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Name: ______________________________ Date: ___________________

A. Differentiate Text and Discourse

B. What are the qualities of a text according to Jorgensen and Phillips? Give 5
C. Give at least 3 characteristics of a connected discourse.
D. Give the 3 factors of discourse that may have influenced the writer to make certain claims.

Identify the following purpose of discourse. Write your answer on the space provided.

_____________________ 1. A radio commercial script calling Miss Directed’s new album, “The soundtrack of our lives.”

_____________________2. A bookmark by the American Dairy Association listing 10 reasons to drink milk.

_____________________3. A five paragraph essay where a student argues that people should recycle and not litter

_____________________4. The story of a young man who learns to resist the influences of drugs and gangs.

_____________________5. A note to a teacher where a student asks if her seat can be switched because of a conflict

Identify the Types of Discourse

_____________________1. This type of writing explains things.

_____________________2. This type of writing tries to persuade the reader to think about something in a new way or
to take a certain action.

_____________________3. This type of writing tells a story.

_____________________4. This type of writing uses the five senses to give specific details to the reader.

_____________________5. You have written an article on "How To Find the Best Deals While Shopping Online." What
type of writing is it?

_____________________6. You wake up one morning and are feeling blue. You write a poem to convey a sense of your
glumness. What type of writing is it?

_____________________7. You have just finished writing the great American novel. What type of writing is it?

_____________________8. You read a news story on the front page of the paper about an earthquake in another
country. It gives the facts about where, when, who, what and how. What type of writing is it?

_____________________9. You read an article in the paper about some questionable practices at the company for
which you work. You disagree with the article and write a letter to the editor of the paper with your opposing viewpoint.
What type of writing is it?

_____________________10. You have lived an interesting life so far, so you write your autobiography. What type of
writing is it?

E. Differentiate Literary and Academic Discourse

F. 3 Types of Literary Discourse

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