Reduce Global Warming
Reduce Global Warming
Reduce Global Warming
Reducing your need to buy new products results in a smaller amount of waste. Even if you need to
buy, consider buying eco-friendly products. It is the most effective of the three R’s. It simply says cut
back from where are you now.
Reuse bottles, plastic containers, and other items bought at the grocery store. Reusing water bottles,
yogurt cups, bread ties, and other items is being conscious about what is already out there. It will
lessen having to purchase other items that would fulfill the same function. Try to use disposable
products into some other form. Just don’t throw them away.
You can recycle almost anything for e.g., paper, bottles, aluminum foils, cans, newspapers. Recycling
of these unwanted things is a great earth saving tip. By recycling, you can help in reducing landfills.
2. Reduce Waste
Landfills are the major contributor of methane and other greenhouse gases. When the waste is
burnt, it releases toxic gases in the atmosphere, which results in global warming. Reusing and
recycling old items can significantly reduce your carbon footprint as it takes far less energy to recycle
old items than to produce items from scratch.
Upcycle tables, furniture, and other outdated items to keep landfills clean. Consider using recycled
materials like pallets or repurposing your old furniture instead of buying new ones.
The average American throws away about 80 pounds of clothing a year. Fast fashion is not only
wasteful, but its environmental cost is devastating. A handful of retailers offer recycling programs,
while companies like Patagonia will actually purchase, refurbish, and resell your gently worn
Plastic bags are destructive to the environment. They take hundreds of years to break down,
contaminate soil and waterways, and cause widespread marine animal deaths. Cities and states
around the country have enacted plastic-bag bans or charges on single-use bags to combat the
problem. Switch to reusable bags and use them consistently to contribute.
6. Replace Regular Incandescent Light Bulb
Replace regular incandescent light bulb with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. They consume
70% less energy than ordinary bulbs and have a longer lifetime.
Always buy products that are energy efficient as they can help you save a good amount of money on
your energy bill. Energy Star certified products are more efficient that can help you to save energy,
save money and reduce your carbon footprint.