in
determining the level of water reuse and recycling, as well as the degree and method
of effluent treatment. Factories in regional areas often have the option of using
effluent water for irrigation and may therefore not realise the major financial or
environmental benefit to be gained from treating and reusing effluent within the
factory. Generally, dairy processors who can reduce water use over the broader system
(including upstream and downstream of processing plants), without compromising
quality or hygiene standards, will benefit from reduced water supply and effluent
charges as well as improving the sustainability of the dairy processing industry. HACCP
plans play an important role in ensuring that hygiene standards, which are critical to
producing a quality product, are met.
Water is used in dairy factories for processing and cleaning, for the operation of
utilities such as cooling water and steam production, and for ancillary purposes such as
amenities and gardens. Figure 3.1 shows an example of water use in a dairy processing
factory that produces market milk.
Figure 3.1 Breakdown of water use of a market milk processor
Crate wash
16% Pasteurisation
Many dairy processors track the overall consumption of water by monitoring the ratio
of water to raw milk intake. Water consumption in Europe has been reported to range
from 0.2 to 11 L/L milk (Daufin et al. 2001) with effluent volumes per raw milk intake in
the same range. Ratios for Australian processors producing any combination of white
milk, cheese, powders or yoghurts range from 0.07 to 2.90 L/L milk, with the average
being around 1.5 L/L milk (UNEP 2004).
Table 3.1 shows the range of ratios for factories producing white or flavoured milks,
cheese and whey products, and powdered products. For factories that produce
powdered products, there is the potential for the majority of water (>95%) to be
supplied from treated condensate, also known as ‘cow water’. However, the potential
for recovering condensate depends on the scale of a particular powder plant and the
ratio of supply to demand on a given day. For example, if the production rate is
reduced during the off-peak season there will consequently be less condensate
available for recovery. The range in water to milk intake ratios indicates there is
potential for some dairy processing plants to decrease water consumption significantly.
The components making up the total true cost of water for dairy processors are:
• purchase price
• treatment of wastewater
• disposal of wastewater
• pumping costs
• maintenance costs (e.g. pumps and replacement of corroded pipework and equipment)
Table 3.3 provides an example of the full cost of ambient and hot water. It indicates
that, while the purchase cost of the water was $0.54/kL, the true cost was actually
$2.33/kL for water at ambient temperature and $5.13/kL for hot water. The cost of
wastewater discharge in different regions is discussed more fully in Chapter 5, ‘Yield
optimisation and product recovery’.
Table 3.3 Example of the true cost of ambient and hot water ($/kL)
Purchase $0.54
There are a number of methods that can help to quantify water use and develop a
water model:
• Use manufacturers’ data to estimate water use for some equipment and compare with
actual water use.
• Use known operational data to estimate water use (e.g. a 10 kL tank fills every wash cycle).
When identifying areas of water use, manual operations as well as equipment should
be monitored carefully (e.g. the volume of water used for washing down floors and
equipment must be taken into account). It is also a good opportunity to observe staff
behaviour (e.g. taps left running or hoses left unattended).
Flow meters
Flow meters on equipment with high water consumption, incoming water inlets and
wastewater discharge outlets will allow regular recording and monitoring of water use.
Flow meters are also useful for measuring ‘standing still’ water consumption during
periods when equipment is not operating, to detect any leaks. When installing a meter
ensure that the meter is tailored to meet the application (e.g. measurement of product
wastewater or clean-in-place volumes).The cost of installing or hiring flow meters will
vary according to the meter size and functionality. Factors to consider include pipe size,
• implementing staff suggestion schemes to encourage ideas for reducing water use
• considering a staff incentive scheme and including targets in staff job goals.
Involvement of staff, the establishment of clear goals and targets, and prompt
implementation of initiatives can help develop a strong water conservation culture.
‘One of the main issues is operator awareness and training. With such a large
number of casual and seasonal staff, training and awareness has to be
maintained so that eco-efficient projects are continually generated from the
floor and maintained.’ — Peter McDonald, Murray Goulburn Cooperative Co., Koroit, Victoria.
Increasing staff awareness: Murray Goulburn
Murray Goulburn Cooperative sites introduced environmental awareness training into their
staff inductions. The inductions have a ‘two-tiered’ approach where staff have a training
session which is followed up a few months later to reinforce the earlier message. This has
ensured that all staff are aware of the initiatives to minimise water use and are encouraged
to generate projects.
Water sprays are often used in dairy factories for washing, or to lubricate equipment.
Water is wasted if sprays are left operating unnecessarily during breaks in production;
this can be prevented by linking sprays to conveyor or equipment motors, using
automatic cut-off valves. Timers may also be useful for shutting off sprays or taps when
not in use.
Taking supply water meter readings during non-production hours can highlight any unusual
water consumption or leaking pipes.
Union/flange 0.5 5 12
(1 drop/s)
Valve 6 53 128
(0.1 L/min)
3.3 Reducing demand for water: cleaning
A large proportion of the water consumed by dairy processors (50–90%) is used for
cleaning equipment and surrounding areas of the plant (Envirowise 1999a). There
are numerous opportunities for reducing water use for cleaning, as outlined in
the following section. The Dairy Process Engineering Centre (DPEC) publication
Performance evaluation guide manual — cleaning systems 98/99 (DPEC 1989/99) is a
practical guide for evaluating the effectiveness of a cleaning system and benchmarking
current performance. It also includes a worked example and ready-to-use work sheets.
Another useful resource is CIP: cleaning in place (Romney 1990).
Scrubber dryers and vacuum cleaners can wet or dry clean and remove gross soiling
before washing with water to reduce the amount of wastewater that would normally
be discharged to the drain. They are fast and efficient, reduce chemical use, and are
suitable for relatively dry areas such as cold stores or warehouses where hosing is
unsuitable and there may be large expanses of floor space.
1 Assumptions: $2.43/kL for true water cost; 260 days each year; hose flow rate of 0.5–1.0 L/s
In most systems, interfaces between product, chemical and rinse water are detected
using conductivity or turbidity meters; other systems use timers. The effectiveness of
conductivity and turbidity meters compared with timers is a topic of debate. Timers
may not provide a consistent or repeatable quality of clean due to factors such as
varying flow rates, pressures, and pump or valve wear; meters can fail, causing
operating delays or unnecessary loss of product, chemicals or water to the waste
stream. In addition, instrumentation can ‘drift’ out of calibration over time; and timers
can be adjusted to compensate for operational factors. Regardless of which system is
used, it is important to regularly verify chemical strengths and temperatures as well as
carrying out visual checks, if possible, to ensure equipment is clean. These checks may
be done every day, shift or clean. It is also important to carry out longer-term
monitoring — for example, every 12 months to validate CIP system settings and review
timers, chemical concentrations, temperatures and general cleaning effectiveness.
For further reading on CIP systems see AS 1162:2000, Cleaning and Sanitizing Dairy
Factory Equipment; and AS/NZS 2541:1998, Guide to the Cleaning-in-Place of Dairy
Factory Equipment. CIP systems are also discussed further in Chapter 7, ‘Chemical use’,
which includes information on types of chemicals used and typical concentrations.
‘When optimising CIP systems, take one step at a time and don’t try to make
too many changes at once.’ — Alison Dilger, National Foods, Morwell
Burst rinsing
Burst rinsing is becoming more commonly used for the pre-cleaning of tanks and
tankers to maximise product recovery before CIP. Depending on the characteristics of
the product being cleaned (e.g. its viscosity), a series of bursts rather than a continuous
rinse can minimise water use. One disadvantage is that it can add time to a cleaning
• fluid-driven tank wash nozzles which are rotated by the reactionary force of the fluid
leaving the nozzle
• motor-driven tank washers, controlled by air or electric motors which rotate the spray
head for high-impact cleaning
• stationary tank wash nozzles or spray balls which use a cluster of nozzles in a fixed
Spray balls and nozzles should be selected to suit the application, particularly with
regard to the temperature and corrosive nature of the cleaning fluids. Spray nozzles
should be regularly monitored and maintained and their efficiency reviewed as part of
a cleaning validation program.
Water-efficient spray nozzles: milk and beverage processor, USA
Schroeder Milk Co. in Minnesota now saves around 20 000 L daily after improving the
efficiency of spray nozzles on its carton washer. The company changed from using shower
heads and spray bars to smaller nozzles and mist sprays, and now only operates the washer
when needed instead of continuously.1
‘Pigging’ systems
Pigging is a method of removing product from pipes; it can reduce the volume of
water required for cleaning by minimising residual product left in the system, and
therefore reduce rinse times. Pigging systems are discussed further in Chapter 5,
‘Yield optimisation and product recovery’.
Float valves are used on many cooling towers to control make-up water supply. The
valve should be located in a position where it cannot be affected by water movement
as a result of wind or water flowing through inlet pipes into the tower basin.
Cooling towers should be regularly checked for leaks and scale build-up.
Overflow of water on cooling tower: Murray Goulburn, Leongatha
Murray Goulburn in Leongatha conducted a water audit, which identified that one of the
cooling towers was intermittently overflowing. The leak was measured at 120 L/min, which
equated to around 57 000 L/day, assuming the leak occurred 30% of the time.
Rating Level of water Flow rates for Flow rates for Flow rates for Flow rates for
efficiency basin taps showers dishwashers
(L/min) (L/min) (L/place toilets
setting) L (average
flush volume)
AAAAA Excellent Not more than Not more Not more Not more
2.0 with than 6.0 than 0.8 than 2.5
Product Savings
Shower heads Non-efficient shower heads can use more than 20 L/min
High-efficiency roses can use less than 9 L/min
Clothes washers Non-efficient washers can use more than 36 L per kg of washing
Efficient front-loading washers can use less than 9 L per kg of
Urinals Non-efficient cyclic flushing urinals are 30–80% less efficient than
demand flushing urinals
3.6 Stormwater
There is potential for dairy processors to supplement water supply through the
collection and reuse of stormwater. Stormwater can feasibly be used for non-potable
applications in external areas of the processing plant (e.g. pump seal water, floor
cleaning, irrigation, garden watering).
Use of stormwater: National Foods Ltd, Penrith
National Foods in Penrith reconnected an existing stormwater collection tank. The stormwater
supplements trade waste vacuum pump sealing water, which is also recirculated. The initiative
has saved the company 12 kL/day and $4000 in water supply and discharge costs. The initial
cost was $2000, with operating costs of $100/yr.
• It is very low in dissolved solids (measured by conductivity), which can cause corrosion.
• It can be odorous.
The quality of vapour condensate depends on the type of product that is being
evaporated, the evaporator installation, the place of extraction, the efficiency of
operating personnel and the care they take. For example, it has been shown that the
BOD of vapour condensate produced from concentrating acid whey has been almost
14 times that of condensate produced from concentrating skim milk, which can limit
the opportunities for reuse: ‘In general it has been found that the condensate from
the earlier stages (effects) of an evaporator can be used after monitoring as boiler feed
water, with that from the later stages being suitable for washing floors and the
exterior of plant and vehicles.’ (IDF 1988) Generally, without further treatment
condensate is classified as non-potable.
The IDF Bulletin 232 (IDF 1988) lists a number of requirements for the reuse of
• It must be possible to chemically clean all the systems used to collect and convey the
• Mixing of condensate with other types of water must be avoided, due to the potential
for rapid bacterial growth.
To utilise the maximum available volume of condensate — and depending on the
initial quality — further treatment may be needed before use. Methods used for
treating condensate include the addition of disinfectants such as silver ions, chlorine
and chlorine compounds, and P3-oxonia, as well as technologies such as carbon
filtration and ion exchange (IDF 1988). Reverse osmosis is used as a higher level of
treatment, to remove unwanted components and produce water that can be reused
in most areas of a dairy processing plant. This is discussed further in the next section.
Condensate is also often acidic, and may require caustic addition to increase the
pH — for example to prevent boiler corrosion if used as boiler feed water.
It has been found that the use of relatively clean condensate for cooling tower
make-up water can allow the growth of bacteria despite the use of biocides. This can
be explained by the relatively low conductivity of the condensate compared to town
water, and its effect on the frequency of boiler and cooling tower blowdown. As
blowdown is usually controlled on the basis of conductivity, the low conductivity of
condensate leads to less frequent blowdown and higher concentrations of organics,
which can encourage microbial growth. This can also increase the level of scaling and
build-up in the boiler or cooling tower, decreasing the life of the equipment.
Condensate is a good source of heat energy, and should be utilised. Significant savings
in heating costs can be realised by recovering the heat energy for purposes such as
pre-heating product or boiler feed water. For best results, condensate recovery should
be integrated into the process at design stage to gain maximum economic benefit from
energy and water recovery. Further information can be found in Chapter 4, ‘Energy’.
For further reading see the IDF Bulletin No. 232/1988, The quality, treatment and use of
condensate and reverse osmosis permeates (IDF 1998).
‘In sensitive areas of the plant, it was necessary to only use recaptured
condensate which has a low or no bacterial load.’ — Peter Ryan, Dairy Farmers,
‘We have an EPA licence to send excess evaporator condensate water to the
Hunter River. The odour prevents us from using it in the boilers and other
products. We have capital works in progress that will enable us to use all of
the condensate water that we produce.’ — Garry Christie, Dairy Farmers, Hexham
3.7.2 Use of membranes for water recovery
Membranes are commonly used within the dairy industry for the recovery of product,
chemicals or water. This section looks at the use of membranes to recover and reduce
the consumption of water. The use of membranes in dairy processing plants is covered
further in Chapter 5, ‘Yield optimisation and product recovery’.
Some dairy processing plants use reverse osmosis (RO) to polish evaporator condensate.
The filtration process removes trace elements, which can cause corrosion. It also
removes traces of product (from carryover), thus improving the quality of the permeate
and increasing the possibilities for reuse within the plant. Permeate produced from
membrane filtration can be used to supplement process water that is in contact with
product; however, it requires further treatment to make it potable quality and is more
commonly used for boiler and cooling tower water make-up. RO will not remove all
the BOD from the stream, but a 90–95% reduction is normally achieved (PCI-memtech
2000). A barrier to the use of membrane filtration for treating condensate water for
reuse is the cost of treatment compared with the cost of using fresh town water. For
example, it is estimated that the cost of treatment for one Victorian plant is around
90c/kL, whereas the cost of town water is only 69 c/kL (Matthew McGuiness 2004,
pers. comm.).
Membrane filtration is not suitable for recovering water from all waste streams. For
example, water recovered from whey permeates by reverse osmosis should not be used
in cheese factories because of the risk of bacteriophage, a virus that disrupts the cell
membranes of bacteria used in the cheese-making process (Peter Gross 2004, pers.
comm.). Bacteriophage infection can reduce the rate of fermentation in cheese-making
and lead to lower-quality cheese.
Primary treatment
Primary treatments commonly used by the dairy industry are screening, equalisation,
neutralisation, and dissolved or induced air flotation (DAF or IAF) to remove fats and
suspended solids. Other primary treatments that are being trialled at some factories
use ‘hydrocyclones’ which also remove fat and can be used in combination with air
flotation units.
Secondary treatment
Secondary treatment may incorporate the removal of organic matter and in some cases
nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. It typically uses a series of anaerobic and
aerobic biological treatment processes. Secondary treatment relies on micro-organisms
consuming and converting organic material in the wastewater into either carbon
dioxide or methane (biogas), or into more cell matter (sludge) which can be removed
and usually dewatered, stabilised and removed offsite. Further information on biogas
and sludge utilisation can be found in Chapter 4, ‘Energy’ and Chapter 6, ‘Solid waste
reduction and value adding’.
Tertiary treatment
Tertiary treatments use biological and/or physical and/or chemical separation processes
to remove organic and inorganic substances that resist primary and secondary
treatment; they produce very high-quality effluent. The most common form of tertiary
treatment used by the dairy industry involves the use of membranes, as described in
sections 3.7 and 5.8.
• available space
• the characteristics of the wastewater, such as types and load of contaminants, volume
of wastewater and the variation in the generation of the wastewater over time
• the end use (e.g. is the water to be reused or recycled onsite or given/sold to a third
For dairy processing plants that have the option to discharge waste to the sewer,
primary treatment is usually the highest level of treatment required; but plants in
regional locations usually treat wastewater by secondary and tertiary methods to a
level suitable for irrigation. Soil salinity is an aspect that must also be considered in
some cases. Salinity of dairy effluent is affected mainly by the use of sodium hydroxide
in cleaning and effluent neutralisation, as well a by the loss of salt during the
manufacture of cheese and butter. An eco-efficiency approach to selecting and
operating a wastewater treatment system considers:
• the resources consumed by the treatment system, such as electricity, chemicals and
• the concentration of dissolved salts in the water, measured as electrical conductivity (EC)
• method of irrigation (e.g. whether from overhead sprinklers, because wastewater with
high salt levels may cause leaf burn).
Table 3.7 gives a general idea of the suitability of wastewater for particular sets of
The uptake of salts by crops and pasture can reduce growth, discolour or scorch leaves,
or cause foliage death, so it is essential that the salinity level of wastewater used for
irrigation is routinely monitored. A risk assessment that includes a water, nutrient and
salt model should be developed to fully assess the hydraulic and nutrient salt loadings
of the soil, and the likely impact of irrigation. It is also important to prevent runoff and
contamination of waterways, and spray drift onto neighbouring lands. As a starting
point, refer to the ANZECC Guidelines for fresh and marine water quality for
information on quality of water that can be used for irrigation (ANZECC 1992).
1500–2500 For continued use, moderate to high leaching and salt tolerance
The sources of energy in Australian dairy processing plants are generally electricity and
thermal energy from fossil fuels including coal, oil, natural gas and LPG, while a small
number of plants supplement fuel supplies with biogas. In this section, energy use has
been analysed for three categories of dairy processing plants: those where the primary
product is white or flavoured milk, those that primarily produce cheese and whey, and
those that produce mainly powdered products.1 Table 4.1 shows typical percentages of
energy supplied from electricity and other fuels used to produce thermal energy
(i.e. steam for Australian dairy plants surveyed during this project).
Milk only 66 34
Mainly powders 21 79
* excluding powders
Table 4.2 shows total use of energy (electrical and thermal) per kL of raw milk intake.
As the table shows, these figures vary by around 18% for liquid milk plants and over
500% for plants producing mainly powders. The wide variation for powdered plants is
mainly due to the differences in evaporating technology used. The median of these
figures is around 45–65% of typical energy consumption in dairies in the UK. The
Australian data also compares favourably with figures quoted by the International
Dairy Federation. Electricity consumption for a range of plants was 0.22–0.47 GJ/t milk
treated, and thermal energy consumption was 2.88–5.40 GJ (Kjaergaard-Jensen 1999);
these are significantly higher than the Australian figures. In Canada, average electricity
use was 0.61 GJ/kL for a liquid milk plant and 0.36 GJ/kL for a cheese, whey, powder
plant, while for thermal use the figures were 1.06 GJ/kL and 1.07–1.38 GJ/kL
respectively (Wardrop Engineering 1997); these are closer to the Australian data.
1 Energy data is based on a survey of Australian dairy processors. Figures are for a total of 17 plants including
1 5 primarily milk producers, 3 cheese and whey and 9 mainly powder producers.
Table 4.2 Total energy use — electrical and thermal
GJ/kL raw milk intake Min. Max. Median Variance No. plants Average
% providing
1 ETSU 1998
Figures 4.1 and 4.2 show the typical breakdown of energy costs in two UK dairy
processing plants, one producing mainly white milk and the other producing cheese
and powders. For a short shelf-life milk plant, energy costs are relatively evenly
distributed between refrigeration, general services, processing, clean-in-place, bottling
and cartoning. For plants producing cheese, whey and powders, the main energy
costs are in drying and evaporating, followed by general services, refrigeration and
Figure 4.1 Energy cost breakdown by Figure 4.2 Energy cost breakdown by area —
area — milk plant powder, cheese and whey plant
There is scope for Australian dairy processors to reduce energy usage by implementing
eco-efficiency initiatives, such as:
• cogeneration.
a AGO 2004;
b Typical cost in Victoria (NB: Typical cost of natural gas in Queensland = $12/GJ)
Table 4.4 shows typical fuel costs for steam production in coal, natural gas and
oil-fired boilers. These costs do not include the operating costs of chemicals, labour,
maintenance and ash disposal. The fuel costs for producing steam from coal is
considerably lower than for gas and for fuel oil. As shown, the cost per tonne of
steam is around $6.50 for a coal-fired boiler (85% efficiency) to over $16 per tonne
for a natural gas boiler (95% efficiency). (Note: this does not include costs of labour
or ash handling.)
Energy content 2.8 GJ/t steam 2.8 GJ/t steam 2.8 GJ/t steam
of steam
Fuel energy input 3.3 GJ/t steam 2.9 GJ/t steam 3.1 GJ/t steam
a Based on a system producing steam at 11 bar and 184°C, with a steam enthalpy of 2.8 GJ/kg steam
Hot water is also used for heating and sterilisation. Table 4.5 shows typical fuel costs
for water heating.
Table 4.5 Typical fuel costs for direct heating of water with electricity or gas from 20°C to 84°C a
Electricity Gas
Replacement of electric heaters with steam heaters, Murray Goulburn Cooperative, Koroit
Electric dryer bar heaters were replaced with heaters fuelled by steam. Savings in fuel have
been estimated at $156 000/yr (including 1938 tonnes CO2 emissions) for an installation
cost of $80 000.
Demand management
There are substantial savings possible through managing the electricity demand of the
plant. Demand charges are based on the largest amount of electricity consumed in any
single demand period (e.g. 15 minutes) during the billing period. Demand charges can
therefore be decreased by managing the operation of equipment to utilise off-peak
supplies, load shedding, and staggering the start-up times of large equipment items
such as compressors or dryers. Soft starters on motors will also flatten out power
demand during start-up.
requirements for four combinations of evaporators. A study of five Australian milk
powder factories indicated that a combination of TVRs, MVRs, multiple-stage
evaporators (up to five) and multiple-stage dryers are currently used by the industry
(Lunde et al. 2003).
a Joyce 1993
b ETSU 1998
Thickening and desalinating whey in the dairy industry: dairy processor, The Netherlands1
Before food ingredients can be made out of whey, the original thin liquid must be
concentrated and desalinated. A whey processing plant in The Netherlands has installed
a nanofiltration unit to perform part of the total thickening process. The membrane filter
replaces an evaporator and ion exchanger; this increases the solids content of the whey from
5.5% to 17%, and removes 70% of the salt content with the permeate. Steam consumption
for the old system was 436 m3 natural gas equivalent (NGE) per tonne dry solids, and electricity
consumption was 11.5 m3 NGE/t. Steam use for the new system has decreased to 120 m3 NGE/t
but electricity consumption has increased to 19.2 m3 NGE/t. Net energy savings are 308 m3
NGE/t, which equates to around 70% of the original energy consumption. In addition there
were savings in chemical and water use for cleaning. The payback period was 1.3 years.1
1 CADDET 1999
A useful measure of the dryer efficiency is specific energy consumption (SEC), which
measures how much energy is required per kilogram of water evaporated from the
feed, where:
SEC (kJ/kg) = rate of energy consumption of dryer (kW) / rate of evaporation of dryer kg/s
WS = dry solids feed rate and X1 and X0 are the moisture contents of the input and
output streams defined as a fraction of the dry solids weight.
The rate of energy consumption should be routinely monitored and compared against
other similar spray dryers. Tips for the efficient operation of a spray dryer include:
• maximising the solids content of the milk concentrate, to achieve good atomisation at
the spray nozzle or atomiser
• minimising the loss of waste heat from the exhaust (It is desirable to use high inlet air
temperatures and low exhaust air temperatures, to achieve the required degree of
drying. This can be achieved through two-stage drying, where a fluid bed dryer is
installed to reduce residual moisture content of the product to an acceptable level,
hence allowing the dryer to run with lower exhaust air temperatures.)
• recovering waste heat by installing a recuperator that uses exhaust air to pre-heat the
inlet air
There can be problems with recuperating waste heat, due to the presence of
particulates in the exhaust air stream and the tendency for fouling, which causes
hygiene problems. This technology is no longer in use in Australian dairy factories
for this reason. A more detailed discussion on heat recovery systems and the efficient
operation of spray dryers can be found in Good Practice Guide 185 of the UK Energy
Efficiency Best Practice Programme, Spray drying (ETSU 1996).
The energy efficiency of the dryer can be maximised by maximising the solids content
of the feed — for example, operating at 40% solids instead of 30% reduces the heat
input by 36% (ETSU 1996).
ETSU 1996
1 ITR 2003
2 Niro 2003
Check the fuel-to-air ratio and compare readings with optimum gas
The efficiency of a boiler can be monitored by measuring the excess air and the
composition of flue gas. Insufficient excess air will lead to incomplete fuel combustion,
while too much causes a loss of heat in the boiler and a decrease in efficiency.
Optimum percentages of oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and excess air in exhaust
gases are shown in Table 4.7. The ratio of boiler air to fuel can be adjusted to obtain
the optimum mix of flue gases, using oxygen trim systems. Table 4.8 shows the
potential fuel savings resulting from the installation of online oxygen trim control.
Such systems usually reduce energy consumption by 1.5–2%, with a typical payback
period ranging from a few months to 2 years (SEAV 2002a).
Table 4.8 Fuel savings from installing online oxygen trim control
Variable demand during the day, especially when it peaks for short periods (for example
when large capacity plant is first started), can be accommodated by using a ‘steam
accumulator’ — a large vessel filled with water that is heated by the steam to steam
temperature. Steam that is not needed to heat the water simply flows through it and out
to the plant; but when a sudden peak load is imposed a proportion of the water in the
tank is ‘flashed off’ into steam at the reduced pressure, thus protecting the boiler from
instantaneous loads. This kind of system can effectively meet short-term demands that are
considerably in excess of the boiler’s rated output (Manfred Schneider 2004, pers. comm.).
1 ITR 2003
4.3.5 Steam delivery
Condensate return systems are often designed with flash vessels to allow for the
re-evaporation of condensate into steam (referred to as flashing). The flash vessels
also remove non-condensable gases such as air and CO2. If these gases remain in the
equipment being heated, the gases form pockets that insulate the heat transfer surface
and decrease boiler efficiency (Graham Smith 2004, pers. comm.). The steam in the
flash vessels can be used as a low-grade heat source.
1 ITR 2003
‘Be proactive. The savings are the result of fixing a large number of small
out-of-the-way items.’ — Ted Isaacs, Murray Goulburn Cooperative, Leongatha
Rationalised steam supply: Peters and Brownes Foods, Roxburgh
Peters and Brownes Foods in Roxburgh reduced gas usage by $10 000/yr and maintenance
costs by $15 000 by decommissioning two boilers for the ice-cream plant and using steam
from existing beverage plant boilers. The cost of implementation was $65 000, with a payback
period of less than 1.5 years.
Insulation of pipes
Uninsulated steam and condensate return lines are a source of wasted heat energy.
Insulation can help reduce heat loss by as much as 90%, as shown in Table 4.9.
Insulation that is damaged should be repaired and sources of moisture should be
removed to prevent insulation from deteriorating. It is estimated that 35% of the
heat energy supply is lost during the manufacture and distribution of steam, while
approximately 2000 kW h is lost in a year from a 1-metre length of 5cm steam pipe
with a surface temperature of 170°C (Kjaergaard-Jensen 1999).
1 AGO 2002a
A useful software model, Coldsoft, is available from the Australian Dairy Processing
Engineering Centre (DPEC 2003b). The model allows plant personnel to review and
improve the performance of dairy site refrigeration systems.
The purpose of the compressor is to draw low-pressure refrigerant vapour from the
evaporator, and compress it so the vapour can be condensed back into a liquid by cooling
with air or water. The compressor is the workhorse of a refrigeration system and usually
accounts for between 80% and 100% of the system’s total energy consumption
(Carruthers 2004, pers. comm.). It is important, therefore, that the system operates under
optimum conditions. The amount of energy used by a compressor is affected by the:
• type of compressor
• compressor load
• temperature difference of the system (i.e. the number of degrees by which the system
is required to cool).
Compressor selection
There are three main types of compressor used for refrigeration — reciprocating,
rotary screw and scroll. Centrifugal compressors are often used for air-conditioning
systems. It is important when selecting a compressor to choose a type best suited to the
refrigeration duty and one that will enable the system’s COSP to be as high as possible.
The compressor is the workhorse of a refrigeration system and usually accounts for between
80% and 100% of the system’s total energy consumption.
Compressor load
The compressor’s capacity needs to be matched with the load. If a compressor is not
required, or is oversized, it operates at only partial load and the energy efficiency may
be reduced. The use of multiple compressors with a sequencing or capacity control
system to match the load can help to improve efficiency. In some cases, even with a
capacity control system an oversized compressor will still be inefficient as a result of
frequent stopping and starting. Some compressors are more efficient than others at
part load, depending on the method of capacity control, and it is best to ask the
manufacturer for a profile of efficiencies at varying load conditions.
Ice banks can be an effective way of meeting peak demands without the need for
large compressor capacity. They are best used in applications where there are short to
medium peak loads but a much lower average load during a production day. Ice can be
formed during the night to take advantage of cheaper off-peak electricity.
A refrigeration system with a small evaporator and condenser may require a smaller
initial capital outlay; however, running costs may be greatly increased by the need for
a larger compressor, so this should be avoided.
ETSU 2000
A feasibility study for the refrigeration system showed that the compressors were operating
under no load, there were numerous compressor start-ups, and the suction temperature of
12°C into the compressors was far above design temperature of 3°C due to incorrect valve
selection. The minimum condenser pressure was also being maintained at around 1000 kPa
over the winter months.
The study recommended upgrading the current control system to improved valve selection so
that the correct suction gas temperature (3°C) could be recovered, enabling the compressors
to operate at higher loading and minimise stopping.
1 SEAV 2002b
2 Subcooling refers to cooling of the refrigerant below its saturation point (the point at which liquid turns into a vapour).
The study also suggested modifying the condenser pressure to operate at a minimum
condenser pressure of 750 kPa instead of the existing 1000 kPa.
The project cost the company $59 000 and installation took 4 months. Nestlé now saves
$100 000/yr in electricity costs. Compressor start-ups were reduced by 92% and the run
hours by 22%. There was an overall reduction in maintenance costs for the refrigeration
plant of 20%.
The cost of operating a refrigeration system can be up to around 20% of total energy costs in a
dairy processing plant.
Cooling water loops using water at ambient temperature have also been used by some
dairy processors to pre-cool high-temperature fluids (around 90°C) before chilling,
thereby reducing the load on the refrigeration system.
Absorption refrigeration
Absorption chillers allow cooling to be produced from heat sources such as clean fossil
fuels, incinerated garbage, biofuels, low-grade steam, hot water, exhaust gas or even
solar energy, usually using a lithium bromide and water refrigerant (Broad Air
Conditioning 2004). The COP of absorption refrigeration, however, is relatively low
compared with vapour compression refrigeration systems with the best absorption
chillers generating just over 1 kW of refrigeration for 1 kW of energy. The higher the
temperature of the waste heat, therefore, the more effective the refrigeration will be.
The advantages of absorption chillers are that they can utilise a waste heat source with
lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional vapour compression
refrigeration systems.
1 CADDET 1996a
Installing a control sequencing system on multiple compressors will help the system
to respond more efficiently to varying loads. Variable-speed compressors can reduce
power with reduced demand. If compressors operate at variable rates or are oversized
to cater for higher than usual loads, consider installing a variable speed drive (see
section 4.4.4).
Lead-lag system for compressors: Murray Goulburn Cooperative, Koroit
The air compressors at Murray Goulburn’s Koroit plant were changed to a lead-lag system
which reduced energy consumption by approximately 10%. One compressor is set as the lead
compressor, which operates until it can no longer meet demand. The second or lag compressor
is then automatically switched on. A lead-lag system prevents both compressors operating at
once when not actually required. The cost of implementation was $5000, with annual savings
of approximately $3000.
SEDA 2003
Table 4.12 Energy and cost savings from reducing the temperature of compressor inlet air
4.4.3 Homogenisers
The control of homogeniser pressures, in particular pressure drop, will affect the
efficiency of the homogeniser and the quality of the product. Confusion in terminology
for measuring pressure (e.g. gauge, absolute and differential pressure) can lead to
homogeniser pressure settings that are less than optimum. Once an optimal pressure
control strategy is established and understood, the energy consumption of the
homogeniser can also be calculated and incorporated into plant energy-management
programs. These aspects are explained further in the DPEC publication Homogeniser
performance evaluation guide manual 1996/97 (DPEC 1996/97).
Sizing a motor
It is best to avoid purchasing oversized motors to cater for future production increases,
either as insurance against motor failure or simply to override load fluctuations in the
production processes. Motors that are oversized run with lower efficiency and power factor.
If the load is constant, size the motor as closely as possible to the load, with a small safety
margin. Table 4.14 illustrates savings to be made by replacing oversized motors with motors
of the correct size to meet the load — for example in Case 1 the installation of a 3.7 kW
motor which is 80% loaded, compared to 7.5 kW which is 40% loaded, saves $722/yr.
Annual energy use (kW h) 17 813 8788 627 000 427 500
Annual energy cost (A$) $1425 $703 $51 160 $34 200
Information on best practice in motor management can be found on the Australian
Greenhouse Office ‘Motor solutions online’ website, <
case-studies/index.html>. The site includes a checklist, self-assessment tool, case studies
and technical guides.
Information on selecting the most suitable motor for different applications can be
found on the US Office of Industrial Technologies Energy Efficiency and Renewable
Energy website: Motor selector software, <
software_tools.shtml> and the US Department of Energy website: Buying an energy
efficient motor, <>.
Rewinding motors
Although failed motors can be rewound, it is often better to take the opportunity to
replace the motor with an energy-efficient model. It is suggested that an energy-efficient
model should be purchased in preference to rewinding when the motor is less than 30 kW
and the cost of rewinding exceeds 65% of the cost of a new motor (US DOE 2004a).
The energy consumed by fans and pumps is proportional to the cube of the motor
speed. For example, if a VSD on a refrigeration compressor reduced its speed by 20%
the power consumed would drop by 49%. The installation of VSDs can be financially
viable, but depends on the motor application and operating hours. VSDs are most
economically viable for large motors. Table 4.15 shows the potential savings through
the installation of a VSD for a 5.5 kW and a 18.5 kW motor operating for 8000 h/yr.
In these cases, the payback can be from 18 months to 2 years.
Annual energy use (kW h) 44 000 35 200 148 000 118 400
4.4.5 Lighting
Around 4–6% of total electricity consumption is used for lighting in dairy processing
plants (Kjaergaard-Jensen 1999). Different styles of lighting are available for different
purposes, and they have varying efficiencies. Some types of lighting and their uses are
listed below, from most to least energy-efficient (DSIR 2001b).
Low-pressure sodium: This is the most efficient type of lamp at present. It is most
suited to exterior lighting and emits yellow light.
Metal halide and mercury vapour: These are commonly used for high-bay factory
lighting, and emit a bluish-white light. Metal halide is 25% more efficient than mercury
vapour lighting. Two types of metal halide lighting are available — standard and pulse
start. Pulse start lights are more efficient and start more quickly.
Fluorescent: These are the most efficient type for lighting small areas with low ceilings,
or for task-level lighting. Fluorescent lights are available as a standard long lamp or in
a compact style, which can be used as a direct replacement for incandescent lamps. The
initial cost is higher, but the lamps use one-fifth the electricity and last up to 10 times
as long.
Tungsten halogen lamps: These lamps are cheap to purchase but have high operating
costs. They are useful for floodlighting.
Miniature dichroic down lights: These are often used in reception areas and
restaurants. Their energy efficiency is inferior to that of fluorescent lights and they
should be avoided if energy consumption is a priority.
Incandescent lamps: These are the least efficient, and although they have a low
purchase cost they will end up costing more in the long run because of higher
operating costs and lower product life.
Table 4.16 Comparison of different types of lighting
Depreciation Light output Very little Very little <15–20% 45% <15%
falls 15%
• locating lights at task level so they direct light where it is required instead of lighting
up a large area
• segregating light switches so banks of lights can be turned off when not in use without
affecting other areas
• installing auto or step dimmers that can effectively reduce the total energy consumed
by the lighting system by 20–30%
Direct expansion
A direct expansion air conditioner operates on the same principles as a vapour
compression refrigerator and has the same basic components. The air conditioner
cools with an evaporator coil, while the condenser releases collected heat outside.
The refrigerant evaporates in the evaporator coil and draws heat out of the air, causing
the inside temperature to drop. The refrigerant then liquefies in the condenser coil and
releases this heat. The refrigerant is pumped between the two coils by a compressor.
Air or water from a cooling tower, for example, may be used as the heat sink.
Chilled water
The second type of air-conditioning system cools with water chilled to around 5–7°C.
The chiller is usually located separately and the water piped throughout the plant to
individual units.
Systems also have humidifiers or dehumidifiers to add or remove moisture to or from
the air, and filters to clean the air. All air conditioners also have control systems with
varying levels of sophistication to maintain temperature and humidity.
Economy air cycles are a good way of reducing energy use in air-conditioning systems,
particularly in cooler regions. Economy air cycles take advantage of outside air
temperatures, reducing the use of energy for cooling.
• selecting a system based on the accurate sizing of your plant’s cooling requirements
(Some contractors use specifically designed software to determine the best size, the
number and size of ducts, and the dehumidification capacity of the system.)
• ensuring the system is accessible for cleaning and maintenance so that components
such as filters, coils, ducts, fins, refrigerant, compressor and thermostats can be easily
maintained and leaks repaired
• ensuring thermostats are set to the optimum setting and installed away from heat
• operating the system only when necessary — use an energy monitoring and control
system to control temperatures in different areas of the factory
• investigating the benefits of floor, wall and roof insulation — look at possibilities for
using blinds, reflective film, eaves and vegetation
• insulating ducting and pipes, and if possible keeping ducts within the air-conditioned
Heat recovery from flared biogas: Murray Goulburn Cooperative, Leitchville
Murray Goulburn in Leitchville anaerobically digests wastewater, producing biogas which is
flared to atmosphere. A suggested project is to recover heat from the flare to warm wastewater
to an optimum temperature for digestion. Digestion currently occurs at 26–33.5°C, depending on
the time of year and source of effluent. The optimum temperature, however, is 35–36°C because
a temperature above 32°C is necessary to help emulsify long-chain fatty acids.
Stratified storage tank and heat recovery from wastewater: Murray Goulburn Cooperative,
Murray Goulburn in Leitchville reclaims heat from its warm whey through a water medium.
The water is then pumped into the bottom of a 200 000 L hot water bank. The hot water in
the tank is transferred from the top of the tank for the pre-heat of the pasteuriser. The cost
of implementation consisted of labour costs for programming and optimising several cascade
loops. The system maintains cold whey temperatures for the whole day and has improved the
performance of the membrane plant. The processing plant also recovers heat from its cleaning
wastewater that cannot otherwise be recycled or reused. The heat reclaimed from the
wastewater is used to heat incoming mains water, which will then be used in processing.
Heat recovery and reduction in steam usage: Dairy Farmers, Mount Gambier
Dairy Farmers in Mount Gambier reduced steam usage by removing the steam barrier on the
homogeniser. The steam barrier was not required because the equipment was operated in
non-aseptic mode. Some thermal energy was also saved by returning hot condensate to the
feedwater tank for reuse. The project reduced energy costs by $4500 per year and made
further savings of $12 500/yr by extending the life of the seals on the homogeniser.
Heat recovery from ammonia refrigeration system: Peters and Brownes Foods, Roxburgh
Peter and Brownes Foods in Roxburgh is investigating heat recovery from its ammonia
refrigeration system to supply the ice-cream hot water boilers. The system will recover
heat from superheated ammonia vapour (ammonia that is heated above its evaporating
temperature). It is expected to save $20 000/yr in gas usage for hot water. The capital cost
for the system is expected to be $50 000.
• there are no potential toxins discharging into the wastewater system that will affect
anaerobic digestion and biogas production.
Table 4.17 Sample methane and energy yields from biogas digestion for an ice-cream
factory in New South Wales
Anaerobic digestion of food-processing wastewater produces biogas that may be able to
supplement your plant’s thermal energy requirements.
Gas fuel for boilers from anaerobic digestion of food waste: fruit and vegetable
processor, Australia2
The up-flow anaerobic sludge-bed (UASB) effluent treatment system at Golden Circle produces
usable biogas as one of its by-products. The effluent system treats wastewater from fruit and
vegetable processing. The biogas is collected in the UASB reactors and compressed, and
pumped to a gas-fired boiler to supplement the existing coal-fired boilers. Golden Circle
collects and burns approximately 2.5 million m3 of biogas per year, saving $100 000/yr in coal
costs. This will improve further when the company’s gas storage capacity is increased.
1 CADDET 1996b
2 UNEP Working Group for Cleaner Production 2004
An advantage of solar heating systems is that, although they can have high initial costs,
operating costs are low if they are well designed and properly installed and
maintained. Dairy processing plants have large amounts of roof space that could be
utilised for solar collectors. Possible uses of solar heat energy are to pre-heat boiler
feedwater or hot water for cleaning.
Wind generator: dairy processor, UK1
Longley Dairy in West Yorkshire, UK installed a wind generator in 1986 which generated
approximately 9% of the dairy’s electricity demand. Base load demand for electricity at the
dairy is 230 kW and peak demand is 1420 kW, rising to 1500 kW in hot weather. The system
consists of a 23 m tower with a three-blade rotor of 17 m diameter with two 18 kW and
90 kW generators. The small generator begins to produce electricity at wind speeds of 3 m/s
and the large one at 5 m/s. Rated output is at 12 m/s and the average wind speed at the site
is 8 m/s. Electricity is generated at 415 V, eliminating the need for a transformer. The capital
cost of the system was UK£50 000 (1986 prices) including construction and installation, and
the payback period for the project was 6 years. Annual operating costs are minimal and
routine maintenance is carried out every 3 months for about 2 hours.
1 CADDET 1997
4.7 Cogeneration
Cogeneration or combined heat and power (CHP) systems use a single source of fuel
to produce both electrical and thermal energy. The main advantage of a cogeneration
system is the overall system efficiency, which can be as high as 80%. In contrast, the
conversion efficiency of a conventional power station producing only power is only
about 36%, with the remainder lost as unrecovered heat. It has been demonstrated
that cogeneration results in a 20–30% reduction in energy costs with payback period
of 2–4 years and reductions in CO2 emissions of 50% (Kjaergaard-Jensen 1999). Upfront
capital cost, labour and operational costs are recovered by savings on energy prices.
Cogeneration plants that produce power in excess of factory requirements can export
the power to the grid.
Gas turbines produce electricity while also providing a heat source suitable for
applications requiring high-pressure steam. They can be used for smaller-capacity
systems (from a fraction of a megawatt) and provide the flexibility of intermittent
Gas turbines have been used in New Zealand dairy processing plants such as those at
Te Rapa, Te Awamutu and Hawera, which are owned by Fonterra.
The Business Council for Sustainable Energy’s Cogeneration ready reckoner is available
on the BCSE website (BCSE 2003a), and provides a straightforward way of calculating
a potential plant’s economic viability.
5 Yield optimisation and product
5.1 Overview
Efficiency in the utilisation of raw materials to optimise product yield is an important
aspect of eco-efficiency and has the greatest scope for financial and environmental
savings. Materials such as raw or pasteurised milk, cheese or whey, and components
of milk such as fat, lactose and protein can be lost from the process and end up in the
wastewater or solid waste stream. These losses are a waste of resources that could
otherwise be recovered as products or co-products. They also contribute to the
pollutant load of the wastewater stream, resulting in increased treatment and disposal
From Morgan (1999), a mass balance calculation on milk solids loss to wastewater is
defined as:
Q ×B
Q milk = Where: Qmilk = milk lost per year (ML/yr)
Q = total flow to treatment (ML/yr)
Assuming a BOD5 strength for undiluted milk of 100 000 mg/L, a wastewater flow of
500 ML/yr and a typical BOD5 of untreated waste of 2000 mg/L (Table 5.1), the volume
of lost milk to the waste stream is 10 ML/yr. For an indicative cost of $0.25–0.50/L per litre
of milk, this equates to milk losses of $2.5–5 million per year. Even a 5–10% improvement
in yields can therefore lead to substantial savings of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Sodium – – – – $0.47/kg –
a As at July 2004
b Incorporates quality charges
Total charge
for Plant A $3064 $3294 $2152 $1100 $846 $2900
• Recovery of milk constituents from cleaning solutions used in the dairy industry
(Houlihan et al. 1999)
• Environmental management tools for the dairy processing industry (Jones et al. 2002).
These reports discuss product loss prevention for various dairy processing operations.
Opportunities discussed in the reports include:
• waste characterisation
• optimisation of product yield in milk, butter, cheese, powder and whey processing
This chapter does not attempt to ‘reinvent the wheel’, and therefore does not provide
detailed discussion of aspects that have been covered in past publications. Instead, it
gives examples of waste minimisation and yield optimisation carried out by Australian
dairy processors, and refers to past publications where appropriate.
• locate or install effluent meters and sampling points to determine the volume and
pollutant load of the plant’s wastewater
• monitor performance.
Separating wastewater streams on the basis of quality can also reduce the load on
wastewater treatment systems, and give opportunities for reuse that would not arise
if the streams were combined (e.g. separating whey streams for further treatment).
It is also good practice to consider the potential for generating waste when selecting
new equipment (e.g. ease of cleaning), and this can be included in plant selection or
modification criteria.
The reports Milk processing effluent stream characterisation and utilisation (Morgan
1999) and Sources of wastage in the dairy industry (Hale et al. 2003) review the types of
instrumentation that are currently available for measuring and characterising waste. Also
discussed is the importance of calibration. The Morgan report suggests that the most
appropriate instrumentation for waste characterisation for a dairy processing plant
(Bonlac Foods, Cobden) consists of (a) a self-cleaning light absorption turbidity meter
for quick responses to changes in milk solids concentration, and (b) a combination of
temperature, pH and conductivity meters to monitor CIP frequency and effectiveness,
and chemical loss. The report also suggests the use of closed-circuit television on main
effluent streams; this has been adopted by many Australian dairy processors, along with
audible factory alarms to notify operators of abnormal waste flows.
1 Mackay 2002
Tankers should not stand for more than an hour before being unloaded; otherwise
creaming occurs, which leads to losses of product during rinsing and cleaning. Once
creaming occurs it is very difficult to stop the milk fat adhering to the side of the tank,
even with extensive agitation (Hale et al. 2003).
Use of milk permeate for standardisation of powders: Warrnambool Cheese and Butter,
Warrnambool Cheese and Butter in Allansford recovers milk permeate from an ultrafiltration
plant to standardise milk powder. Almost 100% of the milk permeate is utilised for standardising,
and any excess permeate is sold off to other dairy companies. A major challenge was setting up
the standardising equation in the logic control system to ensure that the quantity of permeate
used did not reduce the protein levels below specification. The payback period for the project
was 8 months.
In certain circumstances, separator de-sludges are recycled into the process to recover
useful components. For example, in anhydrous milk fat processing, milk fat has been
recovered by recycling separator sludge to the process. The sludge and effluent is
collected, filtered and run through a separator to recover the fat. In these cases it is
important to ensure that the sediment levels do not become excessive. If separator
sludge cannot be recycled in the process it can be recovered and sold as stock feed,
as discussed in the next chapter.
Recovery of cheese fines and whey from separator de-sludge: Bonlac Foods, Stanhope
Bonlac in Stanhope use cyclones to recover cheese fines and liquid whey from whey room
separator de-sludge. It is estimated that the initiative will save the plant $170 000/yr, with a
payback period of 3 months. Challenges include keeping the product and separator cyclones
Recovery of cheese product from Cheddar Masters: National Foods, Murray Bridge
National Foods in Murray Bridge fitted knockers to the draining conveyors of two Cheddar
Masters. It has been estimated that the initiative achieved a 75% reduction in waste for
cheeses with a high moisture content that required washing and a 95% in waste for Cheddar.
1 Niro 2003
The company also reduced loss during filling by modifying the bottle to decrease the volume
of milk lost through overfilling and reducing the fill level, tightening the margin for the
minimum quantity of milk in the bottle. Different thickness spacers on the filler tubes are used
to control milk levels for different product recipes. A roller device has been installed on the
3 L bottle filler exit; this helps reduce loss caused by the plastic bottles bellowing out slightly
while filling and then expelling milk as they pass through the filler star wheels. The initiative
cost less than $1000 to implement.
Flush or burst rinsing of tanks and tankers (also discussed Chapter 3) has now been
adopted by Australian dairy processing companies. The procedure can save not only
in recovered product but also in water usage.
Another means of reducing product loss and minimising resource use is to minimise
the frequency of cleaning. In most factories that produce milk products, the production
runs can take about 8 hours, after which CIP is necessary. In the newest factory of the
Dutch dairy company Campina in Heilbronn, Germany, production runs of 72 hours are
reported (Somsen and Capelle 2002).
5.7.2 Pigging
Pigging systems utilise an inert, flexible plug which is propelled through a pipeline to
push out remaining product in preparation for cleaning. Pigging is generally used for
viscous products such as yoghurts, dairy desserts or cream. The advantage is that
minimal water is used during cleaning, so that maximum product recovery can be
achieved. The design of pigging systems is extremely important, to prevent the pig
from being lodged mid-pipe, delaying production and causing hygiene problems. An
alternative to pigging is to use sterilised air to push product through pipelines.
• control of microbial growth, and to extend the shelf life of dairy products.
Membranes are typically ‘cross-flow’ where two streams are produced — a ‘permeate’
and concentrated ‘retentate’. Table 5.6 shows the relative sizes of membranes and
their typical application in dairy processing. In reality, the boundaries between the four
types of membrane are not uniform, as performance specifications vary from supplier
to supplier. For example, one supplier’s ‘loose’ nanofiltration membrane may be
equivalent to another’s ‘tight’ ultrafiltration membrane (Envirowise 1997).
Another use for membrane technology is for the concentration of products such as whey or
cheese milk. In the case of cheese milk, the production of a concentrated product by means
of membrane filtration effectively increases the capacity of the plant; a higher concentration
of casein and butterfat can be processed, providing a greater mass of curd from the same vat.
This can eliminate the need to purchase larger vats (PCI-memtech 2000).
A major advantage of membrane separation technology is that the separated substances can be
recovered in a chemically unchanged form.
Continued p. 97
• treatment costs
• disposal costs
The waste minimisation hierarchy below in Figure 6.1 represents a sequential approach
to reducing solid waste.
• The first step in the waste minimisation hierarchy is eliminating all unnecessary solid waste.
• Next, consider how remaining solid waste can be further reduced by reusing product.
Opportunities may also exist for recovering by-products that can be either reused
onsite or sold.
• The disposal of solid waste should only be a last resort after all avenues in the waste
hierarchy have been explored.
An effective solid waste management program requires the input and involvement of
all staff to identify opportunities for minimising the generation and cost of waste. All
successes in reducing solid waste should be promoted among staff to help increase
awareness of the plant’s commitment to waste reduction.
• stored and handled to prevent spoilage (e.g. strict temperature control of chilled products).
Whey, a by-product of cheese manufacture, has in past years been considered a waste
stream. There are generally three classes of whey:
Sweet whey is produced from cheese that is coagulated with rennet, while acid whey
is produced from cheese coagulated with acid (e.g. cottage cheese) or from casein
manufacture. Salt whey, which is part of the sweet whey category, is produced during
the pressing of salted cheese curd, such as in the manufacture of cheddar cheese
(Envirowise 1999b; COWI 2000).
Membrane processes have provided the dairy processing industry with the means to produce
value-added by-products that were previously sent to waste or used as stockfeed.
Some dairy processors generate a salty effluent stream (cheese brine) from cheese
production which cannot be reused without further treatment such as microfiltration.
The high salt content in cheese brine makes it unsuitable for disposal onto land or as
animal feed. The salt can be recovered as a saleable product through evaporation
processes, as described in the third example below.
An effective recycling system requires good planning and monitoring. The following
steps will help establish a successful solid waste recycling system:
1 Clearly label general waste and recycling bins. Pictures or colour-coding may be
2 Try to locate recycling bins near to the site where the waste is being generated.
If general waste is finding its way into recycling bins, consider putting a general
waste bin beside the recycling bin to discourage this behaviour.
3 Design your waste recycling system carefully. Involve staff and ensure that both
existing and new staff are adequately trained on how to implement the system.
4 Monitor how well the system is working. Keep records of the quantities of
recyclables and general waste collected. Successful recycling relies on the careful
separation of waste to avoid cross-contamination.
5 Keep staff motivated and informed on their recycling efforts, and on the economic
and environmental benefits.
Working with waste collectors and industry to improve recycling: Murray Goulburn, Kiewa
Murray Goulburn in Kiewa worked with waste collectors and other industries in their area to
establish a ‘pick-up run’ for recyclables. The collection of recyclables saves the plant around
$1000/yr in avoided landfill costs.
• lightweighting
Some dairy processors use polystyrene packaging (e.g. yoghurt containers). Although
this can be
recycled, the infrastructure for broad-scale recycling in Australia has not been
developed. However, the industry is investigating issues surrounding the viability of
recycling polystyrene packaging through the recently formed Dairy Tub Environmental
Downsizing cheese carton cardboard and reduced gauge of laminates: Bonlac, Cororooke
Bonlac in Cororooke downsized cardboard for its cheese cartons and reduced the gauge of its
cheese pack laminates. The plant also reuses its cardboard cartons for cheese stock and then
returns the used cartons to the manufacturer. Modifying the laminate required lengthy
packing trials to determine the optimum gauge. Savings in cost and material and trade waste
disposal benefits must be balanced against potential increase in packing-machine operational
problems, pack integrity and customer perceptions about pack feel and appearance.
• animal feed
• composting
Plants also need to consider whether waste will be classified as industrial waste and
meet relevant regulatory requirements.
Biosolids have been used as stockfeed, but it is important to consider their content and
the possible risks to animal health. For example, some chemicals and polymers used in
wastewater treatment may affect the suitability of biosolids for stockfeed. Sludges
from dissolved air flotation treatment and fat from hydroclones can often be used as
animal feed, whereas sludge produced from anaerobic digestion would not be suitable.
Recovery of separator de-sludge and dryer wet scrubber solids: Murray Goulburn, Maffra
Murray Goulburn in Maffra recovers separator de-sludge and milk solids retained in dryer wet
scrubbing systems for recycling as pig food. The dryer chamber washes begin with a water
rinse of the chamber to recover residual powder for recycling, which is used as pig food also.
6.5.2 Composting
Effluent treatment plants in dairy factories can generate a large amount of sludge.
Due the high nutrient value of sludge it is often used as a fertiliser, compost or soil
conditioner. Composting is usually only viable for dairy processing plants in regional areas
that have sufficient space, and where the potential odour will not upset neighbouring
businesses or communities. Transporting organic waste to offsite large-scale facilities for
composting may be a good alternative to landfill if transport costs are not too high.
Sludge thickening is used to increase the sludge concentration and reduce transport
costs. The cost of drying sludge with hot air is often prohibitive, but new drying
technologies using superheated steam are more efficient (ETBPP 1999).
The obvious advantages of direct landspreading are that there is no need for further
processing and the product does not need to be stored for any great length of time.
Organic wastes that have been dewatered or dried can be used directly for
landspreading, using a conventional manure spreader. Organic wastes can also be
processed into a granulated product that can be applied as a fertiliser. Liquid biosolids
can be transported by tanker to an application site and then injected 10–12 cm into the
soil (Mosse and Rawlinson 1998).
There are different requirements in each state for the utilisation of sludge as a fertiliser
or compost additive, so it is best to contact your local regulatory authority for more
information. For example, processors applying organic waste to land in Queensland
and New South Wales are required to follow the Environmental guidelines — use and
disposal of biosolids products (EPA, NSW 1997).
7.1.1 Cleaning
Most chemicals used in dairy factories are for cleaning. Cleaning of plant and
equipment is essential to maintain strict hygiene standards and eliminate or control
the risk of product contamination and spoilage. Dairy processing plants typically use
a combination of automated clean-in-place (CIP) systems and manual cleaning systems
such as foaming and sanitising of external equipment surfaces and floors.
A CIP system is a fully enclosed automated system that delivers a number of wash
and rinse cycles to the internal surfaces of processing equipment. CIP systems largely
remove human contact with cleaning agents, thus reducing the risk of harmful
exposure. They also reduce labour costs, as well as the wear involved in dismantling
equipment. One of the main advantages of CIP systems is that they can recirculate
chemicals and rinse water, thereby substantially reducing the consumption of water
and chemicals. Typical CIP cycles consist of a water rinse followed by a caustic wash,
a second water rinse, an acid wash, a third water rinse, and often a final sanitiser
rinse. Caustic washes are usually carried out at least once a day; acid washes are less
frequent, and may be carried out once or twice per week. CIP systems may be classified
as single-use, multi-use or full recovery. Single-use (SU) systems dispose of rinse waters
and spent solution to drain after one use, while multi-use (MU) systems recover final
rinse waters and appropriate-quality spent solution for reuse. Full recovery systems
typically use membrane technology to recover chemicals, water and, potentially,
• Physically clean. The surface appears clean but chemical residues may have been
allowed to remain
• Chemically clean. The surface is rendered totally free from any trace of chemical
Types of fouling
Efficient cleaning requires a good understanding of the types of fouling and the
chemicals (detergents and sanitisers) used in their removal. Fouling can be divided
under two general headings:
• Organic deposits. These are generally animal- or plant-based deposits that are
composed of sugars, proteins or fats.
• Inorganic deposits. These are usually mineral components, such as magnesium and
calcium from hard water.
Most soils are a combination of organic and inorganic deposits; for example ‘milkstone’ is
a combination of calcium caseinate and calcium phosphate (Romney 1990). A comparison
of the solubility and ease of cleaning of various surface deposits found in the dairy
industry is shown in Table 7.1.
Milk proteins can range from those that are relatively easy to remove, to casein, which
is particularly difficult. Casein has good adhesive properties and in fact is used in many
glues and paints (Schmidt 2003). The nature of milk protein residue can vary greatly
according to the temperature at which it is deposited; thus different equipment will
require different cleaning regimes. For example, the heated surface of a pasteuriser
will require a more rigorous cleaning regime than will a cold raw milk line or tank.
Proteins broken down by heat can be particularly difficult to remove and require the
use of highly alkaline detergents with peptising and wetting ingredients that disperse
and increase the suspendability of the proteins. The attributes of detergents are
explained further in the next section.
Detergents used for cleaning are commonly composed of a mixture of ingredients to
interact both chemically and physically with the fouling. A dairy detergent will have
the following attributes (Romney 1990):
• dispersing and suspending power, to bring insoluble soils into suspension and prevent
their redeposition on cleaned surfaces
• emulsifying power, to hold oils and fats dispersed within the cleaning solution
• sequestering power — the ability to combine with calcium and magnesium salts and
form water-soluble compounds
• wetting power, to reduce surface tension and aid penetration of the soil
• rinsing power — the ability to rinse away clearly without leaving a trace of soil or
chemical on the surface.
Detergents are formulated from a wide range of materials, which usually fall within
the groups of inorganic alkalis, acids and sequestering agents (Wright 1990). Examples
of inorganic alkalis include sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), potassium hydroxide,
sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate. They are commonly used in CIP systems
or bottle wash applications and are effective in removing fats. Detergents can also
contain peptising agents, which have the ability to disperse protein. The use of
enzyme-based detergents by Australian dairy processors is becoming more common.
This is discussed further in section 7.3.
Acid ingredients can be inorganic (e.g. phosphoric, nitric and hydrochloric acid) or
organic (e.g. hydroxyacetic and citric acid). They are designed to remove tenacious soil,
such as mineral deposits, that cannot be removed using alkali detergents.
Sequestering agents are used to prevent scale from developing and include sodium
polyphosphates, gluconic acid and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) (Wright 1990).
Sanitisers are used by the dairy processing industry to reduce micro-organisms to a
level that is safe for public health and enhances product quality. Sanitisation can be
achieved using thermal methods such as hot water and steam, or chemicals such as
chlorine-based compounds (e.g. chlorine dioxide) and peroxides( e.g peroxyacetic acid).
Many sanitisers are significantly affected by pH and water quality. Chlorine compounds
are broad-spectrum germicides which are relatively cheap and less affected by water
hardness than many other sanitisers. They are, however, corrosive to many metal
surfaces and are the subject of some health and safety concerns.
Sources: AS 4709:2001; Melrose Chemicals 2003; Parker & Longmuir 1999; Romney 1990; Schmidt 2003
Water is the primary constituent of all dairy processing cleaners and thus all cleaning
chemicals should be tailored to the plant’s water supply. Hard water containing
substantial amounts of calcium, magnesium and iron can result in scale build-up; this
affects the ability of detergents and sanitisers to contact the surface, requiring
cleaning, and can lead to excessive scaling in boilers and cooling towers. Hard water
may require treatment such as ion exchange, or alternatively the use of detergents
and sanitisers that are specially formulated for hard water. Sequestering and chelating
agents can be added to form soluble complexes with calcium and magnesium to
prevent such mineral build-up.
1 Manufacturingtalk 2003
• inventory maintenance
• heating costs.
For example, a non-toxic and biodegradable chemical such as citric acid (used by some
dairy processors) may cost more to purchase, but the overall cost to the plant may be
considerably less when maintenance, operator health and safety, and wastewater
discharge costs are also taken into account.
• the high level of salts in dairy effluent from sodium (caustic) based chemicals and their
impact on land and groundwater
• the impact of nitric and phosphoric acids on nutrient levels in discharges to waterways.
Depending on the region, high salt levels in dairy effluent can exacerbate soil salinity
problems in areas where dairy effluent is used for irrigation, while excessive nutrients
in the form of nitrates and phosphates can cause eutrophication (algal blooms) from
land run-off and where treatment plants discharge to waterways.
Reducing chemical use by careful selection, and optimal utilisation and recovery,
without compromising processing or food safety standards, can result in substantial
savings while also improving the plant’s environmental performance. There are
numerous factors that influence the cleaning process, and many of these are
interlinked. Changes should not be made without considering the overall impact
on cleaning effectiveness and product quality.
There may be opportunities to improve the efficiency of the cleaning process and
chemical use by reviewing:
• correct temperature
Review of CIP cycle frequency and chemical recovery: National Foods, Salisbury
National Foods in South Salisbury reduced chemical use by 11% by auditing its CIP flip cycle
(valve operation), recovering chemicals from its pasteuriser wash and decreasing the frequency
of acid washes.
For detergents to be effective, they require sufficient contact time. Some types of
cleaning agents help to increase the ability of chemicals to bond with soiled materials,
to form a thin film or foam on the surfaces which is then removed with pressure and/or
water. The case study below is a good example of the advantages of blending chemicals
to best suit the application. Combined detergents and sanitisers may also provide an
opportunity to clean and sanitise simultaneously, thereby reducing cleaning time,
chemical use and the need for multiple rinses.
Chemicals must always be selected to suit the application. For example, experiments
indicate that concentrations of hydrogen peroxide as low as 50 mg/L can have a negative
effect on the taste of cheese. And water treated with hydrogen peroxide and used for
‘Before changing to a new chemical supplier, be sure they have the range
and capability to make special blends to cover all the chemicals you require.’
— Phill Lumsden, Dairy Farmers, Bomaderry, New South Wales
Reduced cleaning by combining acid and sanitiser step: Dairy Farmers, Malanda
Dairy Farmers in Malanda have been working in partnership with Campbell Cleantec, and have
removed a rinse cycle and a sanitation step from all its cleaning circuits by changing from a
caustic/acid/sanitation cycle to a caustic/acid-sanitiser one shot cycle. The initiative has saved
the factory 15 000 kL/yr in rinse water with additional savings in chemical costs.
The use of full recovery membrane filtration systems is becoming more financially
viable, allowing even greater recovery of resources. Up until quite recently attempts
to recover spent CIP solution were limited because only ceramic membranes (which
were available only in the ultrafiltration and microfiltration range) could withstand
the extreme pH of a caustic or acid CIP solution (NEM Business Solutions 2002).
Spent CIP solutions can now be regenerated using microfiltration, ultrafiltration
and nanofiltration, with the potential to recover as much as 99% of cleaning solution,
most often caustic (Daufin et al. 2001). The retentate from chemical recovery systems
is usually disposed of to the wastewater treatment plant or sewer.
Some dairy processing plants have installed hydro-cyclones, separators and clarifiers
to remove fat from soiled chemical streams to help improve the quality of recovered
The main advantage of multi-use CIP systems is that they can recirculate and allow the reuse of
chemicals and rinse water, thereby substantially reducing water and chemical consumption.
Low pH due to high degree of ionisation Can be combined with wetting agents for
penetration of soils
Under certain conditions some inorganic Acid reaction tends to prevent and remove
acids will precipitate insoluble salts deposits of calcium and magnesium salts
derived from either milk or water
Irritating to skin
High concentrations dangerous to handle
Damages clothing
Examples: hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, Examples: acetic acid, lactic acid,
nitric acid, phosphoric acid. hydroxyacetic acid, citric acid, peroxyacetic
Most enzyme cleaners are limited to unheated surfaces and are used on raw milk areas
(unpasteurised milk lines), but some processors are now considering trialling their use
on pasteurised milk lines. Recent laboratory trials show that an acid treatment
followed by a short rinse with fresh water and then enzymatic treatment can clean
effectively. However, some difficulties remain concerning enzyme dosing, process
control and economics (Grabhoff 2002).
1 Chester Kidd [Market Development Manager] and Michael Stiff [Marketing Manager] 2003, pers. comm.,
1 <>
Many cleaning chemicals also contain sodium in the form of sodium hydroxide (NaOH),
which contributes to the salt load of wastewater and exacerbates salinity levels in soil if
the water is irrigated. Some dairy processors are using blends of sodium hydroxide and
potassium hydroxide to reduce the sodium levels in wastewater. Water authorities are
therefore introducing sodium-based charges (like phosphorus and nitrogen charges) on
wastewater disposal.
The company is using neutral cleaners and organic sanitisers such as citric acid, and this has
reduced caustic and acid consumption by 500 L daily, as well as reducing phosphorus levels
in wastewater.
A major plant recovery system for reclaiming cleaning chemicals has reduced the total
dissolved salts in the plant effluent. The EPA is expecting progressive reduction in salt in
irrigation water. The new recovery system has produced a 15% reduction in plant effluent
1 Manufacturingtalk 2003
AS/NZS 1400:1997, Heavy-Duty Alkaline Detergents for ‘In-Place’ Cleaning in Dairy Factories
AGO 2002b, Motor solutions online: selecting the best motor and equipment, viewed
9 March 2004 & April 2004,
AGO 2004, AGO factors and methods workbook, Tables 1, 5, 8, viewed April 2004,
Atlas Copco brochure Energy recovery systems. Atlas Copco Brisbane. Fax provided
April 2003.
ANZECC 1992, Guidelines for fresh and marine water quality, viewed May 2004,
< viewed 7 June 2004>.
AS/NZS 1389:1997, Acidic Detergents for Use in the Dairying Industry, Australian/New
Zealand Standards, viewed May 2004, <
AS 1398:1998, Iodophors for Use in the Dairying Industry, Australian Standards, viewed
May 2004, <>.
AS 1803:1998, General Purpose Detergents for Use in the Dairying Industry, Australian
Standards, viewed May 2004, <>.
AS 4709:2001, Guide to Cleaning and Sanitizing of Plant and Equipment in the Food
Industry, Australian Standards, viewed 25 November 2003, <>.
AS/NZS 6400 2003, Water Efficient Products — Rating and Labelling, viewed May 2004,
Australian/New Zealand Standards, <
AusWEA (Australian Wind Energy Association) 2004, Wind power myths and facts,
viewed May 2004, <>.
BCSE (Business Council for Sustainable Energy) 2003a, Cogeneration ready reckoner,
BCSE 2003b, Guide for connection of embedded generation in the national electricity
market, viewed October 2003, <
CADDET 1996a, Retrofit cogeneration system at milk processing plant, viewed February
2004, <>.
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Units, prefixes and conversions
SI prefixes
Conversion factors
1 km 1000 m
1m 100 cm
1 cm 10 mm
1 in 2.54 cm
1 ft 30.48 cm
1 yd 0.91 m
1 mile 1609 m
1 µm 1 10–6 m
1 kg 1000 g
1 mg 0.001 g
1 lb 0.454 kg
1t 1000 kg
1L 1000 mL
1 m3 1000 L
1 cm3 1 10–6 m3
1 cm2 1 10–4 m2
°F °C 32
°C (°F 32)
1 bar 1 105 Pa
1 inch Hg 339 Pa
1 mm Hg 133.3 Pa
1 kW h 3.6 MJ
1 cal 4.184 J
1 BTU 1055.06 J
1 therm 105.506 MJ
Specific heat
Thermal conductivity
Calorific value
Cow water Condensate produced from the evaporation of milk.
TN Total nitrogen
P Phosphorus
Specific heat of water The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of
one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius = 4.18 kJ/kg/°C.
Trade waste Any liquid that is, or may be, discharged from trade